684 results on '"Rademaker, M"'
Search Results
2. Cutaneous adverse drug reactions in a hospital setting
- Author
Rademaker, M, Oakley, M, and Duffill, M B
- Published
- 1995
3. Allergic contact dermatitis to Toxicodendron succedaneum (rhus tree) : an autumn epidemic
- Author
Rademaker, M and Duffill, M B
- Published
- 1995
4. Fixed drug eruption to paracetamol
- Author
Rademaker, M and Salmon, P
- Published
- 1994
5. Trends in mortality in people with HIV from 1999 to 2020: a multi-cohort collaboration
- Author
Tusch, E, Ryom, L, Pelchen-Matthews, A, Mocroft, A, Elbirt, D, Oprea, C, Günthard, H, Staehelin, C, Zangerle, R, Suarez, I, Vehreschild, J, Wit, F, Menozzi, M, d'Arminio Monforte, A, Spagnuolo, V, Pradier, C, Carlander, C, Suanzes, P, Wasmuth, J, Carr, A, Petoumenos, K, Borgans, F, Bonnet, F, De Wit, S, El-Sadr, W, Neesgaard, B, Jaschinski, N, Greenberg, L, Hosein, S, Gallant, J, Vannappagari, V, Young, L, Sabin, C, Lundgren, J, Peters, L, Reekie, J, Calvo, G, Dabis, F, Kirk, O, Law, M, Monforte, A, Morfeldt, L, Reiss, P, Weber, R, Lind-Thomsen, A, Brandt, R, Hillebreght, M, Zaheri, S, Scherrer, A, Schöni-Affolter, F, Rickenbach, M, Tavelli, A, Fanti, I, Leleux, O, Mourali, J, Marec, F, Boerg, E, Thulin, E, Sundström, A, Bartsch, G, Thompsen, G, Necsoi, C, Delforge, M, Fontas, E, Caissotti, C, Dollet, K, Mateu, S, Torres, F, Blance, A, Huang, R, Puhr, R, Laut, K, Kristensen, D, Phillips, A, Kamara, D, Smith, C, Hatleberg, C, Raben, D, Matthews, C, Bojesen, A, Grevsen, A, Powderly, B, Shortman, N, Moecklinghoff, C, Reilly, G, Franquet, X, Smit, C, Ross, M, Fux, C, Morlat, P, Friis-Møller, N, Kowalska, J, Bohlius, J, Bower, M, Fätkenheuer, G, Grulich, A, Sjøl, A, Meidahl, P, Iversen, J, Reiss, C, Hillebregt, M, Prins, J, Kuijpers, T, Scherpbier, H, van der Meer, J, Godfried, M, van der Poll, T, Nellen, F, Geerlings, S, van Vugt, M, Pajkrt, D, Bos, J, Wiersinga, W, van der Valk, M, Goorhuis, A, Hovius, J, van Eden, J, Henderiks, A, van Hes, A, Mutschelknauss, M, Nobel, H, Pijnappel, F, Jurriaans, S, Back, N, Zaaijer, H, Berkhout, B, Cornelissen, M, Schinkel, C, Thomas, X, Ziekenhuis, A, van den Berge, M, Stegeman, A, Baas, S, de Looff, L, Versteeg, D, Ziekenhuis, C, Pronk, M, Ammerlaan, H, De Munnik, E, Jansz, A, Tjhie, J, Wegdam, M, Deiman, B, Scharnhorst, V, van der Plas, A, Weijsenfeld, A, van der Ende, M, De Vries-Sluijs, T, van Gorp, E, Schurink, C, Nouwen, J, Verbon, A, Rijnders, B, Bax, H, van der Feltz, M, Bassant, N, van Beek, J, Vriesde, M, van Zonneveld, L, de Oude-Lubbers, A, van den Berg-Cameron, H, Bruinsma-Broekman, F, de Groot, J, de Man, M, Boucher, C, Koopmans, M, van Kampen, J, Pas, S, Mc–sophia, E, Driessen, G, van Rossum, A, van der Knaap, L, Visser, E, Branger, J, Rijkeboer-Mes, A, de Ven, C, Ziekenhuis, H, Schippers, E, van Nieuwkoop, C, van IJperen, J, Geilings, J, van der Hut, G, Franck, P, van Eeden, A, Brokking, W, Groot, M, Elsenburg, L, Damen, M, Kwa, I, Groeneveld, P, Bouwhuis, J, van den Berg, J, van Hulzen, A, van der Bliek, G, Bor, P, Bloembergen, P, Wolfhagen, M, Ruijs, G, Kroon, F, de Boer, M, Bauer, M, Jolink, H, Vollaard, A, Dorama, W, van Holten, N, Claas, E, Wessels, E, den Hollander, J, Pogany, K, Roukens, A, Kastelijns, M, Smit, J, Smit, E, Struik-Kalkman, D, Tearno, C, Bezemer, M, van Niekerk, T, Pontesilli, O, Lowe, S, Lashof, A, Posthouwer, D, Ackens, R, Schippers, J, Vergoossen, R, Weijenberg-Maes, B, van Loo, I, Havenith, T, Leyten, E, Gelinck, L, van Hartingsveld, A, Meerkerk, C, Wildenbeest, G, Mutsaers, J, Jansen, C, Mulder, J, Vrouenraets, S, Lauw, F, van Broekhuizen, M, Paap, H, Vlasblom, D, Smits, P, Zuiderzee, M, Weijer, S, El Moussaoui, R, Bosma, A, van Vonderen, M, van Houte, D, Kampschreur, L, Dijkstra, K, Faber, S, Weel, J, Kootstra, G, Delsing, C, van der Burg-van de Plas, M, Heins, H, Lucas, E, Kortmann, W, van Twillert, G, Stuart, J, Diederen, B, Pronk, D, van Truijen-Oud, F, van der Reijden, W, Jansen, R, Brinkman, K, van den Berk, G, Blok, W, Frissen, P, Lettinga, K, Schouten, W, Veenstra, J, Brouwer, C, Geerders, G, Hoeksema, K, Kleene, M, van der Meché, I, Spelbrink, M, Sulman, H, Toonen, A, Wijnands, S, Kwa, D, Witte, E, Koopmans, P, Keuter, M, van der Ven, A, ter Hofstede, H, Dofferhoff, A, van Crevel, R, Albers, M, Bosch, M, Grintjes-Huisman, K, Zomer, B, Stelma, F, Rahamat-Langendoen, J, Burger, D, Richter, C, Gisolf, E, Hassing, R, ter Beest, G, van Bentum, P, Langebeek, N, Tiemessen, R, Swanink, C, van Lelyveld, S, Soetekouw, R, Hulshoff, N, van der Prijt, L, van der Swaluw, J, Bermon, N, Herpers, B, Veenendaal, D, Verhagen, D, van Wijk, M, Ziekenhuis, S, van Kasteren, M, Brouwer, A, de Wiel, B, Kuipers, M, Santegoets, R, van der Ven, B, Marcelis, J, Buiting, A, Kabel, P, Bierman, W, Scholvinck, H, Wilting, K, Stienstra, Y, Jonge, H, van der Meulen, P, de Weerd, D, Ludwig-Roukema, J, Niesters, H, Riezebos-Brilman, A, van Leer-Buter, C, Knoester, M, Hoepelman, A, Mudrikova, T, Ellerbroek, P, Oosterheert, J, Arends, J, Barth, R, Wassenberg, M, Schadd, E, van Elst-Laurijssen, D, van Oers-Hazelzet, E, Vervoort, S, van Berkel, M, Schuurman, R, Verduyn-Lunel, F, Wensing, A, Peters, E, van Agtmael, M, Bomers, M, de Vocht, J, Heitmuller, M, Laan, L, Pettersson, A, Vandenbroucke-Grauls, C, Ang, C, Kinderziekenhuis, W, Geelen, S, Wolfs, T, Bont, L, Nauta, N, Bezemer, D, van Sighem, A, Boender, T, de Jong, A, Bergsma, D, Hoekstra, P, de Lang, A, Grivell, S, Jansen, A, Rademaker, M, Raethke, M, Meijering, R, Schnörr, S, de Groot, L, van den Akker, M, Bakker, Y, Claessen, E, El Berkaoui, A, Koops, J, Kruijne, E, Lodewijk, C, Munjishvili, L, Peeck, B, Ree, C, Regtop, R, Ruijs, Y, Rutkens, T, van de Sande, L, Schoorl, M, Timmerman, A, Tuijn, E, Veenenberg, L, van der Vliet, S, Wisse, A, Woudstra, T, Tuk, B, Dupon, M, Gaborieau, V, Lacoste, D, Malvy, D, Mercié, P, Neau, D, Pellegrin, J, Tchamgoué, S, Lazaro, E, Cazanave, C, Vandenhende, M, Vareil, M, Gérard, Y, Blanco, P, Bouchet, S, Breilh, D, Fleury, H, Pellegrin, I, Chêne, G, Thiébaut, R, Wittkop, L, Lawson-Ayayi, S, Gimbert, A, Desjardin, S, Lacaze-Buzy, L, Petrov-Sanchez, V, André, K, Bernard, N, Caubet, O, Caunegre, L, Chossat, I, Courtault, C, Dauchy, F, De Witte, S, Dondia, D, Duffau, P, Dutronc, H, Farbos, S, Faure, I, Ferrand, H, Gerard, Y, Greib, C, Hessamfar, M, Imbert, Y, Lataste, P, Marie, J, Mechain, M, Monlun, E, Ochoa, A, Pistone, T, Raymond, I, Receveur, M, Rispal, P, Sorin, L, Valette, C, Viallard, J, Wille, H, Wirth, G, Lafon, M, Trimoulet, P, Bellecave, P, Tumiotto, C, Haramburu, F, Miremeont-Salamé, G, Blaizeau, M, Decoin, M, Hannapier, C, Lenaud, E, Pougetoux, A, Delveaux, S, D’Ivernois, C, Diarra, F, Uwamaliya-Nziyumvira, B, Palmer, G, Conte, V, Sapparrart, V, Law, C, Moore, R, Edwards, S, Hoy, J, Watson, K, Roth, N, Lau, H, Bloch, M, Baker, D, Cooper, D, O’Sullivan, M, Nolan, D, Guelfi, G, Calvo, C, Domingo, P, Sambeat, M, Gatell, J, Del Cacho, E, Cadafalch, J, Fuster, M, Codina, C, Sirera, G, Vaqué, A, Clumeck, N, Gennotte, A, Gerard, M, Kabeya, K, Konopnicki, D, Libois, A, Martin, C, Payen, M, Semaille, P, Van Laethem, Y, Neaton, C, Krum, E, Thompson, G, Wentworth, D, Luskin-Hawk, R, Telzak, E, Abrams, D, Cohn, D, Markowitz, N, Arduino, R, Mushatt, D, Friedland, G, Perez, G, Tedaldi, E, Fisher, E, Gordin, F, Crane, L, Sampson, J, Baxter, J, Gazzard, B, Horban, A, Karpov, I, Losso, M, Pedersen, C, Ristola, M, Rockstroh, J, Fischer, A, Larsen, J, Podlekareva, D, Cozzi-Lepri, A, Shepherd, L, Schultze, A, Amele, S, Kundro, M, Schmied, B, Wien, P, Vassilenko, A, Mitsura, V, Paduto, D, Florence, E, Vandekerckhove, L, Hadziosmanovic, V, Begovac, J, Machala, L, Jilich, D, Sedlacek, D, Kronborg, G, Benfield, T, Gerstoft, J, Katzenstein, T, Møller, N, Ostergaard, L, Wiese, L, Nielsen, L, Zilmer, K, Smidt, J, Siseklinik, N, Aho, I, Viard, J, Duvivier, C, Schmidt, R, Degen, O, Stellbrink, H, Stefan, C, Goethe, J, Bogner, J, Chkhartishvili, N, Gargalianos, P, Xylomenos, G, Armenis, K, Sambatakou, H, Szlávik, J, Gottfredsson, M, Mulcahy, F, Yust, I, Turner, D, Burke, M, Shahar, E, Hassoun, G, Elinav, H, Haouzi, M, Sthoeger, Z, Esposito, R, Mazeu, I, Mussini, C, Mazzotta, F, Gabbuti, A, Annunziata, O, Vullo, V, Lichtner, M, Zaccarelli, M, Antinori, A, Acinapura, R, Plazzi, M, Lazzarin, A, Castagna, A, Gianotti, N, Galli, M, Ridolfo, A, Rozentale, B, Uzdaviniene, V, Matulionyte, R, Staub, T, Hemmer, R, Ormaasen, V, Maeland, A, Bruun, J, Knysz, B, Gasiorowski, J, Inglot, M, Bakowska, E, Flisiak, R, Grzeszczuk, A, Parczewski, M, Maciejewska, K, Aksak-Was, B, Beniowski, M, Mularska, E, Smiatacz, T, Gensing, M, Jablonowska, E, Malolepsza, E, Wojcik, K, Mozer-Lisewska, I, Caldeira, L, Mansinho, K, Maltez, F, Radoi, R, Panteleev, A, Panteleev, O, Yakovlev, A, Trofimora, T, Khromova, I, Kuzovatova, E, Blokhina, I, Novogrod, N, Borodulina, E, Vdoushkina, E, Jevtovic, D, Tomazic, J, Miró, J, Moreno, S, Rodriguez, J, Clotet, B, Jou, A, Paredes, R, Tural, C, Puig, J, Bravo, I, Gutierrez, M, Mateo, G, Laporte, J, Sonnerborg, A, Brännström, I, Flamholc, L, Cavassini, M, Calmy, A, Furrer, H, Battegay, M, Schmid, P, Kuznetsova, A, Kyselyova, G, Sluzhynska, M, Johnson, A, Simons, E, Johnson, M, Orkin, C, Weber, J, Scullard, G, Clarke, A, Leen, C, Morfeldt, C, Thulin, G, Åkerlund, B, Koppel, K, Karlsson, A, Håkangård, C, Castelli, F, Cauda, R, Perri, G, Iardino, R, Ippolito, G, Marchetti, G, Perno, C, von Schloesser, F, Viale, P, Ceccherini-Silberstein, F, Girardi, E, Caputo, S, Puoti, M, Andreoni, M, Ammassari, A, Balotta, C, Bandera, A, Bonfanti, P, Bonora, S, Borderi, M, Calcagno, A, Calza, L, Capobianchi, M, Cingolani, A, Cinque, P, De Luca, A, Biagio, A, Gori, A, Guaraldi, G, Lapadula, G, Madeddu, G, Maggiolo, F, Marcotullio, S, Monno, L, Nozza, S, Roldan, E, Rossotti, R, Rusconi, S, Santoro, M, Saracino, A, Galli, L, Lorenzini, P, Rodano, A, Shanyinde, M, Carletti, F, Carrara, S, Caro, A, Graziano, S, Petrone, F, Prota, G, Quartu, S, Truffa, S, Giacometti, A, Costantini, A, Barocci, V, Angarano, G, Santoro, C, Suardi, C, Donati, V, Verucchi, G, Minardi, C, Quirino, T, Abeli, C, Manconi, P, Piano, P, Cacopardo, B, Celesia, B, Vecchiet, J, Falasca, K, Pan, A, Lorenzotti, S, Sighinolfi, L, Segala, D, Vichi, F, Cassola, G, Viscoli, C, Alessandrini, A, Bobbio, N, Mazzarello, G, Mastroianni, C, Belvisi, V, Caramma, I, Chiodera, A, Milini, P, Rizzardini, G, Moioli, M, Piolini, R, Salpietro, S, Tincati, C, Puzzolante, C, Abrescia, N, Chirianni, A, Borgia, G, Orlando, R, Bonadies, G, Martino, F, Gentile, I, Maddaloni, L, Cattelan, A, Marinello, S, Cascio, A, Colomba, C, Baldelli, F, Schiaroli, E, Parruti, G, Sozio, F, Magnani, G, Ursitti, M, Cristaudo, A, Baldin, G, Capozzi, M, Cicalini, S, Sulekova, L, Iaiani, G, Latini, A, Mastrorosa, I, Savinelli, S, Vergori, A, Cecchetto, M, Viviani, F, Bagella, P, Rossetti, B, Franco, A, Del Vecchio, R, Francisci, D, Giuli, C, Caramello, P, Orofino, G, Sciandra, M, Bassetti, M, Londero, A, Pellizzer, G, Manfrin, V, Starnini, G, Ialungo, A, Central, C, Dellamonica, P, Bernard, E, Courjon, J, Cua, E, De Salvador-Guillouet, F, Durant, J, Etienne, C, Ferrando, S, Mondain-Miton, V, Naqvi, A, Perbost, I, Pillet, S, Prouvost-Keller, B, Pugliese, P, Rio, V, Risso, K, Roger, P, Aubert, V, Bernasconi, E, Böni, J, Braun, D, Bucher, H, Ciuffi, A, Dollenmaier, G, Egger, M, Elzi, L, Fehr, J, Fellay, J, Haerry, D, Hasse, B, Hirsch, H, Hoffmann, M, Hösli, I, Kahlert, C, Kaiser, L, Keiser, O, Klimkait, T, Kouyos, R, Kovari, H, Ledergerber, B, Martinetti, G, de Tejada, B, Marzolini, C, Metzner, K, Müller, N, Nicca, D, Pantaleo, G, Paioni, P, Rauch, A, Rudin, C, Speck, R, Stöckle, M, Tarr, P, Trkola, A, Vernazza, P, Wandeler, G, Yerly, S, Valk, M, Hutchinson, J, Rupasinghe, D, Han, W, Appoyer, H, Vera, J, Broster, B, Barbour, L, Carney, D, Greenland, L, Coughlan, R, Saint-Pierre, C, Stephan, C, Bucht, M, Chokoshvili, O, Borghi, V, Casabona, J, Miro, J, Lampe, F, Burns, F, Chaloner, C, Muccini, C, Lolatto, R, Sönnerborg, A, Nowak, P, Vesterbacka, J, Mattsson, L, Carrick, D, Stigsäter, K, Kusejko, K, Schulze, N, Franke, B, Rooney, J, Mcnicholl, I, Garges, H, Campo, R, Volny-Anne, A, Dedes, N, Williams, E, Bruguera, A, Volny-Anne, R, Mendão, L, Timiryasova, A, Fursa, O, Jakobsen, M, Kraef, C, Gardizi, M, Andersen, K, Kumar, L, Elsing, T, Shahi, S, Valdenmaiier, O, Bansi-Matharu, L, Byonanebye, D, Bannister, W, Roen, A, Null, N, Tusch, Erich, Ryom, Lene, Pelchen-Matthews, Annegret, Mocroft, Amanda, Elbirt, Daniel, Oprea, Cristiana, Günthard, Huldrych F, Staehelin, Cornelia, Zangerle, Robert, Suarez, Isabelle, Vehreschild, Jörg Janne, Wit, Ferdinand, Menozzi, Marianna, d'Arminio Monforte, Antonella, Spagnuolo, Vincenzo, Pradier, Christian, Carlander, Christina, Suanzes, Paula, Wasmuth, Jan-Christian, Carr, Andrew, Petoumenos, Kathy, Borgans, Frauke, Bonnet, Fabrice, De Wit, Stephane, El-Sadr, Wafaa, Neesgaard, Bastian, Jaschinski, Nadine, Greenberg, Lauren, Hosein, Sean R, Gallant, Joel, Vannappagari, Vani, Young, Lital, Sabin, Caroline, Lundgren, Jens, Peters, Lars, Reekie, Joanne, Monforte, A d’Arminio, Brandt, R Salbøl, Wit, F W N M, Marec, F Le, Laut, K Grønborg, Sabin, C A, Phillips, A N, Kamara, D A, Smith, C J, Hatleberg, C I, Brandt, R S, Grevsen, A L, Lundgren, J D, Fux, C A, Monforte, A d'Arminio, Iversen, J S, Reiss, Central P, Prins, J M, Kuijpers, T W, Scherpbier, H J, van der Meer, J T M, Godfried, M H, Nellen, F J B, Geerlings, S E, Bos, J C, Wiersinga, W J, Hovius, J W, van Hes, A M H, Nobel, H E, Pijnappel, F J J, Back, N K T, Zaaijer, H L, Cornelissen, M T E, Schinkel, C J, Thomas, X V, Ziekenhuis, Admiraal De Ruyter, de Looff, L Hage, Ziekenhuis, Catharina, Pronk, M J H, Ammerlaan, H S M, De Munnik, E S, Jansz, A R, Wegdam, M C A, Weijsenfeld, A M, van der Ende, M E, De Vries-Sluijs, T E M S, van Gorp, E C M, Schurink, C A M, Nouwen, J L, Rijnders, B J A, Bax, H I, van Beek, J E A, van Zonneveld, L M, van den Berg-Cameron, H J, Bruinsma-Broekman, F B, de Man, M de Zeeuw, Boucher, C A B, Koopmans, M P G, van Kampen, J J A, Pas, S D, MC–Sophia, Erasmus, Driessen, G J A, van Rossum, A M C, van der Knaap, L C, de Ven, C J H M Duijf-van, Ziekenhuis, Haga, Schippers, E F, van IJperen, J M, Franck, P F H, Elsenburg, L J M, Kwa, I S, Groeneveld, P H P, Bouwhuis, J W, van den Berg, J F, van Hulzen, A G W, van der Bliek, G L, Bor, P C J, Wolfhagen, M J H M, Ruijs, G