229,277 results on '"P. Wen"'
Search Results
2. Search for the leptonic decay $D^{+}\to e^{+}\nu_{e}$
- Author
BESIII Collaboration, Ablikim, M., Achasov, M. N., Adlarson, P., Afedulidis, O., Ai, X. C., Aliberti, R., Amoroso, A., An, Q., Bai, Y., Bakina, O., Balossino, I., Ban, Y., Bao, H. -R., Batozskaya, V., Begzsuren, K., Berger, N., Berlowski, M., Bertani, M., Bettoni, D., Bianchi, F., Bianco, E., Bortone, A., Boyko, I., Briere, R. A., Brueggemann, A., Cai, H., Cai, X., Calcaterra, A., Cao, G. F., Cao, N., Cetin, S. A., Chai, X. Y., Chang, J. F., Che, G. R., Che, Y. Z., Chelkov, G., Chen, C., Chen, C. H., Chen, Chao, Chen, G., Chen, H. S., Chen, H. Y., Chen, M. L., Chen, S. J., Chen, S. L., Chen, S. M., Chen, T., Chen, X. R., Chen, X. T., Chen, Y. B., Chen, Y. Q., Chen, Z. J., Chen, Z. Y., Choi, S. K., Cibinetto, G., Cossio, F., Cui, J. J., Dai, H. L., Dai, J. P., Dbeyssi, A., de Boer, R. E., Dedovich, D., Deng, C. Q., Deng, Z. Y., Denig, A., Denysenko, I., Destefanis, M., De Mori, F., Ding, B., Ding, X. X., Ding, Y., Dong, J., Dong, L. Y., Dong, M. Y., Dong, X., Du, M. C., Du, S. X., Duan, Y. Y., Duan, Z. H., Egorov, P., Fan, Y. H., Fang, J., Fang, S. S., Fang, W. X., Fang, Y., Fang, Y. Q., Farinelli, R., Fava, L., Feldbauer, F., Felici, G., Feng, C. Q., Feng, J. H., Feng, Y. T., Fritsch, M., Fu, C. D., Fu, J. L., Fu, Y. W., Gao, H., Gao, X. B., Gao, Y. N., Gao, Yang, Garbolino, S., Garzia, I., Ge, L., Ge, P. T., Ge, Z. W., Geng, C., Gersabeck, E. M., Gilman, A., Goetzen, K., Gong, L., Gong, W. X., Gradl, W., Gramigna, S., Greco, M., Gu, M. H., Gu, Y. T., Guan, C. Y., Guo, A. Q., Guo, L. B., Guo, M. J., Guo, R. P., Guo, Y. P., Guskov, A., Gutierrez, J., Han, K. L., Han, T. T., Hanisch, F., Hao, X. Q., Harris, F. A., He, K. K., He, K. L., Heinsius, F. H., Heinz, C. H., Heng, Y. K., Herold, C., Holtmann, T., Hong, P. C., Hou, G. Y., Hou, X. T., Hou, Y. R., Hou, Z. L., Hu, B. Y., Hu, H. M., Hu, J. F., Hu, S. L., Hu, T., Hu, Y., Huang, G. S., Huang, K. X., Huang, L. Q., Huang, X. T., Huang, Y. P., Huang, Y. S., Hussain, T., Hölzken, F., Hüsken, N., der Wiesche, N. in, Jackson, J., Janchiv, S., Jeong, J. H., Ji, Q., Ji, Q. P., Ji, W., Ji, X. B., Ji, X. L., Ji, Y. Y., Jia, X. Q., Jia, Z. K., Jiang, D., Jiang, H. B., Jiang, P. C., Jiang, S. S., Jiang, T. J., Jiang, X. S., Jiang, Y., Jiao, J. B., Jiao, J. K., Jiao, Z., Jin, S., Jin, Y., Jing, M. Q., Jing, X. M., Johansson, T., Kabana, S., Kalantar-Nayestanaki, N., Kang, X. L., Kang, X. S., Kavatsyuk, M., Ke, B. C., Khachatryan, V., Khoukaz, A., Kiuchi, R., Kolcu, O. B., Kopf, B., Kuessner, M., Kui, X., Kumar, N., Kupsc, A., Kühn, W., Lane, J. J., Lavezzi, L., Lei, T. T., Lei, Z. H., Lellmann, M., Lenz, T., Li, C., Li, C. H., Li, Cheng, Li, D. M., Li, F., Li, G., Li, H. B., Li, H. J., Li, H. N., Li, Hui, Li, J. R., Li, J. S., Li, K., Li, K. L., Li, L. J., Li, L. K., Li, Lei, Li, M. H., Li, P. R., Li, Q. M., Li, Q. X., Li, R., Li, S. X., Li, T., Li, W. D., Li, W. G., Li, X., Li, X. H., Li, X. L., Li, X. Y., Li, X. Z., Li, Y. G., Li, Z. J., Li, Z. Y., Liang, C., Liang, H., Liang, Y. F., Liang, Y. T., Liao, G. R., Liao, Y. P., Libby, J., Limphirat, A., Lin, C. C., Lin, D. X., Lin, T., Liu, B. J., Liu, B. X., Liu, C., Liu, C. X., Liu, F., Liu, F. H., Liu, Feng, Liu, G. M., Liu, H., Liu, H. B., Liu, H. H., Liu, H. M., Liu, Huihui, Liu, J. B., Liu, J. Y., Liu, K., Liu, K. Y., Liu, Ke, Liu, L., Liu, L. C., Liu, Lu, Liu, M. H., Liu, P. L., Liu, Q., Liu, S. B., Liu, T., Liu, W. K., Liu, W. M., Liu, X., Liu, Y., Liu, Y. B., Liu, Z. A., Liu, Z. D., Liu, Z. Q., Lou, X. C., Lu, F. X., Lu, H. J., Lu, J. G., Lu, X. L., Lu, Y., Lu, Y. P., Lu, Z. H., Luo, C. L., Luo, J. R., Luo, M. X., Luo, T., Luo, X. L., Lyu, X. R., Lyu, Y. F., Ma, F. C., Ma, H., Ma, H. L., Ma, J. L., Ma, L. L., Ma, L. R., Ma, M. M., Ma, Q. M., Ma, R. Q., Ma, T., Ma, X. T., Ma, X. Y., Ma, Y. M., Maas, F. E., MacKay, I., Maggiora, M., Malde, S., Mao, Y. J., Mao, Z. P., Marcello, S., Meng, Z. X., Messchendorp, J. G., Mezzadri, G., Miao, H., Min, T. J., Mitchell, R. E., Mo, X. H., Moses, B., Muchnoi, N. Yu., Muskalla, J., Nefedov, Y., Nerling, F., Nie, L. S., Nikolaev, I. B., Ning, Z., Nisar, S., Niu, Q. L., Niu, W. D., Niu, Y., Olsen, S. L., Ouyang, Q., Pacetti, S., Pan, X., Pan, Y., Pathak, A., Pei, Y. P., Pelizaeus, M., Peng, H. P., Peng, Y. Y., Peters, K., Ping, J. L., Ping, R. G., Plura, S., Prasad, V., Qi, F. Z., Qi, H., Qi, H. R., Qi, M., Qi, T. Y., Qian, S., Qian, W. B., Qiao, C. F., Qiao, X. K., Qin, J. J., Qin, L. Q., Qin, L. Y., Qin, X. P., Qin, X. S., Qin, Z. H., Qiu, J. F., Qu, Z. H., Redmer, C. F., Ren, K. J., Rivetti, A., Rolo, M., Rong, G., Rosner, Ch., Ruan, M. Q., Ruan, S. N., Salone, N., Sarantsev, A., Schelhaas, Y., Schoenning, K., Scodeggio, M., Shan, K. Y., Shan, W., Shan, X. Y., Shang, Z. J., Shangguan, J. F., Shao, L. G., Shao, M., Shen, C. P., Shen, H. F., Shen, W. H., Shen, X. Y., Shi, B. A., Shi, H., Shi, H. C., Shi, J. L., Shi, J. Y., Shi, Q. Q., Shi, S. Y., Shi, X., Song, J. J., Song, T. Z., Song, W. M., Song, Y. J., Song, Y. X., Sosio, S., Spataro, S., Stieler, F., Su, S. S, Su, Y. J., Sun, G. B., Sun, G. X., Sun, H., Sun, H. K., Sun, J. F., Sun, K., Sun, L., Sun, S. S., Sun, T., Sun, W. Y., Sun, Y., Sun, Y. J., Sun, Y. Z., Sun, Z. Q., Sun, Z. T., Tang, C. J., Tang, G. Y., Tang, J., Tang, M., Tang, Y. A., Tao, L. Y., Tao, Q. T., Tat, M., Teng, J. X., Thoren, V., Tian, W. H., Tian, Y., Tian, Z. F., Uman, I., Wan, Y., Wang, S. J., Wang, B., Wang, B. L., Wang, Bo, Wang, D. Y., Wang, F., Wang, H. J., Wang, J. J., Wang, J. P., Wang, K., Wang, L. L., Wang, M., Wang, N. Y., Wang, S., Wang, T., Wang, T. J., Wang, W., Wang, W. P., Wang, X., Wang, X. F., Wang, X. J., Wang, X. L., Wang, X. N., Wang, Y., Wang, Y. D., Wang, Y. F., Wang, Y. L., Wang, Y. N., Wang, Y. Q., Wang, Yaqian, Wang, Yi, Wang, Z., Wang, Z. L., Wang, Z. Y., Wang, Ziyi, Wei, D. H., Weidner, F., Wen, S. P., Wen, Y. R., Wiedner, U., Wilkinson, G., Wolke, M., Wollenberg, L., Wu, C., Wu, J. F., Wu, L. H., Wu, L. J., Wu, X., Wu, X. H., Wu, Y., Wu, Y. H., Wu, Y. J., Wu, Z., Xia, L., Xian, X. M., Xiang, B. H., Xiang, T., Xiao, D., Xiao, G. Y., Xiao, S. Y., Xiao, Y. L., Xiao, Z. J., Xie, C., Xie, X. H., Xie, Y., Xie, Y. G., Xie, Y. H., Xie, Z. P., Xing, T. Y., Xu, C. F., Xu, C. J., Xu, G. F., Xu, H. Y., Xu, M., Xu, Q. J., Xu, Q. N., Xu, W., Xu, W. L., Xu, X. P., Xu, Y., Xu, Y. C., Xu, Z. S., Yan, F., Yan, L., Yan, W. B., Yan, W. C., Yan, X. Q., Yang, H. J., Yang, H. L., Yang, H. X., Yang, T., Yang, Y., Yang, Y. F., Yang, Y. X., Yang, Z. W., Yao, Z. P., Ye, M., Ye, M. H., Yin, J. H., Yin, Junhao, You, Z. Y., Yu, B. X., Yu, C. X., Yu, G., Yu, J. S., Yu, M. C., Yu, T., Yu, X. D., Yu, Y. C., Yuan, C. Z., Yuan, J., Yuan, L., Yuan, S. C., Yuan, Y., Yuan, Z. Y., Yue, C. X., Zafar, A. A., Zeng, F. R., Zeng, S. H., Zeng, X., Zeng, Y., Zeng, Y. J., Zhai, X. Y., Zhai, Y. C., Zhan, Y. H., Zhang, A. Q., Zhang, B. L., Zhang, B. X., Zhang, D. H., Zhang, G. Y., Zhang, H., Zhang, H. C., Zhang, H. H., Zhang, H. Q., Zhang, H. R., Zhang, H. Y., Zhang, J., Zhang, J. J., Zhang, J. L., Zhang, J. Q., Zhang, J. S., Zhang, J. W., Zhang, J. X., Zhang, J. Y., Zhang, J. Z., Zhang, Jianyu, Zhang, L. M., Zhang, Lei, Zhang, P., Zhang, Q. Y., Zhang, R. Y., Zhang, S. H., Zhang, Shulei, Zhang, X. M., Zhang, X. Y, Zhang, X. Y., Zhang, Y., Zhang, Y. T., Zhang, Y. H., Zhang, Y. M., Zhang, Yan, Zhang, Z. D., Zhang, Z. H., Zhang, Z. L., Zhang, Z. Y., Zhang, Z. Z., Zhao, G., Zhao, J. Y., Zhao, J. Z., Zhao, L., Zhao, Lei, Zhao, M. G., Zhao, N., Zhao, R. P., Zhao, S. J., Zhao, Y. B., Zhao, Y. X., Zhao, Z. G., Zhemchugov, A., Zheng, B., Zheng, B. M., Zheng, J. P., Zheng, W. J., Zheng, Y. H., Zhong, B., Zhong, X., Zhou, H., Zhou, J. Y., Zhou, L. P., Zhou, S., Zhou, X., Zhou, X. K., Zhou, X. R., Zhou, X. Y., Zhou, Y. Z., Zhou, Z. C., Zhu, A. N., Zhu, J., Zhu, K., Zhu, K. J., Zhu, K. S., Zhu, L., Zhu, L. X., Zhu, S. H., Zhu, T. J., Zhu, W. D., Zhu, Y. C., Zhu, Z. A., Zou, J. H., and Zu, J.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Experiment - Abstract
We search for the leptonic decay $D^+\to e^+\nu_{e}$ using an $e^+e^-$ collision data sample with an integrated luminosity of 20.3~fb$^{-1}$ collected with the BESIII detector at the center-of-mass energy of 3.773~GeV. No significant signal is observed and an upper limit on the branching fraction of $D^+\to e^+\nu_{e}$ is set as $9.7 \times 10^{-7}$, at the 90\% confidence level. Our upper limit is an order of magnitude smaller than the previous limit for this decay mode.
- Published
- 2025
3. Observation of the $W$-annihilation process $D_s^+ \to \omega\rho^+$ and measurement of $D_s^+ \to \phi\rho^+$ in $D^+_s\to \pi^+\pi^+\pi^-\pi^0\pi^0$ decays
- Author
BESIII Collaboration, Ablikim, M., Achasov, M. N., Adlarson, P., Afedulidis, O., Ai, X. C., Aliberti, R., Amoroso, A., An, Q., Bai, Y., Bakina, O., Balossino, I., Ban, Y., Bao, H. -R., Batozskaya, V., Begzsuren, K., Berger, N., Berlowski, M., Bertani, M., Bettoni, D., Bianchi, F., Bianco, E., Bortone, A., Boyko, I., Briere, R. A., Brueggemann, A., Cai, H., Cai, X., Calcaterra, A., Cao, G. F., Cao, N., Cetin, S. A., Chai, X. Y., Chang, J. F., Che, G. R., Che, Y. Z., Chelkov, G., Chen, C., Chen, C. H., Chen, Chao, Chen, G., Chen, H. S., Chen, H. Y., Chen, M. L., Chen, S. J., Chen, S. L., Chen, S. M., Chen, T., Chen, X. R., Chen, X. T., Chen, Y. B., Chen, Y. Q., Chen, Z. J., Choi, S. K., Cibinetto, G., Cossio, F., Cui, J. J., Dai, H. L., Dai, J. P., Dbeyssi, A., de Boer, R. E., Dedovich, D., Deng, C. Q., Deng, Z. Y., Denig, A., Denysenko, I., Destefanis, M., De Mori, F., Ding, B., Ding, X. X., Ding, Y., Dong, J., Dong, L. Y., Dong, M. Y., Dong, X., Du, M. C., Du, S. X., Duan, Y. Y., Duan, Z. H., Egorov, P., Fan, G. F., Fan, J. J., Fan, Y. H., Fang, J., Fang, S. S., Fang, W. X., Fang, Y. Q., Farinelli, R., Fava, L., Feldbauer, F., Felici, G., Feng, C. Q., Feng, J. H., Feng, Y. T., Fritsch, M., Fu, C. D., Fu, J. L., Fu, Y. W., Gao, H., Gao, X. B., Gao, Y. N., Gao, Yang, Garbolino, S., Garzia, I., Ge, P. T., Ge, Z. W., Geng, C., Gersabeck, E. M., Gilman, A., Goetzen, K., Gong, L., Gong, W. X., Gradl, W., Gramigna, S., Greco, M., Gu, M. H., Gu, Y. T., Guan, C. Y., Guo, A. Q., Guo, L. B., Guo, M. J., Guo, R. P., Guo, Y. P., Guskov, A., Gutierrez, J., Han, K. L., Han, T. T., Hanisch, F., Hao, X. Q., Harris, F. A., He, K. K., He, K. L., Heinsius, F. H., Heinz, C. H., Heng, Y. K., Herold, C., Holtmann, T., Hong, P. C., Hou, G. Y., Hou, X. T., Hou, Y. R., Hou, Z. L., Hu, B. Y., Hu, H. M., Hu, J. F., Hu, Q. P., Hu, S. L., Hu, T., Hu, Y., Huang, G. S., Huang, K. X., Huang, L. Q., Huang, P., Huang, X. T., Huang, Y. P., Huang, Y. S., Hussain, T., Hölzken, F., Hüsken, N., der Wiesche, N. in, Jackson, J., Janchiv, S., Ji, Q., Ji, Q. P., Ji, W., Ji, X. B., Ji, X. L., Ji, Y. Y., Jia, X. Q., Jia, Z. K., Jiang, D., Jiang, H. B., Jiang, P. C., Jiang, S. S., Jiang, T. J., Jiang, X. S., Jiang, Y., Jiao, J. B., Jiao, J. K., Jiao, Z., Jin, S., Jin, Y., Jing, M. Q., Jing, X. M., Johansson, T., Kabana, S., Kalantar-Nayestanaki, N., Kang, X. L., Kang, X. S., Kavatsyuk, M., Ke, B. C., Khachatryan, V., Khoukaz, A., Kiuchi, R., Kolcu, O. B., Kopf, B., Kuessner, M., Kui, X., Kumar, N., Kupsc, A., Kühn, W., Lan, W. N., Lei, T. T., Lei, Z. H., Lellmann, M., Lenz, T., Li, C., Li, C. H., Li, Cheng, Li, D. M., Li, F., Li, G., Li, H. B., Li, H. J., Li, H. N., Li, Hui, Li, J. R., Li, J. S., Li, K., Li, K. L., Li, L. J., Li, Lei, Li, M. H., Li, P. L., Li, P. R., Li, Q. M., Li, Q. X., Li, R., Li, T., Li, T. Y., Li, W. D., Li, W. G., Li, X., Li, X. H., Li, X. L., Li, X. Y., Li, X. Z., Li, Y., Li, Y. G., Li, Z. J., Li, Z. Y., Liang, C., Liang, H., Liang, Y. F., Liang, Y. T., Liao, G. R., Liao, Y. P., Libby, J., Limphirat, A., Lin, C. C., Lin, C. X., Lin, D. X., Lin, T., Liu, B. J., Liu, B. X., Liu, C., Liu, C. X., Liu, F., Liu, F. H., Liu, Feng, Liu, G. M., Liu, H., Liu, H. B., Liu, H. H., Liu, H. M., Liu, Huihui, Liu, J. B., Liu, K., Liu, K. Y., Liu, Ke, Liu, L., Liu, L. C., Liu, Lu, Liu, M. H., Liu, P. L., Liu, Q., Liu, S. B., Liu, T., Liu, W. K., Liu, W. M., Liu, X., Liu, Y., Liu, Y. B., Liu, Z. A., Liu, Z. D., Liu, Z. Q., Lou, X. C., Lu, F. X., Lu, H. J., Lu, J. G., Lu, Y., Lu, Y. P., Lu, Z. H., Luo, C. L., Luo, J. R., Luo, M. X., Luo, T., Luo, X. L., Lyu, X. R., Lyu, Y. F., Ma, F. C., Ma, H., Ma, H. L., Ma, J. L., Ma, L. L., Ma, L. R., Ma, Q. M., Ma, R. Q., Ma, R. Y., Ma, T., Ma, X. T., Ma, X. Y., Ma, Y. M., Maas, F. E., MacKay, I., Maggiora, M., Malde, S., Mao, Y. J., Mao, Z. P., Marcello, S., Meng, Y. H., Meng, Z. X., Messchendorp, J. G., Mezzadri, G., Miao, H., Min, T. J., Mitchell, R. E., Mo, X. H., Moses, B., Muchnoi, N. Yu., Muskalla, J., Nefedov, Y., Nerling, F., Nie, L. S., Nikolaev, I. B., Ning, Z., Nisar, S., Niu, Q. L., Niu, W. D., Niu, Y., Olsen, S. L., Ouyang, Q., Pacetti, S., Pan, X., Pan, Y., Pathak, A., Pei, Y. P., Pelizaeus, M., Peng, H. P., Peng, Y. Y., Peters, K., Ping, J. L., Ping, R. G., Plura, S., Prasad, V., Qi, F. Z., Qi, H. R., Qi, M., Qian, S., Qian, W. B., Qiao, C. F., Qiao, J. H., Qin, J. J., Qin, L. Q., Qin, L. Y., Qin, X. P., Qin, X. S., Qin, Z. H., Qiu, J. F., Qu, Z. H., Redmer, C. F., Ren, K. J., Rivetti, A., Rolo, M., Rong, G., Rosner, Ch., Ruan, M. Q., Ruan, S. N., Salone, N., Sarantsev, A., Schelhaas, Y., Schoenning, K., Scodeggio, M., Shan, K. Y., Shan, W., Shan, X. Y., Shang, Z. J., Shangguan, J. F., Shao, L. G., Shao, M., Shen, C. P., Shen, H. F., Shen, W. H., Shen, X. Y., Shi, B. A., Shi, H., Shi, J. L., Shi, J. Y., Shi, S. Y., Shi, X., Song, J. J., Song, T. Z., Song, W. M., Song, Y. J., Song, Y. X., Sosio, S., Spataro, S., Stieler, F., Su, S. S, Su, Y. J., Sun, G. B., Sun, G. X., Sun, H., Sun, H. K., Sun, J. F., Sun, K., Sun, L., Sun, S. S., Sun, T., Sun, Y. J., Sun, Y. Z., Sun, Z. Q., Sun, Z. T., Tang, C. J., Tang, G. Y., Tang, J., Tang, M., Tang, Y. A., Tao, L. Y., Tat, M., Teng, J. X., Thoren, V., Tian, W. H., Tian, Y., Tian, Z. F., Uman, I., Wan, Y., Wang, S. J., Wang, B., Wang, Bo, Wang, C., Wang, D. Y., Wang, H. J., Wang, J. J., Wang, J. P., Wang, K., Wang, L. L., Wang, L. W., Wang, M., Wang, N. Y., Wang, S., Wang, T., Wang, T. J., Wang, W., Wang, W. P., Wang, X., Wang, X. F., Wang, X. J., Wang, X. L., Wang, X. N., Wang, Y., Wang, Y. D., Wang, Y. F., Wang, Y. H., Wang, Y. L., Wang, Y. N., Wang, Y. Q., Wang, Yaqian, Wang, Yi, Wang, Z., Wang, Z. L., Wang, Z. Y., Wei, D. H., Weidner, F., Wen, S. P., Wen, Y. R., Wiedner, U., Wilkinson, G., Wolke, M., Wollenberg, L., Wu, C., Wu, J. F., Wu, L. H., Wu, L. J., Wu, Lianjie, Wu, X., Wu, X. H., Wu, Y. H., Wu, Y. J., Wu, Z., Xia, L., Xian, X. M., Xiang, B. H., Xiang, T., Xiao, D., Xiao, G. Y., Xiao, H., Xiao, Y. L., Xiao, Z. J., Xie, C., Xie, X. H., Xie, Y., Xie, Y. G., Xie, Y. H., Xie, Z. P., Xing, T. Y., Xu, C. F., Xu, C. J., Xu, G. F., Xu, M., Xu, Q. J., Xu, Q. N., Xu, W. L., Xu, X. P., Xu, Y., Xu, Y. C., Xu, Z. S., Yan, F., Yan, L., Yan, W. B., Yan, W. C., Yan, W. P., Yan, X. Q., Yang, H. J., Yang, H. L., Yang, H. X., Yang, J. H., Yang, R. J., Yang, T., Yang, Y., Yang, Y. F., Yang, Y. X., Yang, Y. Z., Yang, Z. W., Yao, Z. P., Ye, M., Ye, M. H., Yin, Junhao, You, Z. Y., Yu, B. X., Yu, C. X., Yu, G., Yu, J. S., Yu, M. C., Yu, T., Yu, X. D., Yuan, C. Z., Yuan, J., Yuan, L., Yuan, S. C., Yuan, Y., Yuan, Z. Y., Yue, C. X., Yue, Ying, Zafar, A. A., Zeng, F. R., Zeng, S. H., Zeng, X., Zeng, Y., Zeng, Y. J., Zhai, X. Y., Zhai, Y. C., Zhan, Y. H., Zhang, A. Q., Zhang, B. L., Zhang, B. X., Zhang, D. H., Zhang, G. Y., Zhang, H., Zhang, H. C., Zhang, H. H., Zhang, H. Q., Zhang, H. R., Zhang, H. Y., Zhang, J., Zhang, J. J., Zhang, J. L., Zhang, J. Q., Zhang, J. S., Zhang, J. W., Zhang, J. X., Zhang, J. Y., Zhang, J. Z., Zhang, Jianyu, Zhang, L. M., Zhang, Lei, Zhang, P., Zhang, Q., Zhang, Q. Y., Zhang, R. Y., Zhang, S. H., Zhang, Shulei, Zhang, X. M., Zhang, X. Y, Zhang, X. Y., Zhang, Y., Zhang, Y. T., Zhang, Y. H., Zhang, Y. M., Zhang, Yan, Zhang, Z. D., Zhang, Z. H., Zhang, Z. L., Zhang, Z. X., Zhang, Z. Y., Zhang, Z. Z., Zhang, Zh. Zh., Zhao, G., Zhao, J. Y., Zhao, J. Z., Zhao, L., Zhao, Lei, Zhao, M. G., Zhao, N., Zhao, R. P., Zhao, S. J., Zhao, Y. B., Zhao, Y. X., Zhao, Z. G., Zhemchugov, A., Zheng, B., Zheng, B. M., Zheng, J. P., Zheng, W. J., Zheng, X. R., Zheng, Y. H., Zhong, B., Zhong, X., Zhou, H., Zhou, J. Y., Zhou, S., Zhou, X., Zhou, X. K., Zhou, X. R., Zhou, X. Y., Zhou, Y. Z., Zhou, Z. C., Zhu, A. N., Zhu, J., Zhu, K., Zhu, K. J., Zhu, K. S., Zhu, L., Zhu, L. X., Zhu, S. H., Zhu, T. J., Zhu, W. D., Zhu, W. J., Zhu, W. Z., Zhu, Y. C., Zhu, Z. A., Zou, J. H., and Zu, J.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Experiment - Abstract
We present the first amplitude analysis and branching fraction measurement of the decay $D^+_s\to \pi^+\pi^+\pi^-\pi^0\pi^0$, using $e^+e^-$ collision data collected with the BESIII detector at center-of-mass energies between 4.128 and 4.226 GeV corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 7.33 fb$^{-1}$, and report the first observation of the pure $W$-annihilation decay $D_s^+ \to \omega\rho^+$ with a branching fraction of $(0.99\pm0.08_{\rm stat}\pm0.07_{\rm syst})\%$. In comparison to the low significance of the $\mathcal{D}$ wave in the decay $D_s^+ \to \phi\rho^+$, the dominance of the $\mathcal{D}$ wave over the $\mathcal{S}$ and $\mathcal{P}$ waves, with a fraction of $(51.85\pm7.28_{\rm stat}\pm7.90_{\rm syst})\%$ observed in the decay, provides crucial information for the``polarization puzzle", as well as for the understanding of charm meson decays. The branching fraction of $D^+_s\to \pi^+\pi^+\pi^-\pi^0\pi^0$ is measured to be $(4.41\pm0.15_{\rm stat}\pm0.13_{\rm syst})\%$. Moreover, the branching fraction of $D_s^+ \to \phi\rho^+$ is measured to be $(3.98\pm0.33_{\rm stat}\pm0.21_{\rm syst})\%$, and the $R_{\phi}= {\mathcal{B}(\phi\to\pi^+\pi^-\pi^0)}/{\mathcal{B}(\phi\to K^+K^-)}$ is determined to be $(0.222\pm0.019_{\rm stat}\pm0.016_{\rm syst}$), which is consistent with the previous measurement based on charm meson decays, but deviates from the results from $e^+e^-$ annihilation and $K$-$N$ scattering experiments by more than 3$\sigma$.
