33 results on '"Petrović, Milorad"'
Search Results
2. The association of early postoperative lactate levels with morbidity after elective major abdominal surgery
- Author
Velicković, Jelena, Velicković, Jelena, Palibrk, Ivan, Miličić, Biljana, Velicković, Dejan, Jovanović, Bojan, Rakić, Goran, Petrović, Milorad, Bumbaširević, Vesna, Velicković, Jelena, Velicković, Jelena, Palibrk, Ivan, Miličić, Biljana, Velicković, Dejan, Jovanović, Bojan, Rakić, Goran, Petrović, Milorad, and Bumbaširević, Vesna
- Abstract
Lactate levels are widely used as an indicator of outcome in critically ill patients. We investigated the prognostic value of postoperative lactate levels for postoperative complications (POCs), mortality and length of hospital stay after elective major abdominal surgery. A total of 195 patients were prospectively evaluated. Lactate levels were assessed on admission to the intensive care unit (ICU) [L-0], at 4 hours (L-4), 12 hours (L-12), and 24 hours (L-24) after the operation. Demographic and perioperative clinical data were collected. Patients were monitored for complications until discharge or death. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were used to determine the predictive value of lactate levels for postoperative outcomes. The best cut-off lactate values were calculated to differentiate between patients with and without complications, and outcomes in patients with lactate levels above and below the cut-off thresholds were compared. Univariate and multivariate analyses were used to identify variables associated with POCs and mortality. Seventy-six patients developed 184 complications (18 deaths), while 119 had no complications. Serum lactate levels were higher in patients with complications at all time points compared to those without complications (p lt 0.001). L-12 had the highest predictive value for complications (AUROC(12) = 0.787; 95% CI: 0.719-0.854; p lt 0.001) and mortality (AUROC(12) = 0.872; 95% CI: 0.794-0.950;p lt 0.00l). The best L-12 cut-off value for complications and mortality was 1.35 mmol/l and 1.85 mmol/l, respectively. Multivariate analysis revealed that L-1(2) >= 1.35 mml/l was an independent predictor of postoperative morbidity (OR 2.58; 95% CI 1.27-5.24,p = 0.001) . L-24 was predictive of POCs after major abdominal surgery. L-12 had the best power to discriminate between patients with and without POCs and was associated with a longer hospital stay.
- Published
- 2019
3. Značaj pozitronske emisione tomografije sa kompjuterizovanom tomografijom u evaluaciji bolesnika sa kolorektalnim karcinomom
- Author
Artiko, Vera, Petrović, Milorad, Šobić-Šaranović, Dragana, Petrović, Nebojša, Rajić, Milena, Odalović, Strahinja, Artiko, Vera, Petrović, Milorad, Šobić-Šaranović, Dragana, Petrović, Nebojša, Rajić, Milena, and Odalović, Strahinja
- Abstract
Karcinom debelog creva ili kolorektalni karcinom, predstavlja treći najčešći maligni tumor i kod muškaraca i kod žena u razvijenim zemljama, kao i treći najčešći uzrok smrti ulsed malignog oboljenja. Uprkos napretku u hirurškom lečenju i uvođenju kombinovanih terapijskih modaliteta, 5-ogodišnje preživljavanje retko prelazi 60%, i kreće se između 90% kod lokalizovane bolesti do 11% u slučajevima diseminovanog oboljenja. U 55%-80% pacijenata će doći do pojave recidiva, sa inicijalnom pojavom izolovanih metastaza u jetri u oko 30% pacijenata. Metastaze u jetri upravo predstavljaju vodeći uzrok morbiditeta i mortaliteta u obolelih od kolorektalnog karcinoma. Pozitronska emisiona tomografija sa kompjuterizovanom tomografijom sa primenom fluoro-deoksiglukoze (FDG PET/CT) predstavlja naprednu dijagnostičku metodu u detekciji loko-regionnlanih recidiva i udaljenih metastaza kod pacijenata nakon operacije primarnog kolorektalnog karcinoma, zahvaljujući visokoj senzitivnosti i specifičnosti. Uprkos tome, pojedini autori su prikazali nižu osetljivost i specifičnost FDG PET/CT u poređenju sa multi-detektorskom kompjuterizovanom tomografijom (MDCT) i magnetnom rezonancom (MR) u detekciji metastaza u jetri. Trenutne preporuke za praćenje pacijenata nakon operacije kolorektalnog karcinoma predstavljaju određivanje serumske koncentracije karcino-embrionog antigena (CEA) i vizualizacione dijagnostičke metode. CEA, iako osetljiv u detekciji ranog relapsa, često daje lažno-pozitivne nalaze. Uloga karbohidratnog-antigena 19-9 (CA 19-9) u detekciji rekurentnog kolorektalnog karcinoma je još uvek nejasna, iako postoje studije koje naglašavaju njegov potencijalni prognostički značaj. Za razliku od MDCT i MR koji koriste anatomske parametre (veličinu lezije) radi evaluacije terapijskog odgovora, FDG PET/CT kvantifikuje funkcionalne, metaboličke promene, koje su bolji prediktor ishoda prema pojedinim autorima. Produžavanje preživljavanja se može postići identifikacijom visoko-rizičnih pacij, Colorectal carcinoma represents the third most common malignant tumor in both men and women in developed world and the third leading cause of cancer-related death [1]. Despite the advances in surgical treatment and introduction of combined therapeutical modalities, 5 years survival rarely exceeds 60%, varying from 90% in localized disease to 11% in patients with spread to distant organs. Between 55% and 80% of patients will develop recurrence, with isolated hepatic recurrence initially occuring in approximately 30% of patients. Overall, liver metastases represent leading cause of cancer-related morbidity and mortality in colorectal cancer. At present, whole-body fluorine-18-fluoro-deoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography (FDG PET/CT) is an advanced diagnostic imaging technique in detecting loco-regional recurrence and metastases in postoperative patients with colorectal carcinoma for its higher sensitivity and specificity. However, other authors reported on lower sensitivity and specificity of FDG PET/CT compared to multi-detector computerized tomography (MDCT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MR) in detection of liver metastases. Current guidelines for managing patients with CRC after therapy recommend regular measurements of serum carcinoembryogenic antigen (CEA) and imaging tests. CEA, although sensitive in detecting early relapse, gives very often a false-positive result. The role of carbohydrate antigen 19-9 (CA 19-9) in detection of recurrent CRC is still unclear, although there have been studies suggesting its potential prognostic significance. In contrast to MDCT and MR, which use anatomic parameters (lesion size) to evaluate therapy outcome, FDG PET/CT quantifies functional change, a better predictor to disease development according to some authors. The improvement of survival in patients with colorectal carcinoma could be achieved by the identification of high risk patients for disease recurrence and progression, as well as for the clas