J H M, Kroon, F P, de Boer, M G J, Bauer, M P, Vollaard, A M, Claas, E C J, den Hollander, J G, Smit, J V, Lowe, S H, Lashof, A M L Oude, Ackens, R P, van Loo, I H M, Havenith, T R A, Leyten, E M S, Gelinck, L B S, Wildenbeest, G S, Mutsaers, J A E M, Jansen, C L, Mulder, J W, Vrouenraets, S M E, Lauw, F N, van Broekhuizen, M C, Vlasblom, D J, Smits, P H M, Zuiderzee, M C, Bosma, A S, van Vonderen, M G A, van Houte, D P F, Kampschreur, L M, Kootstra, G J, Delsing, C E, Stuart, J W T Cohen, Diederen, B M W, van Truijen-Oud, F A, van der Reijden, W A, van den Berk, G E L, Blok, W L, Frissen, P H J, Lettinga, K D, Schouten, W E M, Brouwer, C J, Geerders, G F, Kleene, M J, van der Meché, I B, Toonen, A J M, Koopmans, P P, van der Ven, A J A M, ter Hofstede, H J M, Dofferhoff, A S M, Bosch, M E W, Grintjes-Huisman, K J T, Zomer, B J, Stelma, F F, Gisolf, E H, Hassing, R J, van Bentum, P H M, Swanink, C M A, van Lelyveld, S F L, van der Prijt, L M M, Herpers, B L, Verhagen, D W M, Ziekenhuis, St Elisabeth, van Kasteren, M E E, Brouwer, A E, de Wiel, B A F M de Kruijf-van, Santegoets, R M W J, Marcelis, J H, Buiting, A G M, Kabel, P J, Bierman, W F W, Wilting, K R, Jonge, H de Groot-de, van der Meulen, P A, de Weerd, D A, Niesters, H G M, van Leer-Buter, C C, Hoepelman, A I M, Ellerbroek, P M, Oosterheert, J J, Arends, J E, Barth, R E, Wassenberg, M W M, Schadd, E M, van Elst-Laurijssen, D H M, van Oers-Hazelzet, E E B, Wensing, A M J, Peters, E J G, van Agtmael, M A, Laan, L M, Pettersson, A M, Vandenbroucke-Grauls, C M J E, Ang, C W, Kinderziekenhuis, Wilhelmina, Geelen, S P M, Wolfs, T F W, Bont, L J, Bezemer, D O, van Sighem, A I, Boender, T S, Rademaker, M J, Pellegrin, J L, Vareil, M O, Dauchy, F A, Receveur, M C, Vandenhende, M A, Viallard, J F, Lafon, Me, Blaizeau, M J, Boerg, Eloïse, Law, Central M, Calvo, Central G, Sambeat, M A, Gennotte, A F, Payen, M C, Neaton, Central J, El-Sadr, W M, Abrams, D I, Crane, L R, Fischer, A H, Larsen, J F, Wien, Pulmologisches Zentrum der Stadt, Mitsura, V M, Møller, N F, Nielsen, L N, Smidt, Jelena, Siseklinik, Nakkusosakond, Viard, J-P, Stellbrink, H J, Goethe, J W, Sthoeger, Z M, Monforte, A D’Arminio, Annunziata, Ospedale S Maria, Blokhina, I N, Novogrod, Nizhny, Gatell, J M, Miró, J M, Rodriguez, J M, Laporte, J M, Johnson, A M, Johnson, M A, Morfeldt, Central L, Perri, G Di, Marchetti, G C, Perno, C F, Caputo, S Lo, Capobianchi, M R, Biagio, A Di, Roldan, E Quiros, Santoro, M M, Caro, A Di, Manconi, P E, Moioli, M C, Ridolfo, A L, Martino, F Di, Cattelan, A M, Ursitti, M A, Sulekova, L Fontanelli, Plazzi, M M, Del Vecchio, R Fontana, Giuli, C Di, Orofino, G C, Roger, P M, Braun, D L, Bucher, H C, Günthard, H F, Hirsch, H H, Kouyos, R D, de Tejada, B Martinez, Metzner, K J, Scherrer, A U, Valk, Marc vd, Han, W Min, Saint-Pierre, C H U, Miro, J M, Wasmuth, J C, Vehreschild, J J, McNicholl, I, Williams, E D, Volny-Anne, R Campo Alain, Dedes, Nikos, Mendão, Luis, Jakobsen, M L, Kumar, L Ramesh, Elsing, T W, null, null, Tusch, E, Ryom, L, Pelchen-Matthews, A, Mocroft, A, Elbirt, D, Oprea, C, Günthard, H, Staehelin, C, Zangerle, R, Suarez, I, Vehreschild, J, Wit, F, Menozzi, M, d'Arminio Monforte, A, Spagnuolo, V, Pradier, C, Carlander, C, Suanzes, P, Wasmuth, J, Carr, A, Petoumenos, K, Borgans, F, Bonnet, F, De Wit, S, El-Sadr, W, Neesgaard, B, Jaschinski, N, Greenberg, L, Hosein, S, Gallant, J, Vannappagari, V, Young, L, Sabin, C, Lundgren, J, Peters, L, Reekie, J, Calvo, G, Dabis, F, Kirk, O, Law, M, Monforte, A, Morfeldt, L, Reiss, P, Weber, R, Lind-Thomsen, A, Brandt, R, Hillebreght, M, Zaheri, S, Scherrer, A, Schöni-Affolter, F, Rickenbach, M, Tavelli, A, Fanti, I, Leleux, O, Mourali, J, Marec, F, Boerg, E, Thulin, E, Sundström, A, Bartsch, G, Thompsen, G, Necsoi, C, Delforge, M, Fontas, E, Caissotti, C, Dollet, K, Mateu, S, Torres, F, Blance, A, Huang, R, Puhr, R, Laut, K, Kristensen, D, Phillips, A, Kamara, D, Smith, C, Hatleberg, C, Raben, D, Matthews, C, Bojesen, A, Grevsen, A, Powderly, B, Shortman, N, Moecklinghoff, C, Reilly, G, Franquet, X, Smit, C, Ross, M, Fux, C, Morlat, P, Friis-Møller, N, Kowalska, J, Bohlius, J, Bower, M, Fätkenheuer, G, Grulich, A, Sjøl, A, Meidahl, P, Iversen, J, Reiss, C, Hillebregt, M, Prins, J, Kuijpers, T, Scherpbier, H, van der Meer, J, Godfried, M, van der Poll, T, Nellen, F, Geerlings, S, van Vugt, M, Pajkrt, D, Bos, J, Wiersinga, W, van der Valk, M, Goorhuis, A, Hovius, J, van Eden, J, Henderiks, A, van Hes, A, Mutschelknauss, M, Nobel, H, Pijnappel, F, Jurriaans, S, Back, N, Zaaijer, H, Berkhout, B, Cornelissen, M, Schinkel, C, Thomas, X, Ziekenhuis, A, van den Berge, M, Stegeman, A, Baas, S, de Looff, L, Versteeg, D, Ziekenhuis, C, Pronk, M, Ammerlaan, H, De Munnik, E, Jansz, A, Tjhie, J, Wegdam, M, Deiman, B, Scharnhorst, V, van der Plas, A, Weijsenfeld, A, van der Ende, M, De Vries-Sluijs, T, van Gorp, E, Schurink, C, Nouwen, J, Verbon, A, Rijnders, B, Bax, H, van der Feltz, M, Bassant, N, van Beek, J, Vriesde, M, van Zonneveld, L, de Oude-Lubbers, A, van den Berg-Cameron, H, Bruinsma-Broekman, F, de Groot, J, de Man, M, Boucher, C, Koopmans, M, van Kampen, J, Pas, S, Mc–sophia, E, Driessen, G, van Rossum, A, van der Knaap, L, Visser, E, Branger, J, Rijkeboer-Mes, A, de Ven, C, Ziekenhuis, H, Schippers, E, van Nieuwkoop, C, van IJperen, J, Geilings, J, van der Hut, G, Franck, P, van Eeden, A, Brokking, W, Groot, M, Elsenburg, L, Damen, M, Kwa, I, Groeneveld, P, Bouwhuis, J, van den Berg, J, van Hulzen, A, van der Bliek, G, Bor, P, Bloembergen, P, Wolfhagen, M, Ruijs, G, Kroon, F, de Boer, M, Bauer, M, Jolink, H, Vollaard, A, Dorama, W, van Holten, N, Claas, E, Wessels, E, den Hollander, J, Pogany, K, Roukens, A, Kastelijns, M, Smit, J, Smit, E, Struik-Kalkman, D, Tearno, C, Bezemer, M, van Niekerk, T, Pontesilli, O, Lowe, S, Lashof, A, Posthouwer, D, Ackens, R, Schippers, J, Vergoossen, R, Weijenberg-Maes, B, van Loo, I, Havenith, T, Leyten, E, Gelinck, L, van Hartingsveld, A, Meerkerk, C, Wildenbeest, G, Mutsaers, J, Jansen, C, Mulder, J, Vrouenraets, S, Lauw, F, van Broekhuizen, M, Paap, H, Vlasblom, D, Smits, P, Zuiderzee, M, Weijer, S, El Moussaoui, R, Bosma, A, van Vonderen, M, van Houte, D, Kampschreur, L, Dijkstra, K, Faber, S, Weel, J, Kootstra, G, Delsing, C, van der Burg-van de Plas, M, Heins, H, Lucas, E, Kortmann, W, van Twillert, G, Stuart, J, Diederen, B, Pronk, D, van Truijen-Oud, F, van der Reijden, W, Jansen, R, Brinkman, K, van den Berk, G, Blok, W, Frissen, P, Lettinga, K, Schouten, W, Veenstra, J, Brouwer, C, Geerders, G, Hoeksema, K, Kleene, M, van der Meché, I, Spelbrink, M, Sulman, H, Toonen, A, Wijnands, S, Kwa, D, Witte, E, Koopmans, P, Keuter, M, van der Ven, A, ter Hofstede, H, Dofferhoff, A, van Crevel, R, Albers, M, Bosch, M, Grintjes-Huisman, K, Zomer, B, Stelma, F, Rahamat-Langendoen, J, Burger, D, Richter, C, Gisolf, E, Hassing, R, ter Beest, G, van Bentum, P, Langebeek, N, Tiemessen, R, Swanink, C, van Lelyveld, S, Soetekouw, R, Hulshoff, N, van der Prijt, L, van der Swaluw, J, Bermon, N, Herpers, B, Veenendaal, D, Verhagen, D, van Wijk, M, Ziekenhuis, S, van Kasteren, M, Brouwer, A, de Wiel, B, Kuipers, M, Santegoets, R, van