605 results on '"Nisida, A."'
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2. Racial iniquity in mortality from cervical cancer in Brazil: a time trend study from 2002 to 2021
- Author
Olinda do Carmo Luiz, Nisida, Vitor, Machado da Silva Filho, Aloisio, Souza, Allex Sander Porfírio de, Nogueira Nunes, Ana Paula, and Souza Dreger Nery, Felipe
- Published
- 2024
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Isabelle Vera Vichr Nisida, João Luiz Grandi, Maria Ivete C. Boulos, Katia Valeska, and Aluisio A. Cotrim Segurado
- Subjects
Infectious and parasitic diseases ,RC109-216 ,Microbiology ,QR1-502 - Abstract
Introdução: A profilaxia pré-exposição (PrEP) para vírus da imunodeficiência humana (VIH) e a adesão ao tratamento com antirretrovirais demonstram eficácia no risco de infecção e progressão de doença pelo VIH. Objetivo: Entretanto, as infecções por outras IST, bacterianas ainda se constituem um desafio no acompanhamento desses pacientes. Resultados: Paciente HSH de 47 anos, em seguimento de PrEP, com práticas sexuais exclusivamente receptivas, procurou ambulatório do Núcleo de Atendimento à Vítimas de Violência Sexual (NAVIS) em novembro de 2023, com histórico de violência sexual em agosto de 2023, por homem cis, vivendo em situação de rua, (penetração anal, sem proteção). Durante o seguimento de PrEP (TDF-FTC) desde outubro de 2021 no Ambulatório de IST/CTA do CRT/DST/Aids, foi tratado para Herpes Simples perianal e síndrome do corrimento uretral masculino com uso de aciclovir, azitromicina e ceftriaxone respectivamente. Manteve uso regular da Truvada e uso inconsistente de proteção nas relações anais receptivas. Realizava acompanhamento com proctologista para HPV desde 2022 (com biópsia retal (Genótipo HPV18). Relata ter recebido vacinação contra hepatite B. O exame físico de entrada foi normal. As investigações laboratoriais de novembro de 2023 foram negativas para HIV, HTLV1-2, hepatite C e sífilis. O anti-HBsAg e anti-HAV IgG foram positivos; O PCR-Real-Time para Gonococos/Chlamydia/Trichomonas/Mycoplasma CGMT) de amostras de urina e anal foram negativas. Ao retornar em dezembro de 2023, o paciente apresentou uma nova queixa de dor de garganta e úlcera na língua (1 cm) há duas semanas. Havia procurado uma Unidade Básica de Saúde onde realizou um teste rápido de sífilis que resultou negativo. Lá recebeu penicilina benzatina 2,4 milhões de unidades IM em uma dose única, sem melhora clínica. Foi então solicitado novo PCR-RT para CGMT dos sítios oral, anal e urinário, porém só foi positivo para Mycoplasma genitalium oral. Foi então prescrito doxiciclina 100 mg, 2 vezes/dia por 7 dias, com melhora no 3° dia e resolução da úlcera lingual e faringite. Conclusão: Os pacientes em uso de PrEP se beneficiam de triagem com testes diagnósticos e tratamento profilático para IST bacterianas. Segundo a literatura, a profilaxia pós-exposição para HIV associada a doxiciclina (doxi-PEP) é eficaz para prevenir infecções como sífilis e gonorreia. Sugerimos que seja ser estudada também como profilaxia para Mycoplasma genitalium.
- Published
- 2024
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Marjorie Marini Rapozo, Julia Ferreira Mari, Mariane Taborda, Marcello Mihailenko Chaves Magri, and Isabelle Vera Vichr Nisida
- Subjects
Esporotricose mama mastite ,Infectious and parasitic diseases ,RC109-216 ,Microbiology ,QR1-502 - Abstract
A esporotricose é a micose subcutânea mais comum na América Latina, tendo como principal forma de transmissão a inoculação traumática do fungo Sporothrix spp., sobretudo pelas extremidades distais dos membros. No Brasil as espécies mais associadas à doença são S. schenckii e S. brasiliensis. Nesse relato de caso, descrevemos uma apresentação raríssima da doença, localizada apenas na mama. Paciente de 52 anos, com diagnósticos prévios de pré-diabetes e depressão (em uso contínuo apenas de Escitalopram), foi encaminhada pelo mastologista em setembro/22 com quadro de mastite iniciado 6 meses antes. Apresentava úlcera rasa e dolorosa, de 4,5 × 6 cm, em quadrante súpero-lateral de mama esquerda, com crosta melicérica e saída de secreção purulenta à expressão. Já fizera uso de ciprofloxacino e axetilcefuroxima, além de corticoide tópico e colagenase, sem melhora do quadro. Durante a investigação etiológica, apresentava os seguintes achados iniciais de exames: PPD 5mm, IGRA positivo, pesquisa de BAAR e fungos negativa na secreção e cultura da secreção negativa para aeróbios e anaeróbios. A biópsia da lesão revelou dermatite crônica ulcerada, com pesquisa negativa de fungos e micobactérias. Diante da possibilidade de mastite tuberculosa, iniciou tratamento empírico com esquema RIPE em 28/09/22, apresentando pouca melhora das lesões, mesmo após 5 meses de tratamento. Em 10/22, foi liberado o resultado da cultura de material purulento (coletada em 09/22), com identificação de Sporothrix schenckii. A cultura para micobactérias resultou negativa. Entretanto, apresentava sorologia negativa para esporotricose em 11/22, com soroconversão detectada em exame de 03/23. Por questões pessoais da paciente, optou-se por manter o tratamento com RIPE, uma vez que a paciente negava histórico de contato físico com gatos, apenas alimentava um esporadicamente, e negava ter sido arranhada ou lambida pelo animal. Considerando a resposta insatisfatória ao tratamento com esquema RIPE, foi iniciado tratamento com Voriconazol 400 mg/dia em 14/02/23, substituído por Itraconazol 400 mg/dia em 07/03/23. Desde o início da terapia antifúngica, a paciente apresenta melhora substancial da lesão, atualmente com aspecto cicatricial, completamente epitelizada. Na literatura médica, encontramos apenas um relato de esporotricose mamária, porém associada a arranhadura prévia por gato. Nesse relato, apresentamos uma manifestação raríssima dessa infecção, não associada com arranhadura por gato.