- Published
- 2018
4. Značaj ispitivanja motorne funkcije žučne kesice radionuklidnom i ultrasonografskom metodom u bolesnika sa oboljenjima hepatobilijarnog sistema
- Author
Stojković, Mirjana, Petrović, Milorad, Tomić, Dragan, Kovačević, Nada, Petrović, Nebojša, Radoman, Irena, Stojković, Mirjana, Petrović, Milorad, Tomić, Dragan, Kovačević, Nada, Petrović, Nebojša, and Radoman, Irena
- Abstract
Cilj rada je procena funkcionalne sposobnosti holeciste neinvazivnim metodama, odnosno pomoću ultrazvuka i holecistoscintigrafije kao pomoćne metode. Ukupno je urađeno 133 bolesnika pomoću ultrazvuka a 32 pomoću holecistoscintigrafije. U odnosu na vrednosti u KG, dobijene su značajno snižene vrednosti ejekcione frakcije (EF) i brzine pražnjenja (ER) žučne kese (p<0.05) u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu u grupama bolesnika sa akutnim holecistitsom, hroničnim kalkuloznim i hroničnim akalkuloznim holecistitisom, diskinezijom I helikobakter pilori infekcijom. U grupama bolesnika sa polipima žučne kese I gastroezofagusnim refluksom nisu dobijene značajne razlike (p>0.05) ovih parametara u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu. Takođe je postojala korelacija između rezultata dobijenih primenom ultrazvučne metode i holecistoscintigrafije u grupama bolesnika sa akutnim holecistisom, hroničnim kalkulusnim i hroničnim akalkulusnim holecistitsom i diskinezijama žučne kese. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na značajno smanjenje motiliteta žučne kese u bolesnika sa akutnim holecistisom, hroničnim kalkulusnim i nekalkulusnim holecistisom, diskinezijom i onima sa infekcijom H. Pilori. Blagovremena dijagnostika bi ubrzala njihovo lečenje čime bi se izbegle komplikacije. S obzirom na korelaciju rezultata dobijenih primenom obe metode, sigurno da je bolje ovo ispitivanje raditi primenom UZ kao neradioaktivne metode. Ipak, radi ispitivanja celokupnog ciklusa, ukoliko je potrebna preciznost ili u slučaju nekonkluzivnog nalaza, može se raditi i holescintigrafija., The aim is assessment of the functional ability of gallbladder with non invasive methods, using ultrasound and cholecystoscintigraphy. Total of 133 patients was investigated with ultrasound and 32 with cholecystoscintigraphy. In comparison to control group, significantly lower values of ejection fraction (EF) and ejection rate (ER) of gallbladder are obtained (p<0.05) in the groups of patients with acute cholecystitis, chronic acalculous and chronic acalculous cholecystitis, dyskinesia and Helicobacter pylori infection. In the groups with polips and gastroesophageal reflux, were not obtained significant differences in comparison to the control group (p>0.05). Also, correlation existed between the results obtained with ultrasound and cholcystoscintigraphy in patients with acute cholecystitis, chronic calculous and chronic acalculous cholecystitis as well as dyskinesias. The results obtained show significantly lower motility of gallbladder in patients with acute cholecystitis, chronic cholecystitis, noncaculous cholecystitis, dikinesias and Helicobacter pylori infection. Prompt diagnosis will lead to appropriate and early treatment ths avoiding complications. It is suggestible to perform ultrasound assessment of gallbladder motility whenever it is possible. Radionuclide method should be used only in cases when ultrasonographic result is inconclusive.
- Published
- 2016
5. Pospanost, sindrom opstruktivne apneje u spavanju i saobraćajni traumatizam kod profesionalnih vozača
- Author
Milovanović, Aleksandar P., Petrović, Milorad, Bulat, Petar, Vukčević, Miodrag, Mačvanin, Nada, Popević, Martin B., Milovanović, Aleksandar P., Petrović, Milorad, Bulat, Petar, Vukčević, Miodrag, Mačvanin, Nada, and Popević, Martin B.
- Abstract
Uvod: Saobraćajni traumatizam predstavlja značajan problem u zemljama Evrope i sveta. Ukupan broj saobraćajnih nezgoda u Srbiji u poslednjih nekoliko godina pokazuje trend pada, ali prisutan je porast teških telesnih povreda i smrtnih ishoda u udesima. Prekomerna pospanost u vožnji je direktno uzročno-posledično povezana sa nastankom saobraćajnih nezgoda. Smatra se da 20-25% nezgoda u Evropi nastaje kao posledica prekomerne pospanosti. Poremećaji disanja u snu, pre svega sindrom opstruktivne apneje u spavanju (OSA) imaju veliki uticaj na pojavu prekomerne dnevne pospanosti, pospanosti za volanom kao i na nastanak saobraćajnih udesa. Procenjuje se da oko 13% muškaraca i 6% žena uzrasta 30-70 godina boluje od umerene i teške forme ove bolesti, ali da kod 85% pacijenata oboljenje nije prepoznato. Vozači sa nelečenom ili nedijagnostikovanom OSA imaju dva do sedam puta veći rizik od saobraćajne nezgode. Prevalencija OSA je 26-50% u populaciji profesionalnih vozača. U Srbiji ne postoje epidemiološki podaci o prevalencijii OSA u opštoj populaciji, kao ni o učestalosti prekomerne pospanosti ili sindroma opstruktivne apneje u spavanju u populaciji profesionalnih vozača učesnika saobraćajnih nezgoda. Ciljevi rada: Utvrđivanje učestalosti prekomerne pospanosti i OSA u uzorku profesionalnih vozača autobusa i kamiona. Ispitivanje veze između prekomerne pospanosti i OSA, i veze ova dva stanja sa učestalošću i karakteristikama saobraćajnih nezgoda i rizičnih oblika ponašanja. Sekundarni cilj rada je utvrđivanje da li se kombinovanom primenom odgovarajućih upitnika i kliničkog pregleda može adekvatno proceniti rizik od pojave pospanosti, OSA, saobraćajnog traumatizma i rizičnih oblika ponašanja u vožnji u uzorku profesionalnih vozača. Materijal i metode: Istraživanje je sprovedeno u tri faze. U prvoj fazi, 396 vozača profesionalaca je anketirano o uslovima života i rada, prisustvu prekomerne dnevne pospanosti, riziku od OSA i pojavi saobraćajnih nezgoda primenom generičkog upitnika, Introduction: Traffic safety is a crucial problem in Europe and worldwide. In the last years, the number of traffic accidents in Serbia is decreasing, with an increase in severe body injuries and deaths. Losses in goods