BACKGROUND Humans have consumed lactic bacteria throughout history, but it was at the beginning of the 20th century when this consumption was first related to beneficial properties for health1. From that moment on, multiple studies both in vitro and in vivo have shown the beneficial effects that the consumption of this type of bacteria, called probiotics, has on health. Effects such as the improvement of intestinal function2,3, prevention of intestinal infections4 and immunomodulation have been widely demonstrated5. In addition to these beneficial effects, the consumption of probiotic has been related with a reduction in incidence and severity of respiratory infections4,6. Oral administration of lactic acid bacteria has been associated with an increase in the innate and acquired immune response7,8. The consumption of certain strains has been shown to induce an increase in IgA related to the anti-infective properties of probiotic bacteria on diarrhoea9,10. Innate immunity is increased through an increase in the proportion and activity of phagocytic cells of the immune system, such as monocytes and neutrophils. The function of natural killer (NK) cells is also enhanced by the consumption of probiotic bacteria11. Activation of the innate immune system is essential, as it produces cytokines that will lead to more specialized activation of the specific immune response. It has been suggested that it is through this mechanism that probiotic bacteria activate the immune response, thus being able to function as adjuvants in vaccination processes12. The European Food Safety Agency (EFSA) has published guidelines on how studies should be conducted to demonstrate the effect of a probiotic or natural ingredient on the immune system. Among its recommendations is the use of vaccination protocols that demonstrate how the administration of the probiotic translates into an improvement in the response to an antigen13. Recently, a study carried out at the Center Institute of Food Science and Technology and Nutrition (ICTAN) del CSIC demonstrated that the administration of L. coryniformis K8 CECT5711 increases the response of specific antibodies against hepatitis A in a vaccination protocol against this virus 14. In addition, a certain effect on memory T-helper lymphocytes was observed, which increased in the probiotic group with respect to baseline values (660 ± 223 vs 551 ± 213 cells/µl). These results highlight the potential of this probiotic strain to improve the immune response against viral antigens. To evaluate this activity that boosts the immune response, another study was carried out in an elderly population. This population is more susceptible to infections due to the characteristic immunosenescence of age. A total of 98 elderly people residing in nursing homes participated in this study. The volunteers received a daily capsule of L. coryniformis K8 CECT5711 (3x109 colony former units (cfu)/day) for 2 weeks prior to being vaccinated against the flu or a placebo. The percentage of seroconversion was higher in the group receiving the probiotic than in the control group (93.1 vs 72.7%; p value 0.036). During the months of October to April, the volunteers were monitored, and the incidence of local symptoms associated with respiratory infections (sore throat, cough and nasal congestion) was 48% lower in the group that received the probiotic strain than in the control group (p-value: 0.007). Furthermore, the consumption of analgesics was significantly reduced in this group by 86% (p value: 0.008)15. This latest study corroborates the strain's ability to improve the immune response against viral antigens even in the elderly population. We are currently experiencing a pandemic due to coronavirus COVID-19 (English acronym for coronavirus disease 2019), which started in the Chinese city of Wuhan in December 2019. Having reached more than 100 territories, the disease was declared by the World Health Organization to be a pandemic on March 11, 2020 16. The number of confirmed cases continued to grow until reaching 5,371,660 cases worldwide on May 22, 2020. In Spain, at the end of May 2020 and despite the containment measures initiated in early March, more than 235,772 cases were registered, and of these patients, more than 27,940 have died 17. COVID-19 infection produces flu-like symptoms, including fever, dry cough, dyspnoea, myalgia, and fatigue. In severe cases, it is characterized by pneumonia, acute respiratory distress syndrome and septic shock that leads to death in approximately 3% of those infected. Transmission occurs through small droplets that are emitted when speaking, sneezing, or coughing by a carrier and pass directly to another person through inhalation or by contact of contaminated objects with the recipient's nasal and ocular mucous membranes. Symptoms start after approximately 7-20 days of exposure, and prevention at the population level consists of frequent hand washing, disinfecting surfaces with alcohol and avoiding close contact with other people.15. Some drugs have been proposed as antiviral treatment, such as hydroxychloroquine, lopinavir/ritonavir and others; severe pneumonia is treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics. There is no, up to date, effective treatment for the COVID-19 infection. An