44 results on '"Ondřej Svoboda"'
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2. Radim Palouš on Perception as Belonging
- Author
Ondřej Svoboda
- Subjects
perception ,belonging ,attention ,openness ,meaning ,perspective ,Philosophy. Psychology. Religion - Published
- 2022
3. Úloha Evropského parlamentu při prosazování lidských práv ve společné obchodní politice
- Author
Ondřej Svoboda
- Subjects
common commercial policy ,european union ,european parliament ,human rights ,generalised system of preferences ,free trade agreements ,Law - Abstract
The Common commercial policy of the European Union has been changing its nature after the adoption of the Lisbon Treaty as the protection of human rights is today its important dimension. There are several reasons for this development and the expanding role of the European Parliament is undoubtedly one of them. This article aims to assess and demonstrate the European Parliament’s role on the basis of several specific case-studies in the area of negotiations of free trade agreements, the Generalised System of Preferences, and the debate on responsible business conduct of multinational enterprises. It comes to the conclusion that the European Parliament has become an influential actor in the Common commercial policy advocating for the use of trade instruments to promote human rights abroad.
- Published
- 2021
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4. The European Union investment policy in Asia in the light of „Dawn of an Asian century in international investment law'
- Author
Ondřej Svoboda
- Subjects
european union ,international investment law ,asia ,free trade agreement ,investment protection agreement ,Law ,Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence ,K1-7720 - Abstract
After its gradual establishment, the investment policy of the European Union experienced turbulent times when the EU and the United States commenced negotiations on the Trans-Pacific Trade and Investment Partnership. While the public and political focus concentrated on the transatlantic relations with the United States (TTIP) and Canada (CETA), the EU has steadily progressed at different paces with third countries in Asia where it commenced trade and investment negotiations with Singapore, Vietnam, Myanmar, China, Thailand, the Philippines and Indonesia among others. This paper seeks to evaluate how the Union has been successful in its “Asia strategy” in the field of investment negotiation and promotion of its reform approach to the investment protection regime. It offers an overview of the EU investment negotiations with the individual partners in the Far East and explores these relationships and their potential implications. It concludes that it is not surprising that the EU already persuaded the first countries in this region about its novel approach because of their strong motivation to conclude agreements with the EU that will ‘modernise’ and ‘harmonise’ the existing investment protection. On the other hand, challenges persist as it remains to be seen in which direction Asian actors will push for in the development of global investment governance.
- Published
- 2020
5. Změny společné obchodní politiky po posudku Soudního dvora EU k dohodě o volném obchodu EU–Singapur
- Author
Ondřej Svoboda
- Subjects
common commercial policy ,European Union ,Lisbon Treaty ,division of competences ,free trade agreement ,Law - Abstract
The Common commercial policy of the European Union expanded in its scope after the Lisbon Treaty by codification of previous case law of the Court of Justice of the EU (or the European Court of Justice) and an inclusion of foreign direct investment. Still, its boundaries have remained unclear. This state regularly created competences disputes between the European Commission and the Council on which parts of new ambitious free trade agreement negotiated by the Union are of exclusive or shared nature. Finally, in case of the EU-Singapore Free Trade Agreement (EUSFTA), the European Commission decided to request an opinion of the Court on the legal nature of the agreement. Due to its precedential value, the Court’s opinion has had significant implications on current and future development of the EU common commercial policy.
- Published
- 2019
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6. Klaus Dingwerth, Antonia Witt, Ina Lehmann, Ellen Reichel and Tobias Weise: International Organisations under Pressure: Legitimating Global Governance in Challenging Times
- Author
Ondřej Svoboda
- Subjects
International relations ,JZ2-6530 - Abstract
The book reconstructs how the normative yardsticks that underpin evaluations of international organizations have changed since 1970. Based on in-depth case studies of normative change in five international organizations over a period of five decades, the authors argue that, these days, international organizations confront a longer and more heterogeneous list of normative expectations than in previous periods. Two changes are particularly noteworthy. First, international organizations need to demonstrate not only what they do for their member states, but also for the individuals in member states. Second, while international organizations continue to be evaluated in terms of what they achieve, they are increasingly also measured by how they operate. As the case studies reveal, the more pluralist patchwork of legitimacy principles today’s international organizations confront has multiple origins. It includes the politicization of expanding international authority, but also a range of other driving forces such as individual leadership or normative path dependence. Despite variation in the sources, however, the consequences of the normative shift are similar. Notably, a longer and more heterogenous list of normative expectations renders the legitimation of international organizations more complex. Strikingly, then, at a time when many feel international cooperation is needed more than ever, legitimating the forms in which such cooperation takes place has become most difficult. International organizations have come under pressure.
- Published
- 2021
7. Julien Chaisse (ed.): China's International Investment Strategy: Bilateral, Regional, and Global Law and Policy
- Author
Ondřej Svoboda
- Subjects
International relations ,JZ2-6530 - Abstract
The phenomenal story of China’s ‘unprecedented disposition to engage the international legal order’ has been primarily told and examined by political scientists and economists. Since China adopted its ‘open door’ policy in 1978, which altered its development strategy from self-su!ciency to active participation in the world market and aimed at attracting foreign investment to fuel its economic development, the underlying policy for mobilizing inward foreign direct investment (IFDI) remains unchanged to date. With the 1997 launch of the ‘Going Global’ policy, an outward focus regarding foreign investment has been added, to circumvent trade barriers and improve the competitiveness of Chinese firms, typically its state-owned enterprises (SOEs). In order to accommodate inward and outward FDI, China’s participation in the international investment regime has underpinned its efforts to join multi-lateral investment-related legal instruments and conclude international investment agreements (IIAs). China began by selectively concluding bilateral investment treaties (BITs) with developed countries (major capital exporting states to China at that time), signing its first BIT with Sweden in 1982. Despite being a latecomer, over time China’s experience and practice with the international investment regime have allowed it to evolve towards liberalizing its IIAs regime and balancing the duties and benefits associated with IIAs. The book spans a broad spectrum of China’s contemporary international investment law and policy: domestic foreign investment law and reforms, tax policy, bilateral investment treaties, free trade agreements, G20 initiatives, the ‘One Belt One Road’ initiative, international dispute resolution, and inter-regime coordination.
