25 results on '"Perkov, Josipa"'
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2. Policies for Promoting Entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurial Experience as Decision Criteria
- Author
Mikulandra Volić, Ivona, Jelenc, Lara, Perkov, Josipa
- Subjects
entrepreneurship promotion policies, entrepreneurial experience, methods for entrepreneurial experience valuation - Abstract
European Union countries are dedicated to developing policies to support entrepreneurship. Starting business is not considered to be an exclusive definition of entrepreneurship concept and transferring of business is equally adopted (Calogirou et al., 2010). Simultaneously along with the promotion of business starting process, there is raising awareness that promotion of business transfer is equally important since buying an existing company is an alternative way of starting a business. Scholars emphasise benefits of supporting entrepreneurs that more frequently play the role of seller in this process – experienced entrepreneurs, in literature known as serial (Westhead et al. 2005 a ; 2005b ; Sarasvathy et al. (2013) and parallel entrepreneurs (Ucbasaran et al., 2008) as more active and more aggressive participant, viewed in the context of the entrepreneurship promotion. Scholars so far have been primarily based on different foundations – different approaches in defining the entrepreneurial experience. Entrepreneurial experience has been recognized as an important factor that impacts different aspects of the entrepreneurial activity, but among authors, there are significant differences in the concept definition, coverage and valuation of entrepreneurial experience. This paper reviews recent literature regarding entrepreneurial promotion policies and gives the answer to a research question: is there a difference of the policy shaping regardless to differences in defining of entrepreneurial experience concept and, along with that, are there different evaluation processes for different entrepreneurial promotion policies? The result of this paper is described and analyzed variation in defining and scope in term of entrepreneurial experience and examination of the impact of those concepts on the entrepreneurial experience valuation process. This paper provides a synthesis of the main findings and the recommendations for new entrepreneurial promotion policies based on the entrepreneurial experience.
- Published
- 2017
3. Utjecaj krize na promjene osobne potrošnje pojedinaca: sjećanje na krizu i odluke o potrošnji budućeg dohotka
- Author
Atelj, Marko, primary, Mikulandra Volić, Ivona, additional, and Perkov, Josipa, additional
- Published
- 2017
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- Author
Perkov, Josipa, primary, Panjkota, Ante, additional, and Mikulandra Volić, Ivona, additional
- Published
- 2017
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5. Revidiranje makroekonomskih pokazatelja u EU-28 na primjeru bruto nacionalnog dohotka
- Author
Perkov, Josipa, primary, Mikulandra Volić, Ivona, additional, and Lastavec, Marijana, additional
- Published
- 2017
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6. Primjena AHP i PROMETHEE metode na problem diverzifikacije
- Author
Klanac, Josipa, primary, Perkov, Josipa, additional, and Krajnović, Aleksandra, additional
- Published
- 2017
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7. Vremenski plan rada na projektu
- Author
Štedul, Ivan and Perkov, Josipa
- Subjects
projektni menadžment ,gantogram ,DSM ,PERT - Abstract
Projekt ima određeni početak i kraj. Kako je vrijeme jedno od ograničenja projekta, planiranju vremena treba pristupiti izrazito detaljno i s puno pažnje. Vremenski plan rada na projektu je važan dio svakog projekta, a odnosi se na izradu rasporeda poput Gantt charts, PERT-CPM ili DSM. Vremenski plan rada je važan kako bismo mogli pratiti napredak projekta u svakoj njegovoj fazi i u svakom trenutku dobiti izvješće o tome koje aktivnosti su izvršene i u kojoj mjeri. Na početku života svakog projekta definiran je cilj projekta i određene su prikladne metode kojima ostvarujemo zadani cilj. Kako bismo što lakše ostvarili taj cilj potrebno je raščlaniti projekt na aktivnosti potrebne za dovršenje posla. Za sve aktivnosti potrebno je odrediti njihov točan vremenski početak i vrijeme trajanja. U ovom radu opisane su neke od često korištenih metoda i tehnika za odrađivanje i prikaz vremenskog plana rada na projektu.
- Published
- 2011
8. Implementation of e-forms of knowledge evaluation in the learning process
- Author
Panjkota, Ante, Pintarić, Neven, Perkov, Josipa, Aurer, Boris, Bača, Miroslav, and Rabuzin, Kornelije (ed)
- Subjects
matrix of knowledge evaluation ,e-tests of knowledge ,complementarity of knowledge testing methods ,e-learning - Abstract
Knowledge evaluation represents an essential part of education, or precisely of any learning process. In this paper we compared knowledge testing results obtained through classical methods and through e-learning system Moodle. The tests were designed analogously for the sake of comparison across different types of parameters – the achieved results (test scores), total time for the tests realisation, time for test preparation, the total time for test evaluation, and the perception of e – test in relation to the classic one. The analysis was done on a sample of 130 students, and the perception test was conducted throught online survey questionnaire. The aim of this article is to determine the basic advantages and disadvantages of applying e – method for knowledge testing in relation to the classical method. Through the introduction of matrix of knowledge evaluation concept further guidelines in using e – forms of the knowledge examination in teaching process are proposed.