article published in March 2020 shows how the immune response to the COVID-19 virus is similar to the response generated by the influenza virus 18. Some authors propose the use of probiotic as a strategy to mitigate the effects of virus.19. In this context, it is proposed that the immunomodulatory properties of Lactobacillus coryniformis K8 CECT5711 might be useful for COVID-19 management. OBJECTIVE The objective of the present study is to evaluate the effects of the consumption of Lactobacillus coryniformis K8 on the incidence and severity of symptomatic infection by SARS CoV-2 and severity of COVID-19 in health personnel who carry out their professional work among patients with infection or suspected infection by SARS CoV-2 at the San Cecilio Clinical University Hospital. METHODS Description of treatments. The administration of the experimental product and the placebo will be carried out in the form of a gelatine capsule that will have the same weight, consistency and colour. The Experimental Group will receive hard gelatine capsules that will contain 3 x 109 cfu of Lactobacillus coryniformis K8 (120 mg), 10 mg magnesium stearate and 120 mg maltodextrin. The control group will receive hard gelatine capsules that will contain magnesium stearate (10 mg) and maltodextrin (220 mg). Subjects from both groups will take 1 capsule a day (preferably with dinner). Capsules for the probiotic and placebo will be provided by Biosearch Life (Granada, Spain). Study design The study is a nutritional, randomized, double-blind, controlled, parallel group observational prospective cohort study. Volunteers will be distributed into two groups: control group and experimental group. The study will be performed as shown in figure 1. This clinical research protocol has been prepared with full understanding and in accordance with the standards of Good Clinical Practice in accordance with CPMP/ICH/135/95, the Declaration of Helsinki (64th General Assembly, Fortaleza, Brazil, October 2013), ISO 14155 and all relevant national guidelines. All investigators participating in the study are appropriately qualified. The protocol was approved by the Research Ethics Committee for the province of Granada (CEIM/CEI Provincial of Granada). Volunteers will be included in the study after informed written consent is obtained. The trial has been registered on the website, with the registration code NCT04366180. Participants, intervention and outcomes Inclusion criteria Individuals over 20 years of age; active health personnel, including all professional categories such as medicine, nursing and caretaking who attend cases classified as positive or suspicious for COVID-19 in the emergency department, ICU or in the wards designated to care for such patients; and ability to complete the surveys and having signed the informed consent. Exclusion criteria Individuals with a positive test for COVID-19 confirmed by PCR or serology; individuals with concomitant pathology such as HIV, transplantation, active cancer or other active immunosuppression; and women who are pregnant or intend to become pregnant in the subsequent months. Recruitment The recruitment of subjects will take place at the San Cecilio University Clinical Hospital in Granada among health personnel with high exposure to patients with COVID-19. Randomization, allocation and blinding Patients will be randomly allocated to a Control group or Experimental group in a 1:1 ratio by block randomisation method with a block size of four. Subjects and investigators will be blinded to the treatment allocation during the course of the intervention. The blind will be broken after statistical analysis is completed. Capsules of Control and Experimental group will be provided in white containers labelled with the random number. Intervention Participants meeting the inclusion criteria will be randomly assigned to the Control or Experimental group. During the intervention participants will be asked to ingest a capsule per day with some food (preferably with dinner). Follow-up visits will be scheduled at the beginning, midpoint (1 month) and at the end of the intervention period (2 months). At the first visit baseline data (age, sex, lifestyle, medication, concomitant diseases and current symptoms) will be collected. At follow-up visits data about symptoms, medication and adverse effects will be recorded (Table 1). Outcomes measures Primary outcome The main outcome will be the incidence of symptomatic SARS CoV-2 infection confirmed by PCR or serology in health personnel caring for patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 at the San Cecilio Clinical University Hospital. Secondary outcomes: Incidence of hospital admissions caused by SARS-CoV-2 infection, incidence of ICU admissions caused by SARS-CoV-2 infection, incidence of pneumonia caused by SARS-CoV-2 infection, incidence of need for oxygen support, incidence of gastrointestinal symptoms, days with body temperature > 37.5°C, days of persistent cough, days of persistent feeling of fatigue, use of pharmacological treatments. Data for mild symptoms will be recorded daily in notebook´s volunteer and, in case of hospitalization, data will be collected by investigators from medical history. Withdrawal, dropout, discontinuation, and compliance. Withdrawal will be