21 results on '"Pascual San José, Enrique"'
Search Results
2. Accelerating organic solar cell material’s discovery: high-throughput screening and big data
- Author
Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (España), European Research Council, CSIC - Unidad de Recursos de Información Científica para la Investigación (URICI), Rodríguez Martínez, Xabier, Pascual San José, Enrique, Campoy Quiles, Mariano, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (España), European Research Council, CSIC - Unidad de Recursos de Información Científica para la Investigación (URICI), Rodríguez Martínez, Xabier, Pascual San José, Enrique, and Campoy Quiles, Mariano
- Abstract
The discovery of novel high-performing materials such as non-fullerene acceptors and low band gap donor polymers underlines the steady increase of record efficiencies in organic solar cells witnessed during the last years. Nowadays, the resulting catalogue of organic photovoltaic materials is becoming unaffordably vast to be evaluated following classical experimentation methodologies: their requirements in terms of human workforce time and resources are prohibitively high, which rest momentum to the evolution of the organic photovoltaic technology. As a result, high-throughput experimental and computational methodologies are fostered to leverage their inherently high exploratory paces and accelerate novel material’s discovery. In this review, we present some of the computational (pre)screening approaches performed prior to experimentation to select the most promising molecular candidates from the available materials libraries or, alternatively, generate molecules beyond human intuition. Then, we outline the main high-throuhgput experimental screening and characterization approaches with application in organic solar cells, namely those based on lateral parametric gradients (measuring-intensive) and on automated device prototyping (fabrication-intensive). In both cases, experimental datasets are generated at unbeatable paces, which notably enhance big data readiness. Herein, machine-learning algorithms find a rewarding application niche to retrieve quantitative structure-activity relationships and extract molecular design rationale, which are expected to keep the material’s discovery pace up in organic photovoltaics.
- Published
- 2021
3. Predicting the photocurrent–composition dependence in organic solar cells
- Author
Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (España), European Research Council, CSIC - Unidad de Recursos de Información Científica para la Investigación (URICI), Rodríguez Martínez, Xabier, Pascual San José, Enrique, Fei, Zhuping, Heeney, Martin, Guimerà, Roger, Campoy Quiles, Mariano, Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (España), European Research Council, CSIC - Unidad de Recursos de Información Científica para la Investigación (URICI), Rodríguez Martínez, Xabier, Pascual San José, Enrique, Fei, Zhuping, Heeney, Martin, Guimerà, Roger, and Campoy Quiles, Mariano
- Abstract
The continuous development of improved non-fullerene acceptors and deeper knowledge of the fundamental mechanisms governing performance underpin the vertiginous increase in efficiency witnessed by organic photovoltaics. While the influence of parameters like film thickness and morphology are generally understood, what determines the strong dependence of the photocurrent on the donor and acceptor fractions remains elusive. Here we approach this problem by training artificial intelligence algorithms with self-consistent datasets consisting of thousands of data points obtained by high-throughput evaluation methods. Two ensemble learning methods are implemented, namely a Bayesian machine scientist and a random decision forest. While the former demonstrates large descriptive power to complement the experimental high-throughput screening, the latter is found to predict with excellent accuracy the photocurrent–composition phase space for material systems outside the training set. Interestingly, we identify highly predictive models that only employ the materials band gaps, thus largely simplifying the rationale of the photocurrent–composition space.
