36 results on '"Rachel Cusk"'
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2. La seconda casa
- Author
Rachel Cusk
- Published
- 2023
3. Il lavoro di una vita: Sul diventare madri
- Author
Rachel Cusk, Anna Nadotti, Micol Toffanin
- Published
- 2021
4. Onori
- Author
Rachel Cusk, Anna Nadotti
- Published
- 2020
5. Transiti
- Author
Rachel Cusk, Anna Nadotti
- Published
- 2019
6. Resoconto
- Author
Rachel Cusk, Anna Nadotti
- Published
- 2018
7. Medea
- Author
Euripides, Rachel Cusk
- Published
- 2015
8. A Forgery
- Author
Rachel Cusk
- Subjects
Literature and Literary Theory - Published
- 2021
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- Author
Rachel Cusk and Rachel Cusk
- Subjects
- Art and society--Fiction, Interpersonal relations--Fiction, Conduct of life--Fiction
- Abstract
WINNER OF THE 2024 GOLDSMITHS PRIZE'A brilliant, stark and unsettling feat.'Observer'Thoughtful and true... Cusk is a disciple of the truth and she helps us to see.'Independent'Cusk's most formidable, radical and compelling novel yet.'The Conversation A path-breaking novel of art, womanhood and violence, from the author of the Outline trilogy. Midway through his life, an artist begins to paint upside down. In Paris, a woman is attacked by a stranger in the street. A mother dies. A man falls to his death. Couples seek escape in distant lands. The new novel from one of the most distinctive writers of the age, Parade sets loose a carousel of lives. It surges past the limits of identity, character, and plot, to tell a true story-about art, family, morality, gender, and how we compose ourselves.
- Published
- 2024
10. Oris
- Author
Rachel Cusk and Rachel Cusk
- Abstract
Vruće ljeto. Atena blješti na suncu. Britanska romansijerka Grcima drži tečaj kreativnog pisanja. Sastaje se s kolegama piscima. Pliva u moru s muškarcem kojeg je upoznala u avionu. Oris je roman u deset razgovora u kojima pripovjedačica dobrim dijelom šuti. Ljudi koje sreće naširoko govore o sebi, svojim maštanjima, tjeskobama, životnim teorijama, kajanjima i čežnjama. Kroz njihova se osobna razotkrivanja u negativu ocrtava središnji portret žene koja se hvata ukoštac s teškim životnim porazom. Kritičari New York Timesa uvrstili su Oris, prvi dio istoimene romaneskne trilogije, među petnaest najznačajnijih knjiga iz pera žena koje oblikuju način na koji čitamo i pišemo u 21. stoljeću. Roman je bio u užem izboru za brojne nagrade, a mnogi su ga časopisi u SAD-u i Velikoj Britaniji istaknuli među najboljim knjigama 2014. godine. Kad čitate Oris, kao da ste pod vodom i od drugih vas ljudi dijeli nešto gušće od zraka. No književna vizija i prozni stil Rachel Cusk ni po čemu nisu ni mutni ni prigušeni. Posvetite se ovom romanu i uvjerit ćete se da čitate jednog od najpametnijih pisaca današnjice. —Heidi Julavits, New York Times Book Review U Orisu se ne dogodi gotovo ništa, a čini vam se da se dogodilo sve. Primičete roman licu kao da čitate triler, a junak se koprca u zraku nad zmijskim leglom. —Dwight Garner, New York Times Oris. Opire se uobičajenim kategorizacijama. Govori o nevidljivosti autora: kako pisati da ne pokažeš vlastito lice. — Kate Kellaway, Guardian S engleskoga prevela Vlatka Valentić
- Published
- 2021
11. Second Place : Longlisted for the Booker Prize 2021
- Author
Rachel Cusk and Rachel Cusk
- Subjects
- Artists--Fiction, Man-woman relationships--Fiction
- Abstract
Longlisted for the Booker Prize 2021 From the acclaimed author of the Outline trilogy, a fable of human destiny and decline, enacted in a closed system of intimate, fractured relationships. Praise for the Outline trilogy:'A landmark in twenty-first-century English literature.'Observer'Precise and haunting... Unforgettable.'Jenny Offill'Achieves a kind of formal perfection... masterly.'Sally Rooney'A work of great stunning beauty, deep insight, and great originality.'Monica Ali A woman invites a famed artist to visit the remote coastal region where she lives, in the belief that his vision will penetrate the mystery of her life and landscape. Over the course of one hot summer, his provocative presence provides the frame for a study of female fate and male privilege, of the geometries of human relationships, and of the struggle to live morally between our internal and external worlds. With its examination of the possibility that art can both save and destroy us, Second Place is deeply affirming of the human soul, while grappling with its darkest demons.