and services are estimated to billions of dinars. There is a cause-effect relationship between sleepiness while driving and the rate of traffic accidents. Sleepiness at the wheel is a recognized cause in 20-25% of all traffic accidents in Europe. Sleep related breathing disorders, primarily obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome (OSA), have the greatest impact on the occurrence of sleepiness in drivers, and on traffic accidents. It is estimated that 13% of men and 6% of women in 30-70 years age group have moderate to severe OSA, but the disease has not been recognized in 85% of the patients. According to various studies, drivers with undiagnosed or untreated OSA have a two to sevenfold greater risk of traffic accidents. OSA prevalence is 26-50% in the commercial drivers’ population. In Serbia, there are no epidemiologic data on the prevalence of OSA in the general population, or on the frequency of excessive sleepiness or disease in the population of commercial drivers involved in traffic accidents. Aims: To establish the prevalence of excessive sleepiness and OSA in a sample of commercial bus and truck drivers. To analyze the correlation between excessive sleepiness and OSA, as well as the correlation of these two disorders with prevalence and features of traffic accidents and risk behaviour. Secondary aim was to establish if a combined implementation of questionnaires and clinical examination could be used for assessment of risk of excessive sleepiness, OSA, traffic accidents and risk behaviour in the sample of commercial drivers. Materials and methods: Research was conducted in three consecutive phases. In the first phase, 396 commercial drivers were interviewed on features of life and work, presence of excessive daytime sleepiness, OSA risk and involv
- Published
- 2016
6. Gallbladder Motility Disorders Estimated by Ultrasonography and Radionuclide Methods: Imaging of Gallbladder Motility
- Author
Stojković, Mirjana, primary, Radoman, Irena, additional, Artiko, Vera, additional, Stojković, Milica, additional, Durutović, Darija, additional, Petrović, Milorad, additional, Žuvela, Marinko, additional, Matić, Slavko, additional, Antić, Andrija, additional, Palibrk, Ivan, additional, Milovanović, Aleksandar, additional, Milovanović, Jovica, additional, Banko, Bojan, additional, Odalović, Strahinja, additional, Šobić, Dragana, additional, and Obradović, Vladimir, additional
- Published
- 2011
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7. Diagnosis of Mesh Infection after Abdominal Wall Hernia Surgery - Role of Radionuclide Methods
- Author
Žuvela, Marinko, primary, Antić, Andrija, additional, Bajec, Djordje, additional, Radenković, Dejan, additional, Petrović, Milorad, additional, Galun, Danijel, additional, Palibrk, Ivan, additional, Đurić, Aleksandra, additional, Stojković, Mirjana, additional, Milovanović, Jovica, additional, Milovanović, Aleksandar, additional, Šaranović, Đorđije, additional, Artiko, Vera, additional, Šobić, Dragana, additional, and Obradović, Vladimir, additional
- Published
- 2011
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8. Tc-99m Labeled RBC Scintigraphy of an Inflammatory Pseudotumor of the Spleen
- Author
Artiko, Vera M., primary, Šobić-Šaranović, Dragana P., additional, Pavlović, Smiljana V., additional, Čolović, Radoje B., additional, Grubor, Nikica M., additional, Petrović, Milorad N., additional, Micev, Marjan T., additional, Perišić-Savić, Mirjana S., additional, Obradović, Vladimir B., additional, and Jaksic, Emilija D., additional
- Published
- 2009
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9. Color Doppler sonography and angioscintigraphy in hepatic Hodgkin’s lymphoma
- Author
Stojković, Mirjana V, primary, Artiko, Vera M, additional, Radoman, Irena B, additional, Knežević, Slavko J, additional, Lukić, Snezana M, additional, Kerkez, Mirko D, additional, Lekić, Nebojsa S, additional, Antić, Andrija A, additional, Žuvela, Marinko M, additional, Ranković, Vitomir I, additional, Petrović, Milorad N, additional, Šobić, Dragana P, additional, and Obradović, Vladimir B, additional
- Published
- 2009
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10. Hemangioma of the Spleen Confirmed by Blood Pool Scintigraphy
- Author
Artiko, Vera, primary, Obradović, Vladimir, additional, Petrović, Milorad, additional, Perišić-Savić, Mirjana, additional, and Suvajdzic, Nadežda, additional
- Published
- 2004
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11. Preliminary experience with 18f-fluoro-deoxy-glucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography in pediatric oncology patients.
- Author
Odalović, Strahinja, Šobić.-Šaranović, Dragana, Pavlović, Smiljana, Grozdić, Isidora, Šaranović, Djordjije, Petrović, Milorad, Petrašinović, Aleksandar Milovanović Zorica, Djurić.-Stefanović, Aleksandra, and Obradović, Vladimir
- Abstract
Copyright of Acta Chirurgica Iugoslavica is the property of Association of Yugoslav Surgeons and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2011
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12. Helicobacter pylori infection in various groups of patients studied, estimated by 14C - urea breath test.
- Author
Petrović, Nebojša S., Durutović, Darija R., Petrović, Milorad N., Stojković, Mirjana V., Stojković, Milica Lj., Obradović, Vladimir B., and Antić, Andrija A.
- Abstract
Copyright of Acta Chirurgica Iugoslavica is the property of Association of Yugoslav Surgeons and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2011
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13. Possible role of the scintigraphic estimation of the relative liver perfusion in the diagnosis and therapy of liver carcinomas.
- Author
Stojković, Milica Lj., Šobić-Šaranović, Dragana P., Pavlović, Smiljana V., Petrović, Milorad N., Stojković,, Mirjana V., Lukić, Snežana M., Radoman, Irena B., Knežević, Slavko J., and Obradović, Vladimir B.
- Abstract
Copyright of Acta Chirurgica Iugoslavica is the property of Association of Yugoslav Surgeons and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2011
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14. Simultaneous dynamic study of gastric emptying and changes of serum levels of gut hormones in patients after peptic ulcer surgery.
- Author
Obradovic, Vladimir B., Artiko, Vera, Stefanović, Branislav M., Petrović, Milorad N., and Petrović, Nebojša S.