der Ven, B, Marcelis, J, Buiting, A, Kabel, P, Bierman, W, Scholvinck, H, Wilting, K, Stienstra, Y, Jonge, H, van der Meulen, P, de Weerd, D, Ludwig-Roukema, J, Niesters, H, Riezebos-Brilman, A, van Leer-Buter, C, Knoester, M, Hoepelman, A, Mudrikova, T, Ellerbroek, P, Oosterheert, J, Arends, J, Barth, R, Wassenberg, M, Schadd, E, van Elst-Laurijssen, D, van Oers-Hazelzet, E, Vervoort, S, van Berkel, M, Schuurman, R, Verduyn-Lunel, F, Wensing, A, Peters, E, van Agtmael, M, Bomers, M, de Vocht, J, Heitmuller, M, Laan, L, Pettersson, A, Vandenbroucke-Grauls, C, Ang, C, Kinderziekenhuis, W, Geelen, S, Wolfs, T, Bont, L, Nauta, N, Bezemer, D, van Sighem, A, Boender, T, de Jong, A, Bergsma, D, Hoekstra, P, de Lang, A, Grivell, S, Jansen, A, Rademaker, M, Raethke, M, Meijering, R, Schnörr, S, de Groot, L, van den Akker, M, Bakker, Y, Claessen, E, El Berkaoui, A, Koops, J, Kruijne, E, Lodewijk, C, Munjishvili, L, Peeck, B, Ree, C, Regtop, R, Ruijs, Y, Rutkens, T, van de Sande, L, Schoorl, M, Timmerman, A, Tuijn, E, Veenenberg, L, van der Vliet, S, Wisse, A, Woudstra, T, Tuk, B, Dupon, M, Gaborieau, V, Lacoste, D, Malvy, D, Mercié, P, Neau, D, Pellegrin, J, Tchamgoué, S, Lazaro, E, Cazanave, C, Vandenhende, M, Vareil, M, Gérard, Y, Blanco, P, Bouchet, S, Breilh, D, Fleury, H, Pellegrin, I, Chêne, G, Thiébaut, R, Wittkop, L, Lawson-Ayayi, S, Gimbert, A, Desjardin, S, Lacaze-Buzy, L, Petrov-Sanchez, V, André, K, Bernard, N, Caubet, O, Caunegre, L, Chossat, I, Courtault, C, Dauchy, F, De Witte, S, Dondia, D, Duffau, P, Dutronc, H, Farbos, S, Faure, I, Ferrand, H, Gerard, Y, Greib, C, Hessamfar, M, Imbert, Y, Lataste, P, Marie, J, Mechain, M, Monlun, E, Ochoa, A, Pistone, T, Raymond, I, Receveur, M, Rispal, P, Sorin, L, Valette, C, Viallard, J, Wille, H, Wirth, G, Lafon, M, Trimoulet, P, Bellecave, P, Tumiotto, C, Haramburu, F, Miremeont-Salamé, G, Blaizeau, M, Decoin, M, Hannapier, C, Lenaud, E, Pougetoux, A, Delveaux, S, D’Ivernois, C, Diarra, F, Uwamaliya-Nziyumvira, B, Palmer, G, Conte, V, Sapparrart, V, Law, C, Moore, R, Edwards, S, Hoy, J, Watson, K, Roth, N, Lau, H, Bloch, M, Baker, D, Cooper, D, O’Sullivan, M, Nolan, D, Guelfi, G, Calvo, C, Domingo, P, Sambeat, M, Gatell, J, Del Cacho, E, Cadafalch, J, Fuster, M, Codina, C, Sirera, G, Vaqué, A, Clumeck, N, Gennotte, A, Gerard, M, Kabeya, K, Konopnicki, D, Libois, A, Martin, C, Payen, M, Semaille, P, Van Laethem, Y, Neaton, C, Krum, E, Thompson, G, Wentworth, D, Luskin-Hawk, R, Telzak, E, Abrams, D, Cohn, D, Markowitz, N, Arduino, R, Mushatt, D, Friedland, G, Perez, G, Tedaldi, E, Fisher, E, Gordin, F, Crane, L, Sampson, J, Baxter, J, Gazzard, B, Horban, A, Karpov, I, Losso, M, Pedersen, C, Ristola, M, Rockstroh, J, Fischer, A, Larsen, J, Podlekareva, D, Cozzi-Lepri, A, Shepherd, L, Schultze, A, Amele, S, Kundro, M, Schmied, B, Wien, P, Vassilenko, A, Mitsura, V, Paduto, D, Florence, E, Vandekerckhove, L, Hadziosmanovic, V, Begovac, J, Machala, L, Jilich, D, Sedlacek, D, Kronborg, G, Benfield, T, Gerstoft, J, Katzenstein, T, Møller, N, Ostergaard, L, Wiese, L, Nielsen, L, Zilmer, K, Smidt, J, Siseklinik, N, Aho, I, Viard, J, Duvivier, C, Schmidt, R, Degen, O, Stellbrink, H, Stefan, C, Goethe, J, Bogner, J, Chkhartishvili, N, Gargalianos, P, Xylomenos, G, Armenis, K, Sambatakou, H, Szlávik, J, Gottfredsson, M, Mulcahy, F, Yust, I, Turner, D, Burke, M, Shahar, E, Hassoun, G, Elinav, H, Haouzi, M, Sthoeger, Z, Esposito, R, Mazeu, I, Mussini, C, Mazzotta, F, Gabbuti, A, Annunziata, O, Vullo, V, Lichtner, M, Zaccarelli, M, Antinori, A, Acinapura, R, Plazzi, M, Lazzarin, A, Castagna, A, Gianotti, N, Galli, M, Ridolfo, A, Rozentale, B, Uzdaviniene, V, Matulionyte, R, Staub, T, Hemmer, R, Ormaasen, V, Maeland, A, Bruun, J, Knysz, B, Gasiorowski, J, Inglot, M, Bakowska, E, Flisiak, R, Grzeszczuk, A, Parczewski, M, Maciejewska, K, Aksak-Was, B, Beniowski, M, Mularska, E, Smiatacz, T, Gensing, M, Jablonowska, E, Malolepsza, E, Wojcik, K, Mozer-Lisewska, I, Caldeira, L, Mansinho, K, Maltez, F, Radoi, R, Panteleev, A, Panteleev, O, Yakovlev, A, Trofimora, T, Khromova, I, Kuzovatova, E, Blokhina, I, Novogrod, N, Borodulina, E, Vdoushkina, E, Jevtovic, D, Tomazic, J, Miró, J, Moreno, S, Rodriguez, J, Clotet, B, Jou, A, Paredes, R, Tural, C, Puig, J, Bravo, I, Gutierrez, M, Mateo, G, Laporte, J, Sonnerborg, A, Brännström, I, Flamholc, L, Cavassini, M, Calmy, A, Furrer, H, Battegay, M, Schmid, P, Kuznetsova, A, Kyselyova, G, Sluzhynska, M, Johnson, A, Simons, E, Johnson, M, Orkin, C, Weber, J, Scullard, G, Clarke, A, Leen, C, Morfeldt, C, Thulin, G, Åkerlund, B, Koppel, K, Karlsson, A, Håkangård, C, Castelli, F, Cauda, R, Perri, G, Iardino, R, Ippolito, G, Marchetti, G, Perno, C, von Schloesser, F, Viale, P, Ceccherini-Silberstein, F, Girardi, E, Caputo, S, Puoti, M, Andreoni, M, Ammassari, A, Balotta, C, Bandera, A, Bonfanti, P, Bonora, S, Borderi, M, Calcagno, A, Calza, L, Capobianchi, M, Cingolani, A, Cinque, P, De Luca, A, Biagio, A, Gori, A, Guaraldi, G, Lapadula, G, Madeddu, G, Maggiolo, F, Marcotullio, S, Monno, L, Nozza, S, Roldan, E, Rossotti, R, Rusconi, S, Santoro, M, Saracino, A, Galli, L, Lorenzini, P, Rodano, A, Shanyinde, M, Carletti, F, Carrara, S, Caro, A, Graziano, S, Petrone, F, Prota, G, Quartu, S, Truffa, S, Giacometti, A, Costantini, A, Barocci, V, Angarano, G, Santoro, C, Suardi, C, Donati, V, Verucchi, G, Minardi, C, Quirino, T, Abeli, C, Manconi, P, Piano, P, Cacopardo, B, Celesia, B, Vecchiet, J, Falasca, K, Pan, A, Lorenzotti, S, Sighinolfi, L, Segala, D, Vichi, F, Cassola, G, Viscoli, C, Alessandrini, A, Bobbio, N, Mazzarello, G, Mastroianni, C, Belvisi, V, Caramma, I, Chiodera, A, Milini, P, Rizzardini, G, Moioli, M, Piolini, R, Salpietro, S, Tincati, C, Puzzolante, C, Abrescia, N, Chirianni, A, Borgia, G, Orlando, R, Bonadies, G, Martino, F, Gentile, I, Maddaloni, L, Cattelan, A, Marinello, S, Cascio, A, Colomba, C, Baldelli, F, Schiaroli, E, Parruti, G, Sozio, F, Magnani, G, Ursitti, M, Cristaudo, A, Baldin, G, Capozzi, M, Cicalini, S, Sulekova, L, Iaiani, G, Latini, A, Mastrorosa, I, Savinelli, S, Vergori, A, Cecchetto, M, Viviani, F, Bagella, P, Rossetti, B, Franco, A, Del Vecchio, R, Francisci, D, Giuli, C, Caramello, P, Orofino, G, Sciandra, M, Bassetti, M, Londero, A, Pellizzer, G, Manfrin, V, Starnini, G, Ialungo, A, Central, C, Dellamonica, P, Bernard, E, Courjon, J, Cua, E, De Salvador-Guillouet, F, Durant, J, Etienne, C, Ferrando, S, Mondain-Miton, V, Naqvi, A, Perbost, I, Pillet, S, Prouvost-Keller, B, Pugliese, P, Rio, V, Risso, K, Roger, P, Aubert, V, Bernasconi, E, Böni, J, Braun, D, Bucher, H, Ciuffi, A, Dollenmaier, G, Egger, M, Elzi, L, Fehr, J, Fellay, J, Haerry, D, Hasse, B, Hirsch, H, Hoffmann, M, Hösli, I, Kahlert, C, Kaiser, L, Keiser, O, Klimkait, T, Kouyos, R, Kovari, H, Ledergerber, B, Martinetti, G, de