In the light of current events in the global dimension of policy and administration causes many questions and doubts regarding policy decisions short-term orientation. Rational and long-term future - oriented decisions concerning the most important things to societies today are being decided in a fragmented, short - term way, usually based on specific groups ambitions and interests. The article explains this transformation by comparative analysis of the epochal shift from modernism to postmodernism, examining time as a philosophical and sociological categories and addressing it's importance and the implications towards the developments in the fields of policy and administration. Based on the understanding that in the in the postmodern era the greatest modernist metanarrative theories are not trusted anymore transience and the emphasis of present moment and unreserved fragmentation of everything determines that postmodern politics becomes symbolic , conflict politics, in which dominant features like process and instantaneous benefits become more visible rather than long-term results. In the field of governance there is a noticeable increasingly smaller role of tradition and historical experience. Because of the denial of historical experience, the main political discourse become present - oriented, that's why there is a huge favoritism toward interests coming from outside which determines that the national and the future prospects will be ignored. In a period in which incredulity towards past dominates, historical memory and the belief in the future are being deformed, citizens are deprived of the opportunity to demand from the government of responsibility for its inability to solve complex problems in a comprehensive manner, which implies inefficient , irrational , and in some cases even destructive governance. The article based on authors such as Gasset, J. O., Francese, J., Hassard, J., Muggleton, D., Gomel, E., Driscoll, C., Bauman, Z., Mari, G., Parker, I., Loytard, J. F. It is stated that today ‘s political practice directly installed Bauman's concept of postmodern, pointillists time. This paper addresses that the main elements of postmodern state are relativistic values , hiperreality and manipulative, information wars, which help's to create a manipulation of the collective consciousness, to demonize appropriate political side as well as to demonstrate faceless, postmodern political expressions, with focus on short- term interests and problems in only one field, also creating a confrontation between humanistic values and materialism and consumerism. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]