allowed at any time during the trial. Investigators may recommend discontinue the trial if in their opinion, staying in the study would be detrimental to the subject's well-being. This decision must be based on the appearance of an adverse effect that will be duly included in the case report form. Volunteers will return the unconsumed capsules. Compliance ≤80% of the total will be considered violation of the protocol and will be considered dropouts. Adverse effects Lactobacillus coryniformis species are included in the QPS list (Qualified Presumption of Safety) published by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), which guarantees safety for consumption20. In each visit it will be monitored for adverse effects which will be recorded in the patient's medical history and will be evaluated by the principal investigator. In case of serious adverse event considered related to the experimental product the researcher will inform the Health Authorities and the Clinical Research Ethics Committee involved in the clinical trial. Sample size Given that the current rates of infection among health professionals worldwide are very different, the sample size has been based on the comparison of two independent proportions for the use of the chi-square test. For an alpha of 5%, a power of 80%, taking a percentage of affected individuals in the control group of 15% and 10% as the minimum meaningful difference to be detected, a sample of 157 per branch would be necessary, taking into account a loss of 10% of subjects. Statistical analysis Due to the urgency of the circumstances of the pandemic, the statistical methods have not been fully planned. A Statistical Analysis Plan (SAP) will be prepared during the execution of the study and before the closure of the database. The statistical methods to be used, the strategy to be followed in the case of missing values, and the tables and figures to include in the statistical report will be in detail described. Sample size has been calculated assuming 10% of dropouts. It is not planned the replacement of withdrawal subjects. Analysis by intention to treat (ITT) will be carried out taking into account all data of the recruited volunteers into the study even if they have not completed the intervention. In general, the data will be presented as absolute frequencies and percentages in the case of qualitative variables. For the quantitative variables, central tendency statistics, such as the mean and median, and dispersion statistics, such as the standard deviation and the interquartile range, minimum and maximum values, to indicate the shape of the distribution, shape measures such as coefficients of skewness and kurtosis will be used. In the case of ordinal variables, depending on the number of categories, one form or another of description will be used. In all cases, a column that includes the number of volunteers with available data must be added to the data presentation table. The analyses will be divided by randomization group. To analyse the comparisons between groups, parametric tests (Student's t-test or ANOVA) and nonparametric tests (Mann – Whitney U or Kruskal – Wallis) will be used for continuous variables, according to the characteristics of the study variables (assumption normality), while for the categorical variables, chi square tests or Fisher's exact test will be used. In the case of between-visit comparisons of continuous variables, parametric tests (Student's t test for paired data or RM-ANOVA) and non-parametric tests (Wilcoxon or Friedman) will be used, as appropriate, according to the characteristics of the study variables (assumption of normality) and the number of visits to be compared, while the categorical variables will be compared using the McNemar test. The effect size will be estimated using confidence intervals. The significance level of the statistical tests used will be 0.05. All calculations will be performed with the SPSS statistical software package, version 26. For the analysis of adverse events, a descriptive analysis (frequencies and percentages) will be carried out throughout the study, presenting a list of the adverse events grouped according to severity. These events will be listed by volunteer and randomization group. Adverse events and concomitant medication will be coded using a standardization system. In the case of adverse events, the most current version of the MedDRA system will be used, and for concomitant medication, the ATC code will be used. Data management Collected data will be computerised in the coordinating centre in Granada, Spain. Source documents and databases will be anonymous and locked with a password known only to the scientific staff. These data will be kept for a minimum of 5 years after the end of the study. Dissemination Communications and scientific reports that emerge from this study will be carried out under the responsibility of the principal investigator in agreement with the associated investigators. Publication rules will follow international recommendations.25 The findings will also be shared with national health authorities. Authorship will follow the guidelines established by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (, which require substantive contributions to the design, conduct, interpretation