Este ensaio se propõe a uma leitura do filme Salut, les Cubains! (1963) da cine-fotógrafa Agnès Varda que esteve em Cuba no ano de 1962 registrando o cotidiano do(a)s cubano(a)s pós-revolução, realizando, assim, um retrato sensível na perspectiva estética e política. Tratamos de pensar como as imagens fixas, na proposta de montagem de Varda, nos possibilitam entender a transterritorialidade entre fotografia e cinema., Este ensayo se propone realizar una lectura de la película Salut, les Cubains! (1963), de la cinefotógrafa Agnès Varda. Varda estuvo en Cuba en el año de 1962, registrando la cotidianeidad de los cubanos posrevolucionarios y realizando, así, un retrato sensible en la perspectiva estética y política. Intentamos pensar cómo las imágenes fijas, en la propuesta de montaje de Varda, nos permiten entender la transterritorialidad entre fotografía y cine., This essay proposes a reading of the film Salut, les Cubains! (1963) by cine-photographer Agnès Varda who was in Cuba in the year 1962 recording the daily life of the Cuban post-revolution, thus making a sensitive portrait in the aesthetic and political perspective. I try to think how still images, in Varda’s proposal of montage, allow us to understand the transterritoriality between photography and cinema., This essay proposes a reading of the film Salut les Cubains (1963) by cine-photographer Agnès Varda who was in Cuba in the year 1962 recording the daily life of the Cuban s post-revolution, thus making a sensitive portrait in the aesthetic and political perspective. We try to think how still images, in Varda’s proposal of montage, allow us to understand the transterritoriality between photography and cinema.