41 results on '"Quazi N"'
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2. Maintaining Integrity Constraints and Security in real-Time Database Systems.
- Author
Quazi N. Ahmed and Susan V. Vrbsky
- Published
- 1998
3. Maintaining Security in Firm Real-Time Database Systems.
- Author
Quazi N. Ahmed and Susan V. Vrbsky
- Published
- 1998
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4. Inequalities in screening policies and perioperative protection for patients with acute appendicitis during the pandemic: Subanalysis of the ACIE Appy study
- Author
Pellino, G., Podda, M., Pata, F., Di Saverio, S., Ielpo, B., Caruso, R., Gravante, G., Orengia, A., Chowdary, A., Kulkarni, A., Kuvvetli, A., Navarro, A., Smith, A., Ibiricu, A. C., Nacion, A. J. D., Alsaleh, A., Alhazmi, A., Elmabri, A., Wani, A., Rencuzogullari, A., Lasarte, A. S., Rubio, A. V., Bavikatte, A., Kumar, A., Jamiri, A. -R., Padilla, A. M. A., Cacurri, A., de San Ildefonso, A., Porcu, A., Sartori, A., Rocca, A., Paz Yanez, A., Becaria, A., Solis-Pena, A., Sretenovic, A., Urbistondo, A., Bandin, A., Najar, A., De Luca, A., Boddy, A., Charalabopoulos, A., Tzivanakis, A., Amendola, A., de Velasco, A. R. -G., Yildirim, A. C., Frontali, A., Toure, A. O., Garcia-Granero, A., Martinez Roldan, A., Larrainzar, A. S., Ratnayake, A. S., Gonzalez-Ganso, A. M., Minaya-Bravo, A. M., Das, A., Bondurri, A., Costanzi, A., Lucchi, A., Mazzari, A., Musig, A., Peloso, A., Piano, A., Police, A., Mihailescu, A., Pouy, A., Romano, A., Iossa, A., Leonetti, A. C., Guariniello, A., Isaac, A., Bovi, A. P. D., Chessa, A., Tromba, A., Martinez, A. A., Brillantino, A., Caira, A., Castaldi, A., Ferronetti, A., Giuliani, A., Prestera, A., Ramos-De la Medina, A., Tarasconi, A., Tornambe, A., Picciariello, A., Ioannidis, A., Leppaniemi, A., Khan, A., Rashid, A., Perez-Sanchez, A. L. E., Mittal, A., Mitul, A. R., Mehraj, A., Laharwal, A., Dorisme, A., Marinis, A., Iqbal, A., Moncada, A., Braccio, B., Alkhafaji, B., de Andres Asenjo, B., Martin-Perez, B., De Simone, B., Perez, B. S., Creavin, B., Cali, B., Pascotto, B., Stubbs, B., Retes, B. Z., Jovanovic, B., Goh, B. K. P., Sensi, B., Biddau, C., Gazia, C., Vallicelli, C., Fagundes, C. A., Santacruz, C. C., Chirico, C., Diaz, C. J. G., Petrola, C., Rodriguez, C. S., Benitez, C. Y., Dammaro, C., Lo Faro, C., Reinke, C., Paez, C. D., Oliva, C., Paranjape, C., Thomas, C., Chia, C. F., Kong, C. K., De Lucia, C., Chao, C. O., Arcudi, C., Guerci, C., Chia, C., Parise, C., Folliero, C., Varela, C., Ferguson, D. M., Camacho, D., Popowich, D., Lima, D. S., Rega, D., Delogu, D., Zigiotto, D., Vinci, D., D'Antonio, D., Parini, D., Merlini, D. A., Zimmerman, D. D. E., Moro-Valdezate, D., Pertile, D., Giusti, D. M., Keller, D. S., Tarik, D., Kalivaci, D., Mazingi, D., Maldonado-Pintado, D. G., Sasia, D., Linardoutsos, D., Osilli, D., Murrone, D., Russello, D., Rodas, E., Roa, E. A. A., Ricciardi, E., Rosso, E., Saladino, E., Flores-Villalba, E., Ajs, E. R., Smith-Singares, E., Baili, E., Kouroumpas, E., Bourmpouteli, E., Douka, E., Martin-Perez, E., Guaitoli, E., Samadov, E., Francone, E., Vaterlini, E., Morales, E., Pena, E., Zhao, E., Del Pozo Andres, E., Benzoni, E., Erdas, E., Pinotti, E., Colas-Ruiz, E., Aytac, E., Laterza, E., Agastra, E., Foianini, E., Moscoso, E., Laviano, E., Marra, E., Cardamone, E., Licardie, E., Mpaili, E., Pinna, E., Varo, E., Navarro, F. M., Marino, F., Medas, F., Romano, F., Maraska, F., Saliu, F., Madrid, F., Rosa, F., Mastella, F., Gheza, F., Luvisetto, F., Alconchel, F., Vieira, F. M., Pareja, F., Agresta, F., Luna, F., Bonilla, F., Cordera, F., Burdio, F., Mendoza-Moreno, F., Flores, F. M., Aranda, F. P., Taylor, F., Ramos, F. L., Fernandes, F., Tropeano, F. P., Balestra, F., Bianco, F., Ceci, F., Colombo, F., Di Marzo, F., Ferrara, F., Lancellotti, F., Lazzarin, F., Litta, F., Martini, F., Pizza, F., Roscio, F., Virdis, F., Antona, F. B., Ramirez, F. C., Fernandez, F. M., Llinares, F. O., Quezada, F., Schlottmann, F., Herrera-Almario, G., Massaferro, G., Bislenghi, G., van Ramshorst, G., Gallo, G., Luglio, G., Bointas, G., Kampouroglou, G., Papadopoulos, G., Manrique, G. A., Calini, G., Nastri, G., Formisano, G., Galiffa, G., Palini, G. M., Colucci, G., Pagano, G., Vanni, G., Pattacini, G. C., De Paola, G., Lisi, G., Partida, G., Bellanova, G., De Nobili, G., Necchi, G. S., Sinibaldi, G., Tebala, G., Bagaglini, G., Izzo, G., Argenio, G., Brisinda, G., Candilio, G., Di Grezia, G., Esposito, G., Faillace, G., Frazzetta, G., La Gumina, G., Nigri, G., Romeo, G., Amatriain, G. C., Ortega, G., Martin-Martin, G., Stavrou, G. A., Gunadi, Ugon, G. A., Machain, G., Marcucci, G., Martinez-Mier, G., Machain, G. M., Nari, G., Calvo, H., Fathy, H., Hamilton, Ahmed, H., Faraj, H., Nava, H., Macias, H. O., Nikaj, H., Solano, H., Khan, H. A., Alarcon, H. S., Ebied, H., Giani, I., Ateca, I. V., Neri, I., San Roman, I. A., Fidoshev, I., Rodriguez, I. M., Negoi, I., Ortega, I., Bernescu, I., Russo, I. S., Rodriguez, I. V., Palomares, I., Baltazar, I., Torrejimeno, I. J., Jurado, I. M. C., Reccia, I., Hussain, I., Toledo, I. B., Mora-Guzman, I., al-Najami, I., Dogaru, I., Romic, I., Balciscueta, I., Kenington, J. C., Sagolsem, J., Jang, J. Y., Olivier, J., Lammel-Lindemann, J., Dziakova, J., Villavicencio, J. I. R., Salinas, J., Pejanovic, J., Parreira, J. G., Perez, J. R., Reyes, J. A. S., Luque, J. A. M., Mak, J., Rodriguez, J. S., Kok, J. H. H., Krook, J., Diaz-Elizondo, J. A., Castell, J., Garcia-Flores, J. E., Navalon, J. M. J., Rodrigues, J. M. S., Pinto, J. P., Gomez, J. T. C., Luque, J. B., del Olmo, J. C. M., Salamea, J. C., Olivier, J. F. C., Laina, J. L. B., Ordonez, J. M., Gutierrez, J., Abba, J., Sofi, J. A., Sherafgan, K., Sahnan, K., Yanaga, K., Beatson, K., Asim, L., Alvarez, L., Siragusa, L., Farber, L., Ong, L., Athanasios, L., Garcia-Bruna, L., De Martino, L., Ferrario, L., Giordano, L., Gordini, L., Pio, L., Ponchietti, L., Moletta, L., Curella, L., Poggi, L., Taglietti, L., Bonavina, L., Conti, L., Goffredi, L., Ruiz, L. A. G., Barrionuevo, L., Fregoso, L. E., Cabrera, L. F., Rodriguez, L. G., Grande, L., Osoria, L. G., Gonzalez, L. J. K., Sanchez-Guillen, L., Tallon-Aguilar, L., Tresierra, L., Giavarini, L., Hasabelnabi, M., Odovic, M., Uemura, M., Khan, M., Artiles-Armas, M., David, M., Di Martino, M., Spampinato, M. G., Ribeiro, M. A. F., Viola, M., Angrisani, M., Calussi, M., Cannistra, M., Catarci, M., Cereda, M., Conte, M., Giordano, M., Pellicciaro, M., Marino, M. V., Vaterlini, M. E., Jimenez, M. F., Lolli, M. G., Bellini, M. I., Lemma, M., Chiarello, M. M., Nicola, M., Arrigo, M., Mejia, M. C., Manrique, M. M., Rodriguez-Lopez, M., Serradilla-Martin, M., Lara, M. Z., Martinez, M., Bagnall, M., Peter, M., Lara, M. C., Gomez, M. J., Paniagua-Garcia-Senorans, M., Gonzalez, M. P., Rutegard, M., Salo, M., Franceschilli, M., Silveri, M., Veroux, M., Pezzulo, M., Nardi, M., Rottoli, M., Tolonen, M., Ciro, M. P., Zuluagua, M., Cannavo, M., Cervellera, M., Iacobone, M., Montuori, M., Dominguez, M. G., Bingol-Kologlu, M., Tahir, M., Lim, M., Wilson, M. S. J., Wilson, M., Campanelli, M., Bisaccia, M., De Rosa, M., Maruccia, M., Paterno, M., Pisano, M., Torre, M., Trevino, M., Zuolo, M., Bartolome, M. A. H., Farina, M., Pera, M., Calvo, M. P., Sotelo, M., Thway, M. M., Hassan, M., Hassan, M. S. E., Azfar, M., Bouhuwaish, M., Taha, M., Zaieem, M., Korkoman, M., Guraieb, M., Shalaby, M., Raza, M. A., Younis, M. U., Elhadi, M., Zulfiqar Ali, M., Quazi, N., Dudi-Venkata, N. N., Alselaim, N., Loria, N., Ramirez, N. V., Win Than, N., Smart, N., Trelles, N., Pinto, N., Allievi, N., Petrucciani, N., Antonacci, N., Cillara, N., De'Angelis, N., Gica, N., Nicolaescu, D. C., Krystek, N., Falco, N., Pecorelli, N., Tamini, N., Dallas, N. A., Machairas, N., Brito, N., Fieturi, N. A., Ortega, N., Mercado, O. A., Irkorucu, O., Alsherif, O., Valles, O., Ioannidis, O., Palmas, O. H., Palmas, O. I. H., Guadarrama, O. S., Bozbiyik, O., Omelanczuk, P., Ottolino, P., Rodrigues, P., Ruiz, P., Campenni, P., Chiarade, P., Olivares, P. P., Baroffio, P., Panaccio, P., Wintringer, P., Di Fronzo, P., Talento, P., Favoriti, P., Sendino, P., Marsanic, P., Mifsut, P., Andrade, P., Ajawin, P., Abadia-Barno, P., Castaneda, P. A. N., Arevalos, P. O. S., Bellver, P. P., Koh, P. S., Souza, P., Major, P., Bali, R. S., Khattar, R. M., Lui, R., Melo, R. B., Ebrahiminia, R., Azar, R., Murga, R. L., Pirolo, R., Brady, R., Davies, R. J., Dholakia, R., Rattan, R., Singhal, R., Lim, R., Angelico, R., Isernia, R. M., Tutino, R., Faccincani, R., Peltrini, R., Carrera-Ceron, R., Tejos, R., Kashyap, R., Fajardo, R., Lozito, R., Pareja, R. M., Garbarino, S., Morales-Conde, S., Benli, S., Mansour, S., Flores, S., Suarez, S. L., Lopez, B. S., Fuentes, S., de las Casas, S. G., Napetti, S., de Guzman, S. O., Awad, S., Lujan, S. A. W., Gentilli, S., Grimaldi, S., Pizarro, S. O., Tayar, S., Nabi, S., Chan, S. M., Junaid, S., Rojas, S., Monetti, S., Garcia, S., Salvans, S., Tenconi, S., Shaw, S., Santoni, S., Parra, S. A., Cardenas, S., Perez-Bertolez, S., Chiappetta, S., Dessureault, S., Delis, S., Bonapasta, S. A., Rausei, S., Scaringi, S., Keswani, S., Ali, S. M., Cetinkunar, S., Fung, T. L. D., Rawashdeh, T., Lopez, T. N., De Campos, T., Duque, T. C., Perra, T., Liakakos, T., Daskalakis, T., Barnes, T., Koeter, T., Zalla, T., Gonzalez, T. E., Elosua, T., Campagnaro, T., Brown, T., Luoto, T., Oumar, T. A., Giustizieri, U., Grossi, U., Bracale, U., Rivas, U., Sosa, V., Testa, V., Andriola, V., Tonini, V., Balassone, V., Celentano, V., Progno, V., Raju, V., Carroni, V., Cavallaro, V., Rao Katta, V., De Simone, V., Primo Romaguera, V., Garcia Orozco, V., Luraschi, V., Rachkov, V., Turrado-Rodriguez, V., Visag-Castillo, V., Dowling, V., Graham, V., Papagni, V., Vigorita, V., Fonseca, V. C., Carneros, V. J., Bellato, V., Goncalves, W., Powers, W. F., Grigg, W., Bechstein, W. O., Lim, Y. B., Altinel, Y., Golubovic, Z., Balciscueta, Z., Ielpo, B, Podda, M, Pellino, G, Pata, F, Caruso, R, Gravante, G, Di Saverio, S, Orengia, A, Chowdary, A, Kulkarni, A, Kuvvetli, A, Navarro, A, Smith, A, Cavero Ibiricu, A, D Nacion, A J, Alsaleh, A, Alhazmi, A, Elmabri, A, Wani, A, Rencuzogullari, A, Sarriugarte Lasarte, A, Valle Rubio, A, Bavikatte, A, Kumar, A, Jamiri, A-R, M Alvarado Padilla, A, Cacurri, A, de San Ildefonso, A, Porcu, A, Sartori, A, Rocca, A, Paz Yáñez, A, Becaria, A, Solís-Peña, A, Sretenović, A, Urbistondo, A, Bandin, A, Najar, A, De Luca, A, Boddy, A, Charalabopoulos, A, Tzivanakis, A, Amendola, A, Ramirez-Gutierrez de Velasco, A, Cihat Yildirim, A, Frontali, A, O Toure, A, García-Granero, A, Martínez Roldan, A, Sanz Larrainzar, A, Sanjiva Ratnayake, A, M Gonzalez-Ganso, A, M Minaya-Bravo, A, Das, A, Bondurri, A, Costanzi, A, Lucchi, A, Mazzari, A, Musig, A, Peloso, A, Piano, A, Police, A, Mihailescu, A, Pouy, A, Romano, A, Iossa, A, C Leonetti, A, Guariniello, A, Isaac, A, P Delli Bovi, A, Chessa, A, Tromba, A, Álvarez Martínez, A, Brillantino, A, Caira, A, Castaldi, A, Ferronetti, A, Giuliani, A, Prestera, A, Ramos-De la Medina, A, Tarasconi, A, Tornambè, A, Picciariello, A, Ioannidis, A, Leppäniemi, A, Khan, A, Rashid, A, E Pérez-Sánchez, A L, Mittal, A, Rahman Mitul, A, Mehraj, A, Laharwal, A, Dorismé, A, Marinis, A, Iqbal, A, Moncada, A, Braccio, B, Alkhafaji, B, de Andrés Asenjo, B, Martin-Perez, B, De Simone, B, Sánchez Pérez, B, Creavin, B, Calì, B, Pascotto, B, Stubbs, B, Zavala Retes, B, Jovanovic, B, P Goh, B K, Sensi, B, Biddau, C, Gazia, C, Vallicelli, C, A Fagundes, C, Cerdán Santacruz, C, Chirico, C, J Gómez Díaz, C, Petrola, C, Sánchez Rodriguez, C, Yánez Benítez, C, Dammaro, C, Lo Faro, C, Reinke, C, Dominguez