The human lens is an ideal tissue for the study of protein aging because crystallins are abundant and are present for a lifetime.1 Numerous posttranslational modifications to these polypeptides have been documented; the most abundant is deamidation.2,3 Deamidation of Asn and Gln residues has been described for many proteins,4,5 and it has been postulated that the introduction of a negative charge at a site that was formerly neutral may represent a “molecular clock” that could regulate protein turnover.6 To examine this, research has been undertaken with the aim of understanding the factors responsible for promoting deamidation of side chain amides.7 An examination of hundreds of peptides in which the residues flanking Asn and Gln were varied revealed that Gly, His, Glu, Ser, and Tyr facilitated deamidation. The mechanism of deamidation can involve a cyclic succinimide intermediate that, in the case of Asn, also leads to the formation of L-aspartyl, L-isoaspartyl, D-aspartyl, and D-isoaspartyl residues.8 Deamidation of crystallins has been documented,9–12 and several sites of Asp racemization in older lens crystallins have also been elucidated.13 Primary sequence is not the only factor determining the loss of ammonia from the amide residues of proteins. Secondary, tertiary, and quaternary structures significantly affect the rate of deamidation, and other factors may play a part within a biological environment. The extent of deamidation at particular sites in proteins can be predicted using computational means once crystal structures are available.6 Given that the hydrolysis of amides is time dependent, it could be predicted that proteins that are synthesized before birth and do not turnover may have few Asn/Gln residues adjacent to amino acids known to promote deamidation. The overall prevalence of Asn/Gln in crystallins is not significantly different from the average of all proteins.6 Deamidation of crystallins in older persons is detectable and may influence the properties of the human lens, as documented by David et al.,2 who showed that insoluble aggregates, which form progressively over time from soluble crystallins, have a higher degree of deamidation. It is not surprising that substantial deamidation of Gln and Asn would lead to protein unfolding. With the use of recombinant approaches, it has been demonstrated that the replacement of just one Asn by Asp in BB1-crystallin leads to measurable changes in physical properties, especially in the propensity of the protein to form aggregates.14 Deamidation of glutamines in βA3,15 βB1-crystallin,16 and γD-crystallin17 diminishes the stability of the proteins. Maintenance of the structural integrity of crystallins is becoming increasingly recognized as vital for the proper functioning of the lens and, therefore, vision.18–20 A major lens protein, α-crystallin, is a chaperone and binds other crystallins as they denature, forming high–molecular weight aggregates.21 Because there is no protein turnover in the center of the lens, after age 40 all the α-crystallin that was present at birth has been used in forming such aggregates. At this point, the stiffness of the lens increases dramatically,22 a phenomenon implicated in presbyopia—the inability to focus on near objects—that affects everyone once they reach age 45 to 50. Age-related nuclear cataract, a major cause of blindness, typically becomes noticeable a decade or more after presbyopia and is characterized by an even greater degree of protein modification such that in advanced cases, half the protein present in the lens center becomes colored, cross-linked, and insoluble in 8 M urea.23 It is unknown which factors are chiefly responsible for the progressive age-dependent denaturation of the crystallins in lenses. Heat is one possibility,24 and deamidation, if it were substantial, would be another that could lead to extensive unfolding. In this study we characterized the sites of deamidation in all the major crystallins in the human lens using tryptic digestion coupled with mass spectrometry. Analysis of the data revealed a novel sequence determinant implicated in protein deamidation. Because other tissues in the body25,26 that contain proteins are present for all our lives and organs with likely candidate polypeptides27–29 that remain to be investigated, this study also represents a step toward understanding the processes involved in age-dependent denaturation of these lifelong proteins and the consequences of this for human aging.