Tejada, B, Marzolini, C, Metzner, K, Müller, N, Nicca, D, Pantaleo, G, Paioni, P, Rauch, A, Rudin, C, Speck, R, Stöckle, M, Tarr, P, Trkola, A, Vernazza, P, Wandeler, G, Yerly, S, Valk, M, Hutchinson, J, Rupasinghe, D, Han, W, Appoyer, H, Vera, J, Broster, B, Barbour, L, Carney, D, Greenland, L, Coughlan, R, Saint-Pierre, C, Stephan, C, Bucht, M, Chokoshvili, O, Borghi, V, Casabona, J, Miro, J, Lampe, F, Burns, F, Chaloner, C, Muccini, C, Lolatto, R, Sönnerborg, A, Nowak, P, Vesterbacka, J, Mattsson, L, Carrick, D, Stigsäter, K, Kusejko, K, Schulze, N, Franke, B, Rooney, J, Mcnicholl, I, Garges, H, Campo, R, Volny-Anne, A, Dedes, N, Williams, E, Bruguera, A, Volny-Anne, R, Mendão, L, Timiryasova, A, Fursa, O, Jakobsen, M, Kraef, C, Gardizi, M, Andersen, K, Kumar, L, Elsing, T, Shahi, S, Valdenmaiier, O, Bansi-Matharu, L, Byonanebye, D, Bannister, W, Roen, A, Null, N, Tusch, Erich, Ryom, Lene, Pelchen-Matthews, Annegret, Mocroft, Amanda, Elbirt, Daniel, Oprea, Cristiana, Günthard, Huldrych F, Staehelin, Cornelia, Zangerle, Robert, Suarez, Isabelle, Vehreschild, Jörg Janne, Wit, Ferdinand, Menozzi, Marianna, d'Arminio Monforte, Antonella, Spagnuolo, Vincenzo, Pradier, Christian, Carlander, Christina, Suanzes, Paula, Wasmuth, Jan-Christian, Carr, Andrew, Petoumenos, Kathy, Borgans, Frauke, Bonnet, Fabrice, De Wit, Stephane, El-Sadr, Wafaa, Neesgaard, Bastian, Jaschinski, Nadine, Greenberg, Lauren, Hosein, Sean R, Gallant, Joel, Vannappagari, Vani, Young, Lital, Sabin, Caroline, Lundgren, Jens, Peters, Lars, Reekie, Joanne, Monforte, A d’Arminio, Brandt, R Salbøl, Wit, F W N M, Marec, F Le, Laut, K Grønborg, Sabin, C A, Phillips, A N, Kamara, D A, Smith, C J, Hatleberg, C I, Brandt, R S, Grevsen, A L, Lundgren, J D, Fux, C A, Monforte, A d'Arminio, Iversen, J S, Reiss, Central P, Prins, J M, Kuijpers, T W, Scherpbier, H J, van der Meer, J T M, Godfried, M H, Nellen, F J B, Geerlings, S E, Bos, J C, Wiersinga, W J, Hovius, J W, van Hes, A M H, Nobel, H E, Pijnappel, F J J, Back, N K T, Zaaijer, H L, Cornelissen, M T E, Schinkel, C J, Thomas, X V, Ziekenhuis, Admiraal De Ruyter, de Looff, L Hage, Ziekenhuis, Catharina, Pronk, M J H, Ammerlaan, H S M, De Munnik, E S, Jansz, A R, Wegdam, M C A, Weijsenfeld, A M, van der Ende, M E, De Vries-Sluijs, T E M S, van Gorp, E C M, Schurink, C A M, Nouwen, J L, Rijnders, B J A, Bax, H I, van Beek, J E A, van Zonneveld, L M, van den Berg-Cameron, H J, Bruinsma-Broekman, F B, de Man, M de Zeeuw, Boucher, C A B, Koopmans, M P G, van Kampen, J J A, Pas, S D, MC–Sophia, Erasmus, Driessen, G J A, van Rossum, A M C, van der Knaap, L C, de Ven, C J H M Duijf-van, Ziekenhuis, Haga, Schippers, E F, van IJperen, J M, Franck, P F H, Elsenburg, L J M, Kwa, I S, Groeneveld, P H P, Bouwhuis, J W, van den Berg, J F, van Hulzen, A G W, van der Bliek, G L, Bor, P C J, Wolfhagen, M J H M, Ruijs, G J H M, Kroon, F P, de Boer, M G J, Bauer, M P, Vollaard, A M, Claas, E C J, den Hollander, J G, Smit, J V, Lowe, S H, Lashof, A M L Oude, Ackens, R P, van Loo, I H M, Havenith, T R A, Leyten, E M S, Gelinck, L B S, Wildenbeest, G S, Mutsaers, J A E M, Jansen, C L, Mulder, J W, Vrouenraets, S M E, Lauw, F N, van Broekhuizen, M C, Vlasblom, D J, Smits, P H M, Zuiderzee, M C, Bosma, A S, van Vonderen, M G A, van Houte, D P F, Kampschreur, L M, Kootstra, G J, Delsing, C E, Stuart, J W T Cohen, Diederen, B M W, van Truijen-Oud, F A, van der Reijden, W A, van den Berk, G E L, Blok, W L, Frissen, P H J, Lettinga, K D, Schouten, W E M, Brouwer, C J, Geerders, G F, Kleene, M J, van der Meché, I B, Toonen, A J M, Koopmans, P P, van der Ven, A J A M, ter Hofstede, H J M, Dofferhoff, A S M, Bosch, M E W, Grintjes-Huisman, K J T, Zomer, B J, Stelma, F F, Gisolf, E H, Hassing, R J, van Bentum, P H M, Swanink, C M A, van Lelyveld, S F L, van der Prijt, L M M, Herpers, B L, Verhagen, D W M, Ziekenhuis, St Elisabeth, van Kasteren, M E E, Brouwer, A E, de Wiel, B A F M de Kruijf-van, Santegoets, R M W J, Marcelis, J H, Buiting, A G M, Kabel, P J, Bierman, W F W, Wilting, K R, Jonge, H de Groot-de, van der Meulen, P A, de Weerd, D A, Niesters, H G M, van Leer-Buter, C C, Hoepelman, A I M, Ellerbroek, P M, Oosterheert, J J, Arends, J E, Barth, R E, Wassenberg, M W M, Schadd, E M, van Elst-Laurijssen, D H M, van Oers-Hazelzet, E E B, Wensing, A M J, Peters, E J G, van Agtmael, M A, Laan, L M, Pettersson, A M, Vandenbroucke-Grauls, C M J E, Ang, C W, Kinderziekenhuis, Wilhelmina, Geelen, S P M, Wolfs, T F W, Bont, L J, Bezemer, D O, van Sighem, A I, Boender, T S, Rademaker, M J, Pellegrin, J L, Vareil, M O, Dauchy, F A, Receveur, M C, Vandenhende, M A, Viallard, J F, Lafon, Me, Blaizeau, M J, Boerg, Eloïse, Law, Central M, Calvo, Central G, Sambeat, M A, Gennotte, A F, Payen, M C, Neaton, Central J, El-Sadr, W M, Abrams, D I, Crane, L R, Fischer, A H, Larsen, J F, Wien, Pulmologisches Zentrum der Stadt, Mitsura, V M, Møller, N F, Nielsen, L N, Smidt, Jelena, Siseklinik, Nakkusosakond, Viard, J-P, Stellbrink, H J, Goethe, J W, Sthoeger, Z M, Monforte, A D’Arminio, Annunziata, Ospedale S Maria, Blokhina, I N, Novogrod, Nizhny, Gatell, J M, Miró, J M, Rodriguez, J M, Laporte, J M, Johnson, A M, Johnson, M A, Morfeldt, Central L, Perri, G Di, Marchetti, G C, Perno, C F, Caputo, S Lo, Capobianchi, M R, Biagio, A Di, Roldan, E Quiros, Santoro, M M, Caro, A Di, Manconi, P E, Moioli, M C, Ridolfo, A L, Martino, F Di, Cattelan, A M, Ursitti, M A, Sulekova, L Fontanelli, Plazzi, M M, Del Vecchio, R Fontana, Giuli, C Di, Orofino, G C, Roger, P M, Braun, D L, Bucher, H C, Günthard, H F, Hirsch, H H, Kouyos, R D, de Tejada, B Martinez, Metzner, K J, Scherrer, A U, Valk, Marc vd, Han, W Min, Saint-Pierre, C H U, Miro, J M, Wasmuth, J C, Vehreschild, J J, McNicholl, I, Williams, E D, Volny-Anne, R Campo Alain, Dedes, Nikos, Mendão, Luis, Jakobsen, M L, Kumar, L Ramesh, Elsing, T W, and null, null
- Abstract
Background: Mortality among people with HIV declined with the introduction of combination antiretroviral therapy. We investigated trends over time in all-cause and cause-specific mortality in people with HIV from 1999-2020. Methods: Data were collected from the D:A:D cohort from 1999 through January 2015 and RESPOND from October 2017 through 2020. Age-standardized all-cause and cause-specific mortality rates, classified using Coding Causes of Death in HIV (CoDe), were calculated. Poisson regression models were used to assess mortality trends over time. Results: Among 55716 participants followed for a median of 6 years (IQR 3-11), 5263 participants died (crude mortality rate [MR] 13.7/1000 PYFU; 95%CI 13.4-14.1). Changing patterns of mortality were observed with AIDS as the most common cause of death between 1999- 2009 (n = 952, MR 4.2/1000 PYFU; 95%CI 4.0-4.5) and non-AIDS defining malignancy (NADM) from 2010 -2020 (n = 444, MR 2.8/1000 PYFU; 95%CI 2.5-3.1). In multivariable analysis, all-cause mortality declined over time (adjusted mortality rate ratio [aMRR] 0.97 per year; 95%CI 0.96, 0.98), mostly from 1999 through 2010 (aMRR 0.96 per year; 95%CI 0.95-0.97), and with no decline shown from 2011 through 2020 (aMRR 1·00 per year; 95%CI 0·96-1·05). Mortality due all known causes except NADM also declined over the entire follow-up period. Conclusion: Mortality among people with HIV in the D:A:D and/or RESPOND cohorts decreased between 1999 and 2009 and was stable over the period from 2010 through 2020. The decline in mortality rates was not fully explained by improvements in immunologic-virologic status or other risk factors.