- Published
- 2025
4. Study of the electromagnetic Dalitz decay $J/\psi \to e^+e^- \pi^0$
- Author
BESIII Collaboration, Ablikim, M., Achasov, M. N., Adlarson, P., Afedulidis, O., Ai, X. C., Aliberti, R., Amoroso, A., An, Q., Bai, Y., Bakina, O., Balossino, I., Ban, Y., Bao, H. -R., Batozskaya, V., Begzsuren, K., Berger, N., Berlowski, M., Bertani, M., Bettoni, D., Bianchi, F., Bianco, E., Bortone, A., Boyko, I., Briere, R. A., Brueggemann, A., Cai, H., Cai, X., Calcaterra, A., Cao, G. F., Cao, N., Cetin, S. A., Chang, J. F., Che, G. R., Che, Y. Z., Chelkov, G., Chen, C., Chen, C. H., Chen, Chao, Chen, G., Chen, H. S., Chen, H. Y., Chen, M. L., Chen, S. J., Chen, S. L., Chen, S. M., Chen, T., Chen, X. R., Chen, X. T., Chen, Y. B., Chen, Y. Q., Chen, Z. J., Chen, Z. Y., Choi, S. K., Chu, X., Cibinetto, G., Cossio, F., Cui, J. J., Dai, H. L., Dai, J. P., Dbeyssi, A., de Boer, R. E., Dedovich, D., Deng, C. Q., Deng, Z. Y., Denig, A., Denysenko, I., Destefanis, M., De Mori, F., Ding, B., Ding, X. X., Ding, Y., Dong, J., Dong, L. Y., Dong, M. Y., Dong, X., Du, M. C., Du, S. X., Duan, Y. Y., Duan, Z. H., Egorov, P., Fan, Y. H., Fang, J., Fang, S. S., Fang, W. X., Fang, Y., Fang, Y. Q., Farinelli, R., Fava, L., Feldbauer, F., Felici, G., Feng, C. Q., Feng, J. H., Feng, Y. T., Fritsch, M., Fu, C. D., Fu, J. L., Fu, Y. W., Gao, H., Gao, X. B., Gao, Y., Gao, Y. N., Garbolino, S., Garzia, I., Ge, P. T., Ge, Z. W., Geng, C., Gersabeck, E. M., Gilman, A., Goetzen, K., Gong, L., Gong, W. X., Gradl, W., Gramigna, S., Greco, M., Gu, M. H., Gu, Y. T., Guan, C. Y., Guo, A. Q., Guo, L. B., Guo, M. J., Guo, R. P., Guo, Y. P., Guskov, A., Gutierrez, J., Han, K. L., Han, T. T., Hanisch, F., Hao, X. Q., Harris, F. A., He, K. K., He, K. L., Heinsius, F. H., Heinz, C. H., Heng, Y. K., Herold, C., Holtmann, T., Hong, P. C., Hou, G. Y., Hou, X. T., Hou, Y. R., Hou, Z. L., Hu, H. M., Hu, J. F., Hu, S. L., Hu, T., Hu, Y., Huang, G. S., Huang, K. X., Huang, L. Q., Huang, X. T., Huang, Y. P., Huang, Y. S., Hussain, T., Hölzken, F., Hüsken, N., der Wiesche, N. in, Jackson, J., Ji, Q., Ji, Q. P., Ji, W., Ji, X. B., Ji, X. L., Ji, Y. Y., Jia, X. Q., Jia, Z. K., Jiang, D., Jiang, H. B., Jiang, P. C., Jiang, S. S., Jiang, T. J., Jiang, X. S., Jiang, Y., Jiao, J. B., Jiao, J. K., Jiao, Z., Jin, S., Jin, Y., Jing, M. Q., Jing, X. M., Johansson, T., Kabana, S., Kalantar-Nayestanaki, N., Kang, X. L., Kang, X. S., Kavatsyuk, M., Ke, B. C., Khachatryan, V., Khoukaz, A., Kiuchi, R., Kolcu, O. B., Kopf, B., Kuessner, M., Kui, X., Kumar, N., Kupsc, A., Kühn, W., Lane, J. J., Lavezzi, L., Lei, T. T., Lellmann, M., Lenz, T., Li, C., Li, C. H., Li, D. M., Li, F., Li, G., Li, H. B., Li, H. J., Li, H. N., Li, Hui, Li, J. R., Li, J. S., Li, K., Li, K. L., Li, L. J., Li, L. K., Li, Lei, Li, M. H., Li, P. R., Li, Q. M., Li, Q. X., Li, R., Li, S. X., Li, T., Li, W. D., Li, W. G., Li, X., Li, X. H., Li, X. L., Li, X. Y., Li, X. Z., Li, Y. G., Li, Z. J., Li, Z. Y., Liang, C., Liang, H., Liang, Y. F., Liang, Y. T., Liao, G. R., Liao, Y. P., Libby, J., Limphirat, A., Lin, C. C., Lin, D. X., Lin, T., Liu, B. J., Liu, B. X., Liu, C., Liu, C. X., Liu, F., Liu, F. H., Liu, Feng, Liu, G. M., Liu, H., Liu, H. B., Liu, H. H., Liu, H. M., Liu, Huihui, Liu, J. B., Liu, J. Y., Liu, K., Liu, K. Y., Liu, Ke, Liu, L., Liu, L. C., Liu, Lu, Liu, M. H., Liu, P. L., Liu, Q., Liu, S. B., Liu, T., Liu, W. K., Liu, W. M., Liu, X., Liu, Y., Liu, Y. B., Liu, Z. A., Liu, Z. D., Liu, Z. Q., Lou, X. C., Lu, F. X., Lu, H. J., Lu, J. G., Lu, X. L., Lu, Y., Lu, Y. P., Lu, Z. H., Luo, C. L., Luo, J. R., Luo, M. X., Luo, T., Luo, X. L., Lyu, X. R., Lyu, Y. F., Ma, F. C., Ma, H., Ma, H. L., Ma, J. L., Ma, L. L., Ma, L. R., Ma, M. M., Ma, Q. M., Ma, R. Q., Ma, T., Ma, X. T., Ma, X. Y., Ma, Y. M., Maas, F. E., MacKay, I., Maggiora, M., Malde, S., Malik, Q. A., Mao, Y. J., Mao, Z. P., Marcello, S., Meng, Z. X., Messchendorp, J. G., Mezzadri, G., Miao, H., Min, T. J., Mitchell, R. E., Mo, X. H., Moses, B., Muchnoi, N. Yu., Muskalla, J., Nefedov, Y., Nerling, F., Nie, L. S., Nikolaev, I. B., Ning, Z., Nisar, S., Niu, Q. L., Niu, W. D., Niu, Y., Olsen, S. L., Ouyang, Q., Pacetti, S., Pan, X., Pan, Y., Pei, Y. P., Pelizaeus, M., Peng, H. P., Peng, Y. Y., Peters, K., Ping, J. L., Ping, R. G., Plura, S., Prasad, V., Qi, F. Z., Qi, H. R., Qi, M., Qi, T. Y., Qian, S., Qian, W. B., Qiao, C. F., Qiao, J. H., Qin, J. J., Qin, L. Q., Qin, L. Y., Qin, X. P., Qin, X. S., Qin, Z. H., Qiu, J. F., Qu, Z. H., Redmer, C. F., Ren, K. J., Rivetti, A., Rolo, M., Rong, G., Rosner, Ch., Ruan, M. Q., Ruan, S. N., Salone, N., Sarantsev, A., Schelhaas, Y., Schoenning, K., Scodeggio, M., Shan, K. Y., Shan, W., Shan, X. Y., Shang, Z. J., Shangguan, J. F., Shao, L. G., Shao, M., Shen, C. P., Shen, H. F., Shen, W. H., Shen, X. Y., Shi, B. A., Shi, H., Shi, J. L., Shi, J. Y., Shi, Q. Q., Shi, S. Y., Shi, X., Song, J. J., Song, T. Z., Song, W. M., Song, Y. J., Song, Y. X., Sosio, S., Spataro, S., Stieler, F., Su, S. S, Su, Y. J., Sun, G. B., Sun, G. X., Sun, H., Sun, H. K., Sun, J. F., Sun, K., Sun, L., Sun, S. S., Sun, T., Sun, W. Y., Sun, Y., Sun, Y. J., Sun, Y. Z., Sun, Z. Q., Sun, Z. T., Tang, C. J., Tang, G. Y., Tang, J., Tang, J. J., Tang, Y. A., Tao, L. Y., Tao, Q. T., Tat, M., Teng, J. X., Tian, W. H., Tian, Y., Tian, Z. F., Uman, I., Wan, Y., Wang, S. J., Wang, B., Wang, B. L., Wang, Bo, Wang, D. Y., Wang, F., Wang, H. J., Wang, J. J., Wang, J. P., Wang, K., Wang, L. L., Wang, L. W., Wang, M., Wang, N. Y., Wang, S., Wang, T., Wang, T. J., Wang, W., Wang, W. P., Wang, X., Wang, X. F., Wang, X. J., Wang, X. L., Wang, X. N., Wang, Y., Wang, Y. D., Wang, Y. F., Wang, Y. H., Wang, Y. L., Wang, Y. N., Wang, Y. Q., Wang, Yaqian, Wang, Yi, Wang, Z., Wang, Z. L., Wang, Z. Y., Wang, Ziyi, Wei, D. H., Weidner, F., Wen, S. P., Wen, Y. R., Wiedner, U., Wilkinson, G., Wolke, M., Wollenberg, L., Wu, C., Wu, J. F., Wu, L. H., Wu, L. J., Wu, X., Wu, X. H., Wu, Y. H., Wu, Y. J., Wu, Z., Xia, L., Xian, X. M., Xiang, B. H., Xiao, D., Xiao, G. Y., Xiao, S. Y., Xiao, Y. L., Xiao, Z. J., Xie, C., Xie, X. H., Xie, Y., Xie, Y. G., Xie, Y. H., Xie, Z. P., Xing, T. Y., Xu, C. F., Xu, C. J., Xu, G. F., Xu, H. Y., Xu, M., Xu, Q. J., Xu, Q. N., Xu, W., Xu, W. L., Xu, X. P., Xu, Y., Xu, Y. C., Xu, Z. S., Yan, F., Yan, L., Yan, W. B., Yan, W. C., Yan, W. H., Yan, X. Q., Yang, H. J., Yang, H. L., Yang, H. X., Yang, J. H., Yang, T., Yang, Y., Yang, Y. F., Yang, Y. X., Yang, Z. W., Yao, Z. P., Ye, M., Ye, M. H., Yin, J. H., Yin, Junhao, You, Z. Y., Yu, B. X., Yu, C. X., Yu, G., Yu, J. S., Yu, M. C., Yu, T., Yu, X. D., Yuan, C. Z., Yuan, J., Yuan, L., Yuan, S. C., Yuan, X. Q., Yuan, Y., Yuan, Z. Y., Yue, C. X., Zafar, A. A., Zeng, F. R., Zeng, S. H., Zeng, X., Zeng, Y., Zeng, Y. J., Zhai, X. Y., Zhai, Y. C., Zhan, Y. H., Zhang, A. Q., Zhang, B. L., Zhang, B. X., Zhang, D. H., Zhang, G. Y., Zhang, H., Zhang, H. C., Zhang, H. H., Zhang, H. Q., Zhang, H. R., Zhang, H. Y., Zhang, J., Zhang, J. J., Zhang, J. L., Zhang, J. Q., Zhang, J. S., Zhang, J. W., Zhang, J. X., Zhang, J. Y., Zhang, J. Z., Zhang, Jianyu, Zhang, L. M., Zhang, Lei, Zhang, P., Zhang, Q. Y., Zhang, R. Y., Zhang, S. H., Zhang, Shulei, Zhang, X. D., Zhang, X. M., Zhang, X. Y, Zhang, X. Y., Zhang, Y., Zhang, Y. T., Zhang, Y. H., Zhang, Y. M., Zhang, Z. D., Zhang, Z. H., Zhang, Z. L., Zhang, Z. Y., Zhang, Z. Z., Zhao, G., Zhao, J. Y., Zhao, J. Z., Zhao, L., Zhao, M. G., Zhao, N., Zhao, R. P., Zhao, S. J., Zhao, Y. B., Zhao, Y. X., Zhao, Z. G., Zhemchugov, A., Zheng, B., Zheng, B. M., Zheng, J. P., Zheng, W. J., Zheng, Y. H., Zhong, B., Zhou, J. Y., Zhou, L. P., Zhou, S., Zhou, X., Zhou, X. K., Zhou, X. R., Zhou, X. Y., Zhou, Y. Z., Zhu, A. N., Zhu, J., Zhu, K., Zhu, K. J., Zhu, K. S., Zhu, L., Zhu, L. X., Zhu, S. H., Zhu, T. J., Zhu, W. D., Zhu, Y. C., Zhu, Z. A., Zou, J. H., and Zu, J.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Experiment - Abstract
We study the electromagnetic Dalitz decay $J/\psi \to e^+e^- \pi^0$ using $(10087 \pm 44) \times 10^6$ $J/\psi$ events collected by the \bes detector. The di-electron-invariant-mass dependent transition form factor of this decay is explored for the first time. A significant resonant structure corresponding to the $\rho/\omega$ resonance is observed, which cannot be described by existing theoretical models, due to contributions from the isospin-conserving $J/\psi \to \rho \pi^0$ and isospin-volating $J/\psi \to \omega \pi^0$ decays. The observed $\rho$--$\omega$ interference is consistent with that of the pion form factor but features a relatively narrow $\rho$ peak. By taking into account the contribution of this resonant structure, the branching fraction of $J/\psi \to e^+e^- \pi^0$ in the full $e^+e^-$ invariant mass spectrum range is also measured for the first time to be $(8.06 \pm 0.31 (\rm{stat}) \pm 0.38 (\rm{syst}))\times 10^{-7}$, which is two times larger than the prediction of the Vector Meson Dominance model due to the observed resonant contribution of $\rho/\omega$ resonances., Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, Submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett
- Published
- 2025
5. Environmental Factors Can Have Opposite Biodiversity Influences on the Community Temporal Stability In Aquatic Ecosystems
- Author
Wen, Zihao, Shan, Hang, Wang, Hao, Cao, Yu, He, Liang, Ren, Wenjing, Yin, Chengjie, Chou, Qingchuan, Lv, Chaochao, Su, Haojie, Tang, Tao, Cai, Qinghua, Ni, Leyi, Xiao, Wen, Zhang, Xiaolin, Li, Kuanyi, Cao, Te, Chiu, Ming-Chih, Resh, Vincent H., and Urrutia-Cordero, Pablo
- Subjects
Quantitative Biology - Populations and Evolution - Abstract
1. An understanding of how biodiversity confers ecosystem stability is crucial in managing ecosystems under major environmental changes. Multiple biodiversity drivers can stabilize ecosystem functions over time. However, we know little about how local environmental conditions can influence these biodiversity drivers, and consequently how they indirectly shape the ecological stability of ecosystems. 2. We hypothesized that environmental factors can have opposite influences (i.e., not necessarily either positive or negative) on the temporal stability of communities in different environmental ranges depending on the biodiversity drivers involved. We tested this novel hypothesis by using data from a 4-year-long field study of submerged macrophyte across a water depth gradient in 8 heterogeneous bays of Erhai lake (with total sample size of 30,071 quadrats), a large lentic system in China. 3. Results indicate that a unimodal pattern of stability in temporal biomass measurements occurred along the water-depth gradient, and that multiple biodiversity drivers (the asynchrony in species dynamics, and the stability of dominant species) generally increased the temporal stability of aquatic primary producers. However, the effect of water depth either increased or decreased the stability of biomass according to the environmental conditions associated with sites along the water depth gradient. 4. Synthesis. These results reveal the influence of local environmental conditions on the biodiversity drivers of stability may help predict the functional consequences of biodiversity change across different scenarios of environmental change.
- Published
- 2025
6. Observation of $\psi(3686) \to K^{-}\Lambda(1520)\bar{\Xi}^{+} + c.c.$
- Author
BESIII Collaboration, Ablikim, M., Achasov, M. N., Adlarson, P., Afedulidis, O., Ai, X. C., Aliberti, R., Amoroso, A., An, Q., Bai, Y., Bakina, O., Balossino, I., Ban, Y., Bao, H. -R., Batozskaya, V., Begzsuren, K., Berger, N., Berlowski, M., Bertani, M., Bettoni, D., Bianchi, F., Bianco, E., Bortone, A., Boyko, I., Briere, R. A., Brueggemann, A., Cai, H., Cai, X., Calcaterra, A., Cao, G. F., Cao, N., Cetin, S. A., Chai, X. Y., Chang, J. F., Che, G. R., Che, Y. Z., Chelkov, G., Chen, C., Chen, C. H., Chen, Chao, Chen, G., Chen, H. S., Chen, H. Y., Chen, M. L., Chen, S. J., Chen, S. L., Chen, S. M., Chen, T., Chen, X. R., Chen, X. T., Chen, Y. B., Chen, Y. Q., Chen, Z. J., Choi, S. K., Cibinetto, G., Cossio, F., Cui, J. J., Dai, H. L., Dai, J. P., Dbeyssi, A., de Boer, R. E., Dedovich, D., Deng, C. Q., Deng, Z. Y., Denig, A., Denysenko, I., Destefanis, M., De Mori, F., Ding, B., Ding, X. X., Ding, Y., Dong, J., Dong, L. Y., Dong, M. Y., Dong, X., Du, M. C., Du, S. X., Duan, Y. Y., Duan, Z. H., Egorov, P., Fan, G. F., Fan, J. J., Fan, Y. H., Fang, J., Fang, S. S., Fang, W. X., Fang, Y. Q., Farinelli, R., Fava, L., Feldbauer, F., Felici, G., Feng, C. Q., Feng, J. H., Feng, Y. T., Fritsch, M., Fu, C. D., Fu, J. L., Fu, Y. W., Gao, H., Gao, X. B., Gao, Y. N., Gao, Yang, Garbolino, S., Garzia, I., Ge, P. T., Ge, Z. W., Geng, C., Gersabeck, E. M., Gilman, A., Goetzen, K., Gong, L., Gong, W. X., Gradl, W., Gramigna, S., Greco, M., Gu, M. H., Gu, Y. T., Guan, C. Y., Guo, A. Q., Guo, L. B., Guo, M. J., Guo, R. P., Guo, Y. P., Guskov, A., Gutierrez, J., Han, K. L., Han, T. T., Hanisch, F., Hao, X. Q., Harris, F. A., He, K. K., He, K. L., Heinsius, F. H., Heinz, C. H., Heng, Y. K., Herold, C., Holtmann, T., Hong, P. C., Hou, G. Y., Hou, X. T., Hou, Y. R., Hou, Z. L., Hu, B. Y., Hu, H. M., Hu, J. F., Hu, Q. P., Hu, S. L., Hu, T., Hu, Y., Huang, G. S., Huang, K. X., Huang, L. Q., Huang, P., Huang, X. T., Huang, Y. P., Huang, Y. S., Hussain, T., Hölzken, F., Hüsken, N., der Wiesche, N. in, Jackson, J., Janchiv, S., Ji, Q., Ji, Q. P., Ji, W., Ji, X. B., Ji, X. L., Ji, Y. Y., Jia, X. Q., Jia, Z. K., Jiang, D., Jiang, H. B., Jiang, P. C., Jiang, S. S., Jiang, T. J., Jiang, X. S., Jiang, Y., Jiao, J. B., Jiao, J. K., Jiao, Z., Jin, S., Jin, Y., Jing, M. Q., Jing, X. M., Johansson, T., Kabana, S., Kalantar-Nayestanaki, N., Kang, X. L., Kang, X. S., Kavatsyuk, M., Ke, B. C., Khachatryan, V., Khoukaz, A., Kiuchi, R., Kolcu, O. B., Kopf, B., Kuessner, M., Kui, X., Kumar, N., Kupsc, A., Kühn, W., Lan, W. N., Lei, T. T., Lei, Z. H., Lellmann, M., Lenz, T., Li, C., Li, C. H., Li, Cheng, Li, D. M., Li, F., Li, G., Li, H. B., Li, H. J., Li, H. N., Li, Hui, Li, J. R., Li, J. S., Li, K., Li, K. L., Li, L. J., Li, Lei, Li, M. H., Li, P. L., Li, P. R., Li, Q. M., Li, Q. X., Li, R., Li, T., Li, T. Y., Li, W. D., Li, W. G., Li, X., Li, X. H., Li, X. L., Li, X. Y., Li, X. Z., Li, Y., Li, Y. G., Li, Z. J., Li, Z. Y., Liang, C., Liang, H., Liang, Y. F., Liang, Y. T., Liao, G. R., Liao, Y. P., Libby, J., Limphirat, A., Lin, C. C., Lin, C. X., Lin, D. X., Lin, T., Liu, B. J., Liu, B. X., Liu, C., Liu, C. X., Liu, F., Liu, F. H., Liu, Feng, Liu, G. M., Liu, H., Liu, H. B., Liu, H. H., Liu, H. M., Liu, Huihui, Liu, J. B., Liu, K., Liu, K. Y., Liu, Ke, Liu, L., Liu, L. C., Liu, Lu, Liu, M. H., Liu, P. L., Liu, Q., Liu, S. B., Liu, T., Liu, W. K., Liu, W. M., Liu, X., Liu, Y., Liu, Y. B., Liu, Z. A., Liu, Z. D., Liu, Z. Q., Lou, X. C., Lu, F. X., Lu, H. J., Lu, J. G., Lu, Y., Lu, Y. P., Lu, Z. H., Luo, C. L., Luo, J. R., Luo, M. X., Luo, T., Luo, X. L., Lyu, X. R., Lyu, Y. F., Ma, F. C., Ma, H., Ma, H. L., Ma, J. L., Ma, L. L., Ma, L. R., Ma, Q. M., Ma, R. Q., Ma, R. Y., Ma, T., Ma, X. T., Ma, X. Y., Ma, Y. M., Maas, F. E., MacKay, I., Maggiora, M., Malde, S., Mao, Y. J., Mao, Z. P., Marcello, S., Meng, Y. H., Meng, Z. X., Messchendorp, J. G., Mezzadri, G., Miao, H., Min, T. J., Mitchell, R. E., Mo, X. H., Moses, B., Muchnoi, N. Yu., Muskalla, J., Nefedov, Y., Nerling, F., Nie, L. S., Nikolaev, I. B., Ning, Z., Nisar, S., Niu, Q. L., Niu, W. D., Niu, Y., Olsen, S. L., Ouyang, Q., Pacetti, S., Pan, X., Pan, Y., Pathak, A., Pei, Y. P., Pelizaeus, M., Peng, H. P., Peng, Y. Y., Peters, K., Ping, J. L., Ping, R. G., Plura, S., Prasad, V., Qi, F. Z., Qi, H. R., Qi, M., Qian, S., Qian, W. B., Qiao, C. F., Qiao, J. H., Qin, J. J., Qin, L. Q., Qin, L. Y., Qin, X. P., Qin, X. S., Qin, Z. H., Qiu, J. F., Qu, Z. H., Redmer, C. F., Ren, K. J., Rivetti, A., Rolo, M., Rong, G., Rosner, Ch., Ruan, M. Q., Ruan, S. N., Salone, N., Sarantsev, A., Schelhaas, Y., Schoenning, K., Scodeggio, M., Shan, K. Y., Shan, W., Shan, X. Y., Shang, Z. J., Shangguan, J. F., Shao, L. G., Shao, M., Shen, C. P., Shen, H. F., Shen, W. H., Shen, X. Y., Shi, B. A., Shi, H., Shi, J. L., Shi, J. Y., Shi, S. Y., Shi, X., Song, J. J., Song, T. Z., Song, W. M., Song, Y. J., Song, Y. X., Sosio, S., Spataro, S., Stieler, F., Su, S. S, Su, Y. J., Sun, G. B., Sun, G. X., Sun, H., Sun, H. K., Sun, J. F., Sun, K., Sun, L., Sun, S. S., Sun, T., Sun, Y. J., Sun, Y. Z., Sun, Z. Q., Sun, Z. T., Tang, C. J., Tang, G. Y., Tang, J., Tang, M., Tang, Y. A., Tao, L. Y., Tat, M., Teng, J. X., Thoren, V., Tian, W. H., Tian, Y., Tian, Z. F., Uman, I., Wan, Y., Wang, S. J., Wang, B., Wang, Bo, Wang, C., Wang, D. Y., Wang, H. J., Wang, J. J., Wang, J. P., Wang, K., Wang, L. L., Wang, L. W., Wang, M., Wang, N. Y., Wang, S., Wang, T., Wang, T. J., Wang, W., Wang, W. P., Wang, X., Wang, X. F., Wang, X. J., Wang, X. L., Wang, X. N., Wang, Y., Wang, Y. D., Wang, Y. F., Wang, Y. H., Wang, Y. L., Wang, Y. N., Wang, Y. Q., Wang, Yaqian, Wang, Yi, Wang, Z., Wang, Z. L., Wang, Z. Y., Wei, D. H., Weidner, F., Wen, S. P., Wen, Y. R., Wiedner, U., Wilkinson, G., Wolke, M., Wollenberg, L., Wu, C., Wu, J. F., Wu, L. H., Wu, L. J., Wu, Lianjie, Wu, X., Wu, X. H., Wu, Y. H., Wu, Y. J., Wu, Z., Xia, L., Xian, X. M., Xiang, B. H., Xiang, T., Xiao, D., Xiao, G. Y., Xiao, H., Xiao, Y. L., Xiao, Z. J., Xie, C., Xie, X. H., Xie, Y., Xie, Y. G., Xie, Y. H., Xie, Z. P., Xing, T. Y., Xu, C. F., Xu, C. J., Xu, G. F., Xu, M., Xu, Q. J., Xu, Q. N., Xu, W. L., Xu, X. P., Xu, Y., Xu, Y. C., Xu, Z. S., Yan, F., Yan, L., Yan, W. B., Yan, W. C., Yan, W. P., Yan, X. Q., Yang, H. J., Yang, H. L., Yang, H. X., Yang, J. H., Yang, R. J., Yang, T., Yang, Y., Yang, Y. F., Yang, Y. X., Yang, Y. Z., Yang, Z. W., Yao, Z. P., Ye, M., Ye, M. H., Yin, Junhao, You, Z. Y., Yu, B. X., Yu, C. X., Yu, G., Yu, J. S., Yu, M. C., Yu, T., Yu, X. D., Yuan, C. Z., Yuan, J., Yuan, L., Yuan, S. C., Yuan, Y., Yuan, Z. Y., Yue, C. X., Yue, Ying, Zafar, A. A., Zeng, F. R., Zeng, S. H., Zeng, X., Zeng, Y., Zeng, Y. J., Zhai, X. Y., Zhai, Y. C., Zhan, Y. H., Zhang, A. Q., Zhang, B. L., Zhang, B. X., Zhang, D. H., Zhang, G. Y., Zhang, H., Zhang, H. C., Zhang, H. H., Zhang, H. Q., Zhang, H. R., Zhang, H. Y., Zhang, J., Zhang, J. J., Zhang, J. L., Zhang, J. Q., Zhang, J. S., Zhang, J. W., Zhang, J. X., Zhang, J. Y., Zhang, J. Z., Zhang, Jianyu, Zhang, L. M., Zhang, Lei, Zhang, P., Zhang, Q., Zhang, Q. Y., Zhang, R. Y., Zhang, S. H., Zhang, Shulei, Zhang, X. M., Zhang, X. Y, Zhang, X. Y., Zhang, Y., Zhang, Y. T., Zhang, Y. H., Zhang, Y. M., Zhang, Yan, Zhang, Z. D., Zhang, Z. H., Zhang, Z. L., Zhang, Z. X., Zhang, Z. Y., Zhang, Z. Z., Zhang, Zh. Zh., Zhao, G., Zhao, J. Y., Zhao, J. Z., Zhao, L., Zhao, Lei, Zhao, M. G., Zhao, N., Zhao, R. P., Zhao, S. J., Zhao, Y. B., Zhao, Y. X., Zhao, Z. G., Zhemchugov, A., Zheng, B., Zheng, B. M., Zheng, J. P., Zheng, W. J., Zheng, X. R., Zheng, Y. H., Zhong, B., Zhong, X., Zhou, H., Zhou, J. Y., Zhou, S., Zhou, X., Zhou, X. K., Zhou, X. R., Zhou, X. Y., Zhou, Y. Z., Zhou, Z. C., Zhu, A. N., Zhu, J., Zhu, K., Zhu, K. J., Zhu, K. S., Zhu, L., Zhu, L. X., Zhu, S. H., Zhu, T. J., Zhu, W. D., Zhu, W. J., Zhu, W. Z., Zhu, Y. C., Zhu, Z. A., Zou, J. H., and Zu, J.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Experiment - Abstract
Based on $(2712.4 \pm 14.3)\times 10^6$ $\psi(3686)$ events collected at the BESIII detector operating at the BEPCII collider, we present the first observation of the decay $\psi(3686) \to K^{-}\Lambda(1520)\bar{\Xi}^{+} + c.c.$. The product branching fraction ${\cal B}[\psi(3686) \to K^{-}\Lambda(1520)\bar{\Xi}^{+} + c.c.] \times {\cal B}[\Lambda(1520) \to pK^{-}]$ is measured to be $(9.5 \pm 0.8 \pm 1.1) \times 10^{-7}$, where the first uncertainty is statistical and the second systematic.
- Published
- 2025
7. Search for $\eta_c(2S)\to p\bar{p}K^+K^-$ and measurement of $\chi_{cJ}\to p\bar{p}K^+K^-$ in $\psi(3686)$ radiative decays
- Author
Ablikim, M., Achasov, M. N., Adlarson, P., Afedulidis, O., Ai, X. C., Aliberti, R., Amoroso, A., Bai, Y., Bakina, O., Balossino, I., Ban, Y., Bao, H. -R., Batozskaya, V., Begzsuren, K., Berger, N., Berlowski, M., Bertani, M., Bettoni, D., Bianchi, F., Bianco, E., Bortone, A., Boyko, I., Briere, R. A., Brueggemann, A., Cai, H., Cai, X., Calcaterra, A., Cao, G. F., Cao, N., Cetin, S. A., Chai, X. Y., Chang, J. F., Che, G. R., Che, Y. Z., Chelkov, G., Chen, C., Chen, C. H., Chen, Chao, Chen, G., Chen, H. S., Chen, H. Y., Chen, M. L., Chen, S. J., Chen, S. L., Chen, S. M., Chen, T., Chen, X. R., Chen, X. T., Chen, Y. B., Chen, Y. Q., Chen, Z. J., Choi, S. K., Cibinetto, G., Cossio, F., Cui, J. J., Dai, H. L., Dai, J. P., Dbeyssi, A., de Boer, R. E., Dedovich, D., Deng, C. Q., Deng, Z. Y., Denig, A., Denysenko, I., Destefanis, M., De Mori, F., Ding, B., Ding, X. X., Ding, Y., Dong, J., Dong, L. Y., Dong, M. Y., Dong, X., Du, M. C., Du, S. X., Duan, Y. Y., Duan, Z. H., Egorov, P., Fan, G. F., Fan, J. J., Fan, Y. H., Fang, J., Fang, S. S., Fang, W. X., Fang, Y. Q., Farinelli, R., Fava, L., Feldbauer, F., Felici, G., Feng, C. Q., Feng, J. H., Feng, Y. T., Fritsch, M., Fu, C. D., Fu, J. L., Fu, Y. W., Gao, H., Gao, X. B., Gao, Y. N., Gao, Yang, Garbolino, S., Garzia, I., Ge, P. T., Ge, Z. W., Geng, C., Gersabeck, E. M., Gilman, A., Goetzen, K., Gong, L., Gong, W. X., Gradl, W., Gramigna, S., Greco, M., Gu, M. H., Gu, Y. T., Guan, C. Y., Guo, A. Q., Guo, L. B., Guo, M. J., Guo, R. P., Guo, Y. P., Guskov, A., Gutierrez, J., Han, K. L., Han, T. T., Hanisch, F., Hao, X. Q., Harris, F. A., He, K. K., He, K. L., Heinsius, F. H., Heinz, C. H., Heng, Y. K., Herold, C., Holtmann, T., Hong, P. C., Hou, G. Y., Hou, X. T., Hou, Y. R., Hou, Z. L., Hu, B. Y., Hu, H. M., Hu, J. F., Hu, Q. P., Hu, S. L., Hu, T., Hu, Y., Huang, G. S., Huang, K. X., Huang, L. Q., Huang, P., Huang, X. T., Huang, Y. P., Huang, Y. S., Hussain, T., H"olzken, F., H"usken, N., der Wiesche, N. in, Jackson, J., Janchiv, S., Ji, Q., Ji, Q. P., Ji, W., Ji, X. B., Ji, X. L., Ji, Y. Y., Jia, X. Q., Jia, Z. K., Jiang, D., Jiang, H. B., Jiang, P. C., Jiang, S. S., Jiang, T. J., Jiang, X. S., Jiang, Y., Jiao, J. B., Jiao, J. K., Jiao, Z., Jin, S., Jin, Y., Jing, M. Q., Jing, X. M., Johansson, T., Kabana, S., Kalantar-Nayestanaki, N., Kang, X. L., Kang, X. S., Kavatsyuk, M., Ke, B. C., Khachatryan, V., Khoukaz, A., Kiuchi, R., Kolcu, O. B., Kopf, B., Kuessner, M., Kui, X., Kumar, N., Kupsc, A., K"uhn, W., Lan, W. N., Lei, T. T., Lei, Z. H., Lellmann, M., Lenz, T., Li, C., Li, C. H., Li, Cheng, Li, D. M., Li, F., Li, G., Li, H. B., Li, H. J., Li, H. N., Li, Hui, Li, J. R., Li, J. S., Li, K., Li, K. L., Li, L. J., Li, Lei, Li, M. H., Li, P. L., Li, P. R., Li, Q. M., Li, Q. X., Li, R., Li, T., Li, T. Y., Li, W. D., Li, W. G., Li, X., Li, X. H., Li, X. L., Li, X. Y., Li, X. Z., Li, Y., Li, Y. G., Li, Z. J., Li, Z. Y., Liang, C., Liang, H., Liang, Y. F., Liang, Y. T., Liao, G. R., Liao, Y. P., Libby, J., Limphirat, A., Lin, C. C., Lin, C. X., Lin, D. X., Lin, T., Liu, B. J., Liu, B. X., Liu, C., Liu, C. X., Liu, F., Liu, F. H., Liu, Feng, Liu, G. M., Liu, H., Liu, H. B., Liu, H. H., Liu, H. M., Liu, Huihui, Liu, J. B., Liu, K., Liu, K. Y., Liu, Ke, Liu, L., Liu, L. C., Liu, Lu, Liu, M. H., Liu, P. L., Liu, Q., Liu, S. B., Liu, T., Liu, W. K., Liu, W. M., Liu, X., Liu, Y., Liu, Y. B., Liu, Z. A., Liu, Z. D., Liu, Z. Q., Lou, X. C., Lu, F. X., Lu, H. J., Lu, J. G., Lu, Y., Lu, Y. P., Lu, Z. H., Luo, C. L., Luo, J. R., Luo, M. X., Luo, T., Luo, X. L., Lyu, X. R., Lyu, Y. F., Ma, F. C., Ma, H., Ma, H. L., Ma, J. L., Ma, L. L., Ma, L. R., Ma, Q. M., Ma, R. Q., Ma, R. Y., Ma, T., Ma, X. T., Ma, X. Y., Ma, Y. M., Maas, F. E., MacKay, I., Maggiora, M., Malde, S., Mao, Y. J., Mao, Z. P., Marcello, S., Meng, Y. H., Meng, Z. X., Messchendorp, J. G., Mezzadri, G., Miao, H., Min, T. J., Mitchell, R. E., Mo, X. H., Moses, B., Muchnoi, N. Yu., Muskalla, J., Nefedov, Y., Nerling, F., Nie, L. S., Nikolaev, I. B., Ning, Z., Nisar, S., Niu, Q. L., Niu, W. D., Niu, Y., Olsen, S. L., Ouyang, Q., Pacetti, S., Pan, X., Pan, Y., Pathak, A., Pei, Y. P., Pelizaeus, M., Peng, H. P., Peng, Y. Y., Peters, K., Ping, J. L., Ping, R. G., Plura, S., Prasad, V., Qi, F. Z., Qi, H. R., Qi, M., Qian, S., Qian, W. B., Qiao, C. F., Qiao, J. H., Qin, J. J., Qin, L. Q., Qin, L. Y., Qin, X. P., Qin, X. S., Qin, Z. H., Qiu, J. F., Qu, Z. H., Redmer, C. F., Ren, K. J., Rivetti, A., Rolo, M., Rong, G., Rosner, Ch., Ruan, M. Q., Ruan, S. N., Salone, N., Sarantsev, A., Schelhaas, Y., Schoenning, K., Scodeggio, M., Shan, K. Y., Shan, W., Shan, X. Y., Shang, Z. J., Shangguan, J. F., Shao, L. G., Shao, M., Shen, C. P., Shen, H. F., Shen, W. H., Shen, X. Y., Shi, B. A., Shi, H., Shi, J. L., Shi, J. Y., Shi, S. Y., Shi, X., Song, J. J., Song, T. Z., Song, W. M., Song, Y. J., Song, Y. X., Sosio, S., Spataro, S., Stieler, F., Su, S. S, Su, Y. J., Sun, G. B., Sun, G. X., Sun, H., Sun, H. K., Sun, J. F., Sun, K., Sun, L., Sun, S. S., Sun, T., Sun, Y. J., Sun, Y. Z., Sun, Z. Q., Sun, Z. T., Tang, C. J., Tang, G. Y., Tang, J., Tang, M., Tang, Y. A., Tao, L. Y., Tat, M., Teng, J. X., Thoren, V., Tian, W. H., Tian, Y., Tian, Z. F., Uman, I., Wan, Y., Wang, S. J., Wang, B., Wang, Bo, Wang, C., Wang, D. Y., Wang, H. J., Wang, J. J., Wang, J. P., Wang, K., Wang, L. L., Wang, L. W., Wang, M., Wang, N. Y., Wang, S., Wang, T., Wang, T. J., Wang, W., Wang, W. P., Wang, X., Wang, X. F., Wang, X. J., Wang, X. L., Wang, X. N., Wang, Y., Wang, Y. D., Wang, Y. F., Wang, Y. H., Wang, Y. L., Wang, Y. N., Wang, Y. Q., Wang, Yaqian, Wang, Yi, Wang, Z., Wang, Z. L., Wang, Z. Y., Wei, D. H., Weidner, F., Wen, S. P., Wen, Y. R., Wiedner, U., Wilkinson, G., Wolke, M., Wollenberg, L., Wu, C., Wu, J. F., Wu, L. H., Wu, L. J., Wu, Lianjie, Wu, X., Wu, X. H., Wu, Y. H., Wu, Y. J., Wu, Z., Xia, L., Xian, X. M., Xiang, B. H., Xiang, T., Xiao, D., Xiao, G. Y., Xiao, H., Xiao, Y. L., Xiao, Z. J., Xie, C., Xie, X. H., Xie, Y., Xie, Y. G., Xie, Y. H., Xie, Z. P., Xing, T. Y., Xu, C. F., Xu, C. J., Xu, G. F., Xu, M., Xu, Q. J., Xu, Q. N., Xu, W. L., Xu, X. P., Xu, Y., Xu, Y. C., Xu, Z. S., Yan, F., Yan, L., Yan, W. B., Yan, W. C., Yan, W. P., Yan, X. Q., Yang, H. J., Yang, H. L., Yang, H. X., Yang, J. H., Yang, R. J., Yang, T., Yang, Y., Yang, Y. F., Yang, Y. X., Yang, Y. Z., Yang, Z. W., Yao, Z. P., Ye, M., Ye, M. H., Yin, Junhao, You, Z. Y., Yu, B. X., Yu, C. X., Yu, G., Yu, J. S., Yu, M. C., Yu, T., Yu, X. D., Yuan, C. Z., Yuan, J., Yuan, L., Yuan, S. C., Yuan, Y., Yuan, Z. Y., Yue, C. X., Yue, Ying, Zafar, A. A., Zeng, F. R., Zeng, S. H., Zeng, X., Zeng, Y., Zeng, Y. J., Zhai, X. Y., Zhai, Y. C., Zhan, Y. H., Zhang, A. Q., Zhang, B. L., Zhang, B. X., Zhang, D. H., Zhang, G. Y., Zhang, H., Zhang, H. C., Zhang, H. H., Zhang, H. Q., Zhang, H. R., Zhang, H. Y., Zhang, J., Zhang, J. J., Zhang, J. L., Zhang, J. Q., Zhang, J. S., Zhang, J. W., Zhang, J. X., Zhang, J. Y., Zhang, J. Z., Zhang, Jianyu, Zhang, L. M., Zhang, Lei, Zhang, P., Zhang, Q., Zhang, Q. Y., Zhang, R. Y., Zhang, S. H., Zhang, Shulei, Zhang, X. M., Zhang, X. Y, Zhang, X. Y., Zhang, Y., Zhang, Y. T., Zhang, Y. H., Zhang, Y. M., Zhang, Yan, Zhang, Z. D., Zhang, Z. H., Zhang, Z. L., Zhang, Z. X., Zhang, Z. Y., Zhang, Z. Z., Zhang, Zh. Zh., Zhao, G., Zhao, J. Y., Zhao, J. Z., Zhao, L., Zhao, Lei, Zhao, M. G., Zhao, N., Zhao, R. P., Zhao, S. J., Zhao, Y. B., Zhao, Y. X., Zhao, Z. G., Zhemchugov, A., Zheng, B., Zheng, B. M., Zheng, J. P., Zheng, W. J., Zheng, X. R., Zheng, Y. H., Zhong, B., Zhong, X., Zhou, H., Zhou, J. Y., Zhou, S., Zhou, X., Zhou, X. K., Zhou, X. R., Zhou, X. Y., Zhou, Y. Z., Zhou, Z. C., Zhu, A. N., Zhu, J., Zhu, K., Zhu, K. J., Zhu, K. S., Zhu, L., Zhu, L. X., Zhu, S. H., Zhu, T. J., Zhu, W. D., Zhu, W. Z., Zhu, Y. C., Zhu, Z. A., Zou, J. H., and Zu, J.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Experiment - Abstract