and reporting of a trial. RESULTS COVID-19 is the infectious disease caused by the most recently discovered coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. This new virus and disease were first described during the outbreak began in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. COVID-19 is progressing rapidly throughout the world. The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, dry cough, and tiredness. These symptoms are usually mild and begin gradually. In fact, most people (about 80%) recover from the disease without needing hospital treatment. However, according to World Health Organization, around 1 out of every 5 people who gets COVID-19 becomes seriously ill and develops difficulty breathing. While effective therapies to treat and prevent disease are identified or developed, additional preventive strategies are urgently needed. An article published in March 2020 shows how the immune response to the COVID-19 virus is similar to the response generated by the influenza virus 18. When the immune system works properly, the first barrier to the COVID-19 virus is the innate response. This innate response characterized by interferon and cytokines, which are small proteins responsible for symptoms such as fever, headaches, and muscle pain, has two functions: to slow down the replication and spread of the virus until the specific immune response (which, when it is a virus that has not been previously contacted, takes approximately 2 to 3 weeks) is activated. The specific immune response is what will stop and ultimately eliminate the infection. This specific response also controls the innate response in order to prevent excessive activity from damaging the tissues. When this response works in a correct and coordinated manner, the infection is overcome, showing symptoms more or less similar to flu. However, in an older population suffering from dysfunction of the age-related immune response, called immunosenescence, or in a population in which the response appears to be poorly coordinated, the innate response occurs later or is ineffective, giving the virus time to replicate and spread and delaying the activation of the specific response. Before massive invasion of tissues, the innate response exaggeratedly damages tissues, causing respiratory failure and failure in other organs, such as the kidney. Given this situation, some authors speak of 3 disease states that require different approaches: an asymptomatic state, a second state with non-severe symptoms and a third state with severe respiratory symptoms and a high viral load. During the first two states, the specific immune response is required to eliminate the virus and prevent the disease from progressing to state 3. In this phase, strategies to enhance the immune response are important. However, in state 3, when the immune system has failed and the virus has spread, the damage to the tissues causes the massive inflammatory response; the strategy should be aimed at controlling that inflammation21. Several clinical trials have evidenced the positive effects of certain probiotic strains on prevention of Respiratory Tract Infections. In fact, some authors propose the use of probiotic as an strategy to mitigate the effects of SARS-Co-2 19. Mechanisms which would be involved in a positive effect of probiotic treatments on respiratory virus include enhancement of the intestinal epithelial barrier, competition with pathogens for nutrients and adhesion to the intestinal epithelium, production of anti-microbial substances and modulation of the host immune system19. Lactobacillus coryniformis K8 CECT5711 has immunomodulatory properties that could be useful for COVID-19 management. On the one hand, we have previously discussed its ability to improve the immune response against viral antigens, leading to the production of specific antibodies14,15. On the other hand, the strain has been shown in animal experiments to have anti-inflammatory capacity in models with inflammation22,23. This anti-inflammatory activity would also be of interest in the case of COVID-19, as it could help prevent uncontrolled inflammatory processes from leading to respiratory and other organ failure. CONCLUSIONS The working hypothesis is that the administration of Lactobacillus K8 will stimulate the immune response of people exposed to COVID-19, acting as an adjuvant that contributes to developing an effective response against the virus, and therefore fewer infectious cases are presented due to this virus or, in case of occurrence, the disease is milder among the subjects taking the probiotic strain. The high degree of exposure in health personnel makes them a population at high risk of contracting the virus. If we add to this situation the fact that the stress and physical overexertion caused by the pandemic can affect the immune response, the risk increases even more. The study has been designed to demonstrate if the consumption of this probiotic bacteria might contribute to reducing the level of incidence, or at least the severity of infection, in this population. CLINICALTRIAL The trial has been registered on the website, with the identifier number NCT04366180. The protocol was approved by the Research Ethics Committee for the province of Granada (CEIM/CEI Provincial of Granada).