26 results on '"Patekar, Matko"'
Search Results
2. Polygenetic soil formation on Late Glacial Loess on the Susak Island reflects paleo-environmental changes in the Northern Adriatic area
- Author
Durn, Goran, Rubinić, Vedran, Wacha, Lara, Patekar, Matko, Frechen, Manfred, Tsukamoto, Sumiko, Tadej, Neven, and Husnjak, Stjepan
- Published
- 2018
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3. Monitoring of a small karst island aquifer as a prerequisite for its sustainable management (Vis island, Croatia)
- Author
Borović, Staša, primary, Patekar, Matko, additional, Pola, Marco, additional, Terzić, Josip, additional, and Briški, Maja, additional
- Published
- 2023
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4. Feasibility Study of Managed Aquifer Recharge Deployment on the Island of Vis (Croatia).
- Author
Patekar, Matko, Soža, Mojca, Pola, Marco, Nakić, Zoran, Bašić, Mihaela, Terzić, Josip, and Borović, Staša
- Abstract
Over the last decades, the quality and quantity of the Mediterranean freshwater resources have significantly deteriorated due to climate change, unsustainable utilization, user conflicts, and seawater intrusions. On the small and remote island of Vis, where similar issues prevail, the need for alternative water management solutions has yielded managed aquifer recharge (MAR) as a promising option for increasing the safety and resilience of the local and autonomous water supply. By performing a cost–benefit analysis (CBA) to evaluate the feasibility of the deployment of an infiltration pond method in the Korita well field, the results evidenced a positive financial performance and sustainability of the proposed MAR solution. In addition, the overall economic benefits of the project, quantified through the willingness-to-pay method, significantly exceeded its costs, as evidenced by the high benefit/cost ratio of 2.83. The most significant uncertainty related to the infiltration pond method is represented by the high sensitivity to changes in the applied hydrological assumptions (i.e., the evaporation coefficient and number of annual infiltration pond recharges). This study aims to contribute to the understanding of interrelated socio-economic factors of MAR projects in karst aquifers, and represents the first of its kind in Croatia. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2023
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5. Multidisciplinary investigations of a karst reservoir for managed aquifer recharge applications on the island of Vis (Croatia)
- Author
Patekar, Matko, primary, Bašić, Mihaela, additional, Pola, Marco, additional, Kosović, Ivan, additional, Terzić, Josip, additional, Lucca, Alessio, additional, Mittempergher, Silvia, additional, Berio, Luigi Riccardo, additional, and Borović, Staša, additional
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
Terzić, Josip, Borović, Staša, Patekar, Matko, Pola, Marco, Lukač Reberski, Jasmina, Kosović, Ivan, Bašić, Mihaela, and Ujević Bošnjak, Magdalena
- Subjects
hidrogeologija, otočki krški vodonosnik, odnos slatke i slane vode, budućnost vodoopskrbe - Abstract
Otok Vis jedan je od rijetkih hrvatskih otoka koji javnu vodoopskrbu osigurava isključivo iz vlastitog vodonosnika. Najvažniji su vodoopskrbni objekti centralno smješteno crpilište Korita s pet radnih bušenih zdenaca, kaptirani izvor Pizdica i bušeni zdenac Brojkovica iznad Komiže. Infiltracija, nakupljanje i istjecanje podzemnih voda odvijaju se u okršenoj stijenskoj masi, a hidrogeološki odnosi uvjetovani su geološkom građom terena. Najvažniji je utjecaj dviju hidrogeoloških barijera – vulkanogeno-sedimentno-evaporitnog kompleksa komiškog zaljeva zapadno od vodonosnika i krških polja južno od njega. U radu je prikazan pregled hidrogeoloških istraživanja na otoku Visu tijekom povijesti, te srodnih istraživanja bez kojih se hidrogeološka ne bi mogla provoditi. Prikazat će se geološka istraživanja, kao najvažnija podloga, te hidrogeološka istraživanja različitim metodama: kartiranja u različitim mjerilima, strukturnogeološke analize, izračuni hidrauličkih parametara vodonosnika, trasiranje podzemnih tokova, hidrokemijska istraživanja i analize trendova, razina, temperatura i elektrolitičke vodljivosti podzemne vode. U nepovoljnom klimatskom scenariju vjerojatno bi se na otoku moralo (1) povećati crpne količine i dodatno snižavati razine podzemne vode na vodocrpilištima, (2) izraditi dodatne zdence izvan neposrednog područja utjecaja trenutnih crpilišta, (3) desalinizirati blago bočatu vodu ili (4) razmotriti mogućnosti umjetnog napajanja vodonosnika. Svaka opcija zahtijeva hidrogeološka istraživanja, uz primjenu novijih metoda te kontinuiran monitoring više parametara uz razrađen sustav ranog upozoravanja i intervencije. Iako je otok Vis, s hidrogeološkog aspekta, najistraživaniji otok u Hrvatskoj (pogotovo od 1950.-ih do 1980.-ih godina, zbog boravka mornarice tadašnje države), postoje potrebe za brojnim dodatnim istraživanjima, prvenstveno novim pristupima, opremom i metodama kojima prethodni istraživači nisu raspolagali.
- Published
- 2022
7. Projekt DEEPWATER-CE – istraživanje umjetnog prihranjivanja vodonosnika u zemljama Srednje Europe
- Author
Bašić, Mihaela and Patekar, Matko
- Subjects
Umjetno prihranjivanje vodonosnika ,Hidrogeologija ,Otok Vis ,Klimatske promjene - Abstract
multidisciplinarna istraživanja i druge aktivnosti provedene u sklopu DEEPWATER-CE projekta ukazuju na mogućnost primjene različitih metoda umjetnog prihranjivanja vodonosnika s ciljem povećanja kakvoće i količine podzemne vode, što će biti od iznimne važnosti u budućnosti s obzirom na klimatske modele koji prognoziraju povećanje temperature zraka i smanjenje količine oborina.
