The author addresses the question of why, after more than half a century of feminist heritage in the field of conceptualisation and understanding of violence against women, its importance should be re-established and re-examined within a scientific context. The author starts from the premise that the definition of what actually constitutes violence is no longer at the forefront of public discussions. There is also a lack of contextual examination of violent events through the lens of power relations in the existing gender order. Public discourse, which is characterised by quick and superficial reflections on individual events that are taken out of context is completely devoid of any insight into the problem of violence against women, due to the continued gender inequality in society. Therefore, the main purpose of this article is to highlight the importance of understanding violence against women through the prism of gender or gender inequality, which is the key contribution of feminist structuralist theory. In light of this, a critique of feminist structuralist theory is presented, as it is the one that has laid down the foundation for understanding violence against women, while not providing all the tools needed for a complex understanding of the problem in its entirety. The author uses the example of the Harvey Weinstein scandal to attempt to illuminate the issue. Avtorica se v prispevku ukvarja z vprašanjem, zakaj je po več kot pol stoletja feministične dediščine na področju konceptualizacij in razumevanja nasilja nad ženskami smiselno v središče znanstvenega prispevka ponovno postaviti njen pomen. Izhaja iz prepričanja, da se je iz ospredja javne razprave odmaknil premislek o tem, kaj nasilje sploh je. Manjka pa tudi kontekstualna umeščenost nasilnih dogodkov skozi premislek o razmerjih moči v obstoječem spolnem redu. Iz javnega diskurza, ki ga oblikujejo hitri in površinski premisleki o posameznih dogodkih, izvzetih iz konteksta dogajanja, povsem umanjka uvid v problematiko nasilja nad ženskami kot posledico še vedno prisotne spolne neenakosti v družbi. Zato je osrednji namen tega prispevka osvetliti pomen razumevanja nasilja nad ženskami skozi prizmo spola oziroma spolne neenakosti, kar je ključni prispevek feministične strukturalistične teorije. V tej luči bo predstavljena tudi kritika feministično strukturalistične teorije, ki je sicer podala ključne temelje za razumevanje nasilja nad ženskami, a žal ne zadošča za kompleksno razumevanje celotne problematike. Vse to avtorica v prispevku poskuša ponazoriti na primeru afere Weinstein.