- Published
- 2023
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- Author
Isabelle Vera Vichr Nisida, Maria Ivete de Castro Boulos, Lia Maria Britto da Silva, Silmara Alberguini, Marisa Nascimento, and Aluísio Cotrim Segurado
- Subjects
Vítimas de violência sexual ,Profilaxia HIV estupro ,Infecções sexualmente transmissíveis masculino ,Infectious and parasitic diseases ,RC109-216 ,Microbiology ,QR1-502 - Abstract
Introdução: A Violência Sexual (VS) foi reconhecida pela Organização Mundial de Saúde como um problema de saúde pública. Embora o sexo feminino seja mais acometido por esse crime, estimado em até 62% para as meninas, pouco se sabe sobre Vítimas de Violência Sexual (VVS) do sexo masculino. Metodologia: Descrever as características e comparar as VVS, considerando o sexo biológico feminino e masculino, que procuraram o NAVIS-HCFMUSP, entre 2001‒2021. As variáveis demográficas, clínicas e relacionadas à VS foram analisadas por meio dos testes do qui-quadrado e Wilcoxon Rank-Sum. Resultados: Das 825 VVS, 601 (72,8%) eram do sexo feminino e 224 (27,2%) do sexo masculino, 564 (70,2) brancos, com mediana de idade de 15,8 (IIQ=6,8‒25,1) anos. Quanto às características da VS, 388 (56%) declararam que os agressores eram conhecidos; 234 (87,6%) episódios envolveram apenas um agressor. O episódio de VS ocorreu no domicílio ou peri domicílio para 399 (56%) VVS. A VS foi relatada com penetração vaginal em 334 (71,7%) VVS do sexo feminino; a penetração anal ocorreu mais frequentemente para as VVS do sexo masculino 116 (78,4%) (p=0,000). Considerando as infecções sexualmente transmissíveis, 357 (44,3%) VVS de ambos os sexos receberam profilaxia e 100 (12,7%) tratamento. A profilaxia do HIV foi prescrita para 288 (78,3%) VVS que procuraram o NAVIS antes de 72 horas após um episódio de VS; 450 (55,9%) VVS completaram o acompanhamento proposto de 6 meses. Quando comparamos ambos os sexos, as VVS do sexo masculino eram mais jovens (p=0,00), perpetrados por mais de um agressor (p=0,00), foram atendidos após 72 horas do episódio de VS (p=0,001) e foram mais frequentemente abusados cronicamente (p=0,028). Acima de 18 anos, as VVS femininas apresentaram mais sintomas de transtornos mentais que as masculinas durante o acompanhamento ambulatorial (p=0,008). Conclusão: Embora o sexo feminino seja mais vulnerável à violência sexual, o atendimento multidisciplinar e profilaxias/tratamentos de IST de ambos os sexos é essencial, uma vez que a VS traz consequências ao longo da vida para todas as vítimas.
- Published
- 2023
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- Author
Isabelle Vera Vichr Nisida, Thais Sabato Romano de Gioia, Marisa Nascimento, Viviane Cruz Ramos Cardeal, Ana Márcia Negromonte Martins, Flávia Rossi, Carolina dos Santos Lazari, José Roberto Filassi, Aluísio Augusto Cotrim Segurado, and Carlos Alberto Ruiz
- Subjects
mastite crônica Tuberculose mamária mastite granulomatosa tuberculose extrapulmonar ,Infectious and parasitic diseases ,RC109-216 ,Microbiology ,QR1-502 - Abstract
A mastite granulomatosa (MG), diagnosticada por biópsia, representa menos de 3% das patologias benignas da mama. A tuberculose extrapulmonar da mama em países endêmicos deve ser considerada no diagnóstico e tratamento. Métodos: No período de fevereiro de 2012 a setembro de 2022, 280 mulheres que procuraram o ambulatório com mastite há mais de 1 mês e não responderam ao tratamento antimicrobiano foram submetidas ao seguinte protocolo diagnóstico: 1) biópsia de mama com agulha grossa e/ou 2) investigação microbiológico da na secreção papilar ou fístula mamária, utilizando o MGIT e Myco/F lytic system (BD®), e se positivo submeter à proteína MPT64 por imunocromatografia e/ou 3) DNA Real-time, reação em cadeia da polimerase para o complexo Mycobacterium tuberculosis (RT PCR-MTB) da Abbott®. Exames radiológicos, prova cutânea tuberculínica e QuantiFERON também foram solicitados. Resultados: Dos pacientes, 277(99%) eram do sexo feminino e 165(56%) brancos; a mediana de idade foi de 36,4 (IQR 30,4-41,7) anos e 12 (IQR 11-12) anos de escolaridade. O intervalo de tempo médio entre o início dos sintomas e o diagnóstico foi de 8 (IQR 4-23) meses. As apresentações clínicas incluíram nódulo mamário com abscessos fistulados em 210(76%) como também, em 77(27,9%) não havia sinal inflamatório. As pacientes declararam ter recebido antes da admissão em nosso ambulatório: antibióticos 247(90,5%), prednisona 113(42,3%), metotrexato 14(5,2%) além de terem sido submetidas a cirurgia de mama em 91(33,3%). A prova cutânea tuberculínica e o QuantiFERON foram positivos, respectivamente, em 83 (33%) e 41 (42%) pacientes. Os exames histopatológicos mostraram granuloma em 132 (64%) e histiocíticos/plasmocíticos em 61 (30%) casos. A mamografia, com BIRADS maior que 4, foi 27/83 (32,5%). Bacilos ácido-resistentes foram detectados em 10(4,4%) pacientes. RT PCR-MTB foi negativo em todos os 183 pacientes testados assim como as culturas em MGIT. Em contrapartida, 132 (73%) com MPT64 após inoculação de MYCO/F. De 193 pacientes submetidos a drogas antituberculostáticas (RIPE-Rifampicina+ isoniazida + pirazinamida + etambutol), durante um tempo de terapia de 12 (IQR 9-12) meses, a cura foi obtida respectivamente ao 9o, 12o e 18o mês para 159(85%), 173(93%) e 181(96,7%) pacientes. Sete pacientes abandonaram o tratamento. Durante o tratamento mais prolongado, as quinolonas foram associadas. Conclusão: Nossa resposta ao tratamento apresentou mais de 90% e melhora qualidade de vida.
- Published
- 2023
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7. Sexual Dysfunctions Among People Living With HIV With Long-Term Treatment With Antiretroviral Therapy
- Author
Scanavino, Marco De Tubino, Mori, Emi, Nisida, Vera Vichr, Avelino-Silva, Vivian I., Amaral, Maria Luiza Sant'ana do, Messina, Bruna, and Segurado, Aluisio Cotrim
- Published
- 2022
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8. Effects of hydrogen and carbon dioxide on the laminar burning velocities of methane–air mixtures
- Author
Ueda, Akihiro, Nisida, Keiya, Matsumura, Yukihiko, Ichikawa, Takayuki, Nakashimada, Yutaka, Endo, Takuma, and Kim, Wookyung
- Published
- 2021
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9. Keeping the team together: Transformation of an inpatient neurology service at an urban, multi-ethnic, safety net hospital in New York City during COVID-19
- Author
Lord, Aaron S., Lombardi, Nicole, Evans, Katherine, Deveaux, Dewi, Douglas, Elizabeth, Mansfield, Laura, Zakin, Elina, Jakubowska-Sadowska, Katarzyna, Grayson, Kammi, Omari, Mirza, Yaghi, Shadi, Humbert, Kelley, Sanger, Matt, Kim, Sun, Boffa, Michael, Szuchumacher, Mariana, Jongeling, Amy, Vazquez, Blanca, Berberi, Nisida, Kwon, Patrick, Locascio, Gianna, Chervinsky, Alexander, Frontera, Jennifer, Zhou, Ting, Kahn, D. Ethan, and Abou-Fayssal, Nada
- Published
- 2020
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10. Prevalence and Associated Factors of Cryptococcal Antigenemia in HIV-Infected Patients with CD4 < 200 Cells/µL in São Paulo, Brazil: A Bayesian Analysis
- Author
Evanthia Vetos Mimicos, Victor Fossaluza, Camila de Melo Picone, Camila Caroline de Sena, Hélio Rodrigues Gomes, Carolina dos Santos Lázari, Fernanda Ferreira da Silva, Erika Shimoda Nakanishi, Isabelle Vichr Nisida, Angela Carvalho Freitas, Ronaldo Borges Gryschek, Eduardo Ronner Lagonegro, Márcia Lazéra, and Maria Aparecida Shikanai-Yasuda
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Cryptococcus ,lateral flow assay ,cryptococcal antigenemia ,cryptococcal meningitis ,AIDS ,CD4 < 200 cells/µL ,Biology (General) ,QH301-705.5 - Abstract
Cryptococcosis is a severe life-threatening disease and a major cause of mortality in people with advanced AIDS and CD4 ≤ 100 cells/µL. Considering the knowledge gap regarding the benefits of routine application of antigenemia tests in HIV-infected patients with 100–200 CD4 cells/µL for the prevention of cryptococcal meningitis (CM), we aimed to evaluate the prevalence of positive antigenemia through lateral flow assay (LFA) and associated factors in HIV-infected patients with CD4 < 200 cells/µL. Our findings of 3.49% of positive LFA (LFA+) patients with CD4 < 100 cells/µL and 2.24% with CD4 between 100–200 cells/µL have been included in a Bayesian analysis with 12 other studies containing similar samples worldwide. This analysis showed a proportion of 3.6% LFA+ patients (95% credible interval-Ci [2.5–5.7%]) with CD4 < 100 cells/µL and 1.1% (95%Ci [0.5–4.3%]) with CD4 between 100–200 cells/µL, without statistical difference between these groups. The difference between mortality rates in LFA+ and negative LFA groups was e = 0.05013. Cryptococcoma and CM were observed in the LFA+ group with 100–200 and
- Published
- 2022
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11. Anos Potenciais de Vida Perdidos devido à COVID-19, segundo a raça/cor e gênero, no Brasil, entre 2020 e 2021
- Author
Silva Filho, Aloisio Machado da, primary, Araújo, Edna Maria de, additional, Souza, Ionara Magalhães de, additional, Luiz, Olinda do Carmo, additional, Máximo, Giovanni, additional, Queiroz, Franciane de Azevedo, additional, Cavalcante, Lara, additional, and Nisida, Vitor, additional
- Published
- 2024
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12. Iniquidade racial na mortalidade por câncer de colo de útero no Brasil: estudo de séries temporais de 2002 a 2021
- Author
Luiz, Olinda do Carmo, primary, Nisida, Vitor, additional, Silva Filho, Aloisio Machado da, additional, Souza, Allex Sander Porfírio de, additional, Nunes, Ana Paula Nogueira, additional, and Nery, Felipe Souza Dreger, additional
- Published
- 2024
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13. Racial iniquity in mortality from cervical cancer in Brazil: a time trend study from 2002 to 2021
- Author
Luiz, Olinda do Carmo, primary, Nisida, Vitor, additional, Silva Filho, Aloisio Machado da, additional, Souza, Allex Sander Porfírio de, additional, Nunes, Ana Paula Nogueira, additional, and Nery, Felipe Souza Dreger, additional
- Published
- 2024
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14. Years of Potential Life Lost due to COVID-19 according to race/color and gender in Brazil between 2020 and 2021
- Author
Silva Filho, Aloisio Machado da, primary, Araújo, Edna Maria de, additional, Souza, Ionara Magalhães de, additional, Luiz, Olinda do Carmo, additional, Máximo, Giovanni, additional, Queiroz, Franciane de Azevedo, additional, Cavalcante, Lara, additional, and Nisida, Vitor, additional
- Published
- 2024
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15. Discontinuation of admission screening for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and the impact on in-hospital clusters of COVID-19: Experience at a tertiary-care center
- Author
Hitoshi Honda, Masataka Nakagawa, Rie Nisida, Chiyo Shintani, Manami Hamagishi, Yuki Uehara, Mitsunaga Iwata, and Yohei Doi
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Microbiology (medical) ,Infectious Diseases ,Epidemiology - Abstract
We evaluated the impact of discontinuing universal preadmission screening for severe acute respiratory coronavirus virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) on the occurrence of nosocomial clusters of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) during the SARS-CoV-2 o (omicron) variant period. No increasing trend in nosocomial clusters was observed during community-based surges before and after discontinuation. This finding supports the safety of the practice change.
- Published
- 2023
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- Author
Lani P. Cuello, Maria Ivete Castro Boulos, Vivian I. Avelino‐Silva, Aluísio C. Segurado, and Isabelle V.V. Nisida
- Subjects
Infectious and parasitic diseases ,RC109-216 ,Microbiology ,QR1-502 - Published
- 2021
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- Author
Nisida, Isabelle Vera Vichr, primary, de Gioia, Thais Sabato Romano, additional, Nascimento, Marisa, additional, Cardeal, Viviane Cruz Ramos, additional, Martins, Ana Márcia Negromonte, additional, Rossi, Flávia, additional, dos Santos Lazari, Carolina, additional, Filassi, José Roberto, additional, Segurado, Aluísio Augusto Cotrim, additional, and Ruiz, Carlos Alberto, additional
- Published
- 2023
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- Author
Nisida, Isabelle Vera Vichr, primary, de Castro Boulos, Maria Ivete, additional, da Silva, Lia Maria Britto, additional, Alberguini, Silmara, additional, Nascimento, Marisa, additional, and Segurado, Aluísio Cotrim, additional
- Published
- 2023
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- Author
Rapozo, Marjorie Marini, primary, Mari, Julia Ferreira, additional, Taborda, Mariane, additional, Magri, Marcello Mihailenko Chaves, additional, and Nisida, Isabelle Vera Vichr, additional
- Published
- 2023
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20. Racial iniquity in mortality from cervical cancer in Brazil: a time trend study from 2002 to 2021.
- Author
do Carmo Luiz, Olinda, Nisida, Vitor, da Silva Filho, Aloisio Machado, Porfírio de Souza, Allex Sander, Nogueira Nunes, Ana Paula, and Dreger Nery, Felipe Souza
- Subjects
RACIAL inequality ,CANCER-related mortality ,WHITE women ,BLACK people ,TIME series analysis - Abstract
This ecological study examined time series, from 2002 to 20121, of age-adjusted coefficients of cervical cancer mortality, in Brazil, in women aged 20 years or more, by race. The information sources were Brazil's mortality information system (Sistema de Informação sobre Mortalidade - SIM) and the official bureau of statistics (Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística - IBGE). Annual changes in age-adjusted mortality rates were calculated using the Prais-Winsten linear regression method. Black women die more and the rate is decreasing less. Racial inequality has increased over the years. In 2002, there were 0.08 more deaths per 100,000 women in the black population than among white women; in 2021, the number was one death. Health policymaking should consider racial differences in the implementation of strategies and goals. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
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21. Years of Potential Life Lost due to COVID-19 according to 1 race/color and gender in Brazil between 2020 and 2021.