A search for $\eta_c(2S)\to p\bar{p}K^+K^-$, together with measurement of branching fractions of $\chi_{cJ(J=0,1,2)}\to p\bar{p}K^+K^-$ in the $\psi(3686) \to \gamma \eta_c(2S)$ and the $\psi(3686) \to \gamma \chi_{cJ}$ radiative decays, is performed with $(2712.4\pm14.3)\times 10^6$ $\psi(3686)$ events collected with the BESIII detector at the BEPCII collider. An evidence for $\eta_c(2S)\to p\bar{p}K^+K^-$ is found, with a significance of $3.3\sigma$. The product branching fraction of $\mathcal{B}[\psi(3686)\to\gamma\eta_c(2S)]\cdot\mathcal{B}[\eta_c(2S)\to p\bar{p}K^+K^-]$ is determined to be $(1.98\mkern 2mu\pm\mkern 2mu0.41_{\text{stat.}}\mkern 2mu\pm\mkern 2mu0.99_{\text{syst.}})\times 10^{-7}$. The product branching fractions of $\mathcal{B}[\psi(3686)\to\gamma\chi_{cJ}]\cdot\mathcal{B}[\chi_{cJ}\to p\bar{p}K^+K^-]$ are measured to be $(2.49\mkern 2mu\pm\mkern 2mu 0.03_{\text{stat.}}\mkern 2mu\pm\mkern 2mu 0.15_{\text{syst.}})\times 10^{-5}$, $(1.83\mkern 2mu \pm\mkern 2mu 0.02_{\text{stat.}}\mkern 2mu \pm\mkern 2mu 0.11_{\text{syst.}})\times 10^{-5}$, and $(2.43\mkern 2mu\pm\mkern 2mu 0.02_{\text{stat.}}\mkern 2mu\pm\mkern 2mu 0.15_{\text{syst.}})\times 10^{-5}$, for $J=0,\ 1$, and 2, respectively., Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures
- Published
- 2025
8. Visualization of intervalley coherent phase in PtSe2/HOPG heterojunction
- Author
Fan, Kai, Li, Bohao, Qiu, Wen-Xuan, Guo, Ting-Fei, Zhou, Jian-Wang, Xie, Tao, Zhang, Wen-Hao, Liu, Chao-Fei, Wu, Fengcheng, and Fu, Ying-Shuang
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics ,Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons - Abstract
Intervalley coherent (IVC) phase in graphene systems arises from the coherent superposition of wave functions of opposite valleys, whose direct microscopic visualization provides pivotal insight into the emergent physics but remains elusive. Here, we successfully visualize the IVC phase in a heterostructure of monolayer PtSe2 on highly oriented pyrolytic graphite. Using spectroscopic imaging scanning tunneling microscopy, we observe a Root3 by Root3 modulation pattern superimposed on the higher-order moire superlattice of the heterostructure, which correlates with a small gap opening around the Fermi level and displays an anti-phase real-space conductance distribution of the two gap edges. Such modulation pattern and small-gap vanish on the heterostructure of monolayer PtSe2 on bilayer-graphene-covered SiC substrate, due to the increased carrier density in the bilayer graphene. We provide a theoretical mechanism that the Root3 by Root3 modulation pattern originates from the IVC phase of few-layer graphene, which is magnified by the higher-order moire superlattice. Our work achieves visualization of the IVC phase, and develops an avenue for its generation and amplification via a moir\'e interface., Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures
- Published
- 2025
9. Measurement of Born cross section of $e^+e^-\to\Sigma^0\bar{\Sigma}^0$ at $\sqrt{s} = 3.50-4.95$ GeV
- Author
BESIII Collaboration, Ablikim, M., Achasov, M. N., Adlarson, P., Afedulidis, O., Ai, X. C., Aliberti, R., Amoroso, A., Bai, Y., Bakina, O., Balossino, I., Ban, Y., Bao, H. -R., Batozskaya, V., Begzsuren, K., Berger, N., Berlowski, M., Bertani, M., Bettoni, D., Bianchi, F., Bianco, E., Bortone, A., Boyko, I., Briere, R. A., Brueggemann, A., Cai, H., Cai, M. H., Cai, X., Calcaterra, A., Cao, G. F., Cao, N., Cetin, S. A., Chai, X. Y., Chang, J. F., Che, G. R., Che, Y. Z., Chelkov, G., Chen, C., Chen, C. H., Chen, Chao, Chen, G., Chen, H. S., Chen, H. Y., Chen, M. L., Chen, S. J., Chen, S. L., Chen, S. M., Chen, T., Chen, X. R., Chen, X. T., Chen, Y. B., Chen, Y. Q., Chen, Z. J., Chen, Z. Y., Choi, S. K., Cibinetto, G., Cossio, F., Cui, J. J., Dai, H. L., Dai, J. P., Dbeyssi, A., de Boer, R. E., Dedovich, D., Deng, C. Q., Deng, Z. Y., Denig, A., Denysenko, I., Destefanis, M., De Mori, F., Ding, B., Ding, X. X., Ding, Y., Dong, J., Dong, L. Y., Dong, M. Y., Dong, X., Du, M. C., Du, S. X., Duan, Y. Y., Duan, Z. H., Egorov, P., Fan, Y. H., Fang, J., Fang, S. S., Fang, W. X., Fang, Y., Fang, Y. Q., Farinelli, R., Fava, L., Feldbauer, F., Felici, G., Feng, C. Q., Feng, J. H., Feng, Y. T., Fritsch, M., Fu, C. D., Fu, J. L., Fu, Y. W., Gao, H., Gao, X. B., Gao, Y. N., Gao, Yang, Garbolino, S., Garzia, I., Ge, L., Ge, P. T., Ge, Z. W., Geng, C., Gersabeck, E. M., Gilman, A., Goetzen, K., Gong, L., Gong, W. X., Gradl, W., Gramigna, S., Greco, M., Gu, M. H., Gu, Y. T., Guan, C. Y., Guo, A. Q., Guo, L. B., Guo, M. J., Guo, R. P., Guo, Y. P., Guskov, A., Gutierrez, J., Han, K. L., Han, T. T., Hanisch, F., Hao, X. Q., Harris, F. A., He, K. K., He, K. L., Heinsius, F. H., Heinz, C. H., Heng, Y. K., Herold, C., Holtmann, T., Hong, P. C., Hou, G. Y., Hou, X. T., Hou, Y. R., Hou, Z. L., Hu, B. Y., Hu, H. M., Hu, J. F., Hu, Q. P., Hu, S. L., Hu, T., Hu, Y., Huang, G. S., Huang, K. X., Huang, L. Q., Huang, X. T., Huang, Y. P., Huang, Y. S., Hussain, T., Hölzken, F., Hüsken, N., der Wiesche, N. in, Jackson, J., Janchiv, S., Jeong, J. H., Ji, Q., Ji, Q. P., Ji, W., Ji, X. B., Ji, X. L., Ji, Y. Y., Jia, X. Q., Jia, Z. K., Jiang, D., Jiang, H. B., Jiang, P. C., Jiang, S. S., Jiang, T. J., Jiang, X. S., Jiang, Y., Jiao, J. B., Jiao, J. K., Jiao, Z., Jin, S., Jin, Y., Jing, M. Q., Jing, X. M., Johansson, T., Kabana, S., Kalantar-Nayestanaki, N., Kang, X. L., Kang, X. S., Kavatsyuk, M., Ke, B. C., Khachatryan, V., Khoukaz, A., Kiuchi, R., Kolcu, O. B., Kopf, B., Kuessner, M., Kui, X., Kumar, N., Kupsc, A., Kühn, W., Lavezzi, L., Lei, T. T., Lei, Z. H., Lellmann, M., Lenz, T., Li, C., Li, C. H., Li, Cheng, Li, D. M., Li, F., Li, G., Li, H. B., Li, H. J., Li, H. N., Li, Hui, Li, J. R., Li, J. S., Li, K., Li, K. L., Li, L. J., Li, L. K., Li, Lei, Li, M. H., Li, P. R., Li, Q. M., Li, Q. X., Li, R., Li, S. X., Li, T., Li, T. Y., Li, W. D., Li, W. G., Li, X., Li, X. H., Li, X. L., Li, X. Y., Li, X. Z., Li, Y. G., Li, Z. J., Li, Z. Y., Liang, C., Liang, H., Liang, Y. F., Liang, Y. T., Liao, G. R., Liao, Y. P., Libby, J., Limphirat, A., Lin, C. C., Lin, C. X., Lin, D. X., Lin, T., Liu, B. J., Liu, B. X., Liu, C., Liu, C. X., Liu, F., Liu, F. H., Liu, Feng, Liu, G. M., Liu, H., Liu, H. B., Liu, H. H., Liu, H. M., Liu, Huihui, Liu, J. B., Liu, J. Y., Liu, K., Liu, K. Y., Liu, Ke, Liu, L., Liu, L. C., Liu, Lu, Liu, M. H., Liu, P. L., Liu, Q., Liu, S. B., Liu, T., Liu, W. K., Liu, W. M., Liu, X., Liu, Y., Liu, Y. B., Liu, Z. A., Liu, Z. D., Liu, Z. Q., Lou, X. C., Lu, F. X., Lu, H. J., Lu, J. G., Lu, X. L., Lu, Y., Lu, Y. P., Lu, Z. H., Luo, C. L., Luo, J. R., Luo, M. X., Luo, T., Luo, X. L., Lyu, X. R., Lyu, Y. F., Ma, F. C., Ma, H., Ma, H. L., Ma, J. L., Ma, L. L., Ma, L. R., Ma, M. M., Ma, Q. M., Ma, R. Q., Ma, T., Ma, X. T., Ma, X. Y., Ma, Y. M., Maas, F. E., MacKay, I., Maggiora, M., Malde, S., Mao, Y. J., Mao, Z. P., Marcello, S., Meng, Z. X., Messchendorp, J. G., Mezzadri, G., Miao, H., Min, T. J., Mitchell, R. E., Mo, X. H., Moses, B., Muchnoi, N. Yu., Muskalla, J., Nefedov, Y., Nerling, F., Nie, L. S., Nikolaev, I. B., Ning, Z., Nisar, S., Niu, Q. L., Niu, W. D., Niu, Y., Olsen, S. L., Ouyang, Q., Pacetti, S., Pan, X., Pan, Y., Pathak, A., Pei, Y. P., Pelizaeus, M., Peng, H. P., Peng, Y. Y., Peters, K., Ping, J. L., Ping, R. G., Plura, S., Prasad, V., Qi, F. Z., Qi, H., Qi, H. R., Qi, M., Qi, T. Y., Qian, S., Qian, W. B., Qiao, C. F., Qiao, X. K., Qin, J. J., Qin, L. Q., Qin, L. Y., Qin, X. P., Qin, X. S., Qin, Z. H., Qiu, J. F., Qu, Z. H., Redmer, C. F., Ren, K. J., Rivetti, A., Rolo, M., Rong, G., Rosner, Ch., Ruan, M. Q., Ruan, S. N., Salone, N., Sarantsev, A., Schelhaas, Y., Schoenning, K., Scodeggio, M., Shan, K. Y., Shan, W., Shan, X. Y., Shang, Z. J., Shangguan, J. F., Shao, L. G., Shao, M., Shen, C. P., Shen, H. F., Shen, W. H., Shen, X. Y., Shi, B. A., Shi, H., Shi, J. L., Shi, J. Y., Shi, Q. Q., Shi, S. Y., Shi, X., Song, J. J., Song, T. Z., Song, W. M., Song, Y. J., Song, Y. X., Sosio, S., Spataro, S., Stieler, F., Su, S. S, Su, Y. J., Sun, G. B., Sun, G. X., Sun, H., Sun, H. K., Sun, J. F., Sun, K., Sun, L., Sun, S. S., Sun, T., Sun, W. Y., Sun, Y., Sun, Y. J., Sun, Y. Z., Sun, Z. Q., Sun, Z. T., Tang, C. J., Tang, G. Y., Tang, J., Tang, M., Tang, Y. A., Tao, L. Y., Tao, Q. T., Tat, M., Teng, J. X., Thoren, V., Tian, W. H., Tian, Y., Tian, Z. F., Uman, I., Wan, Y., Wang, S. J., Wang, B., Wang, B. L., Wang, Bo, Wang, D. Y., Wang, F., Wang, H. J., Wang, J. J., Wang, J. P., Wang, K., Wang, L. L., Wang, M., Wang, N. Y., Wang, S., Wang, T., Wang, T. J., Wang, W., Wang, W. P., Wang, X., Wang, X. F., Wang, X. J., Wang, X. L., Wang, X. N., Wang, Y., Wang, Y. D., Wang, Y. F., Wang, Y. H., Wang, Y. L., Wang, Y. N., Wang, Y. Q., Wang, Yaqian, Wang, Yi, Wang, Z., Wang, Z. L., Wang, Z. Y., Wang, Ziyi, Wei, D. H., Weidner, F., Wen, S. P., Wen, Y. R., Wiedner, U., Wilkinson, G., Wolke, M., Wollenberg, L., Wu, C., Wu, J. F., Wu, L. H., Wu, L. J., Wu, X., Wu, X. H., Wu, Y., Wu, Y. H., Wu, Y. J., Wu, Z., Xia, L., Xian, X. M., Xiang, B. H., Xiang, T., Xiao, D., Xiao, G. Y., Xiao, S. Y., Xiao, Y. L., Xiao, Z. J., Xie, C., Xie, X. H., Xie, Y., Xie, Y. G., Xie, Y. H., Xie, Z. P., Xing, T. Y., Xu, C. F., Xu, C. J., Xu, G. F., Xu, H. Y., Xu, M., Xu, Q. J., Xu, Q. N., Xu, W., Xu, W. L., Xu, X. P., Xu, Y., Xu, Y. C., Xu, Z. S., Yan, F., Yan, L., Yan, W. B., Yan, W. C., Yan, X. Q., Yang, H. J., Yang, H. L., Yang, H. X., Yang, J. H., Yang, T., Yang, Y., Yang, Y. F., Yang, Y. X., Yang, Z. W., Yao, Z. P., Ye, M., Ye, M. H., Yin, J. H., Yin, Junhao, You, Z. Y., Yu, B. X., Yu, C. X., Yu, G., Yu, J. S., Yu, M. C., Yu, T., Yu, X. D., Yu, Y. C., Yuan, C. Z., Yuan, J., Yuan, L., Yuan, S. C., Yuan, Y., Yuan, Z. Y., Yue, C. X., Zafar, A. A., Zeng, F. R., Zeng, S. H., Zeng, X., Zeng, Y., Zeng, Y. J., Zhai, X. Y., Zhai, Y. C., Zhan, Y. H., Zhang, A. Q., Zhang, B. L., Zhang, B. X., Zhang, D. H., Zhang, G. Y., Zhang, H., Zhang, H. C., Zhang, H. H., Zhang, H. Q., Zhang, H. R., Zhang, H. Y., Zhang, J., Zhang, J. J., Zhang, J. L., Zhang, J. Q., Zhang, J. S., Zhang, J. W., Zhang, J. X., Zhang, J. Y., Zhang, J. Z., Zhang, Jianyu, Zhang, L. M., Zhang, Lei, Zhang, P., Zhang, Q. Y., Zhang, R. Y., Zhang, S. H., Zhang, Shulei, Zhang, X. M., Zhang, X. Y, Zhang, X. Y., Zhang, Y., Zhang, Y. T., Zhang, Y. H., Zhang, Y. M., Zhang, Yan, Zhang, Z. D., Zhang, Z. H., Zhang, Z. L., Zhang, Z. Y., Zhang, Z. Z., Zhao, G., Zhao, J. Y., Zhao, J. Z., Zhao, L., Zhao, Lei, Zhao, M. G., Zhao, N., Zhao, R. P., Zhao, S. J., Zhao, Y. B., Zhao, Y. X., Zhao, Z. G., Zhemchugov, A., Zheng, B., Zheng, B. M., Zheng, J. P., Zheng, W. J., Zheng, Y. H., Zhong, B., Zhong, X., Zhou, H., Zhou, J. Y., Zhou, L. P., Zhou, S., Zhou, X., Zhou, X. K., Zhou, X. R., Zhou, X. Y., Zhou, Y. Z., Zhou, Z. C., Zhu, A. N., Zhu, J., Zhu, K., Zhu, K. J., Zhu, K. S., Zhu, L., Zhu, L. X., Zhu, S. H., Zhu, T. J., Zhu, W. D., Zhu, Y. C., Zhu, Z. A., Zou, J. H., and Zu, J.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Experiment - Abstract
Using $e^+e^-$ collision data collected with the BESIII detector at the BEPCII collider at thirty-two center-of-mass energies from 3.50 to 4.95 GeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 25 $\rm{fb^{-1}}$, we measure the Born cross section of the $e^+e^-\to\Sigma^0\bar{\Sigma}^0$ reaction and the effective form factor. No significant charmonium(-like) state, i.e., $\psi(3770)$, $\psi(4040)$, $\psi(4160)$, $\psi(4230)$, $\psi(4360)$, $\psi(4415)$, or $\psi(4660)$, decaying into the $\Sigma^0\bar{\Sigma}^0$ final state is observed by fitting the $e^+e^- \to \Sigma^0\bar{\Sigma}^0$ dressed cross section. The upper limits for the product of the branching fraction and the electronic partial width at the 90% confidence level are provided for each assumed charmonium(-like) state. In addition, the ratios of the Born cross section and the effective form factor between the $e^+e^-\to\Sigma^0\bar{\Sigma}^0$ and the $e^+e^-\to\Sigma^+\bar{\Sigma}^-$ reactions are provided, which can be used to validate the prediction of the vector meson dominance model., Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, 1 Supplemental Material
- Published
- 2024
10. Defending Against Network Attacks for Secure AI Agent Migration in Vehicular Metaverses
- Author
Wen, Xinru, Wen, Jinbo, Xiao, Ming, Kang, Jiawen, Zhang, Tao, Li, Xiaohuan, Chen, Chuanxi, and Niyato, Dusit
- Subjects
Computer Science - Networking and Internet Architecture - Abstract
Vehicular metaverses, blending traditional vehicular networks with metaverse technology, are expected to revolutionize fields such as autonomous driving. As virtual intelligent assistants in vehicular metaverses, Artificial Intelligence (AI) agents powered by large language models can create immersive 3D virtual spaces for passengers to enjoy on-broad vehicular applications and services. To provide users with seamless and engaging virtual interactions, resource-limited vehicles offload AI agents to RoadSide Units (RSUs) with adequate communication and computational capabilities. Due to the mobility of vehicles and the limited coverage of RSUs, AI agents need to migrate from one RSU to another RSU. However, potential network attacks pose significant challenges to ensuring reliable and efficient AI agent migration. In this paper, we first explore specific network attacks including traffic-based attacks (i.e., DDoS attacks) and infrastructure-based attacks (i.e., malicious RSU attacks). Then, we model the AI agent migration process as a Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP) and apply multi-agent proximal policy optimization algorithms to mitigate DDoS attacks. In addition, we propose a trust assessment mechanism to counter malicious RSU attacks. Numerical results validate that the proposed solutions effectively defend against these network attacks and reduce the total latency of AI agent migration by approximately 43.3%.
- Published
- 2024
11. Search for the double Dalitz decays $\eta/\eta' \to e^+e^-\mu^+\mu^-$ and $\eta' \to \mu^+\mu^-\mu^+\mu^-$
- Author
BESIII Collaboration, Ablikim, M., Achasov, M. N., Adlarson, P., Afedulidis, O., Ai, X. C., Aliberti, R., Amoroso, A., Bai, Y., Bakina, O., Balossino, I., Ban, Y., Bao, H. -R., Batozskaya, V., Begzsuren, K., Berger, N., Berlowski, M., Bertani, M., Bettoni, D., Bianchi, F., Bianco, E., Bortone, A., Boyko, I., Briere, R. A., Brueggemann, A., Cai, H., Cai, X., Calcaterra, A., Cao, G. F., Cao, N., Cetin, S. A., Chai, X. Y., Chang, J. F., Che, G. R., Che, Y. Z., Chelkov, G., Chen, C., Chen, C. H., Chen, Chao, Chen, G., Chen, H. S., Chen, H. Y., Chen, M. L., Chen, S. J., Chen, S. L., Chen, S. M., Chen, T., Chen, X. R., Chen, X. T., Chen, Y. B., Chen, Y. Q., Chen, Z. J., Chen, Z. Y., Choi, S. K., Cibinetto, G., Cossio, F., Cui, J. J., Dai, H. L., Dai, J. P., Dbeyssi, A., de Boer, R. E., Dedovich, D., Deng, C. Q., Deng, Z. Y., Denig, A., Denysenko, I., Destefanis, M., De Mori, F., Ding, B., Ding, X. X., Ding, Y., Dong, J., Dong, L. Y., Dong, M. Y., Dong, X., Du, M. C., Du, S. X., Duan, Y. Y., Duan, Z. H., Egorov, P., Fan, Y. H., Fang, J., Fang, S. S., Fang, W. X., Fang, Y., Fang, Y. Q., Farinelli, R., Fava, L., Feldbauer, F., Felici, G., Feng, C. Q., Feng, J. H., Feng, Y. T., Fritsch, M., Fu, C. D., Fu, J. L., Fu, Y. W., Gao, H., Gao, X. B., Gao, Y. N., Gao, Yang, Garbolino, S., Garzia, I., Ge, L., Ge, P. T., Ge, Z. W., Geng, C., Gersabeck, E. M., Gilman, A., Goetzen, K., Gong, L., Gong, W. X., Gradl, W., Gramigna, S., Greco, M., Gu, M. H., Gu, Y. T., Guan, C. Y., Guo, A. Q., Guo, L. B., Guo, M. J., Guo, R. P., Guo, Y. P., Guskov, A., Gutierrez, J., Han, K. L., Han, T. T., Hanisch, F., Hao, X. Q., Harris, F. A., He, K. K., He, K. L., Heinsius, F. H., Heinz, C. H., Heng, Y. K., Herold, C., Holtmann, T., Hong, P. C., Hou, G. Y., Hou, X. T., Hou, Y. R., Hou, Z. L., Hu, B. Y., Hu, H. M., Hu, J. F., Hu, Q. P., Hu, S. L., Hu, T., Hu, Y., Huang, G. S., Huang, K. X., Huang, L. Q., Huang, X. T., Huang, Y. P., Huang, Y. S., Hussain, T., Hölzken, F., Hüsken, N., der Wiesche, N. in, Jackson, J., Janchiv, S., Jeong, J. H., Ji, Q., Ji, Q. P., Ji, W., Ji, X. B., Ji, X. L., Ji, Y. Y., Jia, X. Q., Jia, Z. K., Jiang, D., Jiang, H. B., Jiang, P. C., Jiang, S. S., Jiang, T. J., Jiang, X. S., Jiang, Y., Jiao, J. B., Jiao, J. K., Jiao, Z., Jin, S., Jin, Y., Jing, M. Q., Jing, X. M., Johansson, T., Kabana, S., Kalantar-Nayestanaki, N., Kang, X. L., Kang, X. S., Kavatsyuk, M., Ke, B. C., Khachatryan, V., Khoukaz, A., Kiuchi, R., Kolcu, O. B., Kopf, B., Kuessner, M., Kui, X., Kumar, N., Kupsc, A., Kühn, W., Lavezzi, L., Lei, T. T., Lei, Z. H., Lellmann, M., Lenz, T., Li, C., Li, C. H., Li, Cheng, Li, D. M., Li, F., Li, G., Li, H. B., Li, H. J., Li, H. N., Li, Hui, Li, J. R., Li, J. S., Li, K., Li, K. L., Li, L. J., Li, L. K., Li, Lei, Li, M. H., Li, P. R., Li, Q. M., Li, Q. X., Li, R., Li, S. X., Li, T., Li, W. D., Li, W. G., Li, X., Li, X. H., Li, X. L., Li, X. Y., Li, X. Z., Li, Y. G., Li, Z. J., Li, Z. Y., Liang, C., Liang, H., Liang, Y. F., Liang, Y. T., Liao, G. R., Liao, Y. P., Libby, J., Limphirat, A., Lin, C. C., Lin, C. X., Lin, D. X., Lin, T., Liu, B. J., Liu, B. X., Liu, C., Liu, C. X., Liu, F., Liu, F. H., Liu, Feng, Liu, G. M., Liu, H., Liu, H. B., Liu, H. H., Liu, H. M., Liu, Huihui, Liu, J. B., Liu, J. Y., Liu, K., Liu, K. Y., Liu, Ke, Liu, L., Liu, L. C., Liu, Lu, Liu, M. H., Liu, P. L., Liu, Q., Liu, S. B., Liu, T., Liu, W. K., Liu, W. M., Liu, X., Liu, Y., Liu, Y. B., Liu, Z. A., Liu, Z. D., Liu, Z. Q., Lou, X. C., Lu, F. X., Lu, H. J., Lu, J. G., Lu, X. L., Lu, Y., Lu, Y. P., Lu, Z. H., Luo, C. L., Luo, J. R., Luo, M. X., Luo, T., Luo, X. L., Lyu, X. R., Lyu, Y. F., Ma, F. C., Ma, H., Ma, H. L., Ma, J. L., Ma, L. L., Ma, L. R., Ma, M. M., Ma, Q. M., Ma, R. Q., Ma, T., Ma, X. T., Ma, X. Y., Ma, Y. M., Maas, F. E., MacKay, I., Maggiora, M., Malde, S., Mao, Y. J., Mao, Z. P., Marcello, S., Meng, Z. X., Messchendorp, J. G., Mezzadri, G., Miao, H., Min, T. J., Mitchell, R. E., Mo, X. H., Moses, B., Muchnoi, N. Yu., Muskalla, J., Nefedov, Y., Nerling, F., Nie, L. S., Nikolaev, I. B., Ning, Z., Nisar, S., Niu, Q. L., Niu, W. D., Niu, Y., Olsen, S. L., Ouyang, Q., Pacetti, S., Pan, X., Pan, Y., Pathak, A., Pei, Y. P., Pelizaeus, M., Peng, H. P., Peng, Y. Y., Peters, K., Ping, J. L., Ping, R. G., Plura, S., Prasad, V., Qi, F. Z., Qi, H., Qi, H. R., Qi, M., Qi, T. Y., Qian, S., Qian, W. B., Qiao, C. F., Qiao, X. K., Qin, J. J., Qin, L. Q., Qin, L. Y., Qin, X. P., Qin, X. S., Qin, Z. H., Qiu, J. F., Qu, Z. H., Redmer, C. F., Ren, K. J., Rivetti, A., Rolo, M., Rong, G., Rosner, Ch., Ruan, M. Q., Ruan, S. N., Salone, N., Sarantsev, A., Schelhaas, Y., Schoenning, K., Scodeggio, M., Shan, K. Y., Shan, W., Shan, X. Y., Shang, Z. J., Shangguan, J. F., Shao, L. G., Shao, M., Shen, C. P., Shen, H. F., Shen, W. H., Shen, X. Y., Shi, B. A., Shi, H., Shi, H. C., Shi, J. L., Shi, J. Y., Shi, Q. Q., Shi, S. Y., Shi, X., Song, J. J., Song, T. Z., Song, W. M., Song, Y. J., Song, Y. X., Sosio, S., Spataro, S., Stieler, F., Su, S. S, Su, Y. J., Sun, G. B., Sun, G. X., Sun, H., Sun, H. K., Sun, J. F., Sun, K., Sun, L., Sun, S. S., Sun, T., Sun, W. Y., Sun, Y., Sun, Y. J., Sun, Y. Z., Sun, Z. Q., Sun, Z. T., Tang, C. J., Tang, G. Y., Tang, J., Tang, M., Tang, Y. A., Tao, L. Y., Tao, Q. T., Tat, M., Teng, J. X., Thoren, V., Tian, W. H., Tian, Y., Tian, Z. F., Uman, I., Wan, Y., Wang, S. J., Wang, B., Wang, B. L., Wang, Bo, Wang, D. Y., Wang, F., Wang, H. J., Wang, J. J., Wang, J. P., Wang, K., Wang, L. L., Wang, M., Wang, N. Y., Wang, S., Wang, T., Wang, T. J., Wang, W., Wang, W. P., Wang, X., Wang, X. F., Wang, X. J., Wang, X. L., Wang, X. N., Wang, Y., Wang, Y. D., Wang, Y. F., Wang, Y. H., Wang, Y. L., Wang, Y. N., Wang, Y. Q., Wang, Yaqian, Wang, Yi, Wang, Z., Wang, Z. L., Wang, Z. Y., Wang, Ziyi, Wei, D. H., Weidner, F., Wen, S. P., Wen, Y. R., Wiedner, U., Wilkinson, G., Wolke, M., Wollenberg, L., Wu, C., Wu, J. F., Wu, L. H., Wu, L. J., Wu, X., Wu, X. H., Wu, Y., Wu, Y. H., Wu, Y. J., Wu, Z., Xia, L., Xian, X. M., Xiang, B. H., Xiang, T., Xiao, D., Xiao, G. Y., Xiao, S. Y., Xiao, Y. L., Xiao, Z. J., Xie, C., Xie, X. H., Xie, Y., Xie, Y. G., Xie, Y. H., Xie, Z. P., Xing, T. Y., Xu, C. F., Xu, C. J., Xu, G. F., Xu, H. Y., Xu, M., Xu, Q. J., Xu, Q. N., Xu, W., Xu, W. L., Xu, X. P., Xu, Y., Xu, Y. C., Xu, Z. S., Yan, F., Yan, L., Yan, W. B., Yan, W. C., Yan, X. Q., Yang, H. J., Yang, H. L., Yang, H. X., Yang, J. H., Yang, T., Yang, Y., Yang, Y. F., Yang, Y. X., Yang, Z. W., Yao, Z. P., Ye, M., Ye, M. H., Yin, J. H., Yin, Junhao, You, Z. Y., Yu, B. X., Yu, C. X., Yu, G., Yu, J. S., Yu, M. C., Yu, T., Yu, X. D., Yu, Y. C., Yuan, C. Z., Yuan, J., Yuan, L., Yuan, S. C., Yuan, Y., Yuan, Z. Y., Yue, C. X., Zafar, A. A., Zeng, F. R., Zeng, S. H., Zeng, X., Zeng, Y., Zeng, Y. J., Zhai, X. Y., Zhai, Y. C., Zhan, Y. H., Zhang, A. Q., Zhang, B. L., Zhang, B. X., Zhang, D. H., Zhang, G. Y., Zhang, H., Zhang, H. C., Zhang, H. H., Zhang, H. Q., Zhang, H. R., Zhang, H. Y., Zhang, J., Zhang, J. J., Zhang, J. L., Zhang, J. Q., Zhang, J. S., Zhang, J. W., Zhang, J. X., Zhang, J. Y., Zhang, J. Z., Zhang, Jianyu, Zhang, L. M., Zhang, Lei, Zhang, P., Zhang, Q. Y., Zhang, R. Y., Zhang, S. H., Zhang, Shulei, Zhang, X. M., Zhang, X. Y, Zhang, X. Y., Zhang, Y., Zhang, Y. T., Zhang, Y. H., Zhang, Y. M., Zhang, Yan, Zhang, Z. D., Zhang, Z. H., Zhang, Z. L., Zhang, Z. Y., Zhang, Z. Z., Zhao, G., Zhao, J. Y., Zhao, J. Z., Zhao, L., Zhao, Lei, Zhao, M. G., Zhao, N., Zhao, R. P., Zhao, S. J., Zhao, Y. B., Zhao, Y. X., Zhao, Z. G., Zhemchugov, A., Zheng, B., Zheng, B. M., Zheng, J. P., Zheng, W. J., Zheng, Y. H., Zhong, B., Zhong, X., Zhou, H., Zhou, J. Y., Zhou, L. P., Zhou, S., Zhou, X., Zhou, X. K., Zhou, X. R., Zhou, X. Y., Zhou, Y. Z., Zhou, Z. C., Zhu, A. N., Zhu, J., Zhu, K., Zhu, K. J., Zhu, K. S., Zhu, L., Zhu, L. X., Zhu, S. H., Zhu, T. J., Zhu, W. D., Zhu, Y. C., Zhu, Z. A., Zou, J. H., and Zu, J.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Experiment - Abstract
Using a data sample of $(10087 \pm 44) \times {10^{6}}$ $J/{\psi}$ events collected with the BESIII detector, we search for the decays $\eta/\eta'\to e^+e^-\mu^+\mu^-$ and $\eta' \to \mu^+\mu^-\mu^+\mu^-$ via the radiative decays $J/{\psi}\to\gamma\eta$/$\gamma\eta'$. No excess of events over expected background is observed for any of the decays of interest. At 90% confidence level, we report the first upper limits on the branching fractions of $\eta' \to e^{+}e^{-}\mu^{+}\mu^{-}$ and $\eta' \to \mu^{+}\mu^{-}\mu^{+}\mu^{-}$ to be $ 1.75 \times {10^{-6}}$ and $5.28 \times {10^{-7}}$, respectively. In addition, we set an upper limit on the branching fraction of $\eta \to e^{+}e^{-}\mu^{+}\mu^{-}$ to be $6.88 \times {10^{-6}}$, which improves the previous result by about two orders of magnitude., Comment: 11 pages
- Published
- 2024
12. Optimistic Critic Reconstruction and Constrained Fine-Tuning for General Offline-to-Online RL
- Author
Luo, Qin-Wen, Xie, Ming-Kun, Wang, Ye-Wen, and Huang, Sheng-Jun
- Subjects
Computer Science - Machine Learning - Abstract
Offline-to-online (O2O) reinforcement learning (RL) provides an effective means of leveraging an offline pre-trained policy as initialization to improve performance rapidly with limited online interactions. Recent studies often design fine-tuning strategies for a specific offline RL method and cannot perform general O2O learning from any offline method. To deal with this problem, we disclose that there are evaluation and improvement mismatches between the offline dataset and the online environment, which hinders the direct application of pre-trained policies to online fine-tuning. In this paper, we propose to handle these two mismatches simultaneously, which aims to achieve general O2O learning from any offline method to any online method. Before online fine-tuning, we re-evaluate the pessimistic critic trained on the offline dataset in an optimistic way and then calibrate the misaligned critic with the reliable offline actor to avoid erroneous update. After obtaining an optimistic and and aligned critic, we perform constrained fine-tuning to combat distribution shift during online learning. We show empirically that the proposed method can achieve stable and efficient performance improvement on multiple simulated tasks when compared to the state-of-the-art methods., Comment: Accepted to Neurips 2024
- Published
- 2024
13. A Tale of Three: Magnetic Fields along the Orion Integral-Shaped Filament as Revealed by JCMT BISTRO survey
- Author
