For functions f(t) satisfying certain growth conditions, we consider a sequence of the form {ff(c t)), nonfundamental in L2(R), and find a representation for those functions which are in the closure of its linear span. Some theorems concerning degree of approximation are also proved. In [1], we found necessary and sufficient conditions for a sequence of the form {f(cn t)} to be fundamental in L2(R). In this paper, motivated by earlier research of L. Schwartz [2], and I. I. Hirschmann, Jr. [3] (see also J. Korevaar [4], W. A. J. Luxemburg and J. Korevaar [5, p. 35, Theorem 8.2], and Clarkson and Erdos [6]), we consider the nonfundamental case and find a representation of those functions which are in the L2(R) closure of the linear span of {f(cn t)}. Our result applies to a different class of functions than those considered by the above mentioned authors. The techniques developed to attack this problem are also applied to find a lower bound for the L2(R) distance from f(c t) to the linear span of {ff(cr -t); r = 0, . . . , n}, obtaining a result similar to [5, p. 31, Theorem 7.1], [4, p. 363, Theorem 4], or [6, p. 6, Theorem 2]. Finally, we also prove a Jackson type theorem valid for a class of continuous functions defined on a bounded interval. In what follows, { d, } will be a sequence of distinct real numbers, satisfying the following conditions: Ic2cr2I > pin rI (p > 0) and 'IcnK2 K 00 (1) (By , IC",K-2 we denote the sum of all terms of the form indicated, with nonvanishing denominator.) Note that (1) is satisfied if, for instance ICn c, ,I > p Ic. I (P > V-). Given a function f(t), by F(t) we shall denote its Fourier transform. Thus F(t) = (27) 1/21 exp(xti)f(t) dt. We shall assume that there are strictly positive numbers a, a and b, such that for t real, f(t) = O[exp(-at2)], F(t) = O[exp(-at2)], t -* oo, and exp(-bt2)/F(t) is in L2(R). By a theorem of Babenko, later generalized by Gel'fand and Silov, we know that the growth condition on f(t) can be replaced by the assumption that F is an Received by the editors January 19, 1979. AMS (MOS) subject classifications (1970). Primary 30A62, 41A30, 42A64; Secondary 42A68.