- Author
da Silva Filho, Aloisio Machado, de Araújo, Edna Maria, Magalhães de Souza, Ionara, do Carmo Luiz, Olinda, Máximo, Giovanni, de Azevedo Queiroz, Franciane, Cavalcante, Lara, and Nisida, Vitor
- Subjects
RACE ,INDIGENOUS peoples ,INDIGENOUS women ,COVID-19 pandemic ,WHITE women ,AGE groups - Abstract
Mortality caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted indicators of Years of Potential Life Lost (YPLL) worldwide. This study aimed to estimate the YPLL due to mortality caused by COVID-19, according to sex, age group, and race/color in Brazil, from March 2020 to December 2021. Deaths caused by COVID-19 were characterized, in which the rates and ratios of standardized YPLL rates, the average number of years of potential life lost (ANYPLL), and the average age at death (AAD) were estimated and compared. Overall, 13,776,969.50 potential years of life were lost, which resulted in an average loss of 22.5 potential years not lived. A greater loss of potential years of life was identified in men (58.12%) and in the age groups from 0 to 59 years in the black (58.92%) and indigenous (63.35%) populations, while in the age groups of 60 years and over, a greater loss of YPLL was observed in the white (45.89%) and yellow (53.22%) populations. Women recorded the highest ADD, with the exception of indigenous women. White men (1.63), brown men (1.59), and black men (1.61) had the highest rates when compared to white women. Although COVID-19 has a greater impact on the elderly, it was the black and indigenous populations under the age of 60 who had the greatest loss of potential years of life. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
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22. A Magia da Ausência: Resquícios daquilo que foi e nunca mais será
- Author
Yamashita, Juliana Naomi Nisida, primary
- Published
- 2023
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23. Discontinuation of admission screening for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and the impact on in-hospital clusters of COVID-19: Experience at a tertiary-care center
- Author
Honda, Hitoshi, primary, Nakagawa, Masataka, additional, Nisida, Rie, additional, Shintani, Chiyo, additional, Hamagishi, Manami, additional, Uehara, Yuki, additional, Iwata, Mitsunaga, additional, and Doi, Yohei, additional
- Published
- 2023
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24. Neisseria gonorrhoeae conjunctivitis in a prepuberal girl a dilemma
- Author
Maria Ivete Castro Boulos, Isabelle Vera Vichr Nisida, Luma Paiva Frizzera, and Aluisio Cotrim Segurado
- Subjects
Neisseria gonorrhoeae ,conjunctivitis ,disease transmission ,infectious ,sex offense ,rape ,Medicine - Abstract
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are a public health issue of global concern and frequently lead to important sequelae if not diagnosed and properly treated. Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG) infection is one of the most prevalent STIs worldwide and recently presents increasing incidence and antimicrobial resistance rates. Apart from the neonatal period, NG infection during childhood is considered evidence of sexual violence (SV). However, defining perpetration of violence can be challenging in clinical practice. Objective: To report a case of conjunctivitis due to NG in a prepuberal girl and discuss possible means of infection acquisition and medical forensic implications. Case report: A 7-year-old female Caucasian student from São Paulo was referred to the Rape Care Center (Núcleo de Atendimento a Vítimas de Violência Sexual – NAVIS) outpatient clinic to investigate sexual violence in September 2013. At admission, she reported right ocular hyperemia for 10 days with no response to tobramycin eye drops. Personal history: nothing noteworthy. She lived with her mother and grandmother and visited her father every two weeks. Physical and gynecological examinations were normal. Eye examination: Left eye — nothing noteworthy. Right eye — palpebral edema, conjunctival hyperemia with purulent exudate and upper corneal perforation. Bacterioscopy of conjunctival secretion was positive for Gram-negative diplococci and NG was isolated in culture. The patient was submitted to suturing of right eye perforation and received 1g intravenous ceftriaxone per day for 10 days. During investigation at the NAVIS outpatient clinic, the mother denied any SV episode or school behaviour change. Multidisciplinary psychosocial care was provided to the child and her mother for over 6 months, but SV could not be characterized. STIs investigation for HIV, hepatitis B and C infections and syphilis resulted negative. Based on the literature, a hypothesis of accidental intra-familial non-sexual transmission of NG was then considered. Endocervical, vaginal and urethral secretions were collected from the mother and yielded isolation of endocervical beta-lactamase producing NG. Hygiene measures and contact isolation were recommended and the mother underwent treatment with ceftriaxone single dose 1G. During follow-up the child developed corneal opacity in her right eye. Conclusion: In prepuberal children presenting with unusual but compatible clinical manifestations, STIs should always be considered and investigated to enable prompt treatment and avoid sequelae. If gonococcal infection is diagnosed, the possibility of sexual violence should be thoroughly investigated, preferably in a comprehensive multidisciplinary approach to rule out non-sexual contamination and avoid emotional damage to the child and family. Clearly defining SV and proposing proper interventions in these circumstances is, however, challenging for healthcare providers.
- Published
- 2018
25. COVID-19 Hospitalization, Mortality, and Violence: Women’s Circumstances in the Context of the Pandemic in Brazil
- Author
de Azevedo Queiroz, Franciane, de Araújo, Edna Maria, Nisida, Vitor Coelho, do Carmo Luiz, Olinda, de Souza, Ionara Magalhães, Pereira, Sheila Regina, Vasconcelos, Rafael Souza, Cavalcante, Lara Aguiar, and da Silva Filho, Aloísio Machado
- Abstract
This study outlines the rates of hospitalization, mortality, and violence for women in Brazil in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to race/skin color/ethnicity. The study was developed with secondary data originating from official systems of information. The analysis of hospitalizations derives from data found in the Influenza Epidemiological Surveillance Information System (SIVEP-Gripe). The data on women’s mortality due to COVID-19 and violence was obtained from Mortality Information System (SIM), with consideration for the International Classification of Disease codes (ICD-10). Averages, proportions, gross rates, adjusted rates, and rate ratios were calculated by the authors. Of the COVID-19-related hospitalizations, the majority of those registered occurred among women 50 or older, with an average age of 58.8 years. A higher number of hospitalizations was observed among white women, especially those with at least a primary and middle school education. COVID-19 deaths and violent deaths from undetermined causes (UD) were proportionately higher for women over 50 years old. Deaths by homicide were proportionately higher for girls and women 10 to 49 years old. The average age at the time of death was found to be approximately 69 years old by COVID-19, 34 by homicide, and 62 by UD. Deaths due to COVID-19 and UD were more prevalent among white women, whereas deaths by homicide were proportionately higher for Black women. Women with a basic education were more frequent victims of COVID-19, homicide, and UD. In terms of hospitalization and death by COVID-19 and UD, a higher adjusted rate was observed for Black women compared to white women. Indigenous women represented the highest adjusted rate in terms of homicide, followed by Black women. Despite white women experiencing proportionately higher hospitalizations and deaths from COVID-19 and UD, the adjusted rates reveal that Black women are most at risk of sickness and death from these causes.
- Published
- 2023
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26. Prevalence and Associated Factors of Cryptococcal Antigenemia in HIV-Infected Patients with CD4 < 200 Cells/µL in São Paulo, Brazil: A Bayesian Analysis
- Author
Mimicos, Evanthia Vetos, primary, Fossaluza, Victor, additional, Picone, Camila de Melo, additional, de Sena, Camila Caroline, additional, Gomes, Hélio Rodrigues, additional, Lázari, Carolina dos Santos, additional, Silva, Fernanda Ferreira da, additional, Nakanishi, Erika Shimoda, additional, Nisida, Isabelle Vichr, additional, Freitas, Angela Carvalho, additional, Gryschek, Ronaldo Borges, additional, Lagonegro, Eduardo Ronner, additional, Lazéra, Márcia, additional, and Shikanai-Yasuda, Maria Aparecida, additional
- Published
- 2022
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27. ΔΣAD modulator for low power application.
- Author
Hajime Konagaya, HaiJun Lin, Hao San, Haruo Kobayashi 0001, Kazumasa Ando, Hiroshi Yoshida, Chieto Murayama, and Yukihiro Nisida
- Published
- 2008
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28. Formation of the nitrogen aggregates in annealed diamond by neutron irradiation
- Author
Y. Mita, Y. Nisida, and M. Okada
- Subjects
Physics ,QC1-999 - Abstract
Neutron heavy irradiation was performed on synthetic diamonds contain nitrogen atoms in isolated substitutional form (called “type Ib diamond”) and they were annealed under a pressure of 6 GPa. A large number of nitrogen B-aggregate which consists of four substitutional nitrogen atoms symmetrically surrounding a vacancy was formed within 30 m from single nitrogen atoms. Furthermore it is observed that, in these diamonds, single nitrogen atoms coexist with the B-aggregates, which is unexplainable by the simple nitrogen aggregation model.