- Published
- 2021
4. On the upscaling of organic solar cells based on non-fullerene acceptors
- Author
Pascual San José, Enrique, Campoy Quiles, Mariano, Stella, Marco, Ayllón Esteve, José Antonio, Ayllon, Jose Antonio, and Campoy-Quiles, Mariano
- Subjects
Photovoltaics ,Ciències Experimentals ,Escalat ,Organic solar cells ,Upscaling ,Fotovoltaica ,Celdas solares orgánicas ,Escalado ,Cel·les solars orgàniques - Abstract
En els últims anys, la tecnologia fotovoltaica orgànica (OPV, per les seves sigles en anglès) ha despertat l’atenció de tant la comunitat científica com la industrial, a causa de les seves altes eficiències de conversió energètica, que continuen creixent avui dia, superant actualment el 18%. Aquestes eficiències, en part, s’han aconseguit gràcies a el gran desenvolupament de les petites molècules acceptors, també conegudes com acceptors no basats en ful·lerè (NFA, per les seves sigles en anglès). A més de l’eficiència, la OPV basada en NFA ofereix gran flexibilitat per a modificar el color i l’estabilitat a llarg termini. Aquestes propietats úniques fan de la fotovoltaica orgànica una tecnologia molt prometedora per a la seva intensiva comercialització, ja sigui com a tecnologia integrada en edificis (BIPV, per les seves sigles en anglès) o com a font d’alimentació per a sensors en l’anomenat Internet de les Coses. Aquesta tesi aborda algunes de les qüestions crítiques de la fotovoltaica orgànica que han de ser avaluades perquè aquesta es converteixi en una tecnologia comercialment atractiva. En primer lloc, hem estudiat teòricament les estratègies per controlar l’estètica de les capes fines actives, que absorbeixen la llum. Amb l’ajuda d’un model òptic i un algoritme genètic, hem predit les característiques (composició i gruix) que les barreges de materials han de tenir per a que la capa mostri un color prèviament seleccionat. L’ús de capes basades en NFA ha resultat ser l’estratègia més eficaç per a modificar el color de la capa activa. Com a resultat, els dispositius amb NFA han estat estudiats intensament al llarg d’aquesta tesi. A més, com a pas intermedi cap a l’escalat industrial, la tècnica de deposició assistida amb fulla (blade-coating en anglès) s’ha utilitzat en la majoria dels casos per a la fabricació de cel·les solars en aquesta tesi. A causa de la flexibilitat sintètica dels NFA, hi ha una gran varietat de noves molècules que val la pena estudiar. Es mostren dos exemples de cribratge combinatori utilitzant tècniques d’alt rendiment. En primer lloc, s’apliquen gradients 1D a dispositius basats en NFA i politiofè (P3HT), per ser un dels polímers més barats i més estudiats. Els gradients 1D han permès la fabricació de més de 1.000 dispositius amb variacions controlades de gruix o temperatura post-recuit en les capes fotoactives. Per al sistema més eficient, estudiem i classifiquem la sensibilitat als paràmetres de fabricació. En segon lloc, hem estès els gradients 1D a 2D i hem explorat els polímers més eficients amb NFA. S’ha desenvolupat un mètode simple basat en variacions controlades i simultànies dels paràmetres d’interès. Amb l’ajuda de tècniques de caracterització optoelectròniques i co-locals, aquest mètode permet una ràpida identificació dels valors òptims de gruix i composició de la mescla a través de mapes 2D d’optimització. També s’ha estudiat l’estabilitat a llarg termini del sistema més eficient per ser un factor crític per l’escalat industrial. De la mateixa manera, s’han fabricat mòduls amb tècniques d’impressió industrialment rellevants com la impressió rotativa. La potencial semitransparencia de la OPV s’ha demostrat fabricant mòduls amb un NFA que estén la seva absorció òptica fins a la regió de l’infraroig proper. Per tal de desenvolupar un procés de fabricació sostenible i escalable i industrialment rellevant, els mòduls s’han fabricat seguint les directrius de la indústria de la impressió, incloent l’ús de dissolvents no halogenats, la fabricació en atmosfera normal i tècniques de baix consum energètic. En resum, en aquesta tesi, proporcionem nous coneixements sobre l’escalat de la tecnologia fotovoltaica orgànica, basats en NFA i que aplanen el camí cap a una transferència eficient dels dispositius de l’escala del laboratori a una escala industrialment rellevant. En los últimos años, la tecnología fotovoltaica orgánica (OPV, por sus siglas en inglés) ha despertado la atención de las comunidades científica e industrial debido a sus altas eficiencias de conversión en continuo aumento, superando actualmente el 18%. Éstas, en parte, se han logrado gracias al gran desarrollo de pequeñas moléculas aceptoras, también conocidos como aceptores no basados en fullereno (NFA, por sus siglas en inglés). Además de la eficiencia, la OPV basada en NFAs ofrece gran flexibilidad para modificar el color y presenta buena estabilidad a largo plazo. Estas propiedades hacen de la fotovoltaica orgánica una tecnología muy prometedora para su intensiva comercialización, bien integrada en edificios (BIPV, por sus siglas en inglés) o como fuente de alimentación para sensores en el llamado Internet