In the interest of encouraging workers to save for retirement, Congress has authorized several kinds of retirement savings plans that qualify for reduced or deferred income taxes. These plans provide a financial incentive for people to save, either by allowing workers and employers to deduct from income the amount they contribute to the plan or to take tax-free distributions from the plan after they retire. This CRS Report summarizes the provisions of law that govern the taxes applicable to pre-retirement distributions from retirement accounts, and the situations in which distributions must be taken from a plan in order to avoid a tax penalty. It also briefly describes changes to these laws proposed in the Administration's FY2004 budget. In 2000, 61 million Americans owned an individual retirement account (IRA) or participated in an employer-sponsored retirement savings plan. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has estimated that the tax revenue foregone through the exclusion of retirement savings plan contributions and investment earnings from taxable income will total $463 billion from 2004 through 2008, making it the second largest federal tax expenditure. Because tax-deductible contributions to retirement plans and deferral of taxes on investment earnings reduce federal income tax collections, Congress has placed limits on the amount that can be contributed to these plans each year. To assure that the tax preferences granted to retirement accounts are used to promote retirement income security rather than to subsidize transfers of wealth from one generation to the next, Congress has required distributions from accounts that are funded with tax-deductible contributions to begin when the account owner reaches age 70o?=. Retirement plans that are funded with after-tax income o?= like the "Roth IRA" o?= do not have required distributions during the account owner's lifetime. To discourage pre-retirement withdrawals from retirement savings accounts, the Internal Revenue Code (I.R.C.) imposes a 10% penalty on early withdrawals, which is levied in addition to any other applicable income tax. Recognizing that some significant events might require people to withdraw money from their retirement accounts earlier than expected, Congress has provided in law for waiving the 10% early withdrawal penalty in some situations. As with required distributions after age 70o?=, Roth IRAs have a special rule with respect to early withdrawals. Because contributions to a Roth IRA must consist entirely of income on which income tax has already been paid, contributions to a Roth IRA can be withdrawn at any time without being subject to additional income taxes or an early withdrawal penalty. The President's budget proposal for FY2004 would establish Lifetime Savings Accounts (LSAs) that could be used for any type of saving and from which withdrawals could be made at any time, and Retirement Savings Accounts (RSAs) that could be used for retirement saving. Roth IRAs would become RSAs. Traditional IRAs could be converted to RSAs, with income tax due on the converted amount. Beginning in 2004, several kinds of employer-sponsored retirement plans would be consolidated into Employer Retirement Savings Accounts (ERSAs). This report will be updated in the event of further legislative developments. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]