20 results on '"Okta Karneli"'
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2. Do Entrepreneurship Education and Family Experience Promote Student's Entrepreneurial Intention? The Mediating Role of Unemployment Rate : An Integrated Analysis through Entrepreneurship Theory, Social Learning Theory, and Hidden Unemployment Theory
- Author
Prety Diawati, Okta Karneli, Siminto Siminto, Andri Pitoyo, and Loso Judijanto
- Subjects
entrepreneurship education ,family experience ,student’s entrepreneurial intentions ,unemployment rate ,social learning theory ,hidden unemployment theory. ,Education - Abstract
This research aims to examine the relationship between entrepreneurship education, family experience, and students' entrepreneurial intentions, exploring the mediating role of the unemployment rate. Three theories were integrated into this study: Entrepreneurship Theory, Social Learning Theory, and Hidden Unemployment Theory. The study utilized a quantitative approach, employing structural equation modeling (SEM) and Partial Least Square (PLS) for analysis, as well as correlation analysis to examine relationships between variables. Non-probability sampling technique used is Purposive Sampling to determine the research sample. The study participants consisted of 100 college students in Bandung City, Indonesia, selected to complete an online questionnaire. The findings indicate that entrepreneurship education and family experience significantly and positively impact students' entrepreneurial intentions. Furthermore, the unemployment rate serves as a positive mediator in the relationship between entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial intentions. Entrepreneurship education empowers individuals to create self-employment opportunities, reduces the unemployment rate, motivates students to pursue entrepreneurial paths, and shapes the entrepreneurship education curriculum to meet evolving market demands.
- Published
- 2024
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3. Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Masyarakat Melalui Kelompok Budi Daya Madu Sebagai Upaya Pencegahan Karhutla
- Author
Mandataris Mandataris, Okta Karneli, Seno Andri, Sigit Sutikno, Syofiatul Safitri, and Andri Sulistyani
- Subjects
pemberdayaan ekonomi masyrakat ,budi daya madu ,kebakaran hutan dan lahan ,budidaya madu ,Social Sciences - Abstract
Kebakaran hutan dan lahan merupakan suatu bencana yang sering terjadi di Provinsi Riau. Terhitung sejak awal Januari 2023 hingga saat ini luas lahan yang terbakar di Riau sudah mencapai 1.184,36 hektare (Ha). Tingginya angka kebakaran hutan dan lahan yang terjadi setiap tahun ini tentunya dapat merusak kualitas lingkungan hidup. Diperlukan usaha serius dan berkesinambungan untuk dapat menurunkan, mencegah dan mengontrol kebakaran hutan dan lahan yang terjadi. Hal ini penting dilakukan agar jumlah kebakaran hutan dan lahan gambut yang diakibatkan oleh manusia dapat ditekan dengan melakukan salah satu usaha yaitu melalui program pemberdayaan ekonomi kelompok masyarakat. Tujuan dari pengabdian ini adalah untuk memberikan pengetahuan kepada masyarakat tentang cara peningkatan pendapatan ekonomi masayakat sekitar melalui budi daya madu. Dengan adanya transfer teknologi ini diharapkan kelompok masyarakat mampu menguasai cara budi daya madu sebagai upaya pencegahan karhutla yang dapat mengahasilkan pendapatan. Metode penerapan yang digunakan dalam pengabdian ini adalah melalui metode ceramah dan diskusi. Pada sesi pertama disampaikan beberapa materi terkait cara budidaya madu.
