27 results on '"Propoli"'
Search Results
2. Chemical Composition and Comprehensive Antimicrobial Activity of an Ethanolic Extract of Propolis from Tunisia
- Author
Nefzi, N, Pagliari, S, Campone, L, Megdiche-Ksouri, W, Giarratana, F, Cicero, N, Ziino, G, Nalbone, L, Nefzi N., Pagliari S., Campone L., Megdiche-Ksouri W., Giarratana F., Cicero N., Ziino G., Nalbone L., Nefzi, N, Pagliari, S, Campone, L, Megdiche-Ksouri, W, Giarratana, F, Cicero, N, Ziino, G, Nalbone, L, Nefzi N., Pagliari S., Campone L., Megdiche-Ksouri W., Giarratana F., Cicero N., Ziino G., and Nalbone L.
- Abstract
In the present study, the chemical composition and the in vitro antimicrobial and antibiofilm activity of an ethanolic extract of propolis (EEP) from Tunisia against different ATCC and wild bacterial strains were evaluated. In situ antimicrobial activity and sensory influence of different EEP concentrations (0.5% and 1%), also in combination with 1% vinegar, were evaluated in chilled vacuum-packed salmon tartare. Furthermore, a challenge test was performed on salmon tartare experimentally contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes and treated with the different EEP formulations. The in vitro antimicrobial and antibiofilm activity was observed only against Gram-positive bacteria, such as L. monocytogenes and S. aureus, both ATCC and wild. Results of the in situ analyses revealed significant antimicrobial activity against aerobic colonies, lactic acid bacteria, Enterobacteriaceae and Pseudomonas spp. only when the EEP was used at 1% and in combination with 1% vinegar. The 1% EEP in combination with 1% vinegar was the most effective treatment also against L. monocytogenes, although 0.5% and 1% EEP used alone also showed antilisterial effects. After 7 days of storage, the sensory influence on odor, taste and color of salmon tartare was negligible for all EEP formulations. In this background, results obtained confirmed the antimicrobial efficacy of propolis which could be proposed as a suitable biopreservative to ensure safety and improve the quality of food.
- Published
- 2023
3. Chemical Composition and Comprehensive Antimicrobial Activity of an Ethanolic Extract of Propolis from Tunisia
- Author
Nermine Nefzi, Stefania Pagliari, Luca Campone, Wided Megdiche-Ksouri, Filippo Giarratana, Nicola Cicero, Graziella Ziino, Luca Nalbone, Nefzi, N, Pagliari, S, Campone, L, Megdiche-Ksouri, W, Giarratana, F, Cicero, N, Ziino, G, and Nalbone, L
- Subjects
Microbiology (medical) ,antimicrobial activity ,tolerance ,propoli ,propolis ,biopreservative ,sustainability ,antibiofilm activity ,salmon ,shelf-life ,challenge test ,Listeria monocytogenes ,Biochemistry ,Microbiology ,Infectious Diseases ,Pharmacology (medical) ,General Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics ,Listeria monocytogene - Abstract
In the present study, the chemical composition and the in vitro antimicrobial and antibiofilm activity of an ethanolic extract of propolis (EEP) from Tunisia against different ATCC and wild bacterial strains were evaluated. In situ antimicrobial activity and sensory influence of different EEP concentrations (0.5% and 1%), also in combination with 1% vinegar, were evaluated in chilled vacuum-packed salmon tartare. Furthermore, a challenge test was performed on salmon tartare experimentally contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes and treated with the different EEP formulations. The in vitro antimicrobial and antibiofilm activity was observed only against Gram-positive bacteria, such as L. monocytogenes and S. aureus, both ATCC and wild. Results of the in situ analyses revealed significant antimicrobial activity against aerobic colonies, lactic acid bacteria, Enterobacteriaceae and Pseudomonas spp. only when the EEP was used at 1% and in combination with 1% vinegar. The 1% EEP in combination with 1% vinegar was the most effective treatment also against L. monocytogenes, although 0.5% and 1% EEP used alone also showed antilisterial effects. After 7 days of storage, the sensory influence on odor, taste and color of salmon tartare was negligible for all EEP formulations. In this background, results obtained confirmed the antimicrobial efficacy of propolis which could be proposed as a suitable biopreservative to ensure safety and improve the quality of food.
- Published
- 2023
4. Xyloglucan, hibiscus and propolis in the management of uncomplicated lower urinary tract infections: A systematic review and meta-analysis
- Author
Tommaso Cai, Umberto Anceschi, Irene Tamanini, Serena Migno, Michele Rizzo, Giovanni Liguori, Alejandro Garcia-Larrosa, Alessandro Palmieri, Paolo Verze, Vincenzo Mirone, Truls E. Bjerklund Johansen, Cai, T., Anceschi, U., Tamanini, I., Migno, S., Rizzo, M., Liguori, G., Garcia-Larrosa, A., Palmieri, A., Verze, P., Mirone, V., and Bjerklund Johansen, T. E.
- Subjects
Microbiology (medical) ,Urinary tract infection ,Hibiscu ,Antibiotic resistance ,RM1-950 ,Review ,Uropathogen ,Biochemistry ,Microbiology ,Hibiscus ,Mucoprotection ,Propolis ,Uropathogens ,Xyloglucan ,Infectious Diseases ,Pharmacology (medical) ,Therapeutics. Pharmacology ,General Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics ,Propoli - Abstract
Background: In the era of antibiotic resistance, an antibiotic-sparing approach presents an interesting alternative treatment of uncomplicated cystitis in women. Our aim is to perform a systematic review and meta-analysis to compare the effectiveness and safety profile of a medical device containing xyloglucan, hibiscus and propolis (XHP) in women with uncomplicated cystitis. Methods: Relevant databases were searched using methods recommended by the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis guidelines. The primary endpoint was clinical or microbiological success, defined as the complete (cure) and/or non-complete (improvement) resolution of symptoms at the end of treatment, or microbiological resolutions. Results: After screening 21 articles, three studies were included, recruiting a total of 178 patients. All three studies used placebo as comparator. A statistically significant difference was found in terms of clinical or microbiological resolution between the medical device and the comparator (3 RCTs, 178 patients, OR: 0.13; 95% CI: 0.05–0.33; p < 0.0001). No clinically significant adverse effects have been reported. Conclusion: A medical device containing xyloglucan, hibiscus and propolis is superior to comparator regimens in terms of clinical effectiveness in adult women with microbiologically confirmed or clinical suspicion of uncomplicated cystitis and is associated with a high patient compliance.