- Published
- 2020
8. Na cestě k lemmatizaci staročeských textů: data, software, aplikace
- Author
Pavlína Synková, Boris Lehečka, and Ondřej Svoboda
- Subjects
common nouns ,lemmatization ,NLP software and applications ,Old Czech ,tagging ,XML ,apelativa ,lemmatizace ,NLP software a aplikace ,stará čeština ,tagování ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
This paper introduces the description of Old Czech common nouns developed and used in a tool for tagging and lemmatizing common nouns occurring in transcribed digital editions of Old Czech texts. This description consists of four parts: the first features an overview of all declension type endings (approx. 100 declension patterns), the second part analyses alternations in the morphological basis accompanying declension (approx. 120 types of alternations), the third part deals with formal changes connected mainly with the language’s historical development (approx. 100 formal changes) and, finally, the fourth part contains a list of lemmas extracted from modern dictionaries of Old Czech (approx. 29 000 lemmas). Furthermore, the paper introduces the software developed and used for this purpose, namely i) the tool which makes it possible a) to generate word forms and subsequently search for multiple word forms in the texts at once, b) to create lists of word forms filtered by sequences of characters occurring at the end of the word forms, ii) the tool for assigning a declension pattern to a lemma, and iii) the tool enabling work with large databases. Finally, the paper describes two applications developed on the basis of Old Czech common noun description, i.e. i) a database of Old Czech common noun declension patterns connected with Old Czech dictionaries and the Old Czech text bank, ii) a tool for generating word forms, which is used for the lemmatization and tagging of Old Czech texts.
- Published
- 2018
9. Photini Pazartzis, Maria Gavouneli (Ed.). Reconceptualising the Rule of Law in Global Governance, Resources, Investment and Trade
- Author
Ondřej Svoboda
- Subjects
Law - Abstract
Book review of the volume edited by Photini Pazartzis and Maria Gavouneli and focused on recent developments of the concept of the rule of law in international law.
- Published
- 2018
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10. Spoutaný brexit: Kdy může začít Spojené království sjednávat obchodní dohody?
- Author
Ondřej Svoboda
- Subjects
Brexit ,Evropská unie ,společná obchodní politika. ,Law - Abstract
Zastánci vystoupení Spojeného království (UK) z Evropské unie (EU) v kampani před referendem v roce 2016 tvrdili, že UK mimo Unii bude sjednávat obchodní dohody efektivněji a úspěšněji. S probíhajícím procesem vystoupení UK z EU však vyvstala otázka, kdy bude možné vytvořit samostatnou britskou obchodní politiku, protože v současnosti je obchodní politika výlučnou pravomocí EU. Zaměření tohoto příspěvku bude proto spočívat v posouzení současných a plánovaných obchodně-politických aktivit UK vůči třetím zemím a pokusu o nalezení řešení, které by vyhovovalo britským ambicím, aniž by nutně UK porušovalo závazky plynoucí z členství v EU. Příspěvek se zaměří nejdříve na právní rámec EU, konkrétně výlučnou povahu společné obchodní politiky v rozdělení pravomocí mezi Unii a členské státy, zásadu loajální spolupráce a její dopad na vnější vztahy a konečně na výstupový proces z Unie stanovený v čl. 50 Smlouvy o Evropské unii (SEU). Prostor bude také věnován prozkoumání možnosti, za které by UK bylo umožněno zahájit co nejdříve samostatná obchodní jednání a získat tak volnost ve sjednávání obchodních dohod.
- Published
- 2018
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11. Determinants of Employment and GDP Resilience in the Context of an Economic Crisis: Evidence from EU Countries and Regions
- Author
Ondřej Svoboda, Petra Applová
- Subjects
resilience ,product ,employment ,recession ,economic crisis ,Finance ,HG1-9999 - Abstract
There have been many studies that have analysed the impact of a set of indicators on the economic resilience of countries and regions, but none that focus on the effects of determinants on the resilience of employment and GDP. This paper is a preliminary attempt to fill that gap by providing new cross-country, as well as cross-regional, evidence of the different effects of determinants on resilience measured in terms of GDP and employment. The analytical part of this paper is based on an analysis of the resilience of employment and GDP of EU countries, as well as at the NUTS 2 regional level, within the context of the economic crisis that began in 2008. The main method used in this study is correlation analysis. The results show the existence of specific determinants for a different type of resilience at the country level (e.g. indicators of economic structure). The determinants connected with human capital show a strong positive relationship with regards to resilience both at the country and regional levels (especially in terms of growth of employment and product).
- Published
- 2016
12. Miroslav Hroch: Hledání souvislostí: Eseje z komparativních dějin Evropy
- Author
Ondřej Svoboda
- Subjects
International relations ,JZ2-6530 - Abstract
Miroslav Hroch: Hledání souvislostí: Eseje z komparativních dějin Evropy. 1. vydání. Praha: Sociologické nakladatelství, 2016, 339 stran, ISBN 978-80-7419-232-6.
