Optical Grid that provides a way to integrate the geographical distributed resources for large- scale grid applications. This paper mainly focuses on the task scheduling issue in Optical Grid and proposes two task scheduling algorithms to mini-mize the total time or scheduling length required for a given task. A simulated optical grid has been addressed to demon-strate the effectiveness of the schedulin g approach. The performance tests and anal ysis of the two algorithms are investi-gated to show the effect of the routing policy on the schedulin g length. A more flexible policy is able to further improve scheduling length. Keywords: Optical Grid, Task Scheduling Algorithm, Communication Contention I INTRODUCTION Distributed computing, also known as computational Grid, is a technology that makes it possible to utilize the geographi-cal distributed computational resources to solve the intensive computation of large-scale data. Most Grid systems were built over the IP packet switched networks in the past. In the situation when some data-intensive Grid applications re-quire moving Gigabytes or even larger of data, the low speed of the network becomes the bottleneck of Grid system, which could not allow the remote resources to be used efficiently. Nowadays the optical network with Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH), Wavelength-D ivision Multiplexing (WDM), and Automa tic Switched Optical Network (ASON) infrastructure can provide a much larger amount of bandwidth than the electronic network, such as IP packet switched network. Therefore, it is significant to use the optical network as the network infrastructure of the computational Grid. We refer to this infrastructure as Optical Grid, which employs optical network to interconnect grid computational re-sources (e.g. supercomputers, computer clusters, storage and display devices) with dynamically provisioned lightpaths [1]. It has been realized that task scheduling is a fundamental issue in achieving high performance in grid environments [6]. Task scheduling aims to optimize the overall performance of a system, e.g., minimizing the average job response time and maximizing the number of jobs exec uted in certain period of time. Optical grid task scheduling is quite different from classic grid task scheduling model. In Optical Grid system, we can treat the optical network as a kind of resource, the scheduling algorithm in Optical Grid system should schedule the tasks to appropriate resources as we ll as scheduling the communications between tasks to appropriate optical links. The objec-tive of task scheduling is to minimize the completion time (we called it as scheduling length or make span ) of an appli-cation. Usually, this problem is modeled and solved under several assumptions. Unless the assumptions are simplified enough, the problem has been proven to be NP-complete [8]. Therefore, many heuristic algorithms have been proposed. But these heuristics either are based on the assumption that the processors are fully connected, or just dont take into ac-count the optical networks characters, es pecially the characters of WDM optical network. While actually, in the Optical Grid system, the computational resources are more likely not fully connected, and the communication contention is an important factor that affects the completion time of a Grid application. Thus, a new heuris tic algorithm that can schedule tasks and also the communications are needed. In this paper, we mainly focus on the static scheduling problem, which means the character of the Grid applica tion, including the task execution times, task dependencies, task communications and synchronization are known a priori.