1. Computer Use Planning: A Case Study of a School District's Long-Range Planning Efforts. Paper and Report Series No. 95.
- Author
Northwest Regional Educational Lab., Portland, OR. Research on Evaluation Program., Gray, Peter J., and Rawers, Lois J.
- Abstract
Based on a case study of a large northwestern suburban school district's initial attempts to establish policy for school use of computers, this report addresses such general questions as how school districts develop policies for instructional and administrative uses of computers, how school policy formation committees function, and how their operations can be made more effective. Focus is on the operations of the policy formation committee and its activities and products. Following a brief introduction, the research design, data collection, and data analysis procedures are explained. The case study is then detailed, with descriptions of the charge to the committee; its composition, products, processes, and dynamics; and its final report, including an executive summary. The case study analysis procedures are also described, including a comparison and contrast of the final report with the committee's charge; examination of the committee's work in regard to recurrent themes, processes, and issues; and a survey of committee members in which they evaluated various aspects of the committee's work and made recommendations for further action. Conclusions based on study findings and concepts identified in the literature as important to the success of educational innovations conclude the report. Fifteen references are listed and a summary of committee events and associated materials are appended. (LMM) more...
- Published
- 1984