Zitterbart, Daniel, Smith, Heather R., Flau, MichaeI, Richter, Sebastian, Burkhardt, Elke, Beland, Joseph, Bennett, Louise, Cammareri, Alejandro, Davis, Andrew, Holst, Meike, Lanfredi, Caterina, Michel, Hanna, Noad, Michael, Owen, Kylie, Pacini, Aude F., Boebel, Olaf, Zitterbart, Daniel, Smith, Heather R., Flau, MichaeI, Richter, Sebastian, Burkhardt, Elke, Beland, Joseph, Bennett, Louise, Cammareri, Alejandro, Davis, Andrew, Holst, Meike, Lanfredi, Caterina, Michel, Hanna, Noad, Michael, Owen, Kylie, Pacini, Aude F., and Boebel, Olaf
Author Posting. © American Meteorological Society, 2020. This article is posted here by permission of American Meteorological Society for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of the Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 37(5), (2020): 807-824, doi:10.1175/JTECH-D-19-0054.1., Marine mammals are under growing pressure as anthropogenic use of the ocean increases. Ship strikes of large whales and loud underwater sound sources including air guns for marine geophysical prospecting and naval midfrequency sonar are criticized for their possible negative effects on marine mammals. Competent authorities regularly require the implementation of mitigation measures, including vessel speed reductions or shutdown of acoustic sources if marine mammals are sighted in sensitive areas or in predefined exclusion zones around a vessel. To ensure successful mitigation, reliable at-sea detection of animals is crucial. To date, ship-based marine mammal observers are the most commonly implemented detection method; however, thermal (IR) imaging–based automatic detection systems have been used in recent years. This study evaluates thermal imaging–based automatic whale detection technology for its use across different oceans. The performance of this technology is characterized with respect to environmental conditions, and an automatic detection algorithm for whale blows is presented. The technology can detect whales in polar, temperate, and subtropical ocean regimes over distances of up to several kilometers and outperforms marine mammal observers in the number of whales detected. These results show that thermal imaging technology can be used to assist in providing protection for marine mammals against ship strike and acoustic impact across the world’s oceans., This work was funded by the Office of Naval Research (ONR) under Award N000141310856, by the Environmental Studies Research Fund (ESRF; esrfunds.org) under Award 2014-03S and by the Alfred-Wegener-Institute Helmholtz Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung. DPZ and OB declare competing financial interests: 1) Patent US8941728B2, DE102011114084B4: A method for automatic real-time marine mammal detection. The patent describes the ideas basic to the automatic whale detection software as used to acquire and process the data presented in this paper. 2) Licensing of the Tashtego automatic whale detection software to the manufacturer of IR sensor. The authors confirm that these competing financial interests did not alter their adherence good scientific practice. We thank P. Abgrall, J. Coffey, K. Keats, B. Mactavish, V. Moulton, and S. Penney-Belbin for data collection or IR image review. We thank S. Besaw, J. Christian, A. Coombs, P. Coombs, W. Costello, T. Elliott, E. Evans, I. Goudie, C. Jones, K. Knowles, R. Martin, A. Murphy, D. and J. Shepherd; and the staffs at the Irish Loop Express, the Myrick Wireless Interpretive Centre, the Mistaken Point Ecological Reserve, and the lighthouse keepers for logistical assistance at our remote field site. We thank D. Boutilier and B. McDonald (DFO) for assisting us in obtaining license to occupy permits for Cape Race. We thank D. Taylor (ESRF Research Manager) for his support.