The introduction of new materials as Power Point presentations are the most convenient way of teaching a course or to display a scientific paper. In order to support this function, most schools, universities, institutions, are equipped with projectors and computers. For control-ling the presentation of the materials, the persons that are in charge with the presentation use, in most cases, both the keyboard of the computer as well as the mouse for the slides, thing that burdens, in a way, the direct communication (face to face) with the audience. Of course, the invention of the wireless mouse allowed a sort of freedom in controlling from the distance the digital materials. Although there seems to appear a certain impediment: in order to be used, the mouse requires to be placed on a flat surface. This article aims at creating a new application prototype that will manipulate, only through the means of a light-beam in-strument (laser fascicle), both the actions of the mouse as well as some of the elements offered by the keyboard on a certain application or presentation. The light fascicle will be "connect-ed" to a calculus system only through the images that were captured by a simple webcam.Keywords: Surface Emitting Lasers, Technology Management, Software Prototyping, Optical Recognition Software1 IntroductionWe are now in the information and knowledge age and the ways data can be pre-sented are very different [1]. The laser point-ers are usually used to attract the attention on some important aspects within the presenta-tion. They also were incorporated in wireless mice, but using such an instrument offers on-ly a simple navigation control and it cannot be used for some more complex applications. The functional requirements aim at the sim-plification of the interaction between man-machine (computer), especially with the help of a webcam and with the help of a laser de-vice. The application will be installed on any computer that has a webcam. Other than a webcam, the user has to have a laser device (laser pointer, or any other powerful light fascicle). Once launched, the application will "read" through the webcam the images that were captured from a certain location that was previously established (example: at a presentation where it is used a projector).Through the means of some processing algo-rithms on the captured images, the action de-veloped by the movement of the laser point on the board, will be transmitted to the com-puter, more exactly to the mouse. In other words, the application will use only one laser device that will allow the user to control the movement and the actions of the mouse from a far distance.The general operational way can be synthe-sized in the following important steps:* The user is the one that will start the ap-plication and who will initialize the main way, meaning the verification of the ex-istence of a webcam, the installation of the specific drivers of the webcam, read-ing the configuration files;* Starting the webcam will automatic initi-ate the capturing of the images (if this op-tion was marked by the user). At this moment will be launched two wires of execution: after the processing of the im-age by the webcam, a web framed is saved as an image.* The captured frame is submitted to opti-mization algorithms for making more ef-fective the detection process of the laser point.* The Laser Module will instantiate the de-tection process of the light fascicle, which through the means of some algo-rithms will give back and it will graph-ically display the location of the laser fascicle; moreover the mouse of the com-puter will be repositioned at a new coor-dinate.* The Mouse Module is the one that will control the actions developed by the laser point, the actions of the mouse as well as the contextual graphic menu.The application will interact with any other program that is installed on the computer. Some specific gestures could be memorized by the application, in order to use a certain order (for example: if the laser point will move to the right in the upper part of the board (N-E) MicrosoftOffice Outlook will open) as well as the various actions of the mouse: single/double left/right clock, saved settings in a configuration file. …