- Published
- 2024
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4. Sosialisasi Transfer Teknologi dan Pelatihan Pembuatan Filtrasi Air Bersih di Desa Mak Teduh
- Author
Okta Karneli, Mandataris Mandataris, Sigit Sutikno, Seno Andri, Syofiatul Safitri, Andri Sulistyani, and Dzaki Naufal
- Subjects
air bersih ,teknologi ,pelatihan ,Social Sciences - Abstract
Tujuan kegiatan ini sebagai upaya membantu masyarakat akan penyediaan air bersih. Teknologi dalam penyediaan air bersih adalah salah satu aspek penting dalam memenuhi kebutuhan dasar manusia akan air yang aman dan sehat. Teknologi filtrasi air satu solusi yang efektif untuk mengatasi permasalahan ini. Namun, kesadaran dan pemahaman masyarakat terhadap teknologi ini sering kali kurang. Oleh karena itu, program sosialisasi transfer teknologi dan pelatihan menjadi penting. Sosialisasi transfer teknologi melibatkan pengenalan teknologi filtrasi air kepada Masyarakat Mak Teduh dihadiri dari perwakilan 3 dusun berjumlah 35 orang tentang jenis-jenis filter air, proses pembuatan, dan cara penggunaannya. Pelatihan praktis juga merupakan bagian integral dari program ini, memungkinkan masyarakat untuk menguasai keterampilan dalam pembuatan dan pemeliharaan filter air. Dampak dari program sosialisasi transfer teknologi dan pelatihan ini meningkatnya pengetahuan masyarakat tentang teknologi filtrasi air, dapat mengurangi risiko terpaparnya penyakit air yang dapat berakibat fatal, meningkatkan kualitas hidup, dan mendukung pembangunan berkelanjutan.
- Published
- 2023
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5. The Influence of Work Supervision and Employee Commitment on Work Achievement
- Author
Sintia Sintia and Okta Karneli
- Subjects
Employee Commitment ,Work Achievement ,Work Supervision ,Business ,HF5001-6182 - Abstract
In the development of the business world in Indonesia, companies are required to maintain and improve the quality of work and the quantity of service work. Organizations need people to run them If the company wants to get the desired goals, then one of the things that must be considered is the human being in it namely employees. This research was conducted at PT Multiguna Lestari Abadi Selensen Village. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of work supervision and employee commitment on work achievement at PT Multiguna Lestari Abadi. Work Supervision and Employee Commitment as independent variables (X) while Work Achievement is the dependent variable (Y). The method used in this research is descriptive and quantitative statistics. The sample for this research was taken from as many as 53 respondents from the total population using the census sampling method. Data obtained from the results of the questionnaire were tested statistically through the SPSS program Statistics 24. The results of the tests conducted show that work supervision has a positive and significant effect on work achievement, employee commitment has a positive and significant effect on work achievement, and work supervision and employee commitment have a significant effect on work achievement.
- Published
- 2023
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6. Limbah Plastik Menjadi Industri Kreatif Bernilai Ekonomi Sebagai Kreativitas dan Inovasi Mahasiswa Prodi Administrasi Bisnis
- Author
Mandataris Mandataris, Okta Karneli, Saiman Pakpahan, Syofiatul Safitri, Ruzikna Ruzikna, Lie Othman, and Mariaty Ibrahim
- Subjects
kreativitas ,inovasi ,ekonomi ,sampah ,Social Sciences - Abstract
Salah satu menjadi perhatian pemerintah Kota Pekanbaru adalah mengenai pengelolaan sampah. Saat ini sampah hasil dari limbah rumah tangga dan non rumah tangga menimbulkan sekitar 400,462 ton per tahun. Sedangkan sampah yang tidak terkelola berjumlah 5,32 persen. Artinya timbulan sampah di Kota Pekanbaru cukup tinggi sehingga menimbulkan masalah pada persoalan pada kebersihan lingkungan, keindahan lingkungan serta menggganggu penciuman. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah selain mempraktekkan mata kuliah kretivitas dan inovasi dalam bentuk projek, juga memiliki misi untuk mencegah semakin banyak sampah yang mencemari lingkungan. Sehingga dengan adanya pemanfaatn limbah sampah plastik dan kertas menjadi industri kreatif menjadi motivasi bagi lainnya untuk tidak membuang botol plastik dan kertas begitu saja melainkan ada pertimbangan mau mengolah limbah sampah ini untuk hal hal yang bisa dimanfaatkan. Kemudian mengubah limbah plastik menjadi peluang ekonomi melalui industri kreatif adalah langkah yang positif dan inovatif. Dengan melakukan ini, mahasiswa dapat menciptakan nilai tambah ekonomi sambil juga berkontribusi pada penanganan masalah lingkungan. Adapun di dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan ini mahasiswa yang terlibat berjumlah 45 orang dan masing masing harus mampu menghasilkan produk minimal satu dan digabungkan dalam kelompok yang berjumlah 9 kelompok. Pada tahap pelaksanaan setiap pertemuan dalam kelas kelompok mempresentasikan progres kegiatannya. Hasil yang dicapai pada saat di akhir semester semua produk sudah selesai dan di pajang didalam kelas untuk di promosikan kepada sesama rekan sekelas bahkan kepada pegawai yang ada di sekitar kampus. Di sini dapat disimpulkan bahwa mahasiswa Prodi Administrasi Bisnis dapat berperan dalam mengidentifikasi peluang bisnis yang berhubungan dengan limbah plastik, seperti daur ulang, produksi barang-barang kreatif dari limbah plastik, atau pengembangan teknologi pengolahan limbah plastik yang lebih efisien dan ramah lingkungan.