- Subjects
BACKGROUND: The aim was to examine the influence of different modalities of peptic ulcer surgery on the gastric emptying (GE) pattern and related serum level changes of selected gut hormones. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Fifty eight subjects were examined. In 48 of them peptic ulcer surgery was performed at least six months before the examination: Billroth I (B1) in 11, Billroth II (B2) in 16, B1 with the selective vagotomy--Harkins 1 (H1) in 9 and B2 with the selective vagotomy--Harkins 2 (H2) in 12. Ten healthy volunteers (C) were also examined. RESULTS: The results of gastric emptying showed that the lag phase duration was inversely related to the GE rates, and the GE pattern was linear in both controls (C) and in operated patients, except in B2 group, in which the GE pattern was exponential. In comparison with C group, GE was slower in B1, H1 and H2 groups, and faster in B2 group. The plasma gastrin values in C group, showing two peaks, were higher in relation to other groups. In relation to C group, higher values of motilin were obtained in patients after the selective vagotomy. The plasma somatostatin values recorded in B1 and H1 groups, showing the marked peaks, were higher in relation to C group. In relation to C group the highest plasma neurotensin values were obtained in B2 group. CONCLUSIONS: In order to understand entirely the influence of peptic ulcer surgery on the GI function, further research of the role of specific hormones and neuropeptides is needed, which would enable more precise selection of the therapy in order to prevent postvagotomy and postgastrectomy syndromes. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2006
15. The relationship between gallbladder motility and the presence of enterogastric reflux.
- Author
Artiko, Vera M., Chebib, Hamzeh, Petrović, Nebojša, Petrović, Milorad, Peško, Predrag, Ussov, Wladimir Y., and Obradović, Vladimir
- Published
- 2002
16. Aortal aneurysm as a cause of ileus.
- Author
Artiko, Vera M., Petrović, Milorad, Obradović, Vladimir, Petrović, Nebojša, Saranović, Djordjije, Milovanowić, Aleksandar, and Vlajković, Marina
- Published
- 2001
17. На студенцу
- Author
Petrović Milorad M., Petrovic Milorad M., Петровић Милорад М., Petrović Milorad M., Petrovic Milorad M., and Петровић Милорад М.
- Published
- 1911
18. Српска химна
- Author
Petrović Milorad M., Petrovic Milorad M., Петровић Милорад М., Petrović Milorad M., Petrovic Milorad M., and Петровић Милорад М.
- Published
- 1904
19. Тајна
- Author
Petrović Milorad, Petrovic Milorad, Петровић Милорад, Petrović Milorad, Petrovic Milorad, and Петровић Милорад
- Published
- 1911
20. Море, тицо, препелицо
- Author
Petrović Milorad M., Petrovic Milorad M., Петровић Милорад М., Petrović Milorad M., Petrovic Milorad M., and Петровић Милорад М.
- Published
- 1903
21. Слово над гробом св. Мелетија
- Author
Petrović Milorad M., Petrovic Milorad M., Петровић Милорад М., Petrović Milorad M., Petrovic Milorad M., and Петровић Милорад М.
- Published
- 1907
22. Вапај
- Author
Petrović Milorad M., Petrovic Milorad M., Петровић Милорад М., Petrović Milorad M., Petrovic Milorad M., and Петровић Милорад М.
- Published
- 1901
23. Značaj pozitronske emisione tomografije sa kompjuterizovanom tomografijom u evaluaciji bolesnika sa kolorektalnim karcinomom
- Author
Odalović, Strahinja, Artiko, Vera, Petrović, Milorad, Šobić-Šaranović, Dragana, Petrović, Nebojša, and Rajić, Milena
- Subjects
kolorektalni karcinom ,positron emission tomography ,postoperativno praćenje ,pozitronska emsiona tomografija ,computed tomography ,progresija ,dijagnostičke performanse ,fluorodeoxyglucose ,prognoza ,diagnostic performance ,colorectal carcinoma ,postoperative ,prognosis ,progression ,fluorodeoksiglukoza ,kompjuterizovana tomografija - Abstract
Karcinom debelog creva ili kolorektalni karcinom, predstavlja treći najčešći maligni tumor i kod muškaraca i kod žena u razvijenim zemljama, kao i treći najčešći uzrok smrti ulsed malignog oboljenja. Uprkos napretku u hirurškom lečenju i uvođenju kombinovanih terapijskih modaliteta, 5-ogodišnje preživljavanje retko prelazi 60%, i kreće se između 90% kod lokalizovane bolesti do 11% u slučajevima diseminovanog oboljenja. U 55%-80% pacijenata će doći do pojave recidiva, sa inicijalnom pojavom izolovanih metastaza u jetri u oko 30% pacijenata. Metastaze u jetri upravo predstavljaju vodeći uzrok morbiditeta i mortaliteta u obolelih od kolorektalnog karcinoma. Pozitronska emisiona tomografija sa kompjuterizovanom tomografijom sa primenom fluoro-deoksiglukoze (FDG PET/CT) predstavlja naprednu dijagnostičku metodu u detekciji loko-regionnlanih recidiva i udaljenih metastaza kod pacijenata nakon operacije primarnog kolorektalnog karcinoma, zahvaljujući visokoj senzitivnosti i specifičnosti. Uprkos tome, pojedini autori su prikazali nižu osetljivost i specifičnost FDG PET/CT u poređenju sa multi-detektorskom kompjuterizovanom tomografijom (MDCT) i magnetnom rezonancom (MR) u detekciji metastaza u jetri. Trenutne preporuke za praćenje pacijenata nakon operacije kolorektalnog karcinoma predstavljaju određivanje serumske koncentracije karcino-embrionog antigena (CEA) i vizualizacione dijagnostičke metode. CEA, iako osetljiv u detekciji ranog relapsa, često daje lažno-pozitivne nalaze. Uloga karbohidratnog-antigena 19-9 (CA 19-9) u detekciji rekurentnog kolorektalnog karcinoma je još uvek nejasna, iako postoje studije koje naglašavaju njegov potencijalni prognostički značaj. Za razliku od MDCT i MR koji koriste anatomske parametre (veličinu lezije) radi evaluacije terapijskog odgovora, FDG PET/CT kvantifikuje funkcionalne, metaboličke promene, koje su bolji prediktor ishoda prema pojedinim autorima. Produžavanje preživljavanja se može postići identifikacijom visoko-rizičnih pacijenata za recidiv i progresiju i selekcijom kandidata za specifičnu terapiju. Primena različitih biomarkera u ovu svrhu, iako potvrđena u većem broju studija, još nije prihvaćena u rutinskoj kliničkoj