Pradeesh Sivapalan, Charlotte Suppli Ulrik, Rasmus Dahlin Bojesen, Therese Sophie Lapperre, Josefin Viktoria Eklöf, Kjell Erik Julius Håkansson, Andrea Browatzki, Casper Tidemansen, Jon Torgny Wilcke, Julie Janner, Vibeke Gottlieb, Howraman Meteran, Celeste Porsbjerg, Birgitte Lindegaard Madsen, Mia Moberg, Lars Pedersen, Thomas Lars Benfield, Jens Dilling Lundgren, Filip Krag Knop, Tor Biering-Sørensen, Muzhda Ghanizada, Tine Peick Sonne, Uffe Christian Steinholtz Bødtger, Sidse Graff Jensen, Daniel Bech Rasmussen, Eva Brøndum, Oliver Djurhuus Tupper, Susanne Wiemann Sørensen, Gitte Alstrup, Christian Borbjerg Laursen, Ulla Weinrich Møller, Asger Sverrild, and Jens-Ulrik Stæhr Jensen
Abstract Objectives The aim of this randomised GCP-controlled trial is to clarify whether combination therapy with the antibiotic azithromycin and hydroxychloroquine via anti-inflammation/immune modulation, antiviral efficacy and pre-emptive treatment of supra-infections can shorten hospitalisation duration for patients with COVID-19 (measured as "days alive and out of hospital" as the primary outcome), reduce the risk of non- invasive ventilation, treatment in the intensive care unit and death. Trial design This is a multi-centre, randomised, Placebo-controlled, 2-arm ratio 1:1, parallel group double-blind study. Participants 226 participants are recruited at the trial sites/hospitals, where the study will take place in Denmark: Aalborg, Bispebjerg, Gentofte, Herlev, Hillerød, Hvidovre, Odense and Slagelse hospitals. Inclusion criteria: • Patient admitted to Danish emergency departments, respiratory medicine departments or internal medicine departments • Age≥ 18 years • Hospitalized ≤48 hours • Positive COVID-19 test / diagnosis during the hospitalization (confirmed). • Men or non-fertile women. Fertile women* must not be pregnant, i.e. negative pregnancy test must be available at inclusion • Informed consent signed by the patient *Defined as after menarche and until postmenopausal (no menstruation for 12 months) Exclusion criteria: • At the time of recruitment, the patient uses >5 LO2/min (equivalent to 40% FiO2 if measured) • Known intolerance/allergy to azithromycin or hydroxychloroquine or hypersensitivity to quinine or 4-aminoquinoline derivatives • Neurogenic hearing loss • Psoriasis • Retinopathy • Maculopathy • Visual field changes • Breastfeeding • Severe liver diseases other than amoebiasis (INR> 1.5 spontaneously) • Severe gastrointestinal, neurological and hematological disorders (investigator-assessed) • eGFR 480/470 ms). • Myasthenia gravis • Treatment with digoxin* • Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency • Porphyria • Hypoglycaemia (Blood glucose at any time since hospitalization of 70 years vs.