- Published
- 2021
12. L'Œuvre d'une vie : Devenir mère
- Author
Rachel Cusk and Rachel Cusk
- Abstract
La destinée biologique des femmes se dresse toujours au milieu des ruines de leur inégalité. En m'en rapprochant, j'ai l'impression de quitter le chemin tout tracé de ma vie, d'avancer, mais en voyant s'ouvrir devant moi une distance infranchissable ; comme si j'étais montée à bord d'un train par la vitre duquel j'aperçois la route que j'emprunte depuis toujours, la route que le train a un moment longé avant de prendre de la vitesse et de s'éloigner inéluctablement, vers l'est ou vers l'ouest, en direction d'un paysage de collines inconnues, laissant tout le reste derrière lui. Devenir mère, c'est faire la découverte de la contradiction. La maternité est à la fois une expérience courante et impossible à imaginer. Elle est prosaïque et auréolée de mystère. Tour à tour banale, bizarre, fascinante, épuisante, drôle et désastreuse. Devenir mère, c'est être l'actrice principale d'un drame existentiel auquel personne n'assiste. C'est le basculement soudain d'une vie ordinaire à un fouillis de passions étranges et puissantes, d'amour et de servitude, d'isolement et de compassion. Dans L'Œuvre d'une vie, Rachel Cusk dissèque avec un humour cinglant la condition de mère moderne. Le récit aussi honnête qu'impitoyable qu'elle livre de sa première année de maternité se déploie en une multitude d'histoires, d'intrigues et d'anecdotes : un adieu à la liberté et au sommeil; une leçon d'humilité et de dévouement; un voyage jusqu'aux confins de l'amour; une méditation sur la folie et la mortalité; et surtout une initiation brutale au monde des nourrissons, des pleurs incessants aux coliques en passant par les difficultés d'allaitement, les mauvais conseils des manuels de puériculture ou le mépris de certains médecins. Et toujours cette impression d'être dépossédée du temps qui autrefois lui appartenait. Ce livre percutant, écrit dans une langue qui refuse toute simplification, offre un portrait sans concession des débuts de la maternité, trop souvent réduits à un état de symbiose vécu dans le confort du cocon familial. C'est aussi la réflexion lucide d'une romancière devenue mère qui s'interroge sur le rapport trouble et à jamais transformé qu'elle entretient avec l'acte de créer.
- Published
- 2021
13. Locul secund
- Author
Rachel Cusk and Rachel Cusk
- Abstract
O femeie invită un pictor celebru, aflat în amurgul carierei, să petreacă un timp în casa ei de oaspeți, într-o zonă izolată de coastă, unde ea însăși duce o viață simplă și naturală alături de familie. Impresionată de tablourile lui, în special de peisajele care par să rezoneze în mod straniu cu împrejurimile casei, ea e convinsă că artistul o poate ajuta să pătrundă misterul din centrul vieții ei. Dar, pe măsură ce în regiune se instalează o vară lungă și uscată, prezența lui provocatoare devine ea însăși o enigmă, spulberând liniștea traiului așezat al gazdelor. Locul secund, noul roman al lui Rachel Cusk, este un studiu profund despre geometria relațiilor umane, despre destinul feminin și privilegiul masculin, despre moralitatea vieții și a artei și despre cum aceasta din urmă ne poate deopotrivă salva și distruge. O parabolă a sufletului uman în luptă cu cei mai întunecați demoni ai săi. „O dramă persuasivă, plină de reflecții surprinzătoare despre artă, cultură, relații de putere, moralitate, despre ce înseamnă a fi părinte… Un roman pătrunzător, profund, de o onestitate tulburătoare.“ Independent „Ca în toate cărțile lui Cusk, naratoarea analizează fiecare emoție de parcă a fost abia inventată. Fiecare detaliu devine esențial.“ The New York Times „O analiză incomodă, dar fascinantă a creativității, a privirii masculine și a condiționării de gen pe care o suportă experiența libertății.“ Guardian „Una dintre cele mai mari realizări ale literaturii noului mileniu.“ NPR
- Published
- 2021
14. Schiță
- Author
Rachel Cusk and Rachel Cusk
- Abstract
În acest volum vei găsi trei povești încântătoare, cu trei fetițe simpatice, îndrăgostite de pisicuțe. Amy și-a dorit dintotdeauna un pisoiaș, dar mama și tatăl ei nu cred că poate avea grijă de un animal. Când în grădina casei apare un ghemotoc cu blănița neagră și fără zgardă...Maddy primește de la părinții ei o pisicuță tărcată adorabilă, care abia așteaptă să exploreze grădina. Nu știe însă că acolo sunt stăpâne cele două pisici ale vecinilor...Jasmine e foarte încântată să aibă grijă de pisicuța vecinilor în timpul vacanței de Crăciun. Micuța Star ascunde însă un secret care o face să plece singură în noapte. Unde oare? Și, mai ales, de ce?O carte numai bună pentru vacanța ta!
- Published
- 2020
15. Tranzitie
- Author
Rachel Cusk and Rachel Cusk
- Abstract
După destrămarea familiei, o scriitoare se mută la Londra, împreună cu cei doi fii ai săi. Această răsturnare de situație reprezintă factorul catalizator pentru mai multe tranziții – de ordin personal, moral, artistic și practic. Privită din perspectiva protagonistei, o femeie de o inteligență sclipi - toare, narațiunea aprofundează temele prefigurate în apreciatul roman Schiță și oferă o reflecție pătrunzătoare și emoționantă asupra copilăriei și destinului, valorii suferinței, responsabilității personale și misterului schimbării. În Tranziție, cel de-al doilea dintr-o scurt ă dar memorabil ă serie de ro - mane, Cusk descrie experiențele elementare și aspectele profund liminale ale vieții. Cartea tratează, cu o onestitate tulburătoare, tema conflictului lăuntric dintre dorința de a-ți trăi viața și aceea de a evada din ea, a ambivalenței sfâșietoare ce însuflețește năzuința fiecăruia dintre noi de a se simți autentic. „Cusk este de multă vreme una dintre cele mai bune și mai revigorante voci din literatura de limbă engleză, dăruită cu precizie științifică, cu o sintaxă meticuloasă și cu un umor caustic. Frazele ei sunt savuroase… În cărțile cele mai recente, a găsit o metodă narativă care asigură libertate vitală pentru inteligența ei formidabilă, pentru umorul ei înnăscut și pentru agerimea spiritului de observație.“ The New York Review of Books „Rachel Cusk readuce ficțiunea la originile sale narative… Țelul autoarei este instaurarea unui limbaj în același timp convingător și oniric și a unei viziuni absolut personale asupra lumii.“ The Washington Post „Hipnotic... O realizare majoră… Această scriitoare nu are nevoie să-și regăsească aplombul pentru că niciodată nu și-l pierde.“ The New York Times „Originalitatea tehnică a lui Rachel Cusk este egalată de natura convingătoare a tematicii, iar Tranziție este, într-adevăr, un roman foarte bun.“ The Observer „Un roman magistral scris și structurat, ceea ce nu mai reprezintă o noutate venind din partea acestei autoare extrem de talentate.“ Kirkus Reviews