- Published
- 2018
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29. Relationship between Recognition of Notification of Advanced Cancer and Experience in Receiving End-of-life Care Education in University Students
- Author
Kimura, Yasutaka, Nakamura, Satomi, Tamai, Naomi, Teruya, Noriko, Nisida, Ryoko, Motomura, makoto, and Sunagawa, Yoko
- Subjects
剣進行がん ,認識 ,終末期ケア教育 ,Advanced cancer ,notification ,大学生 ,告知 ,university students ,recognition ,end-of-life care education - Abstract
【目的】 本研究は,自身や家族が進行がんであると想定したときの大学生の進行がん告知の認識と終末期ケアの教育の受講経験との関連を明らかにすることを目的とする。 【方法】 大学生を対象に無記名質問紙調査を実施した。自身および家族が進行がんであると想定した場合の「病名」「予後」「積極的治療中止」に関する告知の認識を,リッカート尺度で評価した。進行がん告知の認識との関連要因はロジスティック回帰分析を行った。 【結果】 2大学419名のから回答が得られた(有効回答率78.3%)。内訳は看護系205名(48.9%),看護系以外214名(51.1%)であり,終末期ケアの教育を受講した経験がある者は212名(50.6%)であった。自身が進行がんであると想定した場合,病名,予後,積極的治療中止において告知を希望する者は約9割であり,一方,家族が進行がんと想定した場合,病名告知では約7割,予後および積極的治療中止の告知では約6割であった。進行がん告知の認識と終末期ケアの教育の受講経験との関係は,家族が進行がんであると想定した場合のみ病名(OR:2.66, p=0.003),予後(OR=2.02, p=0.015),積極的治療中止(OR=2.18, p=0.007)の告知の認識との間に有意な関連が認められた。 【結論】家族が進行がんと想定した場合の大学生の告知の認識と終末期ケアの教育の経験には有意な関連があった。, 【Purpose】The purpose of this study is to identify the relationship between recognition of notification of advanced cancer and experience in receiving end-of-life care education in university students. 【Method 】An anonymous questionnaire survey targeting 419 students from two universities was carried out (effective response ratio: 78.3%). Under the presumption that one of their family members has advanced cancer, the students were questioned regarding whether they wanted notification at the time of “disease name,” “prognosis,” and “discontinuation of positive treatment,” using a Likert scale. Regarding recognition of notification of advanced cancer and related factors, logistic regression analysis was performed. 【Results】The subjects were 212 persons (50.6%) who had experience in receiving end-of-life care education. Assuming the respondents had progressive cancer, about 90% of the respondents wanted to be notified in all three situations. But 327 persons wanted notification to the family of disease name (78.0%), 281 persons wanted notification of prognosis (67.1%), and 283 persons wanted notification of discontinuation of aggressive treatment (67.5%). Regarding recognition of notification to the family and its related factors, there was a significant correlation between recognition of notification and “experience in receiving education on end-of-life care,” [disease name: OR=2.66, p=0.003; prognosis: OR=2.02, p=0.015; discontinuation of aggressive treatment: OR=2.18, p=0.007]. 【Conclusion】Under the presumption that a family member has advanced cancer, recognition of notification of advanced cancer was found to be related to the experience of receiving end-of-life care education.
- Published
- 2021
30. Experimental Study of High-efficient Flow Separation Control over Airfoil Utilizing Deep Reinforcement Learning
- Author
Ayano WATANABE, Satoshi SHIMOMURA, Satoshi SEKIMOTO, Naoki TAKADA, Tatsumasa ISHIKAWA, Hiroyuki NISIDA, and Akira OYAMA
- Published
- 2021
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31. Racismo e impactos da COVID-19 na população da cidade de São Paulo
- Author
Vitor Coelho Nisida and Lara Aguiar Cavalcante
- Abstract
Os dados sobre óbitos por COVID-19 apontam para uma maior mortalidade de pessoas negras, mostrando que a pandemia opera como mais um fator agravante na reprodução das desigualdades e das condições sociais impostas à população negra. Este artigo tem como objetivo contribuir para o debate sobre a pandemia de coronavírus, através da comparação entre as taxas de mortalidade da população negra e da população branca, pela chave das iniquidades raciais estruturantes em nossa sociedade. As diferentes mortalidades também foram observadas e analisadas nos diferentes distritos administrativos que compõem o Município de São Paulo, propondo leituras que marcam as diferenças espaciais e sociais através do critério raça/cor e território.
- Published
- 2020
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32. Influence of friction stir welding parameters on metallurgical and mechanical properties of dissimilar joint between semi-solid metal 356-T6 and aluminum alloys 6061-T651
- Author
Muhamad Tehyo, Prapas Muangjunburee, Abdul Binraheem, Somchai Chuchom, and Nisida Utamarat
- Subjects
SSM356-T6 ,AA6061-T651 ,friction stir welding (FSW) ,dissimilar join ,Technology ,Technology (General) ,T1-995 ,Science ,Science (General) ,Q1-390 - Abstract
The objective of this research is to investigate the effect of welding parameters on the microstructure and mechanicalproperties of friction stir (FS) welded butt joints of dissimilar aluminum alloy sheets between Semi-Solid Metal (SSM) 356-T6and AA6061-T651 by a computerized numerical control (CNC) machine. The base materials of SSM356-T6 and AA6061-T651were located on the advancing side (AS) and on the retreating side (RS), respectively. For this experiment, the FS weldedmaterials were joined under two different tool rotation speeds (1,750 and 2,000 rpm) and six welding speeds (20, 50, 80, 120, 160,and 200 mm/min), which are the two prime joining parameters in FSW. From the investigation, the higher tool rotation speedaffected the weaker material’s (SSM) maximum tensile strength less than that under the lower rotation speed. As for weldingspeed associated with various tool rotation speeds, an increase in the welding speed affected lesser the base material’s tensilestrength up to an optimum value; after which its effect increased. Tensile elongation was generally greater at greater toolrotation speed. An averaged maximum tensile strength of 206.3 MPa was derived from a welded specimen produced at the toolrotation speed of 2,000 rpm associated with the welding speed of 80 mm/min. In the weld nugget, higher hardness was observedin the stir zone than that in the thermo-mechanically affected zone. Away from the weld nugget, hardness levels increased backto the levels of the base materials. The microstructures of the welding zone in the FS welded dissimilar joint can be characterizedboth by the recrystallization of SSM356-T6 grains and AA6061-T651 grain layers.
- Published
- 2012
33. 270 Sexually Transmitted Infections in Sexually Compulsive Women
- Author
Bubola Lima, NR, primary, Nisida, I, additional, Sant'Ana do Amaral, ML, additional, and Scanavino, MDT, additional
- Published
- 2022
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34. Nota T��cnica: A����o de Descumprimento de Preceito Fundamental n.828 - Atualiza����o 31 de janeiro de 2022
- Author
Tavolari, Bianca, Vitor Nisida, and Saylon Alves
- Published
- 2022
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35. New load transfer structure to reduce body deformation in side collisions.