Paez, C, Oliva, C, Paranjape, C, Thomas, C, Fung Chia, C, Kwan Kong, C, De Lucia, C, Ovalle Chao, C, Arcudi, C, Guerci, C, Chia, C, Parise, C, Folliero, C, Varela, C, M Ferguson, D, Camacho, D, Popowich, D, Souza Lima, D, Rega, D, Delogu, D, Zigiotto, D, Vinci, D, D'Antonio, D, Parini, D, A Merlini, D, E Zimmerman, D D, Moro-Valdezate, D, Pertile, D, M Giusti, D, S Keller, D, Tarik, D, Kalivaçi, D, Mazingi, D, G Maldonado-Pintado, D, Sasia, D, Linardoutsos, D, Osilli, D, Murrone, D, Russello, D, Rodas, E, A Acuña Roa, E, Ricciardi, E, Rosso, E, Saladino, E, Flores-Villalba, E, Ruiz Ajs, E, Smith-Singares, E, Baili, E, Kouroumpas, E, Bourmpouteli, E, Douka, E, Martin-Perez, E, Guaitoli, E, Samadov, E, Francone, E, Vaterlini, E, Morales, E, Peña, E, Zhao, E, Del Pozo Andres, E, Benzoni, E, Erdas, E, Pinotti, E, Colás-Ruiz, E, Aytac, E, Laterza, E, Agastra, E, Foianini, E, Moscoso, E, Laviano, E, Marra, E, Cardamone, E, Licardie, E, Mpaili, E, Pinna, E, Varo, E, M Navarro, F, Marino, F, Medas, F, Romano, F, Maraska, F, Saliu, F, Madrid, F, Rosa, F, Mastella, F, Gheza, F, Luvisetto, F, Alconchel, F, Monge Vieira, F, Pareja, F, Agresta, F, Luna, F, Bonilla, F, Cordera, F, Burdió, F, Mendoza-Moreno, F, Muñoz Flores, F, Pardo Aranda, F, Taylor, F, L Ramos, F, Fernandes, F, P Tropeano, F, Balestra, F, Bianco, F, Ceci, F, Colombo, F, Di Marzo, F, Ferrara, F, Lancellotti, F, Lazzarin, F, Litta, F, Martini, F, Pizza, F, Roscio, F, Virdis, F, Blanco Antona, F, Cervantes Ramírez, F, M Fernandez, F, O Llinares, F, Quezada, F, Schlottmann, F, Herrera-Almario, G, Massaferro, G, Bislenghi, G, van Ramshorst, G, Gallo, G, Luglio, G, Bointas, G, Kampouroglou, G, Papadopoulos, G, Arredondo Manrique, G, Calini, G, Nastri, G, Formisano, G, Galiffa, G, M Palini, G, Colucci, G, Pagano, G, Vanni, G, Casoni Pattacini, G, De Paola, G, Lisi, G, Partida, G, Bellanova, G, De Nobili, G, Sammy Necchi, G, Sinibaldi, G, Tebala, G, Bagaglini, G, Izzo, G, Argenio, G, Brisinda, G, Candilio, G, Di Grezia, G, Esposito, G, Faillace, G, Frazzetta, G, La Gumina, G, Nigri, G, Romeo, G, Chocarro Amatriaín, G, Ortega, G, Martin-Martin, G, A Stavrou, G, Gunadi, G, Armand Ugon, G, Machain, G, Marcucci, G, Martínez-Mier, G, M Machain, G, Nari, G, Calvo, H, Fathy, H, Hamilton, H, Ahmed, H, Faraj, H, Nava, H, Ordas Macias, H, Nikaj, H, Solano, H, Ahmed Khan, H, Sánchez Alarcón, H, Ebied, H, Giani, I, Villalabeitia Ateca, I, Neri, I, A San Roman, I, Fidoshev, I, Martinez Rodriguez, I, Negoi, I, Ortega, I, Bernescu, I, Shari Russo, I, Vincente Rodríguez, I, Palomares, I, Baltazar, I, Jaén Torrejimeno, I, M Cornejo Jurado, I, Reccia, I, Hussain, I, Brito Toledo, I, Mora-Guzmán, I, Al-Najami, I, Dogaru, I, Romic, I, Balciscueta, I, C Kenington, J, Sagolsem, J, Y Jang, J, Olivier, J, Lammel-Lindemann, J, Dziakova, J, I Roldán Villavicencio, J, Salinas, J, Pejanovic Jose Gustavo Parreira, J, Rincón Pérez, J, S Reyes, J A, A Medina Luque, J, Mak, J, Salas Rodriguez, J, H Herrera Kok, J, Krook, J, A Diaz-Elizondo, J, Castell, J, Eduardo García-Flores, J, M Jover Navalón, J, M Silva Rodrigues, J, Pereira Pinto, J, T Castell Gómez, J, Bellido Luque, J, C Martín Del Olmo, J, C Salamea, J, F Coronel Olivier, J, L Blas Laina, J, M Ordoñez, J, Gutierrez, J, Abba, J, Ahmad Sofi, J, Sherafgan, K, Sahnan, K, Yanaga, K, Beatson, K, Asim, L, Alvarez, L, Siragusa, L, Farber, L, Ong, L, Athanasios, L, García-Bruña, L, De Martino, L, Ferrario, L, Giordano, L, Gordini, L, Pio, L, Ponchietti, L, Moletta, L, Curella, L, Poggi, L, Taglietti, L, Bonavina, L, Conti, L, Goffredi, L, A Garcia Ruiz, L, Barrionuevo, L, E Fregoso, L, F Cabrera, L, G Rodriguez, L, Grande, L, G Osoria, L, J Kantun Gonzalez, L, Sánchez-Guillén, L, Tallon-Aguilar, L, Tresierra, L, Giavarini, L, Hasabelnabi, M, Odovic, M, Uemura, M, Khan, M, Artiles-Armas, M, David, M, Di Martino, M, G Spampinato, M, F Ribeiro, M A, Viola, M, Angrisani, M, Calussi, M, Cannistrà, M, Catarci, M, Cereda, M, Conte, M, Giordano, M, Pellicciaro, M, Vito Marino, M, E Vaterlini, M, F Jiménez, M, G Lolli, M, I Bellini, M, Lemma, M, M Chiarello, M, Nicola, M, Arrigo, M, Caneda Mejia, M, Montes Manrique, M, Rodriguez-Lopez, M, Serradilla-Martín, M, Zambrano Lara, M, Martínez, M, Bagnall, M, Peter, M, Cañón Lara, M, Jimenez Gomez, M, Paniagua-Garcia-Señorans, M, Perez Gonzalez, M, Rutegård, M, Salö, M, Franceschilli, M, Silveri, M, Veroux, M, Pezzulo, M, Nardi, M, Rottoli, M, Tolonen, M, Pedraza Ciro, M, Zuluagua, M, Cannavò, M, Cervellera, M, Iacobone, M, Montuori, M, García Domínguez, M, Bingol-Kologlu, M, Tahir, M, Lim, M, J Wilson, M S, Wilson, M, Campanelli, M, Bisaccia, M, De Rosa, M, Maruccia, M, Paterno, M, Pisano, M, Torre, M, Treviño, M, Zuolo, M, A Hernandez Bartolome, M, Farina, M, Pera, M, Prieto Calvo, M, Sotelo, M, Myat Thway, M, Hassan, M, Salah Eldin Hassan, M, Azfar, M, Bouhuwaish, M, Taha, M, Zaieem, M, Korkoman, M, Guraieb, M, Shalaby, M, A Raza, M, U Younis, M, Elhadi, M, Zulfiqar Ali, M, Quazi, N, N Dudi-Venkata, N, Alselaim, N, Loria, N, Villan Ramírez, N, Win Than, N, Smart, N, Trelles, N, Pinto, N, Allievi, N, Petrucciani, N, Antonacci, N, Cillara, N, De'Angelis, N, Gica, N, C Nicolaescu, D, Krystek, N, Falco, N, Pecorelli, N, Tamini, N, A Dallas, N, Machairas, N, Brito, N, Ahmed Fieturi, N, Ortega, N, Avila Mercado, O, Irkorucu, O, Alsherif, O, Valles, O, Ioannidis, O, Hernández Palmas, O, I Hernandez Palmas, O, Sanz Guadarrama, O, Bozbiyik, O, Omelanczuk, P, Ottolino, P, Rodrigues, P, Ruiz, P, Campenni, P, Chiarade, P, Prieto Olivares, P, Baroffio, P, Panaccio, P, Wintringer, P, Di Fronzo, P, Talento, P, Favoriti, P, Sendino, P, Marsanic, P, Mifsut, P, Andrade, P, Ajawin, P, Abadía-Barnó, P, A Najar Castañeda, P, O Sillas Arevalos, P, Palazón Bellver, P, Soon Koh, P, Souza, P, Major, P, Singh Bali, R, Mohan Khattar, R, Lui, R, Bessa Melo, R, Ebrahiminia, R, Azar, R, López Murga, R, Pirolo, R, Brady, R, J Davies, R, Dholakia, R, Rattan, R, Singhal, R, Lim, R, Angelico, R, M Isernia, R, Tutino, R, Faccincani, R, Peltrini, R, Carrera-Ceron, R, Tejos, R, Kashyap, R, Fajardo, R, Lozito, R, Madariaga Pareja, R, Garbarino, S, Morales-Conde, S, Benli, S, Mansour, S, Flores, S, Limon Suarez, S, Santiago Lopez, B, Fuentes, S, Gortazar de Las Casas, S, Napetti, S, Ortiz de Guzmán, S, Awad, S, A Weckmann Luján, S, Gentilli, S, Grimaldi, S, Olivares Pizarro, S, Tayar, S, Nabi, S, M Chan, S, Junaid, S, Rojas, S, Monetti, S, García, S, Salvans, S, Tenconi, S, Shaw, S, Santoni, S, A Parra, S, Cárdenas, S, Pérez-Bertólez, S, Chiappetta, S, Dessureault, S, Delis, S, Amore Bonapasta, S, Rausei, S, Scaringi, S, Keswani, S, M Ali, S, Cetinkunar, S, D Fung, T L, Rawashdeh, T, N López, T, De Campos, T, Calderon Duque, T, Perra, T, Liakakos, T, Daskalakis, T, Barnes, T, Koëter, T, Zalla, T, E González, T, Elosua, T, Campagnaro, T, Brown, T, Luoto, T, Alpha Oumar, T, Giustizieri, U, Grossi, U, Bracale, U, Rivas, U, Sosa, V, Testa, V, Andriola, V, Tonini, V, Balassone, V, Celentano, V, Progno, V, Raju, V, Carroni, V, Cavallaro, V, Rao Katta, V, De Simone, V, Primo Romaguera, V, H García Orozco, V, Luraschi, V, Rachkov, V, Turrado-Rodriguez, V, Visag-Castillo, V, Dowling, V, Graham, V, Papagni, V, Vigorita, V, Cordeiro Fonseca, V, Jimenez Carneros, V, Bellato, V, Gonçalves, W, F Powers, W, Grigg, W, O Bechstein, W, B Lim, Y, Altinel, Y, Golubović, Z, Balciscueta, Z, Pellino G., Podda M., Pata F., Di Saverio S., Ielpo B, Rottoli M., and Tonini V.
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,business.industry ,COVID-19 ,Perioperative ,Appendicitis ,COVID-19 testing ,humans ,healthcare disparities ,mass screening ,perioperative care ,Perioperative Care ,Settore MED/18 - Chirurgia Generale ,Healthcare Disparitie ,COVID-19 Testing ,Pandemic ,Acute appendicitis ,medicine ,Humans ,Mass Screening ,Surgery ,Appendiciti ,Healthcare Disparities ,Intensive care medicine ,business ,Human - Abstract
Acute appendicitis remains a common reason for hospital admission. Reports have suggested a reduction in patients attending emergency departments during the acute phase of the SARSCoV- 2 pandemic. Moreover, a global surge in conservative management of acute appendicitis has recently been registered by the Appy Study of the Association of Italian Surgeons in Europe (ACIE)1. This is a treatment option that has been known for some years, although quite seldom used before the pandemic2–4. As most countries are experiencing new waves of the pandemic, the attitude of surgeons towards SARS-CoV-2 screening policies and personal protective equipment (PPE) used during the management of patients with acute appendicitis need to be established. According to a subanalysis of the ACIE Appy Study, half of surgeons globally were testing patients for SARS-CoV-2 only when symptomatic or there was suspicion of infection; approximately 12 per cent did not test patients at all (Fig. 1 and Table S1). There were regional differences. In Europe, respondents tested all patients (50.8 per cent) or those with suspected infection (43.9 per cent), with only 5.3 per cent not being tested at all. In the USA, the majority of participants only tested patients with a suspected infection (65.6 per cent). A similar picture of testing only those with a suspected infection was also reported from Latin America (57.2 per cent), Asia/Middle East (76.8 per cent), and Africa (41.7 per cent). Even more worrisome, 58.3 per cent of respondents from Africa and 27.6 per cent from Latin America were not testing patients at all before appendicectomy. Concerning the screening modality, most respondents used PCR alone or in combination with chest imaging. Serology was rarely used overall and never in Africa (Fig. 1 and Table S2 ). It is now accepted that chest imaging is not routinely required and that PCR is an accurate screening modality. Serology might, however, be useful to shed light on the disease course and previous exposure to the virus, but respondents from some countries still have restricted access to this test. In terms of PPE during appendicectomy, most African respondents did not use different PPE compared with the prepandemic period in patients who tested negative for COVID-19. More concerning is that 58.3 per cent did not use different PPE in untested patients. This differed from other regions where the rate of those not considering a change of PPE in untested patients did not exceed 22 per cent. One in 10 respondents from Latin America also reported that they were not using different PPE compared with the prepandemic phase in patients who tested positive for COVID-19. These data, and taking into account the high prevalence of acute appendicitis, leads to the conclusion that omission of routine patient screening may have contributed to local clusters among patients and threatened the safety of healthcare workers5. In this respect, it is likely that limited access to PPE explains the attitude of surgeons towards patients with unknown SARSCoV- 2 status or those infected, raising ethical concerns about the safety of surgical staff. It is of outmost importance that, even during challenging times and stress on economic stability, industrialized countries make efforts to sustain low-income countries and those with limited resources. This would ensure equal working conditions, safer treatment for patients with acute appendicitis, and better control of the pandemic
- Published
- 2021
5. Issues in security for real-time databases.
- Author
Quazi N. Ahmed and Susan V. Vrbsky
- Published
- 1998
- Full Text
- View/download PDF
6. Stability study of nanopigment dispersions
- Author
Baez, Edwin, Quazi, N., Ivanov, I., and Bhattacharya, Sati N.