- Published
- 2020
16. PWCW 4 (Rachel Cusk)
- Author
Jonas von Lenthe, Rachel Cusk, Jonas von Lenthe, and Rachel Cusk
- Abstract
Rachel Cusk, Outline I asked him what it was, in London, that had caused him to lose faith in his publishing house, which he had only just launched and which indeed shortly afterwards—I had heard—was taken over by a large corporation, so that Paniotis was now a company editor rather than the director of his own enterprise. My reverence for all things English, he said after a silence, his sorrowful eyes brimming and rolling in their sockets, was not reciprocated. This was when things had started to get difficult here, he continued, though no one guessed then how much worse they would become. The publishing house was to be devoted exclusively to translating and printing English-language authors unheard of in Greece, writers the commercial publishers wouldn’t touch, whose work Paniotis deeply admired and was determined to make available for his countrymen…, https://www.librarystack.org/pwcw-4-rachel-cusk/?ref=unknown
- Published
- 2020
17. Coventry
- Author
Rachel Cusk and Rachel Cusk
- Subjects
- Motherhood, Feminism, Essays--21st century, Women, Marriage
- Abstract
'Cements her reputation as one of the most fierce and elegant chroniclers of how we live now.'Stephanie Merritt, Observer'Cusk is a master of the genre and her collection of sharp, provocative essays had me transfixed.'Guardian'Fiercely intelligent, with enviable prose that is at once luminous and precise.'Kathryn Maris, New Statesman From Rachel Cusk, the award-winning writer whose novels have redrawn the boundaries of fiction, this series of essays offer new insights on the themes at the heart of her life's work. Encompassing memoir and cultural and literary criticism, with pieces on gender, politics and writers such as D. H. Lawrence, Olivia Manning and Natalia Ginzburg, this collection is essential reading for our age: fearless, unrepentantly erudite, both startling and rewarding to behold. The result is a cumulative sense of how the frank, deeply intelligent sensibility - so evident in her stories and novels - reverberates in the wider context of Cusk's literary process. Coventry grants its readers a rare opportunity to see a mind at work that will influence literature for time to come.
- Published
- 2019
18. In The Name Of Love
- Author
Rachel, Cusk
- Subjects
Maldives -- Description and travel ,Tourism ,Husband-wife relations -- Personal narratives ,Travel, recreation and leisure - Abstract
Byline: illustration by BEN WISEMAN In the Name of Love As the Maldives rapidly becomes the world capital of romance tourism, novelist Rachel Cusk wonders why we have to travel [...]
- Published
- 2017
19. Kudos
- Author
Rachel Cusk and Rachel Cusk
- Subjects
- Authors--Fiction, Strangers--Fiction, Conversation--Fiction
- Abstract
'One of the most astoundingly original and necessary books I've ever read.'Guardian'A landmark in twenty-first-century English literature.'Observer'A perfect synthesis of form and content.'Deborah Levy A woman on a plane listens to the stranger in the seat next to hers telling her the story of his life: his work, his marriage, and the harrowing night he has just spent burying the family dog. That woman is Faye, who is on her way to Europe to promote the book she has just published. Once she reaches her destination, the conversations she has with the people she meets - about art, about family, about politics, about love, about sorrow and joy, about justice and injustice - include the most far-reaching questions human beings ask. These conversations, the last of them on the phone with her son, rise dramatically and majestically to a beautiful conclusion. Following the novels Outline and Transit, Kudos completes Rachel Cusk's trilogy with overwhelming power.
