1. An Analysis of repeated examinations in conventional film–screen radiography (FSR)
- Author
Akintomide, A. O., Egbe, N. O., Bassey, D. E., Eduwem, D. U., and Oyama, E. A.
- Subjects
Analysis, conventional film-screen radiography, Repeat images - Abstract
Background: X-ray is an ionising form of radiation used inconventional radiography and this can result in deleterious biologicalchanges in the body if not regulated. Radiation safety is an importantpractice in a medical facility that utilizes radiation in any form fordiagnosis, intervention or treatment. Repeat of non-diagnosticradiographs add to the radiation received by the patient and thepersonnel. The committee on quality assurance in diagnostic X-rayrecommended a repeat rate of 5 – 7% or less.Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine image repeatrate and the causes of repeat in a University Teaching Hospital.Materials and Methods: It was a prospective study involving allroutine radiographic cases in department over a two month periodduring which 1251 examinations were carried out. Radiographs wereassessed for diagnostic quality by Radiologists following the usualclinical protocols in radiology film review. The number ofradiographs in each examination type which did not meet diagnosticcriteria and therefore required repeat, were isolated and counted.Results are presented in simple percentages.Results: The overall repeat rate was 8.6%. The highest repeat ratewas observed in radiographs of the lumbosacral region (53.06%) andthe lowest rate in the leg (2%). Under-exposure was the leadingcause of repeat (41.67%), while film fog was the least cause(0.93%). Inappropriate selection of exposure factors and poor patientpositioning by radiographers who are mainly interns (n=8) andjunior radiographers (n=4) contributed most to the repeats. Patientfaults or poor darkroom practice were the other reasons for repeats.Conclusion: The rate of repeat is above the accepted limitsrecommended by the committee on quality assurance in diagnosticX-ray (5 – 7% or less). It has increased above the 4% previouslyobtained (1992 assessment). The rate can be reduced if the juniorcadre radiographers are better supervised and a quality assuranceprogram instituted.
- Published
- 2022