- Published
- 2022
8. Hydrogeological Assessment and Modified Conceptual Model of a Dinaric Karst Island Aquifer
- Author
Terzić, Josip, primary, Frangen, Tihomir, additional, Borović, Staša, additional, Reberski, Jasmina Lukač, additional, and Patekar, Matko, additional
- Published
- 2022
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9. Interdisciplinary investigations of managed aquifer recharge potential on the small island of Vis (Croatia)
- Author
Patekar, Matko, Pola, Marco, Borović, Staša, Terzić, Josip, Briški, Maja, Kosović, Ivan, Brčić, Vlatko, Mittempergher, Silvia, Lucca, Alessio, and Berio, Luigi Riccardo
- Subjects
Vis island ,Groundwater ,Karst hydrogeology ,Climate change ,Managed aquifer recharge - Abstract
Managed aquifer recharge (MAR) refers to a suite of methods by which excess surface water is diverted underground where it is stored for subsequent recovery. Although MAR has a long history of implementation in aquifers with intergranular porosity, its application in the karst environment presents major challenges due to the high heterogeneity of karst aquifers (Dillon et al., 2019). This research was focused on conducting a MAR feasibility study on the island of Vis, a small karstic island in the Croatian part of the Adriatic Sea, where favorable geological and hydrogeological conditions enabled the formation of high-quality karst aquifers, making the island autonomous in terms of water supply. The island’s main aquifer is protected from seawater intrusions by several hydrogeological barriers, however, climate change and high seasonal pressures related to tourism pose a threat to the future availability of freshwater. To investigate whether a MAR operation is feasible and suitable for the karst aquifer on Vis, detailed field and laboratory investigations were carried out. Field investigations included in-situ measurements of physicochemical parameters on water samples from springs and boreholes, groundwater monitoring (conductivity, temperature, and water levels), geophysical methods (ERT, magnetotellurics, and seismic refraction), and structural measurements. Laboratory analyses included measurements of stable water isotopes, principal cations and anions, tritium activity, and analyses of stable isotopes from dissolved sulphates. The results corroborated the available conceptual model of the water resources detailing the geometry of the carbonate aquifer and of the fracture systems driving the water circulation. A 3D numerical model (FEFLOW) of the island will be developed to simulate various scenarios of climate change, with and without MAR. The integration of the obtained results with historical data and previous research will be used for implementing efficient and sustainable management of the karst aquifer through MAR or alternative solutions on Vis island.
- Published
- 2021
10. Managed Aquifer Recharge As An Option For Sustainable Management Of Karstic Aquifer Of The Island Of Vis, Croatia
- Author
Patekar, Matko, Borović, Staša, Pola, Marco, and Terzić, Josip
- Subjects
Vis island ,Karst ,Hydrogeology ,Managed aquifer recharge - Abstract
Implementation of managed aquifer recharge (MAR) systems in karst environments is generally considered challenging due to the high heterogeneity of karst aquifers and only a handful of global examples demonstrated optimal methods for research and sustainable operation of such systems. Throughout the project DEEPWATER‐CE, an integrated approach to the investigation of the feasibility of MAR systems in various geological and hydrogeological environments in Central Europe was fostered. In particular, our research was focused on conducting a MAR feasibility study on the island of Vis, a small karstic island in the Croatian part of the Adriatic Sea, where favourable geological and hydrogeological conditions enabled the formation of high‐quality karst aquifers, making the island autonomous in terms of water supply.
- Published
- 2021
11. Analiza odnosa temperatura zraka, temperature površine mora i oborina na otoku Visu
- Author
Bonacci, Ognjen, Bonacci, Duje, and Patekar, Matko
- Subjects
temperatura zraka ,temperatura površine mora ,oborine, Mann-Kendall test ,Gaussen-Walter-ov dijagram ,otok Vis ,Lufttemperatur ,Meeresoberflächentemperatur ,Niederschlag ,Mann-Kendall-Trendtest ,Gaussen-Walter-Diagramm ,Insel Vis (Kroatien) ,oborine ,MannKendall test ,Gaussen-Walterov dijagram ,otok Vis (Hrvatska) ,air temperature ,sea surface temperature ,precipitation ,Mann-Kendall test ,Gaussen - Walter diagram ,Vis Island (Croatia) - Abstract
U članku su analizirani nizovi srednjih dnevnih, mjesečnih i godišnjih temperatura zraka i mjesečnih i godišnjih oborina mjereni na tri postaje na otoku Visu. Korišteni su podaci opaženi na glavnoj meteorološkoj postaji Komiža (1956.-2019.) i automatskim postajama Hum (2012.-2019.) i Dračevo polje (2017.-2019.). Osim toga analizirani su i nizovi srednjih dnevnih, mjesečnih i godišnjih temperatura površine mora mjereni na postaji Komiža (1991.-2019.). Vis je mali karbonatni otok površine 89,72 km2 s najvišim vrhom od 587 mnm na kojem je locirana automatska meteorološka postaja Hum. Režim temperatura zraka na sve tri postaje na malom otoku udaljenom od kopna je sličan. Srednje dnevne, mjesečne i godišnje temperature zraka najviše su na postaji Komiža. Više su za oko 1 ºC od srednjih godišnjih temperatura zraka izmjerenih u Dračevom polju i oko 3,6 ºC od onih izmjerenih na postaji Hum. Trend porasta srednjih mjesečnih temperatura zraka u razdoblju 1964.