It is with immense satisfaction that we introduce the opening issue of the INTERthesis Interdisciplinary International Journal, created with the aim of encouraging and contributing to the interdisciplinary discussion. In this first issue, we have included five articles which have an extremely wide-ranging subject matter .The article by Carlos Walter Porto Gonçalves argues the geopolitical question implied in the purported dichotomy between hunger and environment, analyzing the environmental - social consequences of the use of an agrarian and agricultural pattern incompatible with the populations' needs throughout several regions of the world, thus generating a contradiction between the increase of food production and the concomitant increase of hunger. Javier Bustamante Donas analyzes the educational parameters, which are essential for the conversion of the society of information into a society of knowledge, pondering that the lack of reflection upon the human dimensions of technology causes disarray that threatens its purposes of greatest reach. Marika Moisseeff examines the conjugal relationship and the autonomy, focusing the couple as an initiative experience, which is settled by the development of intimacy along their connubial life, taking into account the differentiation between the spouses and the learning of respect for each one's space. Paulo Henrique Battaglin Machado evaluates the impact of public policies on the society, by means of a methodology of life quality rates assessment, considering intraurban differentials, and analyzes the inequalities and inequities among regions in Curitiba, confronting the urban model and the city image. Finally, Salvador Giner highlights the importance of sociology in the study of the human condition, emphasizing its multidimensional characteristic and the need of a moral competence that searches the union between the rational intention and the human freedom evinced in the utopia. We hope these articles can expand the discussion of these relevant subject matters and that their reading can be very profitable for researchers of the several areas of knowledge. See you in our next edition, in December of the current year! Rafael Raffaelli - Editor