Wu, Jintai, Qiu, Keping, Poidevin, Frederick, Bastien, Pierre, Liu, Junhao, Ching, Tao-Chung, Bourke, Tyler L., Ward-Thompson, Derek, Pattle, Kate, Johnstone, Doug, Koch, Patrick M., Arzoumanian, Doris, Lee, Chang Won, Fanciullo, Lapo, Onaka, Takashi, Hwang, Jihye, Gouellec, Valentin J. M. Le, Soam, Archana, Tamura, Motohide, Tahani, Mehrnoosh, Eswaraiah, Chakali, Li, Hua-Bai, Berry, David, Furuya, Ray S., Coude, Simon, Kwon, Woojin, Lin, Sheng-Jun, Wang, Jia-Wei, Hasegawa, Tetsuo, Lai, Shih-Ping, Byun, Do-Young, Chen, Zhiwei, Chen, Huei-Ru Vivien, Chen, Wen Ping, Chen, Mike, Cho, Jungyeon, Choi, Youngwoo, Choi, Yunhee, Choi, Minho, Chrysostomou, Antonio, Chung, Eun Jung, Dai, Sophia, Di Francesco, James, Diep, Pham Ngoc, Doi, Yasuo, Duan, Hao-Yuan, Duan, Yan, Eden, David, Fiege, Jason, Fissel, Laura M., Franzmann, Erica, Friberg, Per, Friesen, Rachel, Fuller, Gary, Gledhill, Tim, Graves, Sarah, Greaves, Jane, Griffin, Matt, Gu, Qilao, Han, Ilseung, Hayashi, Saeko, Hoang, Thiem, Houde, Martin, Inoue, Tsuyoshi, Inutsuka, Shu-ichiro, Iwasaki, Kazunari, Jeong, Il-Gyo, Konyves, Vera, Kang, Ji-hyun, Kang, Miju, Karoly, Janik, Kataoka, Akimasa, Kawabata, Koji, Kim, Shinyoung, Kim, Mi-Ryang, Kim, Kyoung Hee, Kim, Kee-Tae, Kim, Jongsoo, Kim, Hyosung, Kim, Gwanjeong, Kirchschlager, Florian, Kirk, Jason, Kobayashi, Masato I. N., Kusune, Takayoshi, Kwon, Jungmi, Lacaille, Kevin, Law, Chi-Yan, Lee, Hyeseung, Lee, Chin-Fei, Lee, Sang-Sung, Lee, Jeong-Eun, Li, Dalei, Li, Di, Li, Guangxing, Liu, Sheng-Yuan, Liu, Tie, Liu, Hong-Li, Lu, Xing, Lyo, A-Ran, Mairs, Steve, Matsumura, Masafumi, Matthews, Brenda, Moriarty-Schieven, Gerald, Nagata, Tetsuya, Nakamura, Fumitaka, Nakanishi, Hiroyuki, Ngoc, Nguyen Bich, Ohashi, Nagayoshi, Park, Geumsook, Parsons, Harriet, Peretto, Nicolas, Priestley, Felix, Pyo, Tae-Soo, Qian, Lei, Rao, Ramprasad, Rawlings, Jonathan, Rawlings, Mark, Retter, Brendan, Richer, John, Rigby, Andrew, Sadavoy, Sarah, Saito, Hiro, Savini, Giorgio, Seta, Masumichi, Sharma, Ekta, Shimajiri, Yoshito, Shinnaga, Hiroko, Tang, Ya-Wen, Tang, Xindi, Thuong, Hoang Duc, Tomisaka, Kohji, Tram, Le Ngoc, Tsukamoto, Yusuke, Viti, Serena, Wang, Hongchi, Whitworth, Anthony, Xie, Jinjin, Yang, Meng-Zhe, Yen, Hsi-Wei, Yoo, Hyunju, Yuan, Jinghua, Yun, Hyeong-Sik, Zenko, Tetsuya, Zhang, Guoyin, Zhang, Chuan-Peng, Zhang, Yapeng, Zhou, Jianjun, Zhu, Lei, de Looze, Ilse, Andre, Philippe, Dowell, C. Darren, Eyres, Stewart, Falle, Sam, Robitaille, Jean-Francois, and van Loo, Sven
- Subjects
Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies ,Astrophysics - Solar and Stellar Astrophysics - Abstract
As part of the BISTRO survey, we present JCMT 850 $\mu$m polarimetric observations towards the Orion Integral-Shaped Filament (ISF) that covers three portions known as OMC-1, OMC-2, and OMC-3. The magnetic field threading the ISF seen in the JCMT POL-2 map appears as a tale of three: pinched for OMC-1, twisted for OMC-2, and nearly uniform for OMC-3. A multi-scale analysis shows that the magnetic field structure in OMC-3 is very consistent at all the scales, whereas the field structure in OMC-2 shows no correlation across different scales. In OMC-1, the field retains its mean orientation from large to small scales, but shows some deviations at small scales. Histograms of relative orientations between the magnetic field and filaments reveal a bimodal distribution for OMC-1, a relatively random distribution for OMC-2, and a distribution with a predominant peak at 90$^\circ$ for OMC-3. Furthermore, the magnetic fields in OMC-1 and OMC-3 both appear to be aligned perpendicular to the fibers, which are denser structures within the filament, but the field in OMC-2 is aligned along with the fibers. All these suggest that gravity, turbulence, and magnetic field are each playing a leading role in OMC-1, 2, and 3, respectively. While OMC-2 and 3 have almost the same gas mass, density, and non-thermal velocity dispersion, there are on average younger and fewer young stellar objects in OMC-3, providing evidence that a stronger magnetic field will induce slower and less efficient star formation in molecular clouds., Comment: published in the ApJ Letters
- Published
- 2024
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14. Measurement of the Branching Fraction for the Decay $\chi_{cJ}\to p\bar{p}\eta\pi^{0}$
- Author
BESIII Collaboration, Ablikim, M., Achasov, M. N., Adlarson, P., Afedulidis, O., Ai, X. C., Aliberti, R., Amoroso, A., An, Q., Bai, Y., Bakina, O., Balossino, I., Ban, Y., Bao, H. -R., Batozskaya, V., Begzsuren, K., Berger, N., Berlowski, M., Bertani, M., Bettoni, D., Bianchi, F., Bianco, E., Bortone, A., Boyko, I., Briere, R. A., Brueggemann, A., Cai, H., Cai, X., Calcaterra, A., Cao, G. F., Cao, N., Cetin, S. A., Chai, X. Y., Chang, J. F., Che, G. R., Che, Y. Z., Chelkov, G., Chen, C., Chen, C. H., Chen, Chao, Chen, G., Chen, H. S., Chen, H. Y., Chen, M. L., Chen, S. J., Chen, S. L., Chen, S. M., Chen, T., Chen, X. R., Chen, X. T., Chen, Y. B., Chen, Y. Q., Chen, Z. J., Choi, S. K., Cibinetto, G., Cossio, F., Cui, J. J., Dai, H. L., Dai, J. P., Dbeyssi, A., de Boer, R. E., Dedovich, D., Deng, C. Q., Deng, Z. Y., Denig, A., Denysenko, I., Destefanis, M., De Mori, F., Ding, B., Ding, X. X., Ding, Y., Dong, J., Dong, L. Y., Dong, M. Y., Dong, X., Du, M. C., Du, S. X., Duan, Y. Y., Duan, Z. H., Egorov, P., Fan, G. F., Fan, J. J., Fan, Y. H., Fang, J., Fang, S. S., Fang, W. X., Fang, Y. Q., Farinelli, R., Fava, L., Feldbauer, F., Felici, G., Feng, C. Q., Feng, J. H., Feng, Y. T., Fritsch, M., Fu, C. D., Fu, J. L., Fu, Y. W., Gao, H., Gao, X. B., Gao, Y. N., Gao, Yang, Garbolino, S., Garzia, I., Ge, P. T., Ge, Z. W., Geng, C., Gersabeck, E. M., Gilman, A., Goetzen, K., Gong, L., Gong, W. X., Gradl, W., Gramigna, S., Greco, M., Gu, M. H., Gu, Y. T., Guan, C. Y., Guo, A. Q., Guo, L. B., Guo, M. J., Guo, R. P., Guo, Y. P., Guskov, A., Gutierrez, J., Han, K. L., Han, T. T., Hanisch, F., Hao, X. Q., Harris, F. A., He, K. K., He, K. L., Heinsius, F. H., Heinz, C. H., Heng, Y. K., Herold, C., Holtmann, T., Hong, P. C., Hou, G. Y., Hou, X. T., Hou, Y. R., Hou, Z. L., Hu, B. Y., Hu, H. M., Hu, J. F., Hu, Q. P., Hu, S. L., Hu, T., Hu, Y., Huang, G. S., Huang, K. X., Huang, L. Q., Huang, P., Huang, X. T., Huang, Y. P., Huang, Y. S., Hussain, T., Hölzken, F., Hüsken, N., der Wiesche, N. in, Jackson, J., Janchiv, S., Ji, Q., Ji, Q. P., Ji, W., Ji, X. B., Ji, X. L., Ji, Y. Y., Jia, X. Q., Jia, Z. K., Jiang, D., Jiang, H. B., Jiang, P. C., Jiang, S. S., Jiang, T. J., Jiang, X. S., Jiang, Y., Jiao, J. B., Jiao, J. K., Jiao, Z., Jin, S., Jin, Y., Jing, M. Q., Jing, X. M., Johansson, T., Kabana, S., Kalantar-Nayestanaki, N., Kang, X. L., Kang, X. S., Kavatsyuk, M., Ke, B. C., Khachatryan, V., Khoukaz, A., Kiuchi, R., Kolcu, O. B., Kopf, B., Kuessner, M., Kui, X., Kumar, N., Kupsc, A., Kühn, W., Lan, W. N., Lei, T. T., Lei, Z. H., Lellmann, M., Lenz, T., Li, C., Li, C. H., Li, Cheng, Li, D. M., Li, F., Li, G., Li, H. B., Li, H. J., Li, H. N., Li, Hui, Li, J. R., Li, J. S., Li, K., Li, K. L., Li, L. J., Li, Lei, Li, M. H., Li, P. L., Li, P. R., Li, Q. M., Li, Q. X., Li, R., Li, T., Li, T. Y., Li, W. D., Li, W. G., Li, X., Li, X. H., Li, X. L., Li, X. Y., Li, X. Z., Li, Y., Li, Y. G., Li, Z. J., Li, Z. Y., Liang, C., Liang, H., Liang, Y. F., Liang, Y. T., Liao, G. R., Liao, Y. P., Libby, J., Limphirat, A., Lin, C. C., Lin, C. X., Lin, D. X., Lin, T., Liu, B. J., Liu, B. X., Liu, C., Liu, C. X., Liu, F., Liu, F. H., Liu, Feng, Liu, G. M., Liu, H., Liu, H. B., Liu, H. H., Liu, H. M., Liu, Huihui, Liu, J. B., Liu, K., Liu, K. Y., Liu, Ke, Liu, L., Liu, L. C., Liu, Lu, Liu, M. H., Liu, P. L., Liu, Q., Liu, S. B., Liu, T., Liu, W. K., Liu, W. M., Liu, X., Liu, Y., Liu, Y. B., Liu, Z. A., Liu, Z. D., Liu, Z. Q., Lou, X. C., Lu, F. X., Lu, H. J., Lu, J. G., Lu, Y., Lu, Y. P., Lu, Z. H., Luo, C. L., Luo, J. R., Luo, M. X., Luo, T., Luo, X. L., Lyu, X. R., Lyu, Y. F., Ma, F. C., Ma, H., Ma, H. L., Ma, J. L., Ma, L. L., Ma, L. R., Ma, Q. M., Ma, R. Q., Ma, R. Y., Ma, T., Ma, X. T., Ma, X. Y., Ma, Y. M., Maas, F. E., MacKay, I., Maggiora, M., Malde, S., Mao, Y. J., Mao, Z. P., Marcello, S., Meng, Y. H., Meng, Z. X., Messchendorp, J. G., Mezzadri, G., Miao, H., Min, T. J., Mitchell, R. E., Mo, X. H., Moses, B., Muchnoi, N. Yu., Muskalla, J., Nefedov, Y., Nerling, F., Nie, L. S., Nikolaev, I. B., Ning, Z., Nisar, S., Niu, Q. L., Niu, W. D., Niu, Y., Olsen, S. L., Ouyang, Q., Pacetti, S., Pan, X., Pan, Y., Pathak, A., Pei, Y. P., Pelizaeus, M., Peng, H. P., Peng, Y. Y., Peters, K., Ping, J. L., Ping, R. G., Plura, S., Prasad, V., Qi, F. Z., Qi, H. R., Qi, M., Qian, S., Qian, W. B., Qiao, C. F., Qiao, J. H., Qin, J. J., Qin, L. Q., Qin, L. Y., Qin, X. P., Qin, X. S., Qin, Z. H., Qiu, J. F., Qu, Z. H., Redmer, C. F., Ren, K. J., Rivetti, A., Rolo, M., Rong, G., Rosner, Ch., Ruan, M. Q., Ruan, S. N., Salone, N., Sarantsev, A., Schelhaas, Y., Schoenning, K., Scodeggio, M., Shan, K. Y., Shan, W., Shan, X. Y., Shang, Z. J., Shangguan, J. F., Shao, L. G., Shao, M., Shen, C. P., Shen, H. F., Shen, W. H., Shen, X. Y., Shi, B. A., Shi, H., Shi, J. L., Shi, J. Y., Shi, S. Y., Shi, X., Song, J. J., Song, T. Z., Song, W. M., Song, Y. J., Song, Y. X., Sosio, S., Spataro, S., Stieler, F., Su, S. S, Su, Y. J., Sun, G. B., Sun, G. X., Sun, H., Sun, H. K., Sun, J. F., Sun, K., Sun, L., Sun, S. S., Sun, T., Sun, Y. J., Sun, Y. Z., Sun, Z. Q., Sun, Z. T., Tang, C. J., Tang, G. Y., Tang, J., Tang, M., Tang, Y. A., Tao, L. Y., Tat, M., Teng, J. X., Thoren, V., Tian, W. H., Tian, Y., Tian, Z. F., Uman, I., Wan, Y., Wang, S. J., Wang, B., Wang, Bo, Wang, C., Wang, D. Y., Wang, H. J., Wang, J. J., Wang, J. P., Wang, K., Wang, L. L., Wang, L. W., Wang, M., Wang, N. Y., Wang, S., Wang, T., Wang, T. J., Wang, W., Wang, W. P., Wang, X., Wang, X. F., Wang, X. J., Wang, X. L., Wang, X. N., Wang, Y., Wang, Y. D., Wang, Y. F., Wang, Y. H., Wang, Y. L., Wang, Y. N., Wang, Y. Q., Wang, Yaqian, Wang, Yi, Wang, Z., Wang, Z. L., Wang, Z. Y., Wei, D. H., Weidner, F., Wen, S. P., Wen, Y. R., Wiedner, U., Wilkinson, G., Wolke, M., Wollenberg, L., Wu, C., Wu, J. F., Wu, L. H., Wu, L. J., Wu, Lianjie, Wu, X., Wu, X. H., Wu, Y. H., Wu, Y. J., Wu, Z., Xia, L., Xian, X. M., Xiang, B. H., Xiang, T., Xiao, D., Xiao, G. Y., Xiao, H., Xiao, Y. L., Xiao, Z. J., Xie, C., Xie, X. H., Xie, Y., Xie, Y. G., Xie, Y. H., Xie, Z. P., Xing, T. Y., Xu, C. F., Xu, C. J., Xu, G. F., Xu, M., Xu, Q. J., Xu, Q. N., Xu, W. L., Xu, X. P., Xu, Y., Xu, Y. C., Xu, Z. S., Yan, F., Yan, L., Yan, W. B., Yan, W. C., Yan, W. P., Yan, X. Q., Yang, H. J., Yang, H. L., Yang, H. X., Yang, J. H., Yang, R. J., Yang, T., Yang, Y., Yang, Y. F., Yang, Y. X., Yang, Y. Z., Yang, Z. W., Yao, Z. P., Ye, M., Ye, M. H., Yin, Junhao, You, Z. Y., Yu, B. X., Yu, C. X., Yu, G., Yu, J. S., Yu, M. C., Yu, T., Yu, X. D., Yuan, C. Z., Yuan, J., Yuan, L., Yuan, S. C., Yuan, Y., Yuan, Z. Y., Yue, C. X., Yue, Ying, Zafar, A. A., Zeng, F. R., Zeng, S. H., Zeng, X., Zeng, Y., Zeng, Y. J., Zhai, X. Y., Zhai, Y. C., Zhan, Y. H., Zhang, A. Q., Zhang, B. L., Zhang, B. X., Zhang, D. H., Zhang, G. Y., Zhang, H., Zhang, H. C., Zhang, H. H., Zhang, H. Q., Zhang, H. R., Zhang, H. Y., Zhang, J., Zhang, J. J., Zhang, J. L., Zhang, J. Q., Zhang, J. S., Zhang, J. W., Zhang, J. X., Zhang, J. Y., Zhang, J. Z., Zhang, Jianyu, Zhang, L. M., Zhang, Lei, Zhang, P., Zhang, Q., Zhang, Q. Y., Zhang, R. Y., Zhang, S. H., Zhang, Shulei, Zhang, X. M., Zhang, X. Y, Zhang, X. Y., Zhang, Y., Zhang, Y. T., Zhang, Y. H., Zhang, Y. M., Zhang, Yan, Zhang, Z. D., Zhang, Z. H., Zhang, Z. L., Zhang, Z. X., Zhang, Z. Y., Zhang, Z. Z., Zhang, Zh. Zh., Zhao, G., Zhao, J. Y., Zhao, J. Z., Zhao, L., Zhao, Lei, Zhao, M. G., Zhao, N., Zhao, R. P., Zhao, S. J., Zhao, Y. B., Zhao, Y. X., Zhao, Z. G., Zhemchugov, A., Zheng, B., Zheng, B. M., Zheng, J. P., Zheng, W. J., Zheng, X. R., Zheng, Y. H., Zhong, B., Zhong, X., Zhou, H., Zhou, J. Y., Zhou, S., Zhou, X., Zhou, X. K., Zhou, X. R., Zhou, X. Y., Zhou, Y. Z., Zhou, Z. C., Zhu, A. N., Zhu, J., Zhu, K., Zhu, K. J., Zhu, K. S., Zhu, L., Zhu, L. X., Zhu, S. H., Zhu, T. J., Zhu, W. D., Zhu, W. J., Zhu, W. Z., Zhu, Y. C., Zhu, Z. A., Zou, J. H., and Zu, J.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Experiment - Abstract
Using $(2712.4\pm 14.3)\times10^6 \psi(3686)$ events collected by the BESIII detector operating at the BEPCII collider, we present the first observations of the decays $\chi_{cJ}(J=0,1,2)\to p\bar{p}\eta\pi^{0}$. Their decay branching fractions are determined to be ${\cal B}(\chi_{c0}\to p\bar{p}\eta\pi^{0})=({2.41 \pm 0.07 \pm 0.19}) \times 10^{-4}$, ${\cal B}(\chi_{c1}\to p\bar{p}\eta\pi^{0})=({1.95 \pm 0.05 \pm 0.12}) \times 10^{-4}$, and ${\cal B}(\chi_{c2}\to p\bar{p}\eta\pi^{0})=({1.31 \pm 0.05 \pm 0.08}) \times 10^{-4}$, where the first uncertainties are statistical and the second systematic.
- Published
- 2024
15. ChinaTravel: A Real-World Benchmark for Language Agents in Chinese Travel Planning
- Author
Shao, Jie-Jing, Yang, Xiao-Wen, Zhang, Bo-Wen, Chen, Baizhi, Wei, Wen-Da, Cai, Guohao, Dong, Zhenhua, Guo, Lan-Zhe, and Li, Yu-feng
- Subjects
Computer Science - Artificial Intelligence ,Computer Science - Computation and Language - Abstract
Recent advances in LLMs, particularly in language reasoning and tool integration, have rapidly sparked the real-world development of Language Agents. Among these, travel planning represents a prominent domain, combining academic challenges with practical value due to its complexity and market demand. However, existing benchmarks fail to reflect the diverse, real-world requirements crucial for deployment. To address this gap, we introduce ChinaTravel, a benchmark specifically designed for authentic Chinese travel planning scenarios. We collect the travel requirements from questionnaires and propose a compositionally generalizable domain-specific language that enables a scalable evaluation process, covering feasibility, constraint satisfaction, and preference comparison. Empirical studies reveal the potential of neuro-symbolic agents in travel planning, achieving a constraint satisfaction rate of 27.9%, significantly surpassing purely neural models at 2.6%. Moreover, we identify key challenges in real-world travel planning deployments, including open language reasoning and unseen concept composition. These findings highlight the significance of ChinaTravel as a pivotal milestone for advancing language agents in complex, real-world planning scenarios., Comment: Webpage: https://www.lamda.nju.edu.cn/shaojj/chinatravel
- Published
- 2024
16. Dynamical formation of axionic hair around charged black hole
- Author
Zhang, Yu-Peng, Yang, Si-Jiang, Wei, Shao-Wen, Guo, Wen-Di, and Liu, Yu-Xiao
- Subjects
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology - Abstract
In this paper, we present a nonlinear numerical investigation on the dynamical scalarization process of a Reissner-Nordstr\"om black hole, incorporating an axionic scalar potential within the framework of the Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton theory. By scrutinizing the evolution of the irreducible mass of the black hole and the value of scalar field on the apparent horizon across various parameters of the axionic potential, we elucidate the correlations between the final states of scalarized charged black hole and the axionic potential. We observe that the inclusion of the axionic potential can either decrease or increase the irreducible mass of the final scalarized black hole, depending on the strength of the coupling between the dilation and the electric invariant $F_{\mu\nu}F^{\mu\nu}$. Regarding the value of the scalar field on the apparent horizon, we find that it decreases with the inclusion of the axionic potential. Our results contribute to an important understanding of the dynamical scalarization of black holes and the potential configurations of scalar hair with various self-interactions., Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures
- Published
- 2024
17. Observation of the charmonium decay $\eta_c\to\gamma\gamma$
- Author
BESIII Collaboration, Ablikim, M., Achasov, M. N., Adlarson, P., Ai, X. C., Aliberti, R., Amoroso, A., An, Q., Bai, Y., Bakina, O., Ban, Y., Bao, H. -R., Batozskaya, V., Begzsuren, K., Berger, N., Berlowski, M., Bertani, M., Bettoni, D., Bianchi, F., Bianco, E., Bortone, A., Boyko, I., Briere, R. A., Brueggemann, A., Cai, H., Cai, M. H., Cai, X., Calcaterra, A., Cao, G. F., Cao, N., Cetin, S. A., Chai, X. Y., Chang, J. F., Che, G. R., Che, Y. Z., Chelkov, G., Chen, C., Chen, C. H., Chen, Chao, Chen, G., Chen, H. S., Chen, H. Y., Chen, M. L., Chen, S. J., Chen, S. L., Chen, S. M., Chen, T., Chen, X. R., Chen, X. T., Chen, Y. B., Chen, Y. Q., Chen, Z. J., Choi, S. K., Chu, X., Cibinetto, G., Cossio, F., Cui, J. J., Dai, H. L., Dai, J. P., Dbeyssi, A., de Boer, R. E., Dedovich, D., Deng, C. Q., Deng, Z. Y., Denig, A., Denysenko, I., Destefanis, M., De Mori, F., Ding, B., Ding, X. X., Ding, Y., Ding, Y. X., Dong, J., Dong, L. Y., Dong, M. Y., Dong, X., Du, M. C., Du, S. X., Duan, Y. Y., Duan, Z. H., Egorov, P., Fan, G. F., Fan, J. J., Fan, Y. H., Fang, J., Fang, S. S., Fang, W. X., Fang, Y. Q., Farinelli, R., Fava, L., Feldbauer, F., Felici, G., Feng, C. Q., Feng, J. H., Feng, Y. T., Fritsch, M., Fu, C. D., Fu, J. L., Fu, Y. W., Gao, H., Gao, X. B., Gao, Y. N., Gao, Y. Y., Gao, Yang, Garbolino, S., Garzia, I., Ge, P. T., Ge, Z. W., Geng, C., Gersabeck, E. M., Gilman, A., Goetzen, K., Gong, L., Gong, W. X., Gradl, W., Gramigna, S., Greco, M., Gu, M. H., Gu, Y. T., Guan, C. Y., Guo, A. Q., Guo, L. B., Guo, M. J., Guo, R. P., Guo, Y. P., Guskov, A., Gutierrez, J., Han, K. L., Han, T. T., Hanisch, F., Hao, X. Q., Harris, F. A., He, K. K., He, K. L., Heinsius, F. H., Heinz, C. H., Heng, Y. K., Herold, C., Holtmann, T., Hong, P. C., Hou, G. Y., Hou, X. T., Hou, Y. R., Hou, Z. L., Hu, B. Y., Hu, H. M., Hu, J. F., Hu, Q. P., Hu, S. L., Hu, T., Hu, Y., Huang, G. S., Huang, K. X., Huang, L. Q., Huang, P., Huang, X. T., Huang, Y. P., Huang, Y. S., Hussain, T., Hüsken, N., der Wiesche, N. in, Jackson, J., Janchiv, S., Ji, Q., Ji, Q. P., Ji, W., Ji, X. B., Ji, X. L., Ji, Y. Y., Jia, Z. K., Jiang, D., Jiang, H. B., Jiang, P. C., Jiang, S. J., Jiang, T. J., Jiang, X. S., Jiang, Y., Jiao, J. B., Jiao, J. K., Jiao, Z., Jin, S., Jin, Y., Jing, M. Q., Jing, X. M., Johansson, T., Kabana, S., Kalantar-Nayestanaki, N., Kang, X. L., Kang, X. S., Kavatsyuk, M., Ke, B. C., Khachatryan, V., Khoukaz, A., Kiuchi, R., Kolcu, O. B., Kopf, B., Kuessner, M., Kui, X., Kumar, N., Kupsc, A., Kühn, W., Lan, Q., Lan, W. N., Lei, T. T., Lei, Z. H., Lellmann, M., Lenz, T., Li, C., Li, C. H., Li, C. K., Li, Cheng, Li, D. M., Li, F., Li, G., Li, H. B., Li, H. J., Li, H. N., Li, Hui, Li, J. R., Li, J. S., Li, K., Li, K. L., Li, L. J., Li, Lei, Li, M. H., Li, M. R., Li, P. L., Li, P. R., Li, Q. M., Li, Q. X., Li, R., Li, T., Li, T. Y., Li, W. D., Li, W. G., Li, X., Li, X. H., Li, X. L., Li, X. Y., Li, X. Z., Li, Y., Li, Y. G., Li, Z. J., Li, Z. Y., Liang, C., Liang, H., Liang, Y. F., Liang, Y. T., Liao, G. R., Liao, Y. P., Libby, J., Limphirat, A., Lin, C. C., Lin, C. X., Lin, D. X., Lin, L. Q., Lin, T., Liu, B. J., Liu, B. X., Liu, C., Liu, C. X., Liu, F., Liu, F. H., Liu, Feng, Liu, G. M., Liu, H., Liu, H. B., Liu, H. H., Liu, H. M., Liu, Huihui, Liu, J. B., Liu, J. J., Liu, K., Liu, K. Y., Liu, Ke, Liu, L., Liu, L. C., Liu, Lu, Liu, M. H., Liu, P. L., Liu, Q., Liu, S. B., Liu, T., Liu, W. K., Liu, W. M., Liu, W. T., Liu, X., Liu, X. Y., Liu, Y., Liu, Y. B., Liu, Z. A., Liu, Z. D., Liu, Z. Q., Lou, X. C., Lu, F. X., Lu, H. J., Lu, J. G., Lu, Y., Lu, Y. H., Lu, Y. P., Lu, Z. H., Luo, C. L., Luo, J. R., Luo, J. S., Luo, M. X., Luo, T., Luo, X. L., Lyu, X. R., Lyu, Y. F., Lyu, Y. H., Ma, F. C., Ma, H., Ma, H. L., Ma, J. L., Ma, L. L., Ma, L. R., Ma, Q. M., Ma, R. Q., Ma, R. Y., Ma, T., Ma, X. T., Ma, X. Y., Ma, Y. M., Maas, F. E., MacKay, I., Maggiora, M., Malde, S., Mao, Y. J., Mao, Z. P., Marcello, S., Meng, Y. H., Meng, Z. X., Messchendorp, J. G., Mezzadri, G., Miao, H., Min, T. J., Mitchell, R. E., Mo, X. H., Moses, B., Muchnoi, N. Yu., Muskalla, J., Nefedov, Y., Nerling, F., Nie, L. S., Nikolaev, I. B., Ning, Z., Nisar, S., Niu, Q. L., Olsen, S. L., Ouyang, Q., Pacetti, S., Pan, X., Pan, Y., Pathak, A., Pei, Y. P., Pelizaeus, M., Peng, H. P., Peng, Y. Y., Peters, K., Ping, J. L., Ping, R. G., Plura, S., Prasad, V., Qi, F. Z., Qi, H. R., Qi, M., Qian, S., Qian, W. B., Qiao, C. F., Qiao, J. H., Qin, J. J., Qin, L. Q., Qin, L. Y., Qin, P. B., Qin, X. P., Qin, X. S., Qin, Z. H., Qiu, J. F., Qu, Z. H., Redmer, C. F., Rivetti, A., Rolo, M., Rong, G., Rong, S. S., Rosner, Ch., Ruan, M. Q., Ruan, S. N., Salone, N., Sarantsev, A., Schelhaas, Y., Schoenning, K., Scodeggio, M., Shan, K. Y., Shan, W., Shan, X. Y., Shang, Z. J., Shangguan, J. F., Shao, L. G., Shao, M., Shen, C. P., Shen, H. F., Shen, W. H., Shen, X. Y., Shi, B. A., Shi, H., Shi, J. L., Shi, J. Y., Shi, S. Y., Shi, X., Song, J. J., Song, T. Z., Song, W. M., Song, Y. J., Song, Y. X., Sosio, S., Spataro, S., Stieler, F., Su, S. S, Su, Y. J., Sun, G. B., Sun, G. X., Sun, H., Sun, H. K., Sun, J. F., Sun, K., Sun, L., Sun, S. S., Sun, T., Sun, Y. C., Sun, Y. H., Sun, Y. J., Sun, Y. Z., Sun, Z. Q., Sun, Z. T., Tang, C. J., Tang, G. Y., Tang, J., Tang, L. F., Tang, M., Tang, Y. A., Tao, L. Y., Tat, M., Teng, J. X., Thoren, V., Tian, W. H., Tian, Y., Tian, Z. F., Uman, I., Wang, B., Wang, Bo, Wang, C., Wang, D. Y., Wang, H. J., Wang, J. J., Wang, K., Wang, L. L., Wang, L. W., Wang, M., Wang, N. Y., Wang, S., Wang, T., Wang, T. J., Wang, W., Wang, W. P., Wang, X., Wang, X. F., Wang, X. J., Wang, X. L., Wang, X. N., Wang, Y., Wang, Y. D., Wang, Y. F., Wang, Y. H., Wang, Y. L., Wang, Y. N., Wang, Y. Q., Wang, Yaqian, Wang, Yi, Wang, Z., Wang, Z. L., Wang, Z. Y., Wei, D. H., Weidner, F., Wen, S. P., Wen, Y. R., Wiedner, U., Wilkinson, G., Wolke, M., Wu, C., Wu, J. F., Wu, L. H., Wu, L. J., Wu, Lianjie, Wu, S. G., Wu, S. M., Wu, X., Wu, X. H., Wu, Y. J., Wu, Z., Xia, L., Xian, X. M., Xiang, B. H., Xiang, T., Xiao, D., Xiao, G. Y., Xiao, H., Xiao, Y. L., Xiao, Z. J., Xie, C., Xie, K. J., Xie, X. H., Xie, Y., Xie, Y. G., Xie, Y. H., Xie, Z. P., Xing, T. Y., Xu, C. F., Xu, C. J., Xu, G. F., Xu, M., Xu, Q. J., Xu, Q. N., Xu, W. L., Xu, X. P., Xu, Y., Xu, Y. C., Xu, Z. S., Yan, F., Yan, H. Y., Yan, L., Yan, W. B., Yan, W. C., Yan, W. P., Yan, X. Q., Yang, H. J., Yang, H. L., Yang, H. X., Yang, J. H., Yang, R. J., Yang, T., Yang, Y., Yang, Y. F., Yang, Y. Q., Yang, Y. X., Yang, Y. Z., Ye, M., Ye, M. H., Yin, Junhao, You, Z. Y., Yu, B. X., Yu, C. X., Yu, G., Yu, J. S., Yu, M. C., Yu, T., Yu, X. D., Yu, Y. C., Yuan, C. Z., Yuan, H., Yuan, J., Yuan, L., Yuan, S. C., Yuan, Y., Yuan, Z. Y., Yue, C. X., Yue, Ying, Zafar, A. A., Zeng, S. H., Zeng, X., Zeng, Y., Zeng, Y. J., Zhai, X. Y., Zhan, Y. H., Zhang, A. Q., Zhang, B. L., Zhang, B. X., Zhang, D. H., Zhang, G. Y., Zhang, H., Zhang, H. C., Zhang, H. H., Zhang, H. Q., Zhang, H. R., Zhang, H. Y., Zhang, J., Zhang, J. J., Zhang, J. L., Zhang, J. Q., Zhang, J. S., Zhang, J. W., Zhang, J. X., Zhang, J. Y., Zhang, J. Z., Zhang, Jianyu, Zhang, L. M., Zhang, Lei, Zhang, N., Zhang, P., Zhang, Q., Zhang, Q. Y., Zhang, R. Y., Zhang, S. H., Zhang, Shulei, Zhang, X. M., Zhang, X. Y, Zhang, X. Y., Zhang, Y., Zhang, Y. T., Zhang, Y. H., Zhang, Y. M., Zhang, Yan, Zhang, Z. D., Zhang, Z. H., Zhang, Z. L., Zhang, Z. X., Zhang, Z. Y., Zhang, Z. Z., Zhang, Zh. Zh., Zhao, G., Zhao, J. Y., Zhao, J. Z., Zhao, L., Zhao, Lei, Zhao, M. G., Zhao, N., Zhao, R. P., Zhao, S. J., Zhao, Y. B., Zhao, Y. X., Zhao, Z. G., Zhemchugov, A., Zheng, B., Zheng, B. M., Zheng, J. P., Zheng, W. J., Zheng, X. R., Zheng, Y. H., Zhong, B., Zhong, X., Zhou, H., Zhou, J. Y., Zhou, S., Zhou, X., Zhou, X. K., Zhou, X. R., Zhou, X. Y., Zhou, Y. Z., Zhou, Z. C., Zhu, A. N., Zhu, J., Zhu, K., Zhu, K. J., Zhu, K. S., Zhu, L., Zhu, L. X., Zhu, S. H., Zhu, T. J., Zhu, W. D., Zhu, W. J., Zhu, W. Z., Zhu, Y. C., Zhu, Z. A., Zhuang, X. Y., Zou, J. H., and Zu, J.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Experiment - Abstract
Using $(2712.4\pm14.3)\times10^{6}$ $\psi(3686)$ events collected with the BESIII detector at the BEPCII collider, the decay $\eta_c\to\gamma\gamma$ in $J/\psi\to\gamma\eta_c$ is observed for the first time. We determine the product branching fraction $\mathcal{B}(J/\psi\to\gamma\eta_c)\times\mathcal{B}(\eta_c\to\gamma\gamma)=(5.23\pm0.26_{\rm{stat.}}\pm0.30_{\rm{syst.}})\times10^{-6}$. This result is well consistent with the LQCD calculation $(5.34\pm0.16)\times10^{-6}$ from HPQCD in 2023. By using the world-average values of $\mathcal{B}(J/\psi\to\gamma\eta_c)$ and the total decay width of $\eta_c$, the partial decay width $\Gamma(\eta_c\to\gamma\gamma)$ is determined to be $(11.30\pm0.56_{\rm{stat.}}\pm0.66_{\rm{syst.}}\pm1.14_{\rm{ref.}})~\rm{keV}$, which deviates from the corresponding world-average value by $3.4\sigma$., Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures
- Published
- 2024
18. Amplitude analysis and branching fraction measurement of the Cabibbo-favored decay $D^+ \to K^-\pi^+\pi^+\pi^0$
- Author