- Published
- 2017
13. Customer Loyalty in Spa Tourism: A Case Study
- Author
Kateřina Kantorová, Martin Mlázovský, and Ondřej Svoboda
- Abstract
In today's business world, acquiring and retaining customers in the tourism industry is becoming increasingly challenging. High competition, constantly changing markets, and growing customer demands require constant adaptation to new trends and marketing innovations. It is crucial to cultivate customer loyalty, as it leads to repeat business and positive word-of-mouth promotion. Achieving this goal is an increasingly difficult task that requires innovative approaches to service marketing. Tourism includes very specific sub-sectors that are significantly different from the mainstream of the industry and serve not only well-being but also other needs. An example of a sub-sector that combines well-being and health is spa tourism. Existing studies suggest that factors influencing the loyalty of health spa visitors may vary depending on the region and cultural factors and may also change over time. Further research is therefore needed to precisely identify which factors are currently most important for promoting the loyalty of spa customers. This article presents a case study of increasing customer loyalty, with a special focus on the Czech Republic. The study identifies the current needs, preferences, and requirements of customers in the selected tourism industry. The article aims to complement a model of visitor loyalty for the needs of spa tourism and introduce marketing tools that currently influence customer loyalty in spa tourism. The complementation of the model is based on the generally accepted model of customer satisfaction in tourism. The proposed suggestions can inspire tourism businesses to fulfil the needs of health, active living, and well-being by effectively acquiring and retaining customers in a highly competitive environment. The study provides theoretical and managerial recommendations for increasing customer loyalty. The study is based on a questionnaire survey conducted in 2022 among spa visitors throughout the Czech Republic. The motivation was to identify key factors that support customer loyalty. The results show that specific treatment effects and procedures, information and personal experience, a pleasant environment and ambience of the spa contribute more to loyalty than satisfaction with accommodation or the offer of complementary services. The paper also provides a set of practical recommendations for setting up marketing programs and improving marketing communication for owners and managers of spa tourism.
- Published
- 2023
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14. UNCITRAL Working Group III and Multilateral Investment Court – Troubled Waters for EU Normative Power
- Author
Ondřej Svoboda
- Abstract
This article analyses the European Union (EU)’s and its Member States’ activities in the multilateral reform of investors- state dispute settlement (ISDS) in the early stages of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) discussions with the ultimate goal of the establishment of a multilateral investment court. First, the article explains the EU’s approach to the reform and its ambitious proposal of a standing investment court. Then, it demonstrates how difficult it turned out to be for the EU to promote the reform proposal in multilateral negotiations at the UNCITRAL. Finally, the article explores how the EU employs several means, including internal mobilisation, or engagement of other stakeholders, in order to ensure that work of the UNCITRAL continues in a direction of systemic reform of ISDS. In conclusion, it offers a view of how the EU normative ambitions play out in the context of different approaches of third countries and how legal factors complement its political preferences.
- Published
- 2021
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15. Blockchains, Smart Contracts, Decentralised Autonomous Organisations and the Law
- Author
Ondřej Svoboda
- Subjects
General Medicine ,Business ,Law and economics - Published
- 2020
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16. Susan Block-Lieb and Terence C. Halliday, Global Lawmakers: International Organizations in the Crafting of World Markets
- Author
Ondřej Svoboda
- Subjects
Economics and Econometrics ,Sociology and Political Science ,Political science ,Block (telecommunications) ,Law ,Political Science and International Relations ,International law ,Public international law - Published
- 2020
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17. Excitation functions of neutron-induced threshold reactions in Au, Bi, Ta measured using 30–94 MeV quasi mono-energetic neutron sources
- Author
Jitka Vrzalová, Antonín Krása, Petr Chudoba, Jurabek Khushvaktov, Andrej Kugler, Mitja Majerle, Martin Suchopár, Ondřej Svoboda, Pavel Tichý, and Vladimír Wagner
- Subjects
Nuclear and High Energy Physics - Published
- 2023
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18. Building Surveillance State in a Digital Age and What Export Control Can(Not) Do About It?
- Author
Ondřej Svoboda
- Published
- 2022
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19. The End of European Naivety: Difficult Times Ahead for SCEs/SOEs Investing in the European Union?
- Author
Ondřej Svoboda
- Published
- 2022
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20. The EU and the Reform of the Investment Protection Regime
- Author
Ondřej Svoboda and Project Progres Q04 — 'Právo v měnícím se světě,' Faculty of Law, Charles University
- Subjects
Political science ,International economics ,Investment protection - Published
- 2020
21. New results on light nuclei, hyperons and hypernuclei from HADES (HADES collaboration)
- Author
Rayane Abou Yassine, Jörn Adamczewski-Musch, Marten Becker, Philip Bergmann, Alberto Blanco, Christoph Blume, Lukas Chlad, Petr Chudoba, Izabela Ciepał, Malte Cordts, Jörn Dreyer, Waleed Ahmed Esmail, Miroslaw Firlej, Tomasz Fiutowski, Henrik Floersheimer, Paulo Fonte, Jürgen Friese, Ingo Fröhlich, Jörg Förtsch, Tetyana Galatyuk, Tomasz Gniazdowski, Robert Greifenhagen, Mateusz Grunwald, Dieter Grzonka, Malgorzata Gumberidze, Szymon Harabasz, Thorsten Heinz, Claudia Höhne, Fatima Hojeij, Romain Holzmann, Holger Huck, Marek Idzik, Burkhard Kämpfer, Karl-Heinz Kampert, Behruz Kardan, Vadym Kedych, Ilse Koenig, Wolfgang Koenig, Marvin Kohls, Jedrzej Kolas, Grzegorz Korcyl, Georgy Kornakov, Frederic Kornas, Roland Kotte, Wilhelm Krueger, Andrej Kugler, Pawel Kulessa, Rafal Lalik, Semen Lebedev, Sergey Linev, Luís Lopes, Manuel Lorenz, Akshay Malige, Jochen Markert, Tomasz Matulewicz, Johan Messchendorp, Volker Metag, Jan Michel, Aleksandra Molenda, Jakub Moron, Christian Müntz, Marvin Nabroth, Lothar Naumann, Jan Orliński, Jan-Hendrik Otto, Yannis Parpottas, Mirco Parschau, Christian Pauly, Vladimir Pechenov, Olga Pechenova, Gabriela Perez Andrade, Dennis Pfeifer, Krzysztof Piasecki, Jerzy Pietraszko, Tetiana Povar, Alexandr Prozorov, Witold Przygoda, Krzysztof Pysz, Béatrice Ramstein, Narendra Rathod, James Ritman, Adrian Rost, Anar Rustamov, Piotr Salabura, Joao Saraiva, Susan Schadmand, Niklas Schild, Erwin Schwab, Florian Seck, Ilya Selyuzhenkov, Udai Singh, Leon Skorpil, Jerzy Smyrski, Manfred Sobiella, Stefano Spataro, Simon Spies, Maria Stefaniak, Herbert Ströbele, Joachim Stroth, Konrad Sumara, Ondřej Svoboda, Krzysztof Swientek, Melanie Szala, Pavel Tlusty, Michael Traxler, Haralabos Tsertos, Vladimir Wagner, Mateusz Wasiluk, Adrian Amatus Weber, Christian Wendisch, Peter Wintz, Hanna Zbroszczyk, Elizaveta Zherebtsova, Marcin Zielinski, and Peter Zumbruch
- Abstract
In March 2019 the HADES experiment recorded 14 billion Ag+Ag collisions at √sNN = 2.55 GeV as a part of the FAIR phase-0 physics program. In this contribution, we present and investigate our capabilities to reconstruct and analyze weakly decaying strange hadrons and hypernuclei emerging from these collisions. The focus is put on measuring the mean lifetimes of these particles.
- Published
- 2022
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22. Skupina G20 jako nové fórum pro koherenci a multilateralizaci mezinárodního investičního práva
- Author
Ondřej Svoboda
- Subjects
Materials Chemistry - Published
- 2017
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23. Automation of TEM Optical Alignments
- Author
Jan Jisa and Ondřej Svoboda
- Subjects
Computer science ,business.industry ,business ,Instrumentation ,Automation ,Computer hardware - Published
- 2020
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24. Coming of Age: The System of OECD National Contact Points for Responsible Business Conduct in Its 20 Years
- Author
Ondřej Svoboda
- Subjects
Human rights ,Multinational corporation ,business.industry ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Political science ,Accountability ,Corporate social responsibility ,Grievance ,Public relations ,business ,Social responsibility ,media_common - Abstract
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises are one of the most recognised international instruments within the universe of responsible business conduct (RBC) and business and human rights (BHR). To fully understand their role, and to critically discuss their implications and country practice, it is necessary to address a network of accountability mechanisms which ensure that corporate actors are socially responsible and respect human rights – National Contact Points (NCPs). NCPs are tasked with the implementation of the OECD Guidelines through promotional activities and by helping resolve ‘specific instances’ of alleged non-observance of the Guidelines. The number and visibility of cases submitted to NCPs is increasing along their ability to make a difference. The 20th anniversary of the NCPs as a grievance mechanism (2020), and the tenth anniversary of the last update of the Guidelines (2021), is an appropriate juncture to reflect on the achievements so far. It is also a time to consider possible revisions that may enhance the ability of the Guidelines and the NCP system to remain at the forefront of international RBC standards and are fit to address emerging challenges such as climate change.
- Published
- 2020
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25. Influence of DSC thermal lag on evaluation of crystallization kinetics
- Author
Ondřej Svoboda, Roman Svoboda, Antonio Perejón, Veronika Podzemná, Luis Pérez Maqueda, Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Química Inorgánica, Czech Science Foundation, and Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO). España
- Subjects
Materials science ,JMA model ,Thermal resistance ,Enthalpy ,Kinetics ,Analytical chemistry ,02 engineering and technology ,Activation energy ,01 natural sciences ,Se70Te30 glass ,law.invention ,DSC ,Differential scanning calorimetry ,law ,Heat transfer ,0103 physical sciences ,Materials Chemistry ,Crystallization ,010302 applied physics ,Thermal lag ,Crystallization kinetics ,021001 nanoscience & nanotechnology ,Condensed Matter Physics ,Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials ,Chalcogenide glass ,Ceramics and Composites ,kinetic analysis ,0210 nano-technology - Abstract
Influence of added thermal resistance on crystallization kinetics, as measured by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), of the Se70Te30 glass was studied. The increase of thermal resistance was achieved by adding polytetrafluorethylene discs of different thicknesses (up to 0.5 mm) in-between the DSC platform and the pan with sample. Increase of the thermal resistance led to an apparent decrease (by more than 30%) in the crystallization enthalpy. Significant change of model-free kinetics occurred: apparent activation energy E of the crystallization process decreased (by more than 20%) due to the DSC data being progressively shifted to higher temperatures with increasing heating rate. The model-based kinetics was changed only slightly; the DSC peaks retained their asymmetry and the choice of the appropriate model was not influenced by the added thermal resistance. The temperature shift caused by added thermal lag was modeled for the low-to-moderate heating rates. Czech Science Foundation 17-11753S Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad CTQ2017-83602-C2
- Published
- 2020
26. War by Other Means: Geoeconomics and Statecraft _ By Robert D. Blackwill and Jennifer M. Harris
- Author
Ondřej Svoboda
- Abstract
2017. Harvard University Press. Pages: 384. ISBN 9780674979796
- Published
- 2020
27. Von Tieren und Menschen : Neue Theaterstücke aus Tschechien
- Author
Kamila Černá, Ondřej Černý, Ondřej Svoboda, Kamila Černá, Ondřej Černý, and Ondřej Svoboda
- Abstract
Václav Havels kürzlich wiederentdecktes Stück'Das Schwein'ist die skurrile Geschichte seines Versuchs, ein Schwein für ein Festmahl zu bekommen – die Parabel einer Welt, in der Anstand und Höflichkeit vergeblich gegen Engstirnigkeit und Egoismus ankämpfen.'Olga'von Anna Saavedra ist das berührende Porträt der Dissidentin und späteren First Lady Olga Havlová (1933–1996), der wichtigsten Vertrauten von Václav Havel, einer Frau von außergewöhnlicher innerer Stärke, Mut und Unabhängigkeit. In'Wunder im schwarzen Haus'blickt Milan Uhde mit einem düster-komischen Blick auf eine zerstrittene Familie, ihre Illusionen und Missverständnisse, und führt uns zu den historischen Wurzeln all ihrer Probleme zurück.'Poker Face'von Petr Kolečko ist eine Tragikomödie über die'Samtene Revolution', über verlorene Illusionen, Politik und das Spiel um Geld, nicht nur beim Pokern. Petr Zelenkas'Věra'ist die alternde Besitzerin einer Casting-Agentur, die erst ihre Familie und dann noch ihren Job verliert. Die Welt der Unterhaltung als Nukleus einer zynischen Gegenwart.
- Published
- 2018
28. Steel Arch Stabilized by a Textile Membrane
- Author
Josef Machacek and Ondřej Svoboda
- Subjects
Textile ,business.industry ,Plane (geometry) ,Membrane structure ,General Medicine ,Structural engineering ,engineering.material ,Nonlinear system ,Membrane ,Coating ,engineering ,Arch ,business ,Roof - Abstract
A slender steel arch supporting textile membranes in a complex membrane structure with respect to in-plane and out-of plane stability is investigated. In the last decades the textile membranes are widely used to cover both common and exclusive structures due to progress of new membrane materials with eminent properties. In comparison with use of a traditional roof decking these structures are much more economical and attractive. However, the complex analysis and computational design methods are demanding and still not codified. The real physical model of a membrane structure supported by two inner steel arches and covering a concert stage was constructed and tested in laboratory of CTU in Prague. The membrane used was the Précontraint 702S Ferrari1 prestressed textile membrane with PVC coating. The arches were hot-formed in a workshop from Grade S355J0 steel. The paper presents experimental results for: i) isolated inner arch, ii) complex structure of the membrane with supporting arches, both under symmetrical and asymmetrical loading. Furthermore the numerical nonlinear FEM model created in SOFiSTiK software package and its validation for the above structural configurations and loading is presented. Subsequent parametrical studies cover various levels of the membrane prestressing to show its significance for nonlinear behaviour and stability of the inner arch. Finally some recommendations concerning numerical modelling are presented.
- Published
- 2016
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29. Analýza odolnosti hospodářské krize 2008 pomocí entropických opatření
- Author
Martin Ibl, Michael Siegert, and Ondřej Svoboda
- Subjects
Development economics ,Economics ,Entropy, Economic Activity, Regional Resilience, Economic Crisis 2008 ,Resilience (network) - Abstract
This paper deals with the analysis of employment data of the 2008 economic crises. The analyses are done by using entropy measures that can help with predicting regional employment dynamics. Our finding suggests that the Shannon entropy and Tsallis entropy are significant predictor for the size of the employment downturn. The Rényi entropy is also useful predictor of the rate of employment downturn in recession phase. When the Shannon entropy was growing through the recovery phase before the crisis, regions experience a higher rate of employment decrease in the following recession period and high Shannon entropy infer the smaller employment downturn The results indicate the different role of the Tsallis entropy that plays a different role in comparison to Shannon entropy. The higher the Tsallis entropy, the more severally the region was affected. In conclusion, the use of entropic measures as resilience indicators in terms of regional policy is a significant predictor of regional resilience. Tento článek se zabývá analýzou údajů o zaměstnanosti v období hospodářské krize 2008. Analýzy jsou prováděny pomocí entropických měr, které mohou pomoci při předpovědi regionální dynamiky zaměstnanosti. Naše zjištění naznačují, že Shannon entropie a Tsallis entropie jsou významným prediktorem pro velikost poklesu zaměstnanosti. Rényi entropie je také užitečným prediktorem míry poklesu zaměstnanosti ve fázi recese. Když Shannon entropie roste ve fázi zotavení před krizí, regiony zaznamenávají vyšší míru poklesu zaměstnanosti v následujícím období recese a vysoká Shannon entropie naznačuje menší pokles zaměstnanosti. Tsallis entropie, která hraje jinou role ve srovnání s entropií Shannon. Čím vyšší je Tsallis entropie, tím více byla oblast postižena. Závěrem lze konstatovat, že využívání entropických měr jako indikátorů odolnosti z hlediska regionální politiky je významným prediktorem regionální odolnosti.
- Published
- 2018
30. Unfulfilled Ambitions of Scottish Defence Policy
- Author
Ondřej Svoboda
- Subjects
Computer science ,Public administration - Abstract
In the September Scottish referendum of its separation from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the majority of Scottish voters decided against these efforts. But in case of success, Scottish nationalists originally projected considerable military forces. A five-million nation should have had defence budget of 2.5 billion pounds a year, which is in fact roughly a double of the Czech defence budget! During subsequent ten years after independence, the new Scottish Government planned armed forces of 15,000 regular and another five thousand reserve personnel. The article focuses on this rather unknown dimension of Scottish independence debate.
- Published
- 2014
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31. Dermomyotome-derived endothelial cells migrate to the dorsal aorta to support hematopoietic stem cell emergence
- Author
Pankaj Sahai-Hernandez, Claire Pouget, Shai Eyal, Ondrej Svoboda, Jose Chacon, Lin Grimm, Tor Gjøen, and David Traver
- Subjects
somite derived endothelium ,bipotent muscle progenitor ,hemogenic endothelium ,dorsal aorta ,paraxial mesoderm ,endothelial cells ,Medicine ,Science ,Biology (General) ,QH301-705.5 - Abstract
Development of the dorsal aorta is a key step in the establishment of the adult blood-forming system, since hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) arise from ventral aortic endothelium in all vertebrate animals studied. Work in zebrafish has demonstrated that arterial and venous endothelial precursors arise from distinct subsets of lateral plate mesoderm. Here, we profile the transcriptome of the earliest detectable endothelial cells (ECs) during zebrafish embryogenesis to demonstrate that tissue-specific EC programs initiate much earlier than previously appreciated, by the end of gastrulation. Classic studies in the chick embryo showed that paraxial mesoderm generates a subset of somite-derived endothelial cells (SDECs) that incorporate into the dorsal aorta to replace HSPCs as they exit the aorta and enter circulation. We describe a conserved program in the zebrafish, where a rare population of endothelial precursors delaminates from the dermomyotome to incorporate exclusively into the developing dorsal aorta. Although SDECs lack hematopoietic potential, they act as a local niche to support the emergence of HSPCs from neighboring hemogenic endothelium. Thus, at least three subsets of ECs contribute to the developing dorsal aorta: vascular ECs, hemogenic ECs, and SDECs. Taken together, our findings indicate that the distinct spatial origins of endothelial precursors dictate different cellular potentials within the developing dorsal aorta.