- Published
- 2022
- Full Text
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5. Approcci innovativi per studi sui patogeni del cavo orale: modelli di studio in vitro ed ex vivo
- Author
Meto, Aida
- Subjects
propolis ,saliva ,Cupral ,fattori di virulenza ,propoli ,decontaminazione ,Settore MED/28 - Malattie Odontostomatologiche ,virulence factors ,decontamination - Published
- 2021
6. Effetto antiproliferativo e chemiosensibilizzante di estratti di propoli cubana su linee cellulari di adenocarcinoma del colon
- Author
Frión Herrera, Yahima
- Subjects
adenocarcinoma del colon, propoli, nemorosone, effetto antiproliferativo e chemiosensibilizzante ,propoli ,Settore BIO/14 - Farmacologia ,adenocarcinoma del colon ,nemorosone ,effetto antiproliferativo e chemiosensibilizzante - Published
- 2020
7. Análisis esporo-polínico de la miel y el propóleo, y su relación con el entorno
- Author
Cardellach Lliso, Pau, Belmonte, Jordina, De Linares, Concepción, and Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia Ambientals
- Subjects
Pròpoli ,Ciències Experimentals ,Polen ,Propóleo ,Pol·len ,Pollen ,Miel ,Honey ,Propolis ,Mel - Abstract
Estudiar els productes d’ Apis mellifera derivats dels recursos botànics (mel, melat, pol·len i pròpoli), és útil per a caracteritzar i posar en valor els productes de l’ abella d’ un territori i per a comprendre les interaccions planta-pol·linitzador. La melisopalinologia té com a objectius la determinació geogràfica i botànica dels productes apícoles, basant-se en la presencia de tipus pol·línics (TP). El primer objectiu de la present tesi ha estat determinar quines plantes són útils per a A. mellifera a Catalunya, a través d’una revisió bibliogràfica i d’observacions in situ s’ha elaborat una llista de 424 tàxons útils, de 114 famílies. Per a l’estudi melissopalinològic de les 51 mels i els 26 pròpolis analitzats en aquesta tesi es va elaborar una palinoteca de referència en base als TP dels tàxons d’interès apícola de Catalunya. Com a resultat de l’anàlisi melissopalinològica, s’ha determinat l’origen geogràfic i botànic de les mels i els pròpolis, i s’han identificat 156 TP de 74 famílies. A través de l’anàlisi de l’espectre pol·línic de les mels, s’ han tipificat diferents tipus de mels, tant multiflorals com monoflorals, de diferents zones geogràfiques i de diferents anys. A més, l’anàlisi estadística ha mostrat l’existència de diferències significatives entre les mels urbanes i la resta de mels. A les mels no urbanes s’han identificat 131 TP. Tot i que els més freqüents són autòctons (Brassicaceae T., Coronilla T., Quercus perennifolio, Rubus T., Salix sp. y Ulex T.), l’aparició d’espècies invasores (com Ailanthus altissima) mostra la seva utilitat com a recurs apícola, i indica que cal tenir en compte a aquest tipus d’espècies a l’hora d’establir l’origen geogràfic i botànic de les mels d’ un territori. També, destacar l’elevada presència i percentatges de TP com Cistus monspeliensis, Hedera helix, Rhamnus sp. i Salix sp., que podrien servir com a indicadors per a la tipificació geogràfica de mels de Catalunya. Per altra banda, es veu reflectida la importància per a A. mellifera dels ecosistemes de tipus matollar i herbaci, així com, que les abelles de ruscs situats a la perifèria de nuclis urbans s’ endinsen a les ciutats per alimentar-se, mentres que les de ruscs urbans poden allunyar-se de la ciutat. En les mels urbanes, procedents de Barcelona i Viladecans, s’han identificat 89 TP, tant ornamentals com silvestres. L’ aparició dels TP Cercis, Phoenix, Schinus, Agave, Ailanthus altissima, Eucalyptus sp. i Sophora sp., fan palesa la marcada influència de tàxons exòtics. D’altra banda, l’aparició d’un alt percentatge de tàxons arvenses indica que A. mellifera els visita, i reflecteix la importància de minimitzar l’ús d’ herbicides, i la d’adequar sòls amb aquest tipus de vegetació en ciutats. Referent als pròpolis, l’espectre pol·línic reflecteix la variabilitat de paisatges i vegetació de Catalunya. Es van analitzar 26 mostres que van permetre la determinació de 135 TP, dels quals els més freqüents van ser Asparagus sp., Brassicaceae T., Hedera helix, Quercus perennifoli y Rosmarinus officinalis. A més, les diferències observades en els pròpolis de Catalunya en funció del seu color i textura, podrien estar relacionades amb l’origen botànic de les resines procedents de Pinus sp., Quercus sp, Castanea sativa i Populus sp. Comparant les mostres de pròpolis i mel d’un mateix lloc, s’observa que la riquesa i la diversitat pol·línica és major en pròpolis que en mels i, encara que hi ha relació entre els seus espectres pol·línics, els tipus pol·línics difereixen en un 64,4%. Per això, l’estudi de l’espectre pol·línic de tots dos productes aporta una informació més precisa sobre la vegetació circumdant dels abellars, complementant i millorant la determinació de l’origen geogràfic de mels, sobretot, d’ aquelles amb una diversitat pol·línica molt baixa. Estudiar los productos de Apis mellifera derivados de recursos botánicos (miel, mielato, polen y propóleo), es útil para caracterizar y valorar los productos de la abeja de un territorio y para comprender las interacciones planta-polinizador. La melisopalinología tiene como objetivos la determinación geográfica y botánica de los productos apícolas, basándose en la presencia de tipos polínicos (TP). El primer objetivo de la presente tesis ha sido determinar qué plantas son útiles para A. mellifera en Catalunya, a través de una revisión bibliográfica y de observaciones in situ se ha elaborado una relación de 424 taxones útiles, de 114 familias Para el estudio melisopalinológico de las 51 mieles y 26 propóleos analizados en esta tesis se elaboró una palinoteca de referencia en base a los TP de los taxones de interés apícola de Catalunya. Como resultado del análisis melisopalinológico, se ha determinado el origen geográfico y botánico de mieles y propóleos, y se han identificado 156 TP de 74 familias. A través del análisis del espectro polínico de las mieles, se han tipificado distintos tipos de mieles, tanto multiflorales como monoflorales, de diferentes zonas geográficas y distintos años. Además, el análisis estadístico ha mostrado la existencia de diferencias significativas entre las mieles urbanas y el resto de mieles. En las mieles no urbanas, se han identificado 131 TP. Aunque los más frecuentes son autóctonos (Brassicaceae T., Coronilla T., Quercus perennifolio, Rubus T., Salix sp. y Ulex T.) la aparición de especies invasoras (como Ailanthus altissima) muestra su utilidad como recurso apícola, e indica que hay que tener en cuenta a este tipo de especies al establecer el origen geográfico y botánico de las mieles de un territorio. También, destacar la elevada presencia y porcentajes de TP como Cistus monspeliensis, Hedera helix, Rhamnus sp. y Salix sp., que podrían servir como indicadores para la tipificación geográfica de mieles de Catalunya. Por otro lado, se ve reflejada la importancia para A. mellifera de los ecosistemas de tipo matorral y herbáceo, así como que las abejas de la periferia de núcleos urbanos se adentran en las ciudades para alimentarse, mientras que las de colmenas urbanas pueden alejarse de la ciudad. En las mieles urbanas, de Barcelona y Viladecans, se han identificado 89 TP, tanto ornamentales como silvestres. La aparición de los TP Cercis, Phoenix, Schinus, Agave, Ailanthus altissima, Eucalyptus sp. y Sophora sp., hacen patente la marcada influencia taxones exóticos. Por otro lado, la aparición de un alto porcentaje de taxones arvenses indica que A. mellifera los visita, y refleja la importancia de minimizar el uso de herbicidas, y la de adecuar suelos con este tipo de vegetación en ciudades. Referente a los propóleos, el espectro polínico refleja la variabilidad de paisajes y vegetación de Catalunya. Se analizaron 26 muestras que permitieron la determinación de 135 TP, de los cuales los más frecuentes fueron Asparagus sp., Brassicaceae T., Hedera helix, Quercus perennifolio y Rosmarinus officinalis. Además, las diferencias observadas en los propóleos de Catalunya en función de su color y textura, podrían estar relacionadas con el origen botánico de las resinas procedentes de Pinus sp., Quercus sp, Castanea sativa y Populus sp. Comparando las muestras de propóleo y miel de un mismo lugar, se observa que la riqueza y la diversidad polínica es mayor en propóleos que en mieles y, aunque existe relación entre sus espectros polínicos difieren en un 64.4%. Por ello, el estudio del espectro polínico de ambos productos aporta una información más precisa sobre la vegetación circundante de los colmenares, complementando y mejorando la determinación del origen geográfico de mieles, sobre todo, aquellas con una diversidad polínica muy baja. The study of Apis mellifera products derived from botanical resources (honey, honeydew honey, corbicular pollen, and propolis) is useful to assess the quality of bee products in a territory and to better understand plant-pollinator interactions. The main objectives of Melissopalynology are the determination of the geographical and botanical origin of bee products, based on the presence of nectariferous and/or polliniferous pollen types (PT). The first objective of this thesis was to determine which plants are useful to A. mellifera in Catalonia, through a literature review as well as on-site observations has been obtained a list of 424 useful taxa from 114 families. For the melissopalynological study of the 51 honeys and 26 propolis analyzed in this thesis, a reference palinotheque was elaborated based on the list of the pollen types (PT) from the taxa with beekeeping interest in Catalonia. As a result of the melissopalynological analysis, the geographical and botanical origin of the honeys and propolis have been determined, and 156 pollen types of 74 families identified. Through the analysis of the pollen spectrum of honeys, different types of honey have been typified, both multifloral and monofloral, from different geographical areas and from different years. In addition, the statistical analysis has demonstrated the existence of significant differences between urban honey and other honey. In non-urban honeys 131 PT were identified. Although the most frequent are native (Brassicaceae T., Coronilla T., Quercus deciduous, Rubus T., Salix sp., and Ulex T.), the appearance of invasive species (such as Ailanthus altissima) shows it’s as apicultural resource, and indicates that this type of species must be taken into account when establishing the geographical and botanical origin of honeys from a given territory. Also, the high presence and percentages of PT such as Cistus monspeliensis, Hedera helix, Rhamnus sp. and Salix sp. could serve as indicators for the geographical classification of honey from Catalonia. On the other side, it has been reflected the importance for A. mellifera of shrubland and herbaceous ecosystems, as well as that honeybees located on the periphery of urban centers enter the cities to feed, and that bees from urban beehives can move outside the city. In the urban honeys from Barcelona and Viladecans, 89 PT were identified, both ornamental and wild. The presence of Cercis, Phoenix, Schinus, Agave, Ailanthus altissima, Eucalyptus sp. and Sophora sp. reveal the marked influence of exotic taxa. On the other hand, the appearance of a high percentage of PT of weed taxa indicates that A. mellifera visits them, and reflects the importance of minimizing the use of herbicides and of implementing soils with this type of vegetation in cities. Regarding propolis, the pollen spectrum reflects the variability of landscapes and vegetation in Catalonia. 26 samples were analyzed, and 135 PT determined, of which the most frequent being Asparagus sp., Brassicaceae T., Hedera helix, Quercus deciduous and Rosmarinus officinalis. Furthermore, the differences observed in the propolis of Catalonia, on the basis of their color and texture, could be related to the botanical origin of the resins from Pinus sp., Quercus sp, Castanea sativa, and Populus sp. Comparing the samples of propolis and honey from the same place, it was observed that the richness and diversity of pollen is greater in propolis than in honey and, although there is a relationship between their pollen spectra, the pollen types differ by 64.4%. Therefore, the study of the pollen spectrum of both products provides more precise information about the surrounding vegetation of the beehives, complementing and improving the determination of the geographical origin of honey, especially those with a very low pollen diversity.
- Published
- 2020
8. Kakvoća pilećeg mesa podrijetlom od tovnih pilića hranjenih uz dodatak prirodnog propolisa.
- Author
Špoljarić, D., Mršić, G., Petek, M. J., Špoljarić, I., Srečec, S., Fleck, Ž. Cvrtila, Špiranec, K., Mihelić, D., Kozačinski, L., and Popović, M.
- Abstract
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- Published
- 2013
9. Exploring the anticancer effects of standardized extracts of poplar-type propolis: In vitro cytotoxicity toward cancer and normal cell lines
- Author
Anna De Filippis, Lucio Montanaro, Maria Daglia, Cristina Santarcangelo, Valentina Mariani, Spartaco Santi, Carla Renata Arciola, Stefano Ravaioli, Davide Campoccia, Campoccia D., Ravaioli S., Santi S., Mariani V., Santarcangelo C., De Filippis A., Montanaro L., Arciola C.R., Daglia M., Campoccia, D., Ravaioli, S., Santi, S., Mariani, V., Santarcangelo, C., De Filippis, A., Montanaro, L., Arciola, C. R., and Daglia, M.
