39 results on '"Parmasto, Erast"'
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2. Phylogenetic Studies in Species of Corticiaceae Growing on Branches
- Author
Hallenberg, Nils and Parmasto, Erast
- Published
- 1998
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3. Primary basidiospore charge and taxonomy of Agaricomycetes
- Author
Saar Maret and Parmasto Erast
- Subjects
agaricomycetes ,ballistospore ,basidiospore ,bipolar ,charge types ,electrostatic charge ,spore release ,taxonomy ,unipolar-negative ,unipolar-positive ,Biology (General) ,QH301-705.5 - Published
- 2014
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4. Hymenochaetales: A Molecular Phylogeny for the Hymenochaetoid Clade
- Author
Larsson, Karl-Henrik, Parmasto, Erast, Fischer, Michael, Langer, Ewald, Nakasone, Karen K., and Redhead, Scott A.
- Published
- 2006
- Author
Parmasto, Erast
- Published
- 2001
6. Phylogenetic taxonomy of Hymenochaete and related genera (Hymenochaetales)
- Author
Parmasto, Erast, Saar, Irja, Larsson, Ellen, and Rummo, Signe
- Published
- 2014
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7. Mycological Herbaria of the Soviet Union
- Author
Parmasto, Erast
- Published
- 1985
8. A higher-level phylogenetic classification of the Fungi
- Author
Hibbett, David S., Binder, Manfred, Bischoff, Joseph F., Blackwell, Meredith, Cannon, Paul F., Eriksson, Ove E., Huhndorf, Sabine, James, Timothy, Kirk, Paul M., Lücking, Robert, Thorsten Lumbsch, H., Lutzoni, François, Matheny, P. Brandon, McLaughlin, David J., Powell, Martha J., Redhead, Scott, Schoch, Conrad L., Spatafora, Joseph W., Stalpers, Joost A., Vilgalys, Rytas, Aime, M. Catherine, Aptroot, André, Bauer, Robert, Begerow, Dominik, Benny, Gerald L., Castlebury, Lisa A., Crous, Pedro W., Dai, Yu-Cheng, Gams, Walter, Geiser, David M., Griffith, Gareth W., Gueidan, Cécile, Hawksworth, David L., Hestmark, Geir, Hosaka, Kentaro, Humber, Richard A., Hyde, Kevin D., Ironside, Joseph E., Kõljalg, Urmas, Kurtzman, Cletus P., Larsson, Karl-Henrik, Lichtwardt, Robert, Longcore, Joyce, Miądlikowska, Jolanta, Miller, Andrew, Moncalvo, Jean-Marc, Mozley-Standridge, Sharon, Oberwinkler, Franz, Parmasto, Erast, Reeb, Valérie, Rogers, Jack D., Roux, Claude, Ryvarden, Leif, Sampaio, José Paulo, Schüßler, Arthur, Sugiyama, Junta, Thorn, R. Greg, Tibell, Leif, Untereiner, Wendy A., Walker, Christopher, Wang, Zheng, Weir, Alex, Weiss, Michael, White, Merlin M., Winka, Katarina, Yao, Yi-Jian, and Zhang, Ning
- Published
- 2007
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9. (1255) Proposal to Reject the Names Xylodon and Schizopora in Favour of Hyphodontia, nom. cons. (Fungi, Corticiaceae)
- Author
Langer, Ewald, Hallenberg, Nils, Knudsen, Henning, Kõljalg, Urmas, Langer, Gitta, Larsson, Karl-Henrik, Oberwinkler, Franz, Parmasto, Erast, Ryvarden, Leif, and Vesterholt, Jan
- Published
- 1996
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10. Hymenochaete and Hymenochaetopsis (Basidiomycota) in Europe
- Author
Corfixen, Peer, primary and Parmasto, Erast, additional
- Published
- 2017
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11. A first annotated checklist of corticioid and polypore basidiomycetes of the Caucasus region
- Author
Ghobad-Nejhad, Masoomeh, Hallenberg, Nils, Parmasto, Erast, and Kotiranta, Heikki
- Subjects
polypore:corticioid ratio ,Red List ,aphyllophoroid fungi ,hotspot ,biodiversity - Abstract
This is the first combined checklist of corticioid and polypore species from the territories in the Caucasus region, including Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Russian Caucasus, NE Turkey, and N–NW Iran. Altogether 389 corticioid and 246 polypore species are known from the area, 74 of which are reported as new to the entire region. Each record includes literature references, and, when available, selected unpublished specimens deposited in herbaria or collected recently are listed. The distribution of each species in the Caucasian countries is summarized, and brief notes are provided for some species. Finally, a table and a diagram representing the number of corticioids and polypores and the ratio of these in each country are provided. The checklist aims to serve as a baseline for more detailed studies of wood-inhabiting basidiomycetes in the Caucasus region. The importance of this catalogue for fungal conservation is also mentioned.
- Published
- 2009
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12. Cortbase version 2. Extensive updates of a nomenclatural database for corticioid fungi (Hymenomycetes)
- Author
Parmasto, Erast, Nilsson, Henrik, and Larsson, Karl-Henrik
- Subjects
taxonomy ,Cortbase ,Hymenomycetes - Abstract
Cortbase is a nomenclatural database for corticioid (resupinate) fungi (Corticiaceae s.l. and related hymenomycetes) with basionyms, synonyms, taxonomically correct names, data on name usage, literature references, and evaluation of nomenclatural status. It is available as an on-line service (http://andromeda.botany.gu.se/cortbase.html) and as an MS-DOS executable for local installation. The database includes 8112 species names; of the 4412 basionyms included, 2101 represent taxonomically acceptable species, 1434 are heterotypic synonyms, and 877 are of uncertain application. The improvements over the previous version include the new, platform- independent on-line search interface, some 800 more corticioid names, numerous additions to the existing data, and six new categories for searching, including searches for location of type specimens and for authors of species names. 
- Published
- 2004
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13. Eesti seenestik
- Author
Hanso, Märt, Järva, Leili, Jürisson, Ilmar, Kalamees, Kuulo, Karis, Harry, Kask, Kalju, Kastanje, Veiko, Kullman, Bellis, Leenurm, Kadri, Liiv, Vello, Lõiveke, Heino, Noor, Heino, Normet, Thea, Parmasto, Erast, Põldmaa, Kadri, Raitviir, Ain, Ramst, Uve, Ruubas, Indrek, Sarv, Jaan, Soobik, Peeter, Suija, Ave, Sõmermaa, Anne-Liis, Vaasma, Mall, Vahter, Herman, Veldre, Sven, Öpik, Maarja, Kalamees, Kuulo, and Štšukin, Georg
- Subjects
seened ,liigikirjeldused ,liigikaitse ,mürgistused ,oskussõnastikud ,Eesti ,süstemaatika ,ökoloogia ,teatmikud - Abstract
Seentel on looduses oluline osa - orgaanilise aine lagundajatena on nad asendamatud ökosüsteemide aineringes. Niiviisi osalevad seened ökosüsteemide sekundaarses produktsioonis, luues ühtlasi maakera loodusressursse. Inimese praktilises tegevuses on seentel tohutu tähtsus nii negatiivses kui ka positiivses tähenduses. Piisab, kui mõelda söödavatele, sealhulgas viljeldavatele seentele, mitmesuguseid keemilisi aineid produtseerivatele liikidele, ravimseentele, mürkseentele, mükooside tekitajatele, fütopatogeensetele seentele, hallitusseentele jpt. Seepärast väärivad seened igakülgset tundmaõppimist ning oma igapäevases tegevuses tuleb meil nendega tõsiselt arvestada. Eesti territoorium pakub seente leviku uurimise seisukohast laialdasemat huvi Euroopas tervikuna. Tänu Eesti looduslikele (botaanilistele, geograafilistele, geoloogilistele) iseärasustele on meie ala omapäraseks ristumiskohaks boreaalsete ja nemoraalsete, mõningal määral ka pontiliste seeneliikide areaalidele. Seetõttu on Eesti seenestik koosseisult mitmekesine ja liigirohke. Eesti seentest on kahe sajandi vältel kirjutatud hulgaliselt nii teaduslikke kui populaarteaduslikke töid. Viimastel aastakümnetel on ilmunud rida raamatuid mitmesuguste seenerühmade kohta, sealhulgas ka ülevaated meie parimate söögiseente perekondadest. Kõiki Eesti suurseeni käsitlev raamat “Seened” (koostaja K. Kalamees) ilmus juba 1966. aastal. Eesti pisiseeni laiemale üldsusele tutvustavat kirjandust on seevastu napilt, ometi on näiteks seente poolt põhjustatud taimehaiguste tundmine nii põllumajandus- kui metsamajanduspraktikas väga oluline. Eesti seente loend on meil küll ilmunud juba kahe raamatuna “Eesti seente koondnimestik” (Järva & E. Parmasto, 1980; Järva, I. Parmasto & Vaasma, 1998), kuid need mõlemad kujutavad endast seeneliikide kommentaarideta nimestikku koos viidetega vastavale kirjandusele (kuni aastani 1990). Käesolev raamat annab ülevaate umbes 4/5 Eestis kasvavatest seeneliikidest, püüdes seejuures neid lühidalt iseloomustada süstemaatiliselt, ökoloogiliselt, levikuliselt, bioloogiliselt ning kasu või kahju seisukohast inimesele. Lisaks sellele on raamatus iseloomustatud erinevaid seente kasvukohatüüpe Eestis, meie seente geograafiat, ökoloogiat, seenekaitset ning seente osa inimese elus. Paraku ei ole probleemide käsitlus raamatus siiski täielik, kuna Eestis ei ole veel mitmeid seenerühmi nimetatud küsimustega seonduvalt läbi uuritud. Nii on näiteks toitumisrühmade, kasvukohtade ja levilatüüpidega seotud üldistav analüüs meil seni tehtud vaid lehikseente osas. Käesolev raamat on teaduslik teatmeteos Eesti seentest. See ei ole ei määraja ega mükoloogia õpik ning seetõttu ei leia siin põhjalikku käsitlemist seente ehituse, bioloogia, paljunemise ja eluviisi probleemid. Neid küsimusi vaadeldakse üksikute seenerühmade juures vaid sedavõrd, kuivõrd nad osutuvad vajalikuks Eestist leitud seente iseloomustamisel. Mükoloogiline oskussõnastik hõlbustab raamatu kasutamist. Võimalikult täpselt on raamatus seeneliikide kõrval viidatud ka nende peremeesorganismidele koos ladinakeelsete nimetustega. Eesti kodumaistele puu- ja põõsaliikidele, levinumatele köögi- ja põlluviljadele, viljapuudele ja marjapõõsastele ning samuti kodu- ja metsloomadele on tekstis viidatud ainult eestikeelsete nimedega, vastavad ladinakeelsed nimed tuuakse eri nimestikuna raamatu lõpus. Raamatu töömahukast ning aegavõtvast kirjutamisest, koostamisest ja toimetamisest on osa võtnud palju kutselisi ja mitmeid harrastusmükolooge, samuti teistegi erialade esindajaid. Raamatu koostajana ja peatoimetajana avaldan siirast tänu kõigile autoritele ja kaastoimetajatele, ingliskeelsete tekstide tõlkijale M.Roosile ning keelelisele korrektorile M. Johansonile, CD versiooni tegijale ja kujundajale I. Kübarsepale. Raamatu failide esialgse töötlejana väärib kahtlemata tänu OÜ Eesti Loodusfoto. Oma käsikirjaliste materjalide kasutamise võimaldamise ning samuti kaastöö eest mitmete erinevate lõikude sisulisel täiendamisel ja parandamisel pälvivad lisaks neile tänu A. Jakobson, K. Jürgens, A. Kalamees, L. Kalamees, M. Laane, T. Randlane ja I. Saar. Käsikirja teksti trükkimise ja vormistamise eest väärib siirast tänu M. Vaasma. Eriline tänu kuulub posthuumselt raamatu illustraatorile kunstnik Georg Štšukinile, kelle sule ja pintsli alt on tulnud värvitahvlid ning mustvalged joonised. An investigation into Estonian mycobiota, including taxonomy, ecology, distribution and data on its resources, is presented in this book. A contemporary interpretation of the distribution of Estonian fungi between the kingdoms of Eucaryota and their systematic arrangement based on the principles of Hawksworth et al.(1995), as well as the morphology, anatomy, ecology, phenology, distribution, the profit or damage from the human point of view are considered in detail at the level of different taxonomic units from phyla to species. Trophic groups and sites, and the peculiarities of the geographical distribution of fungi in Estonia are analysed. Edible mushrooms, their resources and cultivation in Estonia, the nutritive value and ways of preservation, mycetism, mycotoxicoses and mycoses in man and domestic animals, poisonous fungi and medical uses of fungi, plant diseases caused by fungi, and dyeing of textile fabrics with fungal pigments are treated in separate chapters. Particular attention is devoted to the principles of fungus protection and the species included in the Red Data Book of Estonia and to those under state protection. The priority in the fungus investigations in Estonia belongs to Fischer and Hupel (1777). That is particularly evident in the works of Fischer (1778, 1784, 1791), Grindel (1803), Friebe (1805), Weinmann (1836), Dietrich (1856, 1859), Bucholtz (1904, 1916), Lepik (1930, 1940), Witkowsky (1934), Leisner (1937, 1938). First more concrete data of scientific significance are found in Dietrich’s and Bucholtz’s works which contain studies on the fungi of the Baltic Region of that time. From the period of 1925–1943 very important are the mycological and phytopathological investigations of prof. E. Lepik. The research centres were situated in Tartu. On E. Lepik’s initiative a number of amateur mycologists like N. Witkowsky, T. Leisner, A. Rühl and V. Pärtelpoeg joined in the work. In Estonia, the investigation into the systematic, ecology, distribution, pathology and coenology of fungi became more active in the 1950s, when studies were started by E. Parmasto, V. Lasting, P. Põldmaa, K. Kalamees. In the 1960s and later A. Raitviir, L. Järva, A.