8 results on '"Petrinec, Maja"'
Search Results
2. Dva tipa srednjovjekovnih naušnica s područja Hrvatske i Bosne i Hercegovine
- Author
Petrinec, Maja and Petrinec, Maja
- Abstract
U razmatranje se uzimaju dva tipa naušnica koje se sporadično pojavljuju u okviru ranosrednjovjekovnih grobalja na teritoriju današnje Hrvatske i Bosne i Hercegovine; naušnice s ukrasom u obliku spiralnih vitica na donjem luku karike i naušnice sa spiralnim privjeskom. U literaturi se podjednako pripisuju tzv. bjelobrdskoj i ketlaškoj kulturi, ali i nekim drugim kulturnim skupinama. Široka rasprostranjenost, kao i raznoliko vremensko opredjeljivanje, upućuju na zaključak da u oba slučaja nije riječ o jedinstvenim niti vremenski podudarnim skupinama naušnica. Najučestalije su u razdoblju od 9. do 12. stoljeća., Betrachtet werden hier zwei Typen von Ohrringen, die auf frühmittelalterlichen Gräberfeldern auf dem Gebiet des heutigen Kroatiens und Bosnien und Herzegowinas sporadisch vorkommen. Es handelt sich hierbei um Ohrringe mit einer Verzierung in Form von spiralförmigen Ranken am unteren Bogen des Ringleins und Ohrringe mit spiralförmigem Anhänger. In der Literatur werden sie gleichermaßen der sogenannten Bijelo Brdo- und Köttlach-Kultur zugeordnet, aber auch einigen anderen Kulturgruppen. Die weite geographische Verbreitung sowie die unterschiedliche zeitliche Zuordnung lassen darauf schließen, dass es sich in beiden Fällen nicht um einzigartige oder zeitlich übereinstimmende Gruppen von Ohrringen handelt. Am häufigsten traten sie in der Zeit vom 9. bis zum 12. Jahrhundert auf.
- Published
- 2021
3. Brončana petlja ranokarolinške ostružne garniture s Putalja iznad Kaštel Sućurca
- Author
Petrinec, Maja
- Subjects
Putalj ,Solin ,Biskupija-Crkvina ,ostruge ,ostružne garniture ,spurs ,spur sets - Abstract
U tekstu se razmatra petlja ranokarolinške ostružne garniture za koju se može pretpostaviti da potječe iz ranosrednjovjekovnog groba uništenog kasnijim ukopima. Petlja ima izravnu analogiju u primjercima iz jednog od kneževskih grobova uz baziliku Sv. Marije na Crkvini u Biskupiji. Ujedno je i prvi takav nalaz na solinsko-kaštelanskom prostoru u neposrednom zaleđu Splita., A bronze loop (a slot for running the spur strap through) of a spur set was found during the archaeological research of the cemetery near the church of St. George above Kaštel Sućurac. When the results of the research were published, it was not identified correctly. Instead it was interpreted as a gothic buckle in the catalogue. Nevertheless it is undoubtedly a loop of a strap set with a square frame and decorated front plate from the final 8th or the first half of the 9th century. A find that has been identified in this way can be easily interpreted in the context of the Putalj cemetery. Namely a layer of graves from the early 9th century was identified at Putalj. A find from Putalj is particularly important since such finds have not been previously known in the territory of the immediate hinterland of Split i.e. the Solin-Kaštela region, so that this fact was considered as a proof that the remaining late Antique population was still present in the mentioned territory. Besides the Putalj spur loop, there are two more similar finds from the Solin region published recently for the first time which do not speak in favor of this thesis. These are bronze loops belonging to spur sets of early Carolingian provenance confirming once more that presence of one such item at Putalj is not a coincidence. All three early Carolingian finds from the Solin-Kaštela region have direct analogies among the finds from princely graves from Crkvina in Biskupija. When Croatian territory entered Frankish sphere of interest by the end of the 8th century, Slavic population in the hinterland of the Dalmatian coast predominantly lived in a tribal-clan social system. Presence of rich graves testifies to a beginning of social stratification and commencements of feudalism. This process is evident in the entire territory in which the Croatian princedom was about to be formed during the 9th century. More significant concentration of the finds in question is noticable in the regions which were about to become important centers of the Croatian state (Nin, Ravni Kotari, Knin, Livno, and also the Solin Kaštela region). Early Carolingian finds from Putalj and Solin which are related to the original territory of the Trpimirović dynasty additionally confirm this thesis.