-2019. javlja se u svakom pojedinom mjesecu godine. Gradijent opadanja srednjih dnevnih temperatura zraka s nadmorskom visinom u toplom dijelu godine znatno je niži nego u hladnom dijelu godine. Najintenzivniji porasti temperatura zraka javljaju se u najtoplijem dijelu godine. Srednje godišnje vrijednosti temperatura površine mora u razdoblju 1991.-2019. brže su rasle od srednjih godišnjih temperatura zraka. Prosječne mjesečne temperature površine mora više su od prosječnih mjesečnih temperatura zraka u razdoblju od rujna do travnja. U ostalim mjesecima su niže. Minimalne dnevne temperature zraka javljaju se u hladnom dijelu godine između 6 i 7 sati dok se tijekom toplog dijela godine javljaju nešto ranije između 4 i 5 sati. Maksimalne dnevne temperature zraka uglavnom se javljaju oko 13 sati. Niti jedan od analiziranih nizova godišnjih i mjesečnih oborina u razmatranom razdoblju (1956.-2019.) nije pokazao postojanje statistički značajnog trenda porasta ili opadanja., The paper analyses the series of average daily, monthly and annual air temperatures and monthly and annual precipitation measured at three stations on Vis Island. The used data were observed at the main meteorological station Komiža (1956 - 2019), as well as automatic stations Hum (2012 – 2019) and Dračevo polje (2017 - 2019). Additionally, the analysis also included the series of average daily, monthly and annual sea surface temperatures measured at the station Komiža (1991 - 2019). Vis Island is a small carbonate island with a surface of 89.72 km2 and the highest peak of 587 asl, where the automatic meteorological station Hum is located. The air temperature regimes at all three stations on the small island far off the mainland are similar, with the average daily, monthly and annual air temperatures being the highest at the station Komiža - by about 1 ºC higher than the average annual air temperatures measured at Dračevo polje and by about 3.6 ºC higher than those measured at the station Hum. The upward trend in average monthly air temperatures in the period of 1964 - 2019 occurs in each individual month of the year. The gradient of average daily air temperatures’ decrease with altitude is significantly lower in the warm part of the year than in the cold one. The most intense increases in air temperatures occur in the warmest part of the year. The average annual values of sea surface temperatures in the period of 1991 – 2019 increased faster than the average annual air temperatures. The average monthly sea surface temperatures are higher than the average monthly air temperatures in the period from September to April, while lower in other months. The minimum daily air temperatures occur in the cold part of the year between 6 a.m. and 7 a.m. During the warm part of the year they occur slightly earlier - between 4 a.m. and 5 a.m. The maximum daily air temperatures generally occur around 1 p.m. Not one of the analysed series of annual and monthly precipitation in the observed period (1956 - 2019) showed the existence of a statistically significant upward or downward trend., Im Beitrag werden die Zeitreihen für die Tages-, Monats- und Jahresmittel der Lufttemperatur sowie für die Monats- und Jahresmittel des Niederschlags analysiert, die an drei Stationen auf der Insel Vis gemessen wurden: an der meteorologischen Hauptstation Komiža (1956-2019) sowie an den automatischen Wetterstationen Hum (2012-2019) und Dračevo polje (2017-2019). Außerdem werden die an der Station Komiža (1991-2019) gemessenen Zeitreihen für die Tages-, Monats- und Jahresmittel der Meeresoberflächentemperatur analysiert. Vis ist eine kleine Kalkinsel mit einer Fläche von 89,72 Quadratkilometern und mit dem höchsten Gipfel von 587 Metern über dem Meeresspiegel, wo sich die automatische Wetterstation Hum befindet. Das Lufttemperaturregime an allen drei Stationen auf dieser weit vom Land entfernten Insel ist ähnlich. Die höchsten mittleren Tages-, Monats- und Jahreslufttemperaturen wurden an der Station Komiža gemessen. Sie sind etwa 1 ºC höher als die an Dračevo polje gemessenen mittleren Jahreslufttemperaturen und etwa 3,6 ºC höher als die an der Station Hum gemessenen mittleren Jahreslufttemperaturen. Ein Aufwärtstrend liegt bei den mittleren Monatslufttemperaturen im Zeitraum 1964-2019 in jedem einzelnen Monat des Jahres vor. Der abfallende Gradient der mittleren Tageslufttemperaturen ist in der warmen Jahreszeit mit abfallender Seehöhe wesentlich niedriger als in der kalten Jahreszeit. Die stärksten Lufttemperaturerhöhungen wurden in der wärmsten Jahreszeit beobachtet. Die Werte der mittleren Jahresmeeresoberflächentemperaturen erhöhten sich im Zeitraum 1991-2019 schneller als die Werte der mittleren Jahreslufttemperaturen. Die Monatsmittel der Meeresoberflächentemperatur sind höher als die Monatsmittel der Lufttemperatur im Zeitraum zwischen September und April, während sie in anderen Monaten niedriger sind. Die minimalen Tageslufttemperaturen wurden in der kalten Jahreszeit zwischen 6 und 7 Uhr beobachtet, während sie während der warmen Jahreszeit etwas früher, zwischen 4 und 5 Uhr, die Minimalwerte erreichen. Die Maximalwerte der Tageslufttemperatur zeigen sich meistens um 13 Uhr. Bei keinen von den analysierten Zeitreihen des Jahres- und Monatsniederschlags zeigte sich im beobachteten Zeitraum (1956-2019) ein statistisch signifikanter Aufwärts- oder Abwärtstrend.