- Published
- 2024
6. Pharmaceutical Management of Rosacea—An Australian/New Zealand Medical Dermatology Consensus Narrative.
- Author
Rademaker, M., Foley, P., Sullivan, J., Armour, K., Baker, C., Ferguson, A., Gebauer, K., Gupta, M., Marshman, G., McMeniman, E., Rubel, D., Wong, L., and Valenzuela Lopez, Nicomedes
- Subjects
- *
Rosacea, a common chronic, predominantly centro‐facial dermatosis, has previously been classified into distinct subtypes with a range of morphological signs that overlap with other inflammatory skin disorders. Recently, there has been a move towards diagnosis of clinical phenotypes, largely driven by a better understanding of the pathophysiology of rosacea and clinical trial endpoints. Despite this, treatment remains a challenge. The Australasian Medical Dermatology Group held a Rosacea workshop in November 2022 to develop a practical narrative. Eighteen recommendations were agreed upon using a modified eDelphi process in the first round, including a rosacea treatment algorithm. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
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7. Differences in characteristics between people with tinnitus that seek help and that do not
- Author
Rademaker, M. M., Stegeman, I., Brabers, A. E. M., de Jong, J. D., Stokroos, R. J., and Smit, A. L.
- Published
- 2021
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8. Monitoring methotrexate-induced liver fibrosis in patients with psoriasis: utility of transient elastography
- Author
Cheng HS and Rademaker M
- Subjects
methotrexate ,liver toxicity ,transient elastography ,Fibroscan ,Dermatology ,RL1-803 - Abstract
Harriet S Cheng,1 Marius Rademaker2 1Dermatology Service, Auckland City Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand; 2Waikato Clinical Campus, Auckland University Medical School, Hamilton, New Zealand Abstract: Increasingly, existing evidence indicates that methotrexate-associated liver injury is related to comorbid risk factors such as diabetes, alcoholism, and obesity, rather than to methotrexate itself. Despite this fact, significant effort continues to be expended in the monitoring of low-dose methotrexate in patients with psoriasis. The gold standard investigation has been liver biopsy, but this is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. As methotrexate-induced liver injury is uncommon, the risk/benefit ratio of liver biopsy has been questioned. Fortunately, a number of new technologies have been developed for the diagnosis of chronic liver disease, including transient elastography (TE). TE is a type of shear wave ultrasound elastography, which measures the speed of shear waves used to estimate hepatic tissue stiffness. Several meta-analyses show very high pooled sensitivity and specificity for the diagnosis of hepatic cirrhosis (87% and 91%, respectively) in a variety of chronic liver disorders. It has a negative predictive value for cirrhosis of >90% and a positive predictive value of 75%. Recent European guidelines now advocate the use of TE as the first-line test for the assessment of fibrosis in alcohol- or hepatitis-related liver disease, including nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). As the prevalence of obesity and metabolic syndrome, including NAFLD, is significantly elevated in patients with psoriasis, TE may be worth considering as a routine investigation for any patient with psoriasis. Although high-quality studies comparing TE with standard liver biopsy in the monitoring of psoriatics on low-dose methotrexate are lacking, the evidence from multiple small cohort studies and case series demonstrates its effectiveness. A recent Australasian position statement recommends that TE should be considered as a routine investigation for monitoring methotrexate therapy, repeated every 3 years if kPa 7.5. Liver biopsy should be considered for patients with a kPa >9.5. Keywords: methotrexate, liver toxicity, transient elastography, FibroScan®
- Published
- 2018
- Author
OLDONI, D, primary, DE COENSEL, B, additional, RADEMAKER, M, additional, VAN RENTERGHEM, T, additional, BOTTELDOOREN, D, additional, and DE BAETS, B, additional
- Published
- 2023
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10. Selfing Rates in Natural Populations of Echium vulgare: A Combined Empirical and Model Approach
- Author
Rademaker, M. C. J., de Jong, T. J., and Van Der Meijden, E.
- Published
- 1999
11. Pollen Dynamics of Bumble-Bee Visitation on Echium vulgare
- Author
Rademaker, M. C. J., De Jong, T. J., and Klinkhamer, P. G. L.
- Published
- 1997
12. Association entre les résultats rapportés par le patient et les mesures de sévérité de la maladie et le fardeau de la dermatite atopique : résultats d’une étude de vraie vie internationale
- Author
Gooderham, M.J., primary, Rincón Pérez, C., additional, Rademaker, M., additional, Hurtová, T., additional, Aydin, H., additional, Gamelli, A., additional, Calimlim, B.M., additional, Chen, S.H., additional, Sancho, C., additional, Bécherel, P.A., additional, and Shumack, S.P., additional
- Published
- 2023
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13. Management of drug interactions with direct‐acting antivirals in Dutch HIV/hepatitis C virus‐coinfected patients: adequate but not perfect
- Author
Smolders, EJ, Smit, C, de Kanter, CTMM, Dofferhoff, ASM, Arends, JE, Brinkman, K, Rijnders, B, van der Valk, M, Reiss, P, Burger, DM, Prins, J. M., Kuijpers, T. W., Scherpbier, H. J., van der Meer, J. T. M., Wit, F. W. M. N., Godfried, M. H., van der Poll, T., Nellen, F. J. B., Geerlings, S. E., van Vugt, M., Pajkrt, D., Wiersinga, W. J., Goorhuis, A., Hovius, J. W., Bijsterveld, M. A. H., van Eden, J., van Hes, A. M. H., Mutschelknauss, M., Nobel, H. E., Pijnappel, F. J. J., Weijsenfeld, A. M., Jurriaans, S., Back, N. K. T., Zaaijer, H. L., Berkhout, B., Cornelissen, M. T. E., Schinkel, C. J., Thomas, X. V., De Ruyter Ziekenhuis, Admiraal, van den Berge, M., Stegeman, A., Baas, S., Hage de Looff, L., Wintermans, B., Veenemans, J., Ziekenhuis, Catharina, Pronk, M. J. H., Ammerlaan, H. S. M., de Munnik, E. S., van Beek, E., Jansz, A. R., Tjhie, J., Wegdam, M. C. A., Deiman, B., Scharnhorst, V., Ziekenhuis, Elisabeth‐TweeSteden, van Kasteren, M. E. E., Brouwer, A. E., van Erve, R., de Kruijf‐van de Wiel, B. A. F. M., Keelan‐Pfaf, S., van der Ven, B., Buiting, A. G. M., Kabel, P. J., Versteeg, D., Kinderziekenhuis, Emma, van der Plas, A., van der Ende, M. E., Bax, H. I., van Gorp, E. C. M., Nouwen, J. L., Schurink, C. A. M., Verbon, A., de Vries‐Sluijs, T. E. M. S., Bassant, N., van Beek, J. E. A., Vriesde, M., van Zonneveld, L. M., van den Berg‐Cameron, H. J., Bruinsma‐Broekman, F. B., de Groot, J., de Zeeuw‐de Man, M., Boucher, C. A. B., Koopmans, M. P. G., van Kampen, J. J. A., Pas, S. D., Driessen, G. J. A., van Rossum, A. M. C., van der Knaap, L. C., Visser, E., Branger, J., Rijkeboer‐Mes, A., Duijf‐van de Ven, C. J. H. M., Schippers, E. F., van Nieuwkoop, C., van IJperen, J. M., Geilings, J., van der Hut, G., Franck, P. F. H., van Eeden, A., Brokking, W., Groot, M., Elsenburg, L. J. M., Damen, M., Kwa, I. S., Groeneveld, P. H. P., Bouwhuis, J. W., van den Berg, J. F., van Hulzen, A. G. W., van der Bliek, G. L., Bor, P. C. J., Bloembergen, P., Wolfhagen, M. J. H. M., Ruijs, G. J. H. M., Kroon, F. P., de Boer, M. G. J., Jolink, H., Vollaard, A. M., Dorama, W., van Holten, N., Claas, E. C. J., Wessels, E., den Hollander, J. G., Pogany, K., Roukens, A., Kastelijns, M., Smit, J. V., Smit, E., Struik‐Kalkman, D., Tearno, C., Bezemer, M., van Niekerk, T., Pontesilli, O., Lowe, S. H., Oude Lashof, A. M. L., Posthouwer, D., Ackens, R. P., Schippers, J., Vergoossen, R., Weijenberg‐Maes, B., van Loo, I. H. M., Havenith, T. R. A., Leyten, E. M. S., Gelinck, L. B. S., van Hartingsveld, A. Y., Meerkerk, C., Wildenbeest, G. S., Mutsaers, J. A. E. M., van Veen, S. Q., Slotervaart, MC, Mulder, J. W., Vrouenraets, S. M. E., Lauw, F. N., van Broekhuizen, M. C., Paap, H., Vlasblom, D. J., Smits, P. H. M., Zuiderzee, MC, Weijer, S., El Moussaoui, R., Bosma, A. S., van Vonderen, M. G. A., van Houte, D. P. F., Kampschreur, L. M., Dijkstra, K., Faber, S., Weel, J., Kootstra, G. J., Delsing, C. E., van der Burg‐van de Plas, M., Heins, H., Lucas, E., Kortmann, W., van Twillert, G., Cohen Stuart, J. W. T., Diederen, B. M. W., Renckens, R., Ruiter‐Pronk, D., van Truijen‐Oud, F. A., van der Reijden, W. A., Jansen, R., van den Berk, G. E. L., Blok, W. L., Frissen, P. H. J., Lettinga, K. D., Schouten, W. E. M., Veenstra, J., Brouwer, C. J., Geerders, G. F., Hoeksema, K., Kleene, M. J., van der Meché, I. B., Spelbrink, M., Sulman, H., Toonen, A. J. M., Wijnands, S., Kwa, D., Witte, E., van