- Author
Hasegawa, Atsushi, Egawa, Yasuhisa, Nisida, Takuro, Kishida, Kengo, Fujimura, Yoshihiro, Takeuchi, Ryotaro, Yamada, Hitomi, Fujii, Takayuki, and Saito, Yumi
- Subjects
BACKPACKS ,DEFORMATIONS (Mechanics) ,LATERAL loads ,BENDING moment ,AXIAL loads ,SHOULDER ,BODY weight - Abstract
In this research, body technology was established for side collisions with new IIHS MDB as a representative case. In the conventional body structure, most of the load received from the barrier is absorbed by bending deformation of the door beam and B-pillar, etc. For that reason, the body is subjected to large deformation before reaching the maximum load, and the deformation increases further when subjected to a high-energy collision. Therefore, the objective of this research is to create a structure that increases the load from the initiation of impact and suppresses the deformation of the car body. An arched door beam was developed to reduce the bending moment by the axial load in the longitudinal direction generated during the deformation and to increase the load in the lateral direction. A principle equation was developed that uses the shape of the door beam as a variable. A prototype of the arched door beam was fabricated, and its performance was evaluated by an impactor test. A full-car simulation was conducted using a mass-produced sedan as a base, to which the arched door beam was added to verify the performance of the complete vehicle. The results of the impactor tests were evaluated using the load gradient, which was defined as the generated load divided by the amount of deformation. Compared to conventional straight door beams, the load gradient was 7.1 times higher. Full-car simulation results showed that for a gasoline-powered vehicle body weight, the body load gradient of the proposed structure was 4.7 times higher, and the body deformation adjacent to the dummy shoulder was reduced by 210 mm. Spine acceleration of the dummy was reduced by 56%. The body structure proposed in this research has the effect of increasing the load gradient and reducing body deformation and spine acceleration. It is expected to be applicable to EVs and FCVs, which require more energy absorption due to their increased vehicle weight. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2023
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36. Emprego concomitante da localização radioguiada da lesão e do estudo do linfonodo sentinela para o carcinoma invasor de mama não palpável
- Author
Piato José Roberto Morales, Barros Alfredo Carlos Simões Dornelas de, Nisida Antonio Carlos Toshihiro, Buchpigel Carlos Alberto, Barros Nestor de, and Pinotti José Aristodemo
- Subjects
Mama/câncer ,Carcinoma não palpável de mama ,Linfonodo sentinela ,Gynecology and obstetrics ,RG1-991 - Abstract
OBJETIVO: analisar o emprego concomitante da localização radioguiada de lesão não palpável e do estudo do linfonodo sentinela (LS) em mulheres com câncer de mama. MÉTODO: estudo prospectivo de 45 pacientes com carcinoma não palpável de mama. O radiofármaco utilizado foi o dextram marcado pelo 99mTc. Realizou-se injeção no sítio peritumoral, sob orientação ultra-sonográfica ou estereotáxica, com auxílio de agulha de raquianestesia de gauge 18. A linfocintilografia, para visualização pré-operatória do local da lesão e do LS, foi feita em gama câmera convencional, com abdução de 90º do membro superior ipsilateral. A exérese da lesão primária e a do LS foram realizadas com auxílio de sonda de detecção de radiação gama. RESULTADOS: quanto à remoção do tumor primário, obteve-se taxa de sucesso em todos os casos. Houve necessidade de ampliação de margem cirúrgica em cinco pacientes. Em relação ao LS houve falha em quatro casos, com índice de localização de 93%. Não foram observadas complicações. CONCLUSÃO: os resultados obtidos parecem demonstrar que a utilização simultânea dos dois procedimentos constitui estratégia eficaz para o tratamento do câncer inicial de mama em uma única sessão
- Published
- 2003
37. 270 Sexually Transmitted Infections in Sexually Compulsive Women
- Author
NR Bubola Lima, I Nisida, ML Sant'Ana do Amaral, and MDT Scanavino
- Subjects
Psychiatry and Mental health ,Endocrinology ,Reproductive Medicine ,Urology ,Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism - Abstract
Introduction There is a large evidence in literature associating compulsive sexual behavior (CSB) with negative outcomes, including increased risk of sexually transmitted infections (STI), unwanted pregnancies, work or educational role impairment, excessive financial expenses, and others. Most research supports that CSB is substantially more frequent among men than women, which could explain the paucity of data about distribution, accurate clinical picture and particularities in this population. Objective we proposed an investigation of lifetime reported serological tests and STI in women who are outpatients of a compulsive sexual behavior clinic in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Methods we conducted a cross-sectional analysis of data from women who sought treatment in the clinic between 2012 to 2019. Participants are submitted by throughout clinical evaluation to assessing sexual compulsivity severity. Data of lifetime STI, previous treatment and serological tests are asked by a semi-structured interview. The participants who met diagnostic criteria for sexual preference disorder, sexual identity disorder, schizophrenia or other psychotic disorders, hypomanic or manic episode of mood disorder and other mental disorders due to brain dysfunction, injury or physical illness were excluded. Results thirty-two women completed baseline evaluation. Of this, twenty-two (68%) met criteria to CSB and twelve (32%) did not. There was no difference in mean of age, proportion of sexual orientation, race, marital status, years of education or income (TABLE 1). Most of women were white, heterosexual and weren't in a stable relationship. The median (Md) of Sexual Compulsivity Scale (SCS) score had significant difference (Md 32,5 IQR [26; 36] to sexually compulsive and Md 11,5 IQR [10,5; 14] to non sexually compulsive; p Conclusion Sexually compulsive women reported more STI than non sexually compulsive women. We believe that small sample size was determinant to do not find statistical difference between the groups due the low statistical power of the test. Further research with greater sample is needed to confirm this inference. However, sexually compulsive women presented high severity of sexual compulsivity which support our inference. The study points out to the importance of psychiatrist to assess STI in sexually compulsive women. Disclosure Work supported by industry: no.
- Published
- 2022
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38. Cardiovascular and psychopathological factors among non-sexually compulsive, sexually compulsive, and hypersexual individuals in Sao Paulo, Brazil
- Author
Marco de Tubino Scanavino, Lucas Naufal, Maria Luiza Sant'Ana do Amaral, Carlos Souto dos Santos Filho, Isabelle V.V. Nisida, Jeffrey T. Parsons, Ana Ventuneac, Bruno Caramelli, and J. Vieira
- Subjects
Adult ,Male ,Sexual addiction ,Substance-Related Disorders ,Sexual Behavior ,Cardiovascular risk factors ,Comorbidity ,Young Adult ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Humans ,Medicine ,030212 general & internal medicine ,Risk factor ,Applied Psychology ,business.industry ,Middle Aged ,medicine.disease ,030227 psychiatry ,Psychiatry and Mental health ,Clinical Psychology ,Sexual behavior ,Cardiovascular Diseases ,Compulsive Behavior ,Female ,business ,Brazil ,Psychopathology ,Clinical psychology - Abstract
We decided to explore the frequency of cardiovascular risk factors, according to three levels of severity of compulsive sexual behavior (CSB), namely, non-sexually compulsive (1), sexually compulsive (2), and sexually compulsive, and hypersexual (3). We also investigated the impact of a psychiatric co-morbidity on the Framingham heart risk score (FRS). 94 non-sexually compulsive, 57 sexually compulsive, and 60 hypersexual individuals underwent psychiatric interview, blood collection, self-responsiveness, and anthropometric measurement. The analyses were repeated with individuals aged up to 44 and aged more than 44 years old. Regarding the total sample, we observed significant association among those sexually compulsive, and hypersexual participants with presenting the HIV serologic status, and a greater proportion of psychiatric conditions as much as the severity of CSB increases. Individuals with substance-related disorder predicted higher Framingham scores. The analyses with people aged more than 44 years old presented some different results, such as association among presenting low FRS and the sexually compulsive participants, and sexual compulsivity predicted lower scores of the Framingham. The study points out to the relevance of comprehensive psychiatric examination of whom presenting CSB and opens an avenue forward investigation of the effect of high rates of sexual activity on cardiovascular risk.