-L. Sõmermaa, M. Hanso, H. Karis, J. Sarv, K. Kask, B. Kullman, I. Parmasto, M. Vaasma, T. Normet, H. Lõiveke, P. Soobik joined in the research. The amateur mycologists H. Kelder, G. Shtshukin, V. Liiv and S. Veldre also took up training for mycological investigations. At present the research centre of Estonian mycology is the Institute of Zoology and Botany (department of mycology) by the Estonian Agricultural University. A new generation of mycologists, among them U. Kõljalg, K. Põldmaa have appeared. The traditional classical direction in Estonian mycological research is being replaced by a new one at the genetical and molecular level. Since 1777 almost 4000 species of fungi have been recorded in Estonia (cf. Järva, 1982; Parmasto, 1989). They have been treated in nearly 2000 books and articles (cf. Järva & E. Parmasto, 1980; Järva, I. Parmasto & Vaasma, 1998). Since 1950, 159 000 specimens of fungi have been collected for the fungus herbarium of the Institute of Zoology and Botany. The Estonian Mycological Society (until June 2000 the mycology section of the Estonian Naturalists' Society) has about 30 members. The composition of Estonian mycobiota is diverse, rich in species and resources, since Estonia lies in the temperate mixed forest zone of the northern hemisphere (Kalamees, 1995). In Estonia we find favourable growth conditions for both boreal coniferous forest fungus species and nemoral deciduous forest species. As the northern border of the distribution area of oak runs through South Finland, there are good growth conditions for practically all the fungus species connected with oak in Estonia. This is the reason why our mycobiota is considerably richer in comparison with that of the other northern countries. The development and character of Estonian mycobiota have been, to a great extent, influenced by the differences between the geological history of West ad East Estonia as well as the peculiarities of the soils, flora and climate in these regions. The differences in the base rock of North and South Estonia are equally important. West and North Estonia, including the islands of the Baltic Sea, considerably differ from South and East Estonia from the mycogeographical point of view as concerns, at least, mycorrhizal Agaricales. As regards the species composition of Agaricales, West and North Estonia are similar to Central and even to South Europe. The most important factors from the point of view of fungi in West and North Estonia are the abundance of broad-leaved tree species and calcareous soils on the Silurian and Ordovician limestone base rock. For these reasons Estonia seems to occupy an important position on the eastern and northern (north-eastern) borders of many nemoral fungus species spread in West Europe. Sometimes, however, the eastern (north-eastern) and northern borders of those species run in the close vicinity of the territory of Estonia, in Russia and South Finland, respectively. Owing to all the factors mentioned above the species composition of fungi in West and North Estonia is richer and more varied than that in East and South Estonia (which is also the case with the flora of higher plants). For instance, nearly 50 species of Estonian agarics grow only (or preferably) in West and North Estonia and on the islands (Kalamees & Lasting, 1973c). The mycobiota of Estonian forests is characterized by the domination of mycorrhizal fungi and litter saprobes (Kalamees, 1980a,c, 1982). There are few humus saprobes among forest fungi, their role is more important in forest type groups with a weak or missing litter horizon, such as alvar, dry boreo- nemoral, fresh boreo-nemoral, floodplain and paludified forests. The existence of wood saprobes and parasites, as well as leaf- and needle-debris saprobes is very characteristic of forest mycobiota. In the formation of the mycobiota of forest type groups the carbonate content of soils and their moisture regimes are of paramount importance. The mycobiota of Estonian meadows consists of humus saprobes, and lots of mycorrhizal fungi in parkland meadows and litter saprobes in denser stand groups (Kalamees, 1979c, 1980a, 1982). In parkland meadows quite frequent are also wood saprobes. The composition of the mycobiota of meadows is, to quite a great extent, influenced by human activities, mainly by grazing cattle and mowing. Pastures are, for instance, always rich in coprotrophs. The determining factor in the fungus composition of dry and fresh meadows is the carbonate content of the soils. The poverty of mycobiota in paludified meadows mainly accounts for excessive moisture. The mycobiota of Estonian mires basically consists of hygrophilous humus and moss saprobes (Kalamees, 1982). As concerns forested mires a few mycorrhizal fungi are also found. The main factor determining the character of mire mycobiota is the continuous excess moisture. The calcareousness of the soils does not exert significant effect on the mycobiota of mires. The mycobiota of Estonian boreal heath grasslands is very poor in species due to the extremely infavourable growth conditions (Kalamees, 1980a). The raw-humus nature of the forest litter horizon and high acidity do not create necessary conditions for the development of litter saprobes. The mycobiota of coastal dunes is poor in species but very peculiar in its species composition: psammophilous humus saprobes and xerophilous mycorrhizal fungi of willows and pines grow there. Sandy inland plains, which represent secondarily outcropping unfixed sands, are dry and therefore offer favourable growth conditions for only a few fungus species. Vegetation of outcrops