Paracricotopus tamabrevis (Sasa et Suzuki) (Fig. 16 A���C) Paratrichocladius tamabrevis Sasa et Suzuki, 1983: 74. Paracricotopus tamabrevis (Sasa et Suzuki); Niitsuma 1990: 97. Paratrichocladius gotoefeus Sasa et Suzuki, 2000 b: 154; Yamamoto 2004: 73. Paracricotopus gotoefeus (Sasa et Suzuki), comb. n., syn. n. Material examined. JAPAN: Kyushu, Nagasaki Prefecture, Goto Islands, Wani River, holotype male of P. gotoefeus, 28. xi. 1999, H. Suzuki (No. 394: 29). Diagnostic characters. AR 0.3; humeral pit small and indistinct; inferior volsella rounded and broad, with some strong setae on the margin; and gonostylus with a triangular crista dorsalis. Additions to description. Anal point present, 35 ��m long, basal wide 15 ��m, peak wide 3 ��m, with 1 long lateral setae on each side (absent in original description). Total length / wing length 2.1. Wing length / length of profemur 2.3. AR only 0.3. Tentorium 158 ��m long, 35 ��m wide. Dorsocentrals 12. Costal extension 45 ��m long. Palpomeres length (in ��m): 33, 55, 100, 130, 218. Palpomere 2 ellipsoid, 3 and 4 rectangular, 5 long and slender, Palpomeres 5 / 3: 2.2. Laterosternite IX with 4 long setae. Transverse sternapodeme 85 ��m long, with weak oral projections. Inferior volsella rounded and developed. Gonocoxite 213 ��m long. Gonostylus 95 ��m long, with a triangular crista dorsalis. Megaseta 12 ��m long. HR 2.2, HV 3.2. The wing and hypopygium of holotype are redrawn as in Fig. 15 A���C (In fact, anal point folded in the holotype). Distribution. The species is known from Japan only. Remarks. Due to the presence of an anal point (it is folded upwards and may be a bit hard to see); eye without dorsomedian extension; and wing with typical Paracricotopus venation, this species should be transferred to the genus Paracricotopus Thienemann et Harnisch. The characters are almost identical to those of P. tamabrevis according to the original description and the redescription by Niitsuma (1990). We did not examine the holotype of P. tamabrevis (Sasa 1983; Yamamoto 2004), however, the redescription by Niitsuma is quite complete., Published as part of Fu, Yue, Saether, Ole A. & Wang, Xinhua, 2012, A review of Paratrichocladius Santos Abreu from the Sino-Indian Region (Diptera: Chironomidae: Orthocladiinae), pp. 453-482 in Zootaxa 3478 on pages 479-480, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.209364, {"references":["Niitsuma, H. (1990) Paracricotopus (Diptera, Chironomidae) from Japan, with description of a new species. Japanese Journal of Entomology, 58, 95 - 107.","Sasa, M. & Suzuki, H. (2000 b) Studies on the chironomid collected on Goto Islands, Western Japan. Tropical Medicine, 42, 141 - 174.","Yamamoto, M. (2004) A catalog of Japanese Orthocladiinae (Diptera: Chironomidae). Acta Dipterologica, 21, 1 - 121.","Sasa, M. (1983) Studies on chironomid midges of the Tama River. Part 6. Description of the subfamily Orthocladiinae recovered from the main stream in the June survey. Research Report from the National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan, 43, 69 - 99."]}