- Published
- 2023
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7. The Effect of Talent Management on Employee Performance with Self-Efficacy as Mediation Variables
- Author
Sinta Marhuri and Okta Karneli
- Subjects
Employee Performance ,Self-Efficacy ,Talent Management ,Business ,HF5001-6182 - Abstract
In the current era of globalization and economic growth, every organization needs to survive in competition with other organizations. One of the strategies to win this talent war is to implement talent management, which is used to identify, find, develop, manage, and retain talented employees to achieve strategic goals and meet future business needs. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of talent management on employee performance using self-efficacy as a moderator variable. Talent management is the independent variable (X), self-efficacy is the intervening variable (Z), and employee performance is the dependent variable (Y). The methods used in this research are descriptive and quantitative statistics. The sample for this study was taken from as many as 65 respondents from the total population using the census/total sampling method. The data obtained from the results of the questionnaire were tested statistically through the Warp PLS 7.0 program. The results of the tests conducted show that talent management has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, talent management has a positive and significant effect on self-efficacy, self-efficacy has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, and talent management has a positive and significant effect on employee performance through self-efficacy.
- Published
- 2023
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- Author
Nopriadi Saputra, Riant Nugroho, Hesty Aisyah, and Okta Karneli
- Subjects
digital skill ,digital leadership ,digital collaboration ,Management. Industrial management ,HD28-70 ,Business ,HF5001-6182 - Abstract
The inequality of digital skills is an organizational challenge experienced by public and private organizations to ensure work productivity in work-from-home arrangements during Covid-19. This article aims to elaborate on digital skill development and examine the effects of digital leadership and digital collaboration on digital skill development. This article is based on a cross-sectional study involved 824 office workers from 32 provinces in Indonesia. The combined convenience and snowballing approach were used as the sampling methods. The collected data were structured in the first-order constructs by PLS Structural Equation Modeling. The results revealed that digital skills are significantly influenced directly by digital collaboration and indirectly by digital leadership. For accelerating digital skill development, the superior of office workers should facilitate their team members to collaborate intensively by using digital technology. Further study is recommended to examine the effects of other factors such as work motivation, family support, and availability of digital facility at home, performance management, and perceived organizational support.
- Published
- 2021
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9. The Effect of Talent Management on Employee Performance with Self-Efficacy as Mediation Variables
- Author
Okta Karneli and Sinta Marhuri
- Subjects
General Computer Science - Abstract
In the current era of globalization and economic growth, every organization needs to survive in competition with other organizations. One of the strategies to win this talent war is to implement talent management, which is used to identify, find, develop, manage, and retain talented employees to achieve strategic goals and meet future business needs. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of talent management on employee performance using self-efficacy as a moderator variable. Talent management is the independent variable (X), self-efficacy is the intervening variable (Z), and employee performance is the dependent variable (Y). The methods used in this research are descriptive and quantitative statistics. The sample for this study was taken from as many as 65 respondents from the total population using the census/total sampling method. The data obtained from the results of the questionnaire were tested statistically through the Warp PLS 7.0 program. The results of the tests conducted show that talent management has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, talent management has a positive and significant effect on self-efficacy, self-efficacy has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, and talent management has a positive and significant effect on employee performance through self-efficacy.