in Estonia as well as halophilous coastal areas, off-shore bars, nitrophilous areas at the nesting places of birds, etc. are also very poor in fungus species (Kalamees, 1980a). A number of water fungi grow in Estonia. They are found on plant remnants deposited on the bottom of water-bodies, on stalks of live plants and on other organic substrate in water. They mainly belong to Hyphomycetes (A. Kalamees, 1989). Macrofungi cannot grow in water, but favourable conditions for the development of many Helotiales are created in reed-beds and other groups of water plants as a result of the accumulation of decaying plant remnants after the flood has sunk. The mycobiota of ruderal and cultivated vegetation is highly varied and peculiar (Kalamees, 1981). The basic factor determining its composition is the humus content in the soil. Mainly humus saprobes grow on these sites, but coprotrophs are also often found. Lots of mycorrhizal fungi grow in parks. Estonian mycobiota is rich in edible fungi being represented by almost 400 species. The general resources of Estonian fungi reach to 36.5 thousand tons (Kalamees & Vaasma, 1980). Among forest types with stands ready for felling the following types can be undoubtedly considered the most productive: Vaccinium uliginosum pine type with 229 kg per hectare, Cladonia pine type with approximately 215 kg per hectare and Calluna pine type with approximately 239 kg per hectare (Kalamees & Vaasma, 1980; Kalamees & Silver, 1988, 1993). According to the latest data it is the young Cladonia type (25 years old) that with 569 kg per hectare exceeds manyfold the fungus yields of any other Estonian forest site. The most productive forests, as concerns the fungus yield, lie in North, South-East and South-West Estonia, and on the island of Saaremaa. As concerns fungus species, the following can be considered to be the most productive: Lactarius rufus with 495 kg per hectare, Suillus bovinus with 165 kg per hectare, Suillus variegatus with 129 kg per hectare and Russula decolorans with 94 kg per hectare (Kalamees & Silver, 1988). Among the 200 species of poisonous macrofungi have been recorded in Estonia, there are three deadly poisonous ones: Amanita virosa, A. phalloides and Inocybe erubescens. Mycetism has been rare in Estonia. Amanita virosa was the reason of four poisonings causing death during the period of 1935–1998 (see Lepik, 1935a; Witkovsky, 1935). Some quite serious poisonings were caused by Inocybe erubescens, Gyromitra esculenta, Cortinarius sp. (subg. Phlegmacium, sect. Xanthophylli), Paxillus involutus and Phaeolepiota aurea in recent years. Relatively many cases of mycotoxicoses in cattle recorded in Estonia during the last half a century were caused by spoilt feed. Dermatomycoses and candidiasis quite wide-spread mycoses are in people and domestic animals and aspergillose and trichohytosis in domestic animals and poultry. In Estonia there are about 150 species of macrofungi belonging to medical fungi, 3/4 of them for their antibiotic qualities. In fact, only 2 species have been used for this purpose. Claviceps purpurea is the only pharmacological fungus medicine used. In folk medicine Inonotus obliquus is used in the cure of cancer. There are about half a thousand fungus species in Estonia which pigments could be used for dyeing textile fabrics. However, as a matter of fact, they have never been used for this purpose. The basic principle of the fungus protection in Estonia consists in the protection of fungus habitats (Kalamees, 1988). As a result, we can protect successfully both the fungus resources and separate species requiring protection. The Red Data Book of Estonia contains 91 fungus species, the list of fungi under protection contains 30 species (Kalamees & Vaaasma, 1998). Käsikirja valmimist rahastas Eesti Teadusfond ja Eesti Haridusministeerium.
- Published
- 2000
14. A higher-level phylogenetic classification of the Fungi
- Author
Hibbett, David S, Binder, Manfred, Bischoff, Joseph F, Blackwell, Meredith, Cannon, Paul F, Eriksson, Ove E, Huhndorf, Sabine, James, Timothy, Kirk, Paul M, Lücking, Robert, Thorsten Lumbsch, H, Lutzoni, François, Matheny, P Brandon, McLaughlin, David J, Powell, Martha J, Redhead, Scott, Schoch, Conrad L, Spatafora, Joseph W, Stalpers, Joost A, Vilgalys, Rytas, Aime, M Catherine, Aptroot, André, Bauer, Robert, Begerow, Dominik, Benny, Gerald L, Castlebury, Lisa A, Crous, Pedro W, Dai, Yu-Cheng, Gams, Walter, Geiser, David M, Griffith, Gareth W, Gueidan, Cécile, Hawksworth, David L, Hestmark, Geir, Hosaka, Kentaro, Humber, Richard A, Hyde, Kevin D, Ironside, Joseph E, Kõljalg, Urmas, Kurtzman, Cletus P, Larsson, Karl-Henrik, Lichtwardt, Robert, Longcore, Joyce, Miadlikowska, Jolanta, Miller, Andrew, Moncalvo, Jean-Marc, Mozley-Standridge, Sharon, Oberwinkler, Franz, Parmasto, Erast, Reeb, Valérie, Rogers, Jack D, Roux, Claude, Ryvarden, Leif, Sampaio, José Paulo, Schüssler, Arthur, Sugiyama, Junta, Thorn, R Greg, Tibell, Leif, Untereiner, Wendy A, Walker, Christopher, Wang, Zheng, Weir, Alex, Weiss, Michael, White, Merlin M, Winka, Katarina, Yao, Yi-Jian, Zhang, Ning, Hibbett, David S, Binder, Manfred, Bischoff, Joseph F, Blackwell, Meredith, Cannon, Paul F, Eriksson, Ove E, Huhndorf, Sabine, James, Timothy, Kirk, Paul M, Lücking, Robert, Thorsten Lumbsch, H, Lutzoni, François, Matheny, P Brandon, McLaughlin, David J, Powell, Martha J, Redhead, Scott, Schoch, Conrad L, Spatafora, Joseph W, Stalpers, Joost A, Vilgalys, Rytas, Aime, M Catherine, Aptroot, André, Bauer, Robert, Begerow, Dominik, Benny, Gerald L, Castlebury, Lisa A, Crous, Pedro W, Dai, Yu-Cheng, Gams, Walter, Geiser, David M, Griffith, Gareth W, Gueidan, Cécile, Hawksworth, David L, Hestmark, Geir, Hosaka, Kentaro, Humber, Richard A, Hyde, Kevin D, Ironside, Joseph E, Kõljalg, Urmas, Kurtzman, Cletus P, Larsson, Karl-Henrik, Lichtwardt, Robert, Longcore, Joyce, Miadlikowska, Jolanta, Miller, Andrew, Moncalvo, Jean-Marc, Mozley-Standridge, Sharon, Oberwinkler, Franz, Parmasto, Erast, Reeb, Valérie, Rogers, Jack D, Roux, Claude, Ryvarden, Leif, Sampaio, José Paulo, Schüssler, Arthur, Sugiyama, Junta, Thorn, R Greg, Tibell, Leif, Untereiner, Wendy A, Walker, Christopher, Wang, Zheng, Weir, Alex, Weiss, Michael, White, Merlin M, Winka, Katarina, Yao, Yi-Jian, and Zhang, Ning
- Abstract