- Subjects
HL60 ,Cytotoxicity ,L929 ,Apoptosis ,HL-60 Cells ,RM1-950 ,Pharmacology ,HL-60 Cell ,Propolis ,Plant Extract ,Cell Line ,Mice ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,Cell Line, Tumor ,MG63 ,Animals ,Humans ,Cytotoxic T cell ,Populu ,Cancer ,Cell Proliferation ,Caspase 7 ,Osteosarcoma ,Animal ,Caspase 3 ,Plant Extracts ,Mesenchymal stem cell ,Apoptosi ,General Medicine ,Antineoplastic Agents, Phytogenic ,Anticancer ,Populus ,chemistry ,Cell culture ,Cancer cell ,Therapeutics. Pharmacology ,Drug Screening Assays, Antitumor ,Multi Dynamic Extraction Method ,Propoli ,Human - Abstract
Propolis was shown to exert antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anticancer activities. Its composition is influenced by seasonal, climatic and phytogeographic conditions. Further variability derives from the extraction methods. Multi Dynamic Extraction Method (MED) has been recently proposed to improve extracts reproducibility. Here, the cytotoxic/anticancer activity of three MED extracts of poplar-type propolis was assayed on human promyelocytic leukaemia HL60, human monocytic leukaemia THP-1, human osteosarcoma MG63, murine fibroblast L929 and human mesenchymal cells (hMSCs). As far as we are aware of, MG63 cells have never been challenged with propolis before, while few studies have so far addressed the effects of propolis on non-tumor cell lines. Consistent results were observed for all propolis preparations. The extracts turned out mildly cytotoxic toward cancer cells, in particular osteosarcoma cells (IC50: 81.9–86.7 µg/ml). Nonetheless, cytotoxicity was observed also in non-tumor L929 cells, with an even lower IC50. hMSCs demonstrated the lowest sensitivity to propolis (IC50: 258.3–287.2 µg/ml). In THP-1 cells, extracts were found to stimulate apoptosis caspase 3/7 activity. The IC50 values observed with osteosarcoma and leukaemia cells do not support a relevant cytotoxicity (as the figures abundantly exceeded 30 µg/ml), despites some selective activity exhibited with HL60 cells. The results confirm the validity of the extraction method, emphasizing the need to assess the selectivity of the interaction with cancer cells when screening for anticancer-drug candidates.
- Published
- 2021
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10. Xyloglucan, hibiscus and propolis to reduce symptoms and antibiotics use in recurrent UTIs: A prospective study
- Author
Truls E. Bjerklund Johansen, Gianni Malossini, Andrea Cocci, Paolo Verze, Patrizio Caciagli, Alessandro Palmieri, Fabrizio Di Maida, Liliana Mereu, Vincenzo Mirone, Irene Tamanini, Serena Migno, T. Tony Cai, Saverio Tateo, Cai, T., Tamanini, I., Cocci, A., Di Maida, F., Caciagli, P., Migno, S., Mereu, L., Tateo, S., Malossini, G., Palmieri, A., Verze, P., Mirone, V., and Bjerklund Johansen, T. E.
- Subjects
0301 basic medicine ,Anti-Infective Agent ,Hibiscu ,Antibiotics ,030232 urology & nephrology ,0302 clinical medicine ,xyloglucan ,Quality of life ,Anti-Infective Agents ,Secondary Prevention ,antibiotic stewardship ,ibiscus ,propolis ,quality of life ,urinary tract infections ,Adult ,Female ,Glucans ,Hibiscus ,Humans ,Middle Aged ,Plant Extracts ,Propolis ,Prospective Studies ,Treatment Outcome ,Urinary Tract Infections ,Xylans ,Young Adult ,Prospective cohort study ,Glucan ,Human ,Microbiology (medical) ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Medical device ,medicine.drug_class ,Urinary system ,030106 microbiology ,Microbiology ,Plant Extract ,03 medical and health sciences ,Xylan ,Internal medicine ,parasitic diseases ,medicine ,Antibiotic use ,business.industry ,ibiscu ,propoli ,Urinary Tract Infection ,Prospective Studie ,Observational study ,business - Abstract
Aim: To evaluate the efficacy of a medical device containing xyloglucan, hibiscus and propolis in the management of recurrent urinary tract infections (rUTIs). Patients & methods: Sixty-one women affected by rUTIs received this medical device, one capsule a day for 15 days (one cycle every month, for 6 months), in an observational, prospective study. Clinical and microbiological evaluations were performed at baseline and 1, 3 and 6 months from enrolment. Results: At first follow-up, 41 reported a clinical improvement and a return to their clinical status before UTI, while 47 and 51 did so at the second and third follow-up evaluations. A statistically significant clinical improvement was reported at each follow-up visit (quality of life [QoL] 94.2 vs 98.6; QoL 94.1 vs 98.7; QoL 94.2 vs 99.1; p
- Published
- 2019
11. Protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis of human exposure to pesticide residues in honey and other bees’ products
- Author
Paul T.J. Scheepers, Vivi Schlünssen, João Paulo Teixeira, Fiorella Belpoggi, Giovanni Dinelli, Daria Sgargi, Melissa J. Perry, Lygia T. Budnik, Horatiu Remus Moldovan, Balázs Ádám, Daniele Mandrioli, Sgargi D, Adam B, Budnik L.T., Dinelli G., Moldovan H.R., Perry M.J., Scheepers P.T., Schlünssen V., Teixeira J.P., Mandrioli D., Belpoggi, F., and Instituto de Saúde Pública da Universidade do Porto
- Subjects
Glyphosate ,Insecticides ,Acceptable daily intake ,Fungicide ,Royal jelly ,010501 environmental sciences ,01 natural sciences ,Biochemistry ,Beeswax ,Neonicotinoids ,0302 clinical medicine ,Neonicotinoid ,Medicine ,030212 general & internal medicine ,Insecticide ,Fungicides ,General Environmental Science ,education.field_of_study ,Honey ,Bees ,Occupational Diseases ,Pyrethroid ,Systematic review ,Meta-analysis ,visual_art ,visual_art.visual_art_medium ,Herbicide ,Chlorpyrifos ,Population ,World Health Organization ,Propolis ,03 medical and health sciences ,Occupational Exposure ,Environmental health ,Animals ,Humans ,Pyrethroids ,Pesticides ,education ,0105 earth and related environmental sciences ,Protocol (science) ,Chlorpyrifo ,Bees' products ,Herbicides ,Pesticide residue ,Ar e Saúde Ocupacional ,business.industry ,Other Research Radboud Institute for Health Sciences [Radboudumc 0] ,Pesticide Residues ,Pesticide ,business ,Propoli - Abstract
Meta-Analysis Background: The presence of pesticides in honey and related products is an increasing concern for consumers and producers, although there is lack of data on the current burden of exposure of the general human population through these products. We present a protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis of contamination to insecticides, herbicides and fungicides of products from honeybees, and an estimation of how much the consumption of these products contributes to the ADI (Acceptable Daily Intake) of selected substances. Objectives: We aim to systematically review and meta-analyse studies on the contamination to plant protection products in honey, royal jelly, beeswax and propolis, applying the Navigation Guide and WHO-ILO systematic review methodology as an organizing framework. Data sources: We will search electronic academic databases for potentially relevant records from PubMed, TOXNET and EMBASE. We will include quantitative studies analysing the contamination from insecticides, herbicides and fungicides in honey, propolis, royal jelly and beeswax. In particular, we will evaluate the presence of the following substances and classes of pesticides: Glyphosate, Chlorpyrifos, pyrethroid and neonicotinoid pesticides, fungicides and acaricides. Study appraisal and synthesis methods: At least two authors will independently screen titles and abstracts at a first stage of review, and full texts at a second stage, of potentially eligible records against the eligibility criteria; data extraction of included studies will then be performed by at least two authors, in blind. At least two authors will assess risk of bias and the quality of evidence, using the most suited tools currently available. The data on prevalence of contaminated samples and concentration of pesticides in the products will be combined using meta-analysis: when more than three studies reporting the necessary measures to fit the models are available, meta-analysis will be performed separately by product and by exposure; otherwise, weighted descriptive analysis will be performed. We will report the results using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines (PRISMA). Highlights: The presence of pesticides in honey and related products is an increasing concern for consumers and producers; We present a protocol for a systematic review of human exposure to pesticide residues in honey and other bees’ products; We will estimate of how much the consumption of these products contributes to the ADI of selected substances. The project is funded by the EU-COST (under Grant no, CA 15129). info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
