- Author
Pajić, Ela, Ivančić, Aldo, Bučuk, Mira, Bulat-Kardum, Ljiljana, and Barković, Igor
- Subjects
myasthenia gravis ,BIOMEDICINA I ZDRAVSTVO. Kliničke medicinske znanosti. Kirurgija ,thymus ,miastenija gravis ,BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE. Clinical Medical Sciences. Surgery ,thymectomy ,timektomija ,timus - Abstract
Miastenija gravis je bolest koja zahvaća neuromišićnu spojnicu uzrokujući abnormalnu slabost, umor i propadanje muskulature. Dolazi do gubitka ili disfunkcije acetilkolinskih receptora u najvećem slučaju zbog prisutnosti protutijela na nikotinske acetilkolinske receptore (NAChR). Timus i timom imaju posebnu ulogu u patofiziologiji miastenije gravis zbog uloge timusa u sazrijevanju i distribuciji limfocita gdje može doći do križne reaktivnosti i posljedične autoimunosti na NAChR. Najčešće korištena dijagnostička imunološka pretraga za dijagnozu miastenije gravis je mjerenje razine protutijela na NAChR što je visokospecifični test za dijagnostiku miastenije gravis. CT je metoda izbora u dijagnostici timoma. Zbog važnosti timusa u patofiziologiji miastenije gravis bolest se može liječiti kirurški, uklanjanjem timusa. Ukoliko je prisutan timom za planiranje operativog zahvata služe Masaoka i TNM klasifikacija. Metode kojima se može odstraniti timus/timom su transsternalni pristup, transcervikalna timektomija, video asistirana torakoskopska kirurgija (VATS – video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery) te robotska kirurgija. Neki od faktora koji utjeću na prognozu nakon timektomije su dob i spol, prisutnost timoma, kirurška tehnika, obujam resekcije i težina i duljina trajanja simptoma miastenije gravis. Nove metode timektomije su minimalno invazivne i s brzim oporavkom, a većina pacijenata pokazuje remisiju bolesti nakon uklanjanja timusa., Myasthenia gravis is a disease that affects the neuromuscular junction causing abnormal weakness, fatigue, and muscle decay. Loss or dysfunction of acetylcholine receptors occurs mostly due to the presence of antibodies to nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (NAChR). The thymus and thymoma have a special role in the pathophysiology of myasthenia gravis due to the role of the thymus in the maturation and distribution of lymphocytes where cross-reactivity and consequent autoimmunity to NAChR can occur. The most commonly used diagnostic method for myasthenia gravis is the measurement of antibody levels to NAChR which is a highly specific test for the diagnosis of myasthenia gravis. CT is the method of choice in the diagnosis of thymoma. Due to the importance of the thymus in the pathophysiology of myasthenia gravis the disease can be treated surgically, by removing the thymus. If there is thymoma present, to plan the operation, Masaoka and TNM classification are used. Methods that can be used to remove the thymus / thymoma are transsternal thymectomy, transcervical thymectomy, video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) and robotic surgery. Some of the factors influencing the prognosis after thymectomy are age and sex, presence of thymoma, surgical technique, extent of resection and severity and duration of symptoms of myasthenia gravis. New methods of thymectomy are minimally invasive and with rapid recovery, and most patients show remission of the disease after removal of thymus.
- Published
- 2020