Academic integrity within higher education has been extensively studied nationally and internationally for the past several years (Aaron & Georgia, 1994; Bower, 1964; Diekhoff, LaBeff, Shinohara, & Yasukawa, 1999; Kibler & Kibler, 1993; Lupton, Chapman, & Weiss, 2000; McCabe, Trevino, & Butterfield, 2001; McCabe, 1997; McCabe & Trevino, 1996, 1997; Saddlemire, 2005; Selingo, 2004). Findings from these studies revealed that the seriousness of the problem has been underestimated by faculty, college administrators, and students for at least 30 years (Alschuler & Blimling, 1995). While it has been difficult to determine if academic dishonesty in higher education has changed over time, findings in the literature clearly indicate that students continue to engage in some form of academic dishonesty at high rates. Ludeman (1998) asserts that the level of college cheating among students has increased since 1941. Researchers (Higbee & Thomas, 2002; Kibler, 1994; McCabe, 2005; McCabe & Trevino, 1996; Ruderman, 2004; Saddlemire, 2005; Selingo, 2004) on the topic believe faculty members play a critical role in reducing incidents of academic dishonesty. This study focused on characterizing patterns of beliefs, level of understanding, and reported actions of faculty regarding academic integrity at public and private institutions with honor code and academic integrity policies in the southeastern United States. Also, this study focused on faculty beliefs and understanding of academic integrity at various levels (full professor, associate professor, assistant professor, and instructors). Finally, this study included a diverse pool of participants that included faculty from different and varied campuses (small and larger, public and private, historically Black colleges and Universities and historically White colleges and universities). The descriptive analyses for this study are from a self reported questionnaire of undergraduate teaching faculty a