- Published
- 2020
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12. Effetto di propoli prodotta in Toscana sullo sviluppo di Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus e Bacillus cereus in latte e ricotta
- Author
Pedonese, Francesca, Verani, Giada, Torracca, Beatrice, Turchi, Barbara, Felicioli, Antonio, and Nuvoloni, Roberta
- Subjects
Staphylococcus aures ,attività antibatterica ,propoli ,ricotta ,propoli, ricotta, attività antibatterica, Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aures ,Listeria monocytogenes - Published
- 2018
13. The supercritical carbon dioxide extraction of polyphenols from Propolis: A central composite design approach
- Author
Gabbriella Innocenti, Nicola De Zordi, Mariarosa Moneghini, Angelo Cortesi, Alessandro Portolan, Ireneo Kikic, Stefano Dall'Acqua, Gianni Baratto, Dario Solinas, Nicola De, Zordi, Cortesi, Angelo, Ireneo, Kikic, Moneghini, Mariarosa, Solinas, Dario, Gabriella, Innocenti, Alessandro, Portolan, Gianni, Baratto, and Stefano, Dall’Acqua
- Subjects
Flavonoids ,Supercritical carbon dioxide ,Chromatography ,Central composite design ,Chemistry ,General Chemical Engineering ,Supercritical fluids extraction ,Extraction (chemistry) ,Quali-quantitative composition ,Propolis ,Condensed Matter Physics ,High-performance liquid chromatography ,Polyphenol ,HPLC ,Yield (chemistry) ,Physical and Theoretical Chemistry ,Chemical composition ,Propoli - Abstract
The influence of different parameters on the Supercritical Carbon Dioxide (SCO2) extraction of Italian Propolis were studied with attention to extraction yield and chemical composition of obtained fractions. Operating parameters of SCO2 were optimized using central composite design. Analysis by multiple regression indicated that pressure and time have a major linear effect on the extraction yield and extract composition. Propolis SCO2 extracts present different chemical content compared to the ethanolic extract obtained with ultrasound assisted extraction (UAE). SCO2 extract can be used to perform further UAE ethanol extraction obtaining a flavonoid containing extract. These findings indicate two possible applications of supercritical carbon dioxide for Propolis extraction, one to obtain lipophilic fractions enriched in specific constituents, the other as pre-treatment of the crude material to facilitate the further extraction with ethanol.
- Published
- 2014
14. Qualität des Hühnerfleisches stammend von Masthühnern gefüttert mit Zugabe von natürlichem Propolis
- Author
Daniel Špoljarić, prof. Maja Popović, doc. Gordan Mršić, Maja Jelena Petek, Siniša Srečec, prof. Željka Cvrtila Fleck, prof. Lidija Kozačinski, Katarina Špiranec, and prof. Damir Mihelić
- Subjects
tovni pilići ,propolis ,kvaliteta mesa ,Masthühner ,Propolis ,Fleischqualität ,broilers ,meat quality ,polli da ingrasso ,propoli ,qualità della carne - Abstract
Učinak dodatka nativnog propolisa na kvalitetu mesa tovnih pilića istražen je u ovom radu. Osim smolastih biljnih sastavnica, u propolisu se nalaze sekreti pčelinjih žlijezda slinovnica poput lipofilne tvari, sluzi, ljepila, ulja, pa i voska. Propolis ima brojna terapeutska djelovanja poput antimikrobnog (antibakterijsko, antivirusno, antifungalno), protuupalno, regeneracijskog (zacjeljuje rane i obnavlja oštećeno tkivo), imunostimulacijskog, anestetičkog, spazmatičnog, te antikancerogenog (antitumorsko), kardiovaskularnog (učvršćuje strukture kapilara) i naposlijetku antioksidativnog. Upotreba antibiotskih poticatelja rasta napuštena je u peradarskoj proizvodnji i nužno je pronaći alternativne strategije kontrole i prevencije infekcija. U istraživanju su korišteni bataci i bijelo meso od deset tovnih pilića iz svake pokusne skupine kako bi se ispitao utjecaj dodatka prirodnog propolisa standardnoj krmnoj smjesi za tovne piliće na kemijsku kvalitetu mesa pomoću standardnih kemijskih metoda. Rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazuju pozitivan učinak prirodnog propolisa na kvalitetu mesa tovnih pilića., The effect of added supplement from nature propolis of the quality of broilers meat was researched in this paper. Besides resin plant components, propolis contain bee secretions of the salivary glands, such as lipophilic substances, mucus, adhesives, oils, and even wax. Propolis had many therapeutic activities such as antimicrobial (antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal), anti-inflammatory, regenerative (heals wounds and restores damaged tissue), immunostimulatory, anesthetic, spazmic and anticarcinogenic (antitumor), cardiovascular (reinforces the structure capillaries) and finally antioxidant. Usage of antibiotic growth promotors is abandoned in poultry production as well, it is neccesary to find alternative strategies for control and prevention of infections. Broilers buttlock and white meat from ten broilers from each experimental group were taken in order to examine the effect of addition of the supplement of nature propolis to the controlled food intended for broilers on chemical quality of broilers meat using standard chemical methodes. The data provided by this study illustrate beneficial effects of nature propolis supplement on the quality of broilers meat., In dieser Arbeit wurde der Einfluss vom nativen Propolis auf Qualität des Fleisches von Masthühnern untersucht. Außer harzreichen pflanzlichen Bestandteilen befinden sich im Propolis Sekrete von Bienenspeicheldrüsen wie lipophile Substanzen, Schleime, Klebstoffe, Öle und sogar Wachs. Propolis hat zahlreiche therapeutische Wirkungen wie z.B. antimikrobische Wirkung (antibakterielle, antivirulente, antifungale), gegen Entzündungen, regenerationsfähige Wirkung (hilft bei Wundenheilung und regeneriert das beschädigte Gewebe), immunostimulative, anästhetische, spasmatische und antikanzerogene (antitumor), cardiovasculare (befestigt die Kapilarstruktur) Wirkung und Antioxidationswirkung. Man hat vom Gebrauch der antibiotischen Wachstumerreger in Hühnerherstellung Abstand genommen. Infolge dessen zeigt sich als nötig, alternative Strategien der Kontrolle und Prävention der Infektion zu finden. In der Untersuchung wurden Keulen und Filet von zehn Masthühnern aus jeder Experimentalgruppe benutzt, um den Einfluss des nativen Propolis als Zugabe der standarden Viehfuttermischung für Masthühner auf chemische Fleischqualität mittels chemischer Standardmethoden zu bestimmen. Die Resultate dieser Untersuchung zeigen eine positive Wirkung von nativem Propolis auf Fleischqualität der Masthühner., Il presente lavora esamina l'effetto dell'aggiunta del propoli nativo sulla qualità della carne dei polli da ingrasso. Oltre alle sostanze resinose di origine vegetale, la propoli contiene le secrezioni delle ghiandole salivari, come le sostanze lipofile, il muco, la colla, l'olio e perfino la cera. La propoli ha numerosi effetti terapeutici come l'effetto antimicrobico (antibatterico, antivirale, antifungale), l'effetto antinfiammatorio e regenerativo (fa rimarginare le ferite e ripara il tessuto danneggiato), l'effetto immunostimolatorio, anestetico, spastico ed anticancerogeno (antitumorale), gli effetti cardiovascolari (rafforza la struttura dei vasi capillari) e infine l'effetto antiossidante. L'uso degli stimolatori di crescita a base di antibiotici è abbandonato nella produzione della carne di volatili e occorre trovare delle strategie alternative del controllo e della prevenzione delle infezioni. Nella ricerca sono utilizzate le cosce e la carne bianca di 10 polli da ingrasso di ogni guppo di prova per esaminare l'effetto dell'aggiunta della propoli naturale nell'impasto del mangime standard per i polli da ingrasso sulla qualità chimica della carne per mezzo di metodi chimici standard. I risultati di questa ricerca hanno presentato un effetto positivo della propoli naturale sulla qualità della carne dei polli da ingrasso.