BESIII Collaboration, Ablikim, M., Achasov, M. N., Adlarson, P., Afedulidis, O., Ai, X. C., Aliberti, R., Amoroso, A., Bai, Y., Bakina, O., Balossino, I., Ban, Y., Bao, H. -R., Batozskaya, V., Begzsuren, K., Berger, N., Berlowski, M., Bertani, M., Bettoni, D., Bianchi, F., Bianco, E., Bortone, A., Boyko, I., Briere, R. A., Brueggemann, A., Cai, H., Cai, X., Calcaterra, A., Cao, G. F., Cao, N., Cetin, S. A., Chai, X. Y., Chang, J. F., Che, G. R., Che, Y. Z., Chelkov, G., Chen, C., Chen, C. H., Chen, Chao, Chen, G., Chen, H. S., Chen, H. Y., Chen, M. L., Chen, S. J., Chen, S. L., Chen, S. M., Chen, T., Chen, X. R., Chen, X. T., Chen, Y. B., Chen, Y. Q., Chen, Z. J., Choi, S. K., Cibinetto, G., Cossio, F., Cui, J. J., Dai, H. L., Dai, J. P., Dbeyssi, A., de Boer, R. E., Dedovich, D., Deng, C. Q., Deng, Z. Y., Denig, A., Denysenko, I., Destefanis, M., De Mori, F., Ding, B., Ding, X. X., Ding, Y., Dong, J., Dong, L. Y., Dong, M. Y., Dong, X., Du, M. C., Du, S. X., Duan, Y. Y., Duan, Z. H., Egorov, P., Fan, G. F., Fan, J. J., Fan, Y. H., Fang, J., Fang, S. S., Fang, W. X., Fang, Y., Fang, Y. Q., Farinelli, R., Fava, L., Feldbauer, F., Felici, G., Feng, C. Q., Feng, J. H., Feng, Y. T., Fritsch, M., Fu, C. D., Fu, J. L., Fu, Y. W., Gao, H., Gao, X. B., Gao, Y. N., Gao, Yang, Garbolino, S., Garzia, I., Ge, P. T., Ge, Z. W., Geng, C., Gersabeck, E. M., Gilman, A., Goetzen, K., Gong, L., Gong, W. X., Gradl, W., Gramigna, S., Greco, M., Gu, M. H., Gu, Y. T., Guan, C. Y., Guo, A. Q., Guo, L. B., Guo, M. J., Guo, R. P., Guo, Y. P., Guskov, A., Gutierrez, J., Han, K. L., Han, T. T., Hanisch, F., Hao, X. Q., Harris, F. A., He, K. K., He, K. L., Heinsius, F. H., Heinz, C. H., Heng, Y. K., Herold, C., Holtmann, T., Hong, P. C., Hou, G. Y., Hou, X. T., Hou, Y. R., Hou, Z. L., Hu, B. Y., Hu, H. M., Hu, J. F., Hu, Q. P., Hu, S. L., Hu, T., Hu, Y., Huang, G. S., Huang, K. X., Huang, L. Q., Huang, P., Huang, X. T., Huang, Y. P., Huang, Y. S., Hussain, T., Hölzken, F., Hüsken, N., der Wiesche, N. in, Jackson, J., Janchiv, S., Ji, Q., Ji, Q. P., Ji, W., Ji, X. B., Ji, X. L., Ji, Y. Y., Jia, X. Q., Jia, Z. K., Jiang, D., Jiang, H. B., Jiang, P. C., Jiang, S. S., Jiang, T. J., Jiang, X. S., Jiang, Y., Jiao, J. B., Jiao, J. K., Jiao, Z., Jin, S., Jin, Y., Jing, M. Q., Jing, X. M., Johansson, T., Kabana, S., Kalantar-Nayestanaki, N., Kang, X. L., Kang, X. S., Kavatsyuk, M., Ke, B. C., Khachatryan, V., Khoukaz, A., Kiuchi, R., Kolcu, O. B., Kopf, B., Kuessner, M., Kui, X., Kumar, N., Kupsc, A., Kühn, W., Lan, W. N., Lei, T. T., Lei, Z. H., Lellmann, M., Lenz, T., Li, C., Li, C. H., Li, Cheng, Li, D. M., Li, F., Li, G., Li, H. B., Li, H. J., Li, H. N., Li, Hui, Li, J. R., Li, J. S., Li, K., Li, K. L., Li, L. J., Li, L. K., Li, Lei, Li, M. H., Li, P. L., Li, P. R., Li, Q. M., Li, Q. X., Li, R., Li, T., Li, T. Y., Li, W. D., Li, W. G., Li, X., Li, X. H., Li, X. L., Li, X. Y., Li, X. Z., Li, Y., Li, Y. G., Li, Z. J., Li, Z. Y., Liang, C., Liang, H., Liang, Y. F., Liang, Y. T., Liao, G. R., Liao, Y. P., Libby, J., Limphirat, A., Lin, C. C., Lin, C. X., Lin, D. X., Lin, T., Liu, B. J., Liu, B. X., Liu, C., Liu, C. X., Liu, F., Liu, F. H., Liu, Feng, Liu, G. M., Liu, H., Liu, H. B., Liu, H. H., Liu, H. M., Liu, Huihui, Liu, J. B., Liu, J. Y., Liu, K., Liu, K. Y., Liu, Ke, Liu, L., Liu, L. C., Liu, Lu, Liu, M. H., Liu, P. L., Liu, Q., Liu, S. B., Liu, T., Liu, W. K., Liu, W. M., Liu, X., Liu, Y., Liu, Y. B., Liu, Z. A., Liu, Z. D., Liu, Z. Q., Lou, X. C., Lu, F. X., Lu, H. J., Lu, J. G., Lu, Y., Lu, Y. P., Lu, Z. H., Luo, C. L., Luo, J. R., Luo, M. X., Luo, T., Luo, X. L., Lyu, X. R., Lyu, Y. F., Ma, F. C., Ma, H., Ma, H. L., Ma, J. L., Ma, L. L., Ma, L. R., Ma, M. M., Ma, Q. M., Ma, R. Q., Ma, R. Y., Ma, T., Ma, X. T., Ma, X. Y., Ma, Y. M., Maas, F. E., MacKay, I., Maggiora, M., Malde, S., Mao, Y. J., Mao, Z. P., Marcello, S., Meng, Y. H., Meng, Z. X., Messchendorp, J. G., Mezzadri, G., Miao, H., Min, T. J., Mitchell, R. E., Mo, X. H., Moses, B., Muchnoi, N. Yu., Muskalla, J., Nefedov, Y., Nerling, F., Nie, L. S., Nikolaev, I. B., Ning, Z., Nisar, S., Niu, Q. L., Niu, W. D., Niu, Y., Olsen, S. L., Ouyang, Q., Pacetti, S., Pan, X., Pan, Y., Pathak, A., Pei, Y. P., Pelizaeus, M., Peng, H. P., Peng, Y. Y., Peters, K., Ping, J. L., Ping, R. G., Plura, S., Prasad, V., Qi, F. Z., Qi, H., Qi, H. R., Qi, M., Qian, S., Qian, W. B., Qiao, C. F., Qiao, J. H., Qin, J. J., Qin, L. Q., Qin, L. Y., Qin, X. P., Qin, X. S., Qin, Z. H., Qiu, J. F., Qu, Z. H., Redmer, C. F., Ren, K. J., Rivetti, A., Rolo, M., Rong, G., Rosner, Ch., Ruan, M. Q., Ruan, S. N., Salone, N., Sarantsev, A., Schelhaas, Y., Schoenning, K., Scodeggio, M., Shan, K. Y., Shan, W., Shan, X. Y., Shang, Z. J., Shangguan, J. F., Shao, L. G., Shao, M., Shen, C. P., Shen, H. F., Shen, W. H., Shen, X. Y., Shi, B. A., Shi, H., Shi, J. L., Shi, J. Y., Shi, S. Y., Shi, X., Song, J. J., Song, T. Z., Song, W. M., Song, Y. J., Song, Y. X., Sosio, S., Spataro, S., Stieler, F., Su, S. S, Su, Y. J., Sun, G. B., Sun, G. X., Sun, H., Sun, H. K., Sun, J. F., Sun, K., Sun, L., Sun, S. S., Sun, T., Sun, Y. J., Sun, Y. Z., Sun, Z. Q., Sun, Z. T., Tang, C. J., Tang, G. Y., Tang, J., Tang, M., Tang, Y. A., Tao, L. Y., Tao, Q. T., Tat, M., Teng, J. X., Thoren, V., Tian, W. H., Tian, Y., Tian, Z. F., Uman, I., Wan, Y., Wang, S. J., Wang, B., Wang, Bo, Wang, C., Wang, D. Y., Wang, H. J., Wang, J. J., Wang, J. P., Wang, K., Wang, L. L., Wang, L. W., Wang, M., Wang, N. Y., Wang, S., Wang, T., Wang, T. J., Wang, W., Wang, W. P., Wang, X., Wang, X. F., Wang, X. J., Wang, X. L., Wang, X. N., Wang, Y., Wang, Y. D., Wang, Y. F., Wang, Y. H., Wang, Y. L., Wang, Y. N., Wang, Y. Q., Wang, Yaqian, Wang, Yi, Wang, Z., Wang, Z. L., Wang, Z. Y., Wei, D. H., Weidner, F., Wen, S. P., Wen, Y. R., Wiedner, U., Wilkinson, G., Wolke, M., Wollenberg, L., Wu, C., Wu, J. F., Wu, L. H., Wu, L. J., Wu, Lianjie, Wu, X., Wu, X. H., Wu, Y. H., Wu, Y. J., Wu, Z., Xia, L., Xian, X. M., Xiang, B. H., Xiang, T., Xiao, D., Xiao, G. Y., Xiao, H., Xiao, S. Y., Xiao, Y. L., Xiao, Z. J., Xie, C., Xie, X. H., Xie, Y., Xie, Y. G., Xie, Y. H., Xie, Z. P., Xing, T. Y., Xu, C. F., Xu, C. J., Xu, G. F., Xu, M., Xu, Q. J., Xu, Q. N., Xu, W. L., Xu, X. P., Xu, Y., Xu, Y. C., Xu, Z. S., Yan, F., Yan, L., Yan, W. B., Yan, W. C., Yan, W. P., Yan, X. Q., Yang, H. J., Yang, H. L., Yang, H. X., Yang, J. H., Yang, R. J., Yang, T., Yang, Y., Yang, Y. F., Yang, Y. X., Yang, Y. Z., Yang, Z. W., Yao, Z. P., Ye, M., Ye, M. H., Yin, J. H., Yin, Junhao, You, Z. Y., Yu, B. X., Yu, C. X., Yu, G., Yu, J. S., Yu, M. C., Yu, T., Yu, X. D., Yuan, C. Z., Yuan, J., Yuan, L., Yuan, S. C., Yuan, Y., Yuan, Z. Y., Yue, C. X., Yue, Ying, Zafar, A. A., Zeng, F. R., Zeng, S. H., Zeng, X., Zeng, Y., Zeng, Y. J., Zhai, X. Y., Zhai, Y. C., Zhan, Y. H., Zhang, A. Q., Zhang, B. L., Zhang, B. X., Zhang, D. H., Zhang, G. Y., Zhang, H., Zhang, H. C., Zhang, H. H., Zhang, H. Q., Zhang, H. R., Zhang, H. Y., Zhang, J., Zhang, J. J., Zhang, J. L., Zhang, J. Q., Zhang, J. S., Zhang, J. W., Zhang, J. X., Zhang, J. Y., Zhang, J. Z., Zhang, Jianyu, Zhang, L. M., Zhang, Lei, Zhang, P., Zhang, Q., Zhang, Q. Y., Zhang, R. Y., Zhang, S. H., Zhang, Shulei, Zhang, X. M., Zhang, X. Y, Zhang, X. Y., Zhang, Y., Zhang, Y. T., Zhang, Y. H., Zhang, Y. M., Zhang, Yan, Zhang, Z. D., Zhang, Z. H., Zhang, Z. L., Zhang, Z. X., Zhang, Z. Y., Zhang, Z. Z., Zhang, Zh. Zh., Zhao, G., Zhao, J. Y., Zhao, J. Z., Zhao, L., Zhao, Lei, Zhao, M. G., Zhao, N., Zhao, R. P., Zhao, S. J., Zhao, Y. B., Zhao, Y. X., Zhao, Z. G., Zhemchugov, A., Zheng, B., Zheng, B. M., Zheng, J. P., Zheng, W. J., Zheng, X. R., Zheng, Y. H., Zhong, B., Zhong, X., Zhou, H., Zhou, J. Y., Zhou, L. P., Zhou, S., Zhou, X., Zhou, X. K., Zhou, X. R., Zhou, X. Y., Zhou, Y. Z., Zhou, Z. C., Zhu, A. N., Zhu, J., Zhu, K., Zhu, K. J., Zhu, K. S., Zhu, L., Zhu, L. X., Zhu, S. H., Zhu, T. J., Zhu, W. D., Zhu, W. Z., Zhu, Y. C., Zhu, Z. A., Zou, J. H., and Zu, J.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Experiment - Abstract
An amplitude analysis of the Cabibbo-favored decay $D^+ \to K^-\pi^+\pi^+\pi^0$ is performed, using 7.93 $\rm{fb}^{-1}$ of $e^+e^-$ collision data collected with the BESIII detector at the center-of-mass energy of 3.773 GeV. The branching fractions of the intermediate processes are measured, with the dominant contribution $D^+ \to \bar{K}^{*}(892)^0\rho(770)^+$ observed to have a branching fraction of $(4.15\pm0.07_{\rm stat.}\pm0.17_{\rm syst.})\%$. With the detection efficiency derived from the amplitude analysis, the absolute branching fraction of $D^+ \to K^-\pi^+\pi^+\pi^0$ is measured to be $(6.06\pm0.04_{\rm stat.}\pm0.07_{\rm syst.})\%$.
- Published
- 2024
19. Study of the semileptonic decay $D^0\rightarrow \bar{K}^0\pi^-e^+\nu_e$
- Author
BESIII Collaboration, Ablikim, M., Achasov, M. N., Adlarson, P., Afedulidis, O., Ai, X. C., Aliberti, R., Amoroso, A., Bai, Y., Bakina, O., Balossino, I., Ban, Y., Bao, H. -R., Batozskaya, V., Begzsuren, K., Berger, N., Berlowski, M., Bertani, M., Bettoni, D., Bianchi, F., Bianco, E., Bortone, A., Boyko, I., Briere, R. A., Brueggemann, A., Cai, H., Cai, X., Calcaterra, A., Cao, G. F., Cao, N., Cetin, S. A., Chai, X. Y., Chang, J. F., Che, G. R., Che, Y. Z., Chelkov, G., Chen, C., Chen, C. H., Chen, Chao, Chen, G., Chen, H. S., Chen, H. Y., Chen, M. L., Chen, S. J., Chen, S. L., Chen, S. M., Chen, T., Chen, X. R., Chen, X. T., Chen, Y. B., Chen, Y. Q., Chen, Z. J., Choi, S. K., Cibinetto, G., Cossio, F., Cui, J. J., Dai, H. L., Dai, J. P., Dbeyssi, A., de Boer, R. E., Dedovich, D., Deng, C. Q., Deng, Z. Y., Denig, A., Denysenko, I., Destefanis, M., De Mori, F., Ding, B., Ding, X. X., Ding, Y., Dong, J., Dong, L. Y., Dong, M. Y., Dong, X., Du, M. C., Du, S. X., Duan, Y. Y., Duan, Z. H., Egorov, P., Fan, G. F., Fan, J. J., Fan, Y. H., Fang, J., Fang, S. S., Fang, W. X., Fang, Y., Fang, Y. Q., Farinelli, R., Fava, L., Feldbauer, F., Felici, G., Feng, C. Q., Feng, J. H., Feng, Y. T., Fritsch, M., Fu, C. D., Fu, J. L., Fu, Y. W., Gao, H., Gao, X. B., Gao, Y. N., Gao, Yang, Garbolino, S., Garzia, I., Ge, P. T., Ge, Z. W., Geng, C., Gersabeck, E. M., Gilman, A., Goetzen, K., Gong, L., Gong, W. X., Gradl, W., Gramigna, S., Greco, M., Gu, M. H., Gu, Y. T., Guan, C. Y., Guo, A. Q., Guo, L. B., Guo, M. J., Guo, R. P., Guo, Y. P., Guskov, A., Gutierrez, J., Han, K. L., Han, T. T., Hanisch, F., Hao, X. Q., Harris, F. A., He, K. K., He, K. L., Heinsius, F. H., Heinz, C. H., Heng, Y. K., Herold, C., Holtmann, T., Hong, P. C., Hou, G. Y., Hou, X. T., Hou, Y. R., Hou, Z. L., Hu, B. Y., Hu, H. M., Hu, J. F., Hu, Q. P., Hu, S. L., Hu, T., Hu, Y., Huang, G. S., Huang, K. X., Huang, L. Q., Huang, P., Huang, X. T., Huang, Y. P., Huang, Y. S., Hussain, T., Hölzken, F., Hüsken, N., der Wiesche, N. in, Jackson, J., Janchiv, S., Ji, Q., Ji, Q. P., Ji, W., Ji, X. B., Ji, X. L., Ji, Y. Y., Jia, X. Q., Jia, Z. K., Jiang, D., Jiang, H. B., Jiang, P. C., Jiang, S. S., Jiang, T. J., Jiang, X. S., Jiang, Y., Jiao, J. B., Jiao, J. K., Jiao, Z., Jin, S., Jin, Y., Jing, M. Q., Jing, X. M., Johansson, T., Kabana, S., Kalantar-Nayestanaki, N., Kang, X. L., Kang, X. S., Kavatsyuk, M., Ke, B. C., Khachatryan, V., Khoukaz, A., Kiuchi, R., Kolcu, O. B., Kopf, B., Kuessner, M., Kui, X., Kumar, N., Kupsc, A., Kühn, W., Lan, W. N., Lei, T. T., Lei, Z. H., Lellmann, M., Lenz, T., Li, C., Li, C. H., Li, Cheng, Li, D. M., Li, F., Li, G., Li, H. B., Li, H. J., Li, H. N., Li, Hui, Li, J. R., Li, J. S., Li, K., Li, K. L., Li, L. J., Li, L. K., Li, Lei, Li, M. H., Li, P. L., Li, P. R., Li, Q. M., Li, Q. X., Li, R., Li, T., Li, T. Y., Li, W. D., Li, W. G., Li, X., Li, X. H., Li, X. L., Li, X. Y., Li, X. Z., Li, Y., Li, Y. G., Li, Z. J., Li, Z. Y., Liang, C., Liang, H., Liang, Y. F., Liang, Y. T., Liao, G. R., Liao, Y. P., Libby, J., Limphirat, A., Lin, C. C., Lin, C. X., Lin, D. X., Lin, T., Liu, B. J., Liu, B. X., Liu, C., Liu, C. X., Liu, F., Liu, F. H., Liu, Feng, Liu, G. M., Liu, H., Liu, H. B., Liu, H. H., Liu, H. M., Liu, Huihui, Liu, J. B., Liu, J. Y., Liu, K., Liu, K. Y., Liu, Ke, Liu, L., Liu, L. C., Liu, Lu, Liu, M. H., Liu, P. L., Liu, Q., Liu, S. B., Liu, T., Liu, W. K., Liu, W. M., Liu, X., Liu, Y., Liu, Y. B., Liu, Z. A., Liu, Z. D., Liu, Z. Q., Lou, X. C., Lu, F. X., Lu, H. J., Lu, J. G., Lu, Y., Lu, Y. P., Lu, Z. H., Luo, C. L., Luo, J. R., Luo, M. X., Luo, T., Luo, X. L., Lyu, X. R., Lyu, Y. F., Ma, F. C., Ma, H., Ma, H. L., Ma, J. L., Ma, L. L., Ma, L. R., Ma, M. M., Ma, Q. M., Ma, R. Q., Ma, R. Y., Ma, T., Ma, X. T., Ma, X. Y., Ma, Y. M., Maas, F. E., MacKay, I., Maggiora, M., Malde, S., Mao, Y. J., Mao, Z. P., Marcello, S., Meng, Y. H., Meng, Z. X., Messchendorp, J. G., Mezzadri, G., Miao, H., Min, T. J., Mitchell, R. E., Mo, X. H., Moses, B., Muchnoi, N. Yu., Muskalla, J., Nefedov, Y., Nerling, F., Nie, L. S., Nikolaev, I. B., Ning, Z., Nisar, S., Niu, Q. L., Niu, W. D., Niu, Y., Olsen, S. L., Ouyang, Q., Pacetti, S., Pan, X., Pan, Y., Pathak, A., Pei, Y. P., Pelizaeus, M., Peng, H. P., Peng, Y. Y., Peters, K., Ping, J. L., Ping, R. G., Plura, S., Prasad, V., Qi, F. Z., Qi, H., Qi, H. R., Qi, M., Qian, S., Qian, W. B., Qiao, C. F., Qiao, J. H., Qin, J. J., Qin, L. Q., Qin, L. Y., Qin, X. P., Qin, X. S., Qin, Z. H., Qiu, J. F., Qu, Z. H., Redmer, C. F., Ren, K. J., Rivetti, A., Rolo, M., Rong, G., Rosner, Ch., Ruan, M. Q., Ruan, S. N., Salone, N., Sarantsev, A., Schelhaas, Y., Schoenning, K., Scodeggio, M., Shan, K. Y., Shan, W., Shan, X. Y., Shang, Z. J., Shangguan, J. F., Shao, L. G., Shao, M., Shen, C. P., Shen, H. F., Shen, W. H., Shen, X. Y., Shi, B. A., Shi, H., Shi, J. L., Shi, J. Y., Shi, S. Y., Shi, X., Song, J. J., Song, T. Z., Song, W. M., Song, Y. J., Song, Y. X., Sosio, S., Spataro, S., Stieler, F., Su, S. S, Su, Y. J., Sun, G. B., Sun, G. X., Sun, H., Sun, H. K., Sun, J. F., Sun, K., Sun, L., Sun, S. S., Sun, T., Sun, Y. J., Sun, Y. Z., Sun, Z. Q., Sun, Z. T., Tang, C. J., Tang, G. Y., Tang, J., Tang, M., Tang, Y. A., Tao, L. Y., Tat, M., Teng, J. X., Thoren, V., Tian, W. H., Tian, Y., Tian, Z. F., Uman, I., Wan, Y., Wang, S. J., Wang, B., Wang, Bo, Wang, C., Wang, D. Y., Wang, H. J., Wang, J. J., Wang, J. P., Wang, K., Wang, L. L., Wang, L. W., Wang, M., Wang, N. Y., Wang, S., Wang, T., Wang, T. J., Wang, W., Wang, W. P., Wang, X., Wang, X. F., Wang, X. J., Wang, X. L., Wang, X. N., Wang, Y., Wang, Y. D., Wang, Y. F., Wang, Y. H., Wang, Y. L., Wang, Y. N., Wang, Y. Q., Wang, Yaqian, Wang, Yi, Wang, Z., Wang, Z. L., Wang, Z. Y., Wei, D. H., Weidner, F., Wen, S. P., Wen, Y. R., Wiedner, U., Wilkinson, G., Wolke, M., Wollenberg, L., Wu, C., Wu, J. F., Wu, L. H., Wu, L. J., Wu, Lianjie, Wu, X., Wu, X. H., Wu, Y. H., Wu, Y. J., Wu, Z., Xia, L., Xian, X. M., Xiang, B. H., Xiang, T., Xiao, D., Xiao, G. Y., Xiao, H., Xiao, S. Y., Xiao, Y. L., Xiao, Z. J., Xie, C., Xie, X. H., Xie, Y., Xie, Y. G., Xie, Y. H., Xie, Z. P., Xing, T. Y., Xu, C. F., Xu, C. J., Xu, G. F., Xu, M., Xu, Q. J., Xu, Q. N., Xu, W. L., Xu, X. P., Xu, Y., Xu, Y. C., Xu, Z. S., Yan, F., Yan, L., Yan, W. B., Yan, W. C., Yan, W. P., Yan, X. Q., Yang, H. J., Yang, H. L., Yang, H. X., Yang, J. H., Yang, R. J., Yang, T., Yang, Y., Yang, Y. F., Yang, Y. X., Yang, Y. Z., Yang, Z. W., Yao, Z. P., Ye, M., Ye, M. H., Yin, J. H., Yin, Junhao, You, Z. Y., Yu, B. X., Yu, C. X., Yu, G., Yu, J. S., Yu, M. C., Yu, T., Yu, X. D., Yuan, C. Z., Yuan, J., Yuan, L., Yuan, S. C., Yuan, Y., Yuan, Z. Y., Yue, C. X., Yue, Ying, Zafar, A. A., Zeng, F. R., Zeng, S. H., Zeng, X., Zeng, Y., Zeng, Y. J., Zhai, X. Y., Zhai, Y. C., Zhan, Y. H., Zhang, A. Q., Zhang, B. L., Zhang, B. X., Zhang, D. H., Zhang, G. Y., Zhang, H., Zhang, H. C., Zhang, H. H., Zhang, H. Q., Zhang, H. R., Zhang, H. Y., Zhang, J., Zhang, J. J., Zhang, J. L., Zhang, J. Q., Zhang, J. S., Zhang, J. W., Zhang, J. X., Zhang, J. Y., Zhang, J. Z., Zhang, Jianyu, Zhang, L. M., Zhang, Lei, Zhang, P., Zhang, Q., Zhang, Q. Y., Zhang, R. Y., Zhang, S. H., Zhang, Shulei, Zhang, X. M., Zhang, X. Y, Zhang, X. Y., Zhang, Y., Zhang, Y. T., Zhang, Y. H., Zhang, Y. M., Zhang, Yan, Zhang, Z. D., Zhang, Z. H., Zhang, Z. L., Zhang, Z. X., Zhang, Z. Y., Zhang, Z. Z., Zhang, Zh. Zh., Zhao, G., Zhao, J. Y., Zhao, J. Z., Zhao, L., Zhao, Lei, Zhao, M. G., Zhao, N., Zhao, R. P., Zhao, S. J., Zhao, Y. B., Zhao, Y. X., Zhao, Z. G., Zhemchugov, A., Zheng, B., Zheng, B. M., Zheng, J. P., Zheng, W. J., Zheng, X. R., Zheng, Y. H., Zhong, B., Zhong, X., Zhou, H., Zhou, J. Y., Zhou, L. P., Zhou, S., Zhou, X., Zhou, X. K., Zhou, X. R., Zhou, X. Y., Zhou, Y. Z., Zhou, Z. C., Zhu, A. N., Zhu, J., Zhu, K., Zhu, K. J., Zhu, K. S., Zhu, L., Zhu, L. X., Zhu, S. H., Zhu, T. J., Zhu, W. D., Zhu, W. Z., Zhu, Y. C., Zhu, Z. A., Zou, J. H., and Zu, J.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Experiment - Abstract
We report an improved study of the semileptonic decay $D^0 \rightarrow \bar{K}^0\pi^-e^+\nu_{e}$ based on a sample of $7.9~\mathrm{fb}^{-1}$ of $e^+e^-$ annihilation data collected at a center-of-mass energy of 3.773~GeV with the BESIII detector at the BEPCII collider. The branching fraction of this decay is measured to be $\mathcal{B}(D^0\rightarrow \bar{K}^0\pi^-e^+\nu_{e}) = (1.444 \pm 0.022_{\rm stat} \pm 0.024_{\rm syst})\%$, which is the most precise to date, where the first uncertainty is statistical and the second is systematic. Based on investigation of the decay dynamics, we find that the decay is dominated by the $K^{*}(892)^-$ component and present an improved measurement of its branching fraction to be $\mathcal{B}(D^0\rightarrow K^{*}(892)^-e^+\nu_e) = (2.039 \pm 0.032_{\rm stat} \pm 0.034_{\rm syst})\%$. We also determine the ratios of the hadronic form factors for the $K^{*}(892)^-e^+\nu_e$ decay to be $r_{V} = V(0)/A_1(0) = 1.48 \pm 0.05_{\rm stat} \pm 0.02_{\rm syst}$ and $r_{2} = A_2(0)/A_1(0) = 0.70 \pm 0.04_{\rm stat} \pm 0.02_{\rm syst}$, where $V(0)$ is the vector form factor and $A_{1,2}(0)$ are the axial form factors. In addition, the $\bar{K}^0\pi^-$ $\mathcal{S}$-wave component is found to account for $(5.87 \pm 0.32_{\rm stat} \pm 0.16_{\rm syst})\%$ of the total decay rate, corresponding to a branching fraction of $\mathcal{B}[D^0\rightarrow (\bar{K}^0\pi^-)_{S-{\rm wave}}e^+\nu_e] = (0.085 \pm 0.005_{\rm stat} \pm 0.003_{\rm syst})\%$., Comment: 20 pages, 3 figures
- Published
- 2024
20. Unsupervised Cross-Domain Regression for Fine-grained 3D Game Character Reconstruction
- Author
Wen, Qi, Wen, Xiang, Jiang, Hao, Yang, Siqi, Han, Bingfeng, Hu, Tianlei, Chen, Gang, and Li, Shuang
- Subjects
Computer Science - Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition ,Computer Science - Graphics - Abstract
With the rise of the ``metaverse'' and the rapid development of games, it has become more and more critical to reconstruct characters in the virtual world faithfully. The immersive experience is one of the most central themes of the ``metaverse'', while the reducibility of the avatar is the crucial point. Meanwhile, the game is the carrier of the metaverse, in which players can freely edit the facial appearance of the game character. In this paper, we propose a simple but powerful cross-domain framework that can reconstruct fine-grained 3D game characters from single-view images in an end-to-end manner. Different from the previous methods, which do not resolve the cross-domain gap, we propose an effective regressor that can greatly reduce the discrepancy between the real-world domain and the game domain. To figure out the drawbacks of no ground truth, our unsupervised framework has accomplished the knowledge transfer of the target domain. Additionally, an innovative contrastive loss is proposed to solve the instance-wise disparity, which keeps the person-specific details of the reconstructed character. In contrast, an auxiliary 3D identity-aware extractor is activated to make the results of our model more impeccable. Then a large set of physically meaningful facial parameters is generated robustly and exquisitely. Experiments demonstrate that our method yields state-of-the-art performance in 3D game character reconstruction., Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures
- Published
- 2024
21. Study of the decay \psi(3686) \to \Sigma^{0}\bar{\Sigma}^{0}\phi
- Author
BESIII Collaboration, Ablikim, M., Achasov, M. N., Adlarson, P., Afedulidis, O., Ai, X. C., Aliberti, R., Amoroso, A., An, Q., Bai, Y., Bakina, O., Balossino, I., Ban, Y., Bao, H. -R., Batozskaya, V., Begzsuren, K., Berger, N., Berlowski, M., Bertani, M., Bettoni, D., Bianchi, F., Bianco, E., Bortone, A., Boyko, I., Briere, R. A., Brueggemann, A., Cai, H., Cai, X., Calcaterra, A., Cao, G. F., Cao, N., Cetin, S. A., Chai, X. Y., Chang, J. F., Che, G. R., Chelkov, G., Chen, C., Chen, C. H., Chen, Chao, Chen, G., Chen, H. S., Chen, H. Y., Chen, M. L., Chen, S. J., Chen, S. L., Chen, S. M., Chen, T., Chen, X. R., Chen, X. T., Chen, Y. B., Chen, Y. Q., Chen, Z. J., Chen, Z. Y., Choi, S. K., Cibinetto, G., Cossio, F., Cui, J. J., Dai, H. L., Dai, J. P., Dbeyssi, A., de Boer, R. E., Dedovich, D., Deng, C. Q., Deng, Z. Y., Denig, A., Denysenko, I., Destefanis, M., De Mori, F., Ding, B., Ding, X. X., Ding, Y., Dong, J., Dong, L. Y., Dong, M. Y., Dong, X., Du, M. C., Du, S. X., Duan, Y. Y., Duan, Z. H., Egorov, P., Fan, Y. H., Fang, J., Fang, S. S., Fang, W. X., Fang, Y., Fang, Y. Q., Farinelli, R., Fava, L., Feldbauer, F., Felici, G., Feng, C. Q., Feng, J. H., Feng, Y. T., Fritsch, M., Fu, C. D., Fu, J. L., Fu, Y. W., Gao, H., Gao, X. B., Gao, Y. N., Gao, Yang, Garbolino, S., Garzia, I., Ge, L., Ge, P. T., Ge, Z. W., Geng, C., Gersabeck, E. M., Gilman, A., Goetzen, K., Gong, L., Gong, W. X., Gradl, W., Gramigna, S., Greco, M., Gu, M. H., Gu, Y. T., Guan, C. Y., Guo, A. Q., Guo, L. B., Guo, M. J., Guo, R. P., Guo, Y. P., Guskov, A., Gutierrez, J., Han, K. L., Han, T. T., Hanisch, F., Hao, X. Q., Harris, F. A., He, K. K., He, K. L., Heinsius, F. H., Heinz, C. H., Heng, Y. K., Herold, C., Holtmann, T., Hong, P. C., Hou, G. Y., Hou, X. T., Hou, Y. R., Hou, Z. L., Hu, B. Y., Hu, H. M., Hu, J. F., Hu, S. L., Hu, T., Hu, Y., Huang, G. S., Huang, K. X., Huang, L. Q., Huang, X. T., Huang, Y. P., Huang, Y. S., Hussain, T., Hölzken, F., Hüsken, N., der Wiesche, N. in, Jackson, J., Janchiv, S., Jeong, J. H., Ji, Q., Ji, Q. P., Ji, W., Ji, X. B., Ji, X. L., Ji, Y. Y., Jia, X. Q., Jia, Z. K., Jiang, D., Jiang, H. B., Jiang, P. C., Jiang, S. S., Jiang, T. J., Jiang, X. S., Jiang, Y., Jiao, J. B., Jiao, J. K., Jiao, Z., Jin, S., Jin, Y., Jing, M. Q., Jing, X. M., Johansson, T., Kabana, S., Kalantar-Nayestanaki, N., Kang, X. L., Kang, X. S., Kavatsyuk, M., Ke, B. C., Khachatryan, V., Khoukaz, A., Kiuchi, R., Kolcu, O. B., Kopf, B., Kuessner, M., Kui, X., Kumar, N., Kupsc, A., Kühn, W., Lane, J. J., Lavezzi, L., Lei, T. T., Lei, Z. H., Lellmann, M., Lenz, T., Li, C., Li, C. H., Li, Cheng, Li, D. M., Li, F., Li, G., Li, H. B., Li, H. J., Li, H. N., Li, Hui, Li, J. R., Li, J. S., Li, K., Li, K. L., Li, L. J., Li, L. K., Li, Lei, Li, M. H., Li, P. R., Li, Q. M., Li, Q. X., Li, R., Li, S. X., Li, T., Li, W. D., Li, W. G., Li, X., Li, X. H., Li, X. L., Li, X. Y., Li, X. Z., Li, Y. G., Li, Z. J., Li, Z. Y., Liang, C., Liang, H., Liang, Y. F., Liang, Y. T., Liao, G. R., Liao, Y. P., Libby, J., Limphirat, A., Lin, C. C., Lin, D. X., Lin, T., Liu, B. J., Liu, B. X., Liu, C., Liu, C. X., Liu, F., Liu, F. H., Liu, Feng, Liu, G. M., Liu, H., Liu, H. B., Liu, H. H., Liu, H. M., Liu, Huihui, Liu, J. B., Liu, J. Y., Liu, K., Liu, K. Y., Liu, Ke, Liu, L., Liu, L. C., Liu, Lu, Liu, M. H., Liu, P. L., Liu, Q., Liu, S. B., Liu, T., Liu, W. K., Liu, W. M., Liu, X., Liu, Y., Liu, Y. B., Liu, Z. A., Liu, Z. D., Liu, Z. Q., Lou, X. C., Lu, F. X., Lu, H. J., Lu, J. G., Lu, X. L., Lu, Y., Lu, Y. P., Lu, Z. H., Luo, C. L., Luo, J. R., Luo, M. X., Luo, T., Luo, X. L., Lyu, X. R., Lyu, Y. F., Ma, F. C., Ma, H., Ma, H. L., Ma, J. L., Ma, L. L., Ma, L. R., Ma, M. M., Ma, Q. M., Ma, R. Q., Ma, T., Ma, X. T., Ma, X. Y., Ma, Y. M., Maas, F. E., MacKay, I., Maggiora, M., Malde, S., Mao, Y. J., Mao, Z. P., Marcello, S., Meng, Z. X., Messchendorp, J. G., Mezzadri, G., Miao, H., Min, T. J., Mitchell, R. E., Mo, X. H., Moses, B., Muchnoi, N. Yu., Muskalla, J., Nefedov, Y., Nerling, F., Nie, L. S., Nikolaev, I. B., Ning, Z., Nisar, S., Niu, Q. L., Niu, W. D., Niu, Y., Olsen, S. L., Ouyang, Q., Pacetti, S., Pan, X., Pan, Y., Pathak, A., Pei, Y. P., Pelizaeus, M., Peng, H. P., Peng, Y. Y., Peters, K., Ping, J. L., Ping, R. G., Plura, S., Prasad, V., Qi, F. Z., Qi, H., Qi, H. R., Qi, M., Qi, T. Y., Qian, S., Qian, W. B., Qiao, C. F., Qiao, X. K., Qin, J. J., Qin, L. Q., Qin, L. Y., Qin, X. P., Qin, X. S., Qin, Z. H., Qiu, J. F., Qu, Z. H., Redmer, C. F., Ren, K. J., Rivetti, A., Rolo, M., Rong, G., Rosner, Ch., Ruan, S. N., Salone, N., Sarantsev, A., Schelhaas, Y., Schoenning, K., Scodeggio, M., Shan, K. Y., Shan, W., Shan, X. Y., Shang, Z. J., Shangguan, J. F., Shao, L. G., Shao, M., Shen, C. P., Shen, H. F., Shen, W. H., Shen, X. Y., Shi, B. A., Shi, H., Shi, H. C., Shi, J. L., Shi, J. Y., Shi, Q. Q., Shi, S. Y., Shi, X., Song, J. J., Song, T. Z., Song, W. M., Song, Y. J., Song, Y. X., Sosio, S., Spataro, S., Stieler, F., Su, S. S, Su, Y. J., Sun, G. B., Sun, G. X., Sun, H., Sun, H. K., Sun, J. F., Sun, K., Sun, L., Sun, S. S., Sun, T., Sun, W. Y., Sun, Y., Sun, Y. J., Sun, Y. Z., Sun, Z. Q., Sun, Z. T., Tang, C. J., Tang, G. Y., Tang, J., Tang, M., Tang, Y. A., Tao, L. Y., Tao, Q. T., Tat, M., Teng, J. X., Thoren, V., Tian, W. H., Tian, Y., Tian, Z. F., Uman, I., Wan, Y., Wang, S. J., Wang, B., Wang, B. L., Wang, Bo, Wang, D. Y., Wang, F., Wang, H. J., Wang, J. J., Wang, J. P., Wang, K., Wang, L. L., Wang, M., Wang, N. Y., Wang, S., Wang, T., Wang, T. J., Wang, W., Wang, W. P., Wang, X., Wang, X. F., Wang, X. J., Wang, X. L., Wang, X. N., Wang, Y., Wang, Y. D., Wang, Y. F., Wang, Y. L., Wang, Y. N., Wang, Y. Q., Wang, Yaqian, Wang, Yi, Wang, Z., Wang, Z. L., Wang, Z. Y., Wang, Ziyi, Wei, D. H., Weidner, F., Wen, S. P., Wen, Y. R., Wiedner, U., Wilkinson, G., Wolke, M., Wollenberg, L., Wu, C., Wu, J. F., Wu, L. H., Wu, L. J., Wu, X., Wu, X. H., Wu, Y., Wu, Y. H., Wu, Y. J., Wu, Z., Xia, L., Xian, X. M., Xiang, B. H., Xiang, T., Xiao, D., Xiao, G. Y., Xiao, S. Y., Xiao, Y. L., Xiao, Z. J., Xie, C., Xie, X. H., Xie, Y., Xie, Y. G., Xie, Y. H., Xie, Z. P., Xing, T. Y., Xu, C. F., Xu, C. J., Xu, G. F., Xu, H. Y., Xu, M., Xu, Q. J., Xu, Q. N., Xu, W., Xu, W. L., Xu, X. P., Xu, Y., Xu, Y. C., Xu, Z. S., Yan, F., Yan, L., Yan, W. B., Yan, W. C., Yan, X. Q., Yang, H. J., Yang, H. L., Yang, H. X., Yang, T., Yang, Y., Yang, Y. F., Yang, Y. X., Yang, Z. W., Yao, Z. P., Ye, M., Ye, M. H., Yin, J. H., Yin, Junhao, You, Z. Y., Yu, B. X., Yu, C. X., Yu, G., Yu, J. S., Yu, M. C., Yu, T., Yu, X. D., Yu, Y. C., Yuan, C. Z., Yuan, J., Yuan, L., Yuan, S. C., Yuan, Y., Yuan, Z. Y., Yue, C. X., Zafar, A. A., Zeng, F. R., Zeng, S. H., Zeng, X., Zeng, Y., Zeng, Y. J., Zhai, X. Y., Zhai, Y. C., Zhan, Y. H., Zhang, A. Q., Zhang, B. L., Zhang, B. X., Zhang, D. H., Zhang, G. Y., Zhang, H., Zhang, H. C., Zhang, H. H., Zhang, H. Q., Zhang, H. R., Zhang, H. Y., Zhang, J., Zhang, J. J., Zhang, J. L., Zhang, J. Q., Zhang, J. S., Zhang, J. W., Zhang, J. X., Zhang, J. Y., Zhang, J. Z., Zhang, Jianyu, Zhang, L. M., Zhang, Lei, Zhang, P., Zhang, Q. Y., Zhang, R. Y., Zhang, S. H., Zhang, Shulei, Zhang, X. M., Zhang, X. Y, Zhang, X. Y., Zhang, Y., Zhang, Y. T., Zhang, Y. H., Zhang, Y. M., Zhang, Yan, Zhang, Z. D., Zhang, Z. H., Zhang, Z. L., Zhang, Z. Y., Zhang, Z. Z., Zhao, G., Zhao, J. Y., Zhao, J. Z., Zhao, L., Zhao, Lei, Zhao, M. G., Zhao, N., Zhao, R. P., Zhao, S. J., Zhao, Y. B., Zhao, Y. X., Zhao, Z. G., Zhemchugov, A., Zheng, B., Zheng, B. M., Zheng, J. P., Zheng, W. J., Zheng, Y. H., Zhong, B., Zhong, X., Zhou, H., Zhou, J. Y., Zhou, L. P., Zhou, S., Zhou, X., Zhou, X. K., Zhou, X. R., Zhou, X. Y., Zhou, Y. Z., Zhou, Z. C., Zhu, A. N., Zhu, J., Zhu, K., Zhu, K. J., Zhu, K. S., Zhu, L., Zhu, L. X., Zhu, S. H., Zhu, T. J., Zhu, W. D., Zhu, Y. C., Zhu, Z. A., Zou, J. H., and Zu, J.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Experiment - Abstract
Using $(27.12\pm 0.14)\times 10^{8}$ $\psi(3686)$ events collected with the BESIII detector operating at the BEPCII collider, the decay $\psi(3686)\to\Sigma^{0}\bar{\Sigma}^{0}\phi$ is observed for the first time with a statistical significance of 7.6$\sigma$. Its branching fraction is measured to be $(2.64 \pm 0.32_{\textrm{stat}} \pm 0.12_{\textrm{sys}}) \times 10^{-6}$, where the first uncertainty is statistical and the second is systematic. In addition, we search for potential intermediate states in the $\Sigma^{0}\phi$($\bar{\Sigma}^{0}\phi$) invariant mass distribution and a possible threshold enhancement in the $\Sigma^{0}\bar{\Sigma}^{0}$ system, but no conclusive evidence of is observed.