- Published
- 2023
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10. Pengaruh Pelaksanaan Program Pelatihan dan Penerapan Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3) terhadap Produktivitas Kerja (Studi pada Karyawan Bagian Lapangan PT. Bara Prima Pratama Site Batu Ampar)
- Author
Trisma Trisma, Okta Karneli, and Mandataris Mandataris
- Abstract
Penelitian ini dilakukan di PT. Bara Prima Pratama Site Batu Ampar. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh pelaksanaan program pelatihan dan penerapan keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja terhadap produktivitas kerja karyawan bagian lapangan di PT. Bara Prima Pratama Site Batu Ampar. Program pelatihan dan keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja sebagai variabel independen (X) sementara itu produktivitas kerja sebagai variabel dependen (Y). Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah produktivitas kerja karyawan mengalami angka yang fluktuatif yaitu tidak tercapainya target perusahaan selama 3 tahun terakhir, disertai dengan banyaknya jumlah karyawan yang mengalami kecelakaan kerja terlihat dari data perusahaan dan didukung oleh pendapat ahli. Sampel penelitian ini diambil sebanyak 77 responden dari 331 populasi yang dihitung menggunakan rumus Slovin. Data yang diperoleh dari hasil kuesioner yang disebar menggunakan kuisioner menggunakan teknik simple random sampling dan selanjutnya diolah untuk kemudian diuji dengan statistik melalui SPSS 22. Dari hasil pengujian yang dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa program pelatihan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap produktivitas kerja karyawan, dimana thitung =9.050 > ttabel = 1,665 dan sig 0.000 < 0.05, keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap produktivitas kerja, dimana thitung =9.944> ttabel = 1,665dan sig 0.000 < 0.05, selanjutnya program pelatihan dan penerapan keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja terhadap produktivitas kerja, dimana fhitung (60,223) > ftabel (3,12) dan nilai signifikansi (0,000) < 0,05.
- Published
- 2023
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11. Analysis of Online Marketing Strategies Post Pandemic COVID-19
- Author
null Destina Paningrum, null Andry Mochammad Ramdan, null Tri Febrina Melinda, null Okta Karneli, and null Tito Irwanto
- Subjects
General Medicine - Abstract
This research examines the analysis of marketing strategies carried out online after the COVID-19 pandemic. The research used in this research is descriptive qualitative research. Various sources were processed in this study such as books, research results, journals, and research articles. This research explains that the challenges and opportunities for business marketing that rely on digital applications during a pandemic are felt to be very diverse and complex. Post-covid-19 shopping behavior has changed based on the relationship between technology & culture. The pattern of spending on basic needs and shopping has changed due to the ease of using the internet for shopping and the existence of online services. Digital-based marketing for a profitable and sustainable business is proven to face many challenges and opportunities. The problem is that not all business people and customers understand and can apply technology, while the opportunity is that digital technology applications can innovate business marketing efforts efficiently, effectively, and productively. In addition, the role of digital marketing on the financial performance of several organizations and the implicit digital transformation model has been identified as the most important aspects related to the current COVID-19 situation.
- Published
- 2023
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12. Analysis of Online Marketing Strategies Post Pandemic COVID-19
- Author
Destina Paningrum, Andry Mochammad Ramdan, Tri Febrina Melinda, Okta Karneli, Tito Irwanto, Destina Paningrum, Andry Mochammad Ramdan, Tri Febrina Melinda, Okta Karneli, and Tito Irwanto
- Abstract
This research examines the analysis of marketing strategies carried out online after the COVID-19 pandemic. The research used in this research is descriptive qualitative research. Various sources were processed in this study such as books, research results, journals, and research articles. This research explains that the challenges and opportunities for business marketing that rely on digital applications during a pandemic are felt to be very diverse and complex. Post-covid-19 shopping behavior has changed based on the relationship between technology & culture. The pattern of spending on basic needs and shopping has changed due to the ease of using the internet for shopping and the existence of online services. Digital-based marketing for a profitable and sustainable business is proven to face many challenges and opportunities. The problem is that not all business people and customers understand and can apply technology, while the opportunity is that digital technology applications can innovate business marketing efforts efficiently, effectively, and productively. In addition, the role of digital marketing on the financial performance of several organizations and the implicit digital transformation model has been identified as the most important aspects related to the current COVID-19 situation.