praksi. Prognostička uloga imidžing dijagnostike, uključujući i FDG PET/CT u evaluaciji terapijskog odgovora je bila predmet velikog broja studija, sa ciljem individualizacije terapije radi postizanja optimalnih terapijskih odgovora. Biološki efekti terapije, prikazani PET/CT studijama, se smatraju boljim prognostičkim faktorom u poređenju sa anatomskim promenama. Ipak, podaci o ulozi FDG PET/CT u prognozi bolesti su insuficijentni, sa rezultatima koji često ukazuju na ograničenu sposobnost ove hibridne metode u proceni metaboličkog odgovora na terapiju i na dugoročni ishod, što ukazuje na potrebu za daljim istraživanjima u ovoj oblasti... Colorectal carcinoma represents the third most common malignant tumor in both men and women in developed world and the third leading cause of cancer-related death [1]. Despite the advances in surgical treatment and introduction of combined therapeutical modalities, 5 years survival rarely exceeds 60%, varying from 90% in localized disease to 11% in patients with spread to distant organs. Between 55% and 80% of patients will develop recurrence, with isolated hepatic recurrence initially occuring in approximately 30% of patients. Overall, liver metastases represent leading cause of cancer-related morbidity and mortality in colorectal cancer. At present, whole-body fluorine-18-fluoro-deoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography (FDG PET/CT) is an advanced diagnostic imaging technique in detecting loco-regional recurrence and metastases in postoperative patients with colorectal carcinoma for its higher sensitivity and specificity. However, other authors reported on lower sensitivity and specificity of FDG PET/CT compared to multi-detector computerized tomography (MDCT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MR) in detection of liver metastases. Current guidelines for managing patients with CRC after therapy recommend regular measurements of serum carcinoembryogenic antigen (CEA) and imaging tests. CEA, although sensitive in detecting early relapse, gives very often a false-positive result. The role of carbohydrate antigen 19-9 (CA 19-9) in detection of recurrent CRC is still unclear, although there have been studies suggesting its potential prognostic significance. In contrast to MDCT and MR, which use anatomic parameters (lesion size) to evaluate therapy outcome, FDG PET/CT quantifies functional change, a better predictor to disease development according to some authors. The improvement of survival in patients with colorectal carcinoma could be achieved by the identification of high risk patients for disease recurrence and progression, as well as for the classification and selection of candidates for specific therapies. The use of various biomarkers for this purpose, although confirmed by a number of studies have not yet been fully accepted in clinical practice. The prognostic role of imaging tools, including FDG PET/CT in the evaluation of therapy response in colorectal carcinoma was evaluated in a large number of studies, aiming for treatment individualization in order to achieve an optimal therapeutic result. The biological effect of therapy, shown on PET/CT images, is thought to be a stronger prognostic factor compared to anatomical changes...
- Published
- 2018
24. Assessment of gallbladder motor function using radionuclid and ultrasonography methods in patients with diseases of hepatobiliary system
- Author
Radoman, Irena, Stojković, Mirjana, Petrović, Milorad, Tomić, Dragan, Kovačević, Nada, and Petrović, Nebojša
- Subjects
oboljenja hepatobilijarnog sistema ,ultrasonografija ,motorna funkcija žučne kese - Abstract
Cilj rada je procena funkcionalne sposobnosti holeciste neinvazivnim metodama, odnosno pomoću ultrazvuka i holecistoscintigrafije kao pomoćne metode. Ukupno je urađeno 133 bolesnika pomoću ultrazvuka a 32 pomoću holecistoscintigrafije. U odnosu na vrednosti u KG, dobijene su značajno snižene vrednosti ejekcione frakcije (EF) i brzine pražnjenja (ER) žučne kese (p0.05) ovih parametara u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu. Takođe je postojala korelacija između rezultata dobijenih primenom ultrazvučne metode i holecistoscintigrafije u grupama bolesnika sa akutnim holecistisom, hroničnim kalkulusnim i hroničnim akalkulusnim holecistitsom i diskinezijama žučne kese. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na značajno smanjenje motiliteta žučne kese u bolesnika sa akutnim holecistisom, hroničnim kalkulusnim i nekalkulusnim holecistisom, diskinezijom i onima sa infekcijom H. Pilori. Blagovremena dijagnostika bi ubrzala njihovo lečenje čime bi se izbegle komplikacije. S obzirom na korelaciju rezultata dobijenih primenom obe metode, sigurno da je bolje ovo ispitivanje raditi primenom UZ kao neradioaktivne metode. Ipak, radi ispitivanja celokupnog ciklusa, ukoliko je potrebna preciznost ili u slučaju nekonkluzivnog nalaza, može se raditi i holescintigrafija. The aim is assessment of the functional ability of gallbladder with non invasive methods, using ultrasound and cholecystoscintigraphy. Total of 133 patients was investigated with ultrasound and 32 with cholecystoscintigraphy. In comparison to control group, significantly lower values of ejection fraction (EF) and ejection rate (ER) of gallbladder are obtained (p0.05). Also, correlation existed between the results obtained with ultrasound and cholcystoscintigraphy in patients with acute cholecystitis, chronic calculous and chronic acalculous cholecystitis as well as dyskinesias. The results obtained show significantly lower motility of gallbladder in patients with acute cholecystitis, chronic cholecystitis, noncaculous cholecystitis, dikinesias and Helicobacter pylori infection. Prompt diagnosis will lead to appropriate and early treatment ths avoiding complications. It is suggestible to perform ultrasound assessment of gallbladder motility whenever it is possible. Radionuclide method should be used only in cases when ultrasonographic result is inconclusive.