- Published
- 2024
22. Partial wave analyses of $\psi(3686)\to p\bar{p}\pi^0$ and $\psi(3686)\to p\bar{p}\eta$
- Author
BESIII Collaboration, Ablikim, M., Achasov, M. N., Adlarson, P., Afedulidis, O., Ai, X. C., Aliberti, R., Amoroso, A., An, Q., Bai, Y., Bakina, O., Balossino, I., Ban, Y., Bao, H. -R., Batozskaya, V., Begzsuren, K., Berger, N., Berlowski, M., Bertani, M., Bettoni, D., Bianchi, F., Bianco, E., Bortone, A., Boyko, I., Briere, R. A., Brueggemann, A., Cai, H., Cai, X., Calcaterra, A., Cao, G. F., Cao, N., Cetin, S. A., Chang, J. F., Che, G. R., Chelkov, G., Chen, C., Chen, C. H., Chen, Chao, Chen, G., Chen, H. S., Chen, H. Y., Chen, M. L., Chen, S. J., Chen, S. L., Chen, S. M., Chen, T., Chen, X. R., Chen, X. T., Chen, Y. B., Chen, Y. Q., Chen, Z. J., Chen, Z. Y., Choi, S. K., Cibinetto, G., Cossio, F., Cui, J. J., Dai, H. L., Dai, J. P., Dbeyssi, A., de Boer, R. E., Dedovich, D., Deng, C. Q., Deng, Z. Y., Denig, A., Denysenko, I., Destefanis, M., De Mori, F., Ding, B., Ding, X. X., Ding, Y., Dong, J., Dong, L. Y., Dong, M. Y., Dong, X., Du, M. C., Du, S. X., Duan, Y. Y., Duan, Z. H., Egorov, P., Fan, Y. H., Fang, J., Fang, S. S., Fang, W. X., Fang, Y., Fang, Y. Q., Farinelli, R., Fava, L., Feldbauer, F., Felici, G., Feng, C. Q., Feng, J. H., Feng, Y. T., Fritsch, M., Fu, C. D., Fu, J. L., Fu, Y. W., Gao, H., Gao, X. B., Gao, Y. N., Gao, Yang, Garbolino, S., Garzia, I., Ge, L., Ge, P. T., Ge, Z. W., Geng, C., Gersabeck, E. M., Gilman, A., Goetzen, K., Gong, L., Gong, W. X., Gradl, W., Gramigna, S., Greco, M., Gu, M. H., Gu, Y. T., Guan, C. Y., Guo, A. Q., Guo, L. B., Guo, M. J., Guo, R. P., Guo, Y. P., Guskov, A., Gutierrez, J., Han, K. L., Han, T. T., Hanisch, F., Hao, X. Q., Harris, F. A., He, K. K., He, K. L., Heinsius, F. H., Heinz, C. H., Heng, Y. K., Herold, C., Holtmann, T., Hong, P. C., Hou, G. Y., Hou, X. T., Hou, Y. R., Hou, Z. L., Hu, B. Y., Hu, H. M., Hu, J. F., Hu, S. L., Hu, T., Hu, Y., Huang, G. S., Huang, K. X., Huang, L. Q., Huang, X. T., Huang, Y. P., Huang, Y. S., Hussain, T., Hölzken, F., Hüsken, N., der Wiesche, N. in, Jackson, J., Janchiv, S., Jeong, J. H., Ji, Q., Ji, Q. P., Ji, W., Ji, X. B., Ji, X. L., Ji, Y. Y., Jia, X. Q., Jia, Z. K., Jiang, D., Jiang, H. B., Jiang, P. C., Jiang, S. S., Jiang, T. J., Jiang, X. S., Jiang, Y., Jiao, J. B., Jiao, J. K., Jiao, Z., Jin, S., Jin, Y., Jing, M. Q., Jing, X. M., Johansson, T., Kabana, S., Kalantar-Nayestanaki, N., Kang, X. L., Kang, X. S., Kavatsyuk, M., Ke, B. C., Khachatryan, V., Khoukaz, A., Kiuchi, R., Kolcu, O. B., Kopf, B., Kuessner, M., Kui, X., Kumar, N., Kupsc, A., Kühn, W., Lane, J. J., Lavezzi, L., Lei, T. T., Lei, Z. H., Lellmann, M., Lenz, T., Li, C., Li, C. H., Li, Cheng, Li, D. M., Li, F., Li, G., Li, H. B., Li, H. J., Li, H. N., Li, Hui, Li, J. R., Li, J. S., Li, K., Li, K. L., Li, L. J., Li, L. K., Li, Lei, Li, M. H., Li, P. R., Li, Q. M., Li, Q. X., Li, R., Li, S. X., Li, T., Li, W. D., Li, W. G., Li, X., Li, X. H., Li, X. L., Li, X. Y., Li, X. Z., Li, Y. G., Li, Z. J., Li, Z. Y., Liang, C., Liang, H., Liang, Y. F., Liang, Y. T., Liao, G. R., Liao, Y. P., Libby, J., Limphirat, A., Lin, C. C., Lin, D. X., Lin, T., Liu, B. J., Liu, B. X., Liu, C., Liu, C. X., Liu, F., Liu, F. H., Liu, Feng, Liu, G. M., Liu, H., Liu, H. B., Liu, H. H., Liu, H. M., Liu, Huihui, Liu, J. B., Liu, J. Y., Liu, K., Liu, K. Y., Liu, Ke, Liu, L., Liu, L. C., Liu, Lu, Liu, M. H., Liu, P. L., Liu, Q., Liu, S. B., Liu, T., Liu, W. K., Liu, W. M., Liu, X., Liu, Y., Liu, Y. B., Liu, Z. A., Liu, Z. D., Liu, Z. Q., Lou, X. C., Lu, F. X., Lu, H. J., Lu, J. G., Lu, X. L., Lu, Y., Lu, Y. P., Lu, Z. H., Luo, C. L., Luo, J. R., Luo, M. X., Luo, T., Luo, X. L., Lyu, X. R., Lyu, Y. F., Ma, F. C., Ma, H., Ma, H. L., Ma, J. L., Ma, L. L., Ma, L. R., Ma, M. M., Ma, Q. M., Ma, R. Q., Ma, T., Ma, X. T., Ma, X. Y., Ma, Y., Ma, Y. M., Maas, F. E., Maggiora, M., Malde, S., Malik, Q. A., Mao, Y. J., Mao, Z. P., Marcello, S., Meng, Z. X., Messchendorp, J. G., Mezzadri, G., Miao, H., Min, T. J., Mitchell, R. E., Mo, X. H., Moses, B., Muchnoi, N. Yu., Muskalla, J., Nefedov, Y., Nerling, F., Nie, L. S., Nikolaev, I. B., Ning, Z., Nisar, S., Niu, Q. L., Niu, W. D., Niu, Y., Olsen, S. L., Ouyang, Q., Pacetti, S., Pan, X., Pan, Y., Pathak, A., Pei, Y. P., Pelizaeus, M., Peng, H. P., Peng, Y. Y., Peters, K., Ping, J. L., Ping, R. G., Plura, S., Prasad, V., Qi, F. Z., Qi, H., Qi, H. R., Qi, M., Qi, T. Y., Qian, S., Qian, W. B., Qiao, C. F., Qiao, X. K., Qin, J. J., Qin, L. Q., Qin, L. Y., Qin, X. P., Qin, X. S., Qin, Z. H., Qiu, J. F., Qu, Z. H., Redmer, C. F., Ren, K. J., Rivetti, A., Rolo, M., Rong, G., Rosner, Ch., Ruan, S. N., Salone, N., Sarantsev, A., Schelhaas, Y., Schoenning, K., Scodeggio, M., Shan, K. Y., Shan, W., Shan, X. Y., Shang, Z. J., Shangguan, J. F., Shao, L. G., Shao, M., Shen, C. P., Shen, H. F., Shen, W. H., Shen, X. Y., Shi, B. A., Shi, H., Shi, H. C., Shi, J. L., Shi, J. Y., Shi, Q. Q., Shi, S. Y., Shi, X., Song, J. J., Song, T. Z., Song, W. M., Song, Y. J., Song, Y. X., Sosio, S., Spataro, S., Stieler, F., Su, S. S, Su, Y. J., Sun, G. B., Sun, G. X., Sun, H., Sun, H. K., Sun, J. F., Sun, K., Sun, L., Sun, S. S., Sun, T., Sun, W. Y., Sun, Y., Sun, Y. J., Sun, Y. Z., Sun, Z. Q., Sun, Z. T., Tang, C. J., Tang, G. Y., Tang, J., Tang, M., Tang, Y. A., Tao, L. Y., Tao, Q. T., Tat, M., Teng, J. X., Thoren, V., Tian, W. H., Tian, Y., Tian, Z. F., Uman, I., Wan, Y., Wang, S. J., Wang, B., Wang, B. L., Wang, Bo, Wang, D. Y., Wang, F., Wang, H. J., Wang, J. J., Wang, J. P., Wang, K., Wang, L. L., Wang, M., Wang, N. Y., Wang, S., Wang, T., Wang, T. J., Wang, W., Wang, W. P., Wang, X., Wang, X. F., Wang, X. J., Wang, X. L., Wang, X. N., Wang, Y., Wang, Y. D., Wang, Y. F., Wang, Y. L., Wang, Y. N., Wang, Y. Q., Wang, Yaqian, Wang, Yi, Wang, Z., Wang, Z. L., Wang, Z. Y., Wang, Ziyi, Wei, D. H., Weidner, F., Wen, S. P., Wen, Y. R., Wiedner, U., Wilkinson, G., Wolke, M., Wollenberg, L., Wu, C., Wu, J. F., Wu, L. H., Wu, L. J., Wu, X., Wu, X. H., Wu, Y., Wu, Y. H., Wu, Y. J., Wu, Z., Xia, L., Xian, X. M., Xiang, B. H., Xiang, T., Xiao, D., Xiao, G. Y., Xiao, S. Y., Xiao, Y. L., Xiao, Z. J., Xie, C., Xie, X. H., Xie, Y., Xie, Y. G., Xie, Y. H., Xie, Z. P., Xing, T. Y., Xu, C. F., Xu, C. J., Xu, G. F., Xu, H. Y., Xu, M., Xu, Q. J., Xu, Q. N., Xu, W., Xu, W. L., Xu, X. P., Xu, Y., Xu, Y. C., Xu, Z. S., Yan, F., Yan, L., Yan, W. B., Yan, W. C., Yan, X. Q., Yang, H. J., Yang, H. L., Yang, H. X., Yang, T., Yang, Y., Yang, Y. F., Yang, Y. X., Yang, Z. W., Yao, Z. P., Ye, M., Ye, M. H., Yin, J. H., Yin, Junhao, You, Z. Y., Yu, B. X., Yu, C. X., Yu, G., Yu, J. S., Yu, M. C., Yu, T., Yu, X. D., Yu, Y. C., Yuan, C. Z., Yuan, J., Yuan, L., Yuan, S. C., Yuan, Y., Yuan, Z. Y., Yue, C. X., Zafar, A. A., Zeng, F. R., Zeng, S. H., Zeng, X., Zeng, Y., Zeng, Y. J., Zhai, X. Y., Zhai, Y. C., Zhan, Y. H., Zhang, A. Q., Zhang, B. L., Zhang, B. X., Zhang, D. H., Zhang, G. Y., Zhang, H., Zhang, H. C., Zhang, H. H., Zhang, H. Q., Zhang, H. R., Zhang, H. Y., Zhang, J., Zhang, J. J., Zhang, J. L., Zhang, J. Q., Zhang, J. S., Zhang, J. W., Zhang, J. X., Zhang, J. Y., Zhang, J. Z., Zhang, Jianyu, Zhang, L. M., Zhang, Lei, Zhang, P., Zhang, Q. Y., Zhang, R. Y., Zhang, S. H., Zhang, Shulei, Zhang, X. D., Zhang, X. M., Zhang, X. Y, Zhang, X. Y., Zhang, Y., Zhang, Y. T., Zhang, Y. H., Zhang, Y. M., Zhang, Yan, Zhang, Z. D., Zhang, Z. H., Zhang, Z. L., Zhang, Z. Y., Zhang, Z. Z., Zhao, G., Zhao, J. Y., Zhao, J. Z., Zhao, L., Zhao, Lei, Zhao, M. G., Zhao, N., Zhao, R. P., Zhao, S. J., Zhao, Y. B., Zhao, Y. X., Zhao, Z. G., Zhemchugov, A., Zheng, B., Zheng, B. M., Zheng, J. P., Zheng, W. J., Zheng, Y. H., Zhong, B., Zhong, X., Zhou, H., Zhou, J. Y., Zhou, L. P., Zhou, S., Zhou, X., Zhou, X. K., Zhou, X. R., Zhou, X. Y., Zhou, Y. Z., Zhou, Z. C., Zhu, A. N., Zhu, J., Zhu, K., Zhu, K. J., Zhu, K. S., Zhu, L., Zhu, L. X., Zhu, S. H., Zhu, T. J., Zhu, W. D., Zhu, Y. C., Zhu, Z. A., Zou, J. H., and Zu, J.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Experiment - Abstract
Using a sample of $(2712\pm14)\times10^6$ $\psi(3686)$ events collected with the BESIII detector, we perform partial wave analyses of the decays $\psi(3686)\to p\bar{p}\pi^0$ and $\psi(3686)\to p\bar{p}\eta$. The branching fractions of $\psi(3686)\to p\bar{p}\pi^0$ and $\psi(3686)\to p\bar{p}\eta$ are determined to be $(133.9\pm11.2\pm2.3)\times10^{-6}$ or $(183.7\pm13.7\pm3.2)\times10^{-6}$ and $(61.5\pm6.5\pm1.1)\times10^{-6}$ or $(84.4\pm6.9\pm1.4)\times10^{-6}$, respectively, where the two solutions are caused by an ambiguous phase angle between resonant and continuum processes. Several well-established $N^*$ states are observed in the $p\pi^0$ and $p\eta$ systems, and the corresponding branching fractions are measured. The ratio of decay widths $\Gamma_{N(1535)\to N\eta}/\Gamma_{N(1535)\to N\pi}$ is determined to be $0.99\pm0.05\pm0.17$., Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures, submitted to PRD
- Published
- 2024
23. More on the upper bound of holographic n-partite information
- Author
Ju, Xin-Xiang, Pan, Wen-Bin, Sun, Ya-Wen, Wang, Yuan-Tai, and Zhao, Yang
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Theory - Abstract
We show that there exists a huge amount of multipartite entanglement in holography by studying the upper bound for holographic $n$-partite information $I_n$ that $n-1$ fixed boundary subregions participate. We develop methods to find the $n$-th region $E$ that makes $I_n$ reach the upper bound. Through the explicit evaluation, it is shown that $I_n$, an IR term without UV divergence, could diverge when the number of intervals or strips in region $E$ approaches infinity. At this upper bound configuration, we could argue that $I_n$ fully comes from the $n$-partite global quantum entanglement. Our results indicate: fewer-partite entanglement in holography emerges from more-partite entanglement; $n-1$ distant local subregions are highly $n$-partite entangling. Moreover, the relationship between the convexity of a boundary subregion and the multipartite entanglement it participates, and the difference between multipartite entanglement structure in different dimensions are revealed as well., Comment: 61 pages, 25 figures
- Published
- 2024
24. Measurement of cross sections of $e^+e^-\to K^0_S K^0_S \psi(3686)$ from $\sqrt{s}=$ 4.682 to 4.951 GeV
- Author
BESIII Collaboration, Ablikim, M., Achasov, M. N., Adlarson, P., Afedulidis, O., Ai, X. C., Aliberti, R., Amoroso, A., An, Q., Bai, Y., Bakina, O., Balossino, I., Ban, Y., Bao, H. -R., Batozskaya, V., Begzsuren, K., Berger, N., Berlowski, M., Bertani, M., Bettoni, D., Bianchi, F., Bianco, E., Bortone, A., Boyko, I., Briere, R. A., Brueggemann, A., Cai, H., Cai, X., Calcaterra, A., Cao, G. F., Cao, N., Cetin, S. A., Chai, X. Y., Chang, J. F., Che, G. R., Che, Y. Z., Chelkov, G., Chen, C., Chen, C. H., Chen, Chao, Chen, G., Chen, H. S., Chen, H. Y., Chen, M. L., Chen, S. J., Chen, S. L., Chen, S. M., Chen, T., Chen, X. R., Chen, X. T., Chen, Y. B., Chen, Y. Q., Chen, Z. J., Choi, S. K., Cibinetto, G., Cossio, F., Cui, J. J., Dai, H. L., Dai, J. P., Dbeyssi, A., de Boer, R. E., Dedovich, D., Deng, C. Q., Deng, Z. Y., Denig, A., Denysenko, I., Destefanis, M., De Mori, F., Ding, B., Ding, X. X., Ding, Y., Dong, J., Dong, L. Y., Dong, M. Y., Dong, X., Du, M. C., Du, S. X., Duan, Y. Y., Duan, Z. H., Egorov, P., Fan, G. F., Fan, J. J., Fan, Y. H., Fang, J., Fang, S. S., Fang, W. X., Fang, Y. Q., Farinelli, R., Fava, L., Feldbauer, F., Felici, G., Feng, C. Q., Feng, J. H., Feng, Y. T., Fritsch, M., Fu, C. D., Fu, J. L., Fu, Y. W., Gao, H., Gao, X. B., Gao, Y. N., Gao, Yang, Garbolino, S., Garzia, I., Ge, P. T., Ge, Z. W., Geng, C., Gersabeck, E. M., Gilman, A., Goetzen, K., Gong, L., Gong, W. X., Gradl, W., Gramigna, S., Greco, M., Gu, M. H., Gu, Y. T., Guan, C. Y., Guo, A. Q., Guo, L. B., Guo, M. J., Guo, R. P., Guo, Y. P., Guskov, A., Gutierrez, J., Han, K. L., Han, T. T., Hanisch, F., Hao, X. Q., Harris, F. A., He, K. K., He, K. L., Heinsius, F. H., Heinz, C. H., Heng, Y. K., Herold, C., Holtmann, T., Hong, P. C., Hou, G. Y., Hou, X. T., Hou, Y. R., Hou, Z. L., Hu, B. Y., Hu, H. M., Hu, J. F., Hu, Q. P., Hu, S. L., Hu, T., Hu, Y., Huang, G. S., Huang, K. X., Huang, L. Q., Huang, P., Huang, X. T., Huang, Y. P., Huang, Y. S., Hussain, T., Hölzken, F., Hüsken, N., der Wiesche, N. in, Jackson, J., Janchiv, S., Ji, Q., Ji, Q. P., Ji, W., Ji, X. B., Ji, X. L., Ji, Y. Y., Jia, X. Q., Jia, Z. K., Jiang, D., Jiang, H. B., Jiang, P. C., Jiang, S. S., Jiang, T. J., Jiang, X. S., Jiang, Y., Jiao, J. B., Jiao, J. K., Jiao, Z., Jin, S., Jin, Y., Jing, M. Q., Jing, X. M., Johansson, T., Kabana, S., Kalantar-Nayestanaki, N., Kang, X. L., Kang, X. S., Kavatsyuk, M., Ke, B. C., Khachatryan, V., Khoukaz, A., Kiuchi, R., Kolcu, O. B., Kopf, B., Kuessner, M., Kui, X., Kumar, N., Kupsc, A., Kühn, W., Lan, W. N., Lei, T. T., Lei, Z. H., Lellmann, M., Lenz, T., Li, C., Li, C. H., Li, Cheng, Li, D. M., Li, F., Li, G., Li, H. B., Li, H. J., Li, H. N., Li, Hui, Li, J. R., Li, J. S., Li, K., Li, K. L., Li, L. J., Li, Lei, Li, M. H., Li, P. L., Li, P. R., Li, Q. M., Li, Q. X., Li, R., Li, T., Li, T. Y., Li, W. D., Li, W. G., Li, X., Li, X. H., Li, X. L., Li, X. Y., Li, X. Z., Li, Y., Li, Y. G., Li, Z. J., Li, Z. Y., Liang, C., Liang, H., Liang, Y. F., Liang, Y. T., Liao, G. R., Liao, Y. P., Libby, J., Limphirat, A., Lin, C. C., Lin, C. X., Lin, D. X., Lin, T., Liu, B. J., Liu, B. X., Liu, C., Liu, C. X., Liu, F., Liu, F. H., Liu, Feng, Liu, G. M., Liu, H., Liu, H. B., Liu, H. H., Liu, H. M., Liu, Huihui, Liu, J. B., Liu, K., Liu, K. Y., Liu, Ke, Liu, L., Liu, L. C., Liu, Lu, Liu, M. H., Liu, P. L., Liu, Q., Liu, S. B., Liu, T., Liu, W. K., Liu, W. M., Liu, X., Liu, Y., Liu, Y. B., Liu, Z. A., Liu, Z. D., Liu, Z. Q., Lou, X. C., Lu, F. X., Lu, H. J., Lu, J. G., Lu, Y., Lu, Y. P., Lu, Z. H., Luo, C. L., Luo, J. R., Luo, M. X., Luo, T., Luo, X. L., Lyu, X. R., Lyu, Y. F., Ma, F. C., Ma, H., Ma, H. L., Ma, J. L., Ma, L. L., Ma, L. R., Ma, Q. M., Ma, R. Q., Ma, R. Y., Ma, T., Ma, X. T., Ma, X. Y., Ma, Y. M., Maas, F. E., MacKay, I., Maggiora, M., Malde, S., Mao, Y. J., Mao, Z. P., Marcello, S., Meng, Y. H., Meng, Z. X., Messchendorp, J. G., Mezzadri, G., Miao, H., Min, T. J., Mitchell, R. E., Mo, X. H., Moses, B., Muchnoi, N. Yu., Muskalla, J., Nefedov, Y., Nerling, F., Nie, L. S., Nikolaev, I. B., Ning, Z., Nisar, S., Niu, Q. L., Niu, W. D., Niu, Y., Olsen, S. L., Ouyang, Q., Pacetti, S., Pan, X., Pan, Y., Pathak, A., Pei, Y. P., Pelizaeus, M., Peng, H. P., Peng, Y. Y., Peters, K., Ping, J. L., Ping, R. G., Plura, S., Prasad, V., Qi, F. Z., Qi, H. R., Qi, M., Qian, S., Qian, W. B., Qiao, C. F., Qiao, J. H., Qin, J. J., Qin, L. Q., Qin, L. Y., Qin, X. P., Qin, X. S., Qin, Z. H., Qiu, J. F., Qu, Z. H., Redmer, C. F., Ren, K. J., Rivetti, A., Rolo, M., Rong, G., Rosner, Ch., Ruan, M. Q., Ruan, S. N., Salone, N., Sarantsev, A., Schelhaas, Y., Schoenning, K., Scodeggio, M., Shan, K. Y., Shan, W., Shan, X. Y., Shang, Z. J., Shangguan, J. F., Shao, L. G., Shao, M., Shen, C. P., Shen, H. F., Shen, W. H., Shen, X. Y., Shi, B. A., Shi, H., Shi, J. L., Shi, J. Y., Shi, S. Y., Shi, X., Song, J. J., Song, T. Z., Song, W. M., Song, Y. J., Song, Y. X., Sosio, S., Spataro, S., Stieler, F., Su, S. S, Su, Y. J., Sun, G. B., Sun, G. X., Sun, H., Sun, H. K., Sun, J. F., Sun, K., Sun, L., Sun, S. S., Sun, T., Sun, Y. J., Sun, Y. Z., Sun, Z. Q., Sun, Z. T., Tang, C. J., Tang, G. Y., Tang, J., Tang, M., Tang, Y. A., Tao, L. Y., Tat, M., Teng, J. X., Thoren, V., Tian, W. H., Tian, Y., Tian, Z. F., Uman, I., Wan, Y., Wang, S. J., Wang, B., Wang, Bo, Wang, C., Wang, D. Y., Wang, H. J., Wang, J. J., Wang, J. P., Wang, K., Wang, L. L., Wang, L. W., Wang, M., Wang, N. Y., Wang, S., Wang, T., Wang, T. J., Wang, W., Wang, W. P., Wang, X., Wang, X. F., Wang, X. J., Wang, X. L., Wang, X. N., Wang, Y., Wang, Y. D., Wang, Y. F., Wang, Y. H., Wang, Y. L., Wang, Y. N., Wang, Y. Q., Wang, Yaqian, Wang, Yi, Wang, Z., Wang, Z. L., Wang, Z. Y., Wei, D. H., Weidner, F., Wen, S. P., Wen, Y. R., Wiedner, U., Wilkinson, G., Wolke, M., Wollenberg, L., Wu, C., Wu, J. F., Wu, L. H., Wu, L. J., Wu, Lianjie, Wu, X., Wu, X. H., Wu, Y. H., Wu, Y. J., Wu, Z., Xia, L., Xian, X. M., Xiang, B. H., Xiang, T., Xiao, D., Xiao, G. Y., Xiao, H., Xiao, Y. L., Xiao, Z. J., Xie, C., Xie, X. H., Xie, Y., Xie, Y. G., Xie, Y. H., Xie, Z. P., Xing, T. Y., Xu, C. F., Xu, C. J., Xu, G. F., Xu, M., Xu, Q. J., Xu, Q. N., Xu, W. L., Xu, X. P., Xu, Y., Xu, Y. C., Xu, Z. S., Yan, F., Yan, L., Yan, W. B., Yan, W. C., Yan, W. P., Yan, X. Q., Yang, H. J., Yang, H. L., Yang, H. X., Yang, J. H., Yang, R. J., Yang, T., Yang, Y., Yang, Y. F., Yang, Y. X., Yang, Y. Z., Yang, Z. W., Yao, Z. P., Ye, M., Ye, M. H., Yin, Junhao, You, Z. Y., Yu, B. X., Yu, C. X., Yu, G., Yu, J. S., Yu, M. C., Yu, T., Yu, X. D., Yuan, C. Z., Yuan, J., Yuan, L., Yuan, S. C., Yuan, Y., Yuan, Z. Y., Yue, C. X., Yue, Ying, Zafar, A. A., Zeng, F. R., Zeng, S. H., Zeng, X., Zeng, Y., Zeng, Y. J., Zhai, X. Y., Zhai, Y. C., Zhan, Y. H., Zhang, A. Q., Zhang, B. L., Zhang, B. X., Zhang, D. H., Zhang, G. Y., Zhang, H., Zhang, H. C., Zhang, H. H., Zhang, H. Q., Zhang, H. R., Zhang, H. Y., Zhang, J., Zhang, J. J., Zhang, J. L., Zhang, J. Q., Zhang, J. S., Zhang, J. W., Zhang, J. X., Zhang, J. Y., Zhang, J. Z., Zhang, Jianyu, Zhang, L. M., Zhang, Lei, Zhang, P., Zhang, Q., Zhang, Q. Y., Zhang, R. Y., Zhang, S. H., Zhang, Shulei, Zhang, X. M., Zhang, X. Y, Zhang, X. Y., Zhang, Y., Zhang, Y. T., Zhang, Y. H., Zhang, Y. M., Zhang, Yan, Zhang, Z. D., Zhang, Z. H., Zhang, Z. L., Zhang, Z. X., Zhang, Z. Y., Zhang, Z. Z., Zhang, Zh. Zh., Zhao, G., Zhao, J. Y., Zhao, J. Z., Zhao, L., Zhao, Lei, Zhao, M. G., Zhao, N., Zhao, R. P., Zhao, S. J., Zhao, Y. B., Zhao, Y. X., Zhao, Z. G., Zhemchugov, A., Zheng, B., Zheng, B. M., Zheng, J. P., Zheng, W. J., Zheng, X. R., Zheng, Y. H., Zhong, B., Zhong, X., Zhou, H., Zhou, J. Y., Zhou, S., Zhou, X., Zhou, X. K., Zhou, X. R., Zhou, X. Y., Zhou, Y. Z., Zhou, Z. C., Zhu, A. N., Zhu, J., Zhu, K., Zhu, K. J., Zhu, K. S., Zhu, L., Zhu, L. X., Zhu, S. H., Zhu, T. J., Zhu, W. D., Zhu, W. J., Zhu, W. Z., Zhu, Y. C., Zhu, Z. A., Zou, J. H., and Zu, J.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Experiment - Abstract
The process $e^+e^-\to K^0_S K^0_S \psi(3686)$ is studied by analyzing $e^+e^-$ collision data samples collected at eight center-of-mass energies ranging from 4.682 to 4.951 GeV with the BESIII detector operating at the BEPCII collider, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of $4.1~{\rm fb}^{-1}$. Observation of the $e^+e^-\to K^0_S K^0_S \psi(3686)$ process is found for the first time with a statistical significance of $6.3\sigma$, and the cross sections at each center-of-mass energy are measured. The ratio of cross sections of $e^+e^-\to K_S^0 K_S^0 \psi(3686)$ relative to $e^+e^-\to K^+ K^- \psi(3686)$ is determined to be $\frac{\sigma(e^+e^-\to K_S^0 K_S^0 \psi(3686))}{\sigma(e^+e^-\to K^+ K^- \psi(3686))}=0.45 \pm 0.25$, which is consistent with the prediction based on isospin symmetry. The uncertainty includes both statistical and systematic contributions. Additionally, the $K_S^0\psi(3686)$ invariant mass distribution is found to be consistent with three-body phase space. The significance of a contribution beyond three-body phase space is only $0.8\sigma$.
- Published
- 2024
25. Decoding the Future of Exoplanets: Asteroseismic Confirmation of Subgiant and Red Giant Hosts
- Author
Lin, Wen-Xu, Qian, Sheng-Bang, Zhu, Li-Ying, Liao, Wen-Ping, Li, Fu-Xing, Shi, Xiang-Dong, Li, Lin-Jia, and Zhao, Er-Gang
- Subjects
Astrophysics - Earth and Planetary Astrophysics ,Astrophysics - Solar and Stellar Astrophysics - Abstract
Asteroseismology has emerged as a powerful tool to unravel the intricate relationships between evolved stars and their planetary systems. In this study, we leverage this technique to investigate the evolutionary stages of five exoplanet host stars, each exhibiting solar-like oscillations. Building on our previous work that identified two host stars as red clump and red giant branch (RGB) stars, this study focuses on a new and broader sample. By precisely measuring asteroseismic parameters such as the period spacing of dipole gravity modes ($\Delta\Pi_{1}$), we provide definitive confirmation of these stars' evolutionary states as subgiants or RGB stars. These results are not only crucial for understanding the internal structures of evolved stars but also for predicting the eventual fate of their planetary companions, which may face engulfment as their host stars expand. This research highlights the profound role of asteroseismology in advancing our knowledge of planetary system evolution and opens new pathways for exploring how stellar evolution impacts planetary survival. Our findings set the stage for future studies on the dynamic fates of exoplanets, providing key insights into the intricate processes of stellar and planetary evolution.