- Published
- 2021
12. Assessing Climate Change and Land-Use Impacts on Drinking Water Resources in Karstic Catchments (Southern Croatia)
- Author
Patekar, Matko, primary, Baniček, Ivona, additional, Rubinić, Josip, additional, Lukač Reberski, Jasmina, additional, Boljat, Ivana, additional, Selak, Ana, additional, Filipović, Marina, additional, and Terzić, Josip, additional
- Published
- 2021
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13. Increasing Trends in Air and Sea Surface Temperature in the Central Adriatic Sea (Croatia)
- Author
Bonacci, Ognjen, primary, Bonacci, Duje, additional, Patekar, Matko, additional, and Pola, Marco, additional
- Published
- 2021
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14. Options for managed aquifer recharge of karst aquifer of Vis island (Croatia)
- Author
Borović, Staša, primary, Patekar, Matko, additional, Terzić, Josip, additional, Pola, Marco, additional, Filipović, Marina, additional, Briški, Maja, additional, Kosović, Ivan, additional, and Novosel, Tomislav, additional
- Published
- 2021
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15. Analyses of Climate Variations at Four Meteorological Stations on Remote Islands in the Croatian Part of the Adriatic Sea
- Author
Bonacci, Ognjen, primary, Patekar, Matko, additional, Pola, Marco, additional, and Roje-Bonacci, Tanja, additional
- Published
- 2020
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16. Emerging contaminants in water resources of Croatian karst - boDEREC-CE project
- Author
Selak, Ana, primary, Lukač Reberski, Jasmina, additional, Terzić, Josip, additional, Boljat, Ivana, additional, Čapalija, Božidar, additional, Leontić, Marijana, additional, Bulović, Boris, additional, Patekar, Matko, additional, and Filipović, Marina, additional
- Published
- 2020
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17. Projekt: 'Developing an integrated implementation framework for Managed Aquifer Recharge solutions to facilitate the protection of Central European water resources endangered by climate change and user conflict' DEEPWATER–CE
- Author
Balaž, Borna-Ivan and Patekar, Matko
- Subjects
umjetno prihranjivanje vodonosnika ,otok Vis ,hidrogeologija - Abstract
U radu je predstavljen projekt DEEPWATER-CE. Glavni cilj projekta je istražiti mogućnosti primjene umjetnog prihranjivanja vodonosnika (eng. managed aquifer recharge) na otoku Visu, gdje su povoljni geološki i hidrogeološki uvjeti omogućili formiranje kvalitetnih krških vodonosnika.
- Published
- 2020
18. Emerging contaminants in groundwater environment – boDEREC-CE project
- Author
Lukač Reberski, Jasmina, Terzić, Josip, Selak, Ana, Boljat, Ivana, Patekar, Matko, Filipović, Marina, Baniček Ivona, Horvat, M., Matoš, B., and Wacha, L.
- Subjects
emerging contaminants ,groundwater ,karst ,modelling ,boDEREC-CE - Abstract
The technological development of laboratory instruments and analytical methods combined with the use of innovative approaches bring out a spectrum of new questions and challenges regarding the occurrence of recently unknown or unmonitored anthropogenic sources of aquatic environment’s contamination, so-called “Emerging Contaminants” (EC). The majority of these substances, such as a wide range of pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCP) find their way into the soil and water through excretion, waste disposal and wastewater, where they are usually present in low concentrations (ng/I to μg/I). Given the lack of knowledge on their ecotoxicity, persistence, transport and fate, EC are not included in regular surface water/groundwater monitoring on EU level, which represents a problem of cross-border concern and should be tackled by strong transnational cooperation of renowned experts and relevant stakeholders. This is where Interreg Central Europe project boDEREC-CE (Board for Detection and Assessment of Pharmaceutical Drug Residues in Drinking Water – Capacity Building for Water Management in Central Europe) steps in, by focusing on the design of an integrated management of waterworks and recommendations for the improvement of existing legislation on drinking and wastewater standards as well as technical solutions. As a project’s starting point, a review of state-of-the-art of current practices in relation to EC in the water environment will help to identify relevant types of substances, existing analytical and monitoring techniques, attenuation strategies and approaches on national and transnational level. Afterwards, in eight preselected pilot areas across Central Europe grouped in three clusters (groundwater extraction sites, surface water extraction sites, extraction sites in karstic areas), representing different hydrological systems under various environmental pressures, behaviour of EC, characteristics of the natural attenuation and removal efficacy of different treatment techniques will be thoroughly studied via jointly developed monitoring methodology and common project EC database. Building upon the results of previous successful EU projects, in particular FREEWAT, NORMAN, MARS and GLOBAQUA, boDEREC-CE partners will develop an implementation strategy of a model-based decision making process for EC called “modePROCON”, which will be continuously tested and evaluated during stakeholder capacity building workshops. Another main project output will be “wwDEMAST”, a framework for decision- making support tool used by waterworks, for selecting the optimal EC treatment method. In order to foster future cooperation and dissemination of boDEREC-CE results on EU level, a Board of experts will be established. boDEREC-CE project is co-financed under the Interreg Central Europe Programme 2014-2020 priority specific objective „3.1. To improve integrated environmental management capacities for the protection and sustainable use of natural heritage and resources“. The project worth € 2.328.140, 81, started its 3-year implementation in April 2019 and will gather 12 project partners originating from 7 EU countries (Austria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Germany, Italy, Poland and Slovenia). The Department of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology of Croatian Geological Survey (HGI-CGS) has in boDEREC-CE project a role of Lead Partner with selected pilot area “Jadro and Žrnovnica springs catchment”. Within that pilot, certain particularities of EC occurrence, transport, and behaviour in karst aquifers will be studied, as well. Since Jadro and Žrnovnica catchment is a typical Dinaric karst terrain, autopurfication is quite poor, and interaction of groundwater sampled on springs and in boreholes with surface water of Cetina River will be compared. Given how HGI-CGS also participates in international Horizon 2020 project GeoTwinn (Strengthening research in the Croatian Geological Survey: Geoscience-Twinning to develop state-of-the-art subsurface modelling capability and scientific impact) which is among else focused on modelling of EC transport in groundwater, a chance for synergy building between these two projects will enable experts to exchange experience and knowledge gained in the field of emerging contaminants.
- Published
- 2019
19. Drinking water protection through efficient land use practices – South Dalmatia case study
- Author
Patekar, Matko, Lukač Reberski, Jasmina, Boljat, Ivana, Baniček, Ivona, Selak, Ana, Terzić, Josip, Rubinić, Josip, Stevanović, Z., Živanović, V., and Milanović, P.
- Subjects
land use, water quality and quantity, Dinaric karst, best management practices, PROLINE-CE - Abstract
Through Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE project PROLINE- CE, interdisciplinary and innovative approach is demonstrated by applying integrated land use management scheme, linking together hydrochemical models, land use cover, climate change models and existing knowledge regarding best management practices for water protection and non-structural flood mitigation.
