Zhou, Zhenghui, Wen, Xiaoping, Ojo, Abiodun Oluwaleke, Wang, Mingzhao, Yuan, Zhihan, and Pan, Rongkun
Ammonia's distinctive chemical makeup, coupled with its ability to combust fully without carbon emissions, position it as a promising carbon-free fuel but requires careful management to mitigate NO x emissions. In practice, supplementing ammonia with hydrogen addresses its slow combustion rate and high ignition energy requirements. Meanwhile, the introduction of a bluff body (BB) within the pipe can alter the way of flame propagation. This study examines the combustion dynamics of the premixed ammonia/hydrogen/air flame in a pipe with a variable cross-section. The experimental findings demonstrate that increasing both equivalence ratio (Φ) and hydrogen volume fraction (α H 2 ) significantly alters the flame front velocity (FFV) and maximum overpressure (P max), while also enhancing the symmetry of the flame across variable cross-section. The addition of BB creates a vortex in the flame, the formation of which intensifies the combustion of the flame behind the BB, which can promote the generation of Helmholtz oscillations, elevate the amplitude of the pressure, improve FFV, and shorten the flame propagation time in the pipe. With the increase of Φ and α H 2 , the time is shortened less. When Φ = 0.8, α H 2 = 40%, the flame propagation time was shortened by 709 ms. When Φ = 1.2, α H 2 = 60%, the flame propagation time was shortened by 5.67 ms only. In addition, P max and maximum flame front velocity (FFV max) are more sensitive to α H 2 than Φ. After the addition of BB, the increase amplitude of P max and FFV max is increased. However, when Φ = 1.0 and Φ = 1.2, the amplitude of FFV max increase decreases with the increase of α H 2 . This study can provide some suggestions for the application of NH 3 /H 2 fuels in variable cross-sections as well as under obstacles. • Ammonia-hydrogen premixed flames were studied. • The BB makes the propagation time is shortened by 709 ms at Φ = 0.8, α H 2 = 40%. • The BB promotes the generation of Helmholtz oscillations. • The addition of BB creates a vortex in the flame, the formation of which intensifies the combustion of the flame behind the BB. • The BB makes the propagation time is shortened by only 5.67 ms at Φ = 1.2, α H 2 = 60%. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]