10 results on '"PIF directive"'
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2. Transposition of the Directive on the Protection of the Financial Interests of the European Union into national legislation: experiences with tools and powers.
- Author
Van Den Berge, Yves
- Abstract
The Directive on the Protection of the Financial Interests of the European Union ("PIF Directive") has significantly increased the powers and the tools for conducting investigations concerning financial criminality in many Member States of the European Union. This is both in terms of substantive criminal law (including the elements of the criminal offence and the penalties) and in terms of procedures extending the reach of investigative acts and their use (e.g., the seizure and freezing of assets). The Directive is also of enormous importance for the exercise of the competences by the European Public Prosecutor's Office (EPPO). Not only because of the aforementioned tools and powers but also in the light of cross border investigations, which would benefit greatly from harmonization between Member States. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2021
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3. Directive (EU) 2017/1371 on the Fight Against Fraud to the Union's Financial Interests by Means of Criminal Law: A Missed Goal?
- Author
Costanza Di Francesco Maesa
- Subjects
protection of the financial interests of the union by means of criminal law ,pif directive ,material competence of the eppo ,vat fraud ,relationship between arts 325 and 83 tfeu ,harmonisation criminal offences and sanctions ,Law ,Law of Europe ,KJ-KKZ - Abstract
(Series Information) European Papers - A Journal on Law and Integration, 2018 3(3), 1455-1469 | European Forum Insight of 22 October 2018 | (Table of Contents) I. Introduction. - II. Legislative background and choice of the legal basis. - III. Content of the Directive. - III.1. Offences affecting the financial interests of the Union falling within the scope of application of the PIF Directive. - III.2. Sanctions. - III.3. Limitation periods. - IV. PIF Directive and EPPO. - V. Conclusion. | (Abstract) This Insight analyses the so-called PIF Directive (i.e. Directive (EU) 2017/1371 of the European Parliament and the Council of 5 July 2017 on the fight against fraud to the Union's financial interests by means of criminal law). The aim of the PIF Directive is to strengthen the protection of the financial interests of the Union and to counter fraud and other illegal activities affecting them, as required by Art. 325 TFEU. Given the diverging national criminal rules concerning fraud and other illegal activities affecting the financial interests of the Union and the unfair divergence of sanctions among Member States, the Directive seeks particularly to achieve this objective by harmonising the definitions, sanctions and prescription periods of the offences affecting the Union's financial interests. The PIF Directive is furthermore strictly intertwined with the Regulation establishing the European Public Prosecutor's Office ("EPPO"), as the latter's material competence is defined by reference to the PIF Directive. In this context, it seems therefore particularly important to assess whether the objectives which the Directive sought to achieve have been fulfilled. To this purpose, it is first briefly examined the legal background and the legal basis by virtue of which the Directive is adopted (II), its scope of application and content (III), as well as its repercussion on the competence of the EPPO (IV). Finally, in the conclusion, are summarised the findings of the analysis.
- Published
- 2018
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4. Frauda de tip „carusel” în Uniunea Europeană. O problemă eternă.
- Author
BOTA, Vlad Andrei
- Abstract
The purpose of the present article is to determine whether, since the birth of the ingenious fiscal fraud known as „the carousel fraud” (the missing trader fraud), the European Union has managed to come up with similarly ingenious ways to put an end to the fraudulent mechanisms or is incapable of controlling the phenomenon. The structure of the paper is set to have 4 large parts: - I. An analysis of the status quo; II. Discussions regarding relevant examples of VAT fraud; III. A comparison between different key measures taken by the EU; IV. Conclusions. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2018