- Published
- 2023
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- Author
Ondřej Svoboda
- Subjects
STRUGGLE - Published
- 2021
33. Efekt rozdílného časového horizontu při měření ekonomické odolnosti regionů
- Author
Ondřej Svoboda and Veronika Cichá
- Subjects
Employment ,Economic Crisis ,business.industry ,Regionální rozvoj ,odolnost regionů ,Environmental resource management ,Determinants of Regional resilience ,Time horizon ,Regional development ,determinanty regionální odolnosti ,Economics ,business ,Resilience (network) ,zaměstnanost ,Regional resilience ,hospodářská krize - Abstract
Evaluation of the economic resilience of regions is currently associated primarily with the effects of the economic crisis. Economic resilience of regions can be determined by applying different approaches and also different indicators. Under this assessment, the size of the resilience of the regional economy can be monitored to some external negative effects. It is also possible to assess the influence of potential determinants to the economic resilience. In any case, it is necessary to determine the appropriate length of the analysed period, at the end of which the situation of regions is assessed. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the effect of different lengths of the analysed period. The effect of different time horizon is investigated first by classifying types of regions in terms of economic resilience and second also by the assessment of differences in strength of the relationship between potential determinants of economic resilience and a selected indicator of resilience. The analytical part of this paper is based on a dataset NUTS level 2 regions in connection with the economic crisis starting in 2008. The main research method used is a correlation analysis. The results show that the different length of a time horizon significantly influences both the classification of regions in terms of their resilience and also the strength of links between determinants and the indicator used for measuring economic resilience. Hodnocení ekonomické odolnosti regionů je v současné době spojováno především s dopady ekonomické krize. Ekonomická odolnost regionů může být stanovena na základě různých přístupů a i různých ukazatelů. V rámci tohoto hodnocení lze sledovat velikost odolnosti regionální ekonomiky vůči určitému vnějšímu negativnímu působení. Dále lze posoudit vliv potenciálních determinant ovlivňujících velikost odolnosti regionu. V každém případě je však nutné stanovit vhodnou délku zkoumaného období, na konci kterého je vyhodnocována situace regionů. Cílem tohoto příspěvku je posoudit efekt rozdílné délky zkoumaného období. Efekt rozdílného časového horizontu je zkoumán nejprve pomocí klasifikace typů regionů z hlediska ekonomické odolnosti a v druhé řadě také pomocí zhodnocení odlišností v síle vazby mezi potenciálními determinanty ekonomické odolnosti regionů a zvoleným ukazatelem odolnosti. Analytická část příspěvku je založena na datové sadě regionů úrovně NUTS 2 v návaznosti na hospodářskou krizi z roku 2008. Hlavní výzkumnou metodou je korelační analýza. Výsledky ukazují, že rozdílná délka časového horizontu významným způsobem ovlivňuje jak klasifikaci regionů z hlediska jejich odolnosti, tak i intenzitu vazeb mezi determinanty a použitým ukazatelem odolnosti.
- Published
- 2015
34. Dissection of vertebrate hematopoiesis using zebrafish thrombopoietin
- Author
Petr Bartůněk, Ondřej Svoboda, David Traver, Jiří Brynda, Olga Machoňová, David L. Stachura, Leonard I. Zon, and Petr Pajer
- Subjects
Blood Platelets ,animal structures ,Embryo, Nonmammalian ,Hematopoiesis and Stem Cells ,Cellular differentiation ,Immunology ,Biochemistry ,Animals, Genetically Modified ,Megakaryocyte ,hemic and lymphatic diseases ,medicine ,Animals ,Progenitor cell ,Zebrafish ,Thrombopoietin ,Cells, Cultured ,Cell Proliferation ,biology ,Cell Differentiation ,Cell Biology ,Hematology ,biology.organism_classification ,Hematopoietic Stem Cells ,Cell biology ,Hematopoiesis ,Haematopoiesis ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,embryonic structures ,sense organs ,Stem cell ,Ex vivo - Abstract
In nonmammalian vertebrates, the functional units of hemostasis are thrombocytes. Thrombocytes are thought to arise from bipotent thrombocytic/erythroid progenitors (TEPs). TEPs have been experimentally demonstrated in avian models of hematopoiesis, and mammals possess functional equivalents known as megakaryocyte/erythroid progenitors (MEPs). However, the presence of TEPs in teleosts has only been speculated. To identify and prospectively isolate TEPs, we identified, cloned, and generated recombinant zebrafish thrombopoietin (Tpo). Tpo mRNA expanded itga2b:GFP(+) (cd41:GFP(+)) thrombocytes as well as hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) in the zebrafish embryo. Utilizing Tpo in clonal methylcellulose assays, we describe for the first time the prospective isolation and characterization of TEPs from transgenic zebrafish. Combinatorial use of zebrafish Tpo, erythropoietin, and granulocyte colony stimulating factor (Gcsf) allowed the investigation of HSPCs responsible for erythro-, myelo-, and thrombo-poietic differentiation. Utilizing these assays allowed the visualization and differentiation of hematopoietic progenitors ex vivo in real-time with time-lapse and high-throughput microscopy, allowing analyses of their clonogenic and proliferative capacity. These studies indicate that the functional role of Tpo in the differentiation of thrombocytes from HSPCs is well conserved among vertebrate organisms, positing the zebrafish as an excellent model to investigate diseases caused by dysregulated erythro- and thrombo-poietic differentiation.