- Published
- 2013
15. Caratterizzazione fitochimica della frazione volatile di propoli mediante tecnica HS-SPME-GC-MS
- Author
Benvenuti, Stefania, Pellati, Federica, Prencipe, FRANCESCO PIO, and Fabretto, I.
- Subjects
Caratterizzazione ,GC ,Frazione volatile ,Propoli ,SPME - Published
- 2013
16. Qualità chimica e funzionale di propoli italiana ottenuta con diverse tecniche di produzione
- Author
Papotti, Giulia, Bertelli, Davide, Bortolotti, L., and Plessi, Maria
- Subjects
attività antiossidante ,polifenoli ,Propoli - Published
- 2011
17. Recenti approcci analitici per la valutazione della qualità della propoli
- Author
Volpi, Nicola
- Subjects
Spettrometria di massa ,Polifenoli ,HPLC ,Propoli ,Flavonoidi - Published
- 2011
18. Classificazione di Propoli in base al metodo di raccolta mediante l'analisi di fingerprint NMR
- Author
Papotti, Giulia, Bertelli, Davide, Plessi, Maria, and Marcazzan, G. L.
- Subjects
chemiometria ,Propoli ,NMR - Published
- 2011
19. Analisi di estratti di propoli mediante HR-NMR e software per analisi di miscele complesse
- Author
Bertelli, Davide, Papotti, Giulia, and Plessi, Maria
- Subjects
chemiometria ,Propoli ,NMR - Published
- 2011
20. Studio della componente fenolica e dell'attività antiossidante di campioni di propoli italiane
- Author
BENDINI, ALESSANDRA, CERRETANI, LORENZO, GALLINA TOSCHI, TULLIA, V. Fabbri, A Bendini, V. Fabbri, L. Cerretani, and T. Gallina Toschi
- Subjects
Studio della frazione fenolica e dell'attività antiossidante di alcune propoli italiane In questo lavoro sperimentale è stato valutato il contenuto in sostanze fenoliche in 26 campioni di propoli italiane. Inoltre è stata misurata l'attività antiossidante di tali frazioni fenoliche. In particolare sono stati determinati quantitativamente per via spettrofotometrica i fenoli totali, gli orto-difenoli e i flavonoidi, mentre una valutazione qualitativa delle varie frazioni è stata effettuata mediante cromatografia su strato sottile (TLC). I fattori di ritenzione delle bande TLC sono stati confrontati con quelli di standard specifici come la pinocembrina, la galangina, la quercetina, la crisina e l'acido caffeico. La capacità antiossidante degli estratti fenolici di propoli è stata determinata mediante il test dell'ABTS radicale catione ed i risultati sono stati confrontati con quelli di altre matrici vegetali dotate di attività antiradicalica. Per concludere, la composizione media in sostanze fenoliche e polifenoliche e l'attività antiossidante delle propoli italiane analizzate sono state confrontate con quelle trovate in letteratura e riferite a campioni di propoli cinesi, giapponesi, cereani, greci, ciprioti, argentini e brasiliani.
- Published
- 2009
21. Classification of Italian propolis by HR-NMR: influence of different production techniques
- Author
Papotti, Giulia, Bertelli, Davide, and Plessi, Maria
- Subjects
Propoli ,HR-NMR - Published
- 2009
22. Attività antiossidante di propoli in emulsioni O/A
- Author
Papotti, Giulia, Plessi, Maria, Bertelli, Davide, Rancan, M., and Sabatini, A. G.
- Subjects
Attività antiossidante ,propoli ,emulsione - Published
- 2008
23. Topical anti-inflammatory activity of an innovative aqueous formulation of Actichelated Propolis vs. two commercial propolis formulations
- Author
Silvio Sosa, Aurelia Tubaro, Roberto Della Loggia, Anna Bornancin, Sosa, Silvio, Bornancin, A., Tubaro, Aurelia, and DELLA LOGGIA, Roberto
- Subjects
Hydrochloride ,Chemistry, Pharmaceutical ,Flurbiprofen ,Pharmacognosy ,Administration, Cutaneous ,Actichelated propolis ,Propolis ,law.invention ,Mice ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,law ,medicine ,Animals ,Edema ,Croton oil ,Pharmacology ,Aqueous solution ,Dose-Response Relationship, Drug ,biology ,Traditional medicine ,business.industry ,Anti-Inflammatory Agents, Non-Steroidal ,Actichelated propoli ,Bees ,biology.organism_classification ,Croton ,Topical anti-inflammatory activity ,chemistry ,Phytotherapy ,business ,Propoli ,medicine.drug - Abstract
A novel aqueous commercial formulation of a new hydrophilic propolis product (Actichelated((R)) Propolis, contained in 'LeniGola PropolEffect Spray Senza Alcohol'; Pharbenia, Milan, Italy) was evaluated for its topical antiinflammatory activity in comparison with a hydroglyceric propolis spray solution ('Propoli LeniGola Spray Senza Alcool'; Pharbenia, Milan, Italy) and a hydroalcohol preparation ('Propoli LeniGola Spray Forte'; Pharbenia, Milan, Italy). Actichelated propolis (Actimex, Trieste, Italy) is a multicomposite material obtained with a patented technology, mechano-chemical activation, which application led to a new hydrosoluble form of propolis. Each propolis preparation provoked a dose-dependent inhibition of the croton oil-induced ear oedema in mice. Considering the administered doses of flavonoids, 'LeniGola PropolEffect Spray Senza Alcool' (ID(50) = 13.6 microL/cm(2), corresponding to 13.6 microg flavonoids/cm(2)) is slightly more active than the hydroglyceric formulation 'Propoli LeniGola Spray' (ID(50) = 13.7 microL/cm(2), corresponding to 20.6 microg flavonoids/cm(2)) and six times more active than the hydroalcohol preparation 'Propoli LeniGola Spray Forte' (ID(50) = 5.5 microL/cm(2), corresponding to 82.5 microg flavonoids/cm(2)). As a reference, 15 microL/cm(2) of the commercial sprays Tantum Verde and Froben, containing 37.5 or 45 microg of the non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs benzidamine hydrochloride or flurbiprofen, induced 18% and 35% oedema inhibition, respectively.
- Published
- 2007
24. Antibacterial activity of propolis and its active principles alone and in combination with macrolides, beta-lactams and fluoroquinolones against microorganisms responsible for respiratory infections
- Author
L. Iauk, Rosario Musumeci, F. Caccamo, S. Puglisi, R. Costanzo, M.R. Catania, Annamaria Speciale, Speciale, A, Costanzo, R, Puglisi, S, Musumeci, R, Catania, MARIA ROSARIA, Caccamo, F, Iauk, L., Catania, M, and Iauk, L
- Subjects
antibiotic resistance ,medicine.drug_class ,Antibiotics ,Microbial Sensitivity Tests ,Biology ,medicine.disease_cause ,beta-Lactams ,Propolis ,Microbiology ,Haemophilus influenzae ,Moraxella catarrhalis ,Anti-Infective Agents ,respiratory infection ,Haemophilus parainfluenzae ,medicine ,Humans ,Pharmacology (medical) ,Respiratory Tract Infections ,Antibacterial agent ,Pharmacology ,Respiratory tract infections ,Bacteria ,Antimicrobial ,biology.organism_classification ,Infectious Diseases ,Streptococcus pneumoniae ,Oncology ,MED/07 - MICROBIOLOGIA E MICROBIOLOGIA CLINICA ,Drug Therapy, Combination ,Macrolides ,Propoli ,Fluoroquinolones - Abstract
Propolis is produced by bees and is reported to have several pharmaceutical properties. Its antibacterial activity against strains causing upper respiratory tract infections is particularly important: propolis might be used as a therapeutic agent to prevent the bacterial infections that sometimes overlap viral infections. In this study the in vitro activity of both an alcoholic solution and a hydroglyceric extract of propolis, as well as its active principles, was tested against bacteria responsible for respiratory infections (Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, Haemophilus parainfluenzae, Moraxella catarrhalis and Streptococcus pyogenes). We also evaluated the in vitro activity of a combination of propolis and its active principles and some beta-lactams, macrolides and fluoroquinolones. Our results, though not demonstrating a clearly synergistic activity between antibiotics and propolis and its constituents, show the possibility of using natural preparations, due to their antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, to enhance antibacterial therapy.
- Published
- 2006
25. Il valore nutrizionale dei prodotti dell'alveare: quali certezze e quali possibili sviluppi
- Author
- Subjects
Tutte le sostanze prodotte dalle api, dal miele alla gelatina o pappa reale, hanno molteplici qualità nutrizionali e salutistiche, note sin dall’antichità. Il miele contiene diversi principi nutritivi, rappresentati principalmente da zuccheri semplici, ed alcuni composti bioattivi, tra i quali gli antiossidanti, che possono avere un effetto positivo sulla salute umana. Essendo un alimento di origine naturale, la capacità antiossidante del miele è estremamente variabile, ed in alcuni casi può essere paragonata a quella di arance e broccoli. La propoli è un prodotto che fin dall’antichità ha vantato numerose proprietà terapeutiche: azione batteriostatica e battericida, antimicotica, antivirale, cicatrizzante, vasoprotettiva, antiflogistica ed anche antitumorale. Le sostanze maggiormente responsabili di queste proprietà sono i polifenoli. La composizione della frazione polifenolica della propoli varia, in termini quali e quantitativi, a seconda del prodotto considerato, ma il contenuto relativo di queste molecole risulta molto più elevato rispetto a quello riscontrabile in altri alimenti di origine vegetale. La gelatina reale è una sostanza di natura complessa, ricca di proteine, vitamine (soprattutto del gruppo B), minerali e zuccheri. È il prodotto dell’alveare meno conosciuto, ma già da tempo largamente impiegato in farmacologia come supporto a terapie classiche o in situazioni di stanchezza psico-fisica. Il valore nutrizionale di tutti i prodotti dell’alveare è estremamente variabile, a seconda dell’alimentazione delle api e delle stagioni. Pertanto, prima di poter definire questi prodotti come alimenti funzionali, sono necessari studi sperimentali sui prodotti specifici per poterne valutare correttamente i pregi nutrizionali.
- Published
- 2004
26. Antibacterial activity of Propolis and its active principles alone and in combination with macrolides, beta-lactams and fluoroquinolones against microorganisms responsible for respiratory infections
- Author
Speciale, A, Costanzo, R, Puglisi, S, Musumeci, R, Catania, M, Caccamo, F, Iauk, L, Catania, MR, Iauk, L., MUSUMECI, ROSARIO, Speciale, A, Costanzo, R, Puglisi, S, Musumeci, R, Catania, M, Caccamo, F, Iauk, L, Catania, MR, Iauk, L., and MUSUMECI, ROSARIO
- Abstract
Propolis is produced by bees and is reported to have several pharmaceutical properties. Its antibacterial activity against strains causing upper respiratory tract infections is particularly important: propolis might be used as a therapeutic agent to prevent the bacterial infections that sometimes overlap viral infections. In this study the in vitro activity of both an alcoholic solution and a hydroglyceric extract of propolis, as well as its active principles, was tested against bacteria responsible for respiratory infections (Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, Haemophilus parainfluenzae, Moraxella catarrhalis and Streptococcus pyogenes). We also evaluated the in vitro activity of a combination of propolis and its active principles and some beta-lactams, macrolides and fluoroquinolones. Our results, though not demonstrating a clearly synergistic activity between antibiotics and propolis and its constituents, show the possibility of using natural preparations, due to their antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, to enhance antibacterial therapy.
- Published
- 2006
27. Danno e utilità del processo infiammatorio: a)studio delle interazioni tra mastociti, microrganismi e fibre di amianto b) valutazione delle produzione di citichine da parte dell' epitelio della mucosa orale in un modello in vitro
- Author
Marchioli, Anna, Zabucchi, Giuliano, and Borelli, Violetta
- Subjects
PATOLOGIA SPERIMENTALE E CLINICA ,Mucosa Orale ,Mastociti ,Asbesto ,Fagocitosi ,MED/04 PATOLOGIA GENERALE ,Propoli - Abstract
2008/2009 a)STUDIO DELL’INTERAZIONE TRA MASTOCITI, MICRORGANISMI E FIBRE DI AMIANTO INTRODUZIONE: I mastociti (mast cell, MC) sono cellule con un’ampia distribuzione tissutale, che tradizionalmente sono state associate alla risposta allergica, inoltre si pensa che queste cellule siano capaci di regolare il processo infiammatorio. Essi infatti, dopo attivazione, rilasciano istamina, leucotrieni e prostanoidi, come pure proteasi, chemochine e citochine. Questi mediatori possono essere fondamentali nella genesi della risposta infiammatoria. I MC hanno alcune funzioni comuni a quelle dei fagociti professionali. Viste la loro localizzazione e i mediatori prodotti, i mastociti giocano un ruolo attivo in molte patologie, come le allergie, le infezioni, l’asma, l’artrite, i tumori e la fibrosi polmonare. In particolare essendo una fonte di citochine fibrogeniche (TGF-β e PDGF e β-FGF) risultano associati a diverse patologie fibrotiche. Alcuni studi recenti hanno dimostrato che i MC non sono in grado di uccidere microrganismi non opsonizzati a livello intracellulare, una volta che questi sono stati fagocitati. Altri studi hanno dimostrato che i MC sono in grado di uccidere in modo significativo microrganismi opsonizzati. Attualmente non è chiaro si il processo fagocitino dei MC segua o meno le stesse vie e se abbia o meno lo stesso significato di quello dei fagociti professionali. SCOPO: In questo studio abbiamo valutato l’ultrastruttura dei fagosomi che si formano nei MC peritoneali di ratto (RPMC), l’attività di killing contro C. albicans e altri microrganismi. Siamo inoltre a valutare se i MC fossero in grado di interagire direttamente con le fibre di amianto (in particolare Crocidolite) RISULTATI: Abbiamo dimostrato che i RPMC uccidono i microrganismi indipendentemente dalla loro ingestione. L’analisi ultrastrutturale ha dimostrato che i fagosomi dei RPMC contenenti funghi o batteri, hanno una struttura stretta e compatta, e la loro membrana sembra presentare alcune interruzioni. RPMC esprimono NOD1 e NOD2, che appartengono alla famiglia di proteine NLR, il cui ruolo è quello di riconoscere componenti intracellulari di origine sconosciuta. In seguito all’ingestione di C. albicans, entrambe queste molecole vengono traslocate dal citosol, alla zona attorna alla particella ingerita. Queste osservazioni suggeriscono che nei RPMC le particelle ingerite possano entrare in contatto diretto con i NOD, proprio attraverso le interruzioni della membrana del fagosoma, e di conseguenza innescare i meccanismi per la produzione di citochine che vengono innescati dai NOD. Per quanto riguarda l’interazione dei MC con le fibre di amianto, abbiamo osservato che i RPMC, in seguito all’interazione con le fibre, vanno in contro a intensa degranulazione, riversando i granuli sulle fibre stesse, che appaiono ricoperte di granuli. Inoltre durante l’interazione, in presenza di fibre, le RPMC producono anione superossido in quantità maggiore rispetto alle cellule a riposo. Per quanto riguarda la secrezione dell’enzima chimasi, questo sembra calare in maniera significativa nel sopranatante ottenuto dopo centrifugazione del medium di incubazione, mentre per quanto riguarda la Beta-Esosaminidasi (B-Eso), la presenza o meno delle fibre sembra non influenzarne la secrezione. Abbiamo quindi cercato di mettere a punto un modello sperimentale che di permettesse di separare le cellule intere e le fibre con i granuli adesi, dopo l’incubazione. La maggior parte dell’attività enzimatica sembra essere nella nella frazione contenente le cellule residue svuotate e nel pellet, dove si ritrova associata alle fibre. Abbiamo inoltre osservato che le fibre sono in grado di legare l’attività chimasica del lisato di RPMC, mentre sembrano non influenzare l’attività della B-Eso. Tali risultati sembrano suggerire che le fibre sono in grado di legare sia i granuli (e quindi gli enzimi Chimasi e B-Eso), sia la chimasi direttamente. La presenza di enzimi di origine mastocitaria sulle fibre, potrebbe avere un ruolo centrale per permettere il passaggio delle fibre dagli alveoli polmonari alle pleure, dove provocano l’insorgenza di mesotelioma maligno, una neoplasia piuttosto rara, la cui insorgenza è strettamente legata all’esposizione alle fibre di amianto. È inoltre da sviluppare lo studio delle eventuali nuove funzioni che questi enzimi scaricati sulle fibre, conferiscono alle fibre stesse, al fine di capire se le “fibre rivestite” sono in grado di migrare attraverso la matrice extracellulare. Il lavoro sta proseguendo anche al fine di comprendere meglio il tipo di interazione tra MC e le fibre. b)VALUTAZIONE DELLA PRODUZIONE DI CITOCHINE DA PARTE DELL’EPITELIO DELLA MUCOSA ORALE IN UN MODELLO in vitro INTRODUZIONE: La Propoli, un prodotto naturale derivato dall’attività delle api, è nota per una varietà di effetti benefici sfruttati da secoli, tra i quali l’attività antinfiammatoria e quella batterio-statica/battericida sono i principali. I modelli sperimantali per la valutazione dell’attività antinfiammatoria della propoli e dei suoi componenti isolati sono vari, e riguardano per lo più studi in vivo in diversi modelli animali. SCOPO: In questo studio è stata valutata la capacità di un principio attivo costituito da un complesso con propoli e impiegato in alcuni prodotti commerciali per l’igiene orale, di modulare il rilascio spontaneo e indotto da LPS di alcuni mediatori infiammatori, impiegando il modello tridimensionale di epitelio umano orale ricostituito della Ditta Skinethic. La scelta per quanto riguarda i mediatori infiammatori da misurare, è stata fatta in base al loro coinvolgimento in patologie orali quali: periodontite, stomatite aftosa ricorrente e candidosi. Scopo ultimo è quello di mettere a punto un sistema rilevatore semplice e attendibile dell’effetto biologico della propoli e dei suoi componenti su un tessuto umano riprodotto in coltura nelle sue caratteristiche principali. RISULTATI: L’applicazione topica della sola propoli actichelata, induce una riduzione del rilascio basale di IL-6 e IL-8, mentre induce un aumento del rilascio stimolato di entrambe le citochine. Il suo effetto stimolante il rilascio di mediatori infiammatori da parte dell’epitelio orale, soprattutto in condizioni infiammatorie (stimolazione con LPS), meriterebbe ulteriori indagini. Contrariamente, il Tantum verde, e il suo solo principio attivo, inducono un aumento del rilascio basale e stimolato di IL-6 e IL-8 da parte dell’epitelio orale umano. Da quanto osservato risulta quindi che la propoli actichelata, inducendo una riduzione di IL-8 e IL-6, è più efficace nel trattamento di condizioni patologiche che si associano a un’iperattività dei neutrofili come la parodontite, piuttosto che nel trattamento della candidosi orale dove queste cellule svolgono un ruolo fondamentale nella risoluzione. XXII Ciclo
- Published
- 1979
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