- Published
- 2009
- Full Text
- View/download PDF
7. Global attitudes in the management of acute appendicitis during COVID-19 pandemic: ACIE Appy Study
- Author
Ielpo, B., Podda, M., Pellino, G., Pata, F., Caruso, R., Gravante, G., Di Saverio, S., Gallo, G., Lui, R., Orengia, A., Chowdary, A., Kulkarni, A., Kuvvetli, A., Navarro, A., Pisanu, A., Smith, A., Ibiricu, A. C., Nacion, A. J. D., Alsaleh, A., Alhazmi, A., Elmabri, A., Wani, A., Rencuzogullari, A., Lasarte, A. S., Rubio, A. V., Bavikatte, A., Kumar, A., Jamiri, A. -R., Padilla, A. M. A., Cacurri, A., de San Ildefonso, A., Porcu, A., Sartori, A., Rocca, A., Yanez, A. P., Becaria, A., Solis-Pena, A., Sretenovic, A., Urbistondo, A., Bandin, A., Najar, A., De Luca, A., Boddy, A., Charalabopoulos, A., Tzivanakis, A., Amendola, A., de Velasco, A. R. -G., Yildirim, A. C., Frontali, A., Toure, A. O., Garcia-Granero, A., Roldan, A. M., Larrainzar, A. S., Ratnayake, A. S., Gonzalez-Ganso, A. M., Minaya-Bravo, A. M., Das, A., Bondurri, A., Costanzi, A., Lucchi, A., Mazzari, A., Musig, A., Peloso, A., Piano, A., Police, A., Mihailescu, A., Pouy, A., Romano, A., Iossa, A., Leonetti, A. C., Guariniello, A., Isaac, A., Bovi, A. P. D., Chessa, A., Tromba, A., Martinez, A. A., Brillantino, A., Caira, A., Castaldi, A., Ferronetti, A., Giuliani, Antonio, Prestera, A., la Medina, A. R. -D., Tarasconi, A., Tornambe, A., Picciariello, A., Ioannidis, A., Leppaniemi, A., Khan, A., Rashid, A., Perez-Sanchez, A. L. E., Mittal, A., Mitul, A. R., Mehraj, A., Laharwal, A., Dorisme, A., Marinis, A., Iqbal, A., Moncada, A., Braccio, B., Alkhafaji, B., de Andres Asenjo, B., Martin-Perez, B., Perez, B. S., Creavin, B., Cali, B., Pascotto, B., Stubbs, B., Retes, B. Z., Jovanovic, B., Goh, B. K. P., Sensi, B., Biddau, C., Gazia, C., Vallicelli, C., Fagundes, C. A., Santacruz, C. C., Chirico, C., Diaz, C. J. G., Petrola, C., Rodriguez, C. S., Benitez, C. Y., Dammaro, C., Faro, C. L., Reinke, C., Paez, C. D., Oliva, C., Paranjape, C., Thomas, C., Chia, C. F., Kong, C. K., De Lucia, C., Chao, C. O., Arcudi, C., Guerci, C., Chia, C., Parise, C., Folliero, C., Varela, C., Ferguson, D. M., Camacho, D., Popowich, D., Lima, D. S., Rega, D., Delogu, D., Zigiotto, D., Vinci, D., D'Antonio, D., Parini, D., Merlini, D. A., Zimmerman, D. D. E., Moro-Valdezate, D., Pertile, D., Giusti, D. M., Keller, D. S., Tarik, D., Kalivaci, D., Mazingi, D., Maldonado-Pintado, D. G., Sasia, D., Linardoutsos, D., Osilli, D., Murrone, D., Russello, D., Rodas, E., Roa, E. A. A., Ricciardi, E., Rosso, E., Saladino, E., Flores-Villalba, E., Ajs, E. R., Smith-Singares, E., Baili, E., Kouroumpas, E., Bourmpouteli, E., Douka, E., Martin-Perez, E., Guaitoli, E., Samadov, E., Francone, E., Vaterlini, E., Morales, E., Pena, E., Zhao, E., Andres, E. D. P., Benzoni, E., Erdas, E., Pinotti, E., Colas-Ruiz, E., Aytac, E., Laterza, E., Agastra, E., Foianini, E., Moscoso, E., Laviano, E., Marra, E., Cardamone, E., Licardie, E., Mpaili, E., Pinna, E., Varo, E., Navarro, F. M., Marino, F., Medas, F., Romano, F., Maraska, F., Saliu, F., Madrid, F., Rosa, Fausto, Mastella, F., Gheza, F., Luvisetto, F., Alconchel, F., Vieira, F. M., Pareja, F., Agresta, F., Luna, F., Bonilla, F., Cordera, F., Burdio, F., Mendoza-Moreno, F., Flores, F. M., Aranda, F. P., Taylor, F., Ramos, F. L., Fernandes, F., Tropeano, F. P., Balestra, F., Bianco, F., Ceci, F., Colombo, F., Di Marzo, F., Ferrara, F., Lancellotti, F., Lazzarin, F., Litta, F., Martini, F., Pizza, F., Roscio, F., Virdis, F., Antona, F. B., Ramirez, F. C., Fernandez, F. M., Llinares, F. O., Quezada, F., Schlottmann, F., Herrera-Almario, G., Massaferro, G., Bislenghi, G., van Ramshorst, G., Luglio, G., Bointas, G., Kampouroglou, G., Papadopoulos, G., Manrique, G. A., Calini, G., Nastri, G., Formisano, G., Galiffa, G., Palini, G. M., Colucci, G., Pagano, G., Vanni, G., Pattacini, G. C., De Paola, G., Lisi, G., Partida, G., Bellanova, G., De Nobili, G., Necchi, G. S., Sinibaldi, G., Tebala, G., Bagaglini, G., Izzo, G., Argenio, G., Brisinda, Giuseppe, Candilio, G., Di Grezia, G., Esposito, G., Faillace, G., Frazzetta, G., La Gumina, G., Nigri, G., Romeo, G., Amatriain, G. C., Ortega, G., Martin-Martin, G., Stavrou, G. A., Gunadi, Ugon, G. A., Machain, G., Marcucci, G., Martinez-Mier, G., Machain, G. M., Nari, G., Calvo, H., Fathy, H., Hamilto, Ahmed, H., Faraj, H., Nava, H., Macias, H. O., Nikaj, H., Solano, H., Khan, H. A., Alarcon, H. S., Ebied, H., Giani, I., Ateca, I. V., Neri, I., Roman, I. A. S., Fidoshev, I., Rodriguez, I. M., Negoi, I., Ortega, I., Bernescu, I., Russo, I. S., Rodriguez, I. V., Palomares, I., Baltazar, I., Torrejimeno, I. J., Jurado, I. M. C., Reccia, I., Hussain, I., Toledo, I. B., Mora-Guzman, I., Dogaru, I., Romic, I., Balciscueta, I., Kenington, J. C., Sagolsem, J., Jang, J. Y., Olivier, J., Lammel-Lindemann, J., Dziakova, J., Villavicencio, J. I. R., Salinas, J., Parreira, J. P. J. G., Jovanovic, Perez, J. R., Reyes, J. A. S., Luque, J. A. M., Mak, J., Rodriguez, J. S., Kok, J. H. H., Krook, J., Diaz-Elizondo, J. A., Castell, J., Garcia-Flores, J. E., Navalon, J. M. J., Rodrigues, J. M. S., Pereira, J., Gomez, J. T. C., Luque, J. B., del Olmo, J. C. M., Salamea, J. C., Olivier, J. F. C., Laina, J. L. B., Ordonez, J. M., Gutierrez, J., Abba, J., Sofi, J. A., Sherafgan, K., Sahnan, K., Yanaga, K., Beatson, K., Asim, L., Alvarez, L., Siragusa, L., Farber, L., Ong, L., Athanasios, L., Garcia-Bruna, L., De Martino, L., Ferrario, L., Giordano, L., Gordini, L., Pio, L., Ponchietti, L., Moletta, L., Curella, L., Poggi, L., Taglietti, L., Bonavina, L., Conti, L., Goffredi, L., Ruiz, L. A. G., Barrionuevo, L., Fregoso, L. E., Cabrera, L. F., Rodriguez, L. G., Grande, L., Osoria, L. G., Gonzalez, L. J. K., Sanchez-Guillen, L., Tallon-Aguilar, L., Tresierra, L., Giavarini, L., Hasabelnabi, M., Odovic, M., Uemura, M., Khan, M., Artiles-Armas, M., David, M., Di Martino, M., Spampinato, M. G., Ribeiro, M. A. F., Viola, M., Angrisani, M., Calussi, M., Cannistra, M., Catarci, M., Cereda, M., Conte, M., Giordano, M., Pellicciaro, M., Marino, M. V., Vaterlini, M. E., Jimenez, M. F., Lolli, M. G., Bellini, M. I., Lemma, M., Chiarello, M. M., Nicola, M., Arrigo, M., Mejia, M. C., Manrique, M. M., Rodriguez-Lopez, M., Serradilla-Martin, M., Lara, M. Z., Martinez, M., Bagnall, M., Peter, M., Lara, M. C., Gomez, M. J., Paniagua-Garcia-Senorans, M., Gonzalez, M. P., Rutegard, M., Salo, M., Franceschilli, M., Silveri, M., Veroux, M., Pezzulo, M., Nardi, M., Rottoli, M., Tolonen, M., Ciro, M. P., Zuluagua, M., Cannavo, M., Cervellera, M., Iacobone, M., Montuori, M., Dominguez, M. G., Bingol-Kologlu, M., Tahir, M., Lim, M., Wilson, M. S., Wilson, M., Campanelli, M., Bisaccia, M., De Rosa, M., Maruccia, M., Paterno, M., Pisano, M., Torre, M., Trevino, M., Zuolo, M., Hernandez Bartolome, M. A., Farina, M., Pera, M., Calvo, M. P., Sotelo, M., Thway, M. M., Hassan, M., Hassan, M. S. E., Azfar, M., Bouhuwaish, M., Taha, M., Zaieem, M., Korkoman, M., Guraieb, M., Shalaby, M., Raza, M. A., Younis, M. U., Elhadi, M., Ali, M. Z., Quazi, N., Dudi-Venkata, N. N., Alselaim, N., Loria, N., Ramirez, N. V., Than, N. W., Smart, N., Trelles, N., Pinto, N., Allievi, N., Petrucciani, N., Antonacci, N., Cillara, N., Gica, N., Cristiana, N. D., Krystek, N., Falco, N., Pecorelli, N., Tamini, N., Dallas, N. A., Machairas, N., Brito, N., Fieturi, N. A., Ortega, N., Mercado, O. A., Irkorucu, O., Alsherif, O., Valles, O., Ioannidis, O., Palmas, O. H., Palmas, O. I. H., Guadarrama, O. S., Bozbiyik, O., Omelanczuk, P., Ottolino, P., Rodrigues, P., Ruiz, P., Campenni, P., Chiarade, P., Olivares, P. P., Baroffio, P., Panaccio, P., Wintringer, P., Di Fronzo, P., Talento, P., Favoriti, P., Sendino, P., Marsanic, P., Mifsut, P., Andrade, P., Ajawin, P., Abadia-Barno, P., Castaneda, P. A. N., Arevalos, P. O. S., Bellver, P. P., Koh, P. S., Souza, P., Major, P., Bali, R. S., Khattar, R. M., Melo, R. B., Ebrahiminia, R., Azar, R., Murga, R. L., Pirolo, R., Brady, R., Davies, R. J., Dholakia, R., Rattan, R., Singhal, R., Lim, R., Angelico, R., Isernia, R. M., Tutino, R., Faccincani, R., Peltrini, R., Carrera-Ceron, R., Tejos, R., Kashyap, R., Fajardo, R., Lozito, R., Pareja, R. M., Garbarino, S., Morales-Conde, S., Benli, S., Mansour, S., Flores, S., Suarez, S. L., Ben, S. L., Fuentes, S., Napetti, S., de Guzman, S. O., Awad, S., Weckmann Lujan, S. A., Gentilli, S., Grimaldi, S., Pizarro, S. O., Tayar, S., Nabi, S., Chan, S. M., Junaid, S., Rojas, S., Monetti, S., Garcia, S., Salvans, S., Tenconi, S., Shaw, S., Santoni, S., Parra, S. A., Cardenas, S., Perez-Bertolez, S., Chiappetta, S., Dessureault, S., Delis, S., Bonapasta, S. A., Rausei, S., Scaringi, S., Keswani, S., Ali, S. M., Cetinkunar, S., Fung, T. L. D., Rawashdeh, T., Lopez, T. N., De Campos, T., Duque, T. C., Perra, T., Liakakos, T., Daskalakis, T., Barnes, T., Koeter, T., Zalla, T., Gonzalez, T. E., Elosua, T., Campagnaro, T., Brown, T., Luoto, T., Oumar, T. A., Giustizieri, U., Grossi, U., Bracale, U., Rivas, U., Sosa, V., Testa, V., Andriola, V., Tonini, V., Balassone, V., Celentano, V., Progno, V., Raju, V., Carroni, V., Cavallaro, V., Katta, V. R., De Simone, V., Romaguera, V. P., Orozco, V. H. G., Luraschi, V., Rachkov, V., Turrado-L, V., Visag-Castillo, V., Dowling, V., Graham, V., Papagni, V., Vigorita, V., Fonseca, V. C., Carneros, V. J., Bellato, V., Goncalves, W., Powers, W. F., Grigg, W., Bechstein, W. O., Lim, Y. B., Altinel, Y., Golubovic, Z., Balciscueta, Z., Giuliani A. (ORCID:0000-0002-0773-2162), Rosa F. (ORCID:0000-0002-7280-8354), Ielpo, B., Podda, M., Pellino, G., Pata, F., Caruso, R., Gravante, G., Di Saverio, S., Gallo, G., Lui, R., Orengia, A., Chowdary, A., Kulkarni, A., Kuvvetli, A., Navarro, A., Pisanu, A., Smith, A., Ibiricu, A. C., Nacion, A. J. D., Alsaleh, A., Alhazmi, A., Elmabri, A., Wani, A., Rencuzogullari, A., Lasarte, A. S., Rubio, A. V., Bavikatte, A., Kumar, A., Jamiri, A. -R., Padilla, A. M. A., Cacurri, A., de San Ildefonso, A., Porcu, A., Sartori, A., Rocca, A., Yanez, A. P., Becaria, A., Solis-Pena, A., Sretenovic, A., Urbistondo, A., Bandin, A., Najar, A., De Luca, A., Boddy, A., Charalabopoulos, A., Tzivanakis, A., Amendola, A., de Velasco, A. R. -G., Yildirim, A. C., Frontali, A., Toure, A. O., Garcia-Granero, A., Roldan, A. M., Larrainzar, A. S., Ratnayake, A. S., Gonzalez-Ganso, A. M., Minaya-Bravo, A. M., Das, A., Bondurri, A., Costanzi, A., Lucchi, A., Mazzari, A., Musig, A., Peloso, A., Piano, A., Police, A., Mihailescu, A., Pouy, A., Romano, A., Iossa, A., Leonetti, A. C., Guariniello, A., Isaac, A., Bovi, A. P. D., Chessa, A., Tromba, A., Martinez, A. A., Brillantino, A., Caira, A., Castaldi, A., Ferronetti, A., Giuliani, Antonio, Prestera, A., la Medina, A. R. -D., Tarasconi, A., Tornambe, A., Picciariello, A., Ioannidis, A., Leppaniemi, A., Khan, A., Rashid, A., Perez-Sanchez, A. L. E., Mittal, A., Mitul, A. R., Mehraj, A., Laharwal, A., Dorisme, A., Marinis, A., Iqbal, A., Moncada, A., Braccio, B., Alkhafaji, B., de Andres Asenjo, B., Martin-Perez, B., Perez, B. S., Creavin, B., Cali, B., Pascotto, B., Stubbs, B., Retes, B. Z., Jovanovic, B., Goh, B. K. P., Sensi, B., Biddau, C., Gazia, C., Vallicelli, C., Fagundes, C. A., Santacruz, C. C., Chirico, C., Diaz, C. J. G., Petrola, C., Rodriguez, C. S., Benitez, C. Y., Dammaro, C., Faro, C. L., Reinke, C., Paez, C. D., Oliva, C., Paranjape, C., Thomas, C., Chia, C. F., Kong, C. K., De Lucia, C., Chao, C. O., Arcudi, C., Guerci, C., Chia, C., Parise, C., Folliero, C., Varela, C., Ferguson, D. M., Camacho, D., Popowich, D., Lima, D. S., Rega, D., Delogu, D., Zigiotto, D., Vinci, D., D'Antonio, D., Parini, D., Merlini, D. A., Zimmerman, D. D. E., Moro-Valdezate, D., Pertile, D., Giusti, D. M., Keller, D. S., Tarik, D., Kalivaci, D., Mazingi, D., Maldonado-Pintado, D. G., Sasia, D., Linardoutsos, D., Osilli, D., Murrone, D., Russello, D., Rodas, E., Roa, E. A. A., Ricciardi, E., Rosso, E., Saladino, E., Flores-Villalba, E., Ajs, E. R., Smith-Singares, E., Baili, E., Kouroumpas, E., Bourmpouteli, E., Douka, E., Martin-Perez, E., Guaitoli, E., Samadov, E., Francone, E., Vaterlini, E., Morales, E., Pena, E., Zhao, E., Andres, E. D. P., Benzoni, E., Erdas, E., Pinotti, E., Colas-Ruiz, E., Aytac, E., Laterza, E., Agastra, E., Foianini, E., Moscoso, E., Laviano, E., Marra, E., Cardamone, E., Licardie, E., Mpaili, E., Pinna, E., Varo, E., Navarro, F. M., Marino, F., Medas, F., Romano, F., Maraska, F., Saliu, F., Madrid, F., Rosa, Fausto, Mastella, F., Gheza, F., Luvisetto, F., Alconchel, F., Vieira, F. M., Pareja, F., Agresta, F., Luna, F., Bonilla, F., Cordera, F., Burdio, F., Mendoza-Moreno, F., Flores, F. M., Aranda, F. P., Taylor, F., Ramos, F. L., Fernandes, F., Tropeano, F. P., Balestra, F., Bianco, F., Ceci, F., Colombo, F., Di Marzo, F., Ferrara, F., Lancellotti, F., Lazzarin, F., Litta, F., Martini, F., Pizza, F., Roscio, F., Virdis, F., Antona, F. B., Ramirez, F. C., Fernandez, F. M., Llinares, F. O., Quezada, F., Schlottmann, F., Herrera-Almario, G., Massaferro, G., Bislenghi, G., van Ramshorst, G., Luglio, G., Bointas, G., Kampouroglou, G., Papadopoulos, G., Manrique, G. A., Calini, G., Nastri, G., Formisano, G., Galiffa, G., Palini, G. M., Colucci, G., Pagano, G., Vanni, G., Pattacini, G. C., De Paola, G., Lisi, G., Partida, G., Bellanova, G., De Nobili, G., Necchi, G. S., Sinibaldi, G., Tebala, G., Bagaglini, G., Izzo, G., Argenio, G., Brisinda, Giuseppe, Candilio, G., Di Grezia, G., Esposito, G., Faillace, G., Frazzetta, G., La Gumina, G., Nigri, G., Romeo, G., Amatriain, G. C., Ortega, G., Martin-Martin, G., Stavrou, G. A., Gunadi, Ugon, G. A., Machain, G., Marcucci, G., Martinez-Mier, G., Machain, G. M., Nari, G., Calvo, H., Fathy, H., Hamilto, Ahmed, H., Faraj, H., Nava, H., Macias, H. O., Nikaj, H., Solano, H., Khan, H. A., Alarcon, H. S., Ebied, H., Giani, I., Ateca, I. V., Neri, I., Roman, I. A. S., Fidoshev, I., Rodriguez, I. M., Negoi, I., Ortega, I., Bernescu, I., Russo, I. S., Rodriguez, I. V., Palomares, I., Baltazar, I., Torrejimeno, I. J., Jurado, I. M. C., Reccia, I., Hussain, I., Toledo, I. B., Mora-Guzman, I., Dogaru, I., Romic, I., Balciscueta, I., Kenington, J. C., Sagolsem, J., Jang, J. Y., Olivier, J., Lammel-Lindemann, J., Dziakova, J., Villavicencio, J. I. R., Salinas, J., Parreira, J. P. J. G., Jovanovic, Perez, J. R., Reyes, J. A. S., Luque, J. A. M., Mak, J., Rodriguez, J. S., Kok, J. H. H., Krook, J., Diaz-Elizondo, J. A., Castell, J., Garcia-Flores, J. E., Navalon, J. M. J., Rodrigues, J. M. S., Pereira, J., Gomez, J. T. C., Luque, J. B., del Olmo, J. C. M., Salamea, J. C., Olivier, J. F. C., Laina, J. L. B., Ordonez, J. M., Gutierrez, J., Abba, J., Sofi, J. A., Sherafgan, K., Sahnan, K., Yanaga, K., Beatson, K., Asim, L., Alvarez, L., Siragusa, L., Farber, L., Ong, L., Athanasios, L., Garcia-Bruna, L., De Martino, L., Ferrario, L., Giordano, L., Gordini, L., Pio, L., Ponchietti, L., Moletta, L., Curella, L., Poggi, L., Taglietti, L., Bonavina, L., Conti, L., Goffredi, L., Ruiz, L. A. G., Barrionuevo, L., Fregoso, L. E., Cabrera, L. F., Rodriguez, L. G., Grande, L., Osoria, L. G., Gonzalez, L. J. K., Sanchez-Guillen, L., Tallon-Aguilar, L., Tresierra, L., Giavarini, L., Hasabelnabi, M., Odovic, M., Uemura, M., Khan, M., Artiles-Armas, M., David, M., Di Martino, M., Spampinato, M. G., Ribeiro, M. A. F., Viola, M., Angrisani, M., Calussi, M., Cannistra, M., Catarci, M., Cereda, M., Conte, M., Giordano, M., Pellicciaro, M., Marino, M. V., Vaterlini, M. E., Jimenez, M. F., Lolli, M. G., Bellini, M. I., Lemma, M., Chiarello, M. M., Nicola, M., Arrigo, M., Mejia, M. C., Manrique, M. M., Rodriguez-Lopez, M., Serradilla-Martin, M., Lara, M. Z., Martinez, M., Bagnall, M., Peter, M., Lara, M. C., Gomez, M. J., Paniagua-Garcia-Senorans, M., Gonzalez, M. P., Rutegard, M., Salo, M., Franceschilli, M., Silveri, M., Veroux, M., Pezzulo, M., Nardi, M., Rottoli, M., Tolonen, M., Ciro, M. P., Zuluagua, M., Cannavo, M., Cervellera, M., Iacobone, M., Montuori, M., Dominguez, M. G., Bingol-Kologlu, M., Tahir, M., Lim, M., Wilson, M. S., Wilson, M., Campanelli, M., Bisaccia, M., De Rosa, M., Maruccia, M., Paterno, M., Pisano, M., Torre, M., Trevino, M., Zuolo, M., Hernandez Bartolome, M. A., Farina, M., Pera, M., Calvo, M. P., Sotelo, M., Thway, M. M., Hassan, M., Hassan, M. S. E., Azfar, M., Bouhuwaish, M., Taha, M., Zaieem, M., Korkoman, M., Guraieb, M., Shalaby, M., Raza, M. A., Younis, M. U., Elhadi, M., Ali, M. Z., Quazi, N., Dudi-Venkata, N. N., Alselaim, N., Loria, N., Ramirez, N. V., Than, N. W., Smart, N., Trelles, N., Pinto, N., Allievi, N., Petrucciani, N., Antonacci, N., Cillara, N., Gica, N., Cristiana, N. D., Krystek, N., Falco, N., Pecorelli, N., Tamini, N., Dallas, N. A., Machairas, N., Brito, N., Fieturi, N. A., Ortega, N., Mercado, O. A., Irkorucu, O., Alsherif, O., Valles, O., Ioannidis, O., Palmas, O. H., Palmas, O. I. H., Guadarrama, O. S., Bozbiyik, O., Omelanczuk, P., Ottolino, P., Rodrigues, P., Ruiz, P., Campenni, P., Chiarade, P., Olivares, P. P., Baroffio, P., Panaccio, P., Wintringer, P., Di Fronzo, P., Talento, P., Favoriti, P., Sendino, P., Marsanic, P., Mifsut, P., Andrade, P., Ajawin, P., Abadia-Barno, P., Castaneda, P. A. N., Arevalos, P. O. S., Bellver, P. P., Koh, P. S., Souza, P., Major, P., Bali, R. S., Khattar, R. M., Melo, R. B., Ebrahiminia, R., Azar, R., Murga, R. L., Pirolo, R., Brady, R., Davies, R. J., Dholakia, R., Rattan, R., Singhal, R., Lim, R., Angelico, R., Isernia, R. M., Tutino, R., Faccincani, R., Peltrini, R., Carrera-Ceron, R., Tejos, R., Kashyap, R., Fajardo, R., Lozito, R., Pareja, R. M., Garbarino, S., Morales-Conde, S., Benli, S., Mansour, S., Flores, S., Suarez, S. L., Ben, S. L., Fuentes, S., Napetti, S., de Guzman, S. O., Awad, S., Weckmann Lujan, S. A., Gentilli, S., Grimaldi, S., Pizarro, S. O., Tayar, S., Nabi, S., Chan, S. M., Junaid, S., Rojas, S., Monetti, S., Garcia, S., Salvans, S., Tenconi, S., Shaw, S., Santoni, S., Parra, S. A., Cardenas, S., Perez-Bertolez, S., Chiappetta, S., Dessureault, S., Delis, S., Bonapasta, S. A., Rausei, S., Scaringi, S., Keswani, S., Ali, S. M., Cetinkunar, S., Fung, T. L. D., Rawashdeh, T., Lopez, T. N., De Campos, T., Duque, T. C., Perra, T., Liakakos, T., Daskalakis, T., Barnes, T., Koeter, T., Zalla, T., Gonzalez, T. E., Elosua, T., Campagnaro, T., Brown, T., Luoto, T., Oumar, T. A., Giustizieri, U., Grossi, U., Bracale, U., Rivas, U., Sosa, V., Testa, V., Andriola, V., Tonini, V., Balassone, V., Celentano, V., Progno, V., Raju, V., Carroni, V., Cavallaro, V., Katta, V. R., De Simone, V., Romaguera, V. P., Orozco, V. H. G., Luraschi, V., Rachkov, V., Turrado-L, V., Visag-Castillo, V., Dowling, V., Graham, V., Papagni, V., Vigorita, V., Fonseca, V. C., Carneros, V. J., Bellato, V., Goncalves, W., Powers, W. F., Grigg, W., Bechstein, W. O., Lim, Y. B., Altinel, Y., Golubovic, Z., Balciscueta, Z., Giuliani A. (ORCID:0000-0002-0773-2162), and Rosa F. (ORCID:0000-0002-7280-8354)
