[EN]: During the last century, human activities have promoted large changes in habitats, leading to changes in the abundance and composition of mammal communities. Some species have been favoured intentionally (specially those with high economic importance), or unintentionally (i.e. opportunistic species), introduced las some livestock species), or persecuted (i.e. species that affect livestock or game). In this paper, we show and explain the changes in the composition of the large mammal community in Aragon, a northeastern Spanish area where there have been extinctions (lynx, Lynx sp.); introductions (moufflon, Ovis ammon; fallow deer, Dama dame); reintroductions (red deer, Cervus elaphus); and particularly natural expansions (wild boar, Sus scrofa; roe deer, Capreolus capreolus; red deer; Pyrenean chamois, Rupicapra pyrenaica pyrenaica). Some taxa are currently almost extinct (brown bear, Ursus arctos; Pyrenean ibex, Capra pyrenaica pyrenaica) and others are recovering after getting close to extinction (wolf, Canis lupus). Three interconnected causes may explain the clear increment of ungulates in our study area: (1) the abandonment of rural activities, (2) the subsequent decrease of livestock, and (3) the increase of forest habitats. None of those species are currently below 150 % of their range in the 19(th) century. The setting up of hunting reservations and the design of a hunting legislation have also contributed to the observed changes. Traditionally, large predators have not been favoured by human activities, while compensatory protection measures carried out have been scarce or came too late. While some of these species are probably extinct in the area, the remaining occupy currently less than one fourth of their former range and need urgent conservation measures for to recover., [FR]: Au cours du siecle dernier, les activites humaines ont provoque de grands changements dans les habitats, ce qui a conduit ä des modifications de l'abondance et de la composition des communautes de mammiferes. Certaines especes ont ete favorisees intentionnellement (en particulier celles qui ont une grande importance economique), ou involontairement (especes opportunistes), introduces (certaines especes de betail), ou au contraire consideres comme nuisibles au betail ou aux animaux de chasse. Nous montrons ici les modifications dans la composition de Pensemble de la faune des grands mammiferes en Aragon, region du nord-est de PEspagne ou il y a eu des extinctions (lynx), des introductions (mouflon, daim), des reintroductions (cerf), et aussi des expansions naturelles (sanglier, chevreuil, cerf, isard). Certaines especes sont preque eteintes (ours, ibex), et d'autres se retablissent apres avoir ete proches de l'extincition (loup). Trois causes liees entre elles peuvent expliquer Faccroissement des ongules dans cette region: 1) abandon des activites rurales; 2) la reduction du betail; 3) Paccroissement des habitats de foret. Ces especes sont generalement bien en dessous de leur repartition au XIXC siecle. L'etablissement de reserves de chasse et d'une legislation particuliere ont aussi contribue aux changements constates. Traditionnellement, les grands predateurs n'ont pas ete favorises par les activites humaines et les mesures de protection sont arrivees trop tard. Certaines especes sont eteintes et d'autres n'occupent plus que le quart de leur repartition primitive. II est done urgent de prendre des mesures de conservation., Most of the data have been extracted from several reports supported by the Aragon Government Fish and Game Services.