- Published
- 2016
25. Pospanost, sindrom opstruktivne apneje u spavanju i saobraćajni traumatizam kod profesionalnih vozača
- Author
Popević, Martin B., Milovanović, Aleksandar P., Petrović, Milorad, Bulat, Petar, Vukčević, Miodrag, and Mačvanin, Nada
- Subjects
apneja u spavanju ,obstructive sleep apnoea ,polisomnografija ,polysomnography ,deprivacija spavanja ,prekomerna pospanost ,saobraćajne nezgode ,sleepiness ,sleep deprivation ,profesionalni vozači ,Driving ,traffic accidents - Abstract
Uvod: Saobraćajni traumatizam predstavlja značajan problem u zemljama Evrope i sveta. Ukupan broj saobraćajnih nezgoda u Srbiji u poslednjih nekoliko godina pokazuje trend pada, ali prisutan je porast teških telesnih povreda i smrtnih ishoda u udesima. Prekomerna pospanost u vožnji je direktno uzročno-posledično povezana sa nastankom saobraćajnih nezgoda. Smatra se da 20-25% nezgoda u Evropi nastaje kao posledica prekomerne pospanosti. Poremećaji disanja u snu, pre svega sindrom opstruktivne apneje u spavanju (OSA) imaju veliki uticaj na pojavu prekomerne dnevne pospanosti, pospanosti za volanom kao i na nastanak saobraćajnih udesa. Procenjuje se da oko 13% muškaraca i 6% žena uzrasta 30-70 godina boluje od umerene i teške forme ove bolesti, ali da kod 85% pacijenata oboljenje nije prepoznato. Vozači sa nelečenom ili nedijagnostikovanom OSA imaju dva do sedam puta veći rizik od saobraćajne nezgode. Prevalencija OSA je 26-50% u populaciji profesionalnih vozača. U Srbiji ne postoje epidemiološki podaci o prevalencijii OSA u opštoj populaciji, kao ni o učestalosti prekomerne pospanosti ili sindroma opstruktivne apneje u spavanju u populaciji profesionalnih vozača učesnika saobraćajnih nezgoda. Ciljevi rada: Utvrđivanje učestalosti prekomerne pospanosti i OSA u uzorku profesionalnih vozača autobusa i kamiona. Ispitivanje veze između prekomerne pospanosti i OSA, i veze ova dva stanja sa učestalošću i karakteristikama saobraćajnih nezgoda i rizičnih oblika ponašanja. Sekundarni cilj rada je utvrđivanje da li se kombinovanom primenom odgovarajućih upitnika i kliničkog pregleda može adekvatno proceniti rizik od pojave pospanosti, OSA, saobraćajnog traumatizma i rizičnih oblika ponašanja u vožnji u uzorku profesionalnih vozača. Materijal i metode: Istraživanje je sprovedeno u tri faze. U prvoj fazi, 396 vozača profesionalaca je anketirano o uslovima života i rada, prisustvu prekomerne dnevne pospanosti, riziku od OSA i pojavi saobraćajnih nezgoda primenom generičkog upitnika, Epfortove skale pospanosti (ESS) i Berlinskog upitnika (BQ). U drugoj fazi, 240 ispitanika iz prve faze je anketirano i pregledano u prostorijama preduzeća u kojima su zaposleni. Pored ESS i BQ, uveden je upitnik o subjektivnom kvalitetu sna (Pitsburg Indeks kvaliteta sna, PSQI) i STOP-BANG model za procenu OSA rizika. Pregled je obuhvatao internistički pregled i antropometrijska merenja (telesna visina, težina, obim vrata, obim struka i kukova). U trećoj fazi, 100 profesionalnih vozača je retestirano upitnicima i ispitano u stacionarnim uslovima. Urađene su laboratorijske analize krvi i urina, standardni elektrokardiogram i spirometrija, psihološki testovi i pregledi lekara specijalista. Dijagnoza OSA je potvrđena primenom celonoćne kompletne polisomnografije ili kardiorespiratorne poligrafije... Introduction: Traffic safety is a crucial problem in Europe and worldwide. In the last years, the number of traffic accidents in Serbia is decreasing, with an increase in severe body injuries and deaths. Losses in goods and services are estimated to billions of dinars. There is a cause-effect relationship between sleepiness while driving and the rate of traffic accidents. Sleepiness at the wheel is a recognized cause in 20-25% of all traffic accidents in Europe. Sleep related breathing disorders, primarily obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome (OSA), have the greatest impact on the occurrence of sleepiness in drivers, and on traffic accidents. It is estimated that 13% of men and 6% of women in 30-70 years age group have moderate to severe OSA, but the disease has not been recognized in 85% of the patients. According to various studies, drivers with undiagnosed or untreated OSA have a two to sevenfold greater risk of traffic accidents. OSA prevalence is 26-50% in the commercial drivers’ population. In Serbia, there are no epidemiologic data on the prevalence of OSA in the general population, or on the frequency of excessive sleepiness or disease in the population of commercial drivers involved in traffic accidents. Aims: To establish the prevalence of excessive sleepiness and OSA in a sample of commercial bus and truck drivers. To analyze the correlation between excessive sleepiness and OSA, as well as the correlation of these two disorders with prevalence and features of traffic accidents and risk behaviour. Secondary aim was to establish if a combined implementation of questionnaires and clinical examination could be used for assessment of risk of excessive sleepiness, OSA, traffic accidents and risk behaviour in the sample of commercial drivers. Materials and methods: Research was conducted in three consecutive phases. In the first phase, 396 commercial drivers were interviewed on features of life and work, presence of excessive daytime sleepiness, OSA risk and involvement in traffic accidents by using a generic questionnaire, Epworth sleepiness scale (ESS) and Berlin questionnaire (BQ). In the second phase, 240 drivers from the first phase were interviewed and examined in their work facilities. In addition to ESS and BQ, we introduced a subjective sleep quality questionnaire (Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, PSQI) and STOP –BANG model for OSA risk assessment. Examination included standard clinical examination and anthropometric measurements (body height, weight, neck, waist and hip circumference). In the third phase, 1000 commercial drivers were retested with same questionnaires and hospitalized for further examinations, including laboratory blood and urine analyses, standard electrocardiogram and spirometry, psychological tests and examinations by medical specialists. OSA diagnosis was confirmed by using full overnight polysomnography or cardio-respiratory polygraphy...
- Published
- 2016
26. Monoclonal immunoscintigraphy for detection of metastasis and recurrence of colorectal cancer.
- Author
Artiko V, Marković AK, Sobić-Šaranović D, Petrović M, Antić A, Stojković M, Zuvela M, Saranović D, Stojković M, Radovanović N, Galun D, Milovanović A, Milovanović J, Bobić-Radovanović A, Krivokapic Z, and Obradović V
- Subjects
- Antibodies, Monoclonal, Biomarkers, Tumor blood, CA-19-9 Antigen blood, Carcinoembryonic Antigen blood, Colorectal Neoplasms blood, Humans, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Predictive Value of Tests, Radiopharmaceuticals, Sensitivity and Specificity, Tomography, X-Ray Computed, Ultrasonography, Adenocarcinoma diagnosis, Adenocarcinoma secondary, Colorectal Neoplasms diagnosis, Colorectal Neoplasms pathology, Neoplasm Metastasis diagnosis, Neoplasm Recurrence, Local diagnosis, Radioimmunodetection methods
- Abstract
Aim: To assess the clinical role of monoclonal immunoscintigraphy for the detection of metastasis and recurrence of colorectal cancer., Methods: Monoclonal immunoscintigraphy was performed in patients operated on for colorectal adenocarcinoma suspected of local recurrence and metastatic disease. The results were compared with conventional diagnostics., Results: Immunoscintigraphic investigation was done in 53 patients. Tumor recurrence occurred in 38 patients, and was confirmed by other diagnostic modalities in 35. In 15 patients, immunoscintigraphic findings were negative, and confirmed in 14 with other diagnostic methods. Comparative analysis confirmed good correlation of immunoscintigraphic findings and the results of conventional diagnostics and the level of tumor marker carcinoembryonic antigen. Statistical analysis of parameters of radiopharmaceutical groups imacis, indimacis and oncoscint presented homogenous characteristics all of three radiopharmaceuticals. The analysis of immunoscintigraphic target focus was clearly improved using tomography., Conclusion: Immunoscintigraphy is highly specific and has a good predictive value in local recurrence of colorectal cancer.
