Mixed-Integer Formulations for Power Production Problems The unit commitment problem is a complex mixed-integer nonlinear program that originates in the field of power production. Although it arises in a monopolistic system, there is still great attention to this problem even in a free-market regime, where it constitutes only a subproblem of larger ones. Historically, it was usually solved by Lagrangian relaxation methods. However, the advances achieved by commercial solvers of mixed-integer (linear and convex) programming problems have made such approaches an attractive option. T. Bacci, A. Frangioni, C. Gentile, and K. Tavlaridis-Gyparakis present the first mixed-integer nonlinear programming formulation with a polynomial number of both variables and constraints that describes the convex hull of the feasible solutions of the unit commitment problem with a single thermal generation unit, comprising all typical constraints and convex power generation costs. Proving that the formulation is exact requires a new result about the convex envelope of specially structured functions that can have independent interest. This new formulation for a single power generation unit is used to derive three new formulations for the general unit commitment problem whose effectiveness has been tested against the state-of-art formulation. The unit commitment (UC) problem in electrical power production requires to optimally operate a set of power generation units over a short time horizon. Operational constraints of each unit depend on its type and can be rather complex. For thermal units, typical ones concern minimum and maximum power output, minimum up- and down-time, start-up and shut-down limits, ramp-up and ramp-down limits, and nonlinear objective function. In this work, we present the first mixed-integer nonlinear program formulation that describes the convex hull of the feasible solutions of the single-unit commitment problem comprising all the above constraints and convex power generation costs. The new formulation has a polynomial number of both variables and constraints, and it is based on the efficient dynamic programming algorithm proposed by Frangioni and Gentile together with the perspective reformulation. The proof that the formulation is exact is based on a new extension of a result previously only available in the polyhedral case, which is potentially of interest in itself. We then analyze the effect of using it to develop tight formulations for the more general UC problem. Because the formulation is rather large, we also propose two new formulations, based on partial aggregations of variables, with different trade-offs between quality of the bound and cost of solving the continuous relaxation. Our results show that navigating these trade-offs may lead to improved performances. Funding: A. Frangioni acknowledges the partial financial support by the European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme [Grant 773897 "plan4res"]. A. Frangioni and C. Gentile acknowledge the partial financial support by the European Union Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions [Grant 764759 "MINOA"]. T. Bacci, A. Frangioni, and C. Gentile acknowledge the partial financial support by the Italian Ministry of Education program MIUR-PRIN [Grant 2015B5F27W "Nonlinear and Combinatorial Aspects of Complex Networks"]. Supplemental Material: The online appendix is available at https://doi.org/10.1287/opre.2023.2435. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]