RANDOM LINEAR OPERATORS ONPROBABILISTIC UNITARY SPACES TranXuan Quy, DangHung Thang,and NguyenThinh Abstract. In this paper, we are concerned with abstract random linearoperators on probabilistic unitary spaces which are a generalization ofgeneralized random linear operators on a Hilbert space defined in [25].The representation theorem for abstract random bounded linear operatorsand some results on the adjoint of abstract random linear operators aregiven. 1. IntroductionLet (Ω,F,P) be a complete probability space and X,Y be Banach spaces.A mapping f : Ω × X → Y is said to be a random operator (or a randommapping) defined on X with values in Y if for each x ∈ X, the mappingω → f(ω,x) is a Y-valued random variable. Equivalently, a random operatordefined on X with values in Y is a mapping from X into the space L Y0 (Ω)of all Y -valued random variables. A random operator f : X → L Y0 (Ω) issaid to be a random linear operator if f is linear. The interest in randomoperators has been arouse not only for its own right as a random generalizationof usual deterministic operators but also for their widespread applications inother areas. Research in theory of random operators has been carried out inmany directions including random linear operators which provide a frameworkof stochastic integral, infinite random matrix (see e.g. [1], [2], [15]-[20], [23]-[26]), random fixed points of random operators and random operator equations,(e.g [3]-[14], [18], [21], [22] and references therein). As an extension of randomlinear operators, generalized random linear operators on a separable Hilbertspace were introduced and investigated in [25].In this paper, generalized random linear operators on a separable Hilbertspace are extended to abstract random linear operators on probabilistic unitaryspaces. Section 2 presents the definitions and some properties of probabilistic