- Published
- 2011
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27. (99m)Tc-antigranulocyte antibody scintiscan versus computed tomography and ultrasound in the detection of silent mesh infection of the abdominal wall.
- Author
Zuvela M, Antić A, Petrović M, Kerkez M, Milovanović A, and Obradović V
- Subjects
- Abdominal Wall surgery, Aged, Hernia, Ventral surgery, Humans, Male, Radionuclide Imaging, Radiopharmaceuticals, Surgical Mesh, Tomography, Spiral Computed methods, Ultrasonography, Abdominal Wall abnormalities, Antibodies, Monoclonal, Hernia, Ventral diagnostic imaging
- Published
- 2011
28. Radioimmunoscintigraphy of colorectal carcinomas with 99mTc-labelled antibodies.
- Author
Artiko V, Petrović M, Sobić-Saranović D, Antić A, Koljević-Marković A, Krajnović-Jaksić E, Saranović D, Petrović N, Stojković M, Durutović D, Zuvela M, Radovanović-Bobić A, Galun D, Petrasinović Z, Pavlović S, Krivokapić Z, and Obradović V
- Subjects
- Carcinoembryonic Antigen blood, Colorectal Neoplasms pathology, Humans, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Neoplasm Metastasis, Neoplasm Recurrence, Local diagnostic imaging, Positron-Emission Tomography, Tomography, X-Ray Computed, Carcinoembryonic Antigen immunology, Colorectal Neoplasms diagnostic imaging, Radioimmunodetection, Technetium
- Abstract
Background/aims: The aim of the study was the evaluation of the clinical validity of immunoscintigraphy with 99mTc labeled antibodies for the detection of metastases and recurrences of colorectal carcinomas., Methodology: We examined 17 patients with colorectal carcinomas. Scintigraphy was performed with anti-CEA MoAb 99mTc-BW 431/26., Results: Recurrences of carcinomas were detected and confirmed by surgery in 6 patients, recurrences with liver metastasis in 5 patients, and only liver metastases in 3 patients. Planar immunoscintigraphy was positive in 5/8 patients with liver metastases and 8/11 patients with recurrences, whereas in 1/8 liver metastases and 3/11 recurrences were detected only by tomography. In two patients with metastases in the abdominal lymph nodes immunoscintigraphic findings both on planar scintigraphy and tomoscintigraphy were false negative., Conclusions: Immunoscintigraphy with 99mTc labeled antibodies can be useful in the diagnosis of recurrences and metastases of colorectal carcinoma, viability assessment after radiotherapy and in the choice of the adequate surgical treatment.
- Published
- 2011
29. Is identification of malignant lesions of the liver and of hemangiomas possible by Doppler ultrasonography and radionuclide angiography?
- Author
Stojković M, Stojković M, Artiko V, Žuvela M, Lekić N, Petrović M, Antić A, Kerkez M, Šobić D, and Obradović V
- Subjects
- Adult, Aged, Carcinoma, Hepatocellular blood supply, Carcinoma, Hepatocellular diagnostic imaging, Carcinoma, Hepatocellular pathology, Female, Hemangioma blood supply, Hemangioma pathology, Humans, Liver Neoplasms blood supply, Liver Neoplasms pathology, Male, Middle Aged, Neoplasm Metastasis, Neovascularization, Pathologic diagnostic imaging, Radionuclide Angiography, Regional Blood Flow, Hemangioma diagnostic imaging, Liver Neoplasms diagnostic imaging, Ultrasonography, Doppler, Color
- Abstract
The aim of this study was to try to diagnose malignant liver lesions and hemangiomas by means of vascularisation and perfusion studies. The study was performed in 32 patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), in 74 with metastatic liver carcinoma (MLC) and in 40 with hemangiomas (H). Color Doppler ultrasonography (DUS) was done with an ATL Ultramark 9 apparatus with convex probe 2.5 MHz using pulse and DUS. Hepatic radionuclide angiography (HRA) was performed with bolus injection of 740 MBq (99m)Tc-pertechnetate, (1 min, 1 f/s), using ROTA scintillation camera and MicroDelta computer. Hepatic perfusion index (HPI) indicated the percentage of the portal blood inflow to the liver. Our results showed that in HCC and MLC there was a decrease of portal inflow while arterial inflow was increased resulting in pulse arterial wave velocity increase and in continuous venous waves velocity in the tumors. There was significant linear correlation between the increase of the arterial inflow and the arterial pulse wave found in the center and in the margin of the tumors. In hemangiomas, hepatic perfusion index related to arterial inflow was within normal range. In conclusion, our results suggest that HCC and MLC have specific characteristics in vascular and/or perfusion studies while hemangiomas show normal liver parenchyma findings.
- Published
- 2011
30. Relationship between Helicobacter pylori infection estimated by 14C-urea breath test and gender, blood groups and Rhesus factor.
- Author
Petrović M, Artiko V, Novosel S, Ille T, Šobić-Šaranović D, Pavlović S, Jakšić E, Stojković M, Antić A, and Obradović V
- Subjects
- ABO Blood-Group System metabolism, Adult, Age Factors, Aged, Aged, 80 and over, Breath Tests, Carbon Radioisotopes, Female, Gastrointestinal Diseases blood, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Sex Factors, Young Adult, Helicobacter Infections blood, Helicobacter Infections diagnosis, Helicobacter pylori physiology, Rh-Hr Blood-Group System metabolism, Stomach microbiology, Urea
- Abstract
The aim of this study was the detection of helicobacter pylori (HP) infection and estimation of this infection relationship with age, gender, blood groups and Rhesus factor, as well as the assessment of the accuracy of the method. A total of 227 patients with gastritis were examined. Blood ABO groups and Rh positivity were determined using standard tests. Infection by HP was proved by (14)C-urea breath test and gastric biopsy. Patients were aged 20-81 years (X=51.7 years) and the presence of HP was not related to the age (P>0.05). From the total number of patients, 25/69 males and 68/158 females were HP positive. There was no significant difference between genders and HP infection (P>0.05). From the 227 investigated patients, 69 (30%) belonged to blood group O, 96 (42%) to A, 40 (18%) to B and 22 (10%) to AB. HP was detected in 27/69 patients with blood group O, 45/96 patients with blood group A, 16/40 patients with blood group B and 5/22 patients with blood group AB. There was no statistically significant difference (P>0.05) in the incidence of HP infection between these groups (proving that HP infection did not depend upon the blood groups). Also, there was no significant correlation between the presence of particular blood group in HP+ patients related to the reported frequency of the blood groups in Serbian population (0--38%, A--42%, B--15%, AB--5%). HP was found in 16/36 Rh- and in 77/191 Rh+ patients without statistical difference (P>0.05). Also, there was no significant correlation of the presence of the Rh factor in the HP positive patients to the frequency of the Rh factor in the Serbian population (84% Rh+ and 16% Rh-). The basic value of the HP+ test was slightly, but not significantly lower in comparison to the HP- patients (P>0.05). On the contrary, test values showed a highly significant difference (P<0.01) in HP+ and HP- patients. In conclusion, in adults HP infection does not depend upon the patient's age, gender, blood group type or Rh factor. In clinical terms, there were 93 true positive (TP), 129 true negative (TN), 5 false negative (FN) and 0 false positive (FP) patients. Sensitivity of the method was 94.9%, specificity 100%, positive predictive value 100%, negative predictive value 96.3% and accuracy 97.8%.