- Abstract
Background: Surgical strategies are being adapted to face the COVID-19 pandemic. Recommendations on the management of acute appendicitis have been based on expert opinion, but very little evidence is available. This study addressed that dearth with a snapshot of worldwide approaches to appendicitis. Methods: The Association of Italian Surgeons in Europe designed an online survey to assess the current attitude of surgeons globally regarding the management of patients with acute appendicitis during the pandemic. Questions were divided into baseline information, hospital organization and screening, personal protective equipment, management and surgical approach, and patient presentation before versus during the pandemic. Results: Of 744 answers, 709 (from 66 countries) were complete and were included in the analysis. Most hospitals were treating both patients with and those without COVID. There was variation in screening indications and modality used, with chest X-ray plus molecular testing (PCR) being the commonest (19·8 per cent). Conservative management of complicated and uncomplicated appendicitis was used by 6·6 and 2·4 per cent respectively before, but 23·7 and 5·3 per cent, during the pandemic (both P < 0·001). One-third changed their approach from laparoscopic to open surgery owing to the popular (but evidence-lacking) advice from expert groups during the initial phase of the pandemic. No agreement on how to filter surgical smoke plume during laparoscopy was identified. There was an overall reduction in the number of patients admitted with appendicitis and one-third felt that patients who did present had more severe appendicitis than they usually observe. Conclusion: Conservative management of mild appendicitis has been possible during the pandemic. The fact that some surgeons switched to open appendicectomy may reflect the poor guidelines that emanated in the early phase of SARS-CoV-2.
- Published
- 2021
8. Triggered Updates for Temporal Consistency in Real-Time Databases
- Author
Ahmed, Quazi N. and Vrbsky, Susan V.
- Published
- 2000
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9. Maintaining security and timeliness in real-time database system
- Author
Ahmed, Quazi N. and Vrbsky, Susan V.
- Subjects
DBMS utility ,DBMS ,Real-time system ,Database management systems -- Research ,Real-time control -- Research ,Real-time systems - Published
- 2002
10. Public knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) regarding antibiotics use and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in Bangladesh
- Author
Md Ragaul Azim, K.M Nafiz Ifteakhar, Md Mahfujur Rahman, and Quazi Nazmus Sakib
- Subjects
Antibiotics ,Anti-microbial resistance ,Public ,KAP ,Bangladesh ,Science (General) ,Q1-390 ,Social sciences (General) ,H1-99 - Abstract
Background: Antibiotic resistance is a global public health concern that requires an understanding of public knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) towards antibiotics. This study aimed to assess the KAP regarding antibiotic use and AMR among the general population in Bangladesh. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted among 656 respondents in Bangladesh. Data on socio-demographic characteristics, knowledge, attitudes, and practices regarding antibiotics use and AMR were collected through a structured questionnaire. Descriptive statistics and ordered logit regression analysis were performed to analyze the data. Results: The study involved participants, with 52.44 % aged 18 to 30, 77.29 % males, and 92.53 % having primary education or higher. Urban residents were 80 %, and students formed the largest occupational group (29.57 %), followed by businessmen (25 %), service holders (24.7 %), housewives (10.52 %), and day laborers (8.84 %). The majority of respondents demonstrated average knowledge (52.29 %), moderate attitudes (67.84 %), and good practices (50.61 %) regarding antibiotic use and AMR. Socioeconomic factors such as education, media exposure, and urban residence significantly (1 % level of significance) influenced KAP. The findings revealed knowledge gaps and misconceptions among the respondents, including incorrect beliefs about antibiotic resistance (42%), and inadequate awareness of the importance of completing full antibiotic courses (54.88 %). Conclusion: This study sheds light on the existing KAP related to antibiotic use and AMR within the general population of Bangladesh. The findings reveal varying levels of knowledge, attitudes, and practices among the participants. The results underscore the importance of addressing knowledge gaps, and misconceptions for awareness building through educational campaigns utilizing social media platforms and newspapers. These insights provide a foundation for informed strategies to ensure the continued efficacy of antibiotics.
- Published
- 2023
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11. Maintaining security and timeliness in real-time database system
- Author
Susan V. Vrbsky and Quazi N. Ahmed
- Subjects
Computer science ,Non-lock concurrency control ,Distributed computing ,Distributed concurrency control ,Multiversion concurrency control ,Covert channel ,Real-time database ,Computer security model ,Mandatory access control ,Concurrency control ,Security service ,Hardware and Architecture ,Isolation (database systems) ,Multilevel security ,Optimistic concurrency control ,Software ,Information Systems ,Database model - Abstract
Real-time database systems can have security constraints in addition to timing constraints. Such real-time systems are typically contained in environments that exhibit hierarchical propagation of information, where mandatory access control for security is required. Conventional multilevel secure (MLS) database models that implement mandatory access control are inadequate for time-critical applications and conventional real-time database models do not address security constraints. The objective of this work is to incorporate security constraints in real-time database systems in such a way that not only is security achieved, but achieving security does not degrade real-time performance significantly in terms of deadlines missed. We present two concurrency control algorithms for secure real-time databases: the Secure two-phase locking high priority (2PLHP) algorithm is based on a two-phase locking protocol and the Secure optimistic concurrency control (OPT) algorithm uses the properties of an optimistic concurrency protocol. We implement the two algorithms and study their performance using a real-time database system simulation model. Our study covers both soft and firm real-time databases. Results show that both the algorithms perform fairly well in terms of security and timeliness compared to non-secure algorithms. We show that achieving increased security does not necessarily mean an increased sacrifice in real-time performance.
- Published
- 2002
12. Optimized controller design for islanded microgrid using non-dominated sorting whale optimization algorithm (NSWOA)
- Author
Quazi Nafees Ul Islam, Ashik Ahmed, and Saad Mohammad Abdullah
- Subjects
Multi-objective ,Dynamic load ,Static load ,Non-dominated sorting ,SPSS ,Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) ,TA1-2040 - Abstract
Swarm-based nature-inspired optimization techniques are developing rapidly due to their universal acceptance and capability in solving various real-life challenges efficiently. Hybridization of swarm intelligence based optimization algorithms with multi-objective based solution techniques is creating a wide door in the field of optimization. The main focus of this work is, developing a hybrid Non-dominated Sorting Whale Optimization Algorithm (NSWOA), where swarm-based Whale Optimization Algorithm (WOA) is hybridized with multi-objective based, non-dominated sorting technique. This is done to develop an algorithm with efficient optima searching ability and faster computational speed. The application of NSWOA in optimizing the controller parameters of an islanded microgrid consisting of both static and dynamic load has been also described. SPSS software has been used to compare the performance of proposed NSWOA with non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm-II (NSGA-II) and Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm (SPEA) technique in optimizing the controller parameters of islanded microgrid model with multi-objective problem. It is obtained that, NSWOA requires an average of 4 iterations to reach the best optimum solution, which is less than other existing algorithms. Moreover, the computational time required by NSWOA is 2.9201 s, which proves that, it converges at a much faster rate compared to existing NSGA-II and SPEA algorithms.
- Published
- 2021
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13. [Untitled]
- Author
Quazi N. Ahmed and Susan V. Vrbsky
- Subjects
Control and Optimization ,Computer Networks and Communications ,Computer science ,Object (computer science) ,computer.software_genre ,Computer Science Applications ,Temporal database ,Set (abstract data type) ,Consistency (database systems) ,Control and Systems Engineering ,Modeling and Simulation ,Probabilistic analysis of algorithms ,State (computer science) ,Data mining ,Electrical and Electronic Engineering ,Database transaction ,computer ,Transaction data - Abstract
A real-time database system has temporal consistency constraints in addition to timing constraints. The timing constraints require a transaction to be completed by a specified deadline, and the temporal consistency constraints require that temporal data read by a transaction be up-to-date. If a transaction reads out-of-date data, it will become temporally inconsistent. A real-time database system consists of different types of temporal data objects, including derived objects. The value of a derived object is computed from a set of other objects, known as the read-set of the derived object. The derived object may not always reflect the current state of its read-set; a derived object can become out-of-date even if its read-set is up-to-date. Any subsequent transaction reading the derived object will then become temporally inconsistent. In this case, in order to read up-to-date objects, a transaction will have to wait until some other transaction updates the out-of-date object. However, in doing so, the waiting transaction may miss its deadline, particularly if the update is not periodic but instead arrives randomly. We propose to update the outdated objects so that not only is the temporal consistency improved, but also the number of missed deadlines does not increase significantly, and as a result there is an overall improvement in the performance of the system. We propose, implement and study a novel approach, to be known as triggered updates, to improve temporal consistency in firm real-time database systems when updates are not periodic. We identify properties of triggered updates and explain how they work by giving both an intuitive and a probabilistic analysis. We present strategies for generating triggered updates, discuss their suitability in various contexts and perform a detailed simulation study to evaluate their performance. Results show that it is possible to improve temporal consistency without degrading the timeliness of real- time database systems to a great deal.
- Published
- 2000
14. Maintaining security in firm real-time database systems
- Author
Susan V. Vrbsky and Quazi N. Ahmed
- Subjects
Cloud computing security ,Security service ,Computer science ,Security through obscurity ,Security convergence ,Computer security model ,Security policy ,Computer security ,computer.software_genre ,Security information and event management ,Security testing ,computer - Abstract
Many real-time database systems, such as military institutions and government agencies, are contained in environments that exhibit restricted access of information, where mandatory access control for security is required. Hence, in addition to timing constraints, real-time database systems have security constraints. Conventional multi-level secure database models are inadequate for time-critical applications and conventional real-time database models do not support security constraints. The objective of this work is to incorporate security constraints in real-time database systems in such a way that not only is security achieved, but achieving security does not degrade real-time performance significantly in terms of deadlines missed. We propose a new optimistic concurrency control algorithm for secure firm real-time databases. Results show that the algorithm performs fairly well in terms of security and timeliness compared to a non-secure algorithm. We argue and show that achieving more security does not necessarily mean more sacrifice in real-time performance.
- Published
- 2002
15. Nature-inspired Hybrid Optimization Algorithms for Load Flow Analysis of Islanded Microgrids
- Author
Saad Mohammad Abdullah, Ashik Ahmed, and Quazi Nafees Ul Islam
- Subjects
Nature-inspired hybrid algorithm ,global optimization ,islanded microgrid ,load flow analysis ,Production of electric energy or power. Powerplants. Central stations ,TK1001-1841 ,Renewable energy sources ,TJ807-830 - Abstract
Load flow analysis is a significant tool for proper planning, operation, and dynamic analysis of a power system that provides the steady-state values of voltage magnitudes and angles at the fundamental frequency. However, due to the absence of a slack bus in an islanded microgrid, modified load flow algorithms should be adopted considering the system frequency as one of the solution variables. This paper proposes the application of nature-inspired hybrid optimization algorithms for solving the load flow problem of islanded microgrids. Several nature-inspired algorithms such as genetic algorithm (GA), differential evolution (DE), flower pollination algorithm (FPA), and grasshopper optimization algorithm (GOA) are separately merged with imperialistic competitive algorithm (ICA) to form four hybrid algorithms named as ICGA, ICDE, ICFPA, and ICGOA. Performances of these algorithms are tested on the 6-bus test system and the modified IEEE 37-bus test system. A comparison among the proposed algorithms is carried out in terms of statistical analysis conducted using SPSS statistics software. From the statistical analysis, it is identified that on an average, ICDE takes less number of iterations and consequently needs less execution time compared with other algorithms in solving the load flow problem of islanded microgrids.
- Published
- 2020
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16. Issues in security for real-time databases
- Author
Susan V. Vrbsky and Quazi N. Ahmed
- Subjects
Database ,Computer science ,Database theory ,Computer security model ,computer.software_genre ,computer - Published
- 1998
17. ChemInform Abstract: Chemistry of Some (1,2,5)Oxadiazolo(3,4-c)isoquinolines and N-Oxides.
- Author
DEADY, L. W., primary and QUAZI, N. H., additional
- Published
- 2010
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18. ChemInform Abstract: Annulation Reactions of 3-Aminoisoquinolin-1(2H)-one. Synthesis of Pyrimido(1,2-b)isoquinolines, Pyrido(2,3-c)isoquinolines and Pyrrolo(2, 3-c)isoquinolines.
- Author
DEADY, L. W., primary and QUAZI, N. H., additional
- Published
- 2010
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19. ChemInform Abstract: Acetylation of α-Cyano-o-tolunitrile: A Reinvestigation and Convenient Synthesis of Isoquinolines.
- Author
DEADY, L. W., primary and QUAZI, N. H., additional
- Published
- 2010
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20. Photo-stability of rhodamine-B/montmorillonite nanopigments in polypropylene matrix
- Author
RAHA, S, primary, IVANOV, I, additional, QUAZI, N, additional, and BHATTACHARYA, S, additional
- Published
- 2008
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21. On The Synthesis of Pyridinylthiobarbituric Acids
- Author
Deady, L. W., primary, Ganame, D., additional, Quazi, N. H., additional, and Zanatta, S. D., additional
- Published
- 2002
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22. Issues in security for real-time databases
- Author
Ahmed, Quazi N., primary and Vrbsky, Susan V., additional
- Published
- 1998
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23. ChemInform Abstract: Fused Isoquinoline Systems from Reactions of an Iminoisocoumarin with Nitrogen Nucleophiles.
- Author
DEADY, L. W., primary, LORIA, P. M., additional, and QUAZI, N. H., additional
- Published
- 1996
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24. Acetylation of α-Cyano-o-tolunitrile: A Reinvestigation and Convenient Synthesis of Isoquinolines
- Author
Deady, L. W., primary and Quazi, N. H., additional
- Published
- 1995
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25. ChemInform Abstract: Synthesis of Pyrazino(2,3‐c)isoquinolinecarboxylic Acids and Related Compounds.
- Author
DEADY, L. W., primary and QUAZI, N. H., additional
- Published
- 1993
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26. Fabrication and Characterization of Non-Equilibrium Plasma-Treated PVDF Nanofiber Membrane-Based Sensors
- Author
Quazi Nahida Sultana, Mujibur Khan, Rajib Mahamud, Mohammadsadegh Saadatzi, Papia Sultana, Tanvir Farouk, Rafael Quirino, and Sourav Banerjee
- Subjects
PVDF nanofiber ,electrospinning ,non-thermal ,plasma ,sensors ,piezoelectricity ,Chemical technology ,TP1-1185 - Abstract
The effect of a self-pulsing non-equilibrium plasma discharge on piezoelectric PVDF nanofiber membrane was investigated. The plasma discharge was generated in air with a DC power source, with a discharge current of 0.012 mA, a nominal interelectrode separation of 1 mm, and discharge voltage of ~970 V. In a continuous fabrication process, the electrospinning method was used to generate thin nanofiber membrane with a flow rate of 0.7–1 mL h−1 and 25–27 kV voltage to obtain the nanofiber with high sensitivity and a higher degree of alignment and uniformity over a larger area. Plasma treatment was applied on both single layer and multi-layer (three layers) nanomembranes. In addition, simultaneously, the nanofiber membranes were heat-treated at a glass transition temperature (80–120 °C) and then underwent plasma treatment. Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy showed that the area under the curve at 840 and 1272 cm−1 (β phase) increased due to the application of plasma and differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) indicated an increase in the degree of crystallinity. Finally, PVDF sensors were fabricated from the nanofibers and their piezoelectric properties were characterized. The results suggested that compared to the pristine samples the piezoelectric properties in the plasma and plasma-heat-treated sensors were enhanced by 70% and 85% respectively.
- Published
- 2021
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- Author
- Subjects
Bangladesh ,flood ,rainfall ,rainfall frequency analysis ,Sylhet ,Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) ,TA1-2040 ,Technology (General) ,T1-995 - Abstract
The amount of rainfall received over an area is an important factor in assessing availability of water to meet various demands for agriculture, industry, irrigation, generation of hydroelectricity and other human activities. The distribution of rainfall in time and space is, therefore, an important factor for the economic development of a country. Due to rapid urbanization in various parts of the north-eastern region of Bangladesh, there is a growing need to study the rainfall pattern, and also frequency of the heavy rainfall events. This study was checked monthly average rainfall from daily records of last 50 years for this region. In order to check the major events, time history of monthly rainfall data were transformed into frequency domain using the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). Estimated peak frequency (11.98 month) depicts that major rainfall events of a year are occurring earlier than the previous year. The variability of rainfall in time scale was also checked from filtered signals, which is very useful for long-term water resources planning, agricultural development and disaster management for Bangladesh.
- Published
- 2012
28. Investigation of Mechanical Properties and Morphology of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Reinforced Cellulose Acetate Fibers
- Author
Quazi Nahida Sultana, Md Mahmudul Hasan, Sakib Iqbal, Ishraq Shabib, Aniruddha Mitra, and Mujibur Khan
- Subjects
tensile properties ,multi-walled carbon nanotube ,cellulose acetate ,fibrils structure ,Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy ,Chemicals: Manufacture, use, etc. ,TP200-248 ,Textile bleaching, dyeing, printing, etc. ,TP890-933 ,Biology (General) ,QH301-705.5 ,Physics ,QC1-999 - Abstract
Cellulose acetate (CA) fibers were reinforced with multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) at 0.5%, 1.0%, 1.5% and 2.0%. Yield strength, ultimate tensile strength, fracture strain and toughness of the nanocomposite fiber increased up to 1.5 wt. % of the carbon nanotube (CNT) loading, however, further inclusion (2.0%) of MWCNTs in CA decreased the mechanical properties. Experimental properties were also compared with analytical predictions using a Shear lag model for strength and the rule of mixture for modulus. A solution spinning process, coupled with sonication, mixing, and extrusion, was used to process the CNT-reinforced composite fiber. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images of the cross sections of neat CA and CA-MWCNT fibers showed the formation of voids and irregular features. The enhanced interconnected fibrillation in the CNT-reinforced CA samples resulted in improved mechanical properties, which were observed by tensile testing. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) spectra showed the area under the curve for C–H bonding after the inclusion of CNT. There was no significant shift of wavenumber for the inclusion of MWCNT in the CA matrix, which indicates that the sonication process of the CNT-loaded solution did not degrade the CA bonding structure.
- Published
- 2017
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29. ChemInform Abstract: Acetylation of α-Cyano-o-tolunitrile: A Reinvestigation and Convenient Synthesis of Isoquinolines.
- Author
DEADY, L. W. and QUAZI, N. H.
- Published
- 1995
- Full Text
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30. ChemInform Abstract: Annulation Reactions of 3-Aminoisoquinolin-1(2H)-one. Synthesis of Pyrimido(1,2-b)isoquinolines, Pyrido(2,3-c)isoquinolines and Pyrrolo(2, 3-c)isoquinolines.
- Author
DEADY, L. W. and QUAZI, N. H.
- Published
- 1995
- Full Text
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31. ChemInform Abstract: Chemistry of Some (1,2,5)Oxadiazolo(3,4-c)isoquinolines and N-Oxides.
- Author
DEADY, L. W. and QUAZI, N. H.
- Published
- 1993
- Full Text
- View/download PDF
32. Global attitudes in the management of acute appendicitis during COVID-19 pandemic: ACIE Appy Study
- Author
Benedetto, Ielpo, Mauro, Podda, Gianluca, Pellino, Pata, Francesco, Gianpiero, Gravante, Salomone Di Saverio, Gallo, Gaetano, Rashid, Lui, Adam, Orengia, Aditya, Chowdary, Aditya, Kulkarni, Adnan, Kuvvetli, Adolfo, Navarro, Adolfo, Pisanu, Adrian, Smith, Adriana Cavero Ibiricu, Aeris Jane, D Nacion, Ahmad, Alsaleh, Ahmad, Alhazmi, Ahmad, Elmabri, Ajaz, Wani, Ahmet, Rencuzogullari, Aingeru Sarriugarte Lasarte, Ainhoa Valle Rubio, Akshay, Bavikatte, Akshay, Kumar, Al-Radjid, Jamiri, Alain Michel Alvarado Padilla, Alban, Cacurri, Alberto de San Ildefonso, Alberto, Porcu, Alberto, Sartori, Aldo, Rocca, Alejandro Paz Yáñez, Alejandro, Becaria, Alejandro, Solís-Peña, Aleksandar, Sretenović, Alex, Urbistondo, Alfonso, Bandin, Alfonso, Najar, Alessandro De Luca, Alex, Boddy, Alexandros, Charalabopoulos, Alexios, Tzivanakis, Alfonso, Amendola, Alfredo Ramirez-Gutierrez de Velasco, Ali Cihat Yildirim, Alice, Frontali, Alpha Oumar Toure, Alvaro, García-Granero, Amaia Martínez Roldan, Amaia Sanz Larrainzar, Amila Sanjiva Ratnayake, Ana María Gonzalez-Ganso, Ana, M Minaya-Bravo, Andre, Das, Andrea, Bondurri, Andrea, Costanzi, Andrea, Lucchi, Andrea, Mazzari, Andrea, Musig, Andrea, Peloso, Andrea, Piano, Andrea, Police, Andrei, Mihailescu, Andrés, Pouy, Angela, Romano, Iossa, Angelo, Anna Carmen Leonetti, Anna, Guariniello, Anna, Isaac, Anna Pia Delli Bovi, Antonella, Chessa, Antonella, Tromba, Antonio Álvarez Martínez, Antonio, Brillantino, Antonio, Caira, Antonio, Castaldi, Antonio, Ferronetti, Antonio, Giuliani, Antonio, Prestera, Antonio Ramos-De la Medina, Antonio, Tarasconi, Antonino, Tornambè, Arcangelo, Picciariello, Argyrios, Ioannidis, Ari, Leppäniemi, Arshad, Khan, Arshad, Rashid, Arteaga Luis Eduardo Pérez-Sánchez, Ashok, Mittal, Ashrarur Rahman Mitul, Asif, Mehraj, Asim, Laharwal, Asnel, Dorismé, Athanasios, Marinis, Atif, Iqbal, Augusto, Moncada, Bartolomeo, Braccio, Basim, Alkhafaji, Beatriz de Andrés Asenjo, Beatriz, Martin-Perez, Belinda Sánchez Pérez, Ben, Creavin, Benedetto, Calì, Beniamino, Pascotto, Benjamin, Stubbs, Benjamin Zavala Retes, Branislav, Jovanovic, Brian Kp Goh, Bruno, Sensi, Carlo, Biddau, Carlo, Gazia, Carlo, Vallicelli, Carlos Alberto Fagundes, Carlos Cerdán Santacruz, Carlos, Chirico, Carlos Javier Gómez, Carlos, Petrola, Carlos Sánchez Rodriguez, Carlos Yánez Benítez, Carmelisa, Dammaro, Carmelo Lo Faro, Caroline, Reinke, Casandra Dominguez Paez, Catalina, Oliva, Charudutt, Paranjape, Charlotte, Thomas, Chi Fung Chia, Chi Kwan Kong, Chiara De Lucia, Christian Ovalle Chao, Claudio, Arcudi, Claudio, Guerci, Clement, Chia, Cristiano, Parise, Cristina, Folliero, Cristopher, Varela, Dalya, M Ferguson, Daniel, Camacho, Daniel, Popowich, Daniel Souza Lima, Daniela, Rega, Daniele, Delogu, Daniele, Zigiotto, Danilo, Vinci, Dario, D'Antonio, Dario, Parini, David Alessio Merlini, David DE Zimmerman, David, Moro-Valdezate, Davide, Pertile, Deborah Maria Giusti, Deborah, S Keller, Delko, Tarik, Denis, Kalivaçi, Dennis, Mazingi, Diana Gabriela Maldonado-Pintado, Diego, Sasia, Dimitrios, Linardoutsos, Dixon, Osilli, Domenico, Murrone, Domenico, Russello, Edgar, Rodas, Edisson Alberto Acuña Roa, Edoardo, Ricciardi, Edoardo, Rosso, Edoardo, Saladino, Eduardo, Flores-Villalba, Eduardo Ruiz Ajs, Eduardo, Smith-Singares, Efstratia, Baili, Efstratios, Kouroumpas, Eirini, Bourmpouteli, Eleftheria, Douka, Elena, Martin-Perez, Eleonora, Guaitoli, Elgun, Samadov, Elisa, Francone, Elisa, Vaterlini, Emilio, Morales, Emilio, Peña, Enhao, Zhao, Eneko Del Pozo Andres, Enrico, Benzoni, Enrico, Erdas, Enrico, Pinotti, Enrique, Colás-Ruiz, Erman, Aytac, Ernesto, Laterza, Ervis, Agastra, Esteban, Foianini, Esteban, Moscoso, Estefania, Laviano, Ester, Marra, Eugenia, Cardamone, Eugenio, Licardie, Eustratia, Mpaili, Eva, Pinna, Evaristo, Varo, Fabian Martín Navarro, Fabio, Marino, Fabio, Medas, Fabio, Romano, Fatlum, Maraska, Fatmir, Saliu, Fausto, Madrid, Fausto, Rosa, Federica, Mastella, Federico, Gheza, Federico, Luvisetto, Felipe, Alconchel, Felipe Monge Vieira, Felipe, Pareja, Ferdinando, Agresta, Fernanda, Luna, Fernando, Bonilla, Fernando, Cordera, Fernando, Burdió, Fernando, Mendoza-Moreno, Fernando Muñoz Flores, Fernando Pardo Aranda, Fiona, Taylor, Flavia, L Ramos, Flavio, Fernandes, Francesca Paola Tropeano, Francesco, Balestra, Francesco, Bianco, Francesco, Ceci, Francesco, Colombo, Francesco Di Marzo, Francesco, Ferrara, Francesco, Lancellotti, Francesco, Lazzarin, Francesco, Litta, Francesco, Martini, Francesco, Pizza, Francesco, Roscio, Francesco, Virdis, Francisco Blanco Antona, Francisco Cervantes Ramírez, Francisco Miguel Fernandez, Francisco Oliver Llinares, Francisco, Quezada, Francisco, Schlottmann, Gabriel, Herrera-Almario, Gabriel, Massaferro, Gabriele, Bislenghi, Gabrielle van Ramshorst, Gaetano, Gallo, Gaetano, Luglio, Georgios, Bointas, Georgios, Kampouroglou, Georgios, Papadopoulos, Gerardo Arredondo Manrique, Giacomo, Calini, Giacomo, Nastri, Giampaolo, Formisano, Giampaolo, Galiffa, Gian Marco Palini, Gianluca, Colucci, Gianluca, Pagano, Gianluca, Vanni, Gianmaria Casoni Pattacini, Gilda De Paola, Giorgio, Lisi, Giovanna, Partida, Giovanni, Bellanova, Giovanni De Nobili, Giovanni Sammy Necchi, Giovanni, Sinibaldi, Giovanni, Tebala, Giulia, Bagaglini, Giuliano, Izzo, Giulio, Argenio, Giuseppe, Brisinda, Giuseppe, Candilio, Giuseppe Di Grezia, Giuseppe, Esposito, Giuseppe, Faillace, Giuseppe, Frazzetta, Giuseppe La Gumina, Giuseppe, Nigri, Giuseppe, Romeo, Gloria Chocarro Amatriaín, Gloria, Ortega, Gonzalo, Martin-Martin, Gregor, A Stavrou, Gunadi, Gustavo Armand Ugon, Gustavo, Machain, Gustavo, Marcucci, Gustavo, Martínez-Mier, Gustavo Miguel Machain, Gustavo, Nari, Haydée, Calvo, Hamada, Fathy, Hamilto, Hazem, Ahmed, Hazem, Faraj, Hector, Nava, Hector Ordas Macias, Herald, Nikaj, Heriberto, Solano, Huma Ahmed Khan, Humberto Sánchez Alarcón, Husam, Ebied, Iacopo, Giani, Ibabe Villalabeitia Ateca, Ignacio, Neri, Igor Alberdi San Roman, Iliya, Fidoshev, Iñaki