This paper presents the authors’ response tothe Australian Senate Standing Committees on Environment and Communication’s inquiry into Australia’s faunal extinction crisis. The main focus of the response to the inquiry is on: the ongoing decline in the population and conservation status of Australia's nearly 500 threatened fauna species; the wider ecological impact of faunal extinction; the use of traditional knowledge and management for threatened species recovery and other outcomes, as well as opportunities to expand the use of traditional knowledge and management for conservation; and the adequacy of existing funding streams for implementing threatened species recovery plans and preventing threatened fauna loss in general.In all aspects of protecting Australia’s natural environment, the traditional knowledge and practices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ecological experts, community representatives and organisations, particularly Aboriginal community controlled organisations (ACCOs), must be drawn upon. Genuine and ongoing partnership between Federal, State, Territory and Local Governments and these Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander experts, community representatives and organisations is essential, as set out in the new National Partnership Agreement on Closing the Gap., {"references":["Allam, L., 2020, Indigenous Rangers get $102m in funding for critical role protecting environment. The Guardian. Retrieved on 17 June 2020 a","Blanch, S., and Taylor, M., 2019, Koalas face extinction in eastern Australia, a deforestation hotspot, WWF Australia Briefing. Retrieved on 16 June 2021 at","Coalition of Peaks, 2020, National Partnership Agreement on Closing the Gap. Retrieved on 16 June 2021 at","Country Needs People, 2019, Improving Health. Retrieved on 17 June 2021 at","Heaton, A., 2019, Combatting racism to create a better Australia: the potential of the national cross-curriculum priority of teaching Aboriginal histories and cultures. Australian Aboriginal Studies, Issue 1, 2019. Retrieved on 8 June 2021 from","Lane, A., Wallis, K., and Phillips, S., 2020, A review of the conservation status of New South Wales populations of the Koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) leading up to and including part of the 2019/20 fire event. Report to International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW). Biolink Ecological Consultants, Uki NSW. Retrieved on 16 June 2021, at","Phillips, S, Wallis, K, and Lane, A., 2021, Quantifying the impacts of bushfire on populations of wild koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus): Insights from the 2019/20 fire season. Ecological Management & Restoration, 22, issue 1, January 2021 doi: 10.1111/emr.12458","Preece, N., 2019, Indigenous rangers don't receive the funding they deserve – here's why. The Conversation. May 8 2019. Retrieved on 17 June 2021 at"]}