- Author
Nimac, Ana and Ravnikar, Anton
- Subjects
The Book of the City of Ladies [Christine de Pizan] ,srednji vek ,Mesto dam [Christine de Pizan] ,Decameron. [Giovanni Boccaccio] ,the Middle Ages ,udc:305=94(100)"04/14"(043.2) ,Dekameron. [Giovanni Boccaccio] ,ženske v srednjem veku ,Paolo Santonino’s Itinerary ,Popotni dnevnik [Paolo Santonino] ,women during medieval times - Abstract
V srednjem veku se je življenje žensk razlikovalo glede na njihov družbeni sloj. Čeprav jih umeščamo v kmečke, mestne in dvorne sloje, pa je vsem skupno to, da so bile bolj ali manj podrejene moškim. V prvem delu naloge sem na kratko predstavila dogajanje v srednjem veku, in sicer z namenom, da bi lažje razumeli življenje v tem odboju. Drugi del opisuje vse kmečke in mestne ženske v srednjem veku kako so živele, kakšno izobrazbo so prejele in kako so skrbele za družino. Tretji del naloge pa je posvečen dvornim ženskam. Tudi v tem delu je poudarek na njihovem izobraževanju, pa tudi življenju samskih, poročenih ter ovdovelih žensk. Na podlagi virov piscev takratnega časa sem predstavila še njihova pričevanja o ženskah na dvoru. Knjiga o mestu dam Christine de Pizan je imela zelo velik vpliv na prvo generacijo žensk s pomembno vlogo v javnem življenju. Paolo Santonino je v Popotnem dnevniku zelo podrobno opisal svoja potovanja, na katerih je srečal tudi številne ženske na dvorih. V ljubezni razočarani Giovanni Boccaccio, ki je v svojih neuslišanih ljubeznih dobil navdih za ustvarjanje, je v Dekameronu ženske prav tako opisoval kot plemenite, lepe in dobrosrčne. The life of women during medieval times was defined by their social class. Although, divided into different classes (peasants, middle and court classes), they had one thing in common – all were more or less inferior to men. The first part of this graduation thesis briefly showcases medieval events, hence in order to understand life during these times. The second part represents all medieval women from the peasant and middle class depicting their lifestyles, education possibilities and how they took care for their family. Furthermore, the third part of the thesis focuses on court ladies. Similarly, great stress is laid upon their education, as well as the life of unmarried, married and widowed women. Moreover and on the basis of sources from authors of that time, their testimonies about court ladies were represented. The Book of the City of Ladies by Christine de Pizan had a significant impact on the first generation of women with important roles in public life. Paolo Santonino’s itineraries provide thorough insight into his journeys, during which he met several court ladies. The heart-broken Giovanni Boccaccio, who drew his creative urge from the unrequited love, depicted women in Decameron as noble, beautiful and kind-hearted.
- Published
- 2015