- Published
- 2023
13. Application of the Concept of Strategic Human Resources Management in Improving Organizational Performance in the Vuca Era
- Author
Okta Karneli
- Subjects
General Mathematics - Abstract
In improving organizational performance in this VUCA era, it requires a management or human resource management. The development of a company depends on the human resources of the company. Good management will have a positive impact on organizational performance. The purpose of this study is to determine the application of strategic human resource management (MSDMS) in an effort to contribute to improving organizational performance in the VUCA era. This study uses a qualitative approach by using a review of the literature in the Google Scholar database by looking for references from the literature review that is relevant to the case or problem to present the theory of the research problems carried out. The results of this study are one of the factors that directly affect the level of achievement of organizational performance is the management of human resources. Or in other words the management of human resources can be a determinant to improve organizational performance. The importance of strategic planning to improve organizational quality makes the implementation of strategic human resource management able to improve organizational performance in the VUCA era
- Published
- 2022
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14. Membangun Daya Saing Petani Era Digital Society (Studi di Desa Kualu Nenas Kabupaten Kampar)
- Author
Seno Andri, Siti Sofro Sidiq, Okta Karneli, Ahmad Nawawi, and Zakiyah Ulfa Aryani
- Abstract
Potensi perkebunan nenas di Desa Kualu Nenas mencapai 1.050 hektar dengan kemampuan produksi mencapai 1.456 ton per tahun atau 121 ton per bulan. Tujuan pengabdian mencari sekaligus menyusun formula dalam membangun petani nenas dengan daya saing ideal untuk menghadapi era digital. Pelaksanaan pengabdian menggunakan Participatory Rural Appraisal, sementara metode kualitatif digunakan dengan mewawancarai subjek secara langsung di lapangan. Hasil pengabdian bahwa model pengelolaan potensi dengan skala yang besar dilakukan secara berkelompok. Namun, ada masalah kurang transparan dari sisi keuangan, modal terbatas, adopsi teknologi rendah, dukungan stakeholder lemah, dan kurangnya pelatihan softskill. Untuk mewujudkan petani yang berdaya saing, kami melakukan pengabdian dengan memberikan sosialisasi dan edukasi berupa literasi digital, menyusun administrasi kelompok termasuk laporan keuangan, memperluas jaringan serta pelatihan produksi produk turunan hasil tani. Sosialisasi dan edukasi ini dapat memberikan dampak peningkatan kualitas petani nenas sekaligus perbaikan ekonomi rumah tangga.
- Published
- 2021
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- Author
null Wisnu Subroto, null Meyzi Heriyanto, and null Okta Karneli
- Abstract
Pendelegasian sebagian urusan Pemerintahan yang menjadi kewenangan Bupati kepada Camat di Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu sebagaimana telah termuat dalam Peraturan Bupati Nomor 25 tahun 2013 tentang Pelimpahan sebagian Kewenangan Pemerintahan dari Bupati Indragiri Hulu ke Camat Se-Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu. Bentuk layanan yang diberikan meliputi, Pengurusan Izin Mendirikan Bangunan (IMB), dan fasilitas pelayanan Pemerintah yang lain. Meskipun sudah ada PATEN, jumlah pengurusan perizinan yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat masih Rendah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor Implementasi Kebijakan (PATEN) di Kecamatan Lirik Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu Provinsi Riau. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa Komunikasi yang terjalin baik antara pemerintah Kecamatan Lirik dengan Pemerintah Kabupaten sangat baik, maupun dengan masyarakat itu sendiri. Selain itu sumberdaya yang dimiliki sudah mencukupi dan jumlah staff yang ada cukup ideal dan sesuai dengan kompetensi yang dibutuhkan dalam implementasi Kebijakan PATEN di Kecamatan Lirik. Disposisi dari implementator pada dasarnya telah diimplementasikan di Kantor Kecamatan Lirik. Struktur Birokrasi sudah sesuai dimana adanya pengawasan intensif dari Pemerintah Kabupaten dalam Implementasi Kebijakan PATEN di Kecamatan Lirik.