Crevel, R., Keuter, M., van der Ven, A. J. A. M., ter Hofstede, H. J. M., Albers, M., Grintjes‐Huisman, K. J. T., Marneef, M., Hairwassers, A., Rahamat‐Langendoen, J., Burger, D., Gisolf, E. H., Hassing, R. J., Claassen, M., ter Beest, G., van Bentum, P. H. M., Langebeek, N., Tiemessen, R., Swanink, C. M. A., van Lelyveld, S. F. L., Soetekouw, R., van der Prijt, L. M. M., van der Swaluw, J., Bermon, N., Herpers, B. L., Veenendaal, D., Verhagen, D. W. M., van Wijk, M., Bierman, W. F. W., Bakker, M., Kleinnijenhuis, J., Kloeze, E., Scholvinck, H., Stienstra, Y., Vermont, C. L., Wilting, K. R., Boonstra, A., de Groot‐de Jonge, H., van der Meulen, P. A., de Weerd, D. A., Niesters, H. G. M., van Leer‐Buter, C. C., Knoester, M., Hoepelman, A. I. M., Barth, R. E., Bruns, A. H. W., Ellerbroek, P. M., Mudrikova, T., Oosterheert, J. J., Schadd, E. M., Wassenberg, M. W. M., van Zoelen, M. A. D., Aarsman, K., van Elst‐Laurijssen, D. H. M., van Oers‐Hazelzet, E. E. B., van Berkel, M., Schuurman, R., Verduyn‐Lunel, F., Wensing, A. M. J., Peters, E. J. G., van Agtmael, M. A., Bomers, M., de Vocht, J., Heitmuller, M., Laan, L. M., Ang, C. W., van Houdt, R., Pettersson, A. M., Vandenbroucke‐Grauls, C. M. J. E., Geelen, S. P. M., Wolfs, T. F. W., Bont, L. J., Nauta, N., Bezemer, D. O., van Sighem, A. I., Boender, T. S., Zaheri, S., Hillebregt, M., de Jong, A., Bergsma, D., de Lang, A., Grivell, S., Jansen, A., Rademaker, M. J., Raethke, M., Meijering, R., Schnörr, S., de Groot, L., van den Akker, M., Bakker, Y., Claessen, E., El Berkaoui, A., Koops, J., Kruijne, E., Lodewijk, C., Munjishvili, L., Peeck, B., Ree, C., Regtop, R., Ruijs, Y., Rutkens, T., van de Sande, L., Schoorl, M., Timmerman, A., Tuijn, E., Veenenberg, L., van der Vliet, S., Wisse, A., Woudstra, T., and Tuk, B.
- Published
- 2018
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14. Change in a child’s naevus prompts referral to a dermatology service
- Author
Cheng H, Oakley A, and Rademaker M
- Subjects
Dermatology ,dermoscopy ,melanocytic naevi ,melanoma ,Public aspects of medicine ,RA1-1270 - Abstract
INTRODUCTION: Although melanoma is rare in children, parental concern about skin lesions often results in specialist referral and/or excision of benign lesions. AIM: To review dermatology referrals of children with skin lesions to determine reason for referral, macroscopic and dermatoscopic features of referred lesions, diagnosis, management and histology for excised lesions. METHODS: Referral letters, clinical and dermatoscopic images and outcomes were reviewed for skin lesions in children aged 0–18 years attending a teledermoscopy clinic over a 28-month period. RESULTS: Eighty-nine children with 128 lesions accounted for 9% of all referrals to the teledermoscopy clinic. The mean age of the children was 12 years (range 2–18 years). A ‘changing mole’ was the most common reason for referral (35 children; 39%), followed by ‘possible melanoma’ (19; 21%), and congenital naevus (9; 10%). The majority of lesions were benign melanocytic naevi (112 lesions; 88%). No lesions were diagnosed as melanoma or non-melanoma skin cancer. A history of change was given for 61/112 lesions (54%). Five lesions were excised; histopathological diagnoses were two spindle cell tumours of Reed, two compound naevi and one Spitz naevus. DISCUSSION: Change in a lesion, though a common trigger for referral, is less likely to indicate malignancy in children compared with adults and, as a sole criterion, does not necessitate specialist referral. Teledermoscopy clinics offer high quality macroscopic and dermatoscopic images and can assist in providing reassurance, where appropriate.
- Published
- 2014
15. Global case fatality rate of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‐19) by continents and national income: a meta‐analysis
- Author
Ghayda RA, Lee KH, Han YJ, Ryu S, Hong SH, Yoon S, Jeong GH, Yang JW, Lee HJ, Lee J, Lee JY, Effenberger M, Eisenhut M, Kronbichler A, Solmi M, Li H, Jacob L., Koyanagi A, Radua J, Park MB, Aghayeva S, Ahmed MLCB, Serouri AA, Al-Shamsi HO, Amir-Behghadami M, Baatarkhuu O, Bashour H, Bondarenko A, Camacho-Ortiz A, Castro F, Cox H, Davtyan H, Douglas K, Dragioti E, Ebrahim S, Ferioli M, Harapan H, Mallah SI, Ikram A, Inoue S, Jankovic S, Jayarajah U, Jesenak M, Kakodkar P, Kebede Y, Kifle M, Koh D, Males VK, Kotfis K, Lakoh S, Ling L, Llibre-Guerra J, Machida M, Makurumidze R, Mamun M, Masic I, Van Minh H, Moiseev S, Nadasdy T, Nahshon C, Ñamendys-Silva SA, Yongsi BN, Nielsen HB, Nodjikouambaye ZA, Ohnmar O, Oksanen A, Owopetu O, Parperis K, Perez GE, Pongpirul K, Rademaker M, Rosa S, Sah R, Sallam D, Schober P, Singhal T, Tafaj S, Torres I, Smith Torres-Roman J, Tsartsalis D, Tsolmon J, Tuychiev L, Vukcevic B, Wanghi G, Wollina U, Xu RH, Yang L, Zaidi Z, Smith L, and Shin JI
- Subjects
continents ,COVID-19 ,proportion meta-analysis ,case fatality rate (CFR) - Abstract
The aim of this study is to provide a more accurate representation of COVID-19's CFR by performing meta-analyses by continents and income, and by comparing the result with pooled estimates. We used multiple worldwide data sources on COVID-19 for every country reporting COVID-19 cases. Based on the data, we performed random and fixed meta-analyses for CFR of COVID-19 by continents and income according to each individual calendar date. CFR were estimated based on the different geographical regions and level of income using three models: pooled estimates, fixed- and random-model. In Asia, all three types of CFR initially remained approximately between 2.0% and 3.0%. In the case of pooled estimates and the fixed model results, CFR increased to 4.0%, by then gradually decreasing, while in the case of random-model, CFR remained under 2.0%. Similarly, in Europe, initially the two types of CFR peaked at 9.0% and 10.0%, respectively. The random-model results showed an increase near 5.0%. In high income countries, pooled estimates and fixed-model showed gradually increasing trends with a final pooled estimates and random-model reached about 8.0% and 4.0%, respectively. In middle-income, the pooled estimates and fixed-model have gradually increased reaching up to 4.5%. in low-income countries, CFRs remained similar between 1.5% and 3.0%. Our study emphasizes that COVID-19 CFR is not a fixed or static value. Rather, it is a dynamic estimate that changes with time, population, socioeconomic factors and the mitigatory efforts of individuals countries. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
- Published
- 2022
16. In de fuik gezwommen : Langlopend onderzoeksprogramma signaleert veranderingen visstand : Zestig jaar onderzoek naar vis in de Waddenzee
- Author
Leeuwen, A. van, Rademaker, M., Leeuwen, A. van, and Rademaker, M.
- Abstract
Vanaf de veerpont uit Den Helder kun je op heldere dagen de rij palen zien die aan de uiterste zuidpunt van Texel een fuiknet ophouden. Als je de pont vroeg in de ochtend neemt, heb je kans daar ook de kleine houten vlet te zien, waarmee al sinds de jaren zestig van de vorige eeuw de fuik op deze locatie wordt geleegd.
- Published
- 2022
17. Noise measurements as proxies for traffic parameters in monitoring networks
- Author
Can, A., Dekoninck, L., Rademaker, M., Van Renterghem, T., De Baets, B., and Botteldooren, D.
- Published
- 2011
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18. Correlation analysis of noise and ultrafine particle counts in a street canyon
- Author
Can, A., Rademaker, M., Van Renterghem, T., Mishra, V., Van Poppel, M., Touhafi, A., Theunis, J., De Baets, B., and Botteldooren, D.
- Published
- 2011
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19. Optimal restoration of stochastic monotonicity with respect to cumulative label frequency loss functions
- Author
Rademaker, M. and De Baets, B.
- Published
- 2011
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20. Capacity Controlling Parameters and Their Impact on Metal Toxicity in Soil Invertebrates
- Author
van Gestel, C. A. M., Rademaker, M. C. J., van Straalen, N. M., Allan, Rod, editor, Förstner, Ulrich, editor, Salomons, Wim, editor, and Stigliani, William M., editor
- Published
- 1995
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21. Environmental decision making with conflicting social groups: A case study of the Lar rangeland in Iran
- Author
Zendehdel, K., Rademaker, M., De Baets, B., and Van Huylenbroeck, G.
- Published
- 2010
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22. Successful melanoma triage by a virtual lesion clinic (teledermatoscopy)
- Author
Congalton, A. T., Oakley, A. M., Rademaker, M., Bramley, D., and Martin, R. C.W.