A comprehensive phylogenetic classification of the kingdom Fungi is proposed, with reference to recent molecular phylogenetic analyses, and with input from diverse members of the fungal taxonomic community. The classification includes 195 taxa, down to the level of order, of which 16 are described or validated here: Dikarya subkingdom nov.; Chytridiomycota, Neocallimastigomycota phyla nov.; Monoblepharidomycetes, Neocallimastigomycetes class. nov.; Eurotiomycetidae, Lecanoromycetidae, Mycocaliciomycetidae subclass. nov.; Acarosporales, Corticiales, Baeomycetales, Candelariales, Gloeophyllales, Melanosporales, Trechisporales, Umbilicariales ords. nov. The clade containing Ascomycota and Basidiomycota is classified as subkingdom Dikarya, reflecting the putative synapomorphy of dikaryotic hyphae. The most dramatic shifts in the classification relative to previous works concern the groups that have traditionally been included in the Chytridiomycota and Zygomycota. The Chytridiomycota is retained in a restricted sense, with Blastocladiomycota and Neocallimastigomycota representing segregate phyla of flagellated Fungi. Taxa traditionally placed in Zygomycota are distributed among Glomeromycota and several subphyla incertae sedis, including Mucoromycotina, Entomophthoromycotina, Kickxellomycotina, and Zoopagomycotina. Microsporidia are included in the Fungi, but no further subdivision of the group is proposed. Several genera of 'basal' Fungi of uncertain position are not placed in any higher taxa, including Basidiobolus, Caulochytrium, Olpidium, and Rozella.
- Published
- 2007
15. Phylogenetic taxonomy of Hymenochaete and related genera (Hymenochaetales)
- Author
Parmasto, Erast, primary, Saar, Irja, additional, Larsson, Ellen, additional, and Rummo, Signe, additional
- Published
- 2013
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16. New taxa of Hymenochaete (Agaricomycetes, Hymenochaetales) with a note on H. caucasica
- Author
Parmasto, Erast, primary
- Published
- 2013
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17. Biosüstemaatika teooria ja meetodid : lühiõpik
- Author
Parmasto, Erast
- Subjects
elusloodus ,bioloogia ,süstemaatika ,kõrgkooliõpikud - Abstract
Kopeerimine ja printimine lubatud, http://tartu.ester.ee/record=b1011706~S1*est
- Published
- 1996
18. Hymenochaete ulmicola, sp. nov. (Hymenochaetales)
- Author
Corfixen, Peer Steen, Parmasto, Erast, Corfixen, Peer Steen, and Parmasto, Erast
- Published
- 2005
19. PlutoF—a Web Based Workbench for Ecological and Taxonomic Research, with an Online Implementation for Fungal ITS Sequences
- Author
Abarenkov, Kessy, primary, Tedersoo, Leho, additional, Nilsson, R. Henrik, additional, Vellak, Kai, additional, Saar, Irja, additional, Veldre, Vilmar, additional, Parmasto, Erast, additional, Prous, Marko, additional, Aan, Anne, additional, Ots, Margus, additional, Kurina, Olavi, additional, Ostonen, Ivika, additional, Jõgeva, Janno, additional, Halapuu, Siim, additional, Põldmaa, Kadri, additional, Toots, Märt, additional, Truu, Jaak, additional, Larsson, Karl-Henrik, additional, and Kõljalg, Urmas, additional
- Published
- 2010
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20. Hymenochaete cruenta and H. sphaericola, two sibling species of Hymenochaetales (Hymenomycetes, Basidiomycota).
- Author
Parmasto, Erast, primary
- Published
- 2001
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21. A taxonomic study of phlebioid fungi (Basidiomycota)
- Author
Parmasto, Erast, primary and Hallenberg, Nils, additional
- Published
- 2000
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22. The genus Abundisporus (Hymenomycetes, Basidiomycotina)
- Author
Parmasto, Erast, primary and Hallenberg, Nils, additional
- Published
- 2000
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23. Primary basidiospore charge and taxonomy of Agaricomycetes.
- Author
Saar, Maret and Parmasto, Erast
- Abstract
This article deals with the polarity of electrostatic charges that are carried on ballistic basidiospores after their liberation from fruiting bodies. The spores were collected by placing a portable device beneath the basidiome and allowing them to fall in a horizontal homogeneous electrostatic field, created by vertical parallel plane electrodes. Thus, the experimental setup enabled to investigate the primary charges, the charges present on spores immediately after the release from spore bearing cells. Spores of 135 basidiomes of 50 species of hymenomycetous fungi were collected in various natural conditions. The non-turgescent (drying up, collapsing or ceasing to sporulate) basidiomes were excluded from the taxonomical analysis; the 128 turgescent basidiomes (223 spore samples) of 47 species were taxonomically analyzed. These species represented eight orders (Agaricomycetes, Basidiomycota), covering 21 families and 36 genera. The analysis showed that the spore charges were distributed according to the polarity similarly in all samples in a species, and in a genus. In most cases also genera of one family had the same type of polarity distribution of spore charges. Possibly all taxa from species to monophyletic families are characterized by specific type of polarity of the primary electrostatic charge of basidiospores. Depending on the taxonomical group, all spore charges were negative, positive, or both negative and positive charges were present. This information could be useful in investing the ballistosporic discharge mechanism and for constructing higher-level phylogeny. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2014
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24. CORTBASE: A Nomenclatural Database of Corticioid Fungi. Version 1
- Author
Schmid, Rudolf, primary and Parmasto, Erast, additional
- Published
- 1996
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25. Corticioid fungi: a cladistic study of a paraphyletic group
- Author
Parmasto, Erast, primary
- Published
- 1995
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26. A redescription of Gloeostereum incarnatum
- Author
Petersen, Ronald H., primary and Parmasto, Erast, additional
- Published
- 1993
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27. Peniophora junipericola (Aphyllophorales, Corticiaceae): distribution and spore variability
- Author
Parmasto, Erast, primary and Parmasto, Ilmi, additional
- Published
- 1992
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28. Bibliography of biological (mainly mycological) publications by Erast Parmasto.
- Author
Parmasto, Erast
- Subjects
- *
FUNGI - Abstract
A bibliography on the subject of fungal diversity by Erast Parmastro are presented which includes the article "Soomustorik - meie tavalisim pargiseen," the book "List of Estonian Fungi With Host Index & Bibliography, and the article "Situation on conservation of fungi in Estonia,".
- Published
- 2012
29. Species clarification for the medicinally valuable 'sanghuang' mushroom.
- Author
Sheng-Hua Wu, Yu-Cheng Dai, Hattori, Tsutomu, Tu-Wen Yu, Dong-Mei Wang, Parmasto, Erast, Heng-Yuan Chang, and Siang-Yun Shih
- Subjects
MUSHROOMS ,MEDICINAL plants ,USEFUL plants ,PLANT species ,PLANT classification ,THERAPEUTICS - Abstract
A legendary and very valuable medicinal fungus first known in China 2000 years ago is recognized in this study as a new species. The sanghuang mushroom (sanghuang) is a popular medicinal polypore used throughout China, Japan, and Korea. While its medicinal properties were recognized in an early Tang Dynasty herbal written in the 7th century, modern scientific research has only recently confirmed its highly effective antitumor properties. Although Japanese and Korean mycologists have adopted Phellinus linteus or P. baumii as the scientific name for sanghuang that belongs to the Inonotus baumii-I. linteus group in the Hymenochaetales (Basidiomycota), its species identity has not been satisfactorily answered. This study delimits the species of the I. baumii-I. linteus group including sanghuang, based on an analysis of morphological characteristics and nrDNA ITS sequences. Both morphological and molecular features were useful in separating different fungal species in this monophyletic group that are generally specialized with their host tree species. The true sanghuang is a new and previously undescribed species that grows solely on Morus in China, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan. It is now rare and endangered in the wild. Six related species of the I. baumii-I. linteus group distributed in Asia have evolved to specific host tree species: I. baumii on Syringa, I. lonicericola on Lonicera, I. lonicerinus comb. nov. on Lonicera, I. sanghuang on Morus, I. vaninii on Populus, and I. weigelae sp. nov. on Weigela; a key is provided to ease the determination of these taxa. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2012
30. Fungal herbarium EAA in Tartu (Estonia).
- Author
Parmasto, Erast
- Subjects
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HERBARIA , *BIOLOGICAL specimens , *FUNGI classification - Abstract
Fully databased Mycological Herbarium of the Phytopathological Research Station of the Tartu University (Estonia) was founded together with the Station by Prof. Fedor Bucholtz in 1922. According to the PlutoF database, 1 January 2011 in the herbarium EAA there were 23,406 fungal specimens including 8,017 mainly microfungi collected in Estonia. Most of the Estonian specimens were collected by Elmar Lepik, the Head of the Phytopathological Station from 1929-1944 (4,447 specimens). [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2011
31. Clavariachaetaceae, a family of neotropical Hymenochaetales (Basidiomycota) including clavarioid, pileate and resupinate species.
- Author
Parmasto, Erast
- Subjects
- *
Family Clavariachaetaceae (Basidiomycota, Hymenochaetales), two its genera Clavariachaete and Dichochaete, and all four very rare species distributed in South America are described. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2010
32. Mycological collections of Fedor (Theodor) Bucholtz.
- Author
Parmasto, Erast
- Subjects
- *
TAXONOMISTS , *COLLEGE teachers , *HYPOGEOUS fungi - Abstract
The well-known taxonomist of hypogeous fungi Fedor Bucholtz (29 Oct 1872 - 30 April 1924) was born in Warsaw; after studies in Moscow University (1891-1895) he was a professor of botany in Riga Polytechnic Institute (1897-1919) and Tartu University. The rich herbarium of fungi collected by him was partly destroyed during World War I or lost when evacuated to Russia; it partly found a new home in the Farlow Herbarium of the Harvard University in the USA. In the Herbarium EAA of the Estonian University of Life Sciences (Tartu, Estonia) there are 2419 specimens collected by him. In 2010, among old unordered collections of microfungi about 650 specimens, collected possibly by Bucholtz were found in the herbarium TAAM in Tartu. There are 457 specimens (383 species) in tiny envelopes of similar size and paper. This is possibly Bucholtz's collection of reference specimens (assembled from larger samples of identified species) he kept with him during his enforced travels. A list of this collection is appended to this paper. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2010
33. Eesti taimede määraja : abiraamat sõnajalg-, paljasseemne- ja katteseemnetaimede tundmaõppimiseks
- Author
Eichwald, Karl (koostaja), Kask, Maret (koostaja), Laasimer, Liivia (koostaja), Parmasto, Erast (koostaja), Talts, Silvia (koostaja), Tuvikene, Heljo (koostaja), Vaga, August (koostaja), Varep, Elsa (koostaja), Viljasoo, Linda (koostaja), Üksip, Albert (koostaja), and Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia. Zooloogia ja Botaanika Instituut
- Subjects
katteseemnetaimed ,paljasseemnetaimed ,Eesti ,sõnajalgtaimed ,taimed ,määrajad - Abstract
Käesolev käsiraamat on teatavas mõttes järjeks sellele tööle, mida tegid meie vabariigi botaanikud 1948. a. ilmunud „Taimemääraja“ koostamisel. Õige pea asus sama kollektiiv, täiendatud TA Zooloogia ja Botaanika Instituudi noorte töötajatega, uue täielikuma ja kriitilisema väljaande koostamisele. Vahepealse aja jooksul pääses maksvusele uusi seisukohti nii taimeliikide piiritlemises, nimetamises ja süstematiseerimises kui ka terminoloogias. Andmed Eesti NSV ala floora liigilisest koosseisust ja mõnede liikide levikust täienesid tunduvalt. Kõik need asjaolud muutsid eri autorite poolt koostatud kollektiivse töö redigeerimise, ühtlustamise ja täiendamise keerukaks ning aeganõudvaks. Määraja on mõeldud käsiraamatuks laiale tarvitajaskonnale, eeskätt aga õpetajatele, üliõpilastele ja mitmesuguste alade spetsialistidele – agronoomidele, metsateadlastele, farmatseutidele, bioloogidele jt. Käsiraamatus on toodud diagnoosid 1732 liigi kohta, lisaks lühemaid märkusi veel 200 liigi kohta. Pikemat käsitlemist on leidnud peaaegu kõik meie kodumaisesse floorasse kuuluvad liigid, valdav osa tulnuktaimi ja rohkesti levinumaid kultuurtaimi (põllu- ja aiakultuurid, ilutaimed). Lühemate märkustega on tavaliselt iseloomustatud vähem levinud kultuurtaimi, kodumaisele floorale kaheldavaid liike ja ühekordselt leitud (kas varematel aegadel või viimastel aastatel) tulnuktaimi. Raamat pakub teatmematerjali mitmete rahvamajanduslikult eriti oluliste taimerühmade kohta, nagu kõrrelised, liblikõielised, umbrohud, ravimtaimed jt. Mürgised taimeliigid on varustatud sellekohase märkusega. Kultuurtaimed, tulnukad ja looduskaitse all olevad taimeliigid on tähistatud vastavate märkidega. Taimemääraja on üles ehitatud põhiliselt A. Grossheimi süsteemi järgi. Kirjeldused süstemaatiliste ühikute (taksoonide) kohta on antud alates sugukondadest. Perekondade kirjeldused sel juhul puuduvad, kui selles perekonnas esineb (või määrajas on toodud) üksainus liik. Liigisisestest ühikutest on mainitud tähtsamaid. Määramistabelid on dihhotoomsed (kaheks hargnevad). Iga liigi diagnoos sisaldab põhiliselt järgmised osad: liigi järjekorranumber perekonnas (ilmsed hübriidid on nummerdamata), Iiigi eestikeelne nimi, venekeelne nimi (või nimed), kehtiv ladinakeelne nimi koos autorinimega, olulisemad ladinakeelsed sünonüümid, taime eluvorm (vastava märgiga), morfoloogiline kirjeldus, kõrgus sentimeetrites, õitsemise või eoste kandmise aeg kuudes (tähistatud rooma numbritega), päritolu (kultuurtaimedel), kasvukohad, esinemissagedus. Võimalikult paljude liikide kohta on toodud joonis. Suurematest osadest on määraja jaoks koostanud K. Eichwald paljasseemnetaimede hõimkonna ning roosõieliste, sarikaliste, ristõieliste ja tatraliste sugukonnad, L. Laasimer huulõieliste sugukonna, S. Talts liblikõieliste, kareleheliste ja nelgiliste sugukonnad, A. Vaga sõnajalgtaimede hõimkonna, katteseemnetaimede sugukondade määramise tabeli ja mailaseliste sugukonna, E. Varep tulikaliste sugukonna ja A. Üksip korvõieliste sugukonna. Käsikirja redigeerimist alustas A. Vaga ja pärast tema surma jätkas M. Kask. Autorite kollektiiv palub kõiki raamatu tarvitajaid märgatud vigadest ja esilekerkinud soovidest teatada ENSV TA Zooloogia ja Botaanika lnstituuti, aadressil Tartu, Vanemuise t. 21. M. Kask
- Published
- 1966
34. Botaanika : õpik kõrgematele koolidele. II osa, Süstemaatika
- Author
Eichwald, Karl, Kalda, Aino, Kukk, Erich, Masing, Viktor, Trass, Hans, and Parmasto, Erast
- Subjects
taimesüstemaatika ,botaanika ,kõrgkooliõpikud - Abstract
- Published
- 1970
35. Fungi in Noah's ark
- Author
Parmasto, Erast, primary and Parmasto, Ilmi, additional
- Published
- 1989
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36. Pleurotus citrinopileatus, one of the favourites
- Author
Parmasto, Erast, primary
- Published
- 1987
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37. (1255) Proposal to reject the names Xylodonand Schizoporain favour of Hyphodontia, nom. cons. (Fungi, Corticiaceae)
- Author
Langer, Ewald, Hallenberg, Nils, Knudsen, Henning, Kõljalg, Urmas, Langer, Gitta, Larsson, Karl‐Henrik, Oberwinkler, Franz, Parmasto, Erast, Ryvarden, Leif, and Vesterhol, Jan
- Published
- 1996
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38. Electrical charge of basidiospores of hymenomycetes (Fungi) and its biological significance
- Author
Saar, Maret, Parmasto, Erast, and Kull, Tiiu
- Subjects
dissertatsioonid ,elektrilaeng ,eoslavaseened ,spoorid - Abstract
When spores liberate from fruitbodies of chanterelle, penny ban, fly agaric, hedgehog fungus, tinder conk, dry rot fungus or another hymenomycetous fungus, the spores usually carry electrostatic charges. The mean absolute value of spore charge is in the range of 20-1000 elementary charges. In one spore population spores are either negatively or positively charged or of both types. In spores of a senescent fruitbody who is collapsing or ceasing to sporulate or drying up, the charge type varies. In spores of a turgescent fruitbody, the spore charges are always of the same charge type. The charge type is the same in every turgescent fruitbody of the same species. In a species, the charge type of spore populations released from turgescent fruitbodies does not depend on different years, seasons, times of day, weather conditions, geographic places, and on different substrata. The charge type of the spore populations from turgescent fruitbodies in a species has a strong phylogenetic signal. It is possible that all taxa from species to monophyletic families are characterized by one charge type. These different types are obviously correlated with currently unknown phylogenetically differentiated types of bioelectric activity in spore development, which were determined in the ancestor of each of these