- Published
- 2019
20. Preliminary results of hydrochemical dynamic of TOC in a karst aquifer in the northern part of the Dinaric karst in Croatia
- Author
Boljat, Ivana, Terzić, Josip, Lukač Reberski, Jasmina, Selak, Ana, Patekar, Matko, and Baniček, Ivona
- Subjects
Karst, TOC, Hydrogeology, Natural tracers, Infiltration - Abstract
The term natural organic matter (NOM) refers to a group of organic substances that can be found in surface water and groundwater as a result of natural processes. In a major part NOM is a product of plant degradation and various other biological activities such as the metabolic activity of algae, protozoa, and microorganisms as well as excretion of fishes and other aquatic organisms (Bolan et al., 2011). In this paper, NOM has been observed as total organic carbon (TOC). Considering that the TOC is mainly contained in the soil zone, from the hydrogeological point of view it might be used as a tracer for infiltration. The behavior of tracer varies considerably between the high and low flow periods (Batiot, 2003a, Emblanch et al., 1998). The TOC concentration, chemistry, and composition in natural water are highly variable and depend on the sources of organic matter, the chemistry of the environment, ionic strength, pH, temperature, major cation composition of the water and on the presence of microbiological and photolytic degradation processes (Bolan et al., 2011). The determination of TOC concentration in an aqueous solution, such as a sample of wastewater or potable water, is important in different fields including pollution and industrial processing situations. Measurements were conducted for 17 months, from March 2018 to July 2019 at 9 springs in the northern part of the Dinaric karst in Croatia. The study case encompasses two hypsometric levels of spring and sinking zones of two karst rivers Dobra and Mrežnica. Former studies have shown the complex and heterogeneous karst system of the study area (Biondić et al. ; 1986 ; Bojanić, 1973 ; Bahun, 1968 ; Poljak & Herak 1947 ; Prelogović et al., 2005). The whole area is significantly disturbed by the tectonic activity. Main structures and faults generally have the typical Dinaric strike (NW-SE), in some cases N-S due to neo-tectonic activity (Prelogović, 2005). The natural hydrogeological dynamic of the aquatic ecosystem was additionally disturbed by the construction of hydro-technical infrastructure like tunnels, dams, and accumulations for hydropower plants. This complex karst system is defined as the boundary zone between deep and shallow karst zone (Bojanić, 1973 ; Kovačević, 2005). In deep karst zone, groundwater is located on a significant depth with complex and unpredictable flow-paths as a result of intensive karstification. In contrast, carbonate deposits in shallow karst zone are thinner, and impermeable deposits are more common (Tertiary flysch) causing this zone to be rich in surface hydrology with shallow groundwater levels (Bahun, 1968 ; Kovačević, 2005). In order to determine hydrodynamic processes, the following parameters were measured in situ: electrical conductivity (EC), pH, oxygen and temperature of spring water on the monthly base. Springwaters have been sampled and analyzed for cations (Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+), anions (Cl-, SO42-, NO3-) and TOC in the hydrochemical laboratory of the Croatian Geological Survey. The scope of this paper is to show the preliminary results and initial relationship between total organic carbon (TOC) and other observed hydrogeological parameters.
- Published
- 2019
21. Vulnerability assessment and mapping in relation to climate change - Kupa River catchment
- Author
Selak, Ana, Boljat, Ivana, Terzić, Josip, Baniček, Ivona, Patekar, Matko, Lukač Reberski, Jasmina, Rubinić Josip, Stevanović, Zoran, Živanović, Vladimir, and Milanović, Petar
- Subjects
vulnerability assessment ,GIS ,karst ,climate change ,Kupa ,CAMARO-D - Abstract
Certain water quantity and quality related issues, which might subsequently arise due to irregular spatial distribution of water resources, can be further amplified in case of increased weather extremes and inadequate land use. The irregularity stems from specific and complex hydrogeological structures whose unique example is the Kupa River catchment area that can be divided in two diverse parts – alluvial and karstic. Alluvial area is characterized by intergranular porosity and groundwater flow through layers of variable thickness and composition. As opposed to alluvial area, karst is characterized by fracture-cavernous porosity and fast groundwater flow along preferential paths, low retention capacity, infiltration and discharge of water within the same groundwater body and high intrinsic vulnerability of aquifers due to lack of overlaying layers. The Kupa River catchment area is not only faced with adverse seasonal flood impacts but also inadequate land-use practices, which the population is not inclined to change. This coupled with hydrotechnical objects, which have strongly modified hydrological system and water regime, make water resources protection and flood mitigation even more challenging. Given the catchment’s transboundary character, achieving synergy between water management goals, spatial and economic growth while adapting them to climate change is one of Croatia’s sustainable development priorities, but also part of transnational efforts encompassed within CAMARO-D project (Danube Transnational Programme). As site specific best management practices implemented through the project’s lifetime, direct pilot area activities were hydrogeological field investigations, vulnerability mapping of Kupa River catchment area and climate change modelling (Turc (1954) and Langbein (1962) empirical models). A comprehensive vulnerability assessment was carried out with the help of GIS tools, by compiling and overlapping layers of natural (intrinsic) vulnerability and potential hazards of anthropogenic origin. The vulnerability and hazard assessment were based on good practices of previously renowned methods, esp. recommendations of European COST 620 project. As protection against floods is one of the main CAMARO-D objectives, hazard map was further overlapped with flood risk map. In addition, hydrological modelling of possible impacts of climate change on water resources was carried out. Correlation and comparison of measured (historical 1961-1990 and recent 1981- 2010) and modelled data for 30 year reference period (2041-2070) pointed out how hydrological regime of the Kupa River catchment is going to experience decreased discharge, more frequent extreme events and significant increase in temperature. Overall results were introduced to relevant decision makers and practitioners in the form of a catalogue of measures targeted at raising awareness and encouraging their involvement on a local, regional and national level.