Martinez Rodriguez, Ionut, Negoi, Irene, Ortega, Irina, Bernescu, Iris Shari Russo, Irune Vincente Rodríguez, Irving, Palomares, Isaac, Baltazar, Isabel Jaén Torrejimeno, Isabel María Cornejo Jurado, Isabella, Reccia, Ishtiyaq, Hussain, Ismael Brito Toledo, Ismael, Mora-Guzmán, Iulia, Dogaru, Ivan, Romic, Izaskun, Balciscueta, J Cleo Kenington, Jackison, Sagolsem, Jae, Y Jang, James, Olivier, Jan, Lammel-Lindemann, Jana, Dziakova, Javier Ismael Roldán Villavicencio, Javier, Salinas, Jelena, Pejanovic, Jose Gustavo Parreira, Jovanovic, Jeny Rincón Pérez, Jeryl, Asreyes, Jesus Antonio Medina Luque, Joanna, Mak, Joanne Salas Rodriguez, Johnn Henry Herrera Kok, Jon, Krook, Jose Antonio Diaz-Elizondo, Jose, Castell, José Eduardo García-Flores, José María Jover Navalón, Jose Mauro Silva Rodrigues, José, Pereira, José Tomas Castell Gómez, Juan Bellido Luque, Juan Carlos Martín Del Olmo, Juan Carlos Salamea, Juan Francisco Coronel Olivier, Juan Luis Blas Laina, Juliana Maria Ordoñez, Julieta, Gutierrez, Julio, Abba, Junaid Ahmad Sofi, Kashaf, Sherafgan, Kapil, Sahnan, Katsuhiko, Yanaga, Kevin, Beatson, Laharwal, Asim, Laura, Alvarez, Leandro, Siragusa, Lee, Farber, Lester, Ong, Liarakos, Athanasios, Lorena, García-Bruña, Luca De Martino, Luca, Ferrario, Luca, Giordano, Luca, Gordini, Luca, Pio, Luca, Ponchietti, Lucia, Moletta, Luciano, Curella, Luciano, Poggi, Lucio, Taglietti, Luigi, Bonavina, Luigi, Conti, Luigi, Goffredi, Luis Angel Garcia Ruiz, Luis, Barrionuevo, Luis Enrique Fregoso, Luis, F Cabrera, Luis, G Rodriguez, Luis, Grande, Luis Gregorio Osoria, Luis Javier Kantun Gonzalez, Luis, Sánchez-Guillén, Luis, Tallon-Aguilar, Luis, Tresierra, Luisa, Giavarini, Mahmoud, Hasabelnabi, Maja, Odovic, Mamoru, Uemura, Mansoor, Khan, Manuel, Artiles-Armas, Mara, David, Marcello Di Martino, Marcello Giuseppe Spampinato, Marcelo A, F Ribeiro, Marcelo, Viola, Marco, Angrisani, Marco, Calussi, Marco, Cannistrà, Marco, Catarci, Marco, Cereda, Marco, Conte, Marco, Giordano, Marco, Pellicciaro, Marco Vito Marino, Maria, E Vaterlini, María, F Jiménez, María Giulia Lolli, Bellini, MARIA IRENE, Maria, Lemma, Maria Michela Chiarello, Maria, Nicola, Mario, Arrigo, Mario Caneda Mejia, Mario Montes Manrique, Mario, Rodriguez-Lopez, Mario, Serradilla-Martín, Mario Zambrano Lara, Marisa, Martínez, Mark, Bagnall, Mark, Peter, Marta Cañón Lara, Marta Jimenez Gomez, Marta, Paniagua-Garcia-Señorans, Marta Perez Gonzalez, Martin, Rutegård, Martin, Salö, Marzia, Franceschilli, Massimiliano, Silveri, Massimiliano, Veroux, Massimo, Pezzulo, Matteo, Nardi, Matteo, Rottoli, Matti, Tolonen, Mauricio Pedraza Ciro, Mauricio, Zuluagua, Maurizio, Cannavò, Maurizio, Cervellera, Maurizio, Iacobone, Mauro, Montuori, Melody García Domínguez, Meltem, Bingol-Kologlu, Mian, Tahir, Michael, Lim, Michael Sj Wilson, Michael, Wilson, Michela, Campanelli, Michele, Bisaccia, Michele De Rosa, Michele, Maruccia, Michele, Paterno, Michele, Pisano, Michele, Torre, Michele, Treviño, Michele, Zuolo, Miguel, A Hernandez Bartolome, Miguel, Farina, Miguel, Pera, Miguel Prieto Calvo, Milagros, Sotelo, Min Myat Thway, Mohamed, Hassan, Mohamed Salah Eldin Hassan, Mohammad, Azfar, Mohammad, Bouhuwaish, Mohammad, Taha, Mohammad, Zaieem, Mohammed, Korkoman, Montserrat, Guraieb, Mostafa, Shalaby, Muhammad Asif Raza, Muhammad Umar Younis, Muhammed, Elhadi, Mujahid Zulfiqar Ali, Nadeem, Quazi, Nagendra, N Dudi-Venkata, Nahar, Alselaim, Natasha, Loria, Nathalie Villan Ramírez, Nay Win Than, Neil, Smart, Nelson, Trelles, Nicanor, Pinto, Niccolò, Allievi, Niccolo, Petrucciani, Nicola, Antonacci, Nicola, Cillara, Nicolae, Gica, Nicolaescu Diana Cristiana, Nicolás, Nicolás, Nicolò, Falco, Nicolò, Pecorelli, Nicolò, Tamini, Nikolaos Andreas Dallas, Nikolaos, Machairas, Noelia, Brito, Nura Ahmed Fieturi, Nuria, Ortega, Octavio, Avilamercado, Oktay, Irkorucu, Omar, Alsherif, Orestes, Valles, Orestis, Ioannidis, Oscar Hernández Palmas, Oscar Isaac Hernandez Palmas, Oscar Sanz Guadarrama, Osman, Bozbiyik, Pablo, Omelanczuk, Pablo, Ottolino, Pablo, Rodrigues, Pablo, Ruiz, Paola, Campenni, Paola, Chiarade, Paola Prieto Olivares, Paolo, Baroffio, Pascal, Wintringer, Pasquale Di Fronzo, Pasquale, Talento, Pasqualino, Favoriti, Patricia, Sendino, Patrizia, Marsanic, Patricia, Mifsut, Paúl, Andrade, Pawel, Ajawin, Valentina, Ferri, Giuseppe Massimiliano de Luca, Sara, Ingallinella, Eva, Pueyo, Francesco, Palmieri, Jesus, Silva, Ken Min Chin, Nicholas, Syn, Brian K, P Goh, Ye Xin Koh, Valeria, Tonini, Ana, Gonzales-Ganso, Vicente, Simó, Maria Victoria Diago, Pedro, Abadía-Barnó, Pedro Alfonso Najar Castañeda, Pedro Omar Sillas Arevalos, Pedro Palazón Bellver, Peng Soon Koh, Petry, Souza, Piotr, Major, Rajandeep Singh Bali, Rakesh Mohan Khattar, Renato Bessa Melo, Reza, Ebrahiminia, Ricardo, Azar, Ricardo López Murga, Riccardo, Caruso, Riccardo, Pirolo, Richard, Brady, Richard Justin Davies, Rishi, Dholakia, Rishi, Rattan, Rishi, Singhal, Robert, Lim, Roberta, Angelico, Roberta Maria Isernia, Roberta, Tutino, Roberto, Faccincani, Roberto, Peltrini, Rocío, Carrera-Ceron, Rodrigo, Tejos, Rohit, Kashyap, Roosevelt, Fajardo, Rosa, Lozito, Royer Madariaga Pareja, Sabrina, Garbarino, Salvador, Morales-Conde, Sami, Benli, Sami, Mansour, Samir, Flores, Samuel Limon Suarez, Santiago Lopez Ben, Sara, Fuentes, Sara, Napetti, Sara Ortiz de Guzmán, Selmy, Awad, Sergio, A Weckmann Luján, Sergio, Gentilli, Sergio, Grimaldi, Sergio Olivares Pizarro, Serkan, Tayar, Shakeeb, Nabi, Shannon, M Chan, Sheikh, Junaid, Sidney, Rojas, Silvana, Monetti, Silvia, García, Silvia, Salvans, Silvia, Tenconi, Simon, Shaw, Simone, Santoni, Sofia Andrea Parra, Sofía, Cárdenas, Sonia, Pérez-Bertólez, Sonja, Chiappetta, Sophie, Dessureault, Spiros, Delis, Stefano Amore Bonapasta, Stefano, Rausei, Stefano, Scaringi, Sundeep, Keswani, Syed Muhammad Ali, Süleyman, Cetinkunar, Tak Lit Derek Fung, Tariq, Rawashdeh, Tatiana Nicolás López, Tercio De Campos, Teresa Calderon Duque, Teresa, Perra, Theodore, Liakakos, Theodoros, Daskalakis, Theodoros, Liakakos, Thomas, Barnes, Tijmen, Koëter, Tiku, Zalla, Tomás, E González, Tomás, Elosua, Tommaso, Campagnaro, Tommy, Brown, Topi, Luoto, Touré Alpha Oumar, Ugo, Giustizieri, Ugo, Grossi, Umberto, Bracale, Uriel, Rivas, Valentina, Sosa, Valentina, Testa, Valeria, Andriola, Valerio, Balassone, Valerio, Celentano, Valerio, Progno, Varun, Raju, Vanessa, Carroni, Venera, Cavallaro, Venkateswara Rao Katta, Veronica De Simone, Vicent Primo Romaguera, Victor Hugo García Orozco, Victor, Luraschi, Victor, Rachkov, Victor, Turrado-L, Victor, Visag-Castillo, Victoria, Dowling, Victoria, Graham, Vincenzo, Papagni, Vincenzo, Vigorita, Vinicius Cordeiro Fonseca, Virginia Jimenez Carneros, Vittoria, Bellato, Walyson, Gonçalves, William, F Powers, William, Grigg, Wolf, O Bechstein, Yu Bing Lim, Yuksel, Altinel, Zoran, Golubović, Zutoia, Balciscueta, Ielpo B., Podda M., Pellino G., Pata F., Caruso R., Gravante G., Di Saverio S., Gallo G., Lui R., Orengia A., Chowdary A., Kulkarni A., Kuvvetli A., Navarro A., Pisanu A., Smith A., Ibiricu A.C., Nacion A.J.D., Alsaleh A., Alhazmi A., Elmabri A., Wani A., Rencuzogullari A., Lasarte A.S., Rubio A.V., Bavikatte A., Kumar A., Jamiri A.-R., Padilla A.M.A., Cacurri A., de San Ildefonso A., Porcu A., Sartori A., Rocca A., Yanez A.P., Becaria A., Solis-Pena A., Sretenovic A., Urbistondo A., Bandin A., Najar A., De Luca A., Boddy A., Charalabopoulos A., Tzivanakis A., Amendola A., de Velasco A.R.-G., Yildirim A.C., Frontali A., Toure A.O., Garcia-Granero A., Roldan A.M., Larrainzar A.S., Ratnayake A.S., Gonzalez-Ganso A.M., Minaya-Bravo A.M., Das A., Bondurri A., Costanzi A., Lucchi A., Mazzari A., Musig A., Peloso A., Piano A., Police A., Mihailescu A., Pouy A., Romano A., Iossa A., Leonetti A.C., Guariniello A., Isaac A., Bovi A.P.D., Chessa A., Tromba A., Martinez A.A., Brillantino A., Caira A., Castaldi A., Ferronetti A., Giuliani A., Prestera A., la Medina A.R.-D., Tarasconi A., Tornambe A., Picciariello A., Ioannidis A., Leppaniemi A., Khan A., Rashid A., Perez-Sanchez A.L.E., Mittal A., Mitul A.R., Mehraj A., Laharwal A., Dorisme A., Marinis A., Iqbal A., Moncada A., Braccio B., Alkhafaji B., de Andres Asenjo B., Martin-Perez B., Perez B.S., Creavin B., Cali B., Pascotto B., Stubbs B., Retes B.Z., Jovanovic B., Goh B.K.P., Sensi B., Biddau C., Gazia C., Vallicelli C., Fagundes C.A., Santacruz C.C., Chirico C., Diaz C.J.G., Petrola C., Rodriguez C.S., Benitez C.Y., Dammaro C., Faro C.L., Reinke C., Paez C.D., Oliva C., Paranjape C., Thomas C., Chia C.F., Kong C.K., De Lucia C., Chao C.O., Arcudi C., Guerci C., Chia C., Parise C., Folliero C., Varela C., Ferguson D.M., Camacho D., Popowich D., Lima D.S., Rega D., Delogu D., Zigiotto D., Vinci D., D'Antonio D., Parini D., Merlini D.A., Zimmerman D.D.E., Moro-Valdezate D., Pertile D., Giusti D.M., Keller D.S., Tarik D., Kalivaci D., Mazingi D., Maldonado-Pintado D.G., Sasia D., Linardoutsos D., Osilli D., Murrone D., Russello D., Rodas E., Roa E.A.A., Ricciardi E., Rosso E., Saladino E., Flores-Villalba E., Ajs E.R., Smith-Singares E., Baili E., Kouroumpas E., Bourmpouteli E., Douka E., Martin-Perez E., Guaitoli E., Samadov E., Francone E., Vaterlini E., Morales E., Pena E., Zhao E., Andres E.D.P., Benzoni E., Erdas E., Pinotti E., Colas-Ruiz E., Aytac E., Laterza E., Agastra E., Foianini E., Moscoso E., Laviano E., Marra E., Cardamone E., Licardie E., Mpaili E., Pinna E., Varo E., Navarro F.M., Marino F., Medas F., Romano F., Maraska F., Saliu F., Madrid F., Rosa F., Mastella F., Gheza F., Luvisetto F., Alconchel F., Vieira F.M., Pareja F., Agresta F., Luna F., Bonilla F., Cordera F., Burdio F., Mendoza-Moreno F., Flores F.M., Aranda F.P., Taylor F., Ramos F.L., Fernandes F., Tropeano F.P., Balestra F., Bianco F., Ceci F., Colombo F., Di Marzo F., Ferrara F., Lancellotti F., Lazzarin F., Litta F., Martini F., Pizza F., Roscio F., Virdis F., Antona F.B., Ramirez F.C., Fernandez F.M., Llinares F.O., Quezada F., Schlottmann F., Herrera-Almario G., Massaferro G., Bislenghi G., van Ramshorst G., Luglio G., Bointas G., Kampouroglou G., Papadopoulos G., Manrique G.A., Calini G., Nastri G., Formisano G., Galiffa G., Palini G.M., Colucci G., Pagano G., Vanni G., Pattacini G.C., De Paola G., Lisi G., Partida G., Bellanova G., De Nobili G., Necchi G.S., Sinibaldi G., Tebala G., Bagaglini G., Izzo G., Argenio G., Brisinda G., Candilio G., Di Grezia G., Esposito G., Faillace G., Frazzetta G., La Gumina G., Nigri G., Romeo G., Amatriain G.C., Ortega G., Martin-Martin G., Stavrou G.A., Gunadi, Ugon G.A., Machain G., Marcucci G., Martinez-Mier G., Machain G.M., Nari G., Calvo H., Fathy H., Hamilto, Ahmed H., Faraj H., Nava H., Macias H.O., Nikaj H., Solano H., Khan H.A., Alarcon H.S., Ebied H., Giani I., Ateca I.V., Neri I., Roman I.A.S., Fidoshev I., Rodriguez I.M., Negoi I., Ortega I., Bernescu I., Russo I.S., Rodriguez I.V., Palomares I., Baltazar I., Torrejimeno I.J., Jurado I.M.C., Reccia I., Hussain I., Toledo I.B., Mora-Guzman I., Dogaru I., Romic I., Balciscueta I., Kenington J.C., Sagolsem J., Jang J.Y., Olivier J., Lammel-Lindemann J., Dziakova J., Villavicencio J.I.R., Salinas J., Parreira J.P.J.G., Jovanovic, Perez J.R., Reyes J.A.S., Luque J.A.M., Mak J., Rodriguez J.S., Kok J.H.H., Krook J., Diaz-Elizondo J.A., Castell J., Garcia-Flores J.E., Navalon J.M.J., Rodrigues J.M.S., Pereira J., Gomez J.T.C., Luque J.B., del Olmo J.C.M., Salamea J.C., Olivier J.F.C., Laina J.L.B., Ordonez J.M., Gutierrez J., Abba J., Sofi J.A., Sherafgan K., Sahnan K., Yanaga K., Beatson K., Asim L., Alvarez L., Siragusa L., Farber L., Ong L., Athanasios L., Garcia-Bruna L., De Martino L., Ferrario L., Giordano L., Gordini L., Pio L., Ponchietti L., Moletta L., Curella L., Poggi L., Taglietti L., Bonavina L., Conti L., Goffredi L., Ruiz L.A.G., Barrionuevo L., Fregoso L.E., Cabrera L.F., Rodriguez L.G., Grande L., Osoria L.G., Gonzalez L.J.K., Sanchez-Guillen L., Tallon-Aguilar L., Tresierra L., Giavarini L., Hasabelnabi M., Odovic M., Uemura M., Khan M., Artiles-Armas M., David M., Di Martino M., Spampinato M.G., Ribeiro M.A.F., Viola M., Angrisani M., Calussi M., Cannistra M., Catarci M., Cereda M., Conte M., Giordano M., Pellicciaro M., Marino M.V., Vaterlini M.E., Jimenez M.F., Lolli M.G., Bellini M.I., Lemma M., Chiarello M.M., Nicola M., Arrigo M., Mejia M.C., Manrique M.M., Rodriguez-Lopez M., Serradilla-Martin M., Lara M.Z., Martinez M., Bagnall M., Peter M., Lara M.C., Gomez M.J., Paniagua-Garcia-Senorans M., Gonzalez M.P., Rutegard M., Salo M., Franceschilli M., Silveri M., Veroux M., Pezzulo M., Nardi M., Rottoli M., Tolonen M., Ciro M.P., Zuluagua M., Cannavo M., Cervellera M., Iacobone M., Montuori M., Dominguez M.G., Bingol-Kologlu M., Tahir M., Lim M., Wilson M.S., Wilson M., Campanelli M., Bisaccia M., De Rosa M., Maruccia M., Paterno M., Pisano M., Torre M., Trevino M., Zuolo M., Hernandez Bartolome M.A., Farina M., Pera M., Calvo M.P., Sotelo M., Thway M.M., Hassan M., Hassan M.S.E., Azfar M., Bouhuwaish M., Taha M., Zaieem M., Korkoman M., Guraieb M., Shalaby M., Raza M.A., Younis M.U., Elhadi M., Ali M.Z., Quazi N., Dudi-Venkata N.N., Alselaim N., Loria N., Ramirez N.V., Than N.W., Smart N., Trelles N., Pinto N., Allievi N., Petrucciani N., Antonacci N., Cillara N., Gica N., Cristiana N.D., Krystek N., Falco N., Pecorelli N., Tamini N., Dallas N.A., Machairas N., Brito N., Fieturi N.A., Ortega N., Mercado O.A., Irkorucu O., Alsherif O., Valles O., Ioannidis O., Palmas O.H., Palmas O.I.H., Guadarrama O.S., Bozbiyik O., Omelanczuk P., Ottolino P., Rodrigues P., Ruiz P., Campenni P., Chiarade P., Olivares P.P., Baroffio P., Panaccio P., Wintringer P., Di Fronzo P., Talento P., Favoriti P., Sendino P., Marsanic P., Mifsut P., Andrade P., Ajawin P., Abadia-Barno P., Castaneda P.A.N., Arevalos P.O.S., Bellver