Summary Purpose . In this study the temporal texture differentia tion associated with the bone formation properties, around loaded oral implants after Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) employment, was investigated in Panoramic Radi ographs. Materials and methods . Thirty eligible patients are ran domly assigned to two groups. The test group received PRP application around new implants, while in the con trol group no PRP treatment was made. The bone-to-im plant contact region was analyzed in a clinical sample of 60 Digitized Panoramic Radiographs, 30 corresponding to immediate implant loading (Class-I) and 30 after an 8 month follow-up period (Class-II). This region was sam pled by 1146 circular Regions-of-Interest (ROIs), result ing from a specifically designed segmentation scheme based on Markov-Random-Fields (MRF). From each ROI, 41 textural features were extracted, then reduced to a subset of 4 features due to redundancy and employed as input to Receiver-Operating-Characteristic (ROC) analy sis, to assess the textural differentiation between two classes. Results . The selected subset, achieved Area-UnderCurve (AUC) values ranging from 0.77-0.81 in the PRP group, indicating the significant temporal textural differ entiation has been made. In the control group, the AUC values ranged from 0.56-0.68 demonstrating lesser os seo integration activity. Conclusion . This study provides evidences that PRP ap plication may favor bone formation around loaded dental implants that could modify the dental treatment plan ning.