This technical report presents the slides and additional technical information concerning the round table addressing the topic of Current and Future Scenario of Experimental Research Involving Quantum Networks and Telecommunications. The round table presentations and technical discussions occurred during the 13o Future Internet Research and Experimentation Workshop (WPEIF) held at the XL Brazilian Symposium on Computer Networks and Distributed Systems, Fortaleza - CE, May 27th, 2022 ( This document is a technical report of the project SLICING FUTURE INTERNET INFRASTRUCTURES numbered SFI2 TR01/2022., {"references":["Antonio Abelem, Michael Stanton, Iara Machado, Marcos Salvador, Luiz Magalhaes, Natalia Fernandes, Sand Correa, Kleber Cardoso, Cesar Marcondes, Joberto Martins, Jose Monteiro, Tereza Carvalho, and José Rezende. FIT@ BR - A Future Internet Testbed in Brazil. In Proceedings of the APAN – Network Research Workshop, pages 1–8, 2013.","Cristiano Both, Rafael Guimaraes, Frank Slyne, Juliano Wickboldt, Magnos Martinello, Cristina Dominicini, Rafael Martins, Yi Zhang, Diego Cardoso, Rodolfo Villaca, Isabella Ceravolo, Reza Nejabati, Johann Marquez-Barja, Marco Ruffini, and Luiz DaSilva. FUTEBOL Control Framework: Enabling Experimentation in Convergent Optical, Wireless, and Cloud Infrastructures. IEEE Communications Magazine, 57(10):56–62, October 2019.","Aloizio P. Silva, Christos Tranoris, Spyros Denazis, Susana Sargento, João Pereira, Miguel Luís, Rodrigo Moreira, Flávio Silva, Ivan Vidal, Borja Nogales, Reza Nejabati, and Dimitra Simeonidou. 5GInfire: An End-to-End Open5G Vertical Network Function Ecosystem. Ad Hoc Networks, 93:101895, October 2019.","Stuart Clayman, Augusto Neto, Fábio Verdi, Sand Correa, Silvio Sampaio, Ilias Sakelariou, Lefteris Mamatas, Rafael Pasquini, Kleber Cardoso, Francesco Tusa, Christian Rothenberg, and Joan Serrat. The NECOS Approach to End-to-End Cloud-Network Slicing as a Service. IEEE Communications Magazine, 59(3):91–97, March 2021. Conference Name: IEEE Communications Magazine.","Gustavo Neves Dias, José Ferreira Rezende, Leandro Neumann Ciuffo, Iara Machado, Flavio de Oliveira Silva, Tereza Cristina de Brito, Fernando Frota Redigolo, Joberto S. B. Martins, Leobino N. Sampaio, and Antonio Jorge Gomes Abelem. SFI2 - Slicing Future Internet Infrastructures project. In Proceedings of the The Global Experimentation for Future Internet (GEFI), pages 1–3, Coimbra, Portugal, November 2019.","de Oliveira Silva Flávio, de Brito Carvalho Tereza Cristina, Martins Martins, Joberto SB, Cristiano Bonato Both, and Daniel Fernandes Macedo. SFI2 Technical Report - TR01/2021 SFI2 - Slicing Future Internet Infrastructures Round Table. Technical Report TR01/2021, SBRC/WPEIF 2021, São Paulo, Brazil, 2021."]}