- Published
- 2010
4. Idejna koncepcija novog stalnog postava Muzeja hrvatskih arheoloških spomenika u Splitu
- Author
Juraga, Silvana, Petrinec, Maja, and Šverko, Ana
- Subjects
Muzej hrvatskih arheoloških spomenika u Splitu - Abstract
Elaborat sadrži povijest Muzeja u kratkim crtama, konzervatorsku studiju kompleksa muzejskih građevina i pripadnog vrta, cjeline stalnog postava te plan rasporeda muzejskih sadržaja s valorizacijom prostora.Suradnici u izradi studije su: Ivan Alduk, Ante Jurčević, Nikolina Uroda.
- Published
- 2007
5. The application of trenchless technology in pipeline maintenance
- Author
Petrinec, Maja-Marija, Parova, Maria, and Kozlovska, Maria
- Subjects
trenchless ,pipe ,construction ,maintenance - Abstract
Trenchless technology is method for pipe repair without mining. With today's improved equipment and materials many financial and socio-economics’ advantages are achieved. The trenchless technologies which are used in Croatia will be explained, as well as effects in the comparison with classic methods of repairing pipes. Paper will compare the international practice coming from application of trenchless technology with local experience. The positive and negative characteristics of trenchless methods and limitations for their use will be discussed. In addition of input data paper will give recommendation for choosing certain trenchless method.
- Published
- 2005
6. Projekt spregnutog mosta preko rijeke
- Author
Petrinec, Maja-Marija
- Subjects
spregnuti gredni most ,dimenzioniranje - Abstract
Rad obuhvaća: 1.) Tehnički opis 4.) Troškovnik i dokaznicu mjera 2.) Nacrte mosta 5.) Zaključak 3.) Statički proračun 6.) Literatura Opis i mišljenje o radu: U radu je obrađen projekt spregnutog grednog mosta za zadanu prepreku (rijeka) s kolnikom gore i rasponima 24 + 46 + 24 m. Statički sustav mosta je kontinuirani nosač. Donji ustroj sastoji se od armiranobetonskih stupišta i upornjaka. Statički proračun proveden je na računalu, kroz dvije osnovne faze (u izvedbi i u eksploataciji). Provedeno je dimenzioniranje presjeka i proračun moždanika za sprezanje. Rad je načinjen na solidnoj razini.
- Published
- 2004
7. Tri avarodobne mikrozajednice u Srijemu
- Author
Šmalcelj Novaković, Pia, Filipec, Krešimir, and Petrinec, Maja
- Subjects
Avari ,HUMANISTIČKE ZNANOSTI. Arheologija ,Area studies. Study of a locality ,Rad ne sadrži ključne riječi na drugom jeziku ,HUMANISTIC SCIENCES. Archeology ,udc:908(043.3) ,Srijem - arheološki lokaliteti ,Studije područja. Proučavanje lokaliteta ,kasnoavarsko doba, kasnoantički utjecaj, kronološko određenje, periferija Kaganata, konjanički grobovi, nakit, identiteti - Abstract
U ovom su radu obrađeni rezultati istraživanja tri avarodobna lokaliteta u zapadnom Srijemu; iskopavanja na lokalitetima Otok-Gradina/Mandekov vinograd, Privlaka-Gole njive i Stari Jankovci-Gatina vršena su u nekoliko kampanja tokom druge polovice 20. Stoljeća. Rezultati istraživanja dosada su bili samo sumarno naznačeni u kratkim izvještajima. Nakon lociranja, konsolidacije i digitalizacije sve danas dostupne i znane dokumentacije, pristupilo se obradi podataka i analizi rezultata istraživanja: 346 grobova je katalogizirano, utvrđene su prostorne odrednice lokaliteta i same mikroregije, izvršena je detaljna tipološkokronološka analiza svih nalaza, ustanovljena je detaljna kronologinja lokaliteta na temelju tipološko-kronološke analize materijala, računalne serijacije i horizontalne stratigrafije lokaliteta; provedena je i socijalna kategoirizacija mikrozajednica koje su se pokapale na svakom lokalitetu zasebno i socijalna kategorizacija zajednice na temelju statistike pogrebnih običaja, prosječne slike nalaza i analize stabilnih izotopa osteoloških uzoraka određenog dijela pokojnika na dva lokaliteta (Privlaka i Stari Jankovci) kako bi se definirale prehrambene navike mikrozajednica, a posebna je pozornost posvećena eventulanim tragovima kasnoantičkog ili bolje rečeno, utjecaja mediteranskog kutlurnog kruga na materijalnu kulturu zajednice koja se pokapala na ovim lokalitetima. Osnovni je cilj bio izvršiti analizu rezultata istraživanja u maniri današnjeg stanja istraživanja avarske arheologije, kako bi rezultati bili usporedivi s rezultatima istraživanja istovremenih lokaliteta diljem Karpatske kotline; također, po prvi puta je metoda računalne serijacije pri uspostavljanju tipološko-kronološke slike lokaliteta primijenjena na sva tri lokaliteta zajedno, kako bi se dobili što kvalitetniji rezultati te je po prvi puta računalna serijacija primijenjena na lokalitetima jugoistočne periferije Kaganata. S ciljem što kompletnije obrade lokaliteta, u radu su prikazani i rezultati istraživanja ostalih stratigrafskih jedinica otkrivenih na lokalitetima; stratigrafskih jedinica i nalaza