Aim. To evaluate our glaucoma tube implantation results for glaucoma cases that cannot be controlled with medication therapy. Method. The records of 31 cases whose medical records could be reached and and who could come to regular follow up visits among 123 patients that applied to our clinic between January 2004-January 2011 with refractory glaucoma for medical therapy were evaluated retrospectively. Results. Glaucoma tube implantation was performed with diagnosis of neovascular glaucoma in 24 cases, uveitic glaucoma in 4 cases, aphakic glaucoma in 2 cases, pseudoexfoliation glaucoma in 1 case. Ahmed valve for 25 cases, Molteno for 3 cases, Baerveldt for 2 cases, keiki mehta for one case were implanted. Preoperative intraocular pressure median value was 40 mmHg (23-66).The median value of follow up duration was found to be 10 months (3-78). The median value of intraocular pressures for last follow up visit was 15.5 mmHg (6-67). As postoperative complications, chronic hyphema in 3 cases, hypotony and hyphema in 1 case, hypotony and following phthisis bulbi in 1 case, painful eye and following evisceration in 1 case, epiretinal membrane in 1 case, endothelial failure in 1 case were observed. Conclusion. Glaucoma tube implantation is efficient alternative treatment method for refractory., ÖzetAmaç. Medikal tedavi ile kontrol altına alınamayan glokomlarda seton implantasyonu sonuçlarını değerlendirmek. Yöntem. Kliniğimizde, Ocak 2004-Ocak 2011 tarihleri arasında medikal tedaviyle kontrol altına alınamayıp seton implantasyonu yapılan 123 glokom hastasından, dosya bilgilerine ulaşılan ve düzenli takiplerine gelen 31 olgunun dosya bilgileri retrospektif olarak incelenmiştir. Bulgular. 24 olguya neovasküler glokom, 4 olguya üveitik glokom, 2 olguya afakik glokom, 1 olguya psödoeksfolyatif glokom tanısı ile seton implantasyonu yapılmıştır. 25 olguda Ahmed, 3 olguda Molteno, 2 olguda Baerveldt, 1 olguda Keiki Mehta implantı kullanılmıştır. Ameliyat öncesi göz içi basıncı ortanca değeri 40 mmHg (23-66) olarak bulunmuştur. Olguların takip sürelerinin ortanca değeri 10 ay (3-78) olarak saptanmıştır. Son kontroldeki GİB ortanca değeri 15,5 mmHg (6-67) olarak bulunmuştur. Ameliyat sonrası komplikasyonlar; 3 olguda kronik hifema, 1 olguda hifema ve hipotoni, bir olguda hipotoni ve sonrasında ftizis bulbi, 1 olguda ağrılı göz nedeni ile evisserasyon, 1 olguda epiretinal membran, 1 olguda lokalize endotelyal yetmezlik görülmüştür. Sonuç. Seton implantasyonu medikal tedaviye dirençli glokom olgularında etkili bir tedavi yöntemidir.Anahtar sözcükler: glokom, seton implantları AbstractAim. To evaluate our glaucoma tube implantation results for glaucoma cases that cannot be controlled with medication therapy. Method. The records of 31 cases whose medical records could be reached and and who could come to regular follow up visits among 123 patients that applied to our clinic between January 2004-January 2011 with refractory glaucoma for medical therapy were evaluated retrospectively. Results. Glaucoma tube implantation was performed with diagnosis of neovascular glaucoma in 24 cases, uveitic glaucoma in 4 cases, aphakic glaucoma in 2 cases, pseudoexfoliation glaucoma in 1 case. Ahmed valve for 25 cases, Molteno for 3 cases, Baerveldt for 2 cases, keiki mehta for one case were implanted. Preoperative intraocular pressure median value was 40 mmHg (23-66).The median value of follow up duration was found to be 10 months (3-78). The median value of intraocular pressures for last follow up visit was 15.5 mmHg (6-67). As postoperative complications, chronic hyphema in 3 cases, hypotony and hyphema in 1 case, hypotony and following phthisis bulbi in 1 case, painful eye and following evisceration in 1 case, epiretinal membrane in 1 case, endothelial failure in 1 case were observed. Conclusion. Glaucoma tube implantation is efficient alternative treatment method for refractory.Keywords: Glaucoma, seton implants