P.P., Koh P.S., Souza P., Major P., Bali R.S., Khattar R.M., Melo R.B., Ebrahiminia R., Azar R., Murga R.L., Pirolo R., Brady R., Davies R.J., Dholakia R., Rattan R., Singhal R., Lim R., Angelico R., Isernia R.M., Tutino R., Faccincani R., Peltrini R., Carrera-Ceron R., Tejos R., Kashyap R., Fajardo R., Lozito R., Pareja R.M., Garbarino S., Morales-Conde S., Benli S., Mansour S., Flores S., Suarez S.L., Ben S.L., Fuentes S., Napetti S., de Guzman S.O., Awad S., Weckmann Lujan S.A., Gentilli S., Grimaldi S., Pizarro S.O., Tayar S., Nabi S., Chan S.M., Junaid S., Rojas S., Monetti S., Garcia S., Salvans S., Tenconi S., Shaw S., Santoni S., Parra S.A., Cardenas S., Perez-Bertolez S., Chiappetta S., Dessureault S., Delis S., Bonapasta S.A., Rausei S., Scaringi S., Keswani S., Ali S.M., Cetinkunar S., Fung T.L.D., Rawashdeh T., Lopez T.N., De Campos T., Duque T.C., Perra T., Liakakos T., Daskalakis T., Barnes T., Koeter T., Zalla T., Gonzalez T.E., Elosua T., Campagnaro T., Brown T., Luoto T., Oumar T.A., Giustizieri U., Grossi U., Bracale U., Rivas U., Sosa V., Testa V., Andriola V., Tonini V., Balassone V., Celentano V., Progno V., Raju V., Carroni V., Cavallaro V., Katta V.R., De Simone V., Romaguera V.P., Orozco V.H.G., Luraschi V., Rachkov V., Turrado-L V., Visag-Castillo V., Dowling V., Graham V., Papagni V., Vigorita V., Fonseca V.C., Carneros V.J., Bellato V., Goncalves W., Powers W.F., Grigg W., Bechstein W.O., Lim Y.B., Altinel Y., Golubovic Z., Balciscueta Z., Ielpo, B., Podda, M., Pellino, G., Pata, F., Caruso, R., Gravante, G., Di Saverio, S., Gallo, G., Lui, R., Orengia, A., Chowdary, A., Kulkarni, A., Kuvvetli, A., Navarro, A., Pisanu, A., Smith, A., Ibiricu, A. C., Nacion, A. J. D., Alsaleh, A., Alhazmi, A., Elmabri, A., Wani, A., Rencuzogullari, A., Lasarte, A. S., Rubio, A. V., Bavikatte, A., Kumar, A., Jamiri, A. -R., Padilla, A. M. A., Cacurri, A., de San Ildefonso, A., Porcu, A., Sartori, A., Rocca, A., Yanez, A. P., Becaria, A., Solis-Pena, A., Sretenovic, A., Urbistondo, A., Bandin, A., Najar, A., De Luca, A., Boddy, A., Charalabopoulos, A., Tzivanakis, A., Amendola, A., de Velasco, A. R. -G., Yildirim, A. C., Frontali, A., Toure, A. O., Garcia-Granero, A., Roldan, A. M., Larrainzar, A. S., Ratnayake, A. S., Gonzalez-Ganso, A. M., Minaya-Bravo, A. M., Das, A., Bondurri, A., Costanzi, A., Lucchi, A., Mazzari, A., Musig, A., Peloso, A., Piano, A., Police, A., Mihailescu, A., Pouy, A., Romano, A., Iossa, A., Leonetti, A. C., Guariniello, A., Isaac, A., Bovi, A. P. D., Chessa, A., Tromba, A., Martinez, A. A., Brillantino, A., Caira, A., Castaldi, A., Ferronetti, A., Giuliani, A., Prestera, A., la Medina, A. R. -D., Tarasconi, A., Tornambe, A., Picciariello, A., Ioannidis, A., Leppaniemi, A., Khan, A., Rashid, A., Perez-Sanchez, A. L. E., Mittal, A., Mitul, A. R., Mehraj, A., Laharwal, A., Dorisme, A., Marinis, A., Iqbal, A., Moncada, A., Braccio, B., Alkhafaji, B., de Andres Asenjo, B., Martin-Perez, B., Perez, B. S., Creavin, B., Cali, B., Pascotto, B., Stubbs, B., Retes, B. Z., Jovanovic, B., Goh, B. K. P., Sensi, B., Biddau, C., Gazia, C., Vallicelli, C., Fagundes, C. A., Santacruz, C. C., Chirico, C., Diaz, C. J. G., Petrola, C., Rodriguez, C. S., Benitez, C. Y., Dammaro, C., Faro, C. L., Reinke, C., Paez, C. D., Oliva, C., Paranjape, C., Thomas, C., Chia, C. F., Kong, C. K., De Lucia, C., Chao, C. O., Arcudi, C., Guerci, C., Chia, C., Parise, C., Folliero, C., Varela, C., Ferguson, D. M., Camacho, D., Popowich, D., Lima, D. S., Rega, D., Delogu, D., Zigiotto, D., Vinci, D., D'Antonio, D., Parini, D., Merlini, D. A., Zimmerman, D. D. E., Moro-Valdezate, D., Pertile, D., Giusti, D. M., Keller, D. S., Tarik, D., Kalivaci, D., Mazingi, D., Maldonado-Pintado, D. G., Sasia, D., Linardoutsos, D., Osilli, D., Murrone, D., Russello, D., Rodas, E., Roa, E. A. A., Ricciardi, E., Rosso, E., Saladino, E., Flores-Villalba, E., Ajs, E. R., Smith-Singares, E., Baili, E., Kouroumpas, E., Bourmpouteli, E., Douka, E., Martin-Perez, E., Guaitoli, E., Samadov, E., Francone, E., Vaterlini, E., Morales, E., Pena, E., Zhao, E., Andres, E. D. P., Benzoni, E., Erdas, E., Pinotti, E., Colas-Ruiz, E., Aytac, E., Laterza, E., Agastra, E., Foianini, E., Moscoso, E., Laviano, E., Marra, E., Cardamone, E., Licardie, E., Mpaili, E., Pinna, E., Varo, E., Navarro, F. M., Marino, F., Medas, F., Romano, F., Maraska, F., Saliu, F., Madrid, F., Rosa, F., Mastella, F., Gheza, F., Luvisetto, F., Alconchel, F., Vieira, F. M., Pareja, F., Agresta, F., Luna, F., Bonilla, F., Cordera, F., Burdio, F., Mendoza-Moreno, F., Flores, F. M., Aranda, F. P., Taylor, F., Ramos, F. L., Fernandes, F., Tropeano, F. P., Balestra, F., Bianco, F., Ceci, F., Colombo, F., Di Marzo, F., Ferrara, F., Lancellotti, F., Lazzarin, F., Litta, F., Martini, F., Pizza, F., Roscio, F., Virdis, F., Antona, F. B., Ramirez, F. C., Fernandez, F. M., Llinares, F. O., Quezada, F., Schlottmann, F., Herrera-Almario, G., Massaferro, G., Bislenghi, G., van Ramshorst, G., Luglio, G., Bointas, G., Kampouroglou, G., Papadopoulos, G., Manrique, G. A., Calini, G., Nastri, G., Formisano, G., Galiffa, G., Palini, G. M., Colucci, G., Pagano, G., Vanni, G., Pattacini, G. C., De Paola, G., Lisi, G., Partida, G., Bellanova, G., De Nobili, G., Necchi, G. S., Sinibaldi, G., Tebala, G., Bagaglini, G., Izzo, G., Argenio, G., Brisinda, G., Candilio, G., Di Grezia, G., Esposito, G., Faillace, G., Frazzetta, G., La Gumina, G., Nigri, G., Romeo, G., Amatriain, G. C., Ortega, G., Martin-Martin, G., Stavrou, G. A., Ugon, G. A., Machain, G., Marcucci, G., Martinez-Mier, G., Machain, G. M., Nari, G., Calvo, H., Fathy, H., Ahmed, H., Faraj, H., Nava, H., Macias, H. O., Nikaj, H., Solano, H., Khan, H. A., Alarcon, H. S., Ebied, H., Giani, I., Ateca, I. V., Neri, I., Roman, I. A. S., Fidoshev, I., Rodriguez, I. M., Negoi, I., Ortega, I., Bernescu, I., Russo, I. S., Rodriguez, I. V., Palomares, I., Baltazar, I., Torrejimeno, I. J., Jurado, I. M. C., Reccia, I., Hussain, I., Toledo, I. B., Mora-Guzman, I., Dogaru, I., Romic, I., Balciscueta, I., Kenington, J. C., Sagolsem, J., Jang, J. Y., Olivier, J., Lammel-Lindemann, J., Dziakova, J., Villavicencio, J. I. R., Salinas, J., Parreira, J. P. J. G., Perez, J. R., Reyes, J. A. S., Luque, J. A. M., Mak, J., Rodriguez, J. S., Kok, J. H. H., Krook, J., Diaz-Elizondo, J. A., Castell, J., Garcia-Flores, J. E., Navalon, J. M. J., Rodrigues, J. M. S., Pereira, J., Gomez, J. T. C., Luque, J. B., del Olmo, J. C. M., Salamea, J. C., Olivier, J. F. C., Laina, J. L. B., Ordonez, J. M., Gutierrez, J., Abba, J., Sofi, J. A., Sherafgan, K., Sahnan, K., Yanaga, K., Beatson, K., Asim, L., Alvarez, L., Siragusa, L., Farber, L., Ong, L., Athanasios, L., Garcia-Bruna, L., De Martino, L., Ferrario, L., Giordano, L., Gordini, L., Pio, L., Ponchietti, L., Moletta, L., Curella, L., Poggi, L., Taglietti, L., Bonavina, L., Conti, L., Goffredi, L., Ruiz, L. A. G., Barrionuevo, L., Fregoso, L. E., Cabrera, L. F., Rodriguez, L. G., Grande, L., Osoria, L. G., Gonzalez, L. J. K., Sanchez-Guillen, L., Tallon-Aguilar, L., Tresierra, L., Giavarini, L., Hasabelnabi, M., Odovic, M., Uemura, M., Khan, M., Artiles-Armas, M., David, M., Di Martino, M., Spampinato, M. G., Ribeiro, M. A. F., Viola, M., Angrisani, M., Calussi, M., Cannistra, M., Catarci, M., Cereda, M., Conte, M., Giordano, M., Pellicciaro, M., Marino, M. V., Vaterlini, M. E., Jimenez, M. F., Lolli, M. G., Bellini, M. I., Lemma, M., Chiarello, M. M., Nicola, M., Arrigo, M., Mejia, M. C., Manrique, M. M., Rodriguez-Lopez, M., Serradilla-Martin, M., Lara, M. Z., Martinez, M., Bagnall, M., Peter, M., Lara, M. C., Gomez, M. J., Paniagua-Garcia-Senorans, M., Gonzalez, M. P., Rutegard, M., Salo, M., Franceschilli, M., Silveri, M., Veroux, M., Pezzulo, M., Nardi, M., Rottoli, M., Tolonen, M., Ciro, M. P., Zuluagua, M., Cannavo, M., Cervellera, M., Iacobone, M., Montuori, M., Dominguez, M. G., Bingol-Kologlu, M., Tahir, M., Lim, M., Wilson, M. S., Wilson, M., Campanelli, M., Bisaccia, M., De Rosa, M., Maruccia, M., Paterno, M., Pisano, M., Torre, M., Trevino, M., Zuolo, M., Hernandez Bartolome, M. A., Farina, M., Pera, M., Calvo, M. P., Sotelo, M., Thway, M. M., Hassan, M., Hassan, M. S. E., Azfar, M., Bouhuwaish, M., Taha, M., Zaieem, M., Korkoman, M., Guraieb, M., Shalaby, M., Raza, M. A., Younis, M. U., Elhadi, M., Ali, M. Z., Quazi, N., Dudi-Venkata, N. N., Alselaim, N., Loria, N., Ramirez, N. V., Than, N. W., Smart, N., Trelles, N., Pinto, N., Allievi, N., Petrucciani, N., Antonacci, N., Cillara, N., Gica, N., Cristiana, N. D., Krystek, N., Falco, N., Pecorelli, N., Tamini, N., Dallas, N. A., Machairas, N., Brito, N., Fieturi, N. A., Ortega, N., Mercado, O. A., Irkorucu, O., Alsherif, O., Valles, O., Ioannidis, O., Palmas, O. H., Palmas, O. I. H., Guadarrama, O. S., Bozbiyik, O., Omelanczuk, P., Ottolino, P., Rodrigues, P., Ruiz, P., Campenni, P., Chiarade, P., Olivares, P. P., Baroffio, P., Panaccio, P., Wintringer, P., Di Fronzo, P., Talento, P., Favoriti, P., Sendino, P., Marsanic, P., Mifsut, P., Andrade, P., Ajawin, P., Abadia-Barno, P., Castaneda, P. A. N., Arevalos, P. O. S., Bellver, P. P., Koh, P. S., Souza, P., Major, P., Bali, R. S., Khattar, R. M., Melo, R. B., Ebrahiminia, R., Azar, R., Murga, R. L., Pirolo, R., Brady, R., Davies, R. J., Dholakia, R., Rattan, R., Singhal, R., Lim, R., Angelico, R., Isernia, R. M., Tutino, R., Faccincani, R., Peltrini, R., Carrera-Ceron, R., Tejos, R., Kashyap, R., Fajardo, R., Lozito, R., Pareja, R. M., Garbarino, S., Morales-Conde, S., Benli, S., Mansour, S., Flores, S., Suarez, S. L., Ben, S. L., Fuentes, S., Napetti, S., de Guzman, S. O., Awad, S., Weckmann Lujan, S. A., Gentilli, S., Grimaldi, S., Pizarro, S. O., Tayar, S., Nabi, S., Chan, S. M., Junaid, S., Rojas, S., Monetti, S., Garcia, S., Salvans, S., Tenconi, S., Shaw, S., Santoni, S., Parra, S. A., Cardenas, S., Perez-Bertolez, S., Chiappetta, S., Dessureault, S., Delis, S., Bonapasta, S. A., Rausei, S., Scaringi, S., Keswani, S., Ali, S. M., Cetinkunar, S., Fung, T. L. D., Rawashdeh, T., Lopez, T. N., De Campos, T., Duque, T. C., Perra, T., Liakakos, T., Daskalakis, T., Barnes, T., Koeter, T., Zalla, T., Gonzalez, T. E., Elosua, T., Campagnaro, T., Brown, T., Luoto, T., Oumar, T. A., Giustizieri, U., Grossi, U., Bracale, U., Rivas, U., Sosa, V., Testa, V., Andriola, V., Tonini, V., Balassone, V., Celentano, V., Progno, V., Raju, V., Carroni, V., Cavallaro, V., Katta, V. R., De Simone, V., Romaguera, V. P., Orozco, V. H. G., Luraschi, V., Rachkov, V., Turrado-L, V., Visag-Castillo, V., Dowling, V., Graham, V., Papagni, V., Vigorita, V., Fonseca, V. C., Carneros, V. J., Bellato, V., Goncalves, W., Powers, W. F., Grigg, W., Bechstein, W. O., Lim, Y. B., Altinel, Y., Golubovic, Z., Balciscueta, Z., Ielpo, B, Podda, M, Pellino, G, Pata, F, Caruso, R, Gravante, G, Di Saverio, S, and Luglio, G
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,Anti-Bacterial Agents ,Appendectomy ,Appendicitis ,COVID-19 Testing ,Hospital Administration ,Humans ,Pandemics ,Personal Protective Equipment ,Practice Patterns, Physicians' ,Surveys and Questionnaires ,Attitude of Health Personnel ,COVID-19 ,Surgeons ,Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) ,Settore MED/18 - CHIRURGIA GENERALE ,COVID-19 pandemic. Acute appendicitis ,MEDLINE ,Practice Patterns ,030230 surgery ,Health administration ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Anti-Bacterial Agent ,Pandemic ,medicine ,Surveys and Questionnaire ,Appendiciti ,General ,Laparoscopy ,Personal protective equipment ,Physicians' ,medicine.diagnostic_test ,business.industry ,General surgery ,Original Articles ,medicine.disease ,Anti-bacterial agents ,appendectomy ,appendicitis ,COVID-19 testing ,hospital administration ,humans ,pandemics ,personal protective equipment ,practice patterns physicians' ,surveys and questionnaires ,attitude of health personnel ,surgeons ,appendicitis - COVI-19 - ACIE study - management ,Acute appendicitis ,Original Article ,Surgery ,Covid-19 ,business ,Human - Abstract
Background Surgical strategies are being adapted to face the COVID‐19 pandemic. Recommendations on the management of acute appendicitis have been based on expert opinion, but very little evidence is available. This study addressed that dearth with a snapshot of worldwide approaches to appendicitis. Methods The Association of Italian Surgeons in Europe designed an online survey to assess the current attitude of surgeons globally regarding the management of patients with acute appendicitis during the pandemic. Questions were divided into baseline information, hospital organization and screening, personal protective equipment, management and surgical approach, and patient presentation before versus during the pandemic. Results Of 744 answers, 709 (from 66 countries) were complete and were included in the analysis. Most hospitals were treating both patients with and those without COVID. There was variation in screening indications and modality used, with chest X‐ray plus molecular testing (PCR) being the commonest (19·8 per cent). Conservative management of complicated and uncomplicated appendicitis was used by 6·6 and 2·4 per cent respectively before, but 23·7 and 5·3 per cent, during the pandemic (both P, The COVID‐19 pandemic required reorganization of surgical services, affecting patients with common surgical diseases including acute appendicitis. No evidence is available on the topic. This study found global variation in screening policies, use of personal protective equipment and intraoperative directives. There has been increased adoption of non‐operative management and open appendicectomy. Hands off
- Published
- 2021
33. Use of Three Pre-Injection Procedures to Reduce Pain Perception of Intraoral Injections in Eight- to 12-Year-Old Children: Randomized Controlled Trial.