de las Cosas (IoT, por sus siglas en inglés). Esta tesis aborda algunas de las cuestiones críticas de la fotovoltaica orgánica que deben ser evaluadas para que ésta se convierta en una tecnología comercialmente atractiva. En primer lugar, estudiamos teóricamente las estrategias para controlar la estética de las capas finas absorbentes. Con la ayuda de un modelo óptico y un algoritmo genético, predecimos las características (composición y espesor) que las mezclas de materiales deben tener para que la capa muestre un color previamente elegido. El uso de capas basadas en NFAs resultó ser la estrategia más eficaz para modificar el color de la capa activa. Como resultado, los dispositivos basados en NFAs fueron estudiados en profundidad a lo largo de esta tesis. Además, como paso intermedio hacia el escalado industrial, la técnica de racleta (blade-coating en inglés) se empleó en la mayoría de los casos para la fabricación de celdas solares. Debido a la flexibilidad sintética de los NFAs, hay una gran variedad de nuevas moléculas que merece la pena estudiar. Se muestran dos ejemplos de cribado combinatorio utilizando técnicas de alto rendimiento. En primer lugar, se aplican gradientes 1D a dispositivos basados en NFAs y politiofeno (P3HT, por sus siglas en inglés), por ser uno de los polímeros más baratos y más estudiados. Los gradientes 1D han permitido la fabricación de más de 1.000 dispositivos con variaciones controladas de espesor o temperatura post-recocido en las capas fotoactivas. Para el sistema más eficiente, estudiamos y clasificamos la sensibilidad a los parámetros de fabricación. En segundo lugar, extendimos los gradientes 1D a 2D y exploramos los polímeros más eficientes con NFAs. Se desarrolló un método simple basado en variaciones controladas y simultáneas de los parámetros de interés. Con la ayuda de técnicas de caracterización optoelectrónicas y co-locales, dicho método permite una rápida identificación de los valores óptimos de espesor y composición de la mezcla a través de los mapas 2D de optimización. También se estudió la estabilidad a largo plazo del sistema más eficiente por ser un factor crítico para su escalado industrial. De igual forma, se fabricaron módulos con técnicas de impresión industrialmente relevantes como la impresión rotativa (roll-to-roll, en inglés). La potencial semitransparencia del OPV se demostró fabricando módulos con un NFA que extiende su absorción óptica hasta la región del infrarrojo cercano. Con el fin de desarrollar un proceso de fabricación sostenible y escalable e industrialmente relevante, los módulos se fabricaron siguiendo las directrices de la industria de la impresión, incluyendo el uso de disolventes no halogenados, la fabricación en atmósfera normal y técnicas de bajo consumo energético. En resumen, en esta tesis proporcionamos nuevos conocimientos sobre el escalado de la tecnología fotovoltaica orgánica, basados en NFAs y que allanan el camino hacia una transferencia eficiente de los dispositivos de la escala laboratorio a una escala industrialmente relevante. Over the last years, organic photovoltaic technology (OPV) has drawn the attention of both the scientific and industrial communities due to their increasing performances, currently over 18%. These high efficiencies have been achieved thanks to the chemical development of the small molecular acceptors, also known as non-fullerene acceptors (NFA). Besides the efficiency, NFA-based OPV offers colour and transparency tuneable properties, low embodied energy, and good long-term stability. These unique properties make OPV a suitable technology for their commercialisation as a part of building-integrated photovoltaic systems (BIPV) or for powering the so-called Internet of Things (IoT). This thesis covers some of the critical issues that need to be addressed for OPV to become a truly competitive technology. Firstly, we studied theoretically the strategies for tuning the colour appearance of OPV films. With the aid of an optical model and a genetic algorithm, we predicted the characteristics that photoactive materials should have in order to exhibit a desired colour. The use of non-fullerene acceptors (NFA) for the photoactive blends turned out to be the most effective colour-tuning strategy. As a result, NFAs-based devices were intensively studied in this thesis. Moreover, as an intermediate step towards a large printing scale, the doctor blade technique was employed for most of this thesis work. Due to their synthetic flexibility, there are many NFAs and their processing conditions that are worth studying. Two examples of combinatorial screening using high throughput techniques are given. First, 1D gradients are applied to devices based on NFAs and polythiophene (P3HT), one of the cheapest and most studied polymers. 1D gradients enabled the fabrication of more than 1000 blade-coated devices with controlled variations in thickness or post-annealing temperature at the photoactive layers. For the most efficient system, we studied and ranked the sensitivity of the different manufacturing parameters. Second, we extended this to 2D gradients and explored both low bandgap polymers and NFAs. A simple method was developed based on controlled and simultaneous variations of the parameters of interest. With the aid of co-local optoelectronic characterisation techniques, 2D optimisation maps enable fast identification of the optimum thickness and blend composition values. Long term stability was also studied on selected devices, as a relevant factor for OPV upscaling, together with manufacturing fully roll-to-roll modules. Transparency is another relevant characteristic feature that could enable OPV integration into the potential photoactive windows of the future. Semitransparent laser-patterned modules were fabricated with a NFA that contributes to extend the blend optical absorption up to the near-infrared region. With the aim of developing a sustainable manufacturing process, modules were manufactured following preferences of large-scale printing industry including non-halogenated solvents, air processing and low energy consumption. In summary, in this thesis we provide new insights into the upscaling of NFAs based OPV that pave the way towards an efficient transfer from record lab-devices to fully solution-processed modules. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Programa de Doctorat en Ciència de Materials
- Published
- 2020
5. Dataset: The photocurrent-composition dependence of binary bulk heterojunction organic solar cells-combining high throughput experimentation and artificial intelligence models
- Author
Rodríguez Martínez, Xabier, Campoy Quiles, Mariano, Pascual San Jose, Enrique, Guimerà, Roger, Garriga Bacardi, Miquel, Pascual San José, Enrique, Rodríguez Martínez, Xabier, Campoy Quiles, Mariano, Pascual San Jose, Enrique, Guimerà, Roger, Garriga Bacardi, Miquel, and Pascual San José, Enrique
- Abstract
This dataset corresponds to the open-source article with DOI 10.1039/D0EE02958K. The package contains (i) the detailed lists of optoelectronic descriptors used to feed machine-learning algorithms; (ii) the photovoltaic figures-of-merit of the organic solar cells therein fabricated; (iii) the photocurrent-composition dependence obtained in 15 different donor:acceptor organic photovoltaic blends using high-throughput combinatorial experimentation; (iv) a set of Python scripts to reproduce the figures of the main text of the article and its supplementary information; and (v) the raw data as extracted from confocal Raman imaging and photocurrent mapping.
- Published
- 2020
6. Towards photovoltaic windows: scalable fabrication of semitransparent modules based on non-fullerene acceptors via laser-patterning
- Author
Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (España), Centre Tecnològic de Catalunya, European Research Council, CSIC - Unidad de Recursos de Información Científica para la Investigación (URICI), Pascual San José, Enrique, Sadoughi, Golnaz, Lucera, Luca, Stella, Marco, Martínez Ferrero, Eugenia, Morse, Graham Edward, Campoy Quiles, Mariano, Burgués Ceballos, Ignasi, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (España), Centre Tecnològic de Catalunya, European Research Council, CSIC - Unidad de Recursos de Información Científica para la Investigación (URICI), Pascual San José, Enrique, Sadoughi, Golnaz, Lucera, Luca, Stella, Marco, Martínez Ferrero, Eugenia, Morse, Graham Edward, Campoy Quiles, Mariano, and Burgués Ceballos, Ignasi
- Abstract
Semitransparent organic photovoltaics (OPV) possess unique properties that make them highly appealing for their integration into semitransparent architectonic elements such as windows or glazings. In order to provide sufficient transparency, non-opaque electrodes and thin photoactive layers are typically used, thus limiting the light-harvesting capacity. This can be partially overcome by using materials that absorb light mostly in the infrared region. On the other hand, the use of scalable techniques for the fabrication of semitransparent devices is often disregarded. In this work, we combine the blue, low-bandgap polymer PBTZT-stat-BDTT-8 with the near-infrared absorbing non-fullerene acceptor 4TICO, adapting the module fabrication to low-cost manufacturing processes that are compatible with large-scale production. Fully solution-processed semitransparent solar cells over 4.7% performance are prepared from non-chlorinated formulations, in air and using scalable techniques such as blade coating. Our prototypes of semitransparent laser-patterned OPV modules exceed 30% of transparency (measured as human perception transmittance, HPT) and yield efficiencies in the range of 4%, geometrical fill factors surpassing 90% and an active area above 1 cm2. We verify the quality of cell-to-cell interconnection and optimise the geometry of the modules with the help of local optoelectronic imaging techniques. This work highlights the relevance of non-fullerene acceptors with strong absorption in the near-infrared, as they can meet industrial and technical requirements for the upscaling and integration of high-performance semitransparent OPV modules with low production costs.
- Published
- 2020
7. Predicting the photocurrent–composition dependence in organic solar cells
- Author
Rodríguez-Martínez, Xabier, primary, Pascual-San-José, Enrique, additional, Fei, Zhuping, additional, Heeney, Martin, additional, Guimerà, Roger, additional, and Campoy-Quiles, Mariano, additional
- Published
- 2021
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8. Accelerating organic solar cell material's discovery: high-throughput screening and big data
- Author
Rodríguez-Martínez, Xabier, primary, Pascual-San-José, Enrique, additional, and Campoy-Quiles, Mariano, additional
- Published
- 2021
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9. Towards photovoltaic windows: scalable fabrication of semitransparent modules based on non-fullerene acceptors via laser-patterning
- Author
Pascual-San-José, Enrique, primary, Sadoughi, Golnaz, additional, Lucera, Luca, additional, Stella, Marco, additional, Martínez-Ferrero, Eugenia, additional, Morse, Graham Edward, additional, Campoy-Quiles, Mariano, additional, and Burgués-Ceballos, Ignasi, additional
- Published
- 2020
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10. Finding the needle in the haystack: High-throughput photovoltaic materials screening
- Author
Rodríguez Martínez, Xabier, Pascual San José, Enrique, Sánchez-Díaz, A., Harillo Baños, Albert, and Campoy Quiles, Mariano
- Abstract
In this talk I will first describe a novel methodology for the fast evaluation of donor/acceptor systems for photovoltaics. The new approach, up to 100 times faster than conventional optimization protocols, is based on the use of Raman to quantify the local thickness and composition in samples with lateral gradients on parameters of interest [1, 2]. Raman images are combined with photocurrent images (LBIC) to identify the optimum conditions. We demonstrate the potential of the methodology optimizing three systems PCDTBT:PC70BM, PTB7-Th:PC70BM and PffBT4T-2OD:PC70BM, obtaining efficiencies circa 6%, 8% and 10%, respectively, using less than 50 mg of each polymer in the process [2]. I will show that this method can be used also to analyze blends containing non-fullerene acceptors and ternary systems [3] and it can be extended for the case of evaporated bilayer solar cells by using moving shadow masks [4] as well as polymer:polymer processed through microfluidic chips dispensers [5] Finally, I will describe our first attempts to use these large datasets (>25.000 points per material system) as input in machine learning algorithms and what we could learn from this exercise [3]. [1] X. Rodríguez-Martínez et al, J. Mater. Chem. C , 5, 7270 (2017) [2] A. Sanchez-Díaz et al, Adv. Elec. Mater., 2018, DOI: 10.1002/aelm.201700477 [3] X. Rodríguez-Martínez, E. Pascual, A. Harillo, R. Gimerá and M. Campoy-Quiles, unpublished. [4] X. Rodríguez-Martínez, et al., Organic Electronics, 59, 288 (2018). [5] X. Rodríguez-Martínez, S. Semih, X. Su, P. Pamies, O. Inganas, J. Puigmartí, M. Campoy Quiles, 2018, in preparation
- Published
- 2019
11. 8th International Conference on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry: Conference Program & Abstracts
- Author
Azzam, R.M.A., García Pomar, Juan Luis, Molet, Pau, Matricardi, Cristiano, Garriga Bacardi, Miquel, Alonso Carmona, M. Isabel, Mihi, Agustín, Rodríguez Martínez, Xabier, Pascual San José, Enrique, Goñi, Alejandro R., Campoy Quiles, Mariano, Belova , Valentina, Gómez Castaño, Mayte, Otrokov, M. M., Chulkov, Eugene V., Tarancon, Albert, Pérez, Luis Alberto, Kong, M., Zapata Arteaga, Osnat, Reparaz, J. S., Baraldi, Marina, García Pardo, José Gonzalo, Serna, Rosalía, Valverde Guijarro, Ángel Luis, Rodríguez de los Santos Díaz, Rafael, Salazar Bloise, Félix, Álvarez-Herrero, Alberto, Belenguer Dávila, Tomás, Francisco López, Adrián, Toudert, Johann, Ramos, Nicolás, Peláez, Ramón J., Maté, Belén, and Liu, Shiyuan
- Abstract
Programa y libro de abstracts de las ponencias del ICSE 8, 8th International Conference on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry (Barcelona World Trade Center, 26-31 de mayo de 2019) https://congresses.icmab.es/icse8/
- Published
- 2019
12. Blade coated P3HT:non-fullerene acceptor solar cells: a high-throughput parameter study with a focus on up-scalability
- Author
Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (España), European Research Council, European Commission, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España), Rodríguez Martínez, Xabier [0000-0002-6715-4392], Martínez Ferrero, Eugenia [0000-0001-7558-0271], Campoy Quiles, Mariano [0000-0002-8911-640X], Pascual San José, Enrique, Rodríguez Martínez, Xabier, Adel Abdelaleim, Rana, Stella, Marco, Martínez Ferrero, Eugenia, Campoy Quiles, Mariano, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (España), European Research Council, European Commission, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España), Rodríguez Martínez, Xabier [0000-0002-6715-4392], Martínez Ferrero, Eugenia [0000-0001-7558-0271], Campoy Quiles, Mariano [0000-0002-8911-640X], Pascual San José, Enrique, Rodríguez Martínez, Xabier, Adel Abdelaleim, Rana, Stella, Marco, Martínez Ferrero, Eugenia, and Campoy Quiles, Mariano
- Abstract
Combining non-fullerene acceptors (NFAs) with novel low band gap polymers has led to very promising performances. However, research on donors that can reduce the performance–cost gap, such as poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT), can play an instrumental role in the upscaling of this technology. In this paper, we have analysed the influence of several processing parameters on the performance of solar cells based on P3HT:NFA binaries deposited by blade coating. The investigated NFAs include molecules with variations in the side chains and end-capping groups. More precisely, we have looked at devices based on P3HT blended with five NFAs, namely ITIC, ITIC-M, O-IDTBR, EH-IDTBR, and O-IDFBR, and employed PC60BM and ICBA as reference acceptors. More than one thousand doctor-bladed P3HT:NFA samples were manufactured using high throughput techniques using gradients of both thickness and annealing temperature. The combined data for all samples were employed to perform a parameter sensitivity study in order to identify the most influential parameters for P3HT based devices. For all material combinations, we have found that blade coated solar cells fabricated from chlorobenzene/dichlorobenzene mixtures outperform those based on chlorobenzene. For the most promising binary (i.e. P3HT:O-IDTBR), we have investigated in more depth the effects resulting from the choice of solvent, as well as casting temperature and post-deposition thermal annealing. Devices with power conversion efficiencies greater than 5% were obtained regardless of the casting temperature and for a relatively wide thickness range (80–250 nm). Finally, we have shown that encapsulated devices exhibit a stable performance for more than 3000 h and that degradation progresses faster in thicker devices. O-IDTBR has been identified to play a major role in the device degradation.
- Published
- 2019
13. High Throughput Screening of Highly Efficient Non-fullerene Acceptor based Organic Solar Cells Assisted by a Multi-Dataset Scientific Robot
- Author
Pascual-San-José, Enrique, primary, Rodríguez-Martínez, Xabier, additional, Zhuping, Fei, additional, Heeney, Martin, additional, Guimerà-Manrique, Roger, additional, and Campoy-Quiles, Mariano, additional
- Published
- 2019
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14. Blade coated P3HT:non-fullerene acceptor solar cells: a high-throughput parameter study with a focus on up-scalability
- Author
Pascual-San-José, Enrique, primary, Rodríguez-Martínez, Xabier, additional, Adel-Abdelaleim, Rana, additional, Stella, Marco, additional, Martínez-Ferrero, Eugenia, additional, and Campoy-Quiles, Mariano, additional
- Published
- 2019
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15. Correction: Blade coated P3HT:non-fullerene acceptor solar cells: a high-throughput parameter study with a focus on up-scalability
- Author
Pascual-San-José, Enrique, primary, Rodríguez-Martínez, Xabier, additional, Adel-Abdelaleim, Rana, additional, Stella, Marco, additional, Martínez-Ferrero, Eugenia, additional, and Campoy-Quiles, Mariano, additional
- Published
- 2019
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16. Defect tolerant perovskite solar cells from blade coated non-toxic solvents
- Author
Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (España), Universidad Jaime I, European Research Council, Bi, Zhuoneng, Rodríguez Martínez, Xabier, Aranda, Clara, Pascual San José, Enrique, Goñi, Alejandro R., Campoy Quiles, Mariano, Xu, Xueqing, Guerrero, Antonio, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (España), Universidad Jaime I, European Research Council, Bi, Zhuoneng, Rodríguez Martínez, Xabier, Aranda, Clara, Pascual San José, Enrique, Goñi, Alejandro R., Campoy Quiles, Mariano, Xu, Xueqing, and Guerrero, Antonio
- Abstract
Understanding crystallization of lead halide perovskites by industrially relevant techniques using non-toxic solvents is a topic that needs development. To this date, highest efficiency devices are prepared by deposition of the perovskite layer using non-scalable techniques, toxic solvents and/or require additional processing steps. In this work, we show that efficient one-step perovskite solar cells can be obtained by doctor blade. The perovskite film is formed under supersaturation regime from non-toxic solvents following spherulitic growth. This method results in highly crystalline perovskite films with preferential crystal orientation. Co-local photoluminescence and light-beam induced current experiments show that generated chemical defects are confined at the boundary of spherulites and these do not have a negative effect on the extracted photocurrent. Strikingly, spherulitic formation, rather than being detrimental, can lead to better photovoltaic performance in hybrid perovskite films. This is further confirmed in photovoltaic devices with record efficiencies of 18.0% for MAPbI3 (MA= Methyl ammonium) for doctor bladed processing using non-toxic solvents. Moreover, large area devices (1.53 cm2) fabricated using doctor blade show remarkable efficiencies (14.2%) reinforcing the viability of this solar technology towards industrialization.
- Published
- 2018
17. Comparing the potential of different strategies for colour tuning in thin film photovoltaic technologies
- Author
Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (España), Centre Tecnològic de Catalunya, European Research Council, Pascual San José, Enrique, Sánchez Díaz, Antonio, Stella, Marco, Martínez Ferrero, Eugenia, Alonso Carmona, M. Isabel, Campoy Quiles, Mariano, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (España), Centre Tecnològic de Catalunya, European Research Council, Pascual San José, Enrique, Sánchez Díaz, Antonio, Stella, Marco, Martínez Ferrero, Eugenia, Alonso Carmona, M. Isabel, and Campoy Quiles, Mariano
- Abstract
While the performance of some emerging solar cell technologies is rocketing, there are other important parameters that also need to be considered for industrialization, including aesthetics, payback time or long-term stability. More specifically, aesthetical features of the solar cells play a very important role in the path towards the integration of these semi-transparent technologies into the buildings and windows of the future. In this work, we have implemented a theoretical methodology to study in depth colour tuning in polymer-based organic photovoltaic cells that uses experimentally complex refractive indices. We compare quantitatively basic interference effects (through active layer thickness), binaries with different donors and different acceptors, and ternary systems where the third component is either active or a simple dye. For hybrid perovskite solar cells, we compare the colour tuning capability of blending and alloying. Additionally, we show that the same theoretical framework can be employed for the so-called inverse problem, i.e. determining the best solar cell parameters (specific materials, donor:acceptor ratio and photoactive film thickness) that can reproduce a desired set of chromaticity coordinates.
- Published
- 2018
18. Comparing the potential of different strategies for colour tuning in thin film photovoltaic technologies
- Author
Pascual-San José, Enrique, primary, Sánchez-Díaz, Antonio, additional, Stella, Marco, additional, Martínez-Ferrero, Eugenia, additional, Alonso, Maria Isabel, additional, and Campoy-Quiles, Mariano, additional
- Published
- 2018
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19. Defect tolerant perovskite solar cells from blade coated non-toxic solvents
- Author
Bi, Zhuoneng, primary, Rodríguez-Martínez, Xabier, additional, Aranda, Clara, additional, Pascual-San-José, Enrique, additional, Goñi, Alejandro R., additional, Campoy-Quiles, Mariano, additional, Xu, Xueqing, additional, and Guerrero, Antonio, additional
- Published
- 2018
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20. Defect tolerant perovskite solar cells from blade coated non-toxic solvents.
- Author
Aranda, Clara, Guerrero, Antonio, Bi, Zhuoneng, Xu, Xueqing, Rodríguez-Martínez, Xabier, Pascual-San-José, Enrique, Campoy-Quiles, Mariano, and Goñi, Alejandro R.
- Abstract
The process of crystallization of lead halide perovskites by industrially relevant techniques involving non-toxic solvents is not understood completely and needs improvement. To this date, devices with the highest efficiency are prepared by deposition of the perovskite layer using non-scalable techniques, toxic solvents and/or require additional processing steps. In this work, we show that perovskite solar cells can be obtained efficiently in one step by doctor blade. The perovskite film is formed under a supersaturation regime from non-toxic solvents following spherulitic growth. This method results in highly crystalline perovskite films with preferential crystal orientation. Co-local photoluminescence and light-beam induced current experiments show that the generated chemical defects are confined at the boundary of spherulites and do not have a negative effect on the extracted photocurrent. Strikingly, spherulite formation, rather than being detrimental, could lead to better photovoltaic performance in hybrid perovskite films. This is further confirmed in the photovoltaic devices, which were fabricated using non-toxic solvents by doctor blade process, with record efficiencies of 18.0% for MAPbI
3 (MA = methyl ammonium). Moreover, devices with large area (1.53 cm2 ) fabricated using doctor blade show remarkable efficiencies (14.2%) reinforcing the viability of this solar technology towards industrialization. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]- Published
- 2018
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21. Comparing the potential of different strategies for colour tuning in thin-film photovoltaic technologies
- Author
Pascual-San-José, Enrique, Sánchez-Díaz, Antonio, Stella, Marco, Martínez-Ferrero, Eugenia, Alonso, María Isabel, and Campoy-Quiles, Mariano
- Subjects
7. Clean energy - Abstract
While the performance of some emerging solar cell technologies is rocketing, there are other important parameters that also need to be considered for industrialization, including aesthetics, payback time or long-term stability. More specifically, aesthetical features of the solar cells play a very important role in the path towards the integration of these semi-transparent technologies into the buildings and windows of the future. In this work, we have implemented a theoretical methodology to study in depth colour tuning in polymer-based organic photovoltaic cells that uses experimentally complex refractive indices. We compare quantitatively basic interference effects (through active layer thickness), binaries with different donors and different acceptors, and ternary systems where the third component is either active or a simple dye. For hybrid perovskite solar cells, we compare the colour tuning capability of blending and alloying. Additionally, we show that the same theoretical framework can be employed for the so-called inverse problem, i.e. determining the best solar cell parameters (specific materials, donor:acceptor ratio and photoactive film thickness) that can reproduce a desired set of chromaticity coordinates.
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