For over half a century, scholars have studied the processes by which Black people come to live in the suburbs, what they experience in those communities, and the complex interplay of race, class, and place. That scholarship, however, reveals that processes of Black suburbanization began earlier than often envisioned in the scholarly or popular imagination, reaching back to the prewar period. The study of Black suburbanization crosses disciplines, ranging from sociology to history to political science, and traverses domains, ranging from housing to education to policing and the criminal legal system. To understand the Black suburban experience, it must remain in conversation with other spatial categories like the city and the country (also known as rural areas) as well as in conversation with the suburbanizing experiences of other ethnic groups. As is often the case, what happens to Black people is both classically Americana, as well as uniquely Black. In the study of Black suburbanization, one finds a microcosm of Black life in the United States: a history of discrimination and exclusion, a contemporary landscape that is varied and resists being characterized in monolithic ways, and a consistent thread of resilience and community in the face of marginalization. This means that Black suburbanization is a topic of import not just for scholars of African American history and contemporary life, or those studying metropolitan America, but for scholars studying topics as varied as inequality, segregation, politics, education, housing, and policing. The suburbs are, in many ways, America. And as the suburbs are increasingly home to the majority of Americans, including the majority of Black Americans in the one hundred largest metropolitan areas, the study of Black suburbanization is not simply the study of one demographic group, but a window into the contemporary landscape of this country. What the suburbs meant in 1970 is not what they mean in the 2020s, but the strands of the past that feed the present will also shape the future. An emerging set of conversations on immigration, real estate practices, legal and policy interventions is coming into critical focus now. Importantly, in the last twenty years scholarship that centers the voices of Black residents in suburbia and scholarship by Black scholars is now just beginning to emerge in reshaping the study of suburbs and the rich tapestry of life that exists within it. In this entry, we synthesize the literature on Black suburbanization as a means of underscoring the importance of the suburbs and establishing that understanding Black suburban experiences—which have too often been erased from the suburban narrative—is central to understanding this quintessentially American landscape.