V delu diplomskega projekta na podlagi teoretičnih predpostavk proučujemo rast in razvoj izbranega podjetja Belta, d. o. o. Če se vprašamo, kaj je rast podjetja se nam zdi vprašanje preprosto, ampak če skušamo nanj odgovoriti vidimo, da temu še zdaleč ni tako in tudi tako velja za razvoj. Čeprav veliko ljudi meni, da med rastjo in razvojem ni nobene razlike, vendar če se malenkost bolj poglobimo v teoretična izhodišča in primer podjetja ugotovimo, da temu ni tako. Rast je tesno povezana s povečano količino proizvodov in storitev, ki jih podjetja proizvajajo na trgu, vendar podjetje pa raste tudi takrat, kadar poveča svoj dohodek, poveča delovno silo, kupi nove proizvodne stroje itd. Razvoj pa je ciljno usmerjen proces spreminjanja podjetja na boljše. Razvoj se dotika področja procesov v podjetju. V diplomskem delu bomo proučili značilnosti rasti in razvoja, njune razlike, dejavnike rasti, dejavnike razvoja, ovire rasti in ovire razvoja. Osredotočili smo se tudi na življenjski cikel in življenjsko okolje podjetja, ki smo ga proučili glede na zunanje in notranje dejavnike, ki vplivajo na podjetje (s pomočjo tabel IFAS in EFAS), ter strateške dejavnike (s pomočjo matrike SFAS), ki smo jih nato proučili, kako vplivajo na rast in razvoj izbranega podjetja Belta, d. o. o. Vse štiri izbrane hipoteze smo potrdili, saj izbrano podjetje uspešno raste in se razvija, na to pa vplivajo notranji in zunanji dejavniki podjetja, pri svojem poslovanju pa je naletelo tudi na nekaj ovir. Abstract in this work we are, based on teoretical assumptions, studying growth and development of the company "Belta d.o.o.". The answer on the question "what is growth of the company?" seems quite simple, but when we ask the same question and change the word "growth" with "development" it gets harder to answer. Various people is of the same opinion that there is no difference between the growth and the development of the company, but if we look a bit closer in the theoretical assumptions and the example of the company provided, we can see that this is not the case. The growth of the company is closely linked to the increased quantity of its products and services that the company provides, and on the other hand the company also grows when it increases its income, employs more people, buys new production machines etc. However, development is a targeted proces that focus on making the company a better one. Development is linked to the field of the process in the company. In the diploma we will examine the characteristics of growth and development and their differences, growth factors, development factors and growth and development hurdles. We will also focus on the life cycle and living environment of the company Belta d.o.o., which we examined in terms of internal and external factors that influence on the company, with the help of IFAS and EFAS tables, and the strategic factors using a SFAS matrix. Further on, we examined how the strategic factors affect the growth and development of the company. We confirmed all four hypothesis as the selected company succesfully grows and developes, which is influenced by internal and external factors of the company – keeping in mind that the company also encountered some obstacles during its existance.