This article introduces 10 epigraphic documents found at Perge. Monotheistic inscriptions such as a graffiti (no. 1), monogramma Christi (no. 2-5), an inscription for a presbyter (no. 6), fragments of a dedication to God (no. 7), a tombstone (no. 8), and two fragments (no. 9-10) found in the Southern Church of Perge. Though most of these are dated to the Eastern Roman Imperial Period, the monogramma carved on architectural blocks and tombstone should be dated to between the IV-VIth centuries A.D. While the inscription no. 6 bears a new presbyter named Timotheos, with the fragmentary inscriptions in no. 7 a term - protopresbyteros - never attested both in Perge and in Pamphylia before is suggested., {"references":["Akyürek-Şahin N. E. & Uzunoğlu H. 2018, \"Eskişehir Müzesi'nden Yeni Yazıtlar\". Eds. M. Arslan & F. Baz, Arkeoloji, Tarih ve Epigrafi'nin Arasında: Prof. Dr. A. Vedat Çelgin'in 68. Doğum Günü Onuruna Makaleler. 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