- Published
- 2019
22. Protection of Drinking Water Resources Through Integrated Land-Use Management Approach
- Author
Terzić, Josip, Lukač Reberski, Jasmina, Boljat, Ivana, Selak, Ana, Baniček, Ivona, Patekar, Matko, Grgasević, Tonći, Buljan, Renato, Novosel, Tomislav, Burić, Hrvoje, Stanić, Nedjeljko, Rubinić, Josip, Čupić, Daria, Horvat, Marija, Matoš, Bojan, and Wacha, Lara
- Subjects
land-use management, best management practices, PROLINE-CE, CAMARO-D, drinking water resources - Abstract
Land-use practices can be considered as one of the main factors that impact and modify hydrological and hydrogeological systems, therefore affecting the quality and quantity of drinking water resources. Throughout Interreg Danube project CAMARO-D (Cooperating towards Advanced MAnagement ROutines for land use impacts on the water regime in the Danube river basin) and Interreg Central Europe project PROLINE-CE (Efficient Practices and Land Use Management Integrating Water Resources Protection and Non- structural Flood Mitigation Experiences) interdisciplinary approach is fostered with the intention of investigating intricate relations and impacts of land-use activities, climate changes and floods on drinking water resources. Transnational project partnership is comprised of research institutions covering a broad spectrum of affiliation, such as foresters, agronomists, hydrogeologists, spatial planners and ministries in order to address the common environmental issues in synergic manner. Drinking water resources in Croatia, generally considered being of good quality and quantity, are coming use increasing pressure due to improper land-use activities, climate changes and certain deficiencies in management (HRVATSKE VODE, 2016). As a response, within CAMARO-D and PROLINE-CE, specific areas are chosen for further investigation: (i) karstic part of Kupa River catchment and (ii) parts of South Dalmatia (from the Imotsko polje to discharge zone: Prud-Klokun- Mandina mlinica springs). Investigated areas are characterized by karst topography, with very complex hydrogeological forms and features, such as poljes, ponors, estavelles and preferential groundwater flow paths (LUKAČ REBERSKI et al., 2016). Aquifers in such karst terrains usually have high intrinsic vulnerability due to the lack of overlaying layers. In investigated areas the quality and quantity of drinking water resources is at risk due to impacts of adverse seasonal floods, hydrotechnical objects which have strongly modified hydrological systems and water regime, inadequate land-use practices and unfavourable climate change scenarios which point out to changes in trends of precipitation, temperature and discharge in near future. Locally, other issues include intensive agricultural activity in terms of plant protection products over-use (Figure 1.), high losses in water supply systems, illegal waste dumps, and inadequate collection and treatment of wastewaters (TERZIĆ & FRANGEN, 2017). In attempt to identify negative impacts of various types of land use, as well as to improve understanding of hydrogeological and hydrological processes in investigated areas, in situ measurements of physio-chemical parameters and hydrochemical laboratory analyses were conducted on spring and surface water. Hydrological modelling of possible impacts of climate change on water resources was carried in the scope of CAMARO-D and PROLINE-CE. Correlation and comparison of measured (historical 1961-1990 and recent 1981-2010) and modelled data for 30 year reference period (2041-2070) pointed out how hydrological regime of both investigated areas is going to experience decreased discharge, more frequent extreme events and significant increase in temperature (HORVAT & RUBINIĆ, 2003 & 2006). Additionally, in the scope of CAMARO-D, a comprehensive vulnerability assessment was carried out with the help of GIS tools, by compiling and overlapping layers of natural (intrinsic) vulnerability and potential hazards of anthropogenic origin. The vulnerability and hazard assessment were based on good practices of previously renowned methods, especially recommendations of European COST 620 project. As protection against floods is one of the main CAMARO-D objectives, hazard map was further overlapped with flood risk map (MAYER et al., 2019). With main gaps and conflicts between land use and water management being recognized, best management practices for drinking water protection are derived in order to achieve function-oriented land use-based spatial management at the operational level. Proposed best management practices are integral part of two major outputs of the projects, namely GUIDR (Guidance for the Danube Region for sustainable land use planning) in CAMARO-D and DriFLU (Drinking Water/Floods/Land use) Charta in PROLINE-CE.
- Published
- 2019
23. Efficient land use practices as tools of drinking water protection in complex karst environment – Dalmatia case study
- Author
Patekar, Matko, Lukač Reberski, Jasmina, Boljat, Ivana, Baniček, Ivona, Selak, Ana, Terzić, Josip, Novak, Matevž, and Rman, Nina
- Subjects
drinking water, hydrogeology, land use, measures, sustainable management, PROLINE-CE - Abstract
Land-use practices can be considered as the pivotal factors that impact and modify hydrological and hydrogeological systems, forming an intricate relation which has a direct effect on the quality, quantity and availability of drinking water. Within the scope of PROLINE-CE project (Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE), interdisciplinary and innovative approach is fostered with the aim of improved protection of drinking water resources by applying integrated land-use management. Croatian drinking water resources, considered to be of good quality and quantity, are coming under increased pressure due to land use, climate changes and certain deficiencies in management. This is particularly relevant for Dalmatia – coastal region with Mediterranean climate, where prolonged droughts are common during dry and warm summer season. In response, two pilot areas were chosen: (i) Imotsko polje and (ii) part of South Dalmatia (Prud, Klokun and Mandina mlinica springs). Dalmatian pilot areas belong to Dinaric karst region, characterized by very complex hydrogeological features and forms, such as poljes (karst fields), springs, ponors (sinkholes), estavelles and preferential groundwater flow paths. In attempt to identify negative impacts of various types of land use as well as to improve understanding of hydrogeological and hydrological processes in pilot areas, in situ measurements of physio- chemical parameters and hydrochemical laboratory analyses will be conducted on spring and surface water. The main drivers in terms of negative effects on drinking water quality and quantity in pilot areas, as recognized through SWOT analysis, are intensive agricultural activity, high losses in water supply system, illegal waste dumps, outdated sewage system with high leakage, inadequate wastewater collection and treatment systems, occasional flooding of poljes and unfavorable climate change scenarios which predict reduction of discharge from 2021-2050. With main gaps and conflicts between land use and water management being recognized, best management practices for drinking water protection are derived in order to achieve function-oriented land use-based spatial management at the operational level. Proposed best management practices include improvement of groundwater monitoring systems, non-structural flood mitigation measures, innovative solutions of sustainable waste management, natural wastewater treatment systems, climate change adaptation and establishment of sustainable drinking water protection zones.
- Published
- 2018
24. Vulnerability mapping criteria identification for karstic part of Kupa river catchment area within CAMARO-D project
- Author
Selak, Ana, Boljat, Ivana, Terzić, Josip, Baniček, Ivona, Patekar, Matko, Lukač Reberski, Jasmina, Novak, Matevž, and Rman, Nina
- Subjects
vulnerability, hydrogeology, karst, Kupa river catchment area, CAMARO-D - Abstract
Water, as one of the most valuable and vulnerable part of the ecosystem, is of a special national interest in the Republic of Croatia. Nearly 90% of the total water quantity used to supply cities and settlements is derived from the groundwater resources. Therefore sustainable development which equally considers goals of water resources protection, spatial and economic growth while adapting them to climate change is of strategic significance and one of the Croatia’s paramount development priorities. As a transboundary river in Danube River Basin, Kupa and its catchment is not only subject of national but also transnational efforts of finding synergy and balance between rational land use, water conservation and flood risk prevention. Such transnational endeavours are encompassed with the CAMARO-D project (Interreg Danube), which develops a transnational catchment-based “Land Use Development Plan” (LUDP) for an adequate coordination and harmonization of different function-oriented sustainable land-use management activities. With the aim of overcoming main integrative management issues of Kupa river catchment, decision makers are faced with adverse land use and flood impacts within area of still insufficiently explored hydrogeological complex, so-called “the shallow karst”. In order to preserve intrinsic values of the water resources within the catchment area, the proclamation of certain protection categories is envisaged through legislation and protection instruments on various levels, such as nature and environment protection acts and physical planning documents, while protective and regulative water infrastructure (e.g. flood defence, melioration and water supply infrastructure etc.) are proclaimed as of importance for the state and county. Nonetheless, key stakeholder i.e. population being not inclined to changes, still hasn’t adjusted its land-use practices to hydrotechnical objects built in the recent past, which have strongly modified hydrological system and water regime (e.g. redistribution of flood prone areas). On that account, within CAMARO-D our focus will be on initiating site specific innovative solutions in the form of best management practices based on hydrogeological field investigations and vulnerability mapping of Kupa river catchment area. An insight into the hydrogeology of the area will be obtained with in situ measurements of physio-chemical parameters on main spring, surface and rain water, in monthly intervals and hydrochemical laboratory analyses. In this paper a comprehensive vulnerability assessment will be carried out with the help of GIS tools by compiling and overlapping layers of natural vulnerability and potential hazards of anthropogenic origin. Overall results will be introduced to stakeholders in the form of a catalogue of measures through various communication activities targeted at raising awareness and encouraging stakeholder involvement on a local, regional and national level.
- Published
- 2018
25. Mineraloške, geokemijske i pedofizikalne značajke poligenetskog tla razvijenog na kasno glacijalnom lesu (OIS 2) otoka Suska
- Author
Patekar, Matko, Durn, Goran, Mileusnić, Marta, and Ružičić, Stanko
- Subjects
polygenetic soil ,Quaternary ,lumi-nescene dating ,paleosol ,paleoclimatic reconstruction ,climate oscillations ,pedogenesis ,quantitative paleopedology ,les ,paleotlo ,poligenetsko tlo ,kvartar ,klimatske oscijacije ,pedogeneza ,kvantitativna paleo-pedologija ,luminiscencija ,paleoklimatska rekonstrukcija ,otok Susak ,loess ,island of Susak - Abstract
Cilj ovog istraživanja je odrediti mineraloške, geokemijske i pedofizikalne značajke poligenetskog tla razvijenog na kasno glacijalnom lesu otoka Suska. Uz navedene značajke, cilj je istražiti starosti dvaju lesnih horizonata koji se nalaze unutar istraženog profila tla. Les je klastični eolski sediment, kontinuirano taložen tijekom hladnijih dijelova pleistocena, i vrlo je ovisan o klimatskim uvjetima te je stoga izuzetno zanimljiv pri paleoklimatskim rekonstrukcijama kvartarnog perioda. U svrhu prikupljanja uzoraka i podataka, u travnju 2014. godine organiziran je terenski rad u trajanju od pet dana na otoku Susku, te je detaljno istražena i uzorkovana lokacija “Svjetionik” koja predstavlja gornji (najmlađi) dio lesne sekvence. Obzirom da sva (paleo)tla unutar lesnih naslaga sadrže sekundarne pedogene karbonate koji djelomice „maskiraju“ pedogene procese koji su bili aktivni tijekom nastanka (paleo)tla, nužno je bilo pronaći i istražiti beskarbonatno recentno tlo. Terenskim istraživanjima detaljno su opisana morfološka svojstva svih horizonata u poligenetskom tlu. Laboratorijskim istraživanjima utvrđene su geokemijske, fizikalno-kemijske, granulometrijske i mineraloške karakteristike lesa i poligenetskog tla. Starosti sedimentacije lesnih horizonata određene su pomoću infracrveno stimulirane lumisiscencije (IRSL). Na temelju rezultata terenskih i laboratorijskih istraživanja napravljena je detaljna rekonstrukcija procesa koji su uvjetovali nastanak istraženog poligenetskog tla. četri bitna zaključka proizašla su iz ovog rada. (1) Istraženo tlo je poligenetsko. Dokaz tome su dva lesna horizonta te razvijeno paleotlo Bb, nastalo iz lesnog matičnog materijala koji više nije prisutan u tlu. (2) Utvrđeni su do sada najmlađi istraženi lesni horizonti na otoku; starost lesa u podlozi poligenetskog tla je ~16 000 godina i pripada OIS-2 stadiju, a starost lesa najbližeg površini je ~3 000 godina. (3) Na temelju geokemijskih i mineraloških istraživanja jasno je izdvojen horizont paleotla Bb u kojem prisustvo klorit-vermikulita indicira na znatno trošenje primarnih filosilikata. Također, visoke vrijednosti CEC-a, Fed / Fet i CIA dokazuju da je horizont Bb najviše izmijenjen u pedogenetskom smislu. (4) Prisustvo lesa, paleotla i tla u istom profilu (poligenetsko tlo) dokazuje kako je generalno topla i vlažna klima trenutnog interglacijala bila isprekidana hladnijim periodima sa jačim vjetrovima. Na temelju elementarne geokemije, uspoređeni su današnji klimatski trendovi (temperatura, precipitacija) sa onima u vrijeme formiranja tla., The subject of this thesis is to identify mineralogical, geochemical and pedophysical properties of polygenetic soil de-veloped on late glacial loess on the island of Susak. In addition to this, the purpose was to determine the age of two loess hori-ozons within the investigated soil profile. Loess is clastic aeolian sediment, usually accumulated during the colder periods of Pleistocene. Since loess is particularly dependant on climatic conditions, it is being widely used as a proxy in Quaternary paleo-climatic reconstructions. In April 2014. a five day field work was organised on the island of Susak with the purpose of sampling. The focus was put on the top part of Susak loess sequence, and location ”Svjetionik” (Lighthouse) was investigated in detail. Since most of the paleosols within loess sequence contain secondary pedogenetic carbonates, which could “conceal” certain pedogenic processes, it was necessary to find a carbonate-free soil. During field work, morphological properties of soil horizons were investigated. Based on field and laboratory investigations we concluded that soil situated on the top of loess sequence repre-sents polygenetic soil. Chemical, physical, geochemical, granulometrical and mineralogical properties of loess and polygenetic soils were determined. Loess sedimentation age was determined by infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL). Investigated prop-erties of loess and polygenetic soil allowed a detailed reconstruction of pedogenic processes which formed the investigated poly-genetic soil. Four important conclusion came out from this thesis. (1) Investigated soil is polygenetic. Two loess horizons and developed paleosol horizon Bb (whose parent loess material is no longer present in soil) clearly point out the polygenetic nature of investigated soil. (2) Stratigraphically youngest loess horizons were determined. Determined age of loess located at the base of polyge-netic soil is ~16 000 ka, belonging to OIS-2, while overlying younger loess is ~3 000 ka old. (3) Geochemical and mineralogical properties clearly singled out paleosol horizon Bb, in which presence of chlorite-vermiculite indicates substantial weathering of primary phyllosilicates. Furthermore, high values of CEC, Fed / Fet and CIA clearly point out that Bb paleosol has undergone the most significant pedogenic change. (4) Presence of loess, paleosol and modern soil in the polygenetic soil profile indicate that generally warm and humid climate of actual interglacial was interrupted with colder and drier periods with stronger winds. Using elemental geo-chemistry, a comparison between modern and past climate conditions (temperature and precipitation) was made
- Published
- 2015
26. Utjecaj procjene temperature u podzemlju na izračun kapaciteta geološkog uskladištenja ugljičnoga dioksida
- Author
Patekar, Matko
- Subjects
CO2 ,geološko uskladištenje ugljičnoga dioksida ,Savska depresija ,duboki slani vodonosnik ,pješčenjaci Poljana ,temperatura ,gustoća ,geotermalni gradijent ,specifični kapacitet uskladištenja CO2 - Abstract
Na temelju bušotinskih podataka u zapadnom dijelu Savske depresije provedeno je istraživanje o utjecaju različitih metoda procjene temperature u podzemlju na izračun kapaciteta uskladištenja ugljičnoga dioksida u dubokim slanim vodonosnicima. Kao objekt u koji bi se CO2 mogao geološki uskladištiti odbrani su pješčenjaci Poljana, koji su zadovoljavali uvjete potrebne za geološko uskladištenje CO2. Procjena regionalnih kapaciteta uskladištenja u dubokom slanom vodonosniku utemeljena je na metodama korištenima u FP6 projektu EU GeoCapacity. Pomoću volumetrijskog izraza, predloženog od strane U.S. Department of Energy, izračunata je teoretska vrijednost kapaciteta uskladištenja. Parametri volumetrijskog izraza uključuju volumen vodonosnika, prosječnu poroznost, gustoću CO2 i koeficijent učinkovitosti uskladištenja. U ovome radu je pomnije istražen utjecaj različitih metoda procjene temperature na gustoću CO2, odnosno na procjenjenu vrijednost kapaciteta uskladištenja. Prilikom određivanja temperature korištene su tri različite metode. U prvom slučaju temperatura je dobivena iz regionalne karte geotermalnih gradijenata (JELIĆ et al., 1995). U drugom slučaju je konstruirana karta na temelju vrijednosti statičkih temperatura za 17 bušotina, dok se treći način bazirao na sirovim, nekorigiranim podatcima o maksimalnim temperaturama u dubini koje su bile dostupne za 58 bušotina. Uz objašnjenje principa izračuna temperature za svaku pojedinu metodu, priložene su karte temperatura i gustoća CO2 na srednjoj dubini dubokog slanog vodonosnika Poljana, te su objašnjene razlike u gustoćama CO2 i procijenjenom kapacitetu uskladištenja. Uočena je pravilnost da se korištenjem sirovih podataka o temperaturi u podzemlju dobije najveći kapacitet, nešto manja vrijednost ako se koriste korigirane vrijednosti (statičke temperature), a najmanja ako se samo preuzmu podaci s regionalne karte geotermalnih gradijenata. S obzirom na veličinu tih razlika, sva tri pristupa su prihvatljiva za teoretsku razinu procjene kapaciteta geološkog uskladištenja ugljičnog dioksida.
- Published
- 2012
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