koji upućuju na funkcioniranje lokaliteta i u kasnijem srednjem vijeku, ali i naseobinskog dijela lokaliteta Stari Jankovci koji je barem djelomično bio u funkciji u vrijeme funkcioniranja groblja na dotičnom lokalitetu. This paper deals with the results of research on three Avar sites in western Srijem; excavations at the sites of Otok-Gradina / Mandekov vinograd, Privlaka-Gole njive and Stari Jankovci-Gatina were carried out in several campaigns during the second half of the 20th century. The results of the research so far have only been summarized in brief reports. After locating, consolidating and digitalizing all currently available and known documentation, data processing and analysis of research results were started: 346 graves were cataloged, spatial determinants of localities and microregions were determined, detailed typological-chronological analysis of all findings was performed, detailed chronology of the sites was established based on typological-chronological analysis of materials, computer serialization and horizontal stratigraphy of sites; the social categorization of micro-communities buried in each locality was carried out and the social categorization of the community based on funeral customs statistics, image of average funerary equipment and stable isotope analysis of osteological samples of a certain number of the deceased at two sites (Privlaka and Stari Jankovci) to define dietary habits of micro-communities, and special attention is paid to possible traces of the Late Antique or better said, the influence of the Mediterranean cultural circle on the material culture of the community buried in these sites. The main goal was to analyze the research results in the manner of the current state of research in Avar archeology, so that the results were comparable with the results of research of simultaneous sites throughout the Carpathian Basin; also, for the first time the method of computer serialization was applied to all three localities together to establish a typological-chronological picture of the site, in order to obtain the best possible results; it is also the first time computer seriation was used in southeastern periphery of the Khaganate. With the aim of more complete processing of localities, the paper also presents the results of research of other stratigraphic units discovered at the sites in question; stratigraphic units and finds that indicate the functioning of the site in the later Middle Ages, but also the settlement part of the site Stari Jankovci which was at least partially in operation during the functioning of the cemetery at the site. At Gole Njive the earliest burial, double grave 53 can be dated to the very beginning of the Late Avar period, in the first decades of the 8th century, although it seems that the earliest horizon can be connected with the very end of the Middle Avar period (grave 66 and grave 104); cemetery can be traced throughout the 8th century, and probably in the first decades of the 9th (grave 220, GA) according to graves with belt sets; a group of graves with belt-sets was noticed at this site, which differs from the rest of the cemetery in terms of spatial distribution and richness of finds (group of graves 202+) ) and in them we recognize the latest surely dataable finds (stick beads) that allude to the possible (short) functioning of the cemetery even after the political fall of the Avar state organization. At Stari Jankovci, the earliest certainly dated burial is the equestrian grave 88, whose equipment and accessories fully reflect the later phase of the Middle Avar period; the functioning of the cemetery can be traced back to the second half of the 8th century, but most of the excavated part of the cemetery can be dated to the early phase of the Late Avar period, the first half of the 8th century; it is to be assumed that the later part of the cemetery is still unexcavated or destroyed by the action of (illegal) clay dig before the archeological excavations themselves. A small part of a larger Avar cemetery has been excavated at Gradina in Otok, a total of 22 graves: the earliest excavated burial is the equestrian grave 4, which dates to the very beginning of the Late Avar period and the first decades of the 8th century , just as grave 53 from Privlaka, while grave 13 is probably the latest dated grave, based on a belt set dated to the very end of late Avar production. It seems that in the earliest burial horizon one can recognize the greater influence of the Mediterranean-Byzantine cultural ecumenism, especially the Black Sea area through the similarity of the burial findings of the deceased in grave 104 and the large belt end from grave 66; the choice of decorative motifs on the belt set of horsemen from grave 88 in