- Published
- 2019
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39. Predictors of Adherence to HIV Post-Exposure Prophylaxis and Retention in Care After an Episode of Sexual Violence in Brazil
- Author
Isabelle V.V. Nisida, Vivian Iida Avelino-Silva, Lia Maria Britto da Silva, Philippe Mayaud, Aluísio Augusto Cotrim Segurado, and Maria-Ivete Castro Boulos
- Subjects
Adult ,Male ,Emergency Medical Services ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Adolescent ,Anti-HIV Agents ,HIV post exposure prophylaxis ,Sexually Transmitted Diseases ,HIV Infections ,Medication Adherence ,Cohort Studies ,Young Adult ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Retention in Care ,Humans ,Medicine ,030212 general & internal medicine ,Referral and Consultation ,Retrospective Studies ,030505 public health ,Sexual violence ,business.industry ,Sex Offenses ,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health ,Middle Aged ,Retention in care ,Infectious Diseases ,Rape ,Family medicine ,Female ,Emergency Service, Hospital ,Post-Exposure Prophylaxis ,0305 other medical science ,business ,Brazil - Abstract
Adherence to nonoccupational post-exposure prophylaxis (nPEP) among sexual violence (SV) victims and their retention in care after SV represent significant challenges. This study aimed at identifying predictors of adherence to nPEP and retention in clinical-laboratory follow-up among SV victims in São Paulo, Brazil. We conducted a retrospective cohort study of SV victims admitted to care and follow-up at the SV unit of the main reference hospital in São Paulo within 72 h following the SV episode. Eligible patients were submitted to a standardized protocol that included nPEP, screening, and management for other sexually transmitted infection as well as emergency contraception. Predictors of adherence to nPEP for 28 days and retention in care until discharge at 180 days after admission were analyzed. A total of 199 SV episodes in 197 victims were recorded from January 2001 to December 2013 (156 months). Of those episodes, 167 were eligible to receive nPEP and 160 (96%) actually received a prescription. Overall 104/160 [65%, 95% confidence interval (CI) 57-72] SV victims, who received nPEP, were fully adherent to nPEP up to 28 days, whereas 89/199 (45%, 95% CI 38-52) were retained in care for 180 days following admission. In multi-variate analysis, patients undergoing at least one psychological consultation (
- Published
- 2019
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40. 超高分子量ポリエチレン繊維複合材によるアルミ合金製デブリバンパーからのイジェクタの低減
- Author
Nisida, Masahiro, Fuchita, Junya, and Nomura, Yukihiro
- Abstract
第8回スペースデブリワークショップ (2018年12月3-5日. 宇宙航空研究開発機構調布航空宇宙センター(JAXA)(CAC)), 調布市, 東京, The 8th Space Debris Workshop (December 3-5, 2018. Chofu Aerospace Center, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)(CAC)), Chofu, Tokyo, Japan, 高強度繊維である超高分子量ポリエチレン繊維の複合材は,防御材料として有望である.この材料を用いて,アルミ合金製デブリバンパーからのイジェクタの低減しつつ,バンパーとしての性能は同等もしくは向上するようなデブリバンパーを目指して,研究している.その結果を報告する., Ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene fiber composites of high strength fibers are promising materials for defense materials. Our group is trying to reduce ejecta from aluminum alloy debris shielding and to keep or improve bumper performance. We would like to report some results using ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene fiber composites., 形態: カラー図版あり, Physical characteristics: Original contains color illustrations, 資料番号: AA1830034030, レポート番号: JAXA-SP-18-011
- Published
- 2019
- Author
Castro Ronald, Arantza, Rojas Melgarejo, Arlette, Vásquez Grados, Gimena, Condori Taza, Nathaly Nisida, Leonor Zamora Galarza, Marie Laura, Mendoza Carrasco, Mariella Victoria, and Aliaga Cruz, Rosaelvira
- Subjects
Copyright of Educación (18133363) is the property of Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazon and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2023
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42. A Magia da Ausência: Resquícios daquilo que foi e nunca mais será.
- Author
Nisida Yamashita, Juliana Naomi
- Subjects
Copyright of Cadernos de Arte e Antropologia is the property of Cadernos de Arte e Antropologia and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2023
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43. Estudo da Adesão à Quimioprofilaxia Anti-retroviral para a Infecção por HIV em Mulheres Sexualmente Vitimadas Study of Adherence to Antiretroviral Chemoprophylaxis for HIV Infection in Sexually Abused Women
- Author
Jefferson Drezett, Iara Baldacini, Isabelle V. V. Nisida, Valéria C. Nassif, and Patrícia C. Nápoli
- Subjects
Violência sexual ,AIDS ,Doença sexualmente transmisivel ,Sexual violence ,HIV ,STD ,Gynecology and obstetrics ,RG1-991 - Abstract
Objetivos: embora não existam dados apropriados para estabelecer sua eficácia, alguns serviços tem utilizado, profilaticamente, a terapia anti-retroviral para o HIV nos casos de violência sexual. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a aceitabilidade, tolerância e adesão a um esquema quimioprofilático para o HIV. Pacientes e método: foram avaliadas 62 mulheres vítimas de estupro e/ou atentado violento ao pudor com coito ectópico anal. Os agressores foram referidos como desconhecidos. A profilaxia foi iniciada dentro das primeiras 48 h da violência e mantida por 4 semanas, sendo administrados diariamente: zidovudina, 600 mg; indinavir, 2.400 mg e lamivudina, 300 mg. Resultados: a taxa de descontinuidade foi de 24,2%, sendo em 12 casos (80%) decorrente de intolerância gástrica. Os efeitos colaterais estiveram presentes em 43 casos (69,4%), sendo as náuseas e vômitos os mais freqüentes. A complexidade posológica e o tempo de uso foram fatores possivelmente associados ao uso inadequado das drogas, ocorrendo em 10,6% dos casos. Conclusão: a taxa de descontinuidade da quimioprofilaxia foi semelhante à observada em outras indicações.Purpose: some medical institutions have been prophylactically ministrating anti-HIV therapy in cases of sexual violence, although there are no appropriate basic facts to establish its efficacy. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the acceptance, tolerance and adhesion of these women under a chemoprophylaxis plan for HIV. Methods: sixty-two women victims of rape and/or anal intercourse with unknown aggressors have been evaluated. Prophylaxis has been started within the first 48 h after violence and maintained for 4 weeks, with daily administration of zidovudine, 600 mg; indinavir, 2,400 mg and lamivudine, 300 mg. Results: the discontinuance rate was 24.2%, withe 12 cases (80%) due to gastric intolerance. The side effects were present in 43 cases (69.4%), including nausea and vomitting as the most frequent. Complex dosage and time of administration were factors possibly related to the inadequate use of the drugs in 10.6% of the cases. Conclusion: the authors concluded that the chemoprophylaxis discontinuance rate was similar to that observed in other indications.