- Published
- 2021
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16. Sosialisasi dan implementasi program smart village di Kecamatan Benai, Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi
- Author
Okta Karneli, Frini Karina Andini, Kasmirudin Kasmirudin, and Ruzikna Ruzikna
- Subjects
Knowledge management ,Smart internet ,business.industry ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Information technology ,Internet network ,Community Business ,Prosperity ,business ,Coaching ,media_common - Abstract
Pembangunan pedesaan saat ini mengalami perubahan yang signifikan baik konsep maupun prosesnya. Konsep pembangunan desa tidak lagi sebatas pada sector agraris dan infrastruktur dasar, namun sudah mengarah pada pengembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK). Seiringi dengan itu, kecamatan benai kabupaten kuantan singingi telah mencanangkan penggunaan fasilitas internet sejak 2018 lalu melalui program desa digital. Kondisi ini menjadi peluang bagi masyarakat Benai, Kecamatan Kuantan Singingi untuk dapat menggunakan internet secara cerdas dan dapat mengembangkan potensi desa serta UMKM yang dimiliki masyarakat untuk meningkatkan perekonomian dan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Hal inilah yang menjadi fokus dalam program pembinaan yang dilakukan. Kegiatan pembinaan ini dilakukan dengan metode adalah penyampaian materi atas pentingnya penggunaan internet cerdas dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraan perekonomian, mendiskusikan potensi yang dimiliki, mendiskusikan masalah serta solusi yang diperoleh dalam menghadapi permasalahan yang ada. Serta, mengadakan simulasi penggunaan internet cerdas. Program pembinaan ini menghasilkan penyelesaian permasalahan keterbatasan kemampuan serta peningkatan kemampuan masyarakat dalam menggunakan internet cerdas, mengembangkan UMKM yang dimiliki oleh masyarakat agar dapat berkembang secara berkelanjutan sehingga dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat.
- Published
- 2019
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- Author
Khanifatul Khusna, Okta Karneli, Nopriadi Saputra, Farid Ardyansyah, Hayat Hayat, and Dyah Palupiningtyas
- Subjects
Work motivation ,Performance management ,Leverage (negotiation) ,Organizational behavior ,Social distance ,Ocean Engineering ,Marketing ,Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality ,Psychology ,Productivity ,Perceived organizational support ,Test (assessment) - Abstract
During COVID-19, working from home (WFH) becomes most possible working arrangement alternative in order to practice social distancing. The productivity of WFH is still questioned by many organizations, especially companies which conduct WFH extensively for the first time. Do digital skills, work motivation, digital leadership, digital collaboration, perceived organizational support, and performance management impact positively and significantly on work productivity? This paper is based on cross-sectional study which involved 855 office workers from 32 provinces in Indonesia. PLS SEM and SmartPLS version 3.0 were used to structure and test the research model. The analysis result reveals that individual factor influences WFH productivity directly, while group and organizational antecedents influenced indirectly. To leverage WFH productivity, organizations should focus to develop digital skills and work motivation as individual factor. The organizational and group antecedents should be aligned and directed to impact on WFH productivity.