- Published
- 2011
31. Helicobacter pylori infection in various groups of patients studied, estimated by 14C-urea breath test.
- Author
Stojković MLj, Durutović DR, Petrović MN, Stojković MV, Petrović NS, Antić AA, and Obradović VB
- Subjects
- Humans, Predictive Value of Tests, Sensitivity and Specificity, Stomach Diseases diagnosis, Breath Tests, Carbon Radioisotopes, Helicobacter Infections diagnosis, Helicobacter pylori, Stomach Diseases microbiology, Urea
- Abstract
The aim of this study was the detection of helicobacter pylori (HP) infection and estimation of the clinical validity and the accuracy of the 14C-urea breath test in the groups of patients studied. A total of 248 patients with gastric diseases were examined. There were 38 patients with gastric ulcer, 41 with duodenal ulcer, 43 with gastroduodenitis erosiva, 26 with hiatus hernia, 36 with gastric carcinoma and 64 patients with gastritis. There were 103 true positive (TP), 139 true negative (TN), 4 false negative (FN) and 2 false positive (FP) patients. There was no significant difference in the incidence of the HP infection between the groups of patients studied (p > 0.05). Sensitivity of the method was 96.3%, specificity 98.6%, positive predictive value 98.1%, negative predictive value 97.2% and accuracy 97.6%. Our results point out that the method is very accurate for the detection of HP infection.
- Published
- 2011
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32. Detection of gastrointestinal and abdominal infections by 99mTc-antigranulocyte antibodies.
- Author
Artiko V, Petrović M, Sobić-Saranović D, Krajnović-Jaksić E, Tulić C, Milovanović J, Djukić V, Ranković V, Matić S, Antić A, Radoman I, Lausević Z, Stojković M, Pavlović S, and Obradović V
- Subjects
- Abdomen microbiology, Antibodies, Monoclonal, Murine-Derived, Bacterial Infections microbiology, Gastrointestinal Diseases microbiology, Humans, Predictive Value of Tests, Radionuclide Imaging, Radiopharmaceuticals, Sensitivity and Specificity, Abdomen diagnostic imaging, Antibodies, Monoclonal, Bacterial Infections diagnostic imaging, Gastrointestinal Diseases diagnostic imaging, Organotechnetium Compounds
- Abstract
Background/aims: The aim of the study was detection of abdominal infections by 99mTc- antigranulocyte antibodies., Methodology: Total of 36 patients with clinical suspicion on abdominal or gastrointestinal infections was investigated., Results: There were 23 true positive (TP) findings (one pulmonary abscess, 2 subhepatic abscesses after surgery, 2 perianal fistula, 2 chronic and 4 acute appendicitis, 5 abdominal and 3 pelvic abscesses, 3 M. Crohn, one ulcerative colitis), 9 true negative (TN) (3 tumors of the coecum, 2 tumors of papilla Wateri, 2 gastric carcinoma, 2 colon carcinoma), and 4 false negative (FN) (2 abscesses subphrenic and 2 enterocolic fistula). False positive (FP) findings were not observed. The smallest lesion found was 19x18 mm. SPECT increased the number of TP findings from 17 to 23. Fifteen of 23 infectious of inflammatory lesions could be detected in the early scan. Sensitivity was 85%, specificity 100%, positive predictive value 100%, negative predictive value 69% and accuracy 89%., Conclusion: According to the present results, scintigraphy with 99mTc antigranulocyte antibodies is a useful method for detection and assessment of exact localization abdominal infections, which is very important for the prompt and appropriate therapy.
- Published
- 2009
33. Hepatic radionuclide angiography and Doppler ultrasonography in the detection and assessment of vascular disturbances in the portal system.
- Author
Artiko V, Obradović V, Petrović M, Perisić M, Stojković M, Sobić-Saranović D, Mikić A, Vlajković M, Milovanović J, and Vuksanović L
- Subjects
- Female, Humans, Male, Liver blood supply, Liver Diseases diagnostic imaging, Portal System diagnostic imaging, Radionuclide Angiography, Ultrasonography, Doppler
- Abstract
Background/aims: The aim of the study was evaluation of the morphology of the blood vessels, blood flow velocity and direction with Doppler ultrasound (D-US) and correlation with the relative liver parenchymal perfusion assessed by hepatic radionuclide angiography (HRA)., Methodology: Real-time, D-US and HRA were performed in 108 patients., Results: In patients with portal venous aneurysm, hepatopetal blood flow was increased, while portal perfusion did not differ from controls. In portal hypertensive patients, D-US detected dilatation of the portal system veins, with decreased blood flow. In comparison to the portal perfusion in controls and portal venous aneurysm, values were significantly (p < 0.01) lower in chronic active hepatitis and liver cirrhosis and differed between themselves (p < 0.01). In the groups of cirrhotic patients with esophageal varices, sclerosed esophageal varices, recanalized umbilical vein, partial portal thrombosis and cavernous portal vein with hepatofugal, hyperkinetic or slow blood flow, and very low velocities beside the thrombi, portal perfusion was lower (p < 0.01) than in controls, portal venous aneurysm, chronic active hepatitis and liver cirrhosis without collaterals. In complete thrombosis, minimal collateral flow was found with D-US, while HRA proved no portal supply., Conclusions: D-US and HRA are complementary for the estimation of various liver vascular disorders.
- Published
- 2007
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