- Published
- 2024
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26. Evidence for Two Excited $\Omega^{-}$ Hyperons
- Author
BESIII Collaboration, Ablikim, M., Achasov, M. N., Adlarson, P., Afedulidis, O., Ai, X. C., Aliberti, R., Amoroso, A., Bai, Y., Bakina, O., Balossino, I., Ban, Y., Bao, H. -R., Batozskaya, V., Begzsuren, K., Berger, N., Berlowski, M., Bertani, M., Bettoni, D., Bianchi, F., Bianco, E., Bortone, A., Boyko, I., Briere, R. A., Brueggemann, A., Cai, H., Cai, X., Calcaterra, A., Cao, G. F., Cao, N., Cetin, S. A., Chai, X. Y., Chang, J. F., Che, G. R., Che, Y. Z., Chelkov, G., Chen, C., Chen, C. H., Chen, Chao, Chen, G., Chen, H. S., Chen, H. Y., Chen, M. L., Chen, S. J., Chen, S. L., Chen, S. M., Chen, T., Chen, X. R., Chen, X. T., Chen, Y. B., Chen, Y. Q., Chen, Z. J., Chen, Z. Y., Choi, S. K., Cibinetto, G., Cossio, F., Cui, J. J., Dai, H. L., Dai, J. P., Dbeyssi, A., de Boer, R. E., Dedovich, D., Deng, C. Q., Deng, Z. Y., Denig, A., Denysenko, I., Destefanis, M., De Mori, F., Ding, B., Ding, X. X., Ding, Y., Dong, J., Dong, L. Y., Dong, M. Y., Dong, X., Du, M. C., Du, S. X., Duan, Y. Y., Duan, Z. H., Egorov, P., Fan, Y. H., Fang, J., Fang, S. S., Fang, W. X., Fang, Y., Fang, Y. Q., Farinelli, R., Fava, L., Feldbauer, F., Felici, G., Feng, C. Q., Feng, J. H., Feng, Y. T., Fritsch, M., Fu, C. D., Fu, J. L., Fu, Y. W., Gao, H., Gao, X. B., Gao, Y. N., Gao, Yang, Garbolino, S., Garzia, I., Ge, L., Ge, P. T., Ge, Z. W., Geng, C., Gersabeck, E. M., Gilman, A., Goetzen, K., Gong, L., Gong, W. X., Gradl, W., Gramigna, S., Greco, M., Gu, M. H., Gu, Y. T., Guan, C. Y., Guo, A. Q., Guo, L. B., Guo, M. J., Guo, R. P., Guo, Y. P., Guskov, A., Gutierrez, J., Han, K. L., Han, T. T., Hanisch, F., Hao, X. Q., Harris, F. A., He, K. K., He, K. L., Heinsius, F. H., Heinz, C. H., Heng, Y. K., Herold, C., Holtmann, T., Hong, P. C., Hou, G. Y., Hou, X. T., Hou, Y. R., Hou, Z. L., Hu, B. Y., Hu, H. M., Hu, J. F., Hu, Q. P., Hu, S. L., Hu, T., Hu, Y., Huang, G. S., Huang, K. X., Huang, L. Q., Huang, X. T., Huang, Y. P., Huang, Y. S., Hussain, T., Hölzken, F., Hüsken, N., der Wiesche, N. in, Jackson, J., Janchiv, S., Jeong, J. H., Ji, Q., Ji, Q. P., Ji, W., Ji, X. B., Ji, X. L., Ji, Y. Y., Jia, X. Q., Jia, Z. K., Jiang, D., Jiang, H. B., Jiang, P. C., Jiang, S. S., Jiang, T. J., Jiang, X. S., Jiang, Y., Jiao, J. B., Jiao, J. K., Jiao, Z., Jin, S., Jin, Y., Jing, M. Q., Jing, X. M., Johansson, T., Kabana, S., Kalantar-Nayestanaki, N., Kang, X. L., Kang, X. S., Kavatsyuk, M., Ke, B. C., Khachatryan, V., Khoukaz, A., Kiuchi, R., Kolcu, O. B., Kopf, B., Kuessner, M., Kui, X., Kumar, N., Kupsc, A., Kühn, W., Lavezzi, L., Lei, T. T., Lei, Z. H., Lellmann, M., Lenz, T., Li, C., Li, C. H., Li, Cheng, Li, D. M., Li, F., Li, G., Li, H. B., Li, H. J., Li, H. N., Li, Hui, Li, J. R., Li, J. S., Li, K., Li, K. L., Li, L. J., Li, L. K., Li, Lei, Li, M. H., Li, P. R., Li, Q. M., Li, Q. X., Li, R., Li, S. X., Li, T., Li, T. Y., Li, W. D., Li, W. G., Li, X., Li, X. H., Li, X. L., Li, X. Y., Li, X. Z., Li, Y. G., Li, Z. J., Li, Z. Y., Liang, C., Liang, H., Liang, Y. F., Liang, Y. T., Liao, G. R., Liao, Y. P., Libby, J., Limphirat, A., Lin, C. C., Lin, C. X., Lin, D. X., Lin, T., Liu, B. J., Liu, B. X., Liu, C., Liu, C. X., Liu, F., Liu, F. H., Liu, Feng, Liu, G. M., Liu, H., Liu, H. B., Liu, H. H., Liu, H. M., Liu, Huihui, Liu, J. B., Liu, J. Y., Liu, K., Liu, K. Y., Liu, Ke, Liu, L., Liu, L. C., Liu, Lu, Liu, M. H., Liu, P. L., Liu, Q., Liu, S. B., Liu, T., Liu, W. K., Liu, W. M., Liu, X., Liu, Y., Liu, Y. B., Liu, Z. A., Liu, Z. D., Liu, Z. Q., Lou, X. C., Lu, F. X., Lu, H. J., Lu, J. G., Lu, X. L., Lu, Y., Lu, Y. P., Lu, Z. H., Luo, C. L., Luo, J. R., Luo, M. X., Luo, T., Luo, X. L., Lyu, X. R., Lyu, Y. F., Ma, F. C., Ma, H., Ma, H. L., Ma, J. L., Ma, L. L., Ma, L. R., Ma, M. M., Ma, Q. M., Ma, R. Q., Ma, T., Ma, X. T., Ma, X. Y., Ma, Y. M., Maas, F. E., MacKay, I., Maggiora, M., Malde, S., Mao, Y. J., Mao, Z. P., Marcello, S., Meng, Y. H., Meng, Z. X., Messchendorp, J. G., Mezzadri, G., Miao, H., Min, T. J., Mitchell, R. E., Mo, X. H., Moses, B., Muchnoi, N. Yu., Muskalla, J., Nefedov, Y., Nerling, F., Nie, L. S., Nikolaev, I. B., Ning, Z., Nisar, S., Niu, Q. L., Niu, W. D., Niu, Y., Olsen, S. L., Ouyang, Q., Pacetti, S., Pan, X., Pan, Y., Pathak, A., Pei, Y. P., Pelizaeus, M., Peng, H. P., Peng, Y. Y., Peters, K., Ping, J. L., Ping, R. G., Plura, S., Prasad, V., Qi, F. Z., Qi, H., Qi, H. R., Qi, M., Qi, T. Y., Qian, S., Qian, W. B., Qiao, C. F., Qiao, X. K., Qin, J. J., Qin, L. Q., Qin, L. Y., Qin, X. P., Qin, X. S., Qin, Z. H., Qiu, J. F., Qu, Z. H., Redmer, C. F., Ren, K. J., Rivetti, A., Rolo, M., Rong, G., Rosner, Ch., Ruan, M. Q., Ruan, S. N., Salone, N., Sarantsev, A., Schelhaas, Y., Schoenning, K., Scodeggio, M., Shan, K. Y., Shan, W., Shan, X. Y., Shang, Z. J., Shangguan, J. F., Shao, L. G., Shao, M., Shen, C. P., Shen, H. F., Shen, W. H., Shen, X. Y., Shi, B. A., Shi, H., Shi, J. L., Shi, J. Y., Shi, Q. Q., Shi, S. Y., Shi, X., Song, J. J., Song, T. Z., Song, W. M., Song, Y. J., Song, Y. X., Sosio, S., Spataro, S., Stieler, F., Su, S. S, Su, Y. J., Sun, G. B., Sun, G. X., Sun, H., Sun, H. K., Sun, J. F., Sun, K., Sun, L., Sun, S. S., Sun, T., Sun, W. Y., Sun, Y., Sun, Y. J., Sun, Y. Z., Sun, Z. Q., Sun, Z. T., Tang, C. J., Tang, G. Y., Tang, J., Tang, M., Tang, Y. A., Tao, L. Y., Tao, Q. T., Tat, M., Teng, J. X., Thoren, V., Tian, W. H., Tian, Y., Tian, Z. F., Uman, I., Wan, Y., Wang, S. J., Wang, B., Wang, B. L., Wang, Bo, Wang, D. Y., Wang, F., Wang, H. J., Wang, J. J., Wang, J. P., Wang, K., Wang, L. L., Wang, M., Wang, N. Y., Wang, S., Wang, T., Wang, T. J., Wang, W., Wang, W. P., Wang, X., Wang, X. F., Wang, X. J., Wang, X. L., Wang, X. N., Wang, Y., Wang, Y. D., Wang, Y. F., Wang, Y. H., Wang, Y. L., Wang, Y. N., Wang, Y. Q., Wang, Yaqian, Wang, Yi, Wang, Z., Wang, Z. L., Wang, Z. Y., Wang, Ziyi, Wei, D. H., Weidner, F., Wen, S. P., Wen, Y. R., Wiedner, U., Wilkinson, G., Wolke, M., Wollenberg, L., Wu, C., Wu, J. F., Wu, L. H., Wu, L. J., Wu, X., Wu, X. H., Wu, Y., Wu, Y. H., Wu, Y. J., Wu, Z., Xia, L., Xian, X. M., Xiang, B. H., Xiang, T., Xiao, D., Xiao, G. Y., Xiao, H., Xiao, S. Y., Xiao, Y. L., Xiao, Z. J., Xie, C., Xie, X. H., Xie, Y., Xie, Y. G., Xie, Y. H., Xie, Z. P., Xing, T. Y., Xu, C. F., Xu, C. J., Xu, G. F., Xu, H. Y., Xu, M., Xu, Q. J., Xu, Q. N., Xu, W., Xu, W. L., Xu, X. P., Xu, Y., Xu, Y. C., Xu, Z. S., Yan, F., Yan, L., Yan, W. B., Yan, W. C., Yan, X. Q., Yang, H. J., Yang, H. L., Yang, H. X., Yang, J. H., Yang, T., Yang, Y., Yang, Y. F., Yang, Y. X., Yang, Z. W., Yao, Z. P., Ye, M., Ye, M. H., Yin, J. H., Yin, Junhao, You, Z. Y., Yu, B. X., Yu, C. X., Yu, G., Yu, J. S., Yu, M. C., Yu, T., Yu, X. D., Yu, Y. C., Yuan, C. Z., Yuan, J., Yuan, L., Yuan, S. C., Yuan, Y., Yuan, Z. Y., Yue, C. X., Zafar, A. A., Zeng, F. R., Zeng, S. H., Zeng, X., Zeng, Y., Zeng, Y. J., Zhai, X. Y., Zhai, Y. C., Zhan, Y. H., Zhang, A. Q., Zhang, B. L., Zhang, B. X., Zhang, D. H., Zhang, G. Y., Zhang, H., Zhang, H. C., Zhang, H. H., Zhang, H. Q., Zhang, H. R., Zhang, H. Y., Zhang, J., Zhang, J. J., Zhang, J. L., Zhang, J. Q., Zhang, J. S., Zhang, J. W., Zhang, J. X., Zhang, J. Y., Zhang, J. Z., Zhang, Jianyu, Zhang, L. M., Zhang, Lei, Zhang, P., Zhang, Q. Y., Zhang, R. Y., Zhang, S. H., Zhang, Shulei, Zhang, X. M., Zhang, X. Y, Zhang, X. Y., Zhang, Y., Zhang, Y. T., Zhang, Y. H., Zhang, Y. M., Zhang, Yan, Zhang, Z. D., Zhang, Z. H., Zhang, Z. L., Zhang, Z. Y., Zhang, Z. Z., Zhao, G., Zhao, J. Y., Zhao, J. Z., Zhao, L., Zhao, Lei, Zhao, M. G., Zhao, N., Zhao, R. P., Zhao, S. J., Zhao, Y. B., Zhao, Y. X., Zhao, Z. G., Zhemchugov, A., Zheng, B., Zheng, B. M., Zheng, J. P., Zheng, W. J., Zheng, Y. H., Zhong, B., Zhong, X., Zhou, H., Zhou, J. Y., Zhou, L. P., Zhou, S., Zhou, X., Zhou, X. K., Zhou, X. R., Zhou, X. Y., Zhou, Y. Z., Zhou, Z. C., Zhu, A. N., Zhu, J., Zhu, K., Zhu, K. J., Zhu, K. S., Zhu, L., Zhu, L. X., Zhu, S. H., Zhu, T. J., Zhu, W. D., Zhu, Y. C., Zhu, Z. A., Zou, J. H., and Zu, J.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Experiment ,High Energy Physics - Phenomenology - Abstract
Using $e^+e^-$ collision data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 19 fb$^{-1}$ collected by the BESIII detector at center-of-mass energies ranging from 4.13 to 4.70 GeV, we report the first evidence for a new excited $\Omega^{-}$ hyperon, the $\Omega^*(2109)^{-}$, through the process $e^+ e^- \to \Omega^*(2109)^{-} \bar{\Omega}^{+} +c.c.$ with a significance of 3.7 $\sigma$. The mass and width of $\Omega^*(2109)^{-}$ are measured to be $2108.8 \pm 5.5_{\rm stat} \pm 1.5_{\rm syst} {\rm MeV}/c^{2}$ and $21.6 \pm 17.7_{\rm stat} \pm 9.4_{\rm syst} {\rm MeV}$, respectively. We also present evidence for production of the $\Omega^*(2012)^{-}$ in the process $e^+ e^- \to \Omega^*(2012)^{-} \bar{\Omega}^{+} +c.c.$ with a significance of 3.7 $\sigma$., Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures
- Published
- 2024
27. InterFormer: Towards Effective Heterogeneous Interaction Learning for Click-Through Rate Prediction
- Author
Zeng, Zhichen, Liu, Xiaolong, Hang, Mengyue, Liu, Xiaoyi, Zhou, Qinghai, Yang, Chaofei, Liu, Yiqun, Ruan, Yichen, Chen, Laming, Chen, Yuxin, Hao, Yujia, Xu, Jiaqi, Nie, Jade, Liu, Xi, Zhang, Buyun, Wen, Wei, Yuan, Siyang, Wang, Kai, Chen, Wen-Yen, Han, Yiping, Li, Huayu, Yang, Chunzhi, Long, Bo, Yu, Philip S., Tong, Hanghang, and Yang, Jiyan
- Subjects
Computer Science - Information Retrieval ,Computer Science - Artificial Intelligence ,Computer Science - Machine Learning - Abstract
Click-through rate (CTR) prediction, which predicts the probability of a user clicking an ad, is a fundamental task in recommender systems. The emergence of heterogeneous information, such as user profile and behavior sequences, depicts user interests from different aspects. A mutually beneficial integration of heterogeneous information is the cornerstone towards the success of CTR prediction. However, most of the existing methods suffer from two fundamental limitations, including (1) insufficient inter-mode interaction due to the unidirectional information flow between modes, and (2) aggressive information aggregation caused by early summarization, resulting in excessive information loss. To address the above limitations, we propose a novel module named InterFormer to learn heterogeneous information interaction in an interleaving style. To achieve better interaction learning, InterFormer enables bidirectional information flow for mutually beneficial learning across different modes. To avoid aggressive information aggregation, we retain complete information in each data mode and use a separate bridging arch for effective information selection and summarization. Our proposed InterFormer achieves state-of-the-art performance on three public datasets and a large-scale industrial dataset., Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures
- Published
- 2024
28. Holographic multipartite entanglement from the upper bound of $n$-partite information
- Author
Ju, Xin-Xiang, Pan, Wen-Bin, Sun, Ya-Wen, and Zhao, Yang
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Theory - Abstract
To analyze the holographic multipartite entanglement structure, we study the upper bound for holographic $n$-partite information $(-1)^n I_n$ that $n-1$ fixed boundary subregions participate together with an arbitrary region $E$. In general cases, we could find regions $E$ that make $I_n$ approach the upper bound. For $n=3$, we show that the upper bound of $-I_3$ is given by a quantity that we name the entanglement of state-constrained purification $EoSP(A:B)$. For $n\geq4$, we find that the upper bound of $I_n$ is finite in holographic CFT$_{1+1}$ but has UV divergences in higher dimensions, which reveals a fundamental difference in the entanglement structure in different dimensions. When $(-1)^n I_n$ reaches the information-theoretical upper bound, we argue that ( I_n ) fully accounts for multipartite global entanglement in these upper bound critical points, in contrast to usual cases where $I_n$ is not a perfect measure for multipartite entanglement. We further show that these results suggest that fewer-partite entanglement fully emerges from more-partite entanglement, and any $n-1$ distant regions are fully $n$-partite entangling in higher dimensions., Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures
- Published
- 2024
29. Study of the light scalar $a_{0}(980)$ through the decay $D^{0} \to a_{0}(980)^-e^{+} \nu_{e}$ with $a_{0}(980)^- \to \eta \pi^-$
- Author
BESIII Collaboration, Ablikim, M., Achasov, M. N., Adlarson, P., Afedulidis, O., Ai, X. C., Aliberti, R., Amoroso, A., An, Q., Bai, Y., Bakina, O., Balossino, I., Ban, Y., Bao, H. -R., Batozskaya, V., Begzsuren, K., Berger, N., Berlowski, M., Bertani, M., Bettoni, D., Bianchi, F., Bianco, E., Bortone, A., Boyko, I., Briere, R. A., Brueggemann, A., Cai, H., Cai, X., Calcaterra, A., Cao, G. F., Cao, N., Cetin, S. A., Chai, X. Y., Chang, J. F., Che, G. R., Che, Y. Z., Chelkov, G., Chen, C., Chen, C. H., Chen, Chao, Chen, G., Chen, H. S., Chen, H. Y., Chen, M. L., Chen, S. J., Chen, S. L., Chen, S. M., Chen, T., Chen, X. R., Chen, X. T., Chen, Y. B., Chen, Y. Q., Chen, Z. J., Chen, Z. Y., Choi, S. K., Cibinetto, G., Cossio, F., Cui, J. J., Dai, H. L., Dai, J. P., Dbeyssi, A., de Boer, R. E., Dedovich, D., Deng, C. Q., Deng, Z. Y., Denig, A., Denysenko, I., Destefanis, M., De Mori, F., Ding, B., Ding, X. X., Ding, Y., Dong, J., Dong, L. Y., Dong, M. Y., Dong, X., Du, M. C., Du, S. X., Duan, Y. Y., Duan, Z. H., Egorov, P., Fan, Y. H., Fang, J., Fang, S. S., Fang, W. X., Fang, Y., Fang, Y. Q., Farinelli, R., Fava, L., Feldbauer, F., Felici, G., Feng, C. Q., Feng, J. H., Feng, Y. T., Fritsch, M., Fu, C. D., Fu, J. L., Fu, Y. W., Gao, H., Gao, X. B., Gao, Y. N., Gao, Yang, Garbolino, S., Garzia, I., Ge, L., Ge, P. T., Ge, Z. W., Geng, C., Gersabeck, E. M., Gilman, A., Goetzen, K., Gong, L., Gong, W. X., Gradl, W., Gramigna, S., Greco, M., Gu, M. H., Gu, Y. T., Guan, C. Y., Guo, A. Q., Guo, L. B., Guo, M. J., Guo, R. P., Guo, Y. P., Guskov, A., Gutierrez, J., Han, K. L., Han, T. T., Hanisch, F., Hao, X. Q., Harris, F. A., He, K. K., He, K. L., Heinsius, F. H., Heinz, C. H., Heng, Y. K., Herold, C., Holtmann, T., Hong, P. C., Hou, G. Y., Hou, X. T., Hou, Y. R., Hou, Z. L., Hu, B. Y., Hu, H. M., Hu, J. F., Hu, Q. P., Hu, S. L., Hu, T., Hu, Y., Huang, G. S., Huang, K. X., Huang, L. Q., Huang, X. T., Huang, Y. P., Huang, Y. S., Hussain, T., Hölzken, F., Hüsken, N., der Wiesche, N. in, Jackson, J., Janchiv, S., Jeong, J. H., Ji, Q., Ji, Q. P., Ji, W., Ji, X. B., Ji, X. L., Ji, Y. Y., Jia, X. Q., Jia, Z. K., Jiang, D., Jiang, H. B., Jiang, P. C., Jiang, S. S., Jiang, T. J., Jiang, X. S., Jiang, Y., Jiao, J. B., Jiao, J. K., Jiao, Z., Jin, S., Jin, Y., Jing, M. Q., Jing, X. M., Johansson, T., Kabana, S., Kalantar-Nayestanaki, N., Kang, X. L., Kang, X. S., Kavatsyuk, M., Ke, B. C., Khachatryan, V., Khoukaz, A., Kiuchi, R., Kolcu, O. B., Kopf, B., Kuessner, M., Kui, X., Kumar, N., Kupsc, A., Kühn, W., Lavezzi, L., Lei, T. T., Lei, Z. H., Lellmann, M., Lenz, T., Li, C., Li, C. H., Li, Cheng, Li, D. M., Li, F., Li, G., Li, H. B., Li, H. J., Li, H. N., Li, Hui, Li, J. R., Li, J. S., Li, K., Li, K. L., Li, L. J., Li, L. K., Li, Lei, Li, M. H., Li, P. R., Li, Q. M., Li, Q. X., Li, R., Li, S. X., Li, T., Li, W. D., Li, W. G., Li, X., Li, X. H., Li, X. L., Li, X. Y., Li, X. Z., Li, Y. G., Li, Z. J., Li, Z. Y., Liang, C., Liang, H., Liang, Y. F., Liang, Y. T., Liao, G. R., Liao, Y. P., Libby, J., Limphirat, A., Lin, C. C., Lin, C. X., Lin, D. X., Lin, T., Liu, B. J., Liu, B. X., Liu, C., Liu, C. X., Liu, F., Liu, F. H., Liu, Feng, Liu, G. M., Liu, H., Liu, H. B., Liu, H. H., Liu, H. M., Liu, Huihui, Liu, J. B., Liu, J. Y., Liu, K., Liu, K. Y., Liu, Ke, Liu, L., Liu, L. C., Liu, Lu, Liu, M. H., Liu, P. L., Liu, Q., Liu, S. B., Liu, T., Liu, W. K., Liu, W. M., Liu, X., Liu, Y., Liu, Y. B., Liu, Z. A., Liu, Z. D., Liu, Z. Q., Lou, X. C., Lu, F. X., Lu, H. J., Lu, J. G., Lu, X. L., Lu, Y., Lu, Y. P., Lu, Z. H., Luo, C. L., Luo, J. R., Luo, M. X., Luo, T., Luo, X. L., Lyu, X. R., Lyu, Y. F., Ma, F. C., Ma, H., Ma, H. L., Ma, J. L., Ma, L. L., Ma, L. R., Ma, M. M., Ma, Q. M., Ma, R. Q., Ma, T., Ma, X. T., Ma, X. Y., Ma, Y. M., Maas, F. E., MacKay, I., Maggiora, M., Malde, S., Mao, Y. J., Mao, Z. P., Marcello, S., Meng, Z. X., Messchendorp, J. G., Mezzadri, G., Miao, H., Min, T. J., Mitchell, R. E., Mo, X. H., Moses, B., Muchnoi, N. Yu., Muskalla, J., Nefedov, Y., Nerling, F., Nie, L. S., Nikolaev, I. B., Ning, Z., Nisar, S., Niu, Q. L., Niu, W. D., Niu, Y., Olsen, S. L., Ouyang, Q., Pacetti, S., Pan, X., Pan, Y., Pathak, A., Pei, Y. P., Pelizaeus, M., Peng, H. P., Peng, Y. Y., Peters, K., Ping, J. L., Ping, R. G., Plura, S., Prasad, V., Qi, F. Z., Qi, H., Qi, H. R., Qi, M., Qi, T. Y., Qian, S., Qian, W. B., Qiao, C. F., Qiao, X. K., Qin, J. J., Qin, L. Q., Qin, L. Y., Qin, X. P., Qin, X. S., Qin, Z. H., Qiu, J. F., Qu, Z. H., Redmer, C. F., Ren, K. J., Rivetti, A., Rolo, M., Rong, G., Rosner, Ch., Ruan, M. Q., Ruan, S. N., Salone, N., Sarantsev, A., Schelhaas, Y., Schoenning, K., Scodeggio, M., Shan, K. Y., Shan, W., Shan, X. Y., Shang, Z. J., Shangguan, J. F., Shao, L. G., Shao, M., Shen, C. P., Shen, H. F., Shen, W. H., Shen, X. Y., Shi, B. A., Shi, H., Shi, H. C., Shi, J. L., Shi, J. Y., Shi, Q. Q., Shi, S. Y., Shi, X., Song, J. J., Song, T. Z., Song, W. M., Song, Y. J., Song, Y. X., Sosio, S., Spataro, S., Stieler, F., Su, S. S, Su, Y. J., Sun, G. B., Sun, G. X., Sun, H., Sun, H. K., Sun, J. F., Sun, K., Sun, L., Sun, S. S., Sun, T., Sun, W. Y., Sun, Y., Sun, Y. J., Sun, Y. Z., Sun, Z. Q., Sun, Z. T., Tang, C. J., Tang, G. Y., Tang, J., Tang, M., Tang, Y. A., Tao, L. Y., Tao, Q. T., Tat, M., Teng, J. X., Thoren, V., Tian, W. H., Tian, Y., Tian, Z. F., Uman, I., Wan, Y., Wang, S. J., Wang, B., Wang, B. L., Wang, Bo, Wang, D. Y., Wang, F., Wang, H. J., Wang, J. J., Wang, J. P., Wang, K., Wang, L. L., Wang, M., Wang, N. Y., Wang, S., Wang, T., Wang, T. J., Wang, W., Wang, W. P., Wang, X., Wang, X. F., Wang, X. J., Wang, X. L., Wang, X. N., Wang, Y., Wang, Y. D., Wang, Y. F., Wang, Y. H., Wang, Y. L., Wang, Y. N., Wang, Y. Q., Wang, Yaqian, Wang, Yi, Wang, Z., Wang, Z. L., Wang, Z. Y., Wang, Ziyi, Wei, D. H., Weidner, F., Wen, S. P., Wen, Y. R., Wiedner, U., Wilkinson, G., Wolke, M., Wollenberg, L., Wu, C., Wu, J. F., Wu, L. H., Wu, L. J., Wu, X., Wu, X. H., Wu, Y., Wu, Y. H., Wu, Y. J., Wu, Z., Xia, L., Xian, X. M., Xiang, B. H., Xiang, T., Xiao, D., Xiao, G. Y., Xiao, S. Y., Xiao, Y. L., Xiao, Z. J., Xie, C., Xie, X. H., Xie, Y., Xie, Y. G., Xie, Y. H., Xie, Z. P., Xing, T. Y., Xu, C. F., Xu, C. J., Xu, G. F., Xu, H. Y., Xu, M., Xu, Q. J., Xu, Q. N., Xu, W., Xu, W. L., Xu, X. P., Xu, Y., Xu, Y. C., Xu, Z. S., Yan, F., Yan, L., Yan, W. B., Yan, W. C., Yan, X. Q., Yang, H. J., Yang, H. L., Yang, H. X., Yang, J. H., Yang, T., Yang, Y., Yang, Y. F., Yang, Y. X., Yang, Z. W., Yao, Z. P., Ye, M., Ye, M. H., Yin, J. H., Yin, Junhao, You, Z. Y., Yu, B. X., Yu, C. X., Yu, G., Yu, J. S., Yu, M. C., Yu, T., Yu, X. D., Yu, Y. C., Yuan, C. Z., Yuan, J., Yuan, L., Yuan, S. C., Yuan, Y., Yuan, Z. Y., Yue, C. X., Zafar, A. A., Zeng, F. R., Zeng, S. H., Zeng, X., Zeng, Y., Zeng, Y. J., Zhai, X. Y., Zhai, Y. C., Zhan, Y. H., Zhang, A. Q., Zhang, B. L., Zhang, B. X., Zhang, D. H., Zhang, G. Y., Zhang, H., Zhang, H. C., Zhang, H. H., Zhang, H. Q., Zhang, H. R., Zhang, H. Y., Zhang, J., Zhang, J. J., Zhang, J. L., Zhang, J. Q., Zhang, J. S., Zhang, J. W., Zhang, J. X., Zhang, J. Y., Zhang, J. Z., Zhang, Jianyu, Zhang, L. M., Zhang, Lei, Zhang, P., Zhang, Q. Y., Zhang, R. Y., Zhang, S. H., Zhang, Shulei, Zhang, X. M., Zhang, X. Y, Zhang, X. Y., Zhang, Y., Zhang, Y. T., Zhang, Y. H., Zhang, Y. M., Zhang, Yan, Zhang, Z. D., Zhang, Z. H., Zhang, Z. L., Zhang, Z. Y., Zhang, Z. Z., Zhao, G., Zhao, J. Y., Zhao, J. Z., Zhao, L., Zhao, Lei, Zhao, M. G., Zhao, N., Zhao, R. P., Zhao, S. J., Zhao, Y. B., Zhao, Y. X., Zhao, Z. G., Zhemchugov, A., Zheng, B., Zheng, B. M., Zheng, J. P., Zheng, W. J., Zheng, Y. H., Zhong, B., Zhong, X., Zhou, H., Zhou, J. Y., Zhou, L. P., Zhou, S., Zhou, X., Zhou, X. K., Zhou, X. R., Zhou, X. Y., Zhou, Y. Z., Zhou, Z. C., Zhu, A. N., Zhu, J., Zhu, K., Zhu, K. J., Zhu, K. S., Zhu, L., Zhu, L. X., Zhu, S. H., Zhu, T. J., Zhu, W. D., Zhu, Y. C., Zhu, Z. A., Zou, J. H., and Zu, J.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Experiment - Abstract
Using 7.93 ${\rm fb^{-1}}$ of $e^+e^-$ collision data collected at a center-of-mass energy of 3.773 ${\rm GeV}$ with the BESIII detector, we present an analysis of the decay $D^{0} \to \eta \pi^- e^+ \nu_{e}$. The branching fraction of the decay $D^{0} \to a_{0}(980)^{-} e^+ \nu_{e}$ with $a_{0}(980)^{-} \to \eta \pi^{-}$ is measured to be $(0.86\pm0.17_{\text{stat}}\pm0.05_{\text{syst}})\times 10^{-4}$. The decay dynamics of this process is studied with a single-pole parameterization of the hadronic form factor and the Flatt\'e formula describing the $a_0(980)$ line shape in the differential decay rate. The product of the form factor $f^{ a_0}_{+}(0)$ and the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix element $|V_{cd}|$ is determined for the first time with the result $f^{ a_0}_+(0)|V_{cd}|=0.126\pm0.013_{\rm stat}\pm0.003_{\rm syst}$.
- Published
- 2024
30. Evolutionary states and triplicity of four massive semi-detached binaries with long-term decreasing orbital periods in the LMC
- Author
Li, Fu-Xing, Qian, Sheng-Bang, Zhu, Li-ying, Liao, Wen-Ping, Zhao, er-gang, Li, Min-Yu, Sun, Qi-Bin, Chang, Lin-Feng, and Lin, Wen-Xu
- Subjects
Astrophysics - Solar and Stellar Astrophysics - Abstract
The massive semi-detached binary with a long-term decreasing orbital period may involve a rapid mass-transfer phase in Case A, and thus they are good astrophysical laboratories for investigating the evolution of massive binary stars. In this work, by using the long-term observational light curves from the OGLE project and other data in the low-metallicity LMC, four semi-detached massive binaries with long-term decreases in the orbital periods are detected from 165 EB-type close binaries. It is found that the more massive component in S07798 is filling its Roche lobe where the period decrease is caused by mass transfer from the primary to the secondary. However, the other three (S03065, S12631, S16873) are semi-detached binaries with a lobe-filling secondary where the mass transfer between the components should cause the period to increase if the angular momentum is conservative. The long-term period decreases in these three systems may be caused by the angular momentum loss. Additionally, the orbital periods of three systems (S03065, S07798, S16873) are detected to show cyclic variation with periods shorter than 11 years, which can be plausibly explained by the presence of close-in third bodies in these massive binaries. Based on all of these results, it is suggested that the detected four semi-detached binaries almost have multiplicity. The companion stars are crucial for the origin and evolution of these massive close binaries.
- Published
- 2024
31. HtmlRAG: HTML is Better Than Plain Text for Modeling Retrieved Knowledge in RAG Systems
- Author
Tan, Jiejun, Dou, Zhicheng, Wang, Wen, Wang, Mang, Chen, Weipeng, and Wen, Ji-Rong
- Subjects
Computer Science - Information Retrieval - Abstract
Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) has been shown to improve knowledge capabilities and alleviate the hallucination problem of LLMs. The Web is a major source of external knowledge used in RAG systems, and many commercial systems such as ChatGPT and Perplexity have used Web search engines as their major retrieval systems. Typically, such RAG systems retrieve search results, download HTML sources of the results, and then extract plain texts from the HTML sources. Plain text documents or chunks are fed into the LLMs to augment the generation. However, much of the structural and semantic information inherent in HTML, such as headings and table structures, is lost during this plain-text-based RAG process. To alleviate this problem, we propose HtmlRAG, which uses HTML instead of plain text as the format of retrieved knowledge in RAG. We believe HTML is better than plain text in modeling knowledge in external documents, and most LLMs possess robust capacities to understand HTML. However, utilizing HTML presents new challenges. HTML contains additional content such as tags, JavaScript, and CSS specifications, which bring extra input tokens and noise to the RAG system. To address this issue, we propose HTML cleaning, compression, and pruning strategies, to shorten the HTML while minimizing the loss of information. Specifically, we design a two-step block-tree-based pruning method that prunes useless HTML blocks and keeps only the relevant part of the HTML. Experiments on six QA datasets confirm the superiority of using HTML in RAG systems.