- Published
- 2009
9. Kontrola kvalitete nastavnog procesa
- Author
Belak, Stipe, Perkov, Josipa, Radić, Tanja, and Kugler, Senka
- Subjects
ComputingMilieux_COMPUTERSANDEDUCATION ,kontrola kvalitete ,nastavni proces - Abstract
The paper presents the process in higher education quality control resources coordinated with Anglo-Saxon experience and Bologna Process. The first part of this paper presents measures for increasing teaching contents perception and student's attention keeping during the lessons. The second part of the paper shows methods for the higher education process effects testing including student's, graduating student's and members of Alumni association polling, teachers polling and polling of the supporting staff, that makes conditions for implementation of teaching process indirectly through services of Šibenik College. Special attention is directed in ways for grades formation regulation and comparison of grades formation in Anglo-Saxon and Central European manner is shown. Synthetic coefficient of success is defined as measure for comparison of teaching process efficiency for accomplished results observation
- Published
- 2005
10. Osnove određivanja pouzdanosti na pojavu inherentnih kvarova
- Author
Belak, Stipe and Perkov, Josipa
- Subjects
chance failures ,wearout failures - Abstract
Well known cases of inherent failures division on early failures, chance failures and wearout failures are briefly presented in this paper. In a short description of each type it has been specified the main reason for occurance, influence at system performance and methods for reducing frequent failure appereance and/or methods for reducing consequences of failure appereance. In useful life, often characterized with chance failures, methods for avoiding consequences are including realisation of redundancy system and main types of redundancy systems are shown as well as their basic characteristics, possible application and detail description of reliability calculation in these systems.
- Published
- 2005
11. Metoda tablične pouzdanosti
- Author
Belak, Stipe and Perkov, Josipa
- Subjects
configuration ,reliability - Abstract
This paper shows basic system configuration with redundancy and defines general block system with redundancy that has various interpretation. Suggested type of block system can be applied on reliability calculation for selected system by predetermined reliability which is also very thorough explained. In attached predetermined reliabilities approach has been shown by Functional analysis method using predetermined reliability that relates on component of the system and it can be applied to any system and subsystem with the certain level of complexity. Scientific contribution is based on methodical division of a basic complex system on subsystems all the way to subsystems which reliability can be shown in the table.
- Published
- 2005
12. The Impact of Costs on Business Model Selection: Case of Traditional and Electronic Commerce
- Author
Trajkov, Antonija, Čičin-Šain, Dijana, and Perkov, Josipa
- Subjects
Poslovni model ,Klasična trgovina ,Internetska trgovina ,Struktura troškova ,elektronička trgovina ,business model ,traditional commerce ,poslovni model ,klasična trgovina ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Economics. Organization and Management ,electronic commerce ,cost structure ,struktura troškova ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Ekonomija. Organizacija i menadžment - Abstract
Ovaj rad obrađuje opće aspekte klasične i elektroničke trgovine, utjecaj troškova na ova dva modela te mogućnosti uspješne implementacije oba modela u poslovanje tvrtke. Utvrđuju se razlozi zbog kojih tvrtke prelaze na elektroničku trgovinu, koje su promjene iz okruženja zbog kojih je to postalo potrebno kao i to isključuju li se ova dva modela međusobno ili se mogu nadopunjavati. Uspoređuju se troškovi poslovanja elektroničke trgovine i klasičnih trgovina te prednosti i nedostaci oba poslovna modela što se tiče financijskih pokazatelja poslovanja te se prikazuje primjer poslovnog modela tvrtke Inditex koji uključuje klasičnu i elektroničku trgovinu. Ovaj rad obuhvaća proučavanje i obrađivanje dostupne literature i istraživanje troškova koji su prisutni kod elektroničkog modela poslovanja u usporedbi sa troškovima klasične trgovine. Koriste se statističke metode pri analizi tvrtke Inditex i njenih strategija u obavljanju djelatnosti trgovine na elektronički način. Rezultatima istraživanja dokazuje se u kojim je okolnostima pojedini model učinkovitiji i profitabilniji za poslovanje. This final thesis deals with general aspects of traditional and electronic commerce, the impact of costs on these two business models and possibilities of successful implementation of both models in company business. This thesis also deals with reasons of business transition to electronic commerce and which changes in environment are the reasons that are making it necessary for business success, as well as whether these business models are exclusive or compatible. The final thesis compares operating expenses of traditional and electronic commerce and also advantages and disadvantages of both business models that relate on financial aspects of business. It observes an example of Inditex Group traditional and electronic business model, covers research of relevant literature and research of costs that are included in electronic business model comparing to costs of traditional business model. There are statistical methods used for analysing the Inditex Group and their strategies in activities regarding electronic commerce. The research results demonstrate in which circumstances traditional or electronic business models are more efficient and more profitable for business.
- Published
- 2019
13. Uloga i značaj Digitalnog plana EU za Republiku Hrvatsku
- Author
Božić, Luka and Perkov, Josipa
- Subjects
SOCIAL SCIENCES. Economics. Business Informatics ,Republic of Croatia ,Digitalni plan ,EU ,Digital Plan ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Ekonomija. Poslovna informatika ,Republika RH - Abstract