5. The Proposed European Public Prosecutor’s Office – from a Trojan Horse to a White Elephant?
- Author
CSÚRI, András
- Subjects
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BUDGET , *FRAUD , *JUSTICE administration , *CRIMINAL law - Abstract
The concept of a European prosecution service operating within a single legal area as proposed by the 1997 Corpus Juris study aimed to tackle impediments to the prosecution of budgetary fraud cases in the transnational context. Subsequent compromises shifted the focus of negotiations from creating a European prosecution service with uniform powers to the integration thereof into the divergent national legal systems. This paper analyses relevant documents up to the draft endorsed by the 2015 Luxembourg Presidency and concludes that the scene is set for autonomous and binding Union decisions to prosecute budgetary fraud at national level. Nonetheless, the low-level of Europeanisation coupled with an increasingly complex model and no real scheme to tackle the fragmentation of national criminal laws fail to enable effective and consistent prosecutions of EU budgetary fraud. [ABSTRACT FROM PUBLISHER]
- Published
- 2016
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- Author
Bence Udvarhelyi
- Subjects
EU-fraud ,Unification ,business.industry ,financial interests of the European Union ,Právnická fakulta UPJŠ ,Harmonization ,International trade ,Treaty of Lisbon ,PIF Directive ,STUDIA IURIDICA Cassoviensia ,Political science ,European Public Prosecutor's Office ,media_common.cataloged_instance ,EPPO Regulation ,European union ,business ,media_common - Abstract
HARMONIZÁCIA ALEBO UNIFIKÁCIA? – NÁSTROJE NAZEFEKTÍVNENIE OCHRANY FINANČNÝCH ZÁUJMOVEURÓPSKEJ ÚNIE The objective of the article is to analyse the efforts of the European Union for the protection of its financial interests. The first part of the paper sets out the brief historical development of the criminal law protection of the financial interests of the European Union with particular emphasis on the strengthened and reinforced legal framework provided by the Treaty of Lisbon. The second part of the study focuses to the newly adopted Directive of the EU on the fight against fraud to the Union’s financial interests by means of criminal law. However, the paper does not intend to analyse the provisions of the Directive in details, it only aims to examine whether it can provide for an effective and unified protection to the financial interests of the European Union. Cieľom tohto článku je analyzovať snahy Európskej únie o ochrany jej finančných záujmov. Prvá časť článku predstavuje stručný historický vývoj trestnoprávnej ochrany finančných záujmov Európskej únie s osobitným dôrazom na posilnený právny rámec, ktorý poskytuje Lisabonská zmluva. Druhá časť štúdie sa zameriava na novoprijatú smernicu EÚ o boji proti podvodom, ktoré poškodzujú finančné záujmy Únie, prostredníctvom trestného práva. Článok však nemá za cieľ podrobne analyzovať ustanovenia smernice, iba sa zameriava na preskúmanie, či môže poskytnúť účinnú a jednotnú ochranu finančných záujmov Európskej únie. URL:https://sic.pravo.upjs.sk/
- Published
- 2021
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7. 'European Public Prosecutor's Office: Comparative Analysis with Particular National Prosecution Systems'
- Author
Široký, Filip, Tomášek, Michal, and Gřivna, Tomáš
- Subjects
národní žalobce ,PIF Directive ,European Public Prosecutor's Office ,National Prosecutor ,Úřad evropského veřejného žalobce ,ochrana finančních zájmů Evropské Unie ,protection of financial interests of the European Union ,PIF Směrnice - Abstract
The European Public Prosecutor's Office: Comparative Analysis with particular National Prosecution Systems Abstract: The European Public Prosecutor's Office provides not only a major breakthrough in the framework of European Criminal Law, but a revolutionary concept as a first cross-national prosecution system as well, including the non-European jurisdictions. Taking into account how sensitive is the matter of convergence of European Criminal Law for the Member States, as well as their endeavour to preserve sovereignty with regard to criminal policies, it is obvious, that there was not (and still is not) any agreement regarding the form, or even mere existence, of the EPPO. In my opinion, for the purposes of the EPPO's efficiency assessment, as well as alternatives of its particular aspects, it is most suitable to compare it with other existing prosecutions systems in chosen developed countries. Germany, France, USA and Japan were chosen as those countries, pursuant to the criteria of both Anglo-American and continental legal systems representation, the countries' GDP, geopolitical significance, the development of their legal systems in history, and the type of political establishment. In the first part of my thesis, I focus on analysing the aspects of the new office, its historical background and position...
- Published
- 2020
8. EPPO material competence: Analysis of the PIF Directive and Regulation
- Author
Grasso, Giovanni, Sicurella, Rosaria, and Giuffrida, Fabio
- Subjects
EPPO , PIF Directive ,EPPO ,PIF Directive - Published
- 2020
9. Attuazione in Italia delle norme di contrasto alle frodi lesive degli interessi finanziari dell’Unione e responsabilità da reato degli enti: qualche riflessione
- Author
Sommella, Matteo
- Subjects
Tax crimes ,PIF Directive ,Serious VAT frauds ,Corporate liability ,Judicial cooperation - Abstract
The present paper, after an overview of the main provisions of the PIF Directive and some European Union bodies involved in its implementation, focuses on the issue of corporate liability arising from tax crimes. On this point, the Italian legislator, having missed the deadline for transposition of the mentioned directive, used a decree law, even in the absence of the requirements of necessity and urgency, to make tax crimes a prerequisite of the corporate liability. The lack of a systematic approach in the inclusion of tax crimes in Legislative Decree no. 231/2001 has not been fixed even through the recent Legislative Decree, no. 75/2020 implementing the PIF directive.