- Published
- 1999
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44. A survey of congenital Chagas’ disease, carried out at three Health Institutions in São Paulo City, Brazil
- Author
Isabelle Vera Vichr NISIDA, Vicente AMATO NETO, Lúcia Maria Almeida BRAZ, Maria Irma Seixas DUARTE, and Eufrosina Setsu UMEZAWA
- Subjects
Trypanosoma cruzi ,Chagas’ disease ,Congenital Chagas’ disease ,Chagas’ disease and HIV ,Immunohistochemistry for parasites ,TESA ,Arctic medicine. Tropical medicine ,RC955-962 ,Infectious and parasitic diseases ,RC109-216 - Abstract
The congenital transmission of Chagas’ disease was evaluated in 57 pregnant women with Chagas’ disease and their 58 offspring. The patients were selected from three Health Institutions in São Paulo City. The maternal clinical forms of Chagas’ disease were: indeterminate (47.4%), cardiac (43.8%) and digestive (8.8%); 55 were born in endemic areas and two in São Paulo City. The transmission of Chagas’ disease at fetal level was confirmed in three (5.17%) of the 58 cases studied and one probably case of congenital Chagas’ disease. Two infected infants were born to chagasic women with HIV infection and were diagnosed by parasitolological assays (microhematocrit, quantitative buffy coat-QBC or artificial xenodiagnosis). In both cases the placenta revealed T. cruzi and HIV p24 antigens detected by immunohistochemistry. In one case, a 14-week old abortus, the diagnosis of congenital T. cruzi infection was confirmed by immunohistochemistry. The other probable infection, a 30-week old stillborn, the parasites were found in the placenta and umbilical cord. The Western blot method using trypomastigote excreted/secreted antigens of T. cruzi (TESA) was positive for IgG antibodies in 54/55 newborns and for IgM in 1/55 newborns. One of the two newborns with circulating parasites had no detectable IgG or IgM antibodies. The assessment of IgG antibodies in the sera of pregnant women and their newborns was performed by ELISA using two different T. cruzi antigens: an alkaline extract of epimastigotes (EAE) and trypomastigote excreted/secreted antigens (TESA). The analysis showed a linear correlation between maternal and newborn IgG antibody titers at birth.
- Published
- 1999
45. Degradation Kinetics of Anthocyanin of Traditional and Low-Sugar Blackberry Jam
- Author
de Moura, Sílvia Cristina Sobottka Rolim, da Rocha Tavares, Paulo Eduardo, Germer, Sílvia Pimentel Marconi, Nisida, Alba Lucia Andrade Coelho, Alves, Adriana Barreto, and Kanaan, Alexandre Saikali
- Published
- 2012
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46. Nota T��cnica: A����o de Descumprimento de Preceito Fundamental n. 828
- Author
Tavolari, Bianca, Saylon Alves, and Vitor Nisida
- Published
- 2021
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- Author
Isabelle V.V. Nisida, Maria Ivete Castro Boulos, Lani P. Cuello, Aluísio Augusto Cotrim Segurado, and Vivian Iida Avelino-Silva
- Subjects
Microbiology (medical) ,Infectious Diseases ,lcsh:QR1-502 ,lcsh:RC109-216 ,lcsh:Microbiology ,lcsh:Infectious and parasitic diseases - Published
- 2021
- Author
Juliana Ferreira de Lima, Bruna Anderson, Antônio Carlos Toshihiro Nisida, Fabiano Cataldi Engel, and Luiz Henrique Gebrim
- Abstract
Introduction: In adults, the thoracic duct carries about four liters of lymph per day, and its injury can lead to rapid accumulation in the pleural cavity, causing acute and chronic changes in lung dynamics. Thoracic duct injuries are uncommon and occur during surgical procedures in the thoracic region and trauma, such as esophagectomy, mediastinal and pleuro-pulmonary surgical procedures. Surgical injuries have been described after almost all types of thoracic surgical procedures, especially those performed in the upper left thoracic strait. The clinical diagnosis is based most often on the high output of the introduced chest drain, accompanied by a milky aspect. In addition, computed tomography, lymphoscintigraphy and lymphanangiography are possible methods for diagnosis. Clinical series on duct injuries after thoracic surgery report that in approximately 25% to 50% of cases spontaneous closure of the fistula occurs with conservative measures, after the introduction of parenteral nutrition or enteral diet with medium chain triglycerides. The other cases needed clinical and surgical treatment. Operative treatment consists of performing videothoracoscopy or right thoracotomy with identification of the lymphatic duct, followed by ligation. Case report: A 48-year-old woman, born in Santana do Parnaíba, state of São Paulo, with a diagnosis of breast cancer on the left, histological type of invasive breast carcinoma Luminal B, who underwent a modified radical mastectomy (Madden technique) on the left with immediate breast reconstruction. In the intraoperative period, important involvement of the left axillary lymph nodes was evidenced, which may have distorted lymphatic vessels and ducts. It evolved in the late postoperative period with high milky drainage in a suction drain in the left axillary region. Then, a hypothesis of thoracic duct injury was raised as a post-surgical complication. Biochemical analysis of milky secretion showed a high concentration of triglycerides and cytology describes the presence of proteinaceous material and macrophages. A conservative approach was adopted with adjustment of a hyperproteic, hypoglycidic and rich in medium chain triglyceride parenteral diet. The patient underwent lymphoscintigraphy, twenty days after the diagnostic hypothesis, but the fistula was not detected. Progressed with a decrease in the flow gradually until the drain was removed and she was discharged from the hospital in good condition. At the moment, the patient is undergoing adjuvant treatment for breast cancer.
- Published
- 2021
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49. Nota Técnica: Projeto de Lei n.447/2021 que dispõe sobre o Programa Requalifica Centro
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Tavolari, Bianca, Laryssa Kruger, Tadeu Lara Baltar Da Rocha, and Vitor Nisida
- Published
- 2021
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Juliana Ferreira de Lima, Rebecca Correia de Oliveira, Antônio Carlos Toshihiro Nisida, Ricardo Faure, and Luis Henrique Gebrim
- Abstract
Introduction: Obesity is a multifactorial chronic disease that can predispose to several comorbidities, including breast cancer. The Department of Health estimates the number of overweight people in Brazil is 65%. The relationship between weight and height (BMI, Body Mass Index) has been used by WHO to assess the degree of obesity in the population. Breast cancer is responsible for more than 8,000 deaths each year in Brazil. Despite advances in systemic treatment, surgery is one of the main treatments used, and obesity is a relevant factor that worsens the oncological prognosis and is predictive of perioperative complications. Objectives: The aim of this study is to assess the relationship between obesity and surgical complications in 5,657 breast cancer patients undergoing surgical treatment (conservative or radical) at Pérola Byington Hospital. Methods: A retrospective, cross-sectional study was carried out with 5,657 patients undergoing surgical treatment (conservative or radical) by the Braziliann Unified Health System (SUS) at the Women’s Health Reference Center at Hospital Pérola Byington from January 2011 to December 2019. Data were collected from the medical records of the institution. The patients were divided into six groups according to BMI=W/H2 (25), followed by hematoma, diagnosed in 72 patients, 59.7% overweight women. The third most common complication was infection of the surgical site in only 19 patients (0.3%), with 78.9% in overweight women. This fact can be explained by inadequate perfusion, deficiency of macro and micronutrients and hypoxia that impairs collagen synthesis, resulting in poor healing, causing dehiscence. From these data presented, it is possible to infer thatcomplications such as seroma, hematoma, infection of the surgical wound, dehiscence, and even loss of the surgical flap are strongly associated with increased body weight. Conclusions: We came to the conclusion that the increase in body weight, especially in patients with a BMI> 25, is an unfavorable factor for the occurrence of surgical complications in patients with breast cancer, and it is essential to provide guidance on the risks of complications in the preoperative evaluation for adjusting the best surgical procedure and mainly for considering late reconstruction.
- Published
- 2021
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