The football which was the most popular sport of the last century, has been continuing to hold attentions of crowds in 21st century either. There is no doubt that one of the reasons why football is so popular is the goals scored in the games. The timing of the goals scored and the kicking techniques can also be shown as reasons why fans are interested in football. This research is conducted in order to determine the distribution of goals scored in 10 seasons (2006/2007-2015/2016) of Turkish Super League according to time periods of 15 minutes, striking styles and total goals scored in 1st and 2nd half times of the games. The data used in the research is obtained from the official website of Turkish Football Federation (T.F.F.). All data is saved in the SPSS 22 program and frequency and percentage values are calculated by using descriptive statistics. In 10 seasons (2006/2007 - 2015/2016), totally 7916 goals are scored in 3026 games played and the average is calculated as 2,62 goal per game. When the goals scored are examined it is seen that the total number of goals scored are; 1045 (13.20%) goals between 1st and 15th minutes, 1056 (13.34%) goals between 16th and 30th minutes, 1281 (16.18%) goals between 31st and 45th minutes, 1313 (16.59%) goals between 46th and 60th minutes, 1355 (17.12%) 61st and 75th, 1866 (23.57%) goals between 76th and 90th. The highest number of goals are scored between 76th and 90th minutes. The number and the percentage of the goals scored in 1st and 2nd half are 3382 goals (42.72%) in 1st half, and 4534 goals (57.28%) 2nd half. More goals (4534 goals) are scored in 2nd half’s and this is 57.28% of total goals scored. When the number of goals scored in the first 17 weeks (1-17) and the second 17 weeks (18-34) of the season are compared; It is found that the number of goals scored in the first 17 weeks are 3898 (49.24%), and 4018 (50.76%) goals are scored in the second 17 weeks. There is a 1,52% increase in the second 17 weeks (18-34) of the league. When the 7916 goals are investigated according to the striking styles; 5700 goals (72%) are scored by foot, 1497 (18.91%) are scored by head, 541 (6.83%) are scored by penalty kick and 178 (2.25%) are scored as own goal. 72% of the goals are scored by foot and this is considered as a significant rate in total goals. Consequently, it is shown that most of the goals are scored in the second halves and between 76-90th minutes of the games and 72% are scored by foot. Coaches and trainers may consider these time intervals and types of goals scored during training sessions to increase their team's ability to score and to prevent opponents from scoring goals. They can also help their teams to get scores or points from matches by raising physical, mental and tactical performances of their team to the higher level. Extended English summary is in the end of Full Text PDF (TURKISH) file . Ozet Gectigimiz yuzyilin en populer spor dali olan futbol, 21. yuzyilda da ilgiyle takip edilerek kitleleri pesinden suruklemeye devam etmektedir. Hic suphesiz futbolun bu kadar ragbet gormesinin nedenlerinden birisi de maclarda meydana gelen gollerdir. Atilan gollerin zamani ve vurus teknikleri de futbolseverlerin bu alana ilgi duyma nedenleri arasinda gosterilebilir. Bu calisma, Super Ligde on sezonda (2006/2007 - 2015/2016) atilan gollerin 15’er dakikalik zaman dilimlerine, gol vurus turlerine, 1. ve 2. devrede atilan toplam gol sayilarina gore dagilimlarini tespit etmek amaciyla yapilmistir. Arastirmada kullanilan veriler Turkiye Futbol Federasyonunun (T.F.F.) resmi internet sitesinden elde edilmistir. Elde edilen tum veriler SPSS 22 paket programina kaydedilmis, tanimlayici istatistik kullanilarak, frekans ve yuzde degerleri hesaplanmistir. 10 sezonda (2006/2007 - 2015/2016) oynanan 3026 musabakada toplam 7916 gol atilmis ve mac basi gol ortalamasi 2.62 olarak tespit edilmistir. Atilan goller 15’er dakikalik zaman dilimlerine gore incelendiginde; 1-15. dakikalar araliginda 1045 gol (13.20%), 16-30. dakikalarda 1056 gol (13.34%), 31-45. dakikalarda 1281 gol (16.18%), 46-60. dakikalarda 1313 gol (16.59%), 61-75. dakikalarda 1355 gol (17.12%) ve 76-90. dakikalarda 1866 gol (23.57%) kaydedilmistir. 15’er dakikalik zaman dilimlerine gore en fazla golun 76-90. dakikalar araliginda atildigi gozlemlenmistir. 1. ve 2. devrelerde atilan gol sayilarina ve yuzdelerine bakildiginda; 1. devre 3382 gol (42.72%), 2. devre 4534 gol (57.28%) kaydedilmistir. 2. devre daha fazla gol meydana gelmistir (4534 gol) ve bu da toplamda atilan gollerin 57.28%’ ini olusturmaktadir. Sezonun ilk 17 (1-17) haftasi ve ikinci 17 (18-34) haftasinda atilan gol sayilari karsilastirildiginda; Ilk 17 haftada atilan gol sayilari 3898 (49.24%) iken, ikinci 17 haftada atilan gol sayilarinin 4018 (50.76%) oldugu ve ligin ikinci 17.haftasinda (18-34) atilan gol sayilarinda 1.52%’lik bir artis oldugu gozlenmistir.7916 gol turlerine gore incelediginde; bu gollerin 5700’unun (%72) ayakla, 1497’sinin (%18.91) kafayla, 541’inin (%6.83) penaltidan kaydedildigi, geri kalan 178 golu de (%2.25) takimlarin kendi kalelerine attiklari gorulmektedir. Atilan gollerin 72%’ sinin ayakla kaydedildigi ve ayakla atilan gollerin toplam atilan goller arasinda onemli bir yere sahip oldugu gozlemlenmistir. Sonuc olarak futbolda atilan gollerin daha cok musabakalarin 2. devresinde ve 76-90. dakikalar arasinda meydana geldigi, yine gollerin %72 sinin ayakla kaydedildigi gorulmektedir. Teknik direktorler ve antrenorler takimlarinin skor uretme kabiliyetlerini artirmak, rakibin kalelerinde gol kaydetmelerine engel olabilmek icin yukaridaki zaman araliklarina ve atilan gollerin tiplerini antrenmanlarda goz onunde bulundurarak sonuca gidebilirler, ayrica takimlarinin fiziksel, zihinsel ve taktik performanslarini ust duzeye cikartarak takimlarinin musabakalardan puan ya da puanlar almalarina yardimci olabilirler.