- Published
- 2020
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10. The Role and Position of the European Public Prosecutor in Croatian Preliminary Proceedings
- Author
Tamara Laptoš
- Subjects
European Public Prosecutor's Office ,european prosecutors ,european delegated prosecutors ,financial interest of the EU ,Council Regulation of imeplementing enhanced cooperation on the establishment of the EPPO ,PIF Directive ,Ured europskog javnog tužitelja ,europski tužitelji ,europski delegirani tužitelji ,financijski interesi Europske unije ,Uredba o provedbi pojačane suradnje u vezi s osnivanjem EPPO-a ,PIF Direktiva - Abstract
Financijski interesi Europske unije danas nisu dovoljno zaštićeni, a na prekogranične prijevare povezane s PDV-om otpada velik dio gubitaka u nacionalnim proračunima. Postojećim tijelima Europske unije, Europskom uredu za borbu protiv prijevara (OLAF), Agenciji Europske unije za suradnju u području kaznenog pravosuđa (Eurojust) i Europskom policijskom uredu (Europol) nedostaju potrebna ovlaštenja za provođenje kaznenih istraga i progon počinitelja kaznenih dijela počinjenih na štetu financijskih interesa Europske unije. Stoga su države članice Europske unije zaključile da im je u borbi protiv počinitelja kaznenih djela počinjenih na štetu financijskih interesa Europske unije nužna pojačana suradnja osnivanjem neovisnog i visoko specijaliziranog ureda tužiteljstva, čiji će tužitelji provoditi istrage na usklađen način u svim državama članicama sudionica, te će brzo razmjenjivati informacije i udružiti napore kako bi osigurali koordinirane istrage, te brzo zamrzavanje ili oduzimanje imovine u cilju što učinkovitije zaštite financijskih interesa Europske unije. Integracija Ureda europskog javnog tužitelja (u daljnjem tekstu: EPPO ) u nacionalne pravne sustave država članica sudionica zahtijevat će promjene određenih zakonskih propisa, pa tako i u Republici Hrvatskoj. Stoga će i kaznenopravni sustav Republike Hrvatske morati doživjeti određene prilagodbe i izmjene. Prilagodbe će biti nužne u načinu rada i postupanju državnih odvjetnika ali i drugih sudionika u kaznenom postupku, osobito u prethodnom postupku, u kojem će EPPO putem europskih delegiranih tužitelja obavljati sve radnje i preuzeti prava i obveze državnih odvjetnika. The Role and Position of the European Public Prosecutor in Croatian Preliminary Proceedings The present financial interests of the European Union are not sufficiently protected, and VAT-related cross-border frauds account for extensive losses in national budgets. Existing EU bodies, the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF), the European Union’s Judicial Cooperation Unit (Eurojust) and the European Union’s law enforcement agency (Europol) lack the necessary powers to conduct criminal investigations and prosecute perpetrators of criminal offences committed to the detriment of financial interests of the European Union. To combat the perpetrators of criminal offences committed to the detriment of the European Union’s financial interests, the EU Member States recognized the need for enhanced cooperation. Thus, by setting up an independent and highly specialized prosecutor’s office, whose prosecutors will conduct investigations in a coordinated manner in all participating Member States, information will be exchanged swiftly, and forces joined to ensure coordinated investigations, rapid seizure and confiscation of assets in order to protect the European Union’s financial interests as effectively as possible. The integration of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (hereinafter: EPPO) into the national legal systems of the participating Member States will require changes in their legislation, the Republic of Croatia included. Therefore, the criminal justice system of the Republic of Croatia will have to undergo certain adjustments and changes. How prosecutors and other criminal proceedings participants work and act will need to be adjusted especially in the preliminary proceedings in which EPPO will perform all actions and assume the rights and obligations of the prosecutors through the European Delegated Prosecutors., Financial interests of the European Union are not sufficiently protected nowadays, and VAT-related cross-border frauds account for much of the losses in national budgets. Existing EU bodies, the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF), the European Union’s judicial cooperation unit (Eurojust) and the European Union’s law enforcement agency (Europol) lack the necessary powers to conduct criminal investigations and prosecute perpetrators of criminal offences committed to the detriment of financial interests of the European Union. Therefore, EU Member States concluded that in order to combat perpetrators of criminal offences committed to the detriment of the European Union's financial interests, enhanced cooperation is needed by setting up an independent and highly specialized prosecutor's office, whose prosecutors will conduct investigations in a coordinated manner in all participating Member States, and swiftly exchange information and join forces to ensure coordinated investigations, rapid seizure and confiscation of assets in order to protect the European Union's financial interests as effectively as possible. The integration of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (hereinafter: EPPO) into the national legal systems of the participating Member States will require changes in certain legislation, including in the Republic of Croatia. Therefore, the criminal justice system of the Republic of Croatia will have to undergo certain adjustments and changes. The manner in which prosecutors and other criminal proceedings participants work and act will need to be adjusted especially in the preliminary proceedings in which EPPO will perform all actions and assume the rights and obligations of the prosecutors through the European Delegated Prosecutors.
- Published
- 2019
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