- Published
- 2014
35. Ekonomická výkonnost a výzkumná aktivita jako významný faktor ekonomické odolnosti regionů
- Author
Ondřej Svoboda and Tereza Klementová
- Published
- 2014
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36. An Experiment with Theme–Rheme Identification
- Author
Ondřej Svoboda and Karel Pala
- Subjects
Functional sentence perspective ,Computer science ,Identification (psychology) ,Linguistics ,Theme (narrative) - Abstract
In this paper we start from the theory of Functional Sentence Perspective developed primarily by Firbas [1], Svoboda [12] and also later by Sgall et al. [9].
- Published
- 2014
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37. The zebrafish granulocyte colony-stimulating factors (Gcsfs): 2 paralogous cytokines and their roles in hematopoietic development and maintenance
- Author
Ryan P. Lau, Raquel Espín-Palazón, Ondřej Svoboda, David L. Stachura, Leonard I. Zon, Clyde Campbell, David Traver, and Petr Bartůněk
- Subjects
Male ,animal structures ,Embryo, Nonmammalian ,Hematopoiesis and Stem Cells ,Hematopoietic System ,Immunology ,Ligands ,Biochemistry ,Animals, Genetically Modified ,Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor ,Animals ,Progenitor cell ,Zebrafish ,In Situ Hybridization ,Progenitor ,Genetics ,Myelopoiesis ,Microscopy, Confocal ,biology ,Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction ,fungi ,Gene Expression Regulation, Developmental ,Cell Biology ,Hematology ,Zebrafish Proteins ,biology.organism_classification ,Cell biology ,Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor ,Hematopoiesis ,Haematopoiesis ,Luminescent Proteins ,Gene Knockdown Techniques ,embryonic structures ,Receptors, Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor ,Female ,Stem cell ,Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor receptor ,Signal Transduction - Abstract
Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (Gcsf) drives the proliferation and differentiation of granulocytes, monocytes, and macrophages (mφs) from hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs). Analysis of the zebrafish genome indicates the presence of 2 Gcsf ligands, likely resulting from a duplication event in teleost evolution. Although Gcsfa and Gcsfb share low sequence conservation, they share significant similarity in their predicted ligand/receptor interaction sites and structure. Each ligand displays differential temporal expression patterns during embryogenesis and spatial expression patterns in adult animals. To determine the functions of each ligand, we performed loss- and gain-of-function experiments. Both ligands signal through the Gcsf receptor to expand primitive neutrophils and mφs, as well as definitive granulocytes. To further address their functions, we generated recombinant versions and tested them in clonal progenitor assays. These sensitive in vitro techniques indicated similar functional attributes in supporting HSPC growth and differentiation. Finally, in addition to supporting myeloid differentiation, zebrafish Gcsf is required for the specification and proliferation of hematopoietic stem cells, suggesting that Gcsf represents an ancestral cytokine responsible for the broad support of HSPCs. These findings may inform how hematopoietic cytokines evolved following the diversification of teleosts and mammals from a common ancestor.
- Published
- 2013
38. The resilience of Czech regions to economic crisis
- Author
Martin Maštálka and Ondřej Svoboda
- Subjects
Czech ,Political science ,Development economics ,language ,Resilience (network) ,language.human_language - Published
- 2013
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39. Book Review: EU Trade Law, Rafael Leal-Arcas (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019)
- Author
Ondrej Svoboda
- Subjects
european union ,international trade ,wto ,trade law ,Law ,Law of Europe ,KJ-KKZ - Abstract
Book Review: EU Trade Law, by Rafael Leal-Arcas (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019, ISBN 9781788977401), 352 pp, £90,00.
- Published
- 2020
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40. Clozapine Reverses Dysfunction of Glutamatergic Neurons Derived From Clozapine-Responsive Schizophrenia Patients
- Author
Hana Hribkova, Ondrej Svoboda, Elis Bartecku, Jana Zelinkova, Jana Horinkova, Lubica Lacinova, Martin Piskacek, Bretislav Lipovy, Ivo Provaznik, Joel C. Glover, Tomas Kasparek, and Yuh-Man Sun
- Subjects
schizophrenia ,clozapine ,hiPSC ,glutamate ,neuron ,Neurosciences. Biological psychiatry. Neuropsychiatry ,RC321-571 - Abstract
The cellular pathology of schizophrenia and the potential of antipsychotics to target underlying neuronal dysfunctions are still largely unknown. We employed glutamatergic neurons derived from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) obtained from schizophrenia patients with known histories of response to clozapine and healthy controls to decipher the mechanisms of action of clozapine, spanning from molecular (transcriptomic profiling) and cellular (electrophysiology) levels to observed clinical effects in living patients. Glutamatergic neurons derived from schizophrenia patients exhibited deficits in intrinsic electrophysiological properties, synaptic function and network activity. Deficits in K+ and Na+ currents, network behavior, and glutamatergic synaptic signaling were restored by clozapine treatment, but only in neurons from clozapine-responsive patients. Moreover, neurons from clozapine-responsive patients exhibited a reciprocal dysregulation of gene expression, particularly related to glutamatergic and downstream signaling, which was reversed by clozapine treatment. Only neurons from clozapine responders showed return to normal function and transcriptomic profile. Our results underscore the importance of K+ and Na+ channels and glutamatergic synaptic signaling in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia and demonstrate that clozapine might act by normalizing perturbances in this signaling pathway. To our knowledge this is the first study to demonstrate that schizophrenia iPSC-derived neurons exhibit a response phenotype correlated with clinical response to an antipsychotic. This opens a new avenue in the search for an effective treatment agent tailored to the needs of individual patients.