Početkom 21. stoljeća, sve brži rast bilježi digitalno gospodarstvo za koje je dokazano da ima sedam puta brži rast u odnosu na ostala gospodarstva. Kroz digitalne mreže koje podupiru gospodarstva i dijelove naših poslovnih i privatnih života, Europa zaostaje za ostalim zemljama svijeta. Činjenice koje potkrjepljuju upravo tu neiskorištenost potencijala su: neusklađeni sustavi poslovanja između zemalja članica, visoke naknade za korištenje telekomunikacijskih operatera pri prekograničnom komuniciranju, odnosno roaming (koji se tek nedavno minimalizirao) te neujednačena povezanost digitalnih mreža koje podupiru privatan i poslovan život, između zemalja EU. Digitalnim planom kojeg je EU pokrenula u svibnju 2010. godine, želi se potaknuti europsko gospodarstvo osiguranjem održivih gospodarskih i socijalnih pogodnosti jedinstvenog digitalnog tržišta. Cilj ovog rada je istražiti te opisati ulogu i značaj Digitalnog plana EU za Republiku Hrvatsku kroz uspostavljanje jedinstvenog digitalnog tržišta, unaprjeđenje interoperabinosti, jačanje povjerenja u online trgovanje, promicanje brzog i ultrabrzog interneta, investicije u istraživanje i razvoj, te promicanje digitalne pismenosti. Doprinos širokopojasnog interneta digitalnoj uključenosti građana, povećanje učinkovitosti prekogranične povezanosti ostvarivanjem jedinstvenog telekomunikacijskog tržišta, utjecaj na e-poslovanje, zaštitu od kibernetičkih napada i smanjenja troškova uvođenjem jedinstvenog digitalnog tržišta, utjecaj informacijsko komunikacijskih tehnologija na ostvarivanje ciljeva Digitalnog plana te utjecaj Digitalnog plana na razvoj, inovacije i digitalno istraživanje su istraživačka pitanja na koje je pokušano dati odgovor u radu. Prilikom istraživanja koristila se literatura domaćih i stranih autora iz online baza podataka te literatura gradske i sveučilišne knjižnice Zadar. Teorijski okvir rada potkrijepili su znanstveni radovi i korištene su metode analize,sinteze i sistematizacije, dok su se za empirijski dio rada koristila Izvješća EU te sekundarni izvori podataka. Istraživanje ukazuje na to da bi primjena Digitalnog plana trebala doprinijeti boljoj prekograničnoj povezanosti, povoljnijim prekograničnim cijenama, većoj inovativnosti i diversifikaciji proizvoda i usluga razvojem brzih mreža odnosno uvođenje širokopojasnog interneta, koji bi trebao doprinijeti većoj digitalnoj uključenosti građana, većim pravima potrošača, nenaplaćivanjem dodatnih naknada za roaming u EU-u, te povećanjem sigurnosti za ulagače. U ovom trenutku e-trgovina u EU je još nedovoljno razvijena, ali nizom inicijativa trebalo bi doći do promjena kroz naredne godine. IKT se razvijaju te s tim razvitkom sve više i intenzivnije doprinose većem razvoju znanja, vještina i otvaranja tržišta ka globalnom poslovanju te samim time ostvarivanju ciljeva Digitalnog plana. Digitalni plan ima velik utjecaj na razvoj, inovacije i digitalno istraživanje jer potiče i podupire njihov napredak s obzirom da su to jedni od pokretača i temelja za bolji i kvalitetniji život svih građana. At the beginning of the 21st century, ever faster growth was recorded by the digital economy, which proved to be seven times faster than the rest of the economy. Through digital networks that support the economy and parts of our business and private lives, Europe lags behind for other countries in the world. The facts that underscore this lack of potential are: uneven business systems between Member States, high fees for telecommunications operators in cross-border communication, roaming (which has only recently been minimized), and uneven connectivity of digital networks that support private and business life, between EU countries . The digital plan launched by the EU in May 2010 seeks to boost the European economy by providing sustainable economic and social benefits of a single digital market. The aim of this paper is to explore and describe the role and importance of the Digital Plan for the Republic of Croatia through the establishment of a single digital market, enhancing interoperability, enhancing trust in online commerce, promoting fast and ultra-fast internet, investing in research and development and promoting digital literacy. The contribution of the broadband internet to digital citizenship, increasing the efficiency of cross-border connectivity through the achievement of a single telecommunications market, the impact on e-business, the protection of cybernetic attacks and the reduction of costs through the introduction of a single digital market, the impact of information communication technologies on the achievement of the Digital Plan's goals and the impact of the Digital Plan on Development, innovation and digital research are research questions that have been tried to give an answer to the work. The research used the literature of domestic and foreign authors from online databases and the literature of the Zadar City and University Library. The theoretical framework of the work was supported by scientific papers and methods of analysis, synthesis and systematization were used, while the empirical part of the paper used the EU Reports and secondary data sources. The research suggests that the implementation of the Digital Plan should contribute to better cross-border connectivity, better cross-border prices, greater innovation and diversification of products and services through the development of fast networks or the introduction of broadband internet, which should contribute to greater digital citizenship, greater consumer rights, for roaming in the EU and increasing security for investors. At this point, e-commerce in the EU is still underdeveloped, but a series of initiatives should change in the coming years. ICTs are developing and with this development increasingly and more intensively contribute to the greater development of knowledge, skills and market opening to global business and thereby achieving the goals of the Digital Plan. The Digital Plan has a major impact on development, innovation and digital research, as it promotes and supports their progress as they are one of the drivers and foundations for a better and better quality of life for all citizens.
- Published
- 2018
14. Metode za mjerenje utjecaja sniženja cijena na prodajno poslovanje
- Author
Škibola, Roko and Perkov, Josipa
- Subjects
DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Ekonomija. Kvantitativna ekonomija ,marketing miks ,marketing mix ,marketing metrics ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Economics. Quantitative Economics ,prodajno poslovanje metrike marketinga ,price competitiveness ,sales business ,cjenovna konkurentnost ,cijena ,price - Abstract
Cijena je jedini element marketinškog miksa koji generira novu vrijednost za poslovne subjekte. Cijena je novčani ekvivalent vrijednosti proizvoda i usluga (Kotler, 2006). Cjenovna konkurentnost se može promatrati kao važan izvor konkurentske prednosti, a za nju se opredjeljuju poduzeća koja primjenjuju strategiju troškovnog vodstva (Mikić, 2009). Opredjeljenje za troškovno vodstvo i cjenovnu konkurentnost obično imaju poduzeća s visokim stupnjem standarizacije proizvodnog i uslužnog programa. Potencijalni problem vezan uz primjenu cjenovne konkurentnosti je mogućnost imitacije od strane konkurenata i potencijalan ulazak u cjenovni rat. Sniženje cijene utječe na promjene u ukupnom obujmu prodaje te na promjene u ukupnoj vrijednosti prodaje, a time i na profitabilnost poslovanja poduzeća. Stoga se metode mjerenja utjecaja sniženja cijena provode s ciljem izračuna vrijednosnog učinka, učinka cijene na prodajne količine i učinka sniženja cijene na profit u prodajnom poslovanju. Metrike marketinga koje je poželjno koristiti s ciljem mjerenja utjecaja sniženja cijena na prodajno poslovanje su: cjenovna premija, rezervirana cijena, postotak valjane vrijednosti, optimalna cijena i cijena za ostvarenje ciljnog povrata (Farris i sur., 2014, Grbac i Meler, 2010). Metrike u prodajnom poslovanju koriste se kako bi se ocijenila razina sukladnosti između realiziranih i postavljenih prodajnih ciljeva. Utjecaj sniženja cijena na prodajno poslovanje moguće je mjeriti putem realiziranih prodajnih kvota po pojedinim kupcima, tržištima i prodajnim kanalima te putem odnosa između dobiti i troškova po opsluživanju pojedinih kupaca, tržišta i po pojedinim kanalima prodaje. Price is the only element of marketing mix that generates new value for business. Price is the cash equivalent of the value of products and services (Kotler, 2006). Price competitiveness can be seen as an important source of competitive advantage, and companies are opting for cost management strategy (Mikić 2009). Commitment to cost management and price competitiveness usually have companies with a high degree of standardization of manufacturing and service programs. A potential problem with the application of price competitiveness is the possibility of imitation by competitors and potential beginning of the price war. Reducing prices affect changes in total value of sales, and thus on profitability of business operations. Therefore, the methods of measuring the effect of the price reduction are carried out in the order to calculate the value effect, the effect of the price on the sales volume and the effect of the price reduction on profit. The marketing metrics that are desirable to measure the impact of the price reduction on sales are the price premium, reserved price, percentage of the valued value, optimal price and the price for the achieving the target return (Ferris et al 2014, Grbac and Meler, 2010). Sales performance metrics are used to assess the level of compliance between realized and set sales targets. The impact of price reduction on sales business can be measured through realized sales quotas per individual customers, markets and sales channels, and through the profits and costs per serving ratios regarding individual customers, markets and sales channels.
- Published
- 2018
15. Utjecaj financijske krize na poslovanje građevinskih poduzeća u Republici Hrvatskoj
- Author
Kikaš, Ante, Mikulandra Volić, Ivona, and Perkov, Josipa
- Subjects
poslovanje građevinskih poduzeća ,construction companies ,građevinski sektor ,construction industry ,uspješnost građevinskih poduzeća u RH ,financial crisis ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Ekonomija. Ekonomika poduzetništva ,financijska kriza ,the success of construction companies in the Republic of Croatia ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Economics. Economics of Entrepreneurship ,financial indicators - Abstract
Hrvatsko gospodarstvo od 1994. do 2008. godine je imalo visoke stope ekonomskog rasta. Usporedno sa cjelokupnim gospodarstvom rastao je i građevinski sektor koji je svoj uzlet doživio poslije 2000. pa sve do 2008. godine, kada se suočava sa financijskom krizom. Prijašnja iskustva pokazuju da su razdoblja krize u građevinskom sektoru obično dugotrajna i teška, što se i obistinilo na hrvatskom primjeru. Financijsku krizu zajedno s građevinskim sektorom prošla su i odabrana poduzeća: Konstruktor-inženjering d.d., Dalekovod d.d., Viadukt d.d., Tehnika d.d. i Osijek-Koteks d.d.. Cilj ovog rada je analizirati utjecaj krize na građevinski sektor i odabrana poduzeća. Svrha ovog rada je potvrditi da je kretanje građevinskog sektora povezano uz kretanje čitavog hrvatskog gospodarstva. U ovom radu analiziran je utjecaj krize na odabrana poduzeća: Konstruktor-inženjering d.d., Dalekovod d.d., Viadukt d.d., Tehnika d.d. i Osijek-Koteks d.d., te ih usporediti s cjelokupnim građevinskim sektorom kroz odabrane pokazatelje: ukupni prihod, neto dobit, broj zaposlenih, neto izvoz, tekuća likvidnost, stupanj zaduženosti (pri tome mora se napomenuti da podaci Viadukt d.d.-a nisu dostupni za 2016. godinu). Rezultat ovog rada je usporedni prikaz utjecaja krize na građevinski sektor i odabrana poduzeća po izabranim pokazateljima i potvrda da je građevinski sektor ciklička djelatnost. Croatian economy from 1994. to 2008. had high rates of economic growth. In a line with whole economy growth, construction industry followed this growth with its strong ascent in the period between the year 2000 and the year 2008 after which it is faced with economic crisis. Previous experiences show that economic crisis periods in construction industry usually have long term and strong negative financial effects what was the case in Croatia as well. Construction industry went throw financial crisis along with chosen companies: Konstruktor inženjering plc., Dalekovod plc., Viadukt plc., Tehnika plc. and Osijek-Koteks plc. The aim of this paper is to analyze the impact of the crisis on the construction sector and the selected companies, the purpose of this paper is to confirm that the construction sector is linked to the movement of the entire Croatian economy. This paper analyzes the influence of crisis on following companies: Konstruktor-inţenjering plc., Dalekovod plc., Viadukt plc., Tehnika plc. and Osijek-Koteks plc. in order to compare them with construction industry in general by using chosen financial indicators like total revenue, net income, number of employees, net export, current liquidity ratio and debt ratio (data for Viadukt plc. for the year 2016 is not available). The outcome of this paper is comparative view on the influence of crisis on construction industry in general and chosen sample of companies in particularby using chosen financial indicators and in addition final confirmation that construction industry is strongly influenced by economic cycles.
- Published
- 2017
16. Softveri kao alat analize financijskih izvještaja
- Author
Perković, Antonija and Perkov, Josipa
- Subjects
vertikalna analiza ,Vertical Analysis ,horizontalna analiza ,Financial Statements ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Economics. Business Informatics ,informacijski sustavi ,financijski izvještaji ,Accounting ,računovodstvo ,Horizontal Analysis ,Excel ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Ekonomija. Poslovna informatika ,Information Systems - Abstract
Analiza financijskih izvještaja uvelike pomaže u svakodnevnom poslovanju poduzeća. Primjenom računalnih programa u procesu analize značajno se povećava učinkovitost posebno kada se zahtjeva prikupljanje i obrada velikog broja podataka. Upotrebom specijaliziranih računalnih programa značajno se smanjuje mogućnost pogreške koja može nastati prilikom manualne obrade podataka. Ovaj postupak pojednostavljuje proces usporedbe financijskih pokazatelja poduzeća. U ovom radu istraženo je u kojoj mjeri se koriste komercijalni računalni programi a koliko MS Excel prilikom analize financijskih izvještaja u malim, srednjim i velikim poduzećima u Zadarskoj Županiji. The analysis of financial statements greatly helps in the daily business operations. The application of computer programs in the analysis process greatly increases the efficiency especially when data collection and processing is required. The use of specialized computer programs significantly reduces the possibility of errors that may arise during manual data processing. It simplifies the process of comparing the company's financial indicators. This final work explored the extent to which commercial computer programs and how many MS Excels are used when analyzing financial statements in small, medium and large enterprises in the Zadar County.
- Published
- 2017
17. Internetske tehnologije kao alat u organizacijama destinacijskog menadžmenta
- Author
Uglešić, Lucija and Perkov, Josipa
- Subjects
SOCIAL SCIENCES. Economics. Business Informatics ,social media ,smart destinations ,DMO ,pametne destinacije ,društvene mreže ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Ekonomija. Poslovna informatika - Abstract
Kako bi modernizirale svoje poslovanje, marketing i promociju, turističke zajednice trebale bi funkcionirati kao destinacijska menadžment organizacija (DMO). DMO je tijelo koje okuplja javne institucije, privatne dionike sektora i stručnjake u cilju strateškog i operativnog upravljanja destinacije i ostvarenja zajedničke, prethodno usuglašene vizije. Poslovna misija DMO-a je razvoj i promocija destinacije kroz koordiniranje i upravljanje ključnim aktivnostima kao što su financiranje, planiranje, marketing, donošenje i provedba odluka kao i razvoj proizvoda u destinaciji. DMO u svom poslovanju koriste internetske tehnologije. U radu se koriste uspješni primjeri upotrebe internetskih tehnologija u turizmu u destinacijama diljem svijeta kako bi se naglasila njihova važnost i dao primjer hrvatskim DMO-ovima. Budućnost konkurentnosti DMO-a su pametne destinacije. One su se razvile iz koncepta pametnih gradova čija popularnost u svijetu rapidno raste iz dana u dan, prvenstveno zbog smanjenja troškova i olakšanog načina života. U radu se odgovara na pitanja gdje je Hrvatska u smislu pametnih destinacija i koliki je njen potencijal za razvoj u tom smjeru. To modernize their business, marketing and promotion, tourist communities should function as a destination management organizations (DMO). The DMO is a body that brings together public institutions, private sector stakeholders and experts in order to strategically and operationally manage the destination and to achieve a common, previously agreed vision. The DMO's business mission is to develop and promote the destination through coordination and management of key activities such as financing, planning, marketing, decision making and implementation as well as product development at the destination. DMO uses Internet technology in its business. The paper uses successful examples of using internet technologies in tourism in destinations around the world in order to emphasize their importance and give an example to Croatian DMOs. The future of DMO's competitiveness is a smart destination. They developed from the concept of smart cities whose popularity in the world is growing rapidly day by day, primarily because of cost reductions and ease of life. The paper answers the issues where Croatia is in terms of smart destinations and its potential for development in that direction.
- Published
- 2017
18. Open source alati za upravljanje projektima
- Author
Klarin, Bernarda and Perkov, Josipa
- Subjects
project management ,open source tools ,open source software ,upravljanje projektima ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Economics. Business Informatics ,informacijski sustavi ,open source alati ,softver otvorenog koda ,information systems ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Ekonomija. Poslovna informatika - Abstract
Projekti predstavljaju neizbježan dio poslovanja stoga se je bitno posvetiti njihovoj provedbi. Kako bi proces bio što jednostavniji i uspješniji, razvijeni su alati za upravljanje projektima koji nastoje olakšati i učiniti produktivnijim procese planiranja, organiziranja i kontrole projekta. Jedni od tih alata su i open source alati za upravljanje projektima koji će biti tema ovog završnog rada. Osnovna ideja open source softvera vrlo je jednostavna. Programeri ili korisnici mogu čitati, mijenjati i redistribuirati izvorni kôd softvera. Iako postoje razne licence za softver otvorenog koda, sve one dijele zajednički ideal koji omogućava besplatnu razmjenu i korištenje informacija. Svrha rada je utvrditi prednosti i nedostatke open source alata za upravljanje projektima, odnosno u kolikoj mjeri olakšavaju i poboljšavaju provedbu projekta kako bi konačni rezultat bio što bolji. Cilj je bio pronaći jedan od najkorištenijih alata da bi se vidjelo kako funkcionira, koje mogućnosti nudi te koliko je jednostavan za korištenje. Putem metoda analize, sinteze i kompilacije dana je teorijska podloga informacijskih sustava za upravljanje projektima, alata za upravljanje projektima te open source alata. SWOT analizom opisane su pojedine snage, slabosti, prilike i prijetnje tih alata, a na primjeru projekta Coworking Zadar – Innovation Through Collaboration ispitan je način rada odabranog open source alata OrangeScrum. Nakon provedbe projekta u odabranom alatu uočene su neke prednosti i nedostatci, ali u konačnici pokazao se kao alat sa zadovoljavajućim mogućnostima te jednostavan za snalaženje i korištenje. Projects represent an inevitable part of the business, so it is important to devote a certain amount of time to their implementation. To make the process as simple and as successful as possible, project management tools, which facilitate and make the processes of planning, organizing and controlling the project more productive, have been developed. Among these tools are open source project management tools that will be the subject of this paper. The basic idea of open source software is very simple. Programmers or users can read, modify and redistribute the source code of the software. Although there are various open source software licenses, they all share a common idea that allows free sharing and use of information. The purpose of the paper is to identify the advantages and disadvantages of open source project management tools, and see to what extent they facilitate and improve the implementation of the project in order to make the final result as good as possible. The goal was to find one of the most up-to-date tools and see how it works, what features it offers and how easy it is to use. Theoretical background of project management information systems, project management tools and open source tools is provided through the method of analysis, synthesis and compilation. SWOT analysis describes some of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of these tools, and in the example of the Coworking Zadar – Innovation through Collaboration project, the mode of operation of the selected OrangeScrum open source tool was tested. After the implementation of the project in the selected tool some advantages and disadvantages were noticed, but ultimately it proved to be a tool with satisfactory capabilities, which was easy to navigate and use.
- Published
- 2017
19. Metodologija mjerenja ljudskog kapitala
- Author
Klačar, Petra, Mikulandra Volić, Ivona, and Perkov, Josipa
- Subjects
ljudski kapital menadžera ,knowledge economy ,ljudski kapital ,ekonomija znanja ,management human capital ,measurement human capital ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Economics. Organization and Management ,mjerenje ljudskog kapitala ,human capital ,ljudski kapital poduzetnika ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Ekonomija. Organizacija i menadžment ,entrepreneur human capital - Abstract
Ljudski kapital se danas sve češće upotrebljava u kontekstu ključnog resursa organizacije. Prema recentnim istraživanjima brojnih autora utvrđena je važnost ljudskog kapitala odnosno sve veći značaj ljudi koji vode organizaciju prema strateškim ciljevima. Ljudski kapital se u radovima uzima kao varijabla koja utječe na brojne aspekte poslovanja poduzeća te ujedno predstavlja ključ uspjeha svake organizacije. U ovom radu će se utvrditi postoji li usuglašenost među autorima u definiranju i mjerenju ljudskog kapitala, te postoji li usuglašenost glede poimanja ljudskog kapitala menadžera i poduzetnika. Uz navedeno će se utvrditi postoje li razlike u metrikama definirane varijable. Metodologija istraživanja uključuje induktivnu i deduktivnu metodu, te metodu analize i metodu kompilacije. Rezultat ovog istraživanja prikazuje kako suvremena istraživanja sagledavaju na koje različite aspekte poslovanja i uspjeha organizacije utječe ljudski kapital te koje varijable autori koriste pri mjerenju ljudskog kapitala. Također će se prikazati koliko različitih metrika i konstrukata se koristi za definiranje i mjerenje ljudskog kapitala menadžera i poduzetnika prema suvremenim istraživanjima. Human capital is increasingly being used in the context of key organization resources. According to recent research by numerous authors, the importance of human capital has been established, relatively, the increasing importance of people who lead the organization towards strategic goals. Human capital is taken into researches as a variable that affects many aspects of business operations and is also the key to the success of each organization. This paper will determine whether there is consistency between the authors in defining and measuring human capital. An analysis of the human capital of managers and entrepreneurs was also carried out, and wheter is compliance of understanding human capital of managers and entrepreneurs. In addition, it will be determined whether there are differences in the metrics of the defined variable. The research methodology involves an inductive method and deductive method. Also, a method of analysis and compilation method will be used. The result of this research shows how contemporary research looks on which different aspects of business and organizational success affect human capital. It will determine which variables the authors use when measuring human capital and how many different metrics and constructs are used to define and measure the human capital of managers and entrepreneurs according to contemporary research.
- Published
- 2017
20. Metode procjene neformalnog rada kao dijela sive ekonomije
- Author
Glavan, Đani and Perkov, Josipa
- Subjects
informal work ,informal economy ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Economics. Business Mathematics and Statistics ,Croatia ,neformalni rad ,metode procjene neformalne ekonomije ,Hrvatska ,neformalna ekonomija ,tranzicijske zemlje ,EU-15 ,transition country ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Ekonomija. Ekonomska matematika i statistika ,methods of estimation of informal economy - Abstract
U istraživanju su obrađene metode procjene neformalnog rada kao dijela sive ekonomije. Motivacija za izbor istraživanja proizašla je iz činjenice da neformalna ekonomija ima značajne destruktivne utjecaje na ekonomska i društvena kretanja te ju je iz tog razloga važno statistički pratiti s ciljem pravodobnog reagiranja od strane države. Međutim, praćenje neformalne ekonomije je otežano jer se radi o latentnoj ili skrivenoj varijabli te se stoga metode procjene temelje na posrednim varijablama. U radu su predstavljene direktne, indirektne i metode mjerenja utemeljene na modelu s naglaskom na preporuke EU. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju kako su tranzicijske zemlje s naglaskom na Republiku Hrvatsku znatno podložnije pojavi neformalnog rada i neformalne ekonomije u odnosu na razvijenije zemlje EU iz skupine EU-15 te je razlika u udjelu neformalne ekonomije u analiziranim skupinama zemalja statistički značajna. The study deals with methods of assessing informal work as part of the informal economy. Motivation for the selection of research arises from the fact that the informal economy has significant destructive impacts on economic and social trends. For that reason it is important to record informal economy data statistically in order to ensure timely reaction by the state. However, monitoring the informal economy is difficult because it is a latent or hidden variable and therefore the estimation methods are based on intermediate “proxy” variables. Direct, indirect, and model-based measurement methods have been presented in the thesis, with an emphasis on EU recommendations. The research results show that the transition countries with the emphasis on the Republic of Croatia are significantly more vulnerable to informal labor and informal economy than the more developed EU-15 countries and the difference in the share of informal economy in the analyzed groups of countries is statistically significant.
- Published
- 2017
21. Usklađenost makroekonomske statistike Republike Hrvatske s europskim statističkim sustavom
- Author
Lastavec Jerić, Marijana, Perkov, Josipa, and Mikulandra Volić, Ivona
- Subjects
European Statistical System ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Economics. Business Mathematics and Statistics ,Croatian statistical system ,makroekonomska statistika ,Hrvatski statistiĉki sustav ,Europski statistiĉki sustav ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Ekonomija. Ekonomska matematika i statistika ,macroeconomic statistics ,Europski statistički sustav ,Hrvatski statistički sustav ,Makroekonomska statistika ,Statistička istraživanja ,statistiĉka istraživanja ,statistical researches - Abstract
Makroekonomska statistika je statistika koja se bavi performansom, strukturom i ponašanjem nacionalnog gospodarstva u cjelini. U ovom radu istražuje se usklađenost modula makroekonomske statistike Republike Hrvatske s Europskim statistiĉkim sustavom analizom metodologija statistiĉkih istraživanja nositelja službene statistike pojedinog modula. Nositelji službene statistike u Republici Hrvatskoj su Državni zavod za statistiku, Upravno tijelo Grada Zagreba nadležno za poslove službene statistike na podruĉju Grada Zagreba i Hrvatska narodna banka. Zbog opširnosti statistiĉkih sustava, svaki modul prikazan je kroz svoje najznaĉajnije sastavnice, izvore i naĉine prikupljanja podataka koji se koriste za provedbu statistiĉkih istraživanja, te je dan zakljuĉak s kojom metodologijom je usklađen. Metodom sinteze u radu je utvrđeno da nisu svi moduli u potpunosti usklađeni s relevantnom i aktualnom metodologijom Europskog statistiĉkog sustava. Macroeconomic statistics is part of statistics that deals with the performance, structure and behavior of the national economy as a whole. This paper investigates the compliance of modules of macroeconomic statistics of Croatia with European Statistical System through analysing methodology of statistical researches of each module. Competent authorities of the official statistics in Croatia are the Central Bureau of Statistics (cro. Državni zavod za statistiku), the Governing body of the city of Zagreb in charge of official statistics in the city of Zagreb (cro. Upravno tijelo Grada Zagreba nadležno za poslove službene statistike na području Grada Zagreba) and the Croatian National Bank (cro. Hrvatska narodna banka). Because of the prolixity of statistical systems, each module is shown through its most important components, sources and methods of collecting data to be used for the conducting statistical researches, with given conclusion about methodology that is harmonized with. Using the method of synthesis in this study, it’s established that not all modules are fully compliant with the relevant and current methodology of the European Statistical System.
- Published
- 2016
22. Optimalna alokacija resursa pomoću linearnog programiranja u excelu
- Author
Barić, Robert and Perkov, Josipa
- Subjects
modern organization ,objective decision-making ,Excel Solver ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Economics. Business Informatics ,optimalno alociranja resursa ,linearno programiranje ,linear programming ,moderna organizacija ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Ekonomija. Poslovna informatika ,mathematical models ,optimal allocation of resources ,objektivno odlučivanje ,matematički modeli - Abstract
Ovim radom želi se istražiti utjecaj optimizacije pomoću linearnog programiranja unutar Microsoftovog tabličnog kalkulatora Excel te njegove ugrađene komponente Excel Solver-a na procese vezane uz alociranje resursa. Excel Solver je alat za najsloženije oblike "What-If" analize i problema linearne i nelinearne optimizacije u poslovnom okruženju. Svrha ovog alata je pronalaženje rješenja, tj. dostizanje optimalnih vrijednosti na osnovi zadanih ograničenja i niza parametarskih veličina koje se mogu mijenjati - to mogu biti vrijednosti, ali i odabrane metode kojima će složeni matematički model biti podvrgnut. Pri razmatranju problema analizirat će se procesi donošenja odluka vezanih uz alociranje resursa te mogućnost njihovog matematičkog programiranja odnosno optimizacije izradom matematičkog modela, izrada analize osjetljivosti tog matematičkog modela i primjena postavljenog matematičkog modela unutar Excel programa kako bi se dobili optimalni rezultati. This paper will explore the impact of optimization using linear programming within a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and its built-in component Excel Solver for the processes related to the allocation of resources. Excel Solver is a tool for the most complex forms of "What-If" analyses and the problems of linear and nonlinear optimization in the business environment. The purpose of this tool is finding optimal values on the basis of the set limitations and a number of parameter values that can be changed - they may be values, but also the methods that a complex mathematical model will undergo. In examination of the issues, the decision-making processes related to the allocation of resources will be analyzed and the possibility of their mathematical programming and optimization by creating mathematical models, creating the analysis of the sensitivity of the mathematical models and application of said mathematical models within Excel program in order to achieve optimal results.
- Published
- 2016
23. Računanje trajanja projekta CPM i PERT metodama
- Author
Vukoša, Luka and Perkov, Josipa
- Subjects
gantt chart ,gantogram ,projekt ,metoda kritičnog puta ,program evaluation and review technique ,project ,mrežno planiranje ,tehnika procjene i revizije programa ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Economics. Organization and Management ,critical path method ,projektno planiranje ,project planning ,network planning ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Ekonomija. Organizacija i menadžment - Abstract
Radi potrebe kontroliranja i nadgledanja velikih projekata s ogromnim brojem aktivnosti, došlo je do potrebe za osmišljavanjem sustava pomoću kojih će se izvoditi takvi projekti. S obzirom na navedenu problematiku, prepoznata je važnost korištenja ovakvih sustava, te su od osnovne metode kritičnog puta i tehnike za procjenu i reviziju programa, nastale brojne izvedene verzije, ovisno o specifikacijama područja u kojem se primjenjuju. Danas se tehnika mrežnog planiranja uspješno se rabi u mnogim područjima poslovanja poduzeća: razvoju, istraživanju, proizvodnji, programiranju, analizi, organizaciji, savjetovanju itd. Svi bitniji projekti planirani su uz pomoć dvije najzastupljenije metode, odnosno CPM i PERT. Osim navedenih, jako zastupljena tehnika je Gantogram, koja služi za jednostavnije projekte. CPM i PERT metode prikazane su u ovom radu, na projektu Foster Children Rights koji se provodi na području Zadarske županije. Glavna bit CPM metode se sastoji u identificiranju kritičnog puta, iz razloga što taj put sadrži informacije o tome koliko je vremena potrebno da se završi projekt. PERT metoda se koristi u slučajevima kada ne možemo sa sigurnošću reći koliko će biti trajanje, odnosno troškovi pojedinih aktivnosti u projektu. Najznačajnija razlika u analizi između metode CPM i PERT je što PERT uzima u obzir nesigurnost u procjeni vremena. For the purpose of controlling and monitoring large projects, of a huge number of activities, there was a need for designing the systems that will help run this projects. Due to mentioned issues, it's recognized the importance of using such systems, therefor from the critical path method and project evaluation and review technique, are created many derived versions, depending on the specifications of the areas in which they are applied. Today, network planning techniques are successfully used in many areas of business: development, research, production, programming, analysis, organization, consulting. All relevant projects were planned with the help of two most represented methods, CPM and PERT. Besides mentioned, very represented method is Gantt chart, which is used for simpler projects. CPM and PERT techniques were also used on this study, on the project Foster Children Rights which is implementing in Zadar County. Gantt chart is also shown in the work. Main essence of the CPM method consists in identifying the critical path, because this path contains information on how long it takes to complete the project. PERT method is used in cases where we can not say with certainty how much will be the length and cost of certain activities in the project. The most significant difference between CPM and PERT methods is that PERT is taking into consideration the insecurity in the estimation of the time.
- Published
- 2016
24. Višekriterijsko odlučivanje pomoću APH metode
- Author
Grašo, Bartul and Perkov, Josipa
- Subjects
DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Ekonomija. Kvantitativna ekonomija ,Super Decisions software ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Economics. Quantitative Economics ,Analytic hierarchy process ,softver Super Decisions ,Višekriterijsko odlučivanje ,AHP method ,AHP metoda ,Analitički hijerarhijski proces ,Multiple criteria decision making - Abstract
Analitički hijerarhijski proces ili AHP metoda spada u najpoznatije i posljednjih godina najviše korištene metode za višekriterijsko odlučivanje. Njezina popularnost temelji se u prvom redu na činjenici da je vrlo bliska načinu na koji pojedinac intuitivno rješava složene probleme rastavljajući ih na jednostavnije te na dostupnosti softvera temeljenog na metodi poput Super Decisions. Ovaj rad sagledava povijesni pregled i matematičku pozadinu AHP metode, analizira njene dobre i loše strane, sagledava korištenje metode u praksi na primjeru odabira lokacije luke nautičkog turizma te prikazuje rješavanje problema softverom Super Decisions koji se temelji na AHP metodi Rad također ukratko prikazuje ostale metode višekriterijskog odlučivanja, ELECTRE, TOPSIS i PROMETHEE. Najvažniji zaključak koji proizlazi iz proučavanje literature, kao i analize primjera iz prakse je da je AHP metoda koristan alat menadžmentu u donošenju odluka koje zahtjevaju višekriterijsko odlučivanje. Analytical Hierarchy Process or the AHP method is one of the most famous and, in recent years, one of the most used methods for multiple criteria decision making. Its popularity is based primarily on the fact that it is very close to the way a individual intuitively solves complex problems by dismantling them into easier ones and the availability of software-based solutions such as Super Decisions. This paper examines the historical overview and mathematical background of the AHP method, analyzes its good and bad sides, considers the use of the AHP method in practice in the case of location selection for a nautical tourism harbor and demonstrates the Super Decisions software based on AHP method. The paper also summarizes other methods of multi-criteria decision-making, ELECTRE, TOPSIS and PROMETHEE. The most important conclusion from the study of literature, as well as the analysis of case studies is that the AHP method is a useful management tool in making decisions that require multiple criteria decision making.
- Published
- 2015
25. Statističke metode za mjerenje volatilnosti dionice
- Author
Šimićev, Andrija and Perkov, Josipa
- Subjects
SOCIAL SCIENCES. Economics. Business Mathematics and Statistics ,Stock market ,standardna devijacija ,Beta coefficient ,Coefficient of determination ,Dionica ,volatilnost ,beta koeficijent ,Volatility ,burza ,Standard deviation ,Stock ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Ekonomija. Ekonomska matematika i statistika ,koeficijent determinacije - Abstract
Volatilnost je promjena cijene indeksa u određenom razdoblju. Osnovne statističke metode za mjerenje volatilnosti dionice su standardna devijacija, koeficijent determinacije i beta koeficijent. Ovaj rad sagledava definicije pojmova dionice, burze, standardne devijacije, koeficijente determinacije i beta koeficijenta. Nakon definicija i kratkog opisa statističkih metoda, statističke metode se primijenjuju na dionice sa Zagrebačke burze i uspoređuju se rezultati dobivenih mjerenja. Najvažniji zaključak je da je standardna devijacija jedina od tri navedene metode koja nam pokazuje volatlnost dionice s njom samom. Volatility is a change in the price index over a given period. Basic statistical methods for measuring stocks volatility are standard deviation, coefficient of determination and the beta coefficient. This paper examines the definitions of terms stocks, stock market, standard deviation, coefficient of determination and the beta coefficient. After definitions and a brief description of the statistical methods, statistical methods were applied to stocks from Zagreb Stock Exchange and are compared to the results obtained by measuring. The most important conclusion is that the standard deviation is the only one of the three methods which shows volatility of stock against itself. Key words: Stock, Stock market, Volatility
- Published
- 2015
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