- Published
- 2024
32. The JCMT BISTRO Survey: The Magnetic Fields of the IC 348 Star-forming Region
- Author
Choi, Youngwoo, Kwon, Woojin, Pattle, Kate, Arzoumanian, Doris, Bourke, Tyler L., Hoang, Thiem, Hwang, Jihye, Koch, Patrick M., Sadavoy, Sarah, Bastien, Pierre, Furuya, Ray, Lai, Shih-Ping, Qiu, Keping, Ward-Thompson, Derek, Berry, David, Byun, Do-Young, Chen, Huei-Ru Vivien, Chen, Wen Ping, Chen, Mike, Chen, Zhiwei, Ching, Tao-Chung, Cho, Jungyeon, Choi, Minho, Choi, Yunhee, Coudé, Simon, Chrysostomou, Antonio, Chung, Eun Jung, Dai, Sophia, Debattista, Victor, Di Francesco, James, Diep, Pham Ngoc, Doi, Yasuo, Duan, Hao-Yuan, Duan, Yan, Eswaraiah, Chakali, Fanciullo, Lapo, Fiege, Jason, Fissel, Laura M., Franzmann, Erica, Friberg, Per, Friesen, Rachel, Fuller, Gary, Gledhill, Tim, Graves, Sarah, Greaves, Jane, Griffin, Matt, Gu, Qilao, Han, Ilseung, Hasegawa, Tetsuo, Houde, Martin, Hull, Charles L. H., Inoue, Tsuyoshi, Inutsuka, Shu-ichiro, Iwasaki, Kazunari, Jeong, Il-Gyo, Johnstone, Doug, Karoly, Janik, Könyves, Vera, Kang, Ji-hyun, Lacaille, Kevin, Law, Chi-Yan, Lee, Chang Won, Lee, Hyeseung, Lee, Chin-Fei, Lee, Jeong-Eun, Lee, Sang-Sung, Li, Dalei, Li, Di, Li, Guangxing, Li, Hua-bai, Lin, Sheng-Jun, Liu, Hong-Li, Liu, Tie, Liu, Sheng-Yuan, Liu, Junhao, Longmore, Steven, Lu, Xing, Lyo, A-Ran, Mairs, Steve, Matsumura, Masafumi, Matthews, Brenda, Moriarty-Schieven, Gerald, Nagata, Tetsuya, Nakamura, Fumitaka, Nakanishi, Hiroyuki, Ngoc, Nguyen Bich, Ohashi, Nagayoshi, Onaka, Takashi, Park, Geumsook, Parsons, Harriet, Peretto, Nicolas, Priestley, Felix, Pyo, Tae-Soo, Qian, Lei, Rao, Ramprasad, Rawlings, Jonathan, Rawlings, Mark, Retter, Brendan, Richer, John, Rigby, Andrew, Saito, Hiro, Savini, Giorgio, Seta, Masumichi, Sharma, Ekta, Shimajiri, Yoshito, Shinnaga, Hiroko, Soam, Archana, Kang, Miju, Kataoka, Akimasa, Kawabata, Koji, Kemper, Francisca, Kim, Jongsoo, Kim, Shinyoung, Kim, Gwanjeong, Kim, Kyoung Hee, Kim, Mi-Ryang, Kim, Kee-Tae, Kim, Hyosung, Kirchschlager, Florian, Kirk, Jason, Kobayashi, Masato I. N., Kusune, Takayoshi, Kwon, Jungmi, Tamura, Motohide, Tang, Ya-Wen, Tang, Xindi, Tomisaka, Kohji, Tsukamoto, Yusuke, Viti, Serena, Wang, Hongchi, Wang, Jia-Wei, Wu, Jintai, Xie, Jinjin, Yang, Meng-Zhe, Yen, Hsi-Wei, Yoo, Hyunju, Yuan, Jinghua, Yun, Hyeong-Sik, Zenko, Tetsuya, Zhang, Guoyin, Zhang, Yapeng, Zhang, Chuan-Peng, Zhou, Jianjun, Zhu, Lei, de Looze, Ilse, André, Philippe, Dowell, C. Darren, Eden, David, Eyres, Stewart, Falle, Sam, Gouellec, Valentin J. M. Le, Poidevin, Frédérick, and van Loo, Sven
- Subjects
Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies - Abstract
We present 850 $\mu$m polarization observations of the IC 348 star-forming region in the Perseus molecular cloud as part of the B-fields In STar-forming Region Observation (BISTRO) survey. We study the magnetic properties of two cores (HH 211 MMS and IC 348 MMS) and a filamentary structure of IC 348. We find that the overall field tends to be more perpendicular than parallel to the filamentary structure of the region. The polarization fraction decreases with intensity, and we estimate the trend by power-law and the mean of the Rice distribution fittings. The power indices for the cores are much smaller than 1, indicative of possible grain growth to micron size in the cores. We also measure the magnetic field strengths of the two cores and the filamentary area separately by applying the Davis-Chandrasekhar-Fermi method and its alternative version for compressed medium. The estimated mass-to-flux ratios are 0.45-2.20 and 0.63-2.76 for HH 211 MMS and IC 348 MMS, respectively, while the ratios for the filament is 0.33-1.50. This result may suggest that the transition from subcritical to supercritical conditions occurs at the core scale ($\sim$ 0.05 pc) in the region. In addition, we study the energy balance of the cores and find that the relative strength of turbulence to the magnetic field tends to be stronger for IC 348 MMS than HH 211 MMS. The result could potentially explain the different configurations inside the two cores: a single protostellar system in HH 211 MMS and multiple protostars in IC 348 MMS., Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. 21 pages, 12 figures
- Published
- 2024
33. Expanding Molecular Shell and Possible {\gamma}-ray Source Associated with Supernova Remnant Kesteven 67
- Author
Shen, Yun-Zhi, Chen, Yang, Zhang, Xiao, Tu, Tian-Yu, Zhong, Wen-Juan, Zhang, Qian-Qian, and Liu, Qian-Cheng
- Subjects
Astrophysics - High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena - Abstract
We investigate the molecular environment of the supernova remnant (SNR) Kesteven 67 (G18.8+0.3) using observations in $^{12}$CO, $^{13}$CO, HCO$^+$,and HCN lines and possible associated $\gamma$-ray emission using 16-yr Fermi-LAT observation. We find that the SNR is closely surrounded by a molecular belt in the southeastern boundary, with the both recessed in the band-like molecular gas structure along the Galactic plane. The asymmetric molecular line profiles are widely present in the surrounding gas around local-standard-of-rest velocity +20 km s$^{-1}$. The secondary components centered at $\sim$+16km s$^{-1}$ in the belt and $\sim$+26 km s$^{-1}$ in the northern clump can be ascribed to the motion of a wind-blown molecular shell. This explanation is supported by the position-velocity diagram along a line cutting across the remnant, which shows an arc-like pattern, suggesting an expanding gas structure. With the simulation of chemical effects of shock propagation, the abundance ratios $N$(HCO$^+$)/$N$($^{12}$CO) $\sim2.6\times 10^{-5}$--$3.6\times 10^{-4}$ obtained in the belt can be more naturally interpreted by the wind-driven bubble shock than by the SNR shock. The belt and northern clump are very likely to be parts of an incomplete molecular shell of bubble driven by O-type progenitor star's wind. The analysis of 0.2--500 GeV $\gamma$-ray emission uncovers a possible point source (`Source~A') about 6.5$\sigma$ located in the north of the SNR, which essentially corresponds to northern molecular clump. Our spectral fit of the emission indicates that a hadronic origin is favored by the measured Galactic number ratio between CR electrons and protons $\sim0.01$., Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures, accepted by MNRAS
- Published
- 2025
34. Improving Skeleton-based Action Recognition with Interactive Object Information
- Author
Wen, Hao, Lu, Ziqian, Shen, Fengli, Lu, Zhe-Ming, and Cui, Jialin
- Subjects
Computer Science - Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition ,Computer Science - Artificial Intelligence - Abstract
Human skeleton information is important in skeleton-based action recognition, which provides a simple and efficient way to describe human pose. However, existing skeleton-based methods focus more on the skeleton, ignoring the objects interacting with humans, resulting in poor performance in recognizing actions that involve object interactions. We propose a new action recognition framework introducing object nodes to supplement absent interactive object information. We also propose Spatial Temporal Variable Graph Convolutional Networks (ST-VGCN) to effectively model the Variable Graph (VG) containing object nodes. Specifically, in order to validate the role of interactive object information, by leveraging a simple self-training approach, we establish a new dataset, JXGC 24, and an extended dataset, NTU RGB+D+Object 60, including more than 2 million additional object nodes. At the same time, we designe the Variable Graph construction method to accommodate a variable number of nodes for graph structure. Additionally, we are the first to explore the overfitting issue introduced by incorporating additional object information, and we propose a VG-based data augmentation method to address this issue, called Random Node Attack. Finally, regarding the network structure, we introduce two fusion modules, CAF and WNPool, along with a novel Node Balance Loss, to enhance the comprehensive performance by effectively fusing and balancing skeleton and object node information. Our method surpasses the previous state-of-the-art on multiple skeleton-based action recognition benchmarks. The accuracy of our method on NTU RGB+D 60 cross-subject split is 96.7\%, and on cross-view split, it is 99.2\%.
- Published
- 2025
35. CP violation analysis of $D^0\to M^0 K \to M^0(\pi^\pm \ell^\mp \nu)$
- Author
Song, Wen-Jie, Wang, Shi-Qi, Qin, Qin, and Li, Ya
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology - Abstract
CP violation in the charm sector is highly sensitive to new physics due to its small predicted value within the standard model. By this work, we investigated the CP violation in the cascade decay process $D^0(t_1) \to \pi^0 K(t_2) \to \pi^0(\pi^\pm \ell^\mp \nu)$. Our results indicate that the CP violation induced by the interference of unmixed $D$-meson decay amplitudes dominates, with a peak value reaching $5 \times 10^{-3}$. This is one order of magnitude larger than the sub-leading contribution, namely the double-mixing CP violation. Furthermore, the CP violation in the decay channel with the semileptonic final state $\pi^- \ell^+ \nu_\ell$ is one to two orders of magnitude larger than that in the channel with $ \pi^+ \ell^- \bar{\nu}_\ell$. We propose that the CP asymmetry of the combined two decay channels can be measured experimentally. The resulting value is approximately half of the CP violation observed in the $\pi^- \ell^+ \nu_\ell$ channel, with the dominant contribution still reaching the order of $10^{-3}$. This approach offers the advantage of eliminating the need for flavor tagging of the initial $D$ meson, thereby avoiding associated efficiency losses.
- Published
- 2025
36. Interpretable Enzyme Function Prediction via Residue-Level Detection
- Author
Yang, Zhao, Su, Bing, Chen, Jiahao, and Wen, Ji-Rong
- Subjects
Quantitative Biology - Biomolecules ,Computer Science - Machine Learning - Abstract
Predicting multiple functions labeled with Enzyme Commission (EC) numbers from the enzyme sequence is of great significance but remains a challenge due to its sparse multi-label classification nature, i.e., each enzyme is typically associated with only a few labels out of more than 6000 possible EC numbers. However, existing machine learning algorithms generally learn a fixed global representation for each enzyme to classify all functions, thereby they lack interpretability and the fine-grained information of some function-specific local residue fragments may be overwhelmed. Here we present an attention-based framework, namely ProtDETR (Protein Detection Transformer), by casting enzyme function prediction as a detection problem. It uses a set of learnable functional queries to adaptatively extract different local representations from the sequence of residue-level features for predicting different EC numbers. ProtDETR not only significantly outperforms existing deep learning-based enzyme function prediction methods, but also provides a new interpretable perspective on automatically detecting different local regions for identifying different functions through cross-attentions between queries and residue-level features. Code is available at https://github.com/yangzhao1230/ProtDETR.
- Published
- 2025
37. A multi-frequency study of sub-parsec jets with the Event Horizon Telescope
- Author
Röder, Jan, Wielgus, Maciek, Lobanov, Andrei P., Krichbaum, Thomas P., Nair, Dhanya G., Lee, Sang-Sung, Ros, Eduardo, Fish, Vincent L., Blackburn, Lindy, Chan, Chi-kwan, Issaoun, Sara, Janssen, Michael, Johnson, Michael D., Doeleman, Sheperd S., Bower, Geoffrey C., Crew, Geoffrey B., Tilanus, Remo P. J., Savolainen, Tuomas, Impellizzeri, C. M. Violette, Alberdi, Antxon, Baczko, Anne-Kathrin, Gómez, José L., Lu, Ru-Sen, Paraschos, Georgios F., Traianou, Efthalia, Goddi, Ciriaco, Kim, Daewon, Lisakov, Mikhail, Kovalev, Yuri Y., Voitsik, Petr A., Sokolovsky, Kirill V., Akiyama, Kazunori, Albentosa-Ruíz, Ezequiel, Alef, Walter, Algaba, Juan Carlos, Anantua, Richard, Asada, Keiichi, Azulay, Rebecca, Bach, Uwe, Ball, David, Baloković, Mislav, Bandyopadhyay, Bidisha, Barrett, John, Bauböck, Michi, Benson, Bradford A., Bintley, Dan, Blundell, Raymond, Bouman, Katherine L., Bremer, Michael, Brinkerink, Christiaan D., Brissenden, Roger, Britzen, Silke, Broderick, Avery E., Broguiere, Dominique, Bronzwaer, Thomas, Bustamante, Sandra, Byun, Do-Young, Carlstrom, John E., Ceccobello, Chiara, Chael, Andrew, Chang, Dominic O., Chatterjee, Koushik, Chatterjee, Shami, Chen, Ming-Tang, Chen, Yongjun, Cheng, Xiaopeng, Cho, Ilje, Christian, Pierre, Conroy, Nicholas S., Conway, John E., Cordes, James M., Crawford, Thomas M., Cruz-Osorio, Alejandro, Cui, Yuzhu, Curd, Brandon, Dahale, Rohan, Davelaar, Jordy, De Laurentis, Mariafelicia, Deane, Roger, Dempsey, Jessica, Desvignes, Gregory, Dexter, Jason, Dhruv, Vedant, Dihingia, Indu K., Dougall, Sean Taylor, Dzib, Sergio A., Eatough, Ralph P., Emami, Razieh, Falcke, Heino, Farah, Joseph, Fomalont, Edward, Ford, H. Alyson, Foschi, Marianna, Fraga-Encinas, Raquel, Freeman, William T., Friberg, Per, Fromm, Christian M., Fuentes, Antonio, Galison, Peter, Gammie, Charles F., García, Roberto, Gentaz, Olivier, Georgiev, Boris, Gold, Roman, Gómez-Ruiz, Arturo I., Gu, Minfeng, Gurwell, Mark, Hada, Kazuhiro, Haggard, Daryl, Haworth, Kari, Hecht, Michael H., Hesper, Ronald, Heumann, Dirk, Ho, Luis C., Ho, Paul, Honma, Mareki, Huang, Chih-Wei L., Huang, Lei, Hughes, David H., Ikeda, Shiro, Inoue, Makoto, James, David J., Jannuzi, Buell T., Jeter, Britton, Jiang, Wu, Jiménez-Rosales, Alejandra, Jorstad, Svetlana, Joshi, Abhishek V., Jung, Taehyun, Karami, Mansour, Karuppusamy, Ramesh, Kawashima, Tomohisa, Keating, Garrett K., Kettenis, Mark, Kim, Dong-Jin, Kim, Jae-Young, Kim, Jongsoo, Kim, Junhan, Kino, Motoki, Koay, Jun Yi, Kocherlakota, Prashant, Kofuji, Yutaro, Koyama, Shoko, Kramer, Carsten, Kramer, Joana A., Kramer, Michael, Kuo, Cheng-Yu, La Bella, Noemi, Lauer, Tod R., Lee, Daeyoung, Leung, Po Kin, Levis, Aviad, Li, Zhiyuan, Lico, Rocco, Lindahl, Greg, Lindqvist, Michael, Liu, Jun, Liu, Kuo, Liuzzo, Elisabetta, Lo, Wen-Ping, Loinard, Laurent, Lonsdale, Colin J., Lowitz, Amy E., MacDonald, Nicholas R., Mao, Jirong, Marchili, Nicola, Markoff, Sera, Marrone, Daniel P., Marscher, Alan P., Martí-Vidal, Iván, Matsushita, Satoki, Matthews, Lynn D., Medeiros, Lia, Menten, Karl M., Michalik, Daniel, Mizuno, Izumi, Mizuno, Yosuke, Moran, James M., Moriyama, Kotaro, Moscibrodzka, Monika, Mulaudzi, Wanga, Müller, Cornelia, Müller, Hendrik, Mus, Alejandro, Musoke, Gibwa, Myserlis, Ioannis, Nadolski, Andrew, Nagai, Hiroshi, Nagar, Neil M., Nakamura, Masanori, Narayanan, Gopal, Natarajan, Iniyan, Nathanail, Antonios, Fuentes, Santiago Navarro, Neilsen, Joey, Neri, Roberto, Ni, Chunchong, Noutsos, Aristeidis, Nowak, Michael A., Oh, Junghwan, Okino, Hiroki, Sánchez, Héctor R. Olivares, Ortiz-León, Gisela N., Oyama, Tomoaki, özel, Feryal, Palumbo, Daniel C. M., Park, Jongho, Parsons, Harriet, Patel, Nimesh, Pen, Ue-Li, Pesce, Dominic W., Piétu, Vincent, Plambeck, Richard, PopStefanija, Aleksandar, Porth, Oliver, Pötzl, Felix M., Prather, Ben, Preciado-López, Jorge A., Principe, Giacomo, Psaltis, Dimitrios, Pu, Hung-Yi, Ramakrishnan, Venkatessh, Rao, Ramprasad, Rawlings, Mark G., Ricarte, Angelo, Ripperda, Bart, Roelofs, Freek, Rogers, Alan, Romero-Cañizales, Cristina, Roshanineshat, Arash, Rottmann, Helge, Roy, Alan L., Ruiz, Ignacio, Ruszczyk, Chet, Rygl, Kazi L. J., Sánchez, Salvador, Sánchez-Argüelles, David, Sánchez-Portal, Miguel, Sasada, Mahito, Satapathy, Kaushik, Schloerb, F. Peter, Schonfeld, Jonathan, Schuster, Karl-Friedrich, Shao, Lijing, Shen, Zhiqiang, Small, Des, Sohn, Bong Won, SooHoo, Jason, Salas, León David Sosapanta, Souccar, Kamal, Stanway, Joshua S., Sun, He, Tazaki, Fumie, Tetarenko, Alexandra J., Tiede, Paul, Titus, Michael, Torne, Pablo, Toscano, Teresa, Trent, Tyler, Trippe, Sascha, Turk, Matthew, van Bemmel, Ilse, van Langevelde, Huib J., van Rossum, Daniel R., Vos, Jesse, Wagner, Jan, Ward-Thompson, Derek, Wardle, John, Washington, Jasmin E., Weintroub, Jonathan, Wharton, Robert, Wiik, Kaj, Witzel, Gunther, Wondrak, Michael F., Wong, George N., Wu, Qingwen, Yadlapalli, Nitika, Yamaguchi, Paul, Yfantis, Aristomenis, Yoon, Doosoo, Young, André, Young, Ken, Younsi, Ziri, Yu, Wei, Yuan, Feng, Yuan, Ye-Fei, Zensus, J. Anton, Zhang, Shuo, Zhao, Guang-Yao, and Zhao, Shan-Shan
- Subjects
Astrophysics - High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena ,Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies ,Astrophysics - Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics - Abstract
The 2017 observing campaign of the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) delivered the first very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) images at the observing frequency of 230 GHz, leading to a number of unique studies on black holes and relativistic jets from active galactic nuclei (AGN). In total, eighteen sources were observed: the main science targets, Sgr A* and M87 along with various calibrators. We investigated the morphology of the sixteen AGN in the EHT 2017 data set, focusing on the properties of the VLBI cores: size, flux density, and brightness temperature. We studied their dependence on the observing frequency in order to compare it with the Blandford-K\"onigl (BK) jet model. We modeled the source structure of seven AGN in the EHT 2017 data set using linearly polarized circular Gaussian components and collected results for the other nine AGN from dedicated EHT publications, complemented by lower frequency data in the 2-86 GHz range. Then, we studied the dependences of the VLBI core flux density, size, and brightness temperature on the frequency measured in the AGN host frame. We compared the observations with the BK jet model and estimated the magnetic field strength dependence on the distance from the central black hole. Our results indicate a deviation from the standard BK model, particularly in the decrease of the brightness temperature with the observing frequency. Either bulk acceleration of the jet material, energy transfer from the magnetic field to the particles, or both are required to explain the observations.
- Published
- 2025
38. Scaffold-SLAM: Structured 3D Gaussians for Simultaneous Localization and Photorealistic Mapping
- Author
Tianci, Wen, Zhiang, Liu, Biao, Lu, and Yongchun, Fang
- Subjects
Computer Science - Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition ,68T40(Primary)68T45, 68U99 (Secondary) ,I.4.8 ,I.3.7 - Abstract
3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) has recently revolutionized novel view synthesis in the Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM). However, existing SLAM methods utilizing 3DGS have failed to provide high-quality novel view rendering for monocular, stereo, and RGB-D cameras simultaneously. Notably, some methods perform well for RGB-D cameras but suffer significant degradation in rendering quality for monocular cameras. In this paper, we present Scaffold-SLAM, which delivers simultaneous localization and high-quality photorealistic mapping across monocular, stereo, and RGB-D cameras. We introduce two key innovations to achieve this state-of-the-art visual quality. First, we propose Appearance-from-Motion embedding, enabling 3D Gaussians to better model image appearance variations across different camera poses. Second, we introduce a frequency regularization pyramid to guide the distribution of Gaussians, allowing the model to effectively capture finer details in the scene. Extensive experiments on monocular, stereo, and RGB-D datasets demonstrate that Scaffold-SLAM significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods in photorealistic mapping quality, e.g., PSNR is 16.76% higher in the TUM RGB-D datasets for monocular cameras., Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures
- Published
- 2025
39. Discovering Hidden Visual Concepts Beyond Linguistic Input in Infant Learning
- Author
Ke, Xueyi, Tsutsui, Satoshi, Zhang, Yayun, and Wen, Bihan
- Subjects
Computer Science - Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition ,Computer Science - Artificial Intelligence - Abstract
Infants develop complex visual understanding rapidly, even preceding of the acquisition of linguistic inputs. As computer vision seeks to replicate the human vision system, understanding infant visual development may offer valuable insights. In this paper, we present an interdisciplinary study exploring this question: can a computational model that imitates the infant learning process develop broader visual concepts that extend beyond the vocabulary it has heard, similar to how infants naturally learn? To investigate this, we analyze a recently published model in Science by Vong et al.,which is trained on longitudinal, egocentric images of a single child paired with transcribed parental speech. We introduce a training-free framework that can discover visual concept neurons hidden in the model's internal representations. Our findings show that these neurons can classify objects outside its original vocabulary. Furthermore, we compare the visual representations in infant-like models with those in moder computer vision models, such as CLIP or ImageNet pre-trained model, highlighting key similarities and differences. Ultimately, our work bridges cognitive science and computer vision by analyzing the internal representations of a computational model trained on an infant's visual and linguistic inputs., Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures
- Published
- 2025
40. RadioTransformer: Accurate Radio Map Construction and Coverage Prediction
- Author
Li, Yuxuan, Zhang, Cheng, Wang, Wen, and Huang, Yongming
- Subjects
Electrical Engineering and Systems Science - Signal Processing ,Computer Science - Machine Learning - Abstract
Radio map, or pathloss map prediction, is a crucial method for wireless network modeling and management. By leveraging deep learning to construct pathloss patterns from geographical maps, an accurate digital replica of the transmission environment could be established with less computational overhead and lower prediction error compared to traditional model-driven techniques. While existing state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods predominantly rely on convolutional architectures, this paper introduces a hybrid transformer-convolution model, termed RadioTransformer, to enhance the accuracy of radio map prediction. The proposed model features a multi-scale transformer-based encoder for efficient feature extraction and a convolution-based decoder for precise pixel-level image reconstruction. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed scheme significantly improves prediction accuracy, and over a 30% reduction in root mean square error (RMSE) is achieved compared to typical SOTA approaches., Comment: Submitted to IEEE VTC 2025 Spring
- Published
- 2025
41. Critical $(P_5,W_4)$-Free Graphs
- Author
Xia, Wen, Jooken, Jorik, Goedgebeur, Jan, Beaton, Iain, Cameron, Ben, and Huang, Shenwei
- Subjects
Mathematics - Combinatorics - Abstract
A graph $G$ is $k$-vertex-critical if $\chi(G) = k$ but $\chi(G-v)
- Published
- 2025
42. Phase Transitions in Quasi-Periodically Driven Quantum Critical Systems: Analytical Results
- Author
Fang, Jiyuan, Zhou, Qi, and Wen, Xueda
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Statistical Mechanics ,Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons ,High Energy Physics - Theory ,Mathematical Physics ,Quantum Physics - Abstract
In this work, we study analytically the phase transitions in quasi-periodically driven one dimensional quantum critical systems that are described by conformal field theories (CFTs). The phase diagrams and phase transitions can be analytically obtained by using Avila's global theory in one-frequency quasiperiodic cocycles. Compared to the previous works where the quasiperiodicity was introduced in the driving time and no phase transitions were observed [1], here we propose a setup where the quasiperiodicity is introduced in the driving Hamiltonians. In our setup, one can observe the heating phases, non-heating phases, and the phase transitions. The phase diagram as well as the Lyapunov exponents that determine the entanglement entropy evolution can be analytically obtained. In addition, based on Avila's theory, we prove there is no phase transition in the previously proposed setup of quasi-periodically driven CFTs [1]. We verify our field theory results by studying the time evolution of entanglement entropy on lattice models., Comment: 20 pages, many figures
- Published
- 2025
43. Eccentricity Effects on Modeling Dynamic Quantities and Their Correlations in Binary Black Hole Mergers
- Author
Wang, Hao, Zou, Yuan Chuan, and Wu, Qing Wen
- Subjects
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology ,Astrophysics - High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena - Abstract
In this study, we begin by revisiting the oscillatory behavior of radiative quantities-energy, angular momentum, and linear momentum-linked with initial eccentricities in binary black hole (BBH) mergers. By varying the mean anomaly $l_0$ across the parameter range $[0,2\pi]$ from a post-Newtonian perspective, we establish an envelope that encapsulates the oscillations of these radiative quantities. Our analysis reveals that while the oscillations are influenced by the specific initial condition $l_0$, the effect of eccentricity contributes to the formation of this envelope. Subsequently, we model dynamical quantities such as peak luminosity $L_{\text{peak}}$, remnant mass $M_{\text{rem}}$, spin $\alpha_{\text{rem}}$, and recoil velocity $V_{\text{rem}}$ in circular orbits. Through polynomial modeling, we explore their relationships with mass ratios and correlations. Our results demonstrate the effectiveness of these polynomials in capturing the intricate relationships and correlations among these quantities in circular orbits. Furthermore, we synthesize and analyze dynamical quantities for both circular and eccentric orbits, revealing continuous variations within specific ranges corresponding to distinct mass ratios. These variations are influenced by continuous changes in initial eccentricity and the associated envelope, which can be extrapolated to encompass other mass ratios. By interpolating the maximum and minimum values of these dynamical quantities, we unveil considerably broad domains relative to circular orbits in both orbital and non-orbital BBH mergers. These domains provide robust constraints on the relationships between dynamical quantities, mass ratios, and their correlations. Finally, we discuss the extension of this eccentricity effect to spin alignment and spin precession configurations of BBHs., Comment: 18 pages, 11 figures, comments are very welcome, ready to submit to PRD
- Published
- 2025
44. An exceptional surface and its topology
- Author
Yang, Shou-Bang, Han, Pei-Rong, Ning, Wen, Wu, Fan, Yang, Zhen-Biao, and Zheng, Shi-Biao
- Subjects
Quantum Physics - Abstract
Non-Hermitian (NH) systems can display exceptional topological defects without Hermitian counterparts, exemplified by exceptional rings in NH two-dimensional systems. However, exceptional topological features associated with higher-dimension topological defects remain unexplored yet. We here investigate the topology for the singularities in an NH three-dimensional system. We find that the three-order singularities in the parameter space form an exceptional surface (ES), on which all the three eigenstates and eigenenergies coalesce. Such an ES corresponds to a two-dimensional extension of a point-like synthetic tensor monopole. We quantify its topology with the Dixmier-Douady invariant, which measures the quantized flux associated with the synthetic tensor field. We further propose an experimentally feasible scheme for engineering such an NH model. Our results pave the way for investigations of exceptional topology associated with topological defects with more than one dimension.
- Published
- 2025
45. Your Fix Is My Exploit: Enabling Comprehensive DL Library API Fuzzing with Large Language Models
- Author
Zhang, Kunpeng, Wang, Shuai, Han, Jitao, Zhu, Xiaogang, Li, Xian, Wang, Shaohua, and Wen, Sheng
- Subjects
Computer Science - Software Engineering - Abstract
Deep learning (DL) libraries, widely used in AI applications, often contain vulnerabilities like buffer overflows and use-after-free errors. Traditional fuzzing struggles with the complexity and API diversity of DL libraries such as TensorFlow and PyTorch, which feature over 1,000 APIs. Testing all these APIs is challenging due to complex inputs and varied usage patterns. While large language models (LLMs) show promise in code understanding and generation, existing LLM-based fuzzers lack deep knowledge of API edge cases and struggle with test input generation. To address this, we propose DFUZZ, an LLM-driven fuzzing approach for DL libraries. DFUZZ leverages two insights: (1) LLMs can reason about error-triggering edge cases from API code and apply this knowledge to untested APIs, and (2) LLMs can accurately synthesize test programs to automate API testing. By providing LLMs with a "white-box view" of APIs, DFUZZ enhances reasoning and generation for comprehensive fuzzing. Experimental results show that DFUZZ outperforms state-of-the-art fuzzers in API coverage for TensorFlow and PyTorch, uncovering 37 bugs, with 8 fixed and 19 under developer investigation.
- Published
- 2025
46. LAMOST Reveals Long-lived Protoplanetary Disks
- Author
Wang, Xiao-Long, Fang, Min, Liu, Yao, Zhang, Miao-Miao, and Cui, Wen-Yuan
- Subjects
Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies - Abstract
While both observations and theories demonstrate that protoplanetary disks are not expected to live much longer than $\sim$10 Myr, several examples of prolonged disks have been observed in the past. In this work, we perform a systematic search for aged YSOs still surrounded by protoplanetary disks in the M star catalog from the LAMOST archive. We identify 14 sources older than 10 Myr, still surrounded by protoplanetary disks and with ongoing accretion activities, significantly improving the census of the category known as the Peter Pan disks. The stellar parameters, variability and accretion properties of these objects, as well as their spatial distribution, are investigated. Nearly all of these objects are distributed far away from nearby associations and star forming regions, but show evidence of being members of open clusters. Investigating the correlation between mass accretion rates and stellar masses, we find these long-lived disks accrete at systematically lower levels, compared to their younger counterparts with similar stellar masses. Studying the evolution of mass accretion rates with stellar ages, we find these aged disks follow similar trend as young ones., Comment: 24 pages, 12 figures, 2 tables, Accepted for publication in AJ
- Published
- 2025
47. Artifact-free Sound Quality in DNN-based Closed-loop Systems for Audio Processing
- Author
Wen, chuan, Torfs, Guy, and Verhulst, Sarah
- Subjects
Electrical Engineering and Systems Science - Audio and Speech Processing ,Computer Science - Sound - Abstract
Recent advances in deep neural networks (DNNs) have significantly improved various audio processing applications, including speech enhancement, synthesis, and hearing aid algorithms. DNN-based closed-loop systems have gained popularity in these applications due to their robust performance and ability to adapt to diverse conditions. Despite their effectiveness, current DNN-based closed-loop systems often suffer from sound quality degradation caused by artifacts introduced by suboptimal sampling methods. To address this challenge, we introduce dCoNNear, a novel DNN architecture designed for seamless integration into closed-loop frameworks. This architecture specifically aims to prevent the generation of spurious artifacts. We demonstrate the effectiveness of dCoNNear through a proof-of-principle example within a closed-loop framework that employs biophysically realistic models of auditory processing for both normal and hearing-impaired profiles to design personalized hearing aid algorithms. Our results show that dCoNNear not only accurately simulates all processing stages of existing non-DNN biophysical models but also eliminates audible artifacts, thereby enhancing the sound quality of the resulting hearing aid algorithms. This study presents a novel, artifact-free closed-loop framework that improves the sound quality of audio processing systems, offering a promising solution for high-fidelity applications in audio and hearing technologies.
- Published
- 2025
48. Modular Features of Superstring Scattering Amplitudes: Generalised Eisenstein Series and Theta Lifts
- Author
Dorigoni, Daniele, Green, Michael B., and Wen, Congkao
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Theory ,Mathematics - Number Theory - Abstract
In previous papers it has been shown that the coefficients of terms in the large-$N$ expansion of a certain integrated four-point correlator of superconformal primary operators in $\mathcal{N}=4$ supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory are rational sums of real-analytic Eisenstein series and "generalised Eisenstein series''. The latter are novel modular functions first encountered in the context of graviton amplitudes in type IIB superstring theory. Similar modular functions, known as two-loop modular graph functions, are also encountered in the low-energy expansion of the integrand of genus-one closed superstring amplitudes. In this paper we further develop the mathematical structure of such generalised Eisenstein series emphasising, in particular, the occurrence of $L$-values of holomorphic cusp forms in their Fourier mode decomposition. We show that both the coefficients in the large-$N$ expansion of the integrated correlator and two-loop modular graph functions admit a unifying description in terms of four-dimensional lattice sums generated by theta lifts of local Maass functions, which generalise the structure of real-analytic Eisenstein series. Through the theta lift representation, we demonstrate that elements belonging to these two families of non-holomorphic modular functions can be expressed as rational linear combinations of generalised Eisenstein series for which all the $L$-values of holomorphic cusp forms precisely cancel., Comment: 41 pages + appendices, 1 figure
- Published
- 2025
49. Critical properties in the non-Hermitian Aubry-Andre-Stark model
- Author
Dong, Ji-Long, Liang, En-Wen, Liu, Shi-Yang, Zhang, Guo-Qing, Tang, Ling-Zhi, and Zhang, Dan-Wei
- Subjects
Quantum Physics ,Condensed Matter - Disordered Systems and Neural Networks ,Condensed Matter - Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics ,Condensed Matter - Statistical Mechanics - Abstract
We explore the critical properties of the localization transition in the non-Hermitian Aubry-Andre-Stark (AAS) model with quasiperiodic and Stark potentials, where the non-Hermiticity comes from the nonreciprocal hopping. The localization length, the inverse participation ratio and the energy gap are adopted as the characteristic quantities. We perform the scaling analysis to derive the scaling functions of the three quantities with critical exponents in several critical regions, with respect to the quasiperiodic and Stark potentials and the nonreciprocal strength. We numerically verify the finite-size scaling forms and extract the critical exponents in different situations. Two groups of new critical exponents for the non-Hermitian AAS model and its pure Stark limit are obtained, which are distinct to those for the non-Hermitian Aubry-Andre model and their Hermitian counterparts. Our results indicate that the Hermitian and non-Hermitian AAS, Aubry-Andre, and Stark models belong to different universality classes. We demonstrate that these critical exponents are independent of the nonreciprocal strength, and remain the same in different critical regions and boundary conditions. Furthermore, we establish a hybrid scaling function with a hybrid exponent in the overlap region between the critical regions for the non-Hermitian AAS and Stark models., Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures
- Published
- 2025
50. Re-Visible Dual-Domain Self-Supervised Deep Unfolding Network for MRI Reconstruction
- Author
Zhang, Hao, Wang, Qi, Sun, Jian, Wen, Zhijie, Shi, Jun, and Ying, Shihui
- Subjects
Electrical Engineering and Systems Science - Image and Video Processing ,Computer Science - Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition - Abstract
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is widely used in clinical practice, but suffered from prolonged acquisition time. Although deep learning methods have been proposed to accelerate acquisition and demonstrate promising performance, they rely on high-quality fully-sampled datasets for training in a supervised manner. However, such datasets are time-consuming and expensive-to-collect, which constrains their broader applications. On the other hand, self-supervised methods offer an alternative by enabling learning from under-sampled data alone, but most existing methods rely on further partitioned under-sampled k-space data as model's input for training, resulting in a loss of valuable information. Additionally, their models have not fully incorporated image priors, leading to degraded reconstruction performance. In this paper, we propose a novel re-visible dual-domain self-supervised deep unfolding network to address these issues when only under-sampled datasets are available. Specifically, by incorporating re-visible dual-domain loss, all under-sampled k-space data are utilized during training to mitigate information loss caused by further partitioning. This design enables the model to implicitly adapt to all under-sampled k-space data as input. Additionally, we design a deep unfolding network based on Chambolle and Pock Proximal Point Algorithm (DUN-CP-PPA) to achieve end-to-end reconstruction, incorporating imaging physics and image priors to guide the reconstruction process. By employing a Spatial-Frequency Feature Extraction (SFFE) block to capture global and local feature representation, we enhance the model's efficiency to learn comprehensive image priors. Experiments conducted on the fastMRI and IXI datasets demonstrate that our method significantly outperforms state-of-the-art approaches in terms of reconstruction performance.
- Published
- 2025
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