Stari Jankovci speaks in favor of the influence of the Mediterranean cultural circle, which supports the theory of greater intensity of communication between the Kaganates and Byzantium or the Byzantine cultural circle, the Black Sea area and (the southeastern periphery) of the Kaganate during the last third of the 7th century; in the same period, a part of women's graves with several pairs of earrings appear on Gole njive, a phenomenon that in the same period is also registered on Austrian Avar age cemeteries; at Gole njive this phenomenon will reappear in the later phase of the late Avar period, in the 202+ group of graves. It should be emphasized that a very similar type of luxury silver lunular earrings with star-shaped and teardrop pendants appears on Gradina and Gole njive, as well as their cast bronze imitations, raising the question of existence of local, highly specialized workshop in the area and survival of cultural traditions of Late Antiquity (modes of production). The presence of two separate groups of graves with belt sets on Gole njive raises the question of determining the status symbolized by the presence of belt set in a grave, and the composition of the belt sets, group as well as the presence of unique iron damascened phalerae in the separate group, distinctively different from the central group of graves with belt sets raises the question of different activities connected with the right to wear a belt set – perhaps the difference is due to the connection of the bearer of the set from the group 202+ with trade activity, in accordance with the theory of the Balkan area as a possible communication link between Byzantium and Khaganate through Bulgaria. Social categorization paints a picture of tipical rural community of the Kaganate peripheral area, a relatively similar way of life of microcommunities with certain differences in funeral customs (food items) and food distribution that could signal identity differences between the inhabitants of Privlaka and Stari Jankovci: these two sites show some differences in jewelry, mostly earrings where it is noticeable that in Stari Jankovci there is a classic range of earring types (earrings with glass beads), expected in late Avar cemeteries, while women's and children's graves in Privlaka reveal a much wider range of types whose appearance can not be limited to one generation. In conclusion, as in other parts of the Carpathian Basin that are part of the former Roman provinces, there is a tendency for Avar age sites to be located near (Late) Antique communications (the pattern is explicitly clear when it comes to graves with large phalerae), crossroads or important strategic positions, which was noticed in the wider area of Eastern Slavonia, but also in these sites, given the proximity of the former Roman Cibalae and the location of these sites in the hinterland of the former Roman Danube Limes.
- Published
- 2022
8. Scardonitana palaeochristiana (nova razmatranja temeljem podataka iz spisa Historia Salonitana Maior)
- Author
Basić, Ivan and Petrinec, Maja
- Subjects
Dalmacija ,Liburnija ,Skardona (Skradin) ,kasna antika ,crkveni ustroj - Abstract
U izlaganju se istražuje razvitak crkvenoga ustroja u središnjem dijelu pokrajine Dalmacije tijekom prve polovice VI. stoljeća. Osobita pozornost posvećena je pitanju Skardonske biskupije (Scardona, Skradin). Jezgru izlaganja čini analiza zapisnikâ dvaju koncila održanih u Saloni 530. i 533. godine, sačuvanih u kompozitnom spisu Historia Salonitana Maior, čijoj je egzegezi nezaobilazne priloge pružio S. Gunjača. Zabilježeni popisi biskupa s ranijega koncila za sada su jedino vrelo o kasnoantičkoj biskupiji u Skardoni. Temeljem provedene analize propituje se postojanje Skardonske biskupije nakon 533. godine, istovremeno ocrtavajući nepovoljne prilike u pokrajini za vrijeme bizantsko-ostrogotskog rata 535-555. godine. Obrađuje se problem širenja ili sužavanja jurisdikcije salonitanskog metropolita u odnosu na ovlasti ostalih prelata nad odgovarajućim teritorijima pokrajine Dalmacije, koji je razlučiv iz koncilskih spisa. Istražuje se i međuodnos Skardonske biskupije i biskupije u Rideru (Danilo) tijekom kasne antike, koji do sada nije bio problematiziran (dio svojih istraživanja autor je prezentirao u Studia Varvarina 1, ur. B. Kuntić-Makvić, u tisku). Razmatraju se problemi poput: oblikovanja prvih biskupija između Jadera i Salone, crkvenog (dis)kontinuiteta između ranokršćanske Skardonske i srednjovjekovne Skradinske biskupije, jurisdikcijskog prostiranja i rekompozicije crkvenog prostora. U konačnici se upozorava na mogućnost novih zaključaka o profilu crkvene geografije ovoga dijela Zapadnog Ilirika u VI. stoljeću.
- Published
- 2009
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