- Published
- 2022
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41. Simulations of light induced processes in water based on ab initio path integrals molecular dynamics. II. Photoionization
- Author
Ondřej Svoboda, Milan Ončák, and Petr Slavíček
- Subjects
General Physics and Astronomy ,Physical and Theoretical Chemistry - Abstract
We have applied ab initio based reflection principle to simulate photoelectron spectra of small water clusters, ranging from monomer to octamer. The role of quantum and thermal effects on the structure of the water photoelectron spectra is discussed within the ab initio path integral molecular dynamics (PIMD) framework. We have used the PIMD method with up to 40 beads to sample the ground state quantum distribution at temperature T = 180 K. We have thoroughly tested the performance of various density functionals (B3LYP, BHandHLYP, M06HF, BNL, LC-ωPBE, and CAM-B3LYP) for the ionization process description. The benchmarking based on a comparison of simulated photoelectron spectra to experimental data and high level equation-of-motion ionization potential coupled clusters with singles and doubles calculations has singled out the BHandHLYP and LC-ωPBE functionals as the most reliable ones for simulations of light induced processes in water. The good performance of the density functional theory functionals to model the water photoelectron spectra also reflects their ability to reliably describe open shell excited states. The width of the photoelectron spectrum converges quickly with the cluster size as it is controlled by specific interactions of local character. The peak position is, on the other hand, defined by long-range non-specific solvent effects; it therefore only slowly converges to the corresponding bulk value. We are able to reproduce the experimental valence photoelectron spectrum of liquid water within the combined model of the water octamer embedded in a polarizable dielectric continuum. We demonstrate that including the long-range polarization and the state-specific treatment of the solvent response are needed for a reliable liquid water ionization description.
- Published
- 2011
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42. The Common Commercial Policy after Opinion 2/15: No Simple Way to Make Life Easier for Free Trade Agreements in the EU
- Author
Ondrej Svoboda
- Subjects
common commercial policy ,free trade agreement ,competence ,investment protection ,sustainable development ,Law ,Law of Europe ,KJ-KKZ - Abstract
On 16 May 2017, the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) delivered a long-awaited opinion on the legal nature of the free trade agreement between the EU and Singapore (Opinion 2/15). This decision was highly anticipated as it was expected to clarify uncertainties of several aspects of the EU Common Commercial Policy (CCP) which has broadened in scope after the Lisbon Treaty. The CJEU’s conclusion on the division of competences and its possible impacts on the CCP immediately sparked a debate within the Union’s institutions about its future direction. In particular, the architecture of EU free trade agreements, the dominant tool of the CCP at the beginning of the 21st century, is now under scrutiny. Trade deals without investment provisions could potentially simplify many steps which now burden the treaty-making process. This paper discusses Opinion 2/15 and its significance for the future development of the CCP. It explores and analyses the implications for shaping the post-Lisbon CCP with regard to two specific areas: investment protection and sustainable development. The paper concludes that a new architecture for EU trade agreements could be further improved as there is a potential to preserve the CCP as both an operational and ambitious trade policy. In this respect, comprehensive FTAs encompassing trade, investment and sustainability deserve a second thought in the EU.
- Published
- 2019
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43. Hematopoietic Cytokine Gene Duplication in Zebrafish Erythroid and Myeloid Lineages
- Author
Jana Oltova, Ondrej Svoboda, and Petr Bartunek
- Subjects
zebrafish ,hematopoiesis ,cytokine ,genome duplication ,myelopoiesis ,erythropoiesis ,Biology (General) ,QH301-705.5 - Abstract
Hematopoiesis is a precisely orchestrated process regulated by the activity of hematopoietic cytokines and their respective receptors. Due to an extra round of whole genome duplication during vertebrate evolution in teleost fish, zebrafish have two paralogs of many important genes, including genes involved in hematopoiesis. Importantly, these duplication events brought increased level of complexity in such cases, where both ligands and receptors have been duplicated in parallel. Therefore, precise understanding of binding specificities between duplicated ligand-receptor signalosomes as well as understanding of their differential expression provide an important basis for future studies to better understand the role of duplication of these genes. However, although many recent studies in the field have partly addressed functional redundancy or sub-specialization of some of those duplicated paralogs, this information remains to be scattered over many publications and unpublished data. Therefore, the focus of this review is to provide an overview of recent findings in the zebrafish hematopoietic field regarding activity, role and specificity of some of the hematopoietic cytokines with emphasis on crucial regulators of the erythro-myeloid lineages.
- Published
- 2018
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44. Point defects stabilise cubic Mo-N and Ta-N.
- Author
Nikola Koutná, David Holec, Ondřej Svoboda, Fedor F Klimashin, and Paul H Mayrhofer
- Subjects
POINT defects ,STOICHIOMETRY ,VACANCIES in crystals ,NITRIDES ,INTEGRATED circuits - Abstract
We employ ab initio calculations to investigate energetics of point defects in metastable rocksalt cubic Ta-N and Mo-N. Our results reveal a strong tendency to off-stoichiometry, i.e. defected structures are surprisingly predicted to be more stable than perfect ones with metal-to-nitrogen stoichiometry. Despite the similarity of Ta-N and Mo-N systems in exhibiting this unusual behaviour, we also point out their crucial differences. While Ta-N significantly favours metal vacancies, Mo-N exhibits similar energies of formation regardless of the vacancy type (V
Mo , VN ) as long as their concentration is below . The overall lowest energies of formation were obtained for and , which are hence predicted to be the most stable compositions. To account for various experimental conditions during synthesis, we further evaluated the phase stability as a function of chemical potential of individual species. The proposed phase diagrams reveal four stable compositions, , , and , in the case of Mo-N and nine stable compositions in the case of Ta-N indicating the important role of metal under-stoichiometry, since and significantly dominate the diagram. This is particularly important for understanding and designing experiments using non-equilibrium deposition techniques. Finally, we discuss the role of defect ordering and estimate a cubic lattice parameter as a function of defect contents and put them in the context of existing literature theoretical and experimental data. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]- Published
- 2016
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