- Author
Shrutha SP, Havale R, Aishwarya BG, Raj S, Quazi N, Prasad V, Guttiganur N, and Kandalam R
- Subjects
- Humans, Child, Female, Male, Pain Perception, Anesthesia, Dental methods, Low-Level Light Therapy methods, Anesthesia, Local methods, Gels, Anesthetics, Local administration & dosage, Lidocaine administration & dosage, Pain Measurement, Injections
- Abstract
Purpose: To compare the efficacy of laser phototherapy, Buzzy®, and lignocaine gel in minimizing pain during intraoral injections. Methods: In this randomized controlled trial, the efficacy of standard lignocaine gel (Group A) was compared with Buzzy® (Group B) and laser phototherapy (Group C) as pre-anesthetic agents in 15 children aged eight to 12 years undergoing intraoral local anesthesia (LA). Pain perception during needle insertion was assessed objectively using the Face, Legs, Activity, Cry, Consolability (FLACC) scale and subjectively using the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). Statistical analysis included chi-square and analysis of variance tests (P<0.05). Results: Objective assessment of pain perception using FLACC scores demonstrated that Buzzy® resulted in the highest comfort levels; 60 percent of the subjects treated with Buzzy®, 40 percent treated with laser phototherapy, and 6.7 percent treated with lignocaine topical anesthetic were judged to be relaxed and comfortable or exhibiting mild discomfort, respectively. Subjective pain assessment (self-reported using the VAS) was significantly lower in Buzzy® (0.67±0.82 standard deviation) followed by laser phototherapy (1.00±1.13) and Lignocaine gel group (2.13±1.51). Conclusions: The Buzzy® and laser phototherapy effectively reduced intraoral injection pain compared to the standard control, lignocaine gel. However, Buzzy® showed better efficacy.
- Published
- 2024
34. BNC210, a negative allosteric modulator of the alpha 7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, demonstrates anxiolytic- and antidepressant-like effects in rodents.
- Author
O'Connor SM, Sleebs BE, Street IP, Flynn BL, Baell JB, Coles C, Quazi N, Paul D, Poiraud E, Huyard B, Wagner S, Andriambeloson E, and de Souza EB
- Subjects
- Rats, Male, Mice, Humans, Animals, alpha7 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor metabolism, Rodentia metabolism, Antidepressive Agents, Hypnotics and Sedatives, Allosteric Regulation, Anti-Anxiety Agents pharmacology, Receptors, Nicotinic metabolism
- Abstract
This work describes the characterization of BNC210 (6-[(2,3-dihydro-1H-inden-2-yl)amino]-1-ethyl-3-(4-morpholinylcarbonyl)-1,8-naphthyridin-4(1H)-one), a selective, small molecule, negative allosteric modulator (NAM) of α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (α7 nAChR). With the aim to discover a non-sedating, anxiolytic compound, BNC210 was identified during phenotypic screening of a focused medicinal chemistry library using the mouse Light Dark (LD) box to evaluate anxiolytic-like activity and the mouse Open Field (OF) (dark) test to detect sedative and/or motor effects. BNC210 exhibited anxiolytic-like activity with no measurable sedative or motor effects. Electrophysiology showed that BNC210 did not induce α7 nAChR currents by itself but inhibited EC
80 agonist-evoked currents in recombinant GH4C1 cell lines stably expressing the rat or human α7 nAChR. BNC210 was not active when tested on cell lines expressing other members of the cys-loop ligand-gated ion channel family. Screening over 400 other targets did not reveal any activity for BNC210 confirming its selectivity for α7 nAChR. Oral administration of BNC210 to male mice and rats in several tests of behavior related to anxiety- and stress- related disorders, demonstrated significant reduction of these behaviors over a broad therapeutic range up to 500 times the minimum effective dose. Further testing for potential adverse effects in suitable rat and mouse tests showed that BNC210 did not produce sedation, memory and motor impairment or physical dependence, symptoms associated with current anxiolytic therapeutics. These data suggest that allosteric inhibition of α7 nAChR function may represent a differentiated approach to treating anxiety- and stress- related disorders with an improved safety profile compared to current treatments., Competing Interests: Declaration of competing interest The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper. All authors were employed by Bionomics Ltd at the time the work was done, either as full-time employees or under contract., (Copyright © 2024 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.)- Published
- 2024
- Full Text
- View/download PDF
35. Mallet Hallux Injury Fixed With Extension Blocking Pin Technique: A Case Report.
- Author
Giro ME, Quazi N, Elder Waters M, and Lee W
- Abstract
Mallet hallux injuries are relatively rare, and management can range from conservative treatment to surgical fixation. Only a few cases of surgically treated are reported, and there is no consensus on the superiority of one technique to others in surgical treatment. We reviewed various options for surgical fixation of Mallet hallux injury and presented a case of mallet hallux injury treated with Kirschner wires with an extension blocking technique.Level of Evidence: V ., Competing Interests: Declaration of Conflicting InterestsThe author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
- Published
- 2023
- Full Text
- View/download PDF
36. Zwitterionic materials with disorder and plasticity and their application as non-volatile solid or liquid electrolytes.
- Author
Makhlooghiazad F, O'Dell LA, Porcarelli L, Forsyth C, Quazi N, Asadi M, Hutt O, Mecerreyes D, Forsyth M, and Pringle JM
- Subjects
- Electric Conductivity, Electrolytes chemistry, Solvents chemistry, Electric Power Supplies, Lithium chemistry
- Abstract
Zwitterionic materials can exhibit unique characteristics and are highly tunable by variation to the covalently bound cationic and anionic moieties. Despite the breadth of properties and potential uses reported to date, for electrolyte applications they have thus far primarily been used as additives or for making polymer gels. However, zwitterions offer intriguing promise as electrolyte matrix materials that are non-volatile and charged but non-migrating. Here we report a family of zwitterions that exhibit molecular disorder and plasticity, which allows their use as a solid-state conductive matrix. We have characterized the thermal, morphological and structural properties of these materials using techniques including differential scanning calorimetry, scanning electron microscopy, solid-state NMR and X-ray crystallography. We report the physical and transport properties of zwitterions combined with lithium salts and a lithium-functionalized polymer to form solid or high-salt-content liquid electrolytes. We demonstrate that the zwitterion-based electrolytes can allow high target ion transport and support stable lithium metal cell cycling. The ability to use disordered zwitterionic materials as electrolyte matrices for high target ion conduction, coupled with an extensive scope for varying the chemical and physical properties, has important implications for the future design of non-volatile materials that bridge the choice between traditional molecular and ionic solvent systems., (© 2021. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Limited.)
- Published
- 2022
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37. Brain Histopathology of Adult Decedents After Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation.
- Author
Khan IR, Gu Y, George BP, Malone L, Conway KS, Francois F, Donlon J, Quazi N, Reddi A, Ho CY, Herr DL, Johnson MD, and Parikh GY
- Subjects
- Adult, Anticoagulants therapeutic use, Autopsy, Female, Heart Arrest therapy, Humans, Hypoxia-Ischemia, Brain pathology, Intracranial Hemorrhages pathology, Male, Middle Aged, Multiple Organ Failure pathology, Myocardial Infarction pathology, Respiratory Distress Syndrome therapy, Retrospective Studies, Shock, Cardiogenic therapy, Withholding Treatment, Brain pathology, Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation adverse effects
- Abstract
Objective: To test the hypothesis that brain injury is more common and varied in patients receiving extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) than radiographically observed, we described neuropathology findings of ECMO decedents and associated clinical factors from 3 institutions., Methods: We conducted a retrospective multicenter observational study of brain autopsies from adult ECMO recipients. Pathology findings were examined for correlation with demographics, clinical data, ECMO characteristics, and outcomes., Results: Forty-three decedents (n = 13 female, median age 47 years) received autopsies after undergoing ECMO for acute respiratory distress syndrome (n = 14), cardiogenic shock (n = 14), and cardiac arrest (n = 15). Median duration of ECMO was 140 hours, most decedents (n = 40) received anticoagulants; 60% (n = 26) underwent venoarterial ECMO, and 40% (n = 17) underwent venovenous ECMO. Neuropathology was found in 35 decedents (81%), including microhemorrhages (37%), macrohemorrhages (35%), infarctions (47%), and hypoxic-ischemic brain injury (n = 17, 40%). Most pathology occurred in frontal neocortices (n = 43 occurrences), basal ganglia (n = 33), and cerebellum (n = 26). Decedents with hemorrhage were older (median age 57 vs 38 years, p = 0.01); those with hypoxic brain injury had higher Sequential Organ Failure Assessment scores (8.0 vs 2.0, p = 0.04); and those with infarction had lower peak Paco
2 (53 vs 61 mm Hg, p = 0.04). Six of 9 patients with normal neuroimaging results were found to have pathology on autopsy. The majority underwent withdrawal of life-sustaining therapy (n = 32, 74%), and 2 of 8 patients with normal brain autopsy underwent withdrawal of life-sustaining therapy for suspected neurologic injury., Conclusion: Neuropathological findings after ECMO are common, varied, and associated with various clinical factors. Further study on underlying mechanisms is warranted and may guide ECMO management., (© 2021 American Academy of Neurology.)- Published
- 2021
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38. Assessment of Intelligence Quotient using Raven's Coloured Progressive Matrices among school children of Hyderabad Karnataka region and its correlation with prevalence of dental caries.
- Author
Dhanu G, Havale R, Shrutha SP, Quazi N, Shafna TP, and Ahemd A
- Subjects
- Child, DMF Index, Dental Caries psychology, Female, Humans, India epidemiology, Intelligence Tests, Male, Prevalence, Risk Factors, Dental Caries epidemiology, Intelligence
- Abstract
Background: Intelligence is the ability of a mind to acquire knowledge and skills; gain for a fact; to take care of issues; to adjust to new circumstances; and one's ability for rationale, understanding, mindfulness, arranging, and imagination. In a general description, it is a capacity to recognize information and to employ it as knowledge toward a modified behavior within an environment. This thought helps children to maintain oral hygiene in a better way., Materials and Methods: The present research was undertaken on 240 schoolgoing children aged 7-11 years of government schools of Hyderabad-Karnataka region, in order to estimate the relation between intelligence quotient (IQ) of a child with dental caries. IQ level has been assessed by using Raven's Colored Progressive Matrices as an IQ testing scale. Caries status was assessed by using Decayed, Missing, and Filled Teeth index., Results: There was no statistical difference between children with different levels of IQ and dental caries. However, the majority of children who belong to Grade V (intellectually impaired) had higher dental caries., Conclusion: An increase in IQ causes a decrease in dental caries and vice versa; however, no significant association was observed between the level of intelligence and caries (P = 0.202). There is a promising correlation between IQ and presence or absence of dental caries among children., Competing Interests: None
- Published
- 2019
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39. Peer Teaching to Foster Learning in Physiology.
- Author
Srivastava TK, Waghmare LS, Mishra VP, Rawekar AT, Quazi N, and Jagzape AT
- Abstract
Introduction: Peer teaching is an effective tool to promote learning and retention of knowledge. By preparing to teach, students are encouraged to construct their own learning program, so that they can explain effectively to fellow learners. Peer teaching is introduced in present study to foster learning and pedagogical skills amongst first year medical under-graduates in physiology with a Hypothesis that teaching is linked to learning on part of the teacher., Materials and Methods: Non-randomized, Interventional study, with mixed methods design. Cases experienced peer teaching whereas controls underwent tutorials for four consecutive classes. Quantitative Evaluation was done through pre/post test score analysis for Class average normalized gain and tests of significance, difference in average score in surprise class test after one month and percentage of responses in closed ended items of feedback questionnaire. Qualitative Evaluation was done through categorization of open ended items and coding of reflective statements., Results: The average pre and post test score was statistically significant within cases (p = 0.01) and controls (p = 0.023). The average post test scores was more for cases though not statistically significant. The class average normalized gain (g) for Tutorials was 49% and for peer teaching 53%. Surprise test had average scoring of 36 marks (out of 50) for controls and 41 marks for cases. Analysed section wise, the average score was better for Long answer question (LAQ) in cases. Section wise analysis suggested that through peer teaching, retention was better for descriptive answers as LAQ has better average score in cases. Feedback responses were predominantly positive for efficacy of peer teaching as a learning method. The reflective statements were sorted into reflection in action, reflection on action, claiming evidence, describing experience, and recognizing discrepancies., Conclusion: Teaching can stimulate further learning as it involves interplay of three processes: metacognitive awareness; deliberate practice, and self-explanation. Coupled with immediate feedback and reflective exercises, learning can be measurably enhanced along with improved teaching skills.
- Published
- 2015
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40. Selective inhibition of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase by isoquinoline derivatives.
- Author
Lu ZX, Quazi NH, Deady LW, and Polya GM
- Subjects
- Animals, Chickens, Kinetics, Liver enzymology, Myosin-Light-Chain Kinase antagonists & inhibitors, Myosin-Light-Chain Kinase metabolism, Rats, Structure-Activity Relationship, Cyclic AMP-Dependent Protein Kinases antagonists & inhibitors, Enzyme Inhibitors pharmacology, Isoquinolines pharmacology
- Abstract
A large series of isoquinoline derivatives was synthesised including derivatives of isoquinoline, isoquinolino[3,4-c]furazan, 1,2-dihydro-1-oxoisoquinoline, 6-oxopyrimido[1,2-d]isoquinoline, benzo[c][1,8]-naphthyridine, pyrazino[2,3-c]isoquinoline and benzimidazo[2,1-a]isoquinoline as well as further structurally related isoquinoline derivatives and pyrido-2,3-furazans. Representatives of all of these classes of isoquinolines are potent and selective inhibitors of the cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) catalytic subunit (cAK) from rat liver. The most effective cAK inhibitors are a series of 1,3-di-substituted and 1,3,4-tri-substituted isoquinolines (IC50 values 30-50 nM) (compounds A1, A2, A3, A4 and A5) and 2-ethylcarboxy-3-amino-5,6-dihydro-6-oxobenzo[c] [1,8]naphthyridine (E1) (IC50 0.08 microM). Compounds A1-A5 inhibit cAK in a fashion that is competitive with respect to ATP as substrate. The isoquinoline inhibitors A1-A5 are ineffective or very poor inhibitors of wheat embryo Ca(2+)-dependent protein kinase (CDPK) and rat brain Ca(2+)-dependent protein kinase C (PKC), chicken gizzard myosin light chain kinase (MLCK) and potato tuber cyclic nucleotide-binding phosphatase (Pase). E1 is a moderately effective inhibitor of CDPK and PKC (IC50 values 30 and 61 microM, respectively). The bisisoquinoline-1(2H)-one compound B7 inhibits cAK, CDPK, PKC and MLCK (IC50 values 8, 95, 24 and 7 microM, respectively) as does J1 [2-(p-bromophenyl)pyrrolo-[2,3-c]isoquinoline-5(4H)-one] (IC50 values 2, 50, 44 and 7 microM, respectively). The very potent isoquinoline-derived cAK inhibitors found here involve substitution of the N-containing isoquinoline ring system and these inhibitors show high specificity for cAK.
- Published
- 1996
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41. Synthesis and biological evaluation of phenanthrene-derived carboxamides as cytotoxic agents.
- Author
Cherubim P, Deady LW, Dorkos M, Quazi NH, Baguley BC, and Denny WA
- Subjects
- Acridines pharmacology, Animals, Antineoplastic Agents pharmacology, Cell Division drug effects, DNA drug effects, Drug Design, Drug Screening Assays, Antitumor, Phenanthrenes pharmacology, Tumor Cells, Cultured drug effects, Acridines chemistry, Antineoplastic Agents chemical synthesis, Leukemia P388 drug therapy, Phenanthrenes chemistry
- Abstract
A series of phenanthrene-based tricyclic carboxamides has been synthesized as angular analogues of the clinical acridine carboxamide DACA, and their DNA binding, in vitro cytotoxicities and in vivo antitumour activities have been investigated. The compounds fall into two broad topological classes, where the carboxamide side chain is appended either to one of the terminal rings or to the central ring. In general, compounds of the first class showed stronger DNA binding than those of the second, and were the more potent in vitro cytotoxins. However, they were considerably less effective than DACA, both as DNA binders and cytotoxins. A 1,10-phenanthrolinecarboxamide derivative showed significant in vivo activity. As a class, these fused angular tricyclic carboxamides do not show sufficiently interesting activity to warrant further studies.
- Published
- 1993
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