- Published
- 2015
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23. A new protocol for evaluating the efficacy of some dispensing systems of a packaging in the microbial protection of water-based preservative-free cosmetic products
- Author
Devlieghere, F., De Loy-Hendrickx, A., Rademaker, M., Pipelers, P., Crozier, A., De Baets, B., Joly, L., and Keromen, S.
- Published
- 2015
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24. Growth of periocular basal cell carcinoma
- Author
Rademaker, M.
- Published
- 2015
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25. Causal links between North Sea fish biomass trends and seabed structure
- Author
Rademaker, M, primary, Smallegange, IM, additional, and van Leeuwen, A, additional
- Published
- 2021
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26. Fibroscan monitoring for liver complications of methotrexate use in dermatology patients: CS05
- Author
Chandran, A., Rademaker, M., Vyas, R., Yung, A., Johns, E., Jurawan, R., Irwin, J., and Weilert, F.
- Published
- 2014
27. Isotretinoin 5 mg daily for low-grade adult acne vulgaris – a placebo-controlled, randomized double-blind study
- Author
Rademaker, M., Wishart, J. M., and Birchall, N. M.
- Published
- 2014
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28. Fibroscan monitoring for liver complications of Methotrexate use in dermatology patients
- Author
Chandran, A., Rademaker, M., Vyas, R., Yung, A., Irwin, J., Johns, E., Jurawan, R., and Weilert, F.
- Published
- 2014
29. Value of aminoterminal peptide fragment of type III collagen (P3NP) in monitoring patients treated with methotrexate for various inflammatory dermatoses: A retrospective review
- Author
Chen, P., Rademaker, M., and Du Toit, S.
- Published
- 2014
30. Causal links between North Sea fish biomass trends and seabed structure
- Author
Rademaker, M., Smallegange, I.M., van Leeuwen, A., Rademaker, M., Smallegange, I.M., and van Leeuwen, A.
- Abstract
Distinct areas of seabed, called seascapes, are known to shape benthic habitats and communities, yet little is known about the extent to which they affect the dynamics of marine fish populations. We explored the relationship between seascapes and trends in the biomass density of several North Sea fish species. We divided the North Sea into 10 seascapes using standardized methods. Time series of fish biomass density were derived from the North Sea International Bottom-Trawl Survey (NS-IBTS) and aggregated to the seascape level. We analysed the interdependencies between these time series using a causal association network and found independent biomass density trends between adjacent seascapes at a time interval of 0 yr in all species assessed. Long-term causal dependencies in biomass density occurred at time lags of 1-2 yr across different gradients of exchange: (1) both directions from North to South; (2) unidirectional, North-South; (3) unidirectional, South-North; (4) unidirectional, East-West; and (5) no clear direction. Our findings indicate that the separation in (a)biotic conditions between North Sea seascapes can represent relevant barriers to the processes determining the observed fish biomass density. We found that non-fusiform morphology and demersal habitat preferences best explained short-term causal dependencies. This combination is particular to the flatfish and ray species included in the present study. Contrarily, the movement of large, long-lived, benthopelagic species best explained long-term causal dependencies. Our work highlights how causal association networks can be used to study the temporal dependencies between spatial time series in ecology.
- Published
- 2021
31. Management of chronic hand and foot eczema. An Australia/New Zealand Clinical narrative
- Author
Rademaker, M, Armour, K, Baker, C, Foley, P, Gebauer, K, Gupta, M, Marshman, G, O'Connor, A, Rubel, D, Sullivan, J, Wong, L-C, Rademaker, M, Armour, K, Baker, C, Foley, P, Gebauer, K, Gupta, M, Marshman, G, O'Connor, A, Rubel, D, Sullivan, J, and Wong, L-C
- Abstract
Chronic hand/foot eczemas are common, but treatment is often challenging, with widespread dissatisfaction over current available options. Detailed history is important, particularly with regard to potential exposure to irritants and allergens. Patch testing should be regarded as a standard investigation. Individual treatment outcomes and targets, including systemic therapy, should be discussed early with patients, restoring function being the primary goal, with clearing the skin a secondary outcome. Each new treatment, where appropriate, should be considered additive or overlapping to any previous therapy. Management extends beyond mere pharmacological or physical treatment, and requires an encompassing approach including removal or avoidance of causative factors, behavioural changes and social support. To date, there is little evidence to guide sequences or combinations of therapies. Moderately symptomatic patients (e.g. DLQI ≥ 10) should be started on a potent/super-potent topical corticosteroid applied once or twice per day for 4 weeks, with tapering to twice weekly application. If response is inadequate, consider phototherapy, and then a 12-week trial of a retinoid (alitretinoin or acitretin). Second line systemic treatments include methotrexate, ciclosporin and azathioprine. For patients presenting with severe symptomatic disease (DLQI ≥ 15), consider predniso(lo)ne 0.5-1.0 mg/kg/day (or ciclosporin 3 - 5 mg/kg/day) for 4-6 weeks with tapering, and then treating as for moderate disease as above. In non-responders, botulinum toxin and/or iontophoresis, if associated with hyperhidrosis, may sometimes help. Some patients only respond to long-term systemic corticosteroids. The data on sequencing of newer agents, such as dupilumab or JAK inhibitors, are immature.
- Published
- 2021
32. SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) vaccination in dermatology patients on immunomodulatory and biologic agents: Recommendations from the Australasian Medical Dermatology Group
- Author
Wang, C, Rademaker, M, Tate, B, Baker, C, Foley, P, Wang, C, Rademaker, M, Tate, B, Baker, C, and Foley, P
- Abstract
As the phase III COVID-19 vaccine trials excluded patients on immunosuppressive treatments, or patients with significant autoimmunity, the Australasian Medical Dermatology Group make the following preliminary recommendations around COVID-19 vaccination in dermatology patients on immunomodulatory and/or biologic agents. Vaccination against COVID-19 is strongly encouraged for all patients on immunomodulatory drugs and/or biologic agents. There are currently insufficient data to recommend one COVID-19 vaccine or vaccine type (mRNA, recombinant, inactivated virus) over another. No specific additional risk in patients on immunomodulatory or biologic therapies has so far been identified. Data on vaccine efficacy in patients on immunomodulatory or biologic therapies are missing, so standard vaccination protocols are recommended until otherwise advised.
- Published
- 2021
33. Differences in characteristics between people with tinnitus that seek help and that do not
- Author
MS KNO, Brain, Zorgeenheid KNO Medisch, Other research (not in main researchprogram), Rademaker, M M, Stegeman, I, Brabers, A E M, de Jong, J D, Stokroos, R J, Smit, A L, MS KNO, Brain, Zorgeenheid KNO Medisch, Other research (not in main researchprogram), Rademaker, M M, Stegeman, I, Brabers, A E M, de Jong, J D, Stokroos, R J, and Smit, A L
- Published
- 2021
34. Prediction models for clinical outcome after cochlear implantation: a systematic review
- Author
UMC Utrecht, Epi Methoden Team 5, MS KNO, Other research (not in main researchprogram), Brain, Velde, H. M., Rademaker, M. M., Damen, J. A.A., Smit, A. L., Stegeman, I., UMC Utrecht, Epi Methoden Team 5, MS KNO, Other research (not in main researchprogram), Brain, Velde, H. M., Rademaker, M. M., Damen, J. A.A., Smit, A. L., and Stegeman, I.
- Published
- 2021
35. Isotretinoin 5 mg/day for persistent adult acne
- Author
Rademaker, M., Birchall, N., and Wishart, J.
- Published
- 2013
36. Non-melanocytic lesions diagnosed by teledermoscopy - retrospective review
- Author
Moodie, T., Rademaker, M., and Oakley, A.
- Published
- 2013
37. Melanocytic lesions diagnosed by teledermoscopy - retrospective review
- Author
Chen, P., Rademaker, M., Oakley, A., and Naismith, D.
- Published
- 2013
38. Evaluation of naevi exposed to narrowband UVB during Phototherapy
- Author
Lin, C. Y., Hill, S., Yung, A., Rademaker, M., and Oakley, A.
- Published
- 2013
39. Effect of narrowband ultraviolet B phototherapy on melanocytic naevi
- Author
Lin, C. Y., Oakley, A., Rademaker, M., Hill, S., and Yung, A.
- Published
- 2013
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40. Methotrexate for treatment of atopic dermatitis in children and adolescents: A retrospective study at Waikato District Health Board
- Author
Deo, M., Rademaker, M., Yung, A., and Hill, S.
- Published
- 2012
41. Use of transient elastography for non-invasive monitoring of methotrexate induced liver fibrosis
- Author
Vyas, R., Irwin, J., Rademaker, M., Weilert, F., Yung, A., and Juruwan, R.
- Published
- 2011
42. Interobserver variability of teledermoscopy: an international study
- Author
Tan, E., Oakley, A., Soyer, H. P., Haskett, M., Marghoob, A., Jameson, M., and Rademaker, M.
- Published
- 2010
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43. Dermoscopy of fading naevi: DP-8
- Author
Vyas, R., Oakley, A., and Rademaker, M.
- Published
- 2010
44. Phototherapy in children - A New Zealand experience
- Author
Tan, E., Lim, D., and Rademaker, M.
- Published
- 2010
45. Drug allergy - Some new ideas
- Author
Rademaker, M.
- Published
- 2010
46. Successful triage of patients referred to a skin lesion clinic using teledermoscopy (IMAGE IT trial)
- Author
Tan, E., Yung, A., Jameson, M., Oakley, A., and Rademaker, M.
- Published
- 2010
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47. Surgical excision of skin cancer: the importance of training
- Author
Salmon, P., Mortimer, N., Rademaker, M., Adams, L., Stanway, A., and Hill, S.
- Published
- 2010
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48. A collection of rare anomalies: multiple digital glomuvenous malformations, epidermal naevus, temporal alopecia, heterochromia and abdominal lipoblastoma
- Author
Hill, S. and Rademaker, M.
- Published
- 2009
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49. Successful triage of patients referred to a skin lesion clinic using teledermoscopy (Molemap program)
- Author
Tan, E., Jameson, M., Yung, A., Rademaker, M., and Oakley, A.
- Published
- 2009
50. Effects of monomethylfumarate on dendritic cell differentiation
- Author
Litjens, N. H.R., Rademaker, M., Ravensbergen, B., Thio, H. B., van Dissel, J. T., and Nibbering, P. H.
- Published
- 2006
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