Child sexual abuse has been researched and found to be a serious and ongoing problem world over. World Health Organization (WHO) reported that about 20% of girls and 5% to 10% of boys worldwide are victims of sexual abuse. The Ministry of Public Service and Gender in Kenya perceives child sexual abuse as being affected by environmental, cultural, social, and gender disparities. To mitigate the effects of child sexual abuse on the victims, regular counseling needs to be arranged to manage the effects of this ordeal on the child. This study soughtto assess the influence of counseling approaches on the psychological well-being of sexually abused children in Ainamoi Sub-County, Kericho County, Kenya. Specific objectives of this study included investigating the influence of play therapy, art therapy and verbal therapy on the psychological well-being of sexually abused children in Ainamoi Sub-County, Kericho County. The study was guided by Cognitive Behavioral theory and adopted across sectional research design for addressing the study variables. The target included children who accessed therapy services in Kericho Referral hospital which is the main referral hospital in the county using the hospital records, their parents and guidance as well as the counselors. The study sample comprised of 150 participants, 4 counselors, 73 sexually abused children and 73 parents/caregivers. Simple random sampling was used in selecting the study respondents. Primary data was gathered using structured questionnaires. The instruments were pre-tested for reliability using alpha (α) method by Cronbach Alpha formula with a threshold of acceptance at 0.7. Quantitative data wasanalyzed using descriptive statistics with the aid of the Statistical Package for Social Sciences Version 22.0 while qualitative data was analyzed thematically using content analysis. Data was presented in the form of tables and figures.The study found out that play therapy has some influence on wellbeing of the children and thus the alternative hypothesis was accepted and the null hypothesis rejected. The study recommends that hospital in Kenya should have child counseling units where counseling approaches such as play therapy can be used to psychologically rehabilitate sexually abused children back to normalcy in the society. Keywords: Counseling, Play Therapy, Psychological Wellbeing. Title: INFLUENCE OF PLAY THERAPY ON THE PSYCHOLOGICAL WELL-BEING OF SEXUALLY ABUSED CHILDREN IN AINAMOI SUB-COUNTY, KERICHO COUNTY KENYA Author: Philip Moses Nyasinga, Dr. Florence K’Okul International Journal of Recent Research in Social Sciences and Humanities (IJRRSSH) ISSN 2349-7831 Vol. 9, Issue 3, July 2022 - September 2022 Page No: 136-144 Paper Publications Website: Published Date: 15-September-2022 DOI: Paper Download Link (Source), International Journal of Recent Research in Social Sciences and Humanities (IJRRSSH), ISSN 2349-7831, Paper Publications, Website:, {"references":["[1]\tAlisic E., Zalta A. K., Van Wesel F., Larsen S. E., Hafstad G. S., Hassanpour K., &Smid G. E. (2014). Rates of post-traumatic stress disorder in trauma-exposed children and adolescents: Meta-analysis. The British Journal of Psychiatry.","[2]\tAl-Mahroos, F. T., E. A. Al-Amer, A. A. Al-Saddadi, & F. J. Al-Nasheet. 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