groups and remained constant during following evolution and radiation of the group. Already several decades ago it was found by the others that the electric charges of spores do not play a role in the escape of spores from fruitbodies, i.e. in the moving of spores between gills or within tubes, or in the jumping off from spore-bearing cells. In hymenomycetous species with small spores (diameter of 4-5 μm or less) and primary charges of 50 e or more, the freshly released spores are washed out from the air by fogs, clouds and drizzles better than the spores remaining airborne for hours. In areas with frequent fogs or drizzles and in mountain cloud-forests, the primary charges enhance the spore deposition in species with small basidiospores. Kui kukeseen, puravik, riisikas, timpnarmik, tuletael, vamm või mõni muu eoslavaseen omale viljakehad on loonud, hakkavad need elektrilaenguid eritama. Laengud satuvad õhku koos eostega, kes eoskandadelt vabanevad. Keskmiselt on laetud eosel, absoluutväärtusena, kakskümmend kuni tuhat elementaarlaengut. Eostel on kas ainult positiivsed laengud või ainult negatiivsed laengud või on mõlemaid. Kui viljakeha on elujõuline, siis on vabanevatel eostel olevad laengud alati üht tüüpi, eluvõime minetanud vana viljakeha eostel aga mitte. Nii võib vanadusest kokku kukkuma hakkav puraviku viljakeha mingil ajal eritada vaid positiivse laenguga eoseid, mõned tunnid hiljem aga positiivse laenguga eoseid ja negatiivse laenguga eoseid. Elujõulistel üht liiki viljakehadel on eoste laengutüüp ühesugune. See ei sõltu aasta- ega ööpäevaajast, õhu temperatuurist ega niiskusest, seente geograafilisest asukohast ega kasvupinnast. Liigi elujõulistest viljakehadest pärit eoste laengutüüp kannab tugevat fülogeneetilist signaali. Selle signaali järgi on eoste laengutüüp ühesugune terves seeneperekonnas ja ka sugukonnas, kui kõik sinna hõlmatud perekonnad pärinevad ühest eellasest. Näib, et erinevad laengutüübid on seotud mingi eose tekkimises või arenemises esineva bioelektrilise protsessiga. Ja et see bioelektriline protsess on välja kujunenud juba praeguste seenerühmade eellastel ning on eellaste edasiste arenemiste ja hargnemiste käigus püsinud igaühel muutumatuna. Varasemad uurijad on näidanud, et eosel olev laeng ei oma rolli eose viljakehalt vabanemises: ei eosekannalt ärahüppamises ega ka eose liikumises eoslavakandja lehekeste vahel või torukeste sees. Eosel olev laeng omab rolli eoste õhust väljapesemisel. Seda aga ainult siis, kui eosed on väikesed, läbimõõduga 2-5 mikromeetrit, ja 50 elementaarlaengu või enamaga, ning kui väljapesijaks on uduvihm, udu või pilv. Laengu mõjuaeg sõltub laengu suurusest. Õhku vabanenud eosel hakkab õhuioonide toimel laeng muutuma, paarikümne minuti pärast on järel 1/3 ja kolmveerand tunni pärast 1/7 esialgsest laengust.
- Published
- 2015
39. Eesti humanitaar- ja loodusteaduslikud kogud : seisund, kasutamine, andmebaasid
- Author
Parmasto, Erast (toimetaja) and Viikberg, Jüri (toimetaja)
- Subjects
kogude arendamine ,digiteerimine ,arhiivikogud ,kogude haldamine ,Eesti ,muuseumikogud ,loodusteadused ,säilitamine ,rahvuskultuur ,humanitaarteadused ,kogud ,andmebaasid ,teadusasutused - Abstract
Täistekst Riiklik programm „Humanitaar- ja loodusteaduslikud kogud” kinnitati 24. detsembril 2003 Vabariigi Valitsuse korraldusega nr 865-k aastateks 2004– 2008 ning anti haridus- ja teadusministeeriumi hallata. Loodi programmi juhtkomitee (26.01.2004), kes asus kohe tegutsema, ja mõnevõrra hiljem ekspertnõukogu (9.03.2006), kelle tegevuse viljaks oli kogude programmi tulemuste esimene, n-ö vahekokkuvõte suurt huvi tekitanud konverentsi näol (16.11.2006). Ka siinset kogumikku võib vaadelda programmi tulemuste aruandena. Sisukorra järgi otsustades peaks lugeja saama kogude praegusest seisust üsna täieliku ülevaate, kas ka ammendava, selgub ehk pisut hiljem. Kahtlemata annab see kokkuvõte aga sobiva aluse edasiste sihtide seadmiseks. Et ülalviidatud Vabariigi Valitsuse korraldust ette valmistada või teisisõnu, riikliku programmi projekti koostada, moodustas HTM 2003. aasta jaanuaris komisjoni, kellel tuli mõne kuu jooksul saada ülevaade peamiselt ülikoolide, ent ka muude asutuste humanitaar- ja loodusteaduslikest kogudest, nende seisundist ja olukorra parandamiseks vajalikest meetmetest. Selle ülevaate lühendatud versioonist sündis riikliku programmi tekst, mis ilmus Riigi Teatajas ja mis võib olla heaks võrdlusaluseks, hindamaks programmi toel saavutatud progressi. Loomulikult on igal koguhoidjal oma kogusid puudutavate muutuste kohta palju üksikasjalikum pilt, kui seda võimaldaks võrdlus eelmainitud allikaga, mille põhjal saab siiski kujundada üldisema ja ülevaatlikuma seisukoha. Protsessis osalejana võin ütelda muidugi ka ilma materjalidesse süvenemata, et tänu riiklikule programmile (viimastel aastatel päris adekvaatsel rahastamistasemel) ja eriti kogudega tegelevate inimeste entusiastlikule tööle on Eesti humanitaar- ja loodusteaduslike kogude seisund möödunud viie aastaga oluliselt paranenud nii hoiutingimuste kindlustamise, säilitamise kui ka kasutusvõimaluste ajakohastamise poolest. Sellest lähtudes kaldun arvama, et edaspidi peaks esiplaanile tõusma kogudega tehtava töö pidev moderniseerimine. Loodetavasti annab siinne kogumik selleks olulisi impulsse. Dimitri Kaljo akadeemik, juhtkomitee esimees Teose väljaandmist on rahastatud Haridus- ja Teadusministeeriumi riiklikust programmist „Eesti humanitaar- ja loodusteaduslikud kogud” (2004–2008).
- Published
- 2008
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