- Published
- 2021
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- Author
Hesty Aisyah, Riant Nugroho, Okta Karneli, and Nopriadi Saputra
- Subjects
Work motivation ,Knowledge management ,Performance management ,Inequality ,Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) ,HF5001-6182 ,business.industry ,digital skill ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Family support ,digital leadership ,Digital skills ,HD28-70 ,Structural equation modeling ,digital collaboration ,Management. Industrial management ,Business ,business ,Psychology ,Perceived organizational support ,media_common - Abstract
The inequality of digital skills is an organizational challenge experienced by public and private organizations to ensure work productivity in work-from-home arrangements during Covid-19. This article aims to elaborate on digital skill development and examine the effects of digital leadership and digital collaboration on digital skill development. This article is based on a cross-sectional study involved 824 office workers from 32 provinces in Indonesia. The combined convenience and snowballing approach were used as the sampling methods. The collected data were structured in the first-order constructs by PLS Structural Equation Modeling. The results revealed that digital skills are significantly influenced directly by digital collaboration and indirectly by digital leadership. For accelerating digital skill development, the superior of office workers should facilitate their team members to collaborate intensively by using digital technology. Further study is recommended to examine the effects of other factors such as work motivation, family support, and availability of digital facility at home, performance management, and perceived organizational support.
- Published
- 2021
- Author
Rd Siti Sofro Sidiq, Syafri Harto, and Okta Karneli
- Subjects
Geography ,Agroforestry ,Ecotourism ,Mangrove ,Local wisdom - Abstract
Mangrove Bandar Mangrove mangrove ecotourism in the urban area of Dumai is an attraction between local and international tourists. The uniqueness of Bandar Bakau mangrove ecotourism is the school of nature, the potential for flora and fauna and its mangrove forests. Ecotourism Bandar Bakau is still relatively new, the division occurred in 1999 by community leaders and managed by non-governmental organizations and local communities. Mangrove ecotourism has 24 types of species and not all of their potential can be used to increase ecotourism because of the ability of people who do not understand, the high expectations of mangrove township communities for mangrove ecotourism make ecotourism management difficult to control professionally, so awareness is needed to build an agreement in building strategies local wisdom-based ecotourism development, therefore a mangrove ecotourism development strategy based on local wisdom is needed in Bandar Bakau. This study used a qualitative approach with descriptive methods and the data were analyzed using SWOT. The technique of determining the informants was purposive sampling with observation and in-depth interviews. The research results that have been analyzed illustrate that an alternative strategy for developing mangrove ecotourism based on local wisdom yields 4 important points, first to develop mangrove conservation and rehabilitation as a form of new tourism potential in mangrove ecotourism in Bandar Bakau, second to increase participation and empowerment based on local wisdom of the local community, third formulate regulations and policies to preserve mangroves based on local wisdom of the Malay community
- Published
- 2021
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20. The Influence of Organizational Culture and Entrepreneurial Orientation on the Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, and Employee’s Performance
- Author
Okta, Karneli, Umar, Nimran, Musadiq, Al, Hamidah, Nayati Utami, Okta, Karneli, Umar, Nimran, Musadiq, Al, and Hamidah, Nayati Utami
- Abstract
This study aimed to describe and explain the influence of organizational culture and entrepreneurial orientation on the job satisfaction, organizational commitment and employee’s performance.This study was qualitative design with the primary data source was derived from the 120 people on four medium scale (UM) companies which process food and beverage in Pekanbaru. A questionnaire was used as the instrument to gain the data, and the data analysis method employed in this study was the Structured Generalized Component Analysis) GSCA.There were some important findings in this study, namely: first, job satisfaction is a perfect mediation of theinfluence of organizational culture on the employee’s performance; second, organizational commitment perfect mediation of the influence of entrepreneurial orientation on the employee’s performance. Job satisfaction and organizational commitment may affect the increase in the employee’s performance.In general, the results of the analysis showed that the job satisfaction and organizational commitment as determiners in improving the employee’s performance. Organizational culture is the only factor that can increase the job satisfaction which then can improve the employee’s performance. Likewise with the organizational commitment, entrepreneurial orientation is the only factor which can improve organizational commitment which is to improve the employee’s performance. Keywords: organizational culture, entrepreneurial orientation, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, employee’s performance, medium enterprise
- Published
- 2015
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