- Published
- 2018
20. Outline : A Novel
- Author
Rachel Cusk and Rachel Cusk
- Subjects
- English teachers--Fiction, Writers' workshops--Fiction, British--Greece--Fiction
- Abstract
#14 in the New York Times'100 Best Books of the 21st Century'SHORTLISTED FOR THE GOLDSMITHS PRIZE AND THE FOLIO PRIZE LONGLISTED FOR THE IMPAC PRIZE'A work of stunning beauty, deep insight and great originality.'Monica Ali, New York Times'One of the most daringly original and entertaining pieces of fiction I've ever read.'Observer'A perfect synthesis of form and content.'Deborah Levy Outline is a novel in ten conversations. Spare and lucid, it follows a novelist teaching a course in creative writing over an oppressively hot summer in Athens. She leads her student in storytelling exercises. She meets other writers for dinner. She goes swimming in the Ionian Sea with her seatmate from the place. The people she encounters speak volubly about themselves, their fantasies, anxieties, pet theories, regrets, and longings. And through these disclosures, a portrait of the narrator is drawn by contrast, a portrait of a woman learning to face great a great loss.
- Published
- 2018
21. Transit
- Author
Rachel Cusk and Rachel Cusk
- Subjects
- English teachers--Fiction, Moving, Household--Fiction
- Abstract
SHORTLISTED FOR THE GOLDSMITHS PRIZE'A work of stunning beauty, deep insight and great originality.'Monica Ali, New York Times'Tremendous from its opening sentence.'Tessa Hadley, Guardian'A work of cut-glass brilliance.'Financial Times In the wake of her family's collapse, a writer and her two young sons move to London. The upheaval is the catalyst for a number of transitions - personal, moral, artistic, and practical - as she endeavours to construct a new reality for herself and her children. In the city, she is made to confront aspects of living that she has, until now, avoided, and to consider questions of vulnerability and power, death and renewal, in what becomes her struggle to reattach herself to, and believe in, life. Filtered through the impersonal gaze of its keenly intelligent protagonist, Transit sees Rachel Cusk delve deeper into the themes first raised in her critically acclaimed novel Outline, and offers up a penetrating and moving reflection on childhood and fate, the value of suffering, the moral problems of personal responsibility and the mystery of change.
- Published
- 2018
22. Medea
- Author
Rachel Cusk and Rachel Cusk
- Subjects
- Drama
- Abstract
Medea's marriage is breaking up. And so is everything else. Testing the limits of revenge and liberty, Euripides'seminal play cuts to the heart of gender politics and asks what it means to be a woman and a wife.
- Published
- 2015
23. Outline : A Novel
- Author
Rachel Cusk and Rachel Cusk
- Abstract
A woman writer goes to Athens in the height of summer to teach a writing course. Though her own circumstances remain indistinct, she becomes the audience to a chain of narratives, as the people she meets tell her one after another the stories of their lives. Beginning with the neighbouring passenger on the flight out and his tales of fast boats and failed marriages, the storytellers talk of their loves and ambitions and pains, their anxieties, their perceptions and daily lives. In the stifling heat and noise of the city the sequence of voice begins to weave a complex human tapestry. The more they talk the more elliptical their listener becomes, as she shapes and directs their accounts until certain themes begin to emerge: the experience of loss, the nature of family life, the difficulty of intimacy and the mystery of creativity itself. Outline is a novel about writing and talking, about self-effacement and self-expression, about the desire to create and the human art of self-portraiture in which that desire finds its universal form.
- Published
- 2014
24. A Life's Work
- Author
Rachel Cusk and Rachel Cusk
- Subjects
- Mother and child, Parenting, Motherhood
- Abstract
'I laughed out loud, often, in painful recognition.'Esther Freud'Cusk has created a work of beauty and wisdom.'New Statesman'Cusk is not afraid to address frankly the grief for freedom lost, the despair, pain, boredom and guilt - all in the context of the mother's unspeakable love for the baby.'Stephanie Merritt, Observer A Life's Work is Rachel Cusk's funny, moving, brutally honest account of her early experiences of motherhood. An education in babies, books, breast-feeding, toddler groups, broken nights, bad advice and never being alone, it is a landmark work, which has provoked acclaim and outrage in equal measure.
- Published
- 2014
25. The Temporary
- Author
Rachel Cusk and Rachel Cusk
- Abstract
'The Temporary would be worth reading for its self-regarding, utterly thoughtless heroine alone.'Financial Times'An exquisitely written gem.'Vogue'The wit, dialogue and the uncomfortable perception brought to bear on human relations make The Temporary such a fine achievement.'Spectator Ralph Loman works in an unsatisfying job, for a free London newspaper, when Francine Snaith, a temporary secretary for a corporate finance firm, unexpectedly crosses his path at a party. Her beauty ignites a blaze of excitement in his troubled heart. But Francine is ravenous for attention, driven by a thirst for conquest, and when Ralph tries politely to extricate himself, he finds he is bound by chains of consequence from which it seems there is no escape. The Temporary paints a merciless portrait of the cut and thrust of modern romance, work and life.
- Published
- 2013
26. Saving Agnes
- Author
Rachel Cusk and Rachel Cusk
- Abstract
WINNER OF THE WHITBREAD FIRST NOVEL AWARD'A writer with a poet's eye for convincing detail.'Sunday Telegraph'A funny, knowing tale of middle-class, middle-twenties angst... Cool, resonant, and accomplished.'Independent'Told with irony and insight and some surreally beautiful imagery. At times it made me laugh out loud.'Sheila MacKay Agnes Day - sub-editor, suburbanite, failure extraordinaire - has discovered disconcerting gaps in her general understanding of the world. Terminally middle-class and incurably romantic, Agnes finds herself chronically confused by the most basic interactions. Life and love go on without her, but with a little façade she can pass herself off as a success. Beneath the fiction, however, the burden of truth becomes harder to bear.
- Published
- 2013
27. Aftermath : On Marriage and Separation
- Author
Rachel Cusk and Rachel Cusk
- Abstract
'An extraordinary writer of the female experience.'Financial Times'Cusk is startlingly insightful.'Independent on Sunday'Divorce has been a catastrophe for Cusk but Cusk the writer triumphs.'Metro In the winter of 2009, Rachel Cusk's marriage of ten years came to an end. Candid and revelatory, Aftermath chronicles the perilous journey as the author redefines herself and creates a new version of family life for her daughters.
- Published
- 2012
28. Las variaciones Bradshaw
- Author
Rachel Cusk and Rachel Cusk
- Abstract
Una excelente novela sobre las relaciones familiares y la edad mediana. Con siete novelas, Rachel Cusk es ya una de las mejores novelistas británicas de nuestros días. Su valentía, sentido del humor y originalidad la han convertido en un referente ineludible. Las variaciones Bradshaw es, sin ninguna duda, su mejor y más ambiciosanovela hasta la fecha. Como siempre, Cusk indaga en las relaciones sentimentales y familiares con una lucidez hiriente. Aquí, el protagonista es un matrimonio que ha decidido trastocar las posiciones tradicionales: Thomas Bradshaw deja su trabajo para cuidar de su hija Alexa y se dedica a tocar el piano, una práctica que parece llenar el súbito vacío de su mediana edad. Su elección irrita tanto a sus padres como a sus suegros. En cambio, su intensa mujer, Tonie, ha aceptado un absorbente trabajo en la Universidad, apartándose así de la vida doméstica y reencontrando aspectos y modos de vida que creía perdidos.A lo largo de un año lleno de crisis y revelaciones, asistimos a los avatares de Thomas, Tonie, sus hermanos y familiares: Howard, el mayor y más exitoso hermano y su gregaria mujer, Claudia y Leo, inseguro y casado con la lenguaraz y alcohólica Susie. Y en la cúspide la pirámide, los padres de Thomas, los viejos Bradshaw, prosiguen su erosionante y tensa vida marital. Con una estructura que recuerda a las famosas variaciones Goldberg de Bach, Rachel Cusk recorre virtuosamente las escalas de las relaciones de los Bradshaw hasta construir una partitura hecha de azares, decisiones, errores, amores y desencuentros que dan una imagen de la vida familiar como una variación sobre un de tema de la infancia.
- Published
- 2011
29. La última cena : Un verano en Italia
- Author
Rachel Cusk and Rachel Cusk
- Abstract
Con la excusa de narrar su estancia familiar de tres meses en la Toscana, la escritora inglesa Rachel Cusk nos ofrece la crónica de un viaje interior que pone en tela de juicio su formación e incluso su misma identidad. En medio de la campiña, el arte, la gente y la cocina de la región, Cusk teje un relato íntimo sobre su propia evolución sentimental. Con el virtuosismo estilístico, la perspicacia y la desnuda inteligencia de sus novelas, Cusk consigue renovar el estricto género de la literatura de viajes.
- Published
- 2011
30. The Country Life
- Author
Rachel Cusk and Rachel Cusk
- Abstract
WINNER OF THE SOMERSET MAUGHAM AWARD'Cusk combines humour and striking emotional honesty.'Financial Times'Cusk shows a brilliant, and often hilarious funny, aptitude for identifying surreal moments in social interaction.'Evening Standard'Cusk is a highly interesting, original writer and more unusually she is a joy to read.'The Times Stella Benson sets off for Hilltop, a tiny Sussex village housing a family that is somewhat larger than life. Her hopes for the Maddens may be high, but her station among them, as au pair to their irascible son Martin - is undeniably low. What could possibly have driven her to leave her home, job and life in London for such rural ignominy? Why has she severed all contact with her parents? Why is she so reluctant to talk about her past? The Country Life is a rich and subtle story about embarrassment, awkwardness and being alone; about families, or the lack of them; and about love in some peculiar guises.
- Published
- 2011
31. Arlington Park
- Author
Rachel Cusk and Rachel Cusk
- Subjects
- Middle class--Fiction, Parents--Fiction
- Abstract
Con un estilo elegante, lúcido, analítico y transido de una belleza estremecida, Rachel Cusk, comparada a menudo con Virginia Woolf, ha construido una de las piezas narrativas más ambiciosas e hipnóticas de la reciente literatura anglosajona. En su sexta novela, Rachel Cusk, una de las escritoras más prestigiosas e innovadoras del panorama literario internacional, indaga con valentía en las zonas más oscuras de la sociedad contemporánea. El título hace referencia a un moderno barrio residencial del centro de Inglaterra, donde varias familias de clase media fingen que no han renunciado a la vida. La acción transcurre a lo largo de un solo y lluvioso día, y en cada capítulo conocemos la intimidad, la frustración, el deseo, el odio o incluso la locura de varias mujeres, esposas y madres, enfrentadas a su soledad, a la tiranía de la maternidad o a los claroscuros del matrimonio. Nada escapa a la fulminante mirada de Cusk, capaz de desnudar sin piedad la apariencia paradisíaca de unas calles ajardinadas frecuentadas por bicicletas y niños. Unmundoterriblemente real.
- Published
- 2011
32. Arlington Park
- Author
Rachel Cusk and Rachel Cusk
- Abstract
Arlington Park, a modern-day English suburb, is a place devoted to the profitable ordinariness of life. Amidst its leafy avenues and comfortable houses, its residents live out the dubious accomplishments of civilisation: material prosperity, personal freedom, and moral indifference. For all that, Arlington Park is strikingly conventional. Men work, women look after children, and people generally do what's expected of them. Theirs is a world awash with contentment but empty of belief, and riven with strange anxieties. Set over the course of a single rainy day, the novel moves from one household to another, and through the passing hours conducts a deep examination of its characters'lives: of Juliet, enraged at the victory of men over women in family life; of Amanda, warding off thoughts of death with obsessive housework; of Solly, who confronts her own buried femininity in the person of her Italian lodger; of Maisie, despairing at the inevitability with which beauty is destroyed; and of Christine, whose troubled, hilarious spirit presides over Arlington Park and the way of life it represents. Rachel Cusk's sixth novel is her best yet. Full of compassion and wit, each page laden with truth, she writes about her characters'domestic lives, their private thoughts and fears with an intelligence and insight that will leave readers reeling.
- Published
- 2010
33. In the Fold
- Author
Rachel Cusk and Rachel Cusk
- Abstract
Michael first met the Hanburys of Egypt Hill when he was a young student. He was intrigued and delighted by their bohemian lifestyle and bravado. Twelve years later, married with a young son, Michael is invited back to the house and jumps at the chance of escaping his increasingly turbulent domestic situation. But his illusions about the family are shattered as the rotten core of the Hanbury myth is gradually revealed. Intimate in its insight, epic in its emotional scope, In the Fold is a brilliant, clever, often painful story of how we can become undone by our yearning to belong.
- Published
- 2010
34. The Last Supper : A Summer in Italy
- Author
Rachel Cusk and Rachel Cusk
- Abstract
'A rich meditation: on separation, on possession, on Renaissance artists, and, inevitably, on the transformative nature of travel.'The Times'Written in prose that constantly reminds us what language can do.'Times Literary Supplement'A writer of almost electrifying intensity... This book is a ray of intricate sunlight.'Irish Times When Rachel Cusk decides to travel to Italy for a summer with her husband and two young children, she has no idea of the trials and wonders that lie in store. Their journey leads them to both the expected and the surprising, all seen through Cusk's sharp and humane perspective.
- Published
- 2010
35. The Bradshaw Variations
- Author
Rachel Cusk and Rachel Cusk
- Abstract
'At times I just wanted to punch the air in a frenzy of delighted recognition.'Julie Myerson'She makes you know exactly what it is like to live inside the skin of a particular character, on a certain day, in all its richness.'Daily Telegraph'Cusk's writing is so beautiful that I would happily read her account of a trip to the shops on a rainy morning.'Literary Review Thomas Bradshaw and Tonie Swann are experiencing the classic symptoms of marriage in its middle years: comfortable house, happy-enough daughter and an eerie sense that life might be happening elsewhere. Then Tonie accepts a big promotion at work and Thomas agrees to become a stay-at-home dad. While Thomas is suddenly faced with the daily silence of an empty house, Tonie finds herself alive to previously unimagined possibilities. And at the head of the family, the ageing Bradshaw parents continue their marital dynamic of bickering and petty undermining.
- Published
- 2009
36. Excelență
- Author
Rachel Cusk and Rachel Cusk
- Abstract
ntr-un avion, o femeie ascultă povestea vieții străinului aflat pe scaunul de lângă ea. Acesta îi istorisește lucruri legate de munca și căsnicia sa, îi relatează noaptea înfricoșătoare pe care tocmai a petrecut-o îngropând câinele familiei.Femeia este Faye, o scriitoare aflată în drum spre Europa pentru a promova cartea pe care tocmai a publicat-o. Odată ajunsă la destinație, conversațiile pe care le poartă cu oamenii pe care îi întâlnește – despre artă și politică, despre familie și dragoste, despre tristețe și bucurie, despre dreptate și nedreptate – includ cele mai profunde întrebări pe care și le pun ființele umane. Aceste conversații, ultima dintre ele cu fiul ei, conduc la un punct culminant dramatic și impresionant.Excelență, ultima parte a trilogiei care mai cuprinde volumele Schiță și Tranziție, este un roman de o forță copleșitoare, una dintre marile realizări ale prozei contemporane.„Odată cu lansarea volumului Excelență, aceste trei romane pot fi acum apreciate – și vor fi cu siguranță – ca făcând parte din capodoperele literare ale vremii noastre.“Washington Post„Cutremurătoare într-un mod discret și uluitoare din punct de vedere intelectual... Scriitura lui Cusk este cristalină și precisă... Aceste romane sunt printre cele mai importante scrise în acest secol.“The Globe and Mail„Un final triumfător pentru o trilogie ambițioasă și neconvențională consolidează poziția lui Cusk ca unul dintre cei mai originali scriitori de ficțiune din zilele noastre.“Toronto Star„Excelență atinge un fel de perfecțiune formală. Rareori un singur cuvânt al prozei sale excepționale pare nelalocul lui... Cusk a triumfat în finalizarea acestei trilogii magistrale.“Slate
- Published
- 1900
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