Education is the right of every person. Especially, women who become their children's first madrasah. So,Therefore, as a means of preparing for this, women are entitled to a comprehensive education. The most important rights are aqidah education, character and mental preparation, and other educational rights. This study adopts the library method (library research), that is, research is conducted with reference to written materials related to the topic discussed and studied. The purpose of this study is to examine the values of Islamic education related to women's rights in Islamic education in the book Riyadhus Shalihin by Imam An Nawawi. The results of the study show that women have the right to education. This event is found in the hadith of the Prophet SAW, which is listed in the book of Riyadhus Shalihin hadith numbers 826, 574, and 1219. The hadith explains women's rights to education including how women get education.