Aims: To study the Plant protection advisory services provided by Agri-input dealers on pomegranate crop, to study the constraints faced by Agri-input dealers while providing advisory services, to obtain the suggestions from the Agri-input dealers to overcome the constraints. Study Design: Ex-post facto research design was used for the study Place and Duration of the Study: Department of Agricultural Extension and Communication, MPKV, Rahuri, between August 2020 and July 2021. Methodology: The present study was conducted in two tehsils Malshiras and Pandharpur, Solapur district of Maharashtra with sample size of 120 respondents from 12 villages, 6 villages from each tehsil Malshiras and Pandharpur Respectively. The data was collected on plant protection advisory services provided by Agri-input dealers on pomegranate crop, constraints and suggestions given by the Agri-input dealers. Results: As regards plant protection advisory services provided by Agri-input dealers on pomegranate crop it was observed from that, majority of Agri-input dealers 64.17 per cent comes under medium level of plant protection advisory services followed by20.00 per cent Agri-input dealers who were found under high level of providing plant protection advisory services to the farmers and 15.83 per cent represented the lower category. The important constraints reported by majority of the respondents during providing plant protection advisory to farmers were Agri-input dealers faced the constraints that farmers were not shared detail information regarding previously used pesticides or insecticide, Inadequate time for farm visits, Less preferred paid advisory by the farmers, Lack of coordination and networking in Agri-input dealers in providing advisory to farmers and Lack of information on climate change/variability before advising farmers on plant protection advisory services. Conclusion: An overview of findings revealed that most of the Agri-input dealers were almost medium in providing advisory services. Hence the extension functionaries need to give attention to focus on capacity building of Agri-input dealers in providing accurate plant protection advisory to farmer., {"references":["1.\tArgade. S., Sarkar, A. and Mishra, S. 2015. Gender based involvement of agro-input dealers in extension activities in Maharashtra state India. International Journal of Agriculture Science, 7(3): 470-473. 2.\tBorah. A. 2019. A study on Effectiveness of advisory services rendered by agro input dealers in Jorhat district, Assam. M.Sc. (Agri) Thesis. Assam Agricultural, University. 3.\tBuhler. W.G. and Whipker, L.D. 2003. Using Research to Design and Evaluate Pesticide Dealer Training! Journal of Pesticide Safety Education, 5:7-24. 4.\tChandra Shekara, P. 2007. Private Extension: Indian Experiences. 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