Generative models, such as predictive coding, posit that perception results from a combination of sensory input and prior prediction, each weighted by its precision (inverse variance), with incongruence between these termed prediction error (deviation from prediction) or surprise (negative log probability of the sensory input). However, direct evidence for such a system, and the physiological basis of its computations, is lacking. Using an auditory stimulus whose pitch value changed according to specific rules, we controlled and separated the three key computational variables underlying perception, and discovered, using direct recordings from human auditory cortex, that surprise due to prediction violations is encoded by local field potential oscillations in the gamma band (>30 Hz), changes to predictions in the beta band (12-30 Hz), and that the precision of predictions appears to quantitatively relate to alpha band oscillations (8-12 Hz). These results confirm oscillatory codes for critical aspects of generative models of perception. DOI:, eLife digest Our perception of the world is not only based on input from our senses. Instead, what we perceive is also heavily altered by the context of what is being sensed and our expectations about it. Some researchers have suggested that perception results from combining information from our senses and our predictions. This school of thought, referred to as “predictive coding”, essentially proposed that the brain stores a model of the world and weighs it up against information from our senses in order to determine what we perceive. Nevertheless, direct evidence for the brain working in this way was still missing. While neuroscientists had seen the brain respond when there was a mismatch between an expectation and incoming sensory information, no one has observed the predictions themselves within the brain. Sedley et al. now provide such direct evidence for predictions about upcoming sensory information, by directly recording the electrical activity in the brains of human volunteers who were undergoing surgery for epilepsy. The experiment made use of a new method in which the volunteers listened to a sequence of sounds that was semi-predictable. That is to say that, at first, the volunteers heard a selection of similarly pitched sounds. After random intervals, the average pitch of these sounds changed and they became more or less variable for a while before randomly changing again. This approach meant that the volunteers had to continually update their predictions throughout the experiment In keeping with previous studies, the unexpected sounds, which caused a mismatch between the sensory information and the brain’s prediction, were linked to high-frequency brainwaves. However, Sedley et al. discovered that updating the predictions themselves was linked to middle-frequency brainwaves; this confirms what the predictive coding model had suggested. Finally, this approach also unexpectedly revealed that how confident the volunteer was about the prediction was linked to low-frequency brainwaves. In the future, this new method will provide an easy way of directly studying elements of perception in humans and, since the experiments do not require complex learning, in other animals too. DOI: