Os mosquitos do g?nero Aedes, end?mico em todo o Brasil, s?o os transmissores dos v?rus da Zika (ZIKV), Dengue (DENV) e Chikungunya (CHIKV). Esses v?rus s?o os causadores de doen?as infecciosas virais que podem apresentar diferentes quadros cl?nicos, e em alguns casos, geram consequ?ncias graves para a sa?de, incluindo complica??es neurol?gicas com grande risco de sequelas permanentes. Em uma parcela dos pacientes, acredita-se que o v?rus pode desencadear rea??es imunes que resultariam em doen?as inflamat?rias agudas tanto do sistema nervoso central (SNC) quanto do sistema nervoso perif?rico (SNP). Dentre elas, encefalomielite disseminada aguda (ADEM), dist?rbio do espectro da neuromielite ?ptica (NMOSD), neurites ?pticas, mielites transversas, s?ndrome de Guillain-Barr? (SGB) e a polineuropatia desmielinizante inflamat?ria cr?nica (CIDP). No entanto, a rela??o entre a infec??o viral e o risco de desenvolvimento destas doen?as ? pouco compreendida. O presente estudo teve como objetivo investigar as complica??es neuroimunol?gicas secund?rias ? infec??o por arbov?rus (Zika, Dengue e Chikungunya) no soro de pacientes infectados. Noventa e oito amostras de soro coletadas no Nordeste e Sudeste do Brasil foram analisadas atrav?s de t?cnicas imunoenzim?ticas e de imunofluoresc?ncia indireta para verificar a positividade das arboviroses. Testes de detec??o de autoanticorpos anti-ganglios?deos, anti-aquaporina-4 (anti-AQP4) e anti-glicoprote?na da mielina dos oligodendr?citos (anti-MOG) foram realizados por meio de immunoblotting e pelo ensaio baseado em c?lulas (CBA). Do total de amostras testadas, 77 foram positivas para detec??o de DENV e ZIKV, e 52 foram positivas para detec??o de CHIKV. Devido ao tempo decorrido entre o in?cio dos sintomas cl?nicos at? a realiza??o da coleta, a maioria dos pacientes j? estavam num per?odo convalescente da infec??o demonstrando um status sorol?gico IgM negativo. Os autoanticorpos anti-AQP4 foram negativos para todas as amostras, e somente duas foram positivas para autoanticorpos anti-MOG. Os autoanticorpos anti-ganglios?deos IgG foram negativos para todas as amostras, e os IgM tiveram uma rea??o fraca (borderline) para 8 amostras. O sintoma viral mais relatado foi febre (20,7%) e o sintoma neurol?gico, foi d?ficit motor (32,1%). A SGB e suas variantes foram as neuropatias mais encontradas nos pacientes poliflaviv?rus reativos. J? CIDP, polineuropatia aguda e mononeurite foram as outras neuropatias mais encontradas nos pacientes alphav?rus reativos. Em conjunto, estes dados contribuem para que n?o somente a SGB seja associada ?s infec??es por arbov?rus, mas tamb?m outras doen?as neurol?gicas. ? de fundamental import?ncia investigar a amplitude de outras s?ndromes, como mielopatia, CIDP, encefalite, ADEM, NMOSD e neurite ?ptica que podem estar associadas ?s infec??es pelo ZIKV, DENV e CHIKV. Mosquitoes of the genus Aedes, endemic throughout Brazil, are the transmitters of the Zika (ZIKV), Dengue (DENV) and Chikungunya (CHIKV) viruses. These viruses are the cause of viral infectious diseases that can present different clinical conditions, and in some cases have serious health consequences, including neurological complications with a high risk of permanent sequelae. In a portion of patients, it is believed that the virus can trigger immune reactions that would result in acute inflammatory diseases of both the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS). Among them, acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM), spectrum disorder of optic neuromyelitis (NMOSD), optic neuritis, transverse myelitis, Guillain-Barr? syndrome (GBS) and chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP). However, the relationship between viral infection and the risk of developing these diseases is poorly understood. The present study aimed to investigate the neuroimmunological complications secondary to arbovirus infection (Zika, Dengue and Chikungunya) in the serum of infected patients. Ninety eight serum samples collected in the Northeast and Southeast of Brazil were analyzed by immunoenzymatic and indirect immunofluorescence techniques to verify the positivity of arboviruses. Autoantibodies against gangliosides, aquaporin-4 (AQP4) and myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) were detected by immunoblotting and cell-based assay (CBA). Of the total samples tested, 77 were positive for DENV and ZIKV detection, and 52 were positive for CHIKV detection. Due to the time elapsed between the beginning of the clinical symptoms until the collection, the majority of the patients were already in a convalescent period of the infection demonstrating a negative IgM serological status. Anti-AQP4 autoantibodies were negative for all samples, and only two were positive for anti-MOG autoantibodies. IgG anti-ganglioside autoantibodies were negative for all samples, and IgM had a weak (borderline) reaction for 8 samples. The most reported viral symptom was fever (20.7%), and the neurological symptom was motor deficit (32.1%). GBS and its variants were the neuropathies most found in reactive polyflaviviruses. Already, CIDP, acute polyneuropathy and mononeuritis were the others neuropathies most found in reactive alphavirus patients. Together, these data contribute to clarify the fact that not only the GBS is associated with arbovirus infections, but also other neurological diseases. It is of fundamental importance to investigate the amplitude of other syndromes, such as myelopathy, CIDP, encephalitis, ADEM, NMOSD and optic